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This pattern provides instructions to crochet an octopus toy using various colors of yarn. It details the materials needed and gives a full breakdown of how to construct the legs, body, arms, and other features step-by-step.

The materials required include various colors of yarn, a crochet hook size 2-2.5mm, black and white felt fabric, tapestry needles, pins, stitch markers, and scissors.

The legs are made individually starting with a magic ring and increasing stitches in early rounds before decreasing in later rounds. Bobble stitches are added in one round and stuffing is recommended after completing 10 rows. A total of 21 stitches are made for each leg.




Yarn color

• (A) blue: YarnArt Jeans 16 (50g, 160m)
• (B) light blue: YarnArt Jeans 15 (50g, 160m)
• (C) black: YarnArt Jeans 53 (50g, 160m)
• (D) pink: YarnArt Jeans 20 (50g, 160m)

Other materials

• Crochet hook size 2-2.5mm
• Black & white felt fabric
• Tapestry needles , pins, stitch markers, scissors

Ch Chain
Sc Single Crochet
Inc Single Crochet Increase
Dec Single Crochet Decrease
Hdc Half Double Crochet
Slst Slip Stitch
Mr Magic Ring
Dc Double Crochet
Tr Treble Crochet
(…) Work all stitches in the same stitch
[ ]…x Repeat instructions in brackets…times
Bobble Bobble Stitch
BLO Back loop only
FLO Front loop only
Rnd Round
Sts Stitches

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Legs (yarn A, X2) Arms (yarn A, X2)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 sc 8 in a magic loop (8) 1 sc 8 in a magic loop (8)
2 inc 8 (16) 2 inc 8 (16)
3 [sc 1, inc] 8x (24) 3 [sc 3, inc] 4x (20)
4 sc 8, [Bobble 1, sc 2] 3x, sc 7 (24) 4 sc 6, [Bobble 1, sc 2] 3x, sc 5 (20)
5-6 sc 24 (2 rows) (24) 5 sc 20 (20)
7 sc 7, [sc 1, dec] 3x, sc 8 (21) 6 sc 6, dec 4, sc 6 (16)
8 sc 7, dec 3, sc 8 (18) 7 sc 6, dec 2, sc 6 (14)
9 sc 18 (18) 8-17 sc 14 (10 rows) (14)
10 [sc 5, inc] 3x (21)
11 sc 21 (21) Break the yarn with a long rest, stuff slightly the lower
arms and sew two edges together.
Make the 2nd leg similar to the 1st leg but do not break
the yarn, continue assembling 2 legs as below Belly (yarn B)
Instruction (see the Assembling Legs Part). With yarn
A, crochet sc 21 on the 1st leg and continue crochet rnd sts
sc 21 on the 2nd leg 2 = 42. Continue to crochet
through the body. 1 Ch 9, start on the 2nd stitch from (8)
the hook, sc 8
Body (yarn A) 2 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 6, inc (10)
3 Ch 1, turn, sc 10 (10)
rnd sts 4 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 8, inc (12)
5-10 Ch 1, turn, sc 12 (6 rows) (12)
1 sc 10, inc, sc 4, [inc, sc] 2x, inc 4, (52) 11 Ch 1, turn, dec, sc 8, dec (10)
[sc, inc] 2x, sc 4, inc, sc 10 12-13 Ch 1, turn, sc 10 (2 rows) (10)
2 sc 11, inc, sc 10, [sc, inc] 4x, sc 10, (58) 14 Ch 1, turn, dec, sc 6, dec (8)
inc, sc 11 15 Ch 1, turn, sc 8 (8)
3-10 sc 58 (8 rows) (58) 16 Ch 1, turn, dec, sc 4, dec (6)
11 sc 11, dec, sc 9, dec, sc 10, dec, (54) 17 Ch 1, turn, sc 6 (6)
sc 9, dec, sc 11
12 sc 54 (54) Do not cut yarn, crochet sc around the belly, break the
13 sc 9, [sc 2, dec, sc 2] 6x, sc 9 (48) yarn with a long rest to sew later.
14 sc 48 (48)
15 sc 6, [sc 2, dec, sc 2] 6x, sc 6 (42) Tail (yarn A)
16 sc 42 (42)
17 [sc 5, dec] 6x (36) rnd sts
18 sc 36 (36)
19 [sc 4, dec] 6x (30) 1 sc 8 into a magic loop (8)
20 sc 30 (30) 2 inc 8 (16)
3-4 sc 16 (2 rows) (16)
Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later, stuff.
5 [sc 2, dec] 4x (12)

Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later, stuff.

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Head (yarn A) Left ear (1 piece yarn D, 1 piece yarn A)

rnd sts rnd sts

1 sc 8 into a magic loop (8) 1 Ch 2, start on the 2nd stitch, (sc 3) (3)
2 inc 8 (16) 2 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 1, inc (5)
3 [sc 1, inc] 8x (24) 3 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 3, inc (7)
4 [sc 1, inc, sc 1] 8x (32) 4 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 5, inc (9)
5 [sc 3, inc] 8x (40) 5 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 7, inc (11)
6 [sc 2, inc, sc 2] 8x (48) 6 Ch 1, turn, sc 11 (11)
7 sc 48 (48) 7 Ch 1, turn, sc 7, ch 4, skip 4 last sts (7)
8 [sc 5, inc] 8x (56) 8-20 Ch 1, turn, sc 11 (13 rows) (11)
9 sc 56 (56) 21 Ch 1, turn, dec, sc 7, dec (9)
10 [sc 3, inc, sc 3] 8x (64) 22 Ch 1, turn, sc 9 (9)
11 sc 64 (64)
12 [sc 7, inc] 8x (72) Make a left ear with the yarn D, cut the yarn. Make a left
13 sc 23, sc 5, sc 16, sc 5, sc 23 (72) ear with yarn A but do not cut the yarn, then put the
14 sc 22, sc 8, sc 12, sc 8, sc 22 (72) yarn D on top of yarn A piece and crochet sc around the
15 sc 21, sc 10, sc 10, sc 10, sc 21 (72) ear with yarn A, if you come across angle then crochet
16 sc 11, inc, sc 9, sc 2, inc, sc 7, sc 4, (78) inc to keep ear shape (see Assemblations Part for more
inc, sc 5, sc 6, inc, sc 3, sc 8, inc, details).
sc 11, inc
17 sc 22, sc 12, sc 9, sc 12, sc 23 (78) Right ear (1 piece yarn D, 1 piece yarn A)
18-19 sc 23, sc 12, sc 7, sc 12, sc 24 (78)
(2 rows) rnd sts
20 sc 12, inc, sc 11, sc, inc, sc 10, sc 2, (84)
inc, sc 2, sc 10, inc, sc, sc 11, inc, 1 Ch 2, start on the 2nd stitch, (sc 3) (3)
sc 12, inc 2 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 1, inc (5)
21 sc 26, sc 12, sc 6, sc 12, sc 28 (84) 3 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 3, inc (7)
22 sc 28, sc 9, sc 8, sc 9, sc 30 (84) 4 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 5, inc (9)
23-26 sc 84 (4 rows) (84) 5 Ch 1, turn, inc, sc 7, inc (11)
27 [sc 5, dec] 12x (72) 6-15 Ch 1, turn, sc 11 (10 rows) (11)
28 [sc 7, dec] 8x (64) 16 Ch 1, turn, sc 7, ch 4, skip last 4 sts (7)
29 [sc 6, dec] 8x (56) 17-20 Ch 1, turn, sc 11 (4 rows) (11)
30 [sc 5, dec] 8x (48) 21 Ch 1, turn, dec, sc 7, dec (9)
31 [sc 4, dec] 8x (40) 22 Ch 1, turn, sc 9 (9)
32 [sc 3, dec] 8x (32)
Make a right ear with the yarn D, cut the yarn. Make a
Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later, stuff. right ear with yarn A but do not cut the yarn, then put
the yarn D piece on top of yarn A piece and crochet sc
around the ear with yarn A, if you come across angle
then crochet inc to keep ear shape (see Assemblations
Part for more details).

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

The 1st leg after finishing Put a maker onto the 16th Make the 2nd leg the same way
stitch (rnd 11) on 1st leg but do not break the yarn at
the end of rnd 11, sc in each of
next 5 sts

Join 1st leg & 2nd leg by This will count as 1st stitch of Sc 21 on 1st leg
inserting the hook on the last next rnd
stitch on 2nd leg into the
marked stitch on 1st leg, slst.

Sc 21 on 2nd leg Tips: If you see a hole between After finishing sc 21 on 1st leg,
2 legs, do as the next photo to dec 1 to avoid the hole
avoid the hole between 2 legs

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Continue to Sc 21 on the 2nd There are 42 sts of this rnd Countinue with the body part.
leg (21 sts on 1st leg + 21 sts on 2nd There are 4 inc stitches on 1st
leg). If the total sts of yours is rnd (2 inc stiches on each leg)
missing 1 sts, increase 1 on the
last stitch. If the total sts of
yours is more than 1 sts, dec 1
on the last stitch (as long as
this round is 42 sts)

Following the instruction on After finishing rnd 2, we will Stuffing
the Body Part have a fat belly. Following the
instruction and start stuffing at
rnd 8

Use the hook to pull the fiber Stuffing until you find it tight The body on the other side will
stuff onto the legs look like the photo

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Head Body Arms

Belly Ears Tail


Crochet the left ear with yarn A Crochet as instruction: ch 4, Rnd 8: Crochet as instruction
to rnd 7 skip 4 last sts

2 left ears Put the pink piece on top of Crochet sc around the ear with
blue piece yarn A, if come across angle,
crochet inc to keep ear shape

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Complete the left ear Fold in half, use tapestry Make the right ears the same
needle to sew 2 edges way but with different
together instructions

2 ears will look like the photo Cut 2 eyes and nose from black Glue the eyes to the head
and white felt like the photo

Attach the nose between the 2 Attach the left ear to the left Attach the left ear to the left
eyes side of the head side of the head

Attach the left ear to the left Attach the right ear as the left Attach the belly on the body
side of the head ear

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

Attach 2 arms to the body Attach the tail on the center of Attach the head to the body
the back J!

@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
@2020 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only!
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.

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