Ballerina Crochet

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Ballerinas- Flower Fairy

bluu bunny erochet

RI Start with cream yarn. Mc (Bsc) (6)
R2 (inc) x6 (2)
R3 (3sc, inc) x3 (5)
R4-RG SC (3 rows) (5)
R7 (dec)x2 llsc (13)
R8 dec lsc (2)
R9 inc, 5sc, dec, 4sc (2)
RIO-RII Sc (2 rows) (2)
RI2 7sc, dec, 3sc ()
RI3-RI7 Sc (5 rows) ()
RI8 7sc, dec, 2sc (0)
RI9-R38 Sc (20 rows) (10)

Stuff the arms and shape them as you work. Be careful da not overstuff them! Fold it in half, sc
through both stiches to close the opening. Make twO.
You willcrochet together the arms with the body. You have to make them before you start to
crochet the body. (f yau prefer to sew them, you can sew them one row above the dress, R36.)
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
The first crocheted leg will be the left.
RI Start with white yarn. Mc (Bsc) (6)
R2 (inc) xB (2)
R3 SC (12)
R4 (sc, inc) x6 (8)
R5 (2sc, inc) xi (24)
RG-R8 Sc (3 rows) (24)
R9 Bsc, der, 3sc, CHC cream 4sc, CHC white 3sc, dec, 4sc (22)
RIO Isc, CHC Cream bsc, CHC white 7sc (22)
RI1 5sc, dec, lsc. CHC cream &sc, CHC white lsc., dec, 3sc (20)
RI2 7sc, CHC cream 8sc, CHC white 5sc (20)
RI3 Zsc. CHC cream 8sc, CHC white 5sc (20)
RI4 4sc, dec, CHC cream 10 sc, CHC white, dec. 2sc (18)
RI5 Ssc, CHC Ccream IBsc (18)
RIG 14sc, dec, 2sc (7)
RI7 4sc, dec, llsc (16)
RI8 SC (6)
RI9 J4sc, dec (15)
R20 2sc. dec, llsc (14)
R21-R43 SC (22 rows) (14)
R44 IZsc, dec (3)
R45-R51 Sc (7 rows) (3)
R52 Ilsc, dec (2
R53 CHC white BLO sc (12
R54-R55 Sc (2 rows) (2)
Stuff it while you work. Sl. Cut the yarn. With white yarn sew an Xon the leg.
Bailerinas- Fiower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
The second cracheted leg will be the right.
Start with white yarn. Mc (6sc) (6)
RZ (inc) x& (2)
R4 (lsc, inc) x6 (8)
R5 (2sc, inc) x6 (24)
RG-R8 Sc (3 rows) (24)
Gsc, dec, 3sc, CHC cream 4sc, CHC white 3sc, dec, 4sc (22)
RIO Bsc, CHC Cream bsr, CHC white 7sc (22)
RI isc. dec, Isc, CHC cream Bsc, CHC white lsc, der, 3sc (20)
R12 7sc, CHC Cream 8sc, CHC white 5sc (20)
RI3 Isc, CHC cream 8sc, CHC white 5sc (20)
RI4 4sc, dec, CHC cream l0 sc. CHC white, dec. 2sc (18)
RI5 5sc, CHC cream 13sc (8)
RIG 14sc, dec. 2sc (7
RI7 4sc, dec, Isc (6)
RI9 J4sc, dec (15)
R20 2sc, dec, lst (14)
R21-R43 Sc (22 rows) (14)
R44 I2sc, dec (3)
R45-R5I Sc (7 rows) (3)
R52 llsc, de. (2)
R53 CHC white BLD Sc (12)
R54-R55 Sc (2 rows) (2)
Do not cut the yarn! ChB, then connect with sc the left leg. (Back part of the foot is laoking to
you. Crochet Ior 2sc if needed to reach the right position in the middle to connect the legs.) The
SE you cannect the left leg will be the first stitch of the Body.


Ballerinas- FIlower Fairy
Body bluu bunny crochet
RI (lsc, inc) xG, Gsc (in the chô) then
(Isc, inc) x6, Gsc (in the ch6) (48)
R2 SC (48)
R3 (5sc, inc) x3, Bsc, (Esc, inc) x3, Bsc (54)
R4-R9 Sc (6 rows) (54)
RIO I3sc, dec, 24sc, dec, 13sc (52)
RII SC (52)
RI2 (24sc, dec) x2 (50)
RI3 BLO Sc (50)
RI4 BLO 12sE, dec, 23sc, dec, lsc (48)
RI5 SC (48)
RIG (22sc, dec) x2 (46)
RI7 SC (46)
R8 lsc, dec, 21sc, dec, IDsc (44)
RI9 SC (44)
R20 (20sc, dec) x2 (42)
R21 SC (42)
R22 IOsc, dec, 19sc, dec, 9sc (40)
R23 SC (40)
R24 (18sc, dec) x2 (38)
R25 SC (38)
R26 Bsc, dec, I7sc, dec, 8sc (36)
R27 SC (36)
R28 (Bsc, dec) x2 (34)
R29 SC (34)
R30 8sc, dec, I5sc, dec, 7sc (32)
R31 SC (32)
R32 (14sc, dec) x2 (30)
R33-R34 SC (30)
R35 CHC Cream, BLO sc (30)
R36 Bsc, 5sc together with the left arm.
Ilsc, 5sc together with the right hand (30sc if you sew the arms) (30)
R37 (3sc. dec) xb (24)
R38 (2sc, dec) x6 (8)
R39 (4sc, dec) x3 (5)
R40-R41 Sc (2 rows) (15)
Batierinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
Stuff it while you work. Slip stitch and leave a long yarn tail for sewing.

(lfyou prefer to sew the arms. You can sew them one row from the dress, on
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
Shoulder of the dress:
R35 FLO: With white yarn crachet sl argund, when you reach the arm, ch8 and continue with sl. If
you want to make anice ruffle, crochet 2hdc around each slip stitches and chains.

Ruffle of R53
Both legs on ott'ssure how to call it
R53 FLO: Crochet 2 hdc in
each stitch.
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny erochet
Crochet in R14's FLO.
Start with white yarn. (lsc, inc) x24 (72)
R2 SC (72)
R3 (Zsc, inc) x24 (96)
R4-R7 Sc (4 rows) (96)
RE inc each stitch (192)
R9-RIO Sc (2 rows) (192)
Take a l4m long. lOcm wide tulle. Wave the tulle on the middle. fold it in half (twa layers) and sew
it under the
skirt to Rl3. If it is too long. trim the tulle.
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
RI Start with cream yarn. Mc (Gsc) (6)
R2 (inc) x6 (12)
R3 (lsc, inc) x6 (18)
R4 (2sc, inc) xb (24)
R5 Isc, inc (3sc, inc) xã, 2sc (30)
RG (4sc, inc) x6 (36)
R7 4sc, int, (5sc, inc) xã, lsc (42)
R& (Gsc, inc) x6 (48)
R9 Zsc, inc. (7sc, inc) xá, 5sc (54)
RIO (Bsc, inc) xb (GD)
RI2 4sc, inc (9sc, inc) xã, 5sc (G6)
R14 (1Osc, inc) xB (72)
RI5-R26 Sc (2 rows) (72)
R27 (Usc, dec) x6 (66)
R28 5sc, dec. (9sc, dec) xã, 4sc (60)
R29 (8sc, dec) xB (54)
R30 2sc. dec, (7sc, dec) x5, 5sc (48)
R31 (Bsc, dec) x (42)
R32 4sc, dec. (5st, dec) xã, Isc (36)
R33 (4sc, dec) x6 (30)
R34 Isc, der. (3sc, dec) x5, 2sc (24)
R35 (2sc, dec) x6 (18)
R36 (4 sc, dec) x4 (15)
Stuff the head as you crocheting.
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
RI Start with light brown yarn. Mc (Bsc) (6)
R2 (inc) xB (2)
R3 (sc, inc) x6 (18)
R4 (2sc, inc) xG (24)
R5 Isc, inc (3sc, inc) xã, 2sc (30)
RG (4sc, inc) x6 (36)
R7 4sc, inc, (5sc, inc) x5, lsc (42)
R8 (Bsc, inc) x6 (48)
R9 2sc, inc. (7sc, int) x, 5sc (54)
RIO (8sc, inc) x6 (60)
RI SC (60)
RI2 4sc, inc (9sc, inc) x5, 5sc (66)
RI3 SC (66)
RI4 (Osc, inc) xb (72)
RI5-R24 SC (10 rows) (72)
(Try it on the head if you find is too short crochet one more line.)
When you made your last stitch, crochet a sl. Do not cut the yarn, continue with the hair strands.
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluubunny erochet
Hair Strands
Hair Strand 1-5:
ch66, start to crochet hdc in the 4th stich from the hook: 63 hdc, skip |st on the wig and sl,
Working on the wig:
ch2, 8hdc. 4sc, sl.
Hair Strand 6-22:
chb6. start tocrochet hdc in the 4th stich from the hook: 63 hdc, skip |st on the wig and sl.
Working on the wig:
ch2, 8hdc, 4sc, sl
Hair Strand 23-24:
chB6. start to crachet hdc in the 4th stich from the hoak: 63 hdc. skip l an the wig and sl.
Tip: lo achieve nice curl, crochet thraugh one loop of the chain only

Hair Strand 6-22.

Hair Strand 23-24.

Hair Strand 1-5.
Ballerinas- FIower Fairy
bluu bunny erochet
Count from the last row back 13 lines. The eye has to be 5stitches long and 2stitches high.
Pull out your needle ofl, insert in 2, out from 3 and insert it again in 2, pull out in 4 and insert in 3.
After inserting your needle in 3. pullout 5, insert it in 4. pullout in G, insert it in 7. pullout in &.
and insert in 3. Sew the other eye ID stitches distance. Sew the head to the body.

5st 5
2st Zst 13 rows 8

Sew the wig onto the head. Position the parting (hair strand 0) 9-10 rows above the right eye.
Right side: Cross the twa hair strands on the right side 3times and sew them onto the wig (line
up with the eye).
Let side: Take 3strands and in one point sew them to the wig. next to the eye. The last two
strands layover of the 3strands and secure it one point. See on next page.

9-10 rows
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
parting 9-1r0

Secure it here Secure it here

Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
Flower |.
RI ch36,
R2 sc in the 5th chain from the hook, (ch2, skip lst, sc) xl6, chl, turn
R3 (sc, chl, 3dc, chl. sc) every ch2 in R2
Rollup the petals. Secure the flower with several stitches from the back. Make one.

Flower |l.
RI ch29,
R2 sc in the 5th chain from the huok, (ch2. skip |*, sc) xl4, chl, turn
R3 (sc, chl, 3dc, chl, sc) every ch2 in R2
Rollup the petals. Secure the flower with several stitches from the back. Make two.

Flower lIl.
RI ch25,
R2 Sc in the 5th chain from the hook, (ch2, skip |st, sc) xl2, chl, turn
R3 (sc, chl, 3dc, chl, sc) every ch2 in R2

Rollup the petals. Secure the flower with several stitches from the back. Make two.

Flower I.

Flower Il.

Flower ll.
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
Leaf I.
Ch8. sl in the 2nd st from the hook, sc, hdc. de, tr (triple crochet), hde, sc and sl in the same stitch.
(Do not cut the yarn!) ChilD sl in the 2nd st from the hook. s. hdc, dc, tr (triple crochet), hdc, sc
and sl in the same stitch. Make two.

Leaf I.
Ch6, sl in the 2nd st from the hook, sc, hdc. dc. hdc and sl in the same stitch. (Da not cut the yarn!)
Ch6 sl in the 2nd st from the hook, sc, hdc. dc, hdc and sl in the same stitch. Make four.

Leaf .

Leaf I.

Saw the tlowers next to each other. Flower . gpes in the middle, Flower . next to it. Last Flowerll.
Saw Leaf . between Flower l. and Il. Leaf Ilbetween Flower I. -I. And under Flower ll. See the
pictures bellow.

Flower I.
Flower I.

Flower l.
Ballerinas- Flower Fairy
bluu bunny crochet
Leaf .
Leaf ll.


Use a little brush and pink or red blush to paint the cheeks.

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