Question-Paper SSC - 49 PDF
Question-Paper SSC - 49 PDF
Question-Paper SSC - 49 PDF
(A) 18 (B) 24
A (C) 36 (D) 58
B C D E 24. 4 9 9 16 16 ?
6 12 20
(A) B (B) D
(C) E (D) F
(A) 60 (B) 50
19. What will be the correct mathematical
(C) 25 (D) 21
signs that can be inserted in the following?
fuEufyf[kr esa lgh xf.krh; fpUg D;k gksxk tks fuEu esa 10 16 15
(A) 14 (B) 10
(C) 18 (D) 12 (A) (B) (C) (D)
Answer figures:/ mkj vkfr;k%
0 M O
1 O
2 S
6 C
7 I
5 Q C
4 H M O S A 9 K Q C I E
1 will be -
2m 1 m. Find the cost of papering the
2 1
1 x4 2
walls with paper 50cm wide at 25 paise per
;fn x+ = 5 gks] rks2 x dk eku gksxkA
meter. x x 3x 1
,d 8 ehVjyacs]6 ehVjpkSM+s3rFkk
ehVjps dejs esa (A) 70 (B) 50
1 1 (C) 110 (D) 55
1 ehVj 1 ehVjdh nks f[kM+fd;k
2 ehVj
rFkk 1 ehVjdk
119. If numerator of a fraction is increased by
2 2
40 percent and denominator be doubled,
,d njoktk gSA25 iSls@ehVj dh nj 50lslseh pkSM+s dkxt
ls nhokjksa dks <dus dh dqy ykxr D;k gksxh\ then resultant new fraction is
. what is
(A) ` 39 (B) ` 37
original fraction?
(C) ` 33 (D) ` 35
115. 125 identical cubes are cut from a big cube ;fn fdlh fHkUu dk va'k
40% ls c<+k fn;k tk, vkSj gj dks
and all the smaller cubes are arranged in a 7
row to form a long cuboid. What is the nksxquk dj fn;k tk,] rks ubZ fHkUu
izkIr gksrk gSA ewy
percentage increase in the total surface
fHkUu D;k gS \
area of the cuboid over the total surface area
of the big cube ? 5 3
(A) (B)
125 ?ku leku vkdkj ds ,d cM+s ?ku ls dkVs tkrs gSa vkSj 8 8
mUgsa ,d iafDr esa bl izdkj O;ofLFkr fd;k tkrk gS fd ,d 7 1
yEcsa ?kukHk dh vkfr cusaA cM+s ?ku ds dqy {ks=kiQy (C)
8 dh
vis{kk ?kukHk ds {ks=kiQy esa fdrus izfr'kr dh120.
o`f Agksxh \
company selling woolen sweters gives 20%
discount on every item. Due to change in
1 2
(A) 234 % (B) 234 % the weather the company declared 15% ad-
3 3 ditional discount on each sweter. Thus if
(C) 117% the price of each sweter became `408 now,
(D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha then what was the original price of each
sweter ?
x u dk LosVj cspusokyh ,d dEiuh izR;sd LosVj
20% ij
116. If sin 17 = y , then the the value of
dh NwV nsrh gSA ekSle cny tkus ds dkj.k dEiuh us ?kks"
sec17 sin 73 is : dh fd izR;sd LosVj dh fch15%ij dh vfrfjDr NwV
nh tk,xhA bl rjg ;fn ,d LosVj dk ewY;
` 408 gks] rks
;fn sin 17 = y gks
, rkssec 17 sin 73 dk eku mldh ewy dher D;k Fkh\
(A) ` 580 (B) ` 600
gS (C) ` 720 (D) ` 620
121. Aryan bought a cow and he made down
y2 x 2 x2
payment of ` 3000 for the total cost of the
(A) (B)
xy y2 x 2 cow and promised to pay the remaining
amount of ` 4960 including simple interest
x2 x2 in 3 years at 8% annum. What was the total
(C) (4) (D) cost of the cow?
y y2 x 2 y y2 x 2
vk;Zu us ,d xk; [kjhnk rFkk mldh dqy dher esa ls
117. Find the value of 232 (2 + 1) (22 + 1) (24 + 1) ` 3000 rRdky Hkqxrku fd;k vkSj ;g oknk fd;k fd 'ks"k
(28 + 1) (216 + 1). jkf'k rhu o"kksZa
8% esa
ok"kd lk/kj.k C;kt lfgr
232 (2 + 1) (22 + 1) (24 + 1) (28 + 1) (216 + 1) `4960 Hkqxrku djds pqdrk dj nsxkA xk; dh dqy dher
dk eku Kkr djsaA D;k Fkh \
(A) 0 (B) 1 (A) ` 7500 (B) ` 7000
(C) 2 (D) 5 (C) ` 8000 (D) ` 6000
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 12
122. Bhim, Harender and Monika start a 125. A dishonest shopkeeper uses a weight of
business with their capitals in the ratio of 920gm in place of 1 kg, and he sells his good
3 : 5 : 7. After one year Monika invested at mark price which is 15% more than the
` 337600 more, while Bhim withdraws cost price, then what is the percentage profit ?
` 45600, thus investment ratio converted ,d csbZeku nqdkunkj
1 fdxzk ds LFkku ij xzke Hkkj dk
into 24 : 59 : 167. How much amount Bhim iz;ksx djrk gS rFkk viuh oLrq dks vafdr ewY; ij csprk
invested in starting ? gS] tks fd ; ewY;15%
ls vf/d gS] rks ykHk izfr'kr D;k gS\
Hkhe] gjsUnz vkSj 3eksfudk
: 5 : 7 ds vuqikr esa ,d (A) 20%
O;olk; vkjEHk djrs gSaaA ,d o"kZ ds ckn eksfudk (B) iqu%
` 337600 fuos'k djrh gS] tcfd Hkhe
` 45600 fudky (C) 25%
gSA20 'kSf{kd deZpkfj;ksa dk vkSlr osru rFkk
is 3 : 5. If the speed of the current is 3
4 v'kSf{kd deZpkfj;ksa dk gSA v'kSf{kd deZpkfj;ksa
` 5000
(A) 15 fdeh@?kaVk
/km/h D
(B) 9 fdeh@?kaVk
(C) 25 fdeh@?kaVk
(D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha A N E B
124. 8 taps are fitted in a tank some are inlet (A) 5 : 9 (B) 9 : 4
taps and rest are outlet taps. Each inlet tap (C) 4 : 5 (D) 4 : 9
can fill the tank in 12 hours and each outlet 128. In the given figure, AB || CD and AC ||
tap can empty it in 36 hours. Then calculate BD. If EAC = 40, FDG = 55, HAB = x,
the number of inlet taps if the whole tank then the value, of x is
is filled in 3 hours. fn, x, fp=k esa]
AB || CD rFkk
AC || BDA ;fn
8 uy yxs gq, gS] ftlesa ls dqN uy VSad dks EAC = 40, FDG = 55, HAB = x gks
,d VSad esa , rksx dk
eku Kkr
Hkjrs gSa rFkk 'ks"k uy VSad dks [kkyh djrs gSaA izR;sd Hkjusdhft,A
okyk uy VSad12dks?k.Vs esa Hkj ldrk gS rFkk izR;sd [kkyh
djus okyk uy VSad36dks
?kaVs esa [kkyh dj ldrk gSA ;fn
3 ?kaVs esa Hkj tkrk gS] rks Hkjus okys uyksa dh la[;k Kkr
dhft,A G
(A) 5 (B) 3 (A) 95 (B) 70
(C) 4 (D) 10 (C) 35 (D) 85
x y z x y z
(A) 5 (B) 10
dk eku gS&
(C) 15 (D) 25
(A) 4 (B) 5 143. Harender and Bhim start business with
(C) 9 (D) 11 ` 700 and ` 600. After 3 months Harender
138. If un = cosn + sinn , then the value of
2u6 3u4 + 1 is : 2
withdraw part of initial investment and
;fn un = cosn + sinn , rks2u6 3u4 + 1 dk eku 7
gS % 3
after 3 months, He invests part of withdrawn
(A) 1 (B) 4 5
(C) 6 (D) 0 amount. At the end of year total profit is
139. The written examination of computer and ` 726. Find the share of Harender.
commerce subjects has been taken by an ` 700 vkSj` 600 ls gjsUnz
vkSj Hkhe
us ,d lk>k
institute for the entrance. 28% students
have qualified in computer and 13% in
O;olk; izkjaHk fd;kA
3 eghus ckn gjsUnz
viuh tek jkf'k dk
commerce. 62% students failed in both the 2
subjects. If a total of 9 students have cleared Hkkx fudky fy;k] ysfdu
3 eghus ckn fudkyh xbZ jkf'k
the entrance. then what was the no. of the
students failed in computer only? 3
dk Hkkx iqu% fuos'k dj fn;kA ;fn o"kZ ds vUr esa ykH
fdlh laLFkku esa izos'k ds fy, dEI;wVj rFkk okf.kT; fo"k;ksa
dh ijh{kk yh x;hA dEI;wVj fo"k;
Nk=k mkh.kZ rFkk` 726 gks] rks gjsUnz dks fdrus :i;s blls feyuk pkfg,\
okf.kT; fo"k;13%
esa Nk=k mkh.kZ gq,A nksuksa
62% fo"k;ksa(A)esa
` 336 (B) ` 366
Nk=k vuqkh.kZ gq,A 9 Nk=k
;fn dqymkh.kZ gq, gks] rks dsoy
(C) ` 633 (D) ` 663
dEI;wVj esa fdrus Nk=k vuqkh.kZ gq,\ 144. A man is walking at a speed of 6 km/hr by
(A) 30 (B) 27 the side of a rail track. A 450m long train
(C) 33 (D) 36 moving in same direction is crossing him
140. If a cos + 3a cos . sin 2 = m and
3 in 45 seconds, and reaches to next station
a sin 3 + 3a sin.cos 2 = n, then after 1 hour of crossing. Then find the time
2 2 taken by man to reach the same station ?
m n 3 + m n 3 ? ,d O;fDr 6 fdeh@?kaVk dh xfr ls jsyxkM+h dh iVjh ds
;fn a cos + 3 a cos .sin = m rFkka sin
3 2 3
fdukjs py jgk gSA mlh fn'kk esa450py jgh
ehVj yEch
2 2
+ 3a sin . cos2 = n, rksm n 3 + m n 3 ?
45 lsd.M esa ml O;fDr dks ikj dj1ds?k.Vs ckn
vxys LVs'ku ij igqp tkrh gSA Kkr dhft, og O;fDr
(A) 2 a 3
(B) 2 a 3
fdrus le; esa mlh LVs'ku ij igqp tk;sxk \
2 1
(A) 7 hours/?kaVs (B) 9 hours/?kaVs
(C) a 3 (D) a 3 (C) 14 hours/?kaVs (D) 21 hours/?kaVs
completion of the work. For how many days
Ritu worked alone ?
jhrq dh dk;Z{kerk izhfr
25%ls vf/d gS rFkk izhfr fdlh The chart shows production of an item (in
dke dks25 fnu esa iwjk djrh gSA jhrq vdsyk dke djuk tonnes) during certain years.
vkjs[k fdlh o"kZ ds nkSjku ,d en dk mRiknu
'kq: djrh gS rFkk dke iwjk gksus
5 fnulsigys izhfr Hkh
(Vuksa esa) n'kkZrk gSA
'kkfey gks tkrh gS] rks Kkr dhft, fd vdsys jhrq us148.
fdrusThe production from 1993-94 to 1997-98
increased by
fnu dke fd;k \ 1993-94 ls 1997-98 rd mRiknu esa o`f gqbZ
(A) 9 Days/fnu (B) 11 Days/fnu (A) 50% (B) 75%
(C) 100% (D) 125%
(C) 10 Days/fnu (D) 15 Days/fnu 149. The production in 1996-97 in comparison
147. The average weight of five persons sitting to the production in 1992-93 increased by
1992-93 dh rqyuk esa
1996-97 esa mRiknu esa o`f gqbZ
in a boat is 38 kg. The average weight of
the boat and the persons sitting in the boat (A) 110% (B) 120%
is 52 kg. What is the weight of the boat ? (C) 125% (D) 150%
150. The production decreased from 1994-95 to
,d uko esa cSBs gq, ikap O;fDr;ksa dk38
Hkkj 1995-96 by
gSA uko rFkk uko esa cSBs O;fDr;ksa 52dk vkSlr Hkkj 1994-95 ls 1995-96 esa mRiknu esa fdruh deh gqbZ gS\
1 1
gSA uko dk Hkkj D;k gS\ (A) 8 % (B) 9 %
9 9
(A) 228 kg/fdxzk (B) 122 kg/fdxzk 1 1
(C) 10 % (D) 11 %
(C) 232 kg/fdxzk (D) 242 kg /fdxzk 9 9
bauxite, the ore of aluminum, were resources. 197. Entrepreneurship includes ____ as a
They were nuisances; both render the soil particular device to achieve economic
infertile. The penicillin mold was a pest, not a value.
resource. Bacteriologists went to great lengths (A) economic value
to protect their bacterial cultures against (B) innovation
contamination by it. Then in the 1920s, a London (C) buying installments
doctor, Alexander Fleming, realized that this
(D) valuable resource
pest was exactly t he bacterial killer
bacteriologists had been looking for - and the 198. Alaxander Flaming was
penicillin mold became a valuable resource. (A) a bacterial killer
There is no greater resource in an economy than (B) a london based entrepreneur
purchasing power. But purchasing power is the (C) a bacteriologist
creation of the innovating entrepreneur. The (D) a doctor
American farmer had virtually no purchasing 199. Purchasing power is the creation of
power in the early nineteenth century, he (A) The American farmer
therefore could not buy farm machinery. Then (B) Alaxander Flaming
one of the many harvesting - machine inventors, (C) Cyrus Mc Cormick
Cyrus Mc Cormick, invented installment buying.
(D) Economic spheres
This enabled the farmer to pay for a harvesting
machine out of-his future earnings rather than 200. In the passage, spheres word used as a
out of his past savings and suddenly the farmer substitute for an amount part of someone's
had purchasing power to buy farm equipment. future earnings rather than out of his past
saving is
196. According to the passage, a resource in
nature is (A) farm machinery
(A) mineral oil seeping out of the ground (B) valuable resource
(B) nuisance rendering the soil infertile (C) buying installment
(C) inconceivable until its findings (D) purchasing power
(D) a valuable possessing purchasing power