Question-Paper SSC - 49 PDF

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Part-I : General Intelligence and Reasoning

Hkkx& I : lkekU; cqferk ,oa rdZ'kfDr
Directions (18) : In each of the following 13. (A) Japan@tkiku
questions, select the related letter/word/
(B) India@Hkkjr
number from the given alternatives.
(C) Sri Lanka@Jh yadk
funsZ'k (1&8) % fuEu iz'uksa esa ls izR;sd iz'u esa fn, x,
fodYiksa esa ls lEcfU/r v{kj@'kCn@la[;k dks pqfu, A (D) New Zealand@U;wthySaM
1. 4 : 48 : : 5 : : ? 14. Find the angle between the hour and the
(A) 100 (B) 110 minute hand of a clock, when the time is
(C) 65 (D) 80 9:48.
2. Poles : Magnet :: ? : Battery 9 ctdj 48 feuV ij ?kM+h ds ?kaVs rFkk feuV dh lqbZ d
kzqo % pqacd
:: ? : cSVjh chp dk dks.k Kkr djsaA
(A) Charge@pktZ (B) Power@'kfDr (A) 0 (B) 4
(C) Terminals@VfeZuy (D) Energy@mQtkZ 1
3. 5 : 124 : : 9 : ? (C) 6 (D) 7
(A) 82 (B) 728
(C) 100 (D) 730 15. A bus starts from city X. The number of
4. SHADOW : EBITXP : : DECCAN : ? women in the bus is half the number of
(A) NACCED (B) CCBDKD men. In city Y, 10 men leave the bus and 5
(C) DDFEOB (D) FFGGNC women enter. Now, number of men and
5. SHEEP : TJIIQ : : SORROW : ? women are equal. In the beginning, how
(A) TUSSUV (B) TQRRQX many passengers had entered the bus ?
(C) TISSIX (D) TUSSUX dksbZ clX 'kgj ls pyuk 'kq: gksrh gSA cl esa efgykvksa dh
6. Country : President :: State : ? la[;k] iq:"kksa osQ la[;k dh vkkhY gSA
ns'k % jk"Vifr % %: ?jkT; cl ls mrj tkrs gS rFkk
5 efgyk,a vanj vkrh gSA vc iq:"kksa
(A) Governor@jkT;iky rFkk efgykvksa dh la[;k cjkcj gSA 'kq:vkr esa cl esa fdrus
(B) M.P@lkaln ;kf=k;ksa us izos'k fd;k Fkk\
(C) Legislator@fokk;d (A) 15 (B) 30
(D) Minister@ea=kh (C) 36 (D) 45
7. 74: 27 : : 86 : ? 16. In a family the number of sons is one less
(A) 17 (B) 26 than daughters and number of daugters is
(C) 18 (D) 23 twice of one less than number of sons. How
8. ACRM : BEUQ : : RLKO : ? many children are there in the family?
fdlh ifjokj esa csVksa dh la[;k csfV;ksa dh la[;k ls ,d de
Directions (913) : Find the odd word/letter/ gS rFkk csfV;ksa dh la[;k csVksa dh la[;k ls ,d de dk nks xq.
number from the given alternatives. gSA ifjokj esa oqQy fdrus cPps gS\
funsZ'k (9&13)% fn;s x, fodYiksa esa ls fo"ke 'kCn@v{kj@ 7
(A) (B) 3
la[;k dks pqfu, A (C) 4 (D) 5
17. From the given alternative words, select the
9. (A) Football@iqQVckWy
(B) Volleyball@okyhckWy
word which can not be formed by using the
(C) Cricket@fozQosQV
(D) Chess@'krjat
letters of the given word.
10. (A) 150 (B) 14
(C) 252 (D) 80
fuEufyf[kr fodYiksa esa ls og 'kCn pqfu, tks fn, x, 'kCn
11. (A) Sheep@HksaM (B) Gazelle@ckjg flagk ds v{kjksa dk iz;ksx djds ugh cuk;k tk ldrk gSA
(C) Baboon@yaxwj (D) Shrew@NNwnj RHINOCEROUS
12. (A) BYG (B) MNV (A) SHORE (B) CARE

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 1

18. The following figure is folded to form a block.
23. 7 9 21 27
Which letter will appear opposite to C ?
fuEufyf[kr vkd`fr dks ,d CykWd cukus ds fy, eksM+k x;kA
4 2 36 18
C ds foijhr dkSu&lh vkd`fr fn[kkbZ nsxh \ 9 4 54 ?

(A) 18 (B) 24
A (C) 36 (D) 58

B C D E 24. 4 9 9 16 16 ?

6 12 20
(A) B (B) D
(C) E (D) F
(A) 60 (B) 50
19. What will be the correct mathematical
(C) 25 (D) 21
signs that can be inserted in the following?
fuEufyf[kr esa lgh xf.krh; fpUg D;k gksxk tks fuEu esa 10 16 15

yxk;k tk losQ\ 25.

12 4 15 12 12 28 11 ? 23
8 _ 6 _ 2 _ 4 _ 8 = 28
(A) + (B) + 9 20 16
(C) + (D) + (A) 11 (B) 14
20. Arrange the following words as per the order (C) 10 (D) 12
in the dictionary. 26. How many points will be on the face opposite
fuEufyf[kr 'kCnksa dks 'kCndks'k esa fn;s x;s e ds vuqlkj
to face which contains 1 point?
fy[ksaA 1 fcUnq okys lrg osQ foijhr lrg ij fdrus fcanq gksaxs\
1. Sink 2. Shout
3. Smuggler 4. Shocker
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) 2, 1, 4, 3
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1 (D) 4, 2, 1, 3
21. If " I like You" = 16 (A) 1 (B) 5
then " I hate u" = ? (C) 4 (D) 6
Direction (27-28) : All the opposite faces of a big
;fn " I like You" = 16 gSa] cube are coloured with red, black and green
rks" I hate u" = ? colours respectively. After that it is cut into 64
(A) 12 (B) 18 small equal cubes.
(C) 14 (D) 15 funsZ'k
(27-28) %fdlh ?ku dk foijhr lrg ozQe'k% yky] dkys
Directions (22-25): In the following questions, rFkk gjs jax ls jaxk gSA mlosQ64
NksVs ?kuksa esa dkVk
select the missing number from the given tkrk gSA
responses. 27.
How many small cubes are there with no
(22-25): fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls faces coloured ?
yqIr la[;k Kkr dhft,A fdrus NksVs ?ku ,sls gSa ftudk dksbZ Hkh lrg jaxk gqvk
4 8 5 (A) 0 (B) 4
(C) 8 (D) 16
6 14 6 14 6 ? 28. How many small cubes are there with only
one face coloured ?
8 8 4
10 18 14 22 11 15 fdrus NksVs ?ku ,sls gSa ftudk osQoy ,d lrg jaxk gqvk gS
(A) 8 (B) 14 (A) 32 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 6 (C) 16 (D) 24

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29. P,Q, R, S and T are sitting on a bench. P is 36. Arr ange t he words given below in a
sitting next to Q. R is sitting beside S. S is meaningful sequence.
not sitting with T who is on the left end of uhps fn, x, 'kCnksa dks ,d lkFkZd ozQe esa O;ofLFkr djs
the bench. R is on the second position from 1. Income@vk; 2. Education@ f'k{kk
the right. P is to the right of Q and T. P and
3. Well-being@ lq[k 4. Job@ ukSdjh

R are sitting together. In which position P
is sitting ? (A) 2, 3, 4, 1 (B) 3, 2, 4, 1
(C) 3, 1, 4, 2 (D) 2, 4, 1, 3
P,Q, R, S rFkk T fdlh csap ij cSBs P,Q
gSAosQ cxy esa37. Which of the following diagrams indicates
cSBk gSA
R, S osQ cxy esa cSBk S, TgSA
osQ lkFk ugha cSBk gSthe best relation between Liquid, Milk and
tks fd csap osQ ck, Nksj ij cSBk
R nk,agSA
ls nwljs LFkku ij River water ?
gSAP, Q rFkkT osQ nk,aPgSA
rFkkR ,d lkFk cSaBsPgSAosQ fuEu esa ls dkSu&lh vko`Qfr nzo] nwk rFkk unh ty osQ
cSBus dh fLFkfr D;k gSa\ osQ lacak dks bafxr djrk gSa\
(A) Between Q and S @Q rFkkS osQ e; (A) (B)
(B) Between Q and R @Q rFkkR osQ e;
(C) Between T and R @T rFkkR osQ e;
(C) (D)
(D) Between R and T @R rFkkT osQ e;
Directions (30-33) : In the following questions, 38. Which of the following diagrams indicates
a series is given with one (or more) term the best relation between Mammal, Cow
missing. Choose the correct alternative from and Bat?
the given ones that will complete the series: fuEu esa ls dkSu lh vko`Qfr Lruik;h] xk; rFkk pexknM+ o
(30-33) % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa] ,d vuqe fn;k x;k chp osQ lacak dks bafxr djrh gSa\
gS ftlesa ,d (;k vf/d) in yqIr gSA fn, x, fodYiksa esa (A) (B)
ls og lgh fodYi pqfu, tks vuqe dks iwjk djsaA
30. 2, 2, 5, 13, 28, ?
(A) 49 (B) 50 (C) (D)
(C) 51 (D) 52 Direction (39-40) : Two statements are given
31. 13, 35, 57, 79, 911, ? here which are followed by two conclusions. You
(A) 1110 (B) 1112 have to consider the two statements to be true
(C) 1113 (D) 1315 even if they seem to be at variance from
32. 3, 15, ?, 63, 99, 143 commonly known facts. You have to decide which
(A) 27 (B) 35 of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the
given statements.
(C) 45 (D) 56
funsZ'k(39-40) %;gka nks dFku vkSj mlds vkxs nks
I vkSj
33. 0, 6, 24, 60, ?, 210
II fn, x, gSaA vkidks bu dFkuksa dks lR; ekudj fopkj djuk gS
(A) 117 (B) 119
(C) 120 (D) 153 pkgs os lkekU;r% Kkr rF;ksa ls fHkUu izrhr gksrs gksaA vkid
34. Pointing towards a girl, Salman says, This djuk gS fd fn, x, fu"d"kksZ esa ls dkSu lk fu"d"kZ ;fn dksbZ gS]
girl is the daughter of only child of my ykxw gksrk gSA
father. What is the relation of Salmans Statement : Sick people need medicine.
wife to that girl? Conclusions :
,d efgyk dh vksj b'kkjk djrs gq, lyeku dgrk gS] ^^;g I. Healthy people do not need medicine.
yM+dh esjs firk osQ bdykSrs larku dh iq=kh gSA** lyeku dh keep medicine in their homes.
II. People
iRuh dk mldh yM+dh ls D;k lacak gS\ dFku %chekj yksxksa dks nok dh t:jr gksrh gSA
(A) Daughter@csVh(B) Mother@ek fu"d"kZ
(C) Aunt@pkph ;k ekSlh
(D) Sister@cgu I. LoLFk yksxksa dks nok dh t:jr ugha gksrhA
35. Akshay walked 10 feet from A to B in the II. yksx vius ?kjksa esa nok j[krs gSaA
East. Then he turned to the right and (A) Only conclusion I follows
walked 3 feet. Again he turned to the right dsoy fu"d"kZ
I fudyrk gSA
and walked 14 feet. How far is he from A? (B) Only conclusion II follows
v{k; A ls B dh vksj iwoZ
iQhV pykA mlosQ ckn og dsoy fu"d"kZ
II fudyrk gSA
nk,a eqM+k 3 rFkk
iQhV pykA mlosQ ckn nksckjk og nka, eqM+k
(C) Both conclusions I and II follow
rFkk14 iQhV pykA Aogls fdruk nwj gS\ fu"d"kZ
I vkSjII nksuksa fudyrs gSaA
(A) 4 feet@iQhV (B) 5 feet@iQhV (D) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
(C) 24 feet@iQhV (D) 27 feet@iQhV u rks fu"d"kZ
I vksj u gh fu"d"kZ
II fudyrk gSA

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 3

40. Statement: Unemployment allowance 44. In a certain code language GANGA is coded
should be given to all unemployed Indian as FCKKV. How is YAMUNA coded in that
youth above 18 years of age. code language?
Assumptions :
,d fof'k"V owQV Hkk"kk
dksFCKKV dksfMr
I. There are unemployed youth in India
who needs monetary support. fd;k x;k gSA mlh dwV Hkk"kk
YAMUNA esadks dSls dksfMr
II. The government has sufficient funds to fd;k tk,xk\
provide allowance to all unemployed (A) XCJQIJ (B) XDJQUJ
dFku %18 o"kZ ls mQij osQ lHkh csjkstxkj Hkkjrh; ;qokvksa
45. Raju and his grandfather have an age
dks csjkstxkjh Hkkk fn;k tkuk pkfg,A difference of 65 years at present. After 10
% years the sum of their age will be 95 years.
I. Hkkjr esa csjkstxkj ;qok gS] ftUgsa vkfFkZd ennWhat dhis the present age of Raju and his
vko';drk gSA grandfather?
II. ljdkj osQ ikl lHkh csjkstxkj ;qokvksa dks Hkkk jktw vkSj mlds nknkth dh vk;q esa65
iznku bl le;
o"kZ dk varj
djus osQ fy, i;kZIr dks"k gSA gSA 10 o"kZ ds ckn] mudh vk;q dk95;ksx
o"kZ gks tk,xkA
(A) Only assumption I is implicit@osQoy iwoZkkj.kk orZeku esa jktw vkSj mlds nknkth dh vk;q fdruh gS\
I varfuZfgr gSA (A) 15 and 80 years/15 ,oa80 o"kZ
(B) Both I and II are implicit@nksuksa iwoZkkj.kk
I rFkk (B) 10 and 65 years/10 ,oa65 o"kZ
II varfuZfgr gSA
(C) 5 and 70 years/5 ,oa70 o"kZ
(C) Either I or II is implicit@;k rks iwoZkkj.kk
I ;k
(D) 5 & 65 years/5 ,oa65 o"kZ
II varfuZfgr gSA
46. If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then
(D) Neither I nor II is implicit@uk rks iwoZkkj.kk
which of the answer figures is the right
u gh II varfuZfgr gSA image of the given figure ?
Directions (41-42): In the following questions,
which one set of letters when sequentially
;fn ,d niZ.k dksMN js[kk ij j[kk tk;s] rks nh xbZ mkj
placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall vkfr;ksa esa ls dkSu&lh vkfr iz'u vkfr dh lgh
complete it? izfrfcEc gksxh\
(41-42): fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa v{kjksa dk dkSu lk lewg
Question figure:/ iz'u vkfr %
[kkyh LFkkuksa ij eokj j[kus ls nh xbZ v{kj J`a[kyk dks iwjk
41. p_ r _ qpp _ r _ qp
(A) qrqr (B) qrrq 9

(C) qrqq (D) rqqr F

42. a _ ab _ abcd _ bcde _ b
(A) ccba (B) acba
(C) bccb (D) bcaa N
43. What is the number of rectangles in the
figure? Answer figures:/ mkj vkfr;k %
bl vkd`fr esa vk;rksa dh la[;k fdruh gS\

(A) 14 (B) 10
(C) 18 (D) 12 (A) (B) (C) (D)

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 4

47. A piece of paper is folded and punched as 50. A word is represented by only one set of
shown below in the question figure. From numbers as given in any one of the
the given answer figures, indicates how will alternatives. The sets of numbers given in
it appear when opened? the alternatives are represented by two
uhps iz'u vkd`fr;ksa esa fn[kk, vuqlkj dkxt dks eksM+dj
classes of letters as in two matrices given
Nsnus rFkk [kksyus ds ckn og fdl mkj vkd`fr tSlk fn[kkbZ
below. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are
nsxk\ numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II
Question figure:/ iz'u vkfr% are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from
these matrices can be represented first by
its row and next by its column. E.g., A can
be represented by 03, 44 etc., and Q can be
represented by 55, 78 etc. Similarly, you
have to identify the set for the word SHOCK.
Answer figures:/ mkj vkfr;k% ,d 'kCn osQoy ,d la[;k&lewg }kjk n'kkZ;k x;k gS] tSlk
fd fodYiksa esa ls fdlh ,d esa fn;k x;k gSA fodYiksa esa fn
x, la[;k&lewg v{kjksa ds nks oxks }kjk n'kkZ, x, gSa] tS
uhps fn, x, nks vkO;wgksa esaIgSA ds LraHk
vkO;wg& vkSj iafDr
dh la[;k 0 ls 4 nh xbZ gS vkSj vkO;wg&
II dh 5 ls 9A bu
(A) (B) (C) (D) vkO;wgksa ls ,d v{kj dks igys mldh iafDr vkSj ckn esa Lra
48. Which answer figure will complete the la[;k }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA mnkgj.k Ads
pattern in the question figure? 44 }kjk n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSQ
dks55, 78 }kjk n'kkZ;k
dkSu&lh mkj vkd`fr iz'u vkd`fr ds izfr:i dks iwjktk ldrk gSA blh rjg ls] vkidks 'kCn
SHOCK ds fy,
djsxh\ la[;k lewg dks igpkuuk gSA
Question figures:/ iz'u vkfr%
Matrix/vkO;wg -I Matrix/vkO;wg -II

Answer figures:/ mkj vkfr;k%
0 M O
1 O
2 S



6 C
7 I
5 Q C



4 H M O S A 9 K Q C I E

(A) 20, 22, 31, 56, 59

(B) 43, 22, 24, 88, 59
(A) (B) (C) (D) (C) 11, 31, 24, 77, 68
49. From the given answer figures, select the (D) 34, 32, 24, 76, 59
one which is a part of the question.
nh xbZ mkj vkfr;ksa esa ls ml vkfr dks pqfu, tks iz'u
vkfr dk ,d Hkkx gSA
Question figure:/ iz'u vkfr %

Answer figures:/ mkj vkfr;k %

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 5

Part-II : General Awareness

Hkkx&II : lkekU; tkudkjh
51. DNA Structure was first described by ? 58. The Animal which used sounds as its eyes
Mh-,u-, dh lajpuk lcls igys fdlus crkbZ \ is :
(A) Louis Pasteur/yqbl ik'pj ofu dks vk[kks ds :i esa iz;ksx djus okyk gS %
(A) Dog/dqkk (B) Cat/fcYyh
(B) Carl Linnaeus/dkyZ fyfuvl
(C) Snake/lki (D) Bat/pexknM+
(C) Watson and Crick/okWVlu ,oa fd
59. Detergents used for cleaning clothes and
(D) Robert Koch/jkWcVZ dkW[k utensils contain ?
52. Grammy Award is given in the field of diM+ksa vkSj crZuksa dks lkiQ djus ds fy, iz;qDr fMVt
xSeh vokMZ fdl {ks=k esa fn;k tkrk gS \ gksrk gS%
(A) Acting/vfHkuo (B) Music/laxhr (A) Nitrates/ukbVsV
(C) Singing/xk;u (D) Boxing/ckfDlax (B) Bicarbonates/ckbdkcksusV
53. Which of the following is the largest (C) Sulphonates/lYiQksusV
Biosphere Reserves of India ? (D) Isotopes/vkblksVksi
fuEu esa ls dkSu&lk Hkkjr dk lcls cM+k
gS\ 60. The Chemical used for destroying fungi in
(A) Nilgiri/uhyfxfj water tanks is ?
(B) Nandadevi/uanknsoh okWVj VSad esa 'kSoky dks u"V djus ds fy, iz;ksx fd;k t
(C) Gulf of Mannar/xksYiQ vkWiQ eUukj okyk jlk;u D;k gS \
(D) Simlipal/f'keyhiky (A) Copper Sulphate/dkWij lYisQV
54. Who is the author of the book "Curfew in (B) Magnesium Sulphate/eSXuhf'k;e lYisQV
the City" ? (C) Zinc Sulphate/ftad lYisQV
iqLrd ^'kgj esa d;wZ* ds ys[kd dkSu gS \ (D) Nitric acid/ukbfVd vEy
(A) Vibhuti Narain Rai/foHkqfr ukjk;.k jk; 61. Xylem is a tissue found in :
(B) Ruskin Bond/jfLdu ckWM
tkbye mQrd fuEu ls fdlesa ik;k tkrk gS \
(A) Insects/fe dhM+s
(C) Vikram Seth/foe lsB
(B) Plants/ikS/s
(D) Amish Tripathi/veh"k f=kikBh
(C) Birds/i{kh
55. What should be the Proportion of forest cover
(D) Mammals/Lru/kfj;ksa
for India to maintain her ecological balance ?
62. During which five year plan did India lay
ikfjfLFkfrd larqyu cuk, j[kus ds fy, Hkkjr ds fdrus fgLlsdown the object of the need to ensure
esa ou {ks=k dk vuqikr gksuk pkfg, \ environmental sustainability of the
(A) 11% (B) 22.2% development strategy ?
(C) 33.3% (D) 44% fdl iapo"khZ; ;kstuk ds rgr Hkkjr fodkl dh j.kuhfr ds
56. Yellow Revolution in India Refers to growth i;kZoj.k fLFkjrk lqfuf'pr djus dh vko';drk ij cy fn;k\
of (A) 6th Five Year Plan/6Bha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
Hkkjr esas ihyh kafr buesa ls fdlls lacaf/r gS \ (B) 7th Five Year Plan/7oha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
(A) Peanut Production/ewaxiQyh dk mRiknu (C) 8th Five Year Plan/8oha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
(B) Oilseed Production/frygu dk mRiknu (D) 9th Five Year Plan/9oha iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
What types of storage device is a USB ?
(C) Cottonseed Production/fcukSyk mRiknu
USB fdl izdkj dk LVksjst midj.k gS \
(D) Jaundice out break/ihfy;k dk izdksi
(A) Primary/izkFkfed
57. Who was the first administrator-statesman
to attempt planning as a means for (B) Secondary/ek;fed
economic development ? (C) Tertiary/r`rh;d
ds None of these /buesa ls dksbZ ugha
og jktusrk O;oLFkkid dkSu Fkk ftlus vkfFkZd fodkl (D)
64. The Indus valley Civilization flourished
fy, ;kstuk dk izk:i loZizFke rS;kj fd;k \ during ?
(A) Sri CP Ramaswami Aiyyar/ lj lh-ih fla/q ?kkVh lH;rk dc le` gqbZ \
jkekLokeh v;j (A) 5000-35000 BC / 5000-35000 ch-lh
(B) M Viswesvarayya/,e fo'os'ojS;k (B) 30001000 BC / 30001000 ch-lh
(C) VT Krishnamachari/oh Vh ".kekpkjh (C) 25001750 BC / 25001750 ch-lh
(D) C Rajagopalachari/lh jktxksikykpkjh (D) 1500500 BC / 1500500 ch-lh

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65. x-rays can be used in - 71. The war Criminals of the 2nd world war were
x-fdj.kksa dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS& put to final trials at ?
(A) To detect defects in Precious stone and f}rh; fo'o ;q ds eq[; vijkf/;ksa dk fopkj.k (Vk;y)
diamonds / cgqewY; ghjksa vkSj iRFkjksa esa nks"k dk esa ls fdl LFkku ij fy;k x;k Fkk \
irk yxkus ds fy, (A) Nuremburg/U;wjsecxZ
(B) To detect heart diseases/n; jksx dk irk (B) Nazi Germany/ukth teZuh
yxkus ds fy, (C) Gettysburg/xSfVlcxZ
(C) For cutting and welding of metals//krqvksa (D) Peitsburg/fiV~lcxZ
dks dkVus vkSj csfYMax djus ds fy, 72. World Malaria Day is observed on :
(D) To detect gold under the earth/tehu ds ^fo'o eysfj;k fnol* fnol dc euk;k tkrk gS \
uhps ls lksus dk irk yxkus ds fy, (A) 25th April/vizSy
66. The basic unit of biosystematics is :
(B) 12th July/tqykbZ
tSo ofeZdh dh ewy ;wfuV D;k gS %
(C) 18thMay/ebZ
(A) Ecotype/bdksVkbi
(D) 11th July/tqykbZ
(B) Florotype/yksjksVkbi
73. In term of geographical area India occupies
(C) Genotype/thuksVkbi what position in the world ?
(D) Phenotype/isQuksVkbi HkkSxksfyd {ks=k ds ekeys esa Hkkjr
ij gS \esa fdl
67. Pench National Park is Located in which
(A) Five/ikp (B) Six/Ng
state of India ?
isap jk"Vh; mn~;ku Hkkjr ds fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS \ (C) Seven/ lkr (D) Three/ rhu
74. Monotremes are those mammals which -
(A) Rajastan/jktLFkku
(B) Madhya Pradesh/e; izns'k
v.MtLruh os Lru/kjh gksrs gS tks &
(C) Uttar Pradesh/mkj izns'k (A) Lay eggs/vaMk nsrs gS
(D) Gujarat/xqtjkr (B) Secrete milk in a pouch /nw/ dks FkSyh esa
68. Microsoft office's Personal information nsrk gS
manager is ? (C) Give birth to young one/tho uk fd vaMs dks
ekbkslkWV vkWfiQl dh O;fDrxr lwpuk izca/d gS \ tUe nsrk gS
(A) Outlook/laHkkouk (D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(B) Internet Explorer/baVjusV ,DLIyksjj 75. The only inscribed stone Portrait of Emperor
(C) Organizer/vk;kstd Ashoka has been found at ?
(D) Access/ igqp lezkV
v'kksd dh iRFkjksa ij cuh vkfr;k dgk ij fLFkr gS\
69. Which of the following law validates the (A) Sanchi/lkaph
statement that matter can neither be (B) Amaravati/vejkorh
created not destroyed ?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk fu;e bl dFku dk lghgS Bgjko (C) Kanaganahalli/duxkagYyh
(D) Ajanta/vtark
fd nzO; dks ukcuk;k
rks tk ldrk gSuk [kRe fd;k tk ldrk \
76. The inert gas which is substituted for
(A) Law of conservation of energy/mQtkZ laj{k.k
nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers
dk fu;e for breathing is :
(B) Le Chatelier Principle/ys 'kksrsfy,j dk fu;e ukbVkstu ds fodYi ds :i esa leqnzh xksrk[kksjksa }kjk dk
(C) Law of conservation of mass/nzO;eku laj{k.k xSl lkl ysus ds fy, iz;ksx gksrh gS \
dk fu;e (A) Argon/vkxZu (B) Ozone/vktksu
(D) Law of Osmosis/ijklj.k dk fu;e
(C) Helium/ghyh;e (D) Xenon/tsukWu
70. Which of the following organization looks
77. Which of the following gases will effuse out
after the credit needs of agriculture and
of football bladder most quickly ?
rural development in India ?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh laLFkk Hkkjr esa f"k vkSjfuEu esa ls dkSu&lh xSl iqQVckWy ds CysMj esa ls lcls
fodkl ds fy, .k vko';drkvksa dh ns[k&js[k dj jgk gS \ fudysxh \
(A) FCI/,iQ lh vkbZ-(B) IDBI/vkbZ Mh ch vkbZ (A) He (B) H2
(C) NABARD/ukckMZ (D) ICAR/vkbZlh,vkj (C) N 2 (D) O2

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 7

78. Who started the first english newspaper in 84. Which of the following Indian states first
India ? adopted the 3-tier Panchayati Raj System ?
Hkkjr esa vxzsth dk lekpkj i=k lcls igys fdlus izkjaHk
fuEufyf[kr Hkkjrh; jkT;ksa esa ls f=kLrjh; iapk;rh jkT
fd;k Fkk \
(A) Bal Gangadhar Tilak/cky xaxk/j fryd iz.kkyh lcls igys dkSu viukbZ Fkh \
(B) Raja Ram Mohan Roy/jktk jkeeksgu jk; (A) Bihar/fcgkj
(C) J.A. Hickey/ ts- ,- fgDdh (B) Rajasthan/jktLFkku
(D) Lord William Bentinck/ykMZ fofy;e csfUVd (C) Madhya Pradesh/e;izns'k
79. When was zero hour introduced in the
parliamentary affairs in India ? (D) Uttar Pardesh/mkj izns'k
lalnh; O;oLFkk
esa ^'kwU;dky*
Hkkjr esa dc 'kq: gqvk Fkk\ Photosynthesis generally takes place in
(A) 1952 (B) 1962 which parts of the plant ?
(C) 1972 (D) 1982 izdk'k la'ys"k.k vkerkSj ij ikS/s esa fdl txg@fdu Hkkxksa
80. An economy is at the take off stage on its gksrk gS \
path to development when it - (A) Leaf and other chloroplast bearing
,d vFkZO;oLFkk vius fodkl ds fy, vafre pj.k ij gksrh
plants/ikk vkSj vU; DyksjksIykLV vkpj.k ikS/k
gS tc og &
(A) becomes stagnant/fLFkj gks tkrk gS (B) Bark and Leaf/ckdZ vkSj ikh
(B) begnis steady growth/yxkrkj o`f 'kq: gksrh (C) Roots and Chloroplast bearing plants/
gSA tM+sa vkSj DyksjksIykLV vlj ikS/ksa
(C) is liberalized/dks mnkj cuk;k gS (D) Steam and leaf/Hkki vkSj ikh
(D) gets maximum foreign aid/vf/dre fons'kh 86. The Christian Missionaries were allowed to
lgk;rk gks tkrk gS spread their religion in India, under the
81. When a vehicle passes, TV reception gets Act?
distorted this is because : blkbZ fe'kufj;ksa dks Hkkjr esa vius /eZ dk izlkj djus ds
fdlh okgu ds xqtjus ij Vhoh dk vfHkxzg.k (jhlsIlu)
[kjkc gks tkrk gS] bldk dkj.k gS % fy, vuqefr fdl vf/fu;e ds rgr nh xbZ \
(A) Metal reflects ratio waves//krq jsfM;ksa rjaxksa(A) Pitts India Act of 1784/fiV~l bafM;k 1784 ds
dks ijkofrZr djrh gSA vf/fu;e
(B) Spark Plug creates electromagnetic (B) Charter Act of 1813/1813 ds pkVZj vfkfu;e
disturbances/LikdZ Iyx fo|qr PkqEcdh; fo{kkse (C) Charter Act of 1833/1833 ds pkVZj vfkfu;e
iSnk djrk gSA (D) Charter Act of 1853/1853 ds pkVZj vfkfu;e
(C) Vehicle pollution affects the performance
87. Match the following :
of the TV components/okgu ds iznq"k.k ls
Vhoh ds ?kVdksa dh fu"ikndrk nq"izzHkkfor gksrh gSA
a. Ascorbic Acid 1. Photosynthetic
(D) Modern Vehicles use electronic
ignition system/vk/qfud okguksa esa bysDVkWfud
b. Chlorophyll 2. Quencher
ifr dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
82. Who of the following was a contemporary of c. Carotenoid 3. Enzyme
Gautama Buddha ? d. Superoxide 4. Vitamin-C
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu xkSre cq ds ledkyhu O;fDr Fks\ dismutase
(A) Bhadra Baha/Hkznk cgk fuEu esa feyku dhft, %
(B) Chandragupta Maurya/panzxqIr ekS;Z I II
(C) Parshvanath/ik'oZukFk a. ,LdkWfcZd ,flM+1. izdk'k la'ys"k.k
(D) Vardhamana Mahavira/o/Zekuk egkohj fiXesaV
83. Who is the competent to dissolve the
Parliament ? b. DyksjksfiQy 2. 'kked
laln dks Hkax djus ds fy, dkSu leFkZ gS \ c. dSjksVhuk;WM 3. ,Utkbe
(A) The President /jk"Vifr d. lqij&vkDlkbM 4. foVkfeu&lh
(B) The cabinet with the concurrence of fMLEewVsl
the leader of the opposition/foi{k ds usrk (A) a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3
dh lgefr ls eaf=keaMy (B) a-4, b-1, c-3, d-2
(C) By resolution in both house of
(C) a-4, b-2, c-1, d-3
parliament/laln ds nksuksa lnuksa esa lgerh }kjk
(D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha (D) a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 8

88. Once elected for a full term, a judge serve 95. Which of has following group of gases
on the international court of justice for ? contribute to the Greenhouse Effect ?
,d ckj iw.kZ dk;Zdky ds fy, pqus tkus ij dksbZ U;k;k/h'k fuEu esa ls dkSu lh xSl ^xzhu gkmQl izHkko* ds fy, ;ksxn
varjk"Vh; U;k;
ky; esa fdruh vof/ rd dke dj ldrk gS \ gS \
(A) five year/ikp o"kZ
(A) Carbon tetrafluoride and nitrous oxide/
(B) Six year/N% o"kZ
dkcZu VsVkyksjkbM vkSj ukbVl vkWDlkbM
(C) Nine year/ukS o"kZ
(D) Ten year/nl o"kZ (B) Carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide/
89. Under the constitution of India who are the dkcZu eksuksvkWDlkbM vkSj lYiQj MkbvkWDlk
ultimate sovereign ? (C) Ammonia and Ozone/veksfu;k vkSj vkstksu
Hkkjr ds lafo/ku esa tks loZJs"B izHkqRo laiUu ds rgr gSCarbon
(D) \ dioxide and Methance/ dkcZu
(A) India people/Hkkjrh; yksx
MkbvkWDlkbM vkSj ehFksu
(B) Prime Minister of India/Hkkjr ds iz/kuea=kh
96. Which of the following is not a constitutional
(C) President of India/Hkkjr ds jk"Vifr body ?
(D) All elected Leaders of India/Hkkjr ds lHkh
buesa ls dkSu ,d laoS/kfud laLFkk ugha gS \
fuokZfpr usrkvksa
(A) Election Commission/fuokZpu vk;ksx
90. Approximately how many Galaxies are
there? (B) Planning Commission/;kstuk vk;ksx
yxHkx fdruh vkdk'kxaxka, gS \ (C) National Advisory Council/jk"Vh; lykgdkj
(A) 10 Billion Galaxies/10 vjc vkdk'kxaxk,aa ifj"kn
(B) 100 Billion Galaxies/100 vjc vkdk'kxaxk,a (D) Inter-state council/baVj&LVsV dkmQfly
(C) 1000 Billion galaxies/1000 vjc vkdk'kxaxk , a 97. When was the world war-II begain ?
(D) 10000 Billion Galaxies/10000 vjc vkdk'kaxk,sa f}rh; fo'o;q dh 'kq:vkr dc gqbZ \
91. Who was the father of operation flood ?
(A) September 1,1939/1 flracj 1939
vkijs'ku yM+ dk tud dkSu Fkk \
(B) September 2,1972/2 flracj 1972
(A) Dr. Norman Borlaug/MkW ukWeZu ckjsykWx
(C) September 2,1945/2 flracj 1945
(B) Dr. M.S Swaminathan/MkW ,e- ,l LokehukFk
(C) Dr. Verghese Kurien/MkW oxhZt dqfj;u (D) August 4,1939/4 vxLr 1939
(D) Dr. William Gande/MkW fofy;e xSaM+h 98. How many mandalas rig veda contains ?
92. Corbett National Park is in ? Xosn esa fdrus eaMyksa dks 'kkfey fd;k gSS \
dkWcZV jk"Vh; mn~;ku dgk gS \ (A) 9 Mandals/9 eaMyksa
(A) Punjab/iatkc (B) 10 Mandals/10 eaMyksa
(B) Mumbai/eqacbZ (C) 11 Mandals/11 eaMyksa
(C) Uttarakhand/mkjk[kaM (D) 12 Mandals/12 eaMyksa
(D) Madhya Pradesh/e; izns'k 99. The study of internal structure of an
93. Among the biotic component of the organism is called
ecosystem, the producer system is ?
tho dh vkarfjd lajpuk dk v;;u dgykrk gS
ifjfLFkfrdh ra=k ds tSfod ?kVdks ds vykok] fufeZZr iz.kkyh gS\
(A) Sea/lkxj (A) Agrostology/vxzksLVksykWth
(B) Rivers/ufn;ksa (B) Agronomy/f"kfoKku
(C) Green plants/gjs ikS/s (C) Anatomy/'kjhj jpuk foKku
(D) Animals/tkuojksa (D) Agrology/iQlyksa ds laca/ esa feVh dk foKku
94. Which one of the following air pollutant can 100. Ozone is present in which to the following
effect blood stream leading to death ? Layers ?
fuEufyf[kr esa ls ok;q iznq"k.k dk dkSu lk fgLlk ,d jDr
vkstksu fuEu ijrksa esa ls fdlesa ekStwn gS \
izokg ls ekSr dk dkj.k cu ldrk gS \ (A) Mesosphere/ehlksLiQh;j
(A) Cadmium/dSMfe;e
(B) Stratosphere/LVSVksLiQh;j
(B) Asbestos dust/vezd /wy
(C) Exosphere/ckeaMy
(C) Carbon monoxide/dkcZu eksuksvkWDlkbM
(D) Thermosphere/FkeksZLiQh;j
(D) Lead/ySM+
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 9

Part-III : Quantitative Aptitude

Hkkx& III : ek=kkRed vfHk{kerk
Directions (101-103): The following bar 104. A circle (with centre at O) is touching two
diagram, shows the percentage of Hindus, Sikhs intersecting lines AX and BY. The two points
and Muslims in a state during the years from
2012 to 2015. Examine the bar diagram and of contact A and B subtend as angle of 65 at
answer the questions. any point C on the circumference of the
(101-103): fuEufyf[kr ckj naM vkjs[k o"kZ 2012 ls 2015 circle. If P is the point of intersection of the
ds nkSjku fdlh jkT; esa fgUnq] flD[kLyeksa
rFkk eqf
dk izfr'kr n'kkZrk two lines, then find the measure of APO:
gSA naM vkjs[k
dk v;;u djsa rFkk iz'uksa ds mkj nsaA ,d o`k(ftldk dsUnzO) nks izfrPNsnh js[kkvksa
AX rFkk BY
Hindu/fgUnq Sikhs/fl[k
dks Li'kZ dj jgk gSA Li'kZ A rFkk
B ifjf/ ij fLFkr
Muslims/eqfLye fdlh fcUnq C ij 65 dk dks.k cukrs gSaA ;fn nksuksa js[kkv
dk izfPNsnh fcUnq
P gks] rks
APO dk eku Kkr dhft,A
(A) 25 (B) 65
(C) 90 (D) 40
105. The base of right Prism is a trapezium.
The lengnth of the parallel sides are 8 cm
Percentage/i zfr' kr

and 14 cm and the distance between the

parrallel sides is 8 cm. If the volume of
the Prism is 1056 cm3. The height of the
Prism is-
,d; fizTe dk vk/kj ,d leyEc prqHkqZt gS
ftldh nks lekUrj js[kkvksa dh yEckbZ8 lseh
14 lsehgS rFkk mudh chp dh yEcor~ 8 lseh
gS o
bldk vk;ru 1056 lseh3 gSA fizTe dh pkbZ gS&
2012 2013 2014 2015
Years/o"kZ (A) 44 cm/ lseh (B) 16.5 cm/lseh
101. If the total population of the state in 2013 (C) 12 cm/lseh (D) 10.56 cm/lseh
was 5 million, then the Hindu population
was [1 million = 10,00,000] 106. The police impounded 4000 ticketless
;fn 2013 esa jkT; dh dqy vkcknh 5 fefy;u Fkh] rks travellers in January month. In February,
fgUnqvksa dh vkcknh
[1 fefy;u
Fkh = 10,00,000] this number raised by 5% and in March
(A) 12,50,000 (B) 15,00,000 month number of ticketless travellers
(C) 17,50,000 (D) 20,00,000 reduced by 5%. While in April it is further
102. The ratio between the Hindu and Sikh reduced by 10%. How many ticketless
population in 2012 was- persons were impounded in April month ?
2012 esa fgUnq vkSj fl[k vkcknh ds chp vuqikr Fkk&
tuojh ekg esa iqfyl
4000 fcuk fVdV okys ;kf=k;ksa dks
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 3
(C) 3 : 4 (D) 3 : 5 idM+hA iQjojh esa ;g5%
c<+ x;h rFkk ekpZ ekg esa
103. If the total population of the state in 2012 fVdV foghu ;kf=k;ksa dh5%la[;k
de gks x;hA vizSy esa
was 5 lakhs, then the total Hindu and
Muslim population in that year was blesa10% vkSj deh gqbZA vizSy ekg esa ,sls fdrus ;k=kh
5 yk[k Fkh] rks ml o"kZ idM+s x, ftuds ikl fVdV ugha Fks\
;fn 2012 esa jkT; dh dqy vkcknh
dqy fgUnw vkSj eqfLye vkcknh Fkh (A) 4389 (B) 4820
(A) 2,75,000 (B) 2,50,000
(C) 4000 (D) 3591
(C) 2,25,000 (D) 2,00,000
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 10
107. A Person has some bananas, if he gives 6 111. Two men recieve the wages of ` 4800 for a
or 8 banana to every person, then he is left work. The first man can complete the work
with 4 bananas. If he gives 10 or 12 bananas in 5 days and the second man can complete
he is still left with 4 bananas. Further if he the work in 8 days, and with the help of a
gives 15 or 16 bananas, he is left with 4 boy and a girl they can finish it in 3 days. If
bananas. What is the minimum no of the work done by the boy is twice the girl,
bananas the person has? then find the share of each in Rupees.
fdlh vkneh ds ikl dqN dsys gS] ;fn og izR;sd O;fDr dks nks vkneh dks ,d dke djus ds fy, ` 4800 feyrs gSaA
6 ;k 8 dh la[;k esa dsys nsrs gS] rks mlds
4 dsys
ikl cp igyk vkneh dke dks 5 fnu esa rFkk nwljk vkneh dke dks
tkrs gSA ;fn og izR;sd10 ;k 12 dsys ns] rks Hkh mlds 8 fnu esa iwjk dj ldrk gSA
dks 1 yM+ds rFkk
1 yM+dh dh enn
ikl 4 dsys cp tkrs gSA ;fn og izR;sd15dks
;k 16 dsys ls os bl dke dks3 fnu esa iwjk djrs gSaA ;fn yM+ds dh
ns] rks Hkh mlds4ikl dsys 'ks"k cp tkrs gSA mlds ikl dk;Z{kerk yM+dh ls nksxquk gS] rks izR;sd dk fgLlk vyx&v
de&ls&de fdrus dsys gSa \ ( ` esa) Kkr dhft,
(A) 484 (B) 304 (A) ` 2880, `1800, ` 80, ` 40
(C) 244 (D) 260 (B) ` 2840, ` 1840, ` 80, ` 40
108. Simple interest on a certain sum for 3 years (C) ` 2800, ` 1880, ` 80, ` 40
is ` 900, and on the same sum, the (D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
compound interest for 2nd year, with the
112. From two points on the ground lying on a
same rate is ` 318. What is sum? straight line through the foot of a pillar, the
fdlh jkf'k ij 3 o"kksZa dk lk/kj.k`C;kt
900 gS rFkk mlh angles of elevation of the top of the pillar
jkf'k ij mlh nj ls nwljs o"kZ dk po`f C;ktgSA
` 318 are complementary to each other. If the
og jkf'k D;k gS \ distances of the two points from the foot of
the pillar are 9 meters and 16 meters
(A) ` 5000 (B) ` 6000 respectivley and the two points lie on the
(C) ` 4000 (D) ` 4200 same side of the pillar, then the height of
109. Vivek travels 79 km in 13 hours. Some part the pillar is
of the total distance he travelled on foot at a
,d LrEHk ds ikn ls xqtjus okyh ljy js[kk ij fLFkr nks
speed of 5 km/h and the remaining distance
travelled by cycle at a speed of 7 km/h. Then
fcUnqvksa ls LrEHk ds 'kh"kZ dk mUu;u dks.k ,d nwljs ds
find the distance travelled by the cycle. gSA ;fn LrEHk ds ikn ls nksuksa fcUnqvksa 9 eh
dh nwjh e'k
foosd79 fdeh dh dqy nwjh 13 ?k.Vs esa r; djrk gSA dqy rFkk 16 eh gS] rFkk nksuksa fcUnq LrEHk ds ,d gh vksj fL
nwjh dk dqN Hkkx 5 fdeh@?k.Vk
og dh pky ls iSny rFkk gS] rks LrEHk dh apkbZ gS&
7 fdeh@?kaVk dh pky ls lkbfdy }kjk r; djrk gSa](A) 5 m/eh
'ks"k nwjh (B) 10 m/eh
rks lkbfdy }kjk r; dh xbZ nwjh Kkr dhft,A (C) 7 m/eh (D) 12 m/eh
(A) 49 km/fdeh (B) 98 km/fdeh 113. In the given figure QPR = 90, QR = 26 cm,
PM = 6cm, MR = 8 cm and PMR = 90 find
(C) 147 km/fdeh (D) 14 km/fdeh
the area of PQR.
110. A person sells his goods at 25% profit. Had
he purchased the article at ` 950 less and
fn, x, fp=k esa]QPR = 90, QR = 26 lseh]
sold it for ` 950 less, then he would have PM = 6 lseh]MR = 8 lseh rFkk
PMR = 90 gks
, rks
gained 5% more. Find the initial cost price PQR dk {ks=kiQy Kkr dhft,%
of the article.
,d O;fDr viuh oLrq dks25% ykHk ij csprk gSA ;fn
mlus oLrq dks
` 950 de esa [kjhnk gksrk` rFkk
950 de 90
6 cm
esa cspk gksrk] rks
5% og
dk vf/d ykHk dekrkA Kkr djsa M 8cm
fd oLrq dk izkjfEHkd ; ewY; D;k gS \ 26 cm
(A) ` 5700 (B) ` 5800 (A) 180 cm2/lseh2 (B) 240 cm2/lseh2
(C) ` 3800 (D) ` 4600 (C) 120 cm2/lseh2 (D) 150 cm2/lseh2

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 11

114. A room 8m long, 6m broad and 3m high has 1
1 x4 2
1 118. If x + = 5, then the value of 2 x
two windows 1 m 1m and a door x
2 x 3x 1

1 will be -
2m 1 m. Find the cost of papering the
2 1
1 x4 2
walls with paper 50cm wide at 25 paise per
;fn x+ = 5 gks] rks2 x dk eku gksxkA
meter. x x 3x 1
,d 8 ehVjyacs]6 ehVjpkSM+s3rFkk
ehVjps dejs esa (A) 70 (B) 50
1 1 (C) 110 (D) 55
1 ehVj 1 ehVjdh nks f[kM+fd;k
2 ehVj
rFkk 1 ehVjdk
119. If numerator of a fraction is increased by
2 2
40 percent and denominator be doubled,
,d njoktk gSA25 iSls@ehVj dh nj 50lslseh pkSM+s dkxt
ls nhokjksa dks <dus dh dqy ykxr D;k gksxh\ then resultant new fraction is
. what is
(A) ` 39 (B) ` 37
original fraction?
(C) ` 33 (D) ` 35
115. 125 identical cubes are cut from a big cube ;fn fdlh fHkUu dk va'k
40% ls c<+k fn;k tk, vkSj gj dks
and all the smaller cubes are arranged in a 7
row to form a long cuboid. What is the nksxquk dj fn;k tk,] rks ubZ fHkUu
izkIr gksrk gSA ewy
percentage increase in the total surface
fHkUu D;k gS \
area of the cuboid over the total surface area
of the big cube ? 5 3
(A) (B)
125 ?ku leku vkdkj ds ,d cM+s ?ku ls dkVs tkrs gSa vkSj 8 8
mUgsa ,d iafDr esa bl izdkj O;ofLFkr fd;k tkrk gS fd ,d 7 1
yEcsa ?kukHk dh vkfr cusaA cM+s ?ku ds dqy {ks=kiQy (C)
8 dh
vis{kk ?kukHk ds {ks=kiQy esa fdrus izfr'kr dh120.
o`f Agksxh \
company selling woolen sweters gives 20%
discount on every item. Due to change in
1 2
(A) 234 % (B) 234 % the weather the company declared 15% ad-
3 3 ditional discount on each sweter. Thus if
(C) 117% the price of each sweter became `408 now,
(D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha then what was the original price of each
sweter ?
x u dk LosVj cspusokyh ,d dEiuh izR;sd LosVj
20% ij
116. If sin 17 = y , then the the value of
dh NwV nsrh gSA ekSle cny tkus ds dkj.k dEiuh us ?kks"
sec17 sin 73 is : dh fd izR;sd LosVj dh fch15%ij dh vfrfjDr NwV
nh tk,xhA bl rjg ;fn ,d LosVj dk ewY;
` 408 gks] rks
;fn sin 17 = y gks
, rkssec 17 sin 73 dk eku mldh ewy dher D;k Fkh\
(A) ` 580 (B) ` 600
gS (C) ` 720 (D) ` 620
121. Aryan bought a cow and he made down
y2 x 2 x2
payment of ` 3000 for the total cost of the
(A) (B)
xy y2 x 2 cow and promised to pay the remaining
amount of ` 4960 including simple interest
x2 x2 in 3 years at 8% annum. What was the total
(C) (4) (D) cost of the cow?
y y2 x 2 y y2 x 2
vk;Zu us ,d xk; [kjhnk rFkk mldh dqy dher esa ls
117. Find the value of 232 (2 + 1) (22 + 1) (24 + 1) ` 3000 rRdky Hkqxrku fd;k vkSj ;g oknk fd;k fd 'ks"k
(28 + 1) (216 + 1). jkf'k rhu o"kksZa
8% esa
ok"kd lk/kj.k C;kt lfgr
232 (2 + 1) (22 + 1) (24 + 1) (28 + 1) (216 + 1) `4960 Hkqxrku djds pqdrk dj nsxkA xk; dh dqy dher
dk eku Kkr djsaA D;k Fkh \
(A) 0 (B) 1 (A) ` 7500 (B) ` 7000
(C) 2 (D) 5 (C) ` 8000 (D) ` 6000
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 12
122. Bhim, Harender and Monika start a 125. A dishonest shopkeeper uses a weight of
business with their capitals in the ratio of 920gm in place of 1 kg, and he sells his good
3 : 5 : 7. After one year Monika invested at mark price which is 15% more than the
` 337600 more, while Bhim withdraws cost price, then what is the percentage profit ?
` 45600, thus investment ratio converted ,d csbZeku nqdkunkj
1 fdxzk ds LFkku ij xzke Hkkj dk
into 24 : 59 : 167. How much amount Bhim iz;ksx djrk gS rFkk viuh oLrq dks vafdr ewY; ij csprk
invested in starting ? gS] tks fd ; ewY;15%
ls vf/d gS] rks ykHk izfr'kr D;k gS\
Hkhe] gjsUnz vkSj 3eksfudk
: 5 : 7 ds vuqikr esa ,d (A) 20%
O;olk; vkjEHk djrs gSaaA ,d o"kZ ds ckn eksfudk (B) iqu%
` 337600 fuos'k djrh gS] tcfd Hkhe
` 45600 fudky (C) 25%

ysrk gS] rFkk fuos'kksa dk24vuqikr

: 59 : 167 esa cny (D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
126. The average salary of all staff of KD Campus
tkrk gSA Hkhe us vkjaHk esa fdruh jkf'k fuos'k dh Fkh\
is `10,000. The average salary of 20
(A) ` 141600 (B) ` 135000 teaching staff is `12,000 and that of non-
(C) ` 96000 (D) ` 45600 teaching staff is ` 5000. Number of non-
123. The ratio of time taken by a boat to row a teaching staff will be
certain distance downstream and upstream dsMh dSEil ds leLr deZpkfj;ksa dk vkSlr osru

gSA20 'kSf{kd deZpkfj;ksa dk vkSlr osru rFkk
is 3 : 5. If the speed of the current is 3
4 v'kSf{kd deZpkfj;ksa dk gSA v'kSf{kd deZpkfj;ksa
` 5000

km/hr, then what is the speed of the boat

dh la[;k gksxh&
in still water? (A) 7 (B) 8
,d uko }kjk fdlh fuf'pr nwjh dks /kjk ds vuqizokg rFkk(C) 10 (D) 12
127. In the given figure, DE||BC and EC||ND,
moZizokg esa r; djus esa yxs le; dk 3vuqikr
: 5 gSA ;fn
AE : EB = 4 : 5, then EN : EB is
3 fn, x, fp=k esa]DE||BC rFkkEC||ND,
/kjk dh pky3 fdeh@?kaVk gks] rks 'kkUr ty esa uko dh
4 AE : EB = 4 : 5, rksEN : EB gSA
pky Kkr dhft,A C

(A) 15 fdeh@?kaVk
/km/h D
(B) 9 fdeh@?kaVk
(C) 25 fdeh@?kaVk
(D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha A N E B
124. 8 taps are fitted in a tank some are inlet (A) 5 : 9 (B) 9 : 4
taps and rest are outlet taps. Each inlet tap (C) 4 : 5 (D) 4 : 9
can fill the tank in 12 hours and each outlet 128. In the given figure, AB || CD and AC ||
tap can empty it in 36 hours. Then calculate BD. If EAC = 40, FDG = 55, HAB = x,
the number of inlet taps if the whole tank then the value, of x is
is filled in 3 hours. fn, x, fp=k esa]
AB || CD rFkk
AC || BDA ;fn
8 uy yxs gq, gS] ftlesa ls dqN uy VSad dks EAC = 40, FDG = 55, HAB = x gks
,d VSad esa , rksx dk
eku Kkr
Hkjrs gSa rFkk 'ks"k uy VSad dks [kkyh djrs gSaA izR;sd Hkjusdhft,A
okyk uy VSad12dks?k.Vs esa Hkj ldrk gS rFkk izR;sd [kkyh
djus okyk uy VSad36dks
?kaVs esa [kkyh dj ldrk gSA ;fn
3 ?kaVs esa Hkj tkrk gS] rks Hkjus okys uyksa dh la[;k Kkr
dhft,A G
(A) 5 (B) 3 (A) 95 (B) 70
(C) 4 (D) 10 (C) 35 (D) 85

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 13

129. In the following figure ABCD is a rectangle
1 1
with AD and DC are 1 and 2 units 131. If x2 + y2 + + 2 = 4, then what will be
respectively. Two quarter circles are drawn x2 y
with centres at B and A respectively. A the value of x2 + y2 ?
smaller circle is drawn to touch the quarter
circles and the two arcs of the sectors. Find 1 1
;fn x2 + y2 + 2 +
y 2 = 4 gks] rks
x2 + y2 dk eku
22 x

the area of the shaded region. use D;k gksxk \
(A) 2 (B) 4
fn, x, fp=k esa]
ABCD ,d vk;r gS ftldh HkqtkAD
(C) 8 (D) 16
rFkkDC e'k%1 rFkk2 bdkbZ gSAAfcanq
rFkkB dks dsanz132. Find the length of the string bound on a
ysdj nks pkSFkkbZ o`k [khaps x, gSaA vc ,d vkSj o`k [khapktank, whose base diameter and
tkrk gS tks nksuksa vk;r dks Hkh Li'kZ djrk gSA rks Nk;kafdr 1
height are 5 cm and 48cm respectively.
22 11
Hkkx dk {ks=kiQy Kkr dhft,A
iz; ksx sa
The string makes exactly four complete
turns round the cylinder, while its two ends
D C touch the tank's top and bottom :
O 1
48 lseh pkbZ5 o lseh vk/kj O;kl okys fdlh csyu
1 11
ij yisVs x, NksVs ls NksVs /kxs dh yackbZ Kkr djsa] ftld
,d fljk csyu ds vk/kj o nwljk csyu ds 'kh"kZ ij ca/k gks
rFkk ;g csyu ij4 iw.kZ pDdj yxrk gks%
A 1 P 1 B (A) 75 cm/ lseh (B) 70 cm/lseh
32 (C) 60 cm/ lseh (D) 80 cm/lseh
(A) square units/oxZ bdkbZ 133. If is a positive acute angle and
2 sin + 15cos2 = 7, then find the value of cot
13 ;fn ,d /ukRed U;wudks.k gS] rFkk 15cos2
(B) square units/oxZ bdkbZ 2 sin+
56 = 7 gks
, rkscot dk eku Kkr dhft,A
16 2
(C) square units/oxZ bdkbZ (A)
83 4 3
7 5 2
(D) square units/oxZ bdkbZ (C) (D)
20 2 5
130. In the given figure EADF is a rectangle and 134. If two students live in each room of KD
ABC is a triangle whose vertices lie on the hostel, then 5 rooms left unoccupied. If 3
sides of EADF. If AE = 22 cm, BE = 6 cm, student live in each room, then 2 rooms are
CF = 16 cm and BF = 2 cm, then find the left unoccupied. What is the no. of students
length of the line joining the mid-points of in KD hostel?
the sides AB and BC. dsMh Nk=kkokl esa 2 Nk=k
;fn ,d dejs esa jgrs gSa]
5 rks
fn, x, fp=k esa
EADF ,d vk;r gS rFkkABC ,d f=kHkqt dejs [kkyh jg tkrk gSA ;fn ,d dejs3esa
Nk=k jgrs gSa]
gS ftlds 'kh"kZEADF dh Hkqtkvksa ij fLFkr AEgSaA ;fn rc 2 dejs cps jgrs gSaA Nk=kksa dh la[;k D;k gS\
= 22 lseh]BE = 6 lseh, CF = 16 lsehrFkk
BF = 2 lseh (A) 40 (B) 42
gks] rks
AB rFkk
BC ds e; fcanqvksa dks feykus okyh(C) 44 (D) 18
js[kk dh yackbZ Kkr dhft,A 135. In an examination, a students gets 30%
22 cm marks and failed by 96 marks. In the same
E A examination another student gets 45%
marks, which is 24 marks more than
6 cm passing marks. What is passing percentage?
B ,d ijh{kk esa ,d Nk=k30%
us vad izkIr fd;k rFkk
2 cm vadksa ls vuqkh.kZ gks x;kA mlh ijh{kk esa ,d vU; N
45% vad izkIr fd;k] tks mkh.kkZad
24 vadls
vf/d FkkA
F 16cm C D
(A) 4 cm/lseh (B) 5 cm/lseh ijh{kk ds mkh.kkZad dk izfr'kr D;k gS\
(A) 38% (B) 40%
(C) 3.5 cm/lseh (D) 4 2 cm/lseh
(C) 42% (D) 41%
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 14
136. The minute hand of a watch is 3cm long. 1 1 1
How far does its tip move in 50 minute ? 141. If x 3 + y 3 = z 3 , then (x + y z)3 + 27xyz is
,d ?kM+h dh feuV dh3lqbZ
lseh yach gSA bldk fljk
50 equals to -
feuV esa fdruh nwjh r; djsxk\
1 1 1
(A) 10.32 cm/lseh (B) 17.67 cm/lseh ;fn x 3 + y 3 = z 3 gks] rks
(x + y z)3 + 27xyz
(C) 15.71 cm/lseh (D) 18.23 cm/lseh
fdlds cjkcj gksxk &
5x 3 5y 3 5z 3 (A) 0 (B) 1
137. If 0, then the value
x y z (C) 1 (D) 27
1 1 1 142. If a + b + c = 2 and ab + bc + ca = 1, then
of x y z is - the value of (a + b)2 + (b + c)2 is.
;fn a + b + c = 2 vkSjab + bc + ca = 1 gks] rks
1 1 1
5x 3 5y 3 5z 3
0 gks] rks + b) + (b + c) ds eku gS&
2 2

x y z x y z
(A) 5 (B) 10
dk eku gS&
(C) 15 (D) 25
(A) 4 (B) 5 143. Harender and Bhim start business with
(C) 9 (D) 11 ` 700 and ` 600. After 3 months Harender
138. If un = cosn + sinn , then the value of
2u6 3u4 + 1 is : 2
withdraw part of initial investment and
;fn un = cosn + sinn , rks2u6 3u4 + 1 dk eku 7
gS % 3
after 3 months, He invests part of withdrawn
(A) 1 (B) 4 5
(C) 6 (D) 0 amount. At the end of year total profit is
139. The written examination of computer and ` 726. Find the share of Harender.
commerce subjects has been taken by an ` 700 vkSj` 600 ls gjsUnz
vkSj Hkhe
us ,d lk>k
institute for the entrance. 28% students
have qualified in computer and 13% in
O;olk; izkjaHk fd;kA
3 eghus ckn gjsUnz
viuh tek jkf'k dk
commerce. 62% students failed in both the 2
subjects. If a total of 9 students have cleared Hkkx fudky fy;k] ysfdu
3 eghus ckn fudkyh xbZ jkf'k
the entrance. then what was the no. of the
students failed in computer only? 3
dk Hkkx iqu% fuos'k dj fn;kA ;fn o"kZ ds vUr esa ykH
fdlh laLFkku esa izos'k ds fy, dEI;wVj rFkk okf.kT; fo"k;ksa
dh ijh{kk yh x;hA dEI;wVj fo"k;
Nk=k mkh.kZ rFkk` 726 gks] rks gjsUnz dks fdrus :i;s blls feyuk pkfg,\
okf.kT; fo"k;13%
esa Nk=k mkh.kZ gq,A nksuksa
62% fo"k;ksa(A)esa
` 336 (B) ` 366
Nk=k vuqkh.kZ gq,A 9 Nk=k
;fn dqymkh.kZ gq, gks] rks dsoy
(C) ` 633 (D) ` 663
dEI;wVj esa fdrus Nk=k vuqkh.kZ gq,\ 144. A man is walking at a speed of 6 km/hr by
(A) 30 (B) 27 the side of a rail track. A 450m long train
(C) 33 (D) 36 moving in same direction is crossing him
140. If a cos + 3a cos . sin 2 = m and
3 in 45 seconds, and reaches to next station
a sin 3 + 3a sin.cos 2 = n, then after 1 hour of crossing. Then find the time
2 2 taken by man to reach the same station ?
m n 3 + m n 3 ? ,d O;fDr 6 fdeh@?kaVk dh xfr ls jsyxkM+h dh iVjh ds
;fn a cos + 3 a cos .sin = m rFkka sin
3 2 3
fdukjs py jgk gSA mlh fn'kk esa450py jgh
ehVj yEch
2 2
+ 3a sin . cos2 = n, rksm n 3 + m n 3 ?
45 lsd.M esa ml O;fDr dks ikj dj1ds?k.Vs ckn
vxys LVs'ku ij igqp tkrh gSA Kkr dhft, og O;fDr
(A) 2 a 3
(B) 2 a 3
fdrus le; esa mlh LVs'ku ij igqp tk;sxk \
2 1
(A) 7 hours/?kaVs (B) 9 hours/?kaVs
(C) a 3 (D) a 3 (C) 14 hours/?kaVs (D) 21 hours/?kaVs

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 15

145. A shopkeeper buys an article for ` 400 and Directions : Study the chart carefully and
answer the questions.
he marks it's price in such a way that he
funsZ'k% vkjs[k dk ;kuiwoZd v;;u djsa rFkk iz'uksa dk mk
gets 80% profit. If he gives 15% discount on
the mark price, then find the acctual profit
percentage of shopkeeper. 1200

Production in Tonnes/ mRi knu ( Vu esa)

,d nqdkunkj` 400 esa ,d oLrq [kjhnrk gS rFkk og bl
izdkj ewY; vafdr djrk gS fd 80%
mls dk ykHk izkIr gks]
;fn og xzkgd dks vafdr ewY;15%
ij dh NwV nsrk gS] rks
Kkr dhft, fd nqdkunkj dks fdrus izfr'kr okLrfod ykHk
gksrk gS \ 600
(A) 62% (B) 64%
(C) 53% (D) 54% 400
146. Efficiency of Ritu is 25% more than that of
Priti and Priti takes 25 days to complete a 200
piece of work. Ritu started the work alone
and then Priti joined her 5 days before the




completion of the work. For how many days
Ritu worked alone ?
jhrq dh dk;Z{kerk izhfr
25%ls vf/d gS rFkk izhfr fdlh The chart shows production of an item (in
dke dks25 fnu esa iwjk djrh gSA jhrq vdsyk dke djuk tonnes) during certain years.
vkjs[k fdlh o"kZ ds nkSjku ,d en dk mRiknu
'kq: djrh gS rFkk dke iwjk gksus
5 fnulsigys izhfr Hkh
(Vuksa esa) n'kkZrk gSA
'kkfey gks tkrh gS] rks Kkr dhft, fd vdsys jhrq us148.
fdrusThe production from 1993-94 to 1997-98
increased by
fnu dke fd;k \ 1993-94 ls 1997-98 rd mRiknu esa o`f gqbZ
(A) 9 Days/fnu (B) 11 Days/fnu (A) 50% (B) 75%
(C) 100% (D) 125%
(C) 10 Days/fnu (D) 15 Days/fnu 149. The production in 1996-97 in comparison
147. The average weight of five persons sitting to the production in 1992-93 increased by
1992-93 dh rqyuk esa
1996-97 esa mRiknu esa o`f gqbZ
in a boat is 38 kg. The average weight of
the boat and the persons sitting in the boat (A) 110% (B) 120%
is 52 kg. What is the weight of the boat ? (C) 125% (D) 150%
150. The production decreased from 1994-95 to
,d uko esa cSBs gq, ikap O;fDr;ksa dk38
Hkkj 1995-96 by
gSA uko rFkk uko esa cSBs O;fDr;ksa 52dk vkSlr Hkkj 1994-95 ls 1995-96 esa mRiknu esa fdruh deh gqbZ gS\
1 1
gSA uko dk Hkkj D;k gS\ (A) 8 % (B) 9 %
9 9
(A) 228 kg/fdxzk (B) 122 kg/fdxzk 1 1
(C) 10 % (D) 11 %
(C) 232 kg/fdxzk (D) 242 kg /fdxzk 9 9

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 16


Part - IV (English Language)

Direction : In Question nos. 151 to 155 some Directions : In question nos. 161 to 163, out of
part of the sentences have errors and some are the four alternatives, choose the one which best
correct. Find out which part of a sentence has expresses the meaning of the given word.
an error and blacken the oval [ ] 161. ENIGMATIC
corresponding to the appropriate letter (A), (B), (A) Short-sighted (B) Learned
(C). If a sentence is free from error, blacken the (C) Puzzling (D) Displeased
oval corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet. 162. INEBRIATE
151. None could (A)/ dare to encroach (B)/ on (A) Drunken (B) Unsteady
his rights. (C)/ No error (D) (C) Stupefied (D) Dreamy
152. Mahatma Gandhi taught us that (A)/one 163. LASCIVIOUS
should respect the religions of others (B)/ (A) Lustful (B) Foul
as much as his own. (C)/ No error (D) (C) Fragrant (D) Naughty
153. These kind of shirts (A)/ are rat her Directions : In question nos. 164 to 166, choose
expensive (B)/ for him to buy. (C)/ No error the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
(D) 164. MAWKISH
154. It being rainy day, (A)/ we decided not to go (A) Sentimental (B) Intelligent
out (B)/ but to stay at home and watch a (C) Certain (D) Carefree
movie. (C)/ No error (D) 165. ABSOLUTE
155. I would like you to (A)/ complete this (A) Scarce (B) Limited
assignment (B)/ before you will leave for (C) Faulty (D) Deficient
Bombay. (C)/ No error (D) 166. FECUND
Directions : In Question nos. 156 to 160, (A) Barren (B) Solid
sentences given with blanks to be filled in with (C) Unploughed (D) Hard
an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are Directions : In question nos. 167 to 168, four
words are given in each question, out of which
suggested for each question. Choose the correct
only one word is spelt correctly/wrongly out of
alternative out of the four and indicate it by
them. Find the word spelt correct/wrong and
blackening the appropriate oval [ ] in the mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Answer Sheet. 167. (A) Occurrence (B) Occurance
156. The doctor _______ the woman that her son (C) Ocurrance (D) Occurrance
would recover. 168. (A) Dimenutive (B) Diminutiv
(A) assumed (B) insured (C) Diminutive (D) Diminuitive
(C) assured (D) ensured Direction : In Question nos. 169 to 173, four
157. I have no ______ riches. alternative are given for the Idiom/Phrase in
(A) desirous of (B) desire of bold. Choose the alternative which best
expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and
(C) desire to (D) desire for
mark it in the Answer Sheet.
158. He is only an ______ director in the
169. Men like Chandrashekhar and Bhagat
organisation but he does his work sincerely. Singh are the salt of the Earth.
(A) honorific (B) honour (A) famous men
(C) honourable (D) honorary (B) makers of the Earth
159. A warm reception was ______ him. (C) hardworking men
(A) allied to (B) accorded to (D) ideal men
(C) given for (D) allotted to 170. There was a definite element of fabrication
160. It ______ too cold to go out last night, so we in the story related to JNU slogans, but
Kejriwal believed the account hook, line
stayed at home.
and sinker.
(A) had been (B) has been (A) not wholly (B) a little bit
(C) was (D) used to be (C) completely (D) hardly
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 17
171. The entire town was set by the ears when 177. The crime has growth rapidly in Russia
it was announced that a giant megastore since the disintegration of the communist
would be replacing many of its local shops system.
and grocery marts. (A) crime has grown rapidly
(A) To box the people (B) crimes have grown rapid
(B) To excite people to a quarrel (C) crimes have been rapidly grown
(D) No improvement
(C) To insult and disgrace the people
178. They examined both the samples very
(D) To punish heavily
carefully but failed to detect any difference
172. I know you don't want to upset the in them.
applecart now by asking Alka to change (A) any difference among
the date for the meeting. (B) some difference in
(A) To misinterpret (C) any difference between
(B) To suffer humiliation (D) No improvement
(C) To upset 179. By such time you finish that chapter, I will
(D) To be rich and poor frequently write a letter.
173. As Jeni was gone, I found hard pressed to (A) By that time (B) By the time
get the work done. (C) The time (D) No improvement
(A) Hard discipline 180. He confidently asked the crowd if they
thought he was right and the crowd shouted
(B) In difficulties
that they did.
(C) Bewildered
(A) that they had
(D) Insulted (B) that he did
Direction: In Question nos. 174 to 182, a (C) that he didn't
sentence/ a part of the sentence is Italicised (D) No improvement
in bold. Below are given alternatives to the 181. The coach asked me where was Kohli gone.
Italicised part at (A), (B), (C) which may improve
(A) where kohli is gone
the sentence. Choose the correct alternative.
(B) where kohli went for
In case no improvement is needed your answer
(C) where kohli was gone
is (D). Mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
(D) No improvement
174. Don't touch the door as it has just been
Direction : In Question nos. 182 to 190, in the
painted. following question, out of the four alternatives,
(A) just has been painted choose the one which can be substituted for
(B) have just been painted the given sentence.
(C) is just painted 182. A short poem or other piece of writing that
(D) No improvement describes a peaceful and happy scene
(A) alliteration (B) sonnet
175. He would have lent me a pen, if he was
knowing that I didn't have one. (C) idyll (D) ballad
183. In an election a state where none of the
(A) had known
candidates can be certain of getting the
(B) had been knowing most support
(C) would know (A) default state (B) swing state
(D) No improvement (C) client state (D) low-turnout state
176. He summarily dismissed what his son 184. A very beautiful woman that men find
told him in a fit of rage. attractive but who brings them trouble or
(A) In a fit of rage he summarily dismissed unhappiness.
what his son told him. (A) lolita (B) debonair
(B) What his son told in a fit of rage he (C) femme fatale (D) beefcake
summarily dismissed. 185. A roof that is supported by columns,
(C) He summarily dismissed in a fit of rage especially one that forms the entrance to a
what his son told him. large building.
(A) doorway (B) portico
(D) No improvement
(C) threshold (D) colonade
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 18
186. The belief that God is present in all natural 191. August 6, 1945 is a significant date in
things. history because it was on this day that :
(A) Agnosticism (B) Theism (A) a peace treaty was signed.
(C) Atheism (D) Pantheism (B) the second World War came to an end.
187. One who has sexual interest in dead bodies. (C) Hiroshima was atom-bombed
(A) haemophiliac (B) pyromaniac (D) Japan surrendered to the Allies
(C) necrophiliac (D) Anglomaniac 192. The atom bomb has produced a nightmarish
effect on nations because of:
188. A slow song that tells a story of love
(A) the possibility of destruction of a whole
(A) alliteration (B) sonnet
(C) idyll (D) ballad
(B) its potential for unabashed arms race.
189. Attractive men with big muscles, especially
(C) the threat to peace from the powers that
those that appear in magazines. could produce such weapons.
(A) hustler (B) mustlemaniac (D) their awareness of mans
(C) beefcake (D) plus-sized models defenselessness against such weapons.
190. A row of stone columns with equal spaces 193. The super powers are trying to counter the
between them, usually supporting a roof dangers of a nuclear way by
(A) colonnade (B) threshold (A) discontinuing nuclear tests.
(C) portico (D) doorway (B) withholding financial aid to nations
Direction (Q. No - 191 - 200) : In these question trying to go nuclear.
you have two brief passages with six questions (C) holding talks on peace and
following the passage. Read the passage disarmament.
carefully and choose the best answer to each (D) trying to make nuclear weapons.
question out of the four alternatives. 194. The author thinks that negotiations for the
Passage -1 control of nuclear arms have made
August 6, day Hiroshima was atom - bombed in (A) little progress
1945, symbolises at once mans nightmare and (B) tremendous progress
his greatest dream, the nightmare of a nuclear (C) constructive suggestions
war, and the dream of genuine and lasting peace. (D) contingency plans to stop the disasters
Beginning with the survivors of Hiroshima and 195. According to the author :
Nagasaki, the awareness of the danger and (A) superpowers alone should shoulder the
sentiment for disarmament and peace has responsibility of controlling nuclear
become universal, transcending national and arms.
ideological barriers. And yet more deadly nuclear (B) developing nations should hold talks for
weapons are being piled on top of the heap, that disarmament.
is enough to wipe out all traces of life from this (C) other powers that hav e nuclear
planet. Forty years after Hiroshima, there is no capability should join hands with
light at the end of the tunnel - only occasional superpowers to restrain potent ial
flickers. The arms limitation talks between the nuclear powers.
superpowers, who hold the key to disarmament (D) a nuclear disarmament agreement at
and peace, have yielded nothing so far. the superpower level should be followed
The main responsibility for suppressing the by similar agreements at bilateral and
nuclear threat is that of the superpowers. regional levels.
However, other powers also have nuclear
weapons and they must share the responsibility. Passage -2
And not only they, but those nations which have Innovation is the specific instrument of
or are developing nuclear capability must see the entrepreneurship. Innovation, indeed, creates a
issues in a longer term and larger perspective. resource. There is no such thing as a resource
Nuclear war like peace is not divisible. until man finds a use for something in nature
Agreement on disarmament at the superpower and thus endows it with economic value. Until
level is essential. But, it must be followed by then, every plant is a weed and every mineral
similar agreements on the bilateral and regional just another rock. Not more than a century ago,
level, for all of us are in a sense the citizens of neither mineral oil seeping out of the ground nor
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 19

bauxite, the ore of aluminum, were resources. 197. Entrepreneurship includes ____ as a
They were nuisances; both render the soil particular device to achieve economic
infertile. The penicillin mold was a pest, not a value.
resource. Bacteriologists went to great lengths (A) economic value
to protect their bacterial cultures against (B) innovation
contamination by it. Then in the 1920s, a London (C) buying installments
doctor, Alexander Fleming, realized that this
(D) valuable resource
pest was exactly t he bacterial killer
bacteriologists had been looking for - and the 198. Alaxander Flaming was
penicillin mold became a valuable resource. (A) a bacterial killer
There is no greater resource in an economy than (B) a london based entrepreneur
purchasing power. But purchasing power is the (C) a bacteriologist
creation of the innovating entrepreneur. The (D) a doctor
American farmer had virtually no purchasing 199. Purchasing power is the creation of
power in the early nineteenth century, he (A) The American farmer
therefore could not buy farm machinery. Then (B) Alaxander Flaming
one of the many harvesting - machine inventors, (C) Cyrus Mc Cormick
Cyrus Mc Cormick, invented installment buying.
(D) Economic spheres
This enabled the farmer to pay for a harvesting
machine out of-his future earnings rather than 200. In the passage, spheres word used as a
out of his past savings and suddenly the farmer substitute for an amount part of someone's
had purchasing power to buy farm equipment. future earnings rather than out of his past
saving is
196. According to the passage, a resource in
nature is (A) farm machinery
(A) mineral oil seeping out of the ground (B) valuable resource
(B) nuisance rendering the soil infertile (C) buying installment
(C) inconceivable until its findings (D) purchasing power
(D) a valuable possessing purchasing power

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