Chapter 5-Mitochondria and Aerobic Respiration - 複本
Chapter 5-Mitochondria and Aerobic Respiration - 複本
Chapter 5-Mitochondria and Aerobic Respiration - 複本
The Mitochondria, Mit
The mitochondrion (plural, mitochondria) is a membrane-bound
organelle found in most eukaryotic cells.
Mits are described as "the powerplant of the cell" because they
generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), used as a source of chemical energy.
Mits are also involved in cell signaling, cellular
differentiation, cell death, as well as maintaining the control
of the cell cycle and cell growth.
Mits have been implicated in several human diseases,
including mitochondrial disorders, cardiac dysfunction,
heart failure and even autism ( 自闭症 ).
Several unique characteristics of Mit
The number of Mit in a cell can vary widely by organism,
tissue, and cell type. For example, RBCs have no Mit,
whereas liver cells can have more than 2000. The size and
number of Mit reflects the energy requirements of the cell.
Mit is composed of compartments that carry out specialized
functions. These compartments or regions include the outer
membrane, the intermembrane space, the inner membrane,
the cristae ( 线粒体嵴 ) and matrix ( 基质 ).
The Mit plasticity is dynamically regulated. Mit proteins
vary depending on the tissue and the species. For example,
there are 615 distinct proteins identified from human
cardiac mitochondria, whereas 940 proteins found in rat.
The Mit has its own independent genome. Further, its DNA
shows substantial similarity to bacterial genomes.
The size and number of
mitochondria reflect the energy
requirements of the cell (a), a
Isolated Mit living fibroblast; (b), TEM of a
Normal RBCs from liver cells thin section through a Mit; (c),
localization of Mit in the mid-
piece of the sperm tail.
Localization of mitochondria near sites of high ATP utilization in
cardiac muscle and a sperm tail
Rapid changes of shape are observed when a
Mit is followed in a living cell.
Time-lapse micro-cinematography of
living cells shows that Mit are
remarkably mobile and plastic
organelles, constantly changing their
shape and even fusing with one another
and then separating again.
(A) 3D reconstruction of a Mit
network (green) in a yeast cell
with fluorescently labeled Mit, as
imaged by confocal microscopy.
(B) Fluorescently labeled
mammalian Mit network in a
Mitochondrial Networks: cultured fibroblast cell from an
Fusion and Division African green monkey.
The mitochondrial genome
Total 37 genes encode 2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs, and 13 proteins.
Structure properties of Mit
Double-membraned Mit forms 5 compartments
The two membranes have different properties
Mit-associated ER membrane (MAM) is another structural
element that is increasingly recognized for its critical role in
cellular physiology and homeostasis.
How can larger proteins enter the Mit through outer membrane?
Intermembrane space It is the space between the
outer and the inner
Schematic diagram of the Mit
membrane, also known as
perimitochondrial space.
The concentrations of small
molecules (?) in this space is
the same as the cytosol.
One marker protein in this
space is cytochrome c.
It contains several enzymes
use ATP to phosphorylate
other nucleotides.
Oxidation of
↓ glycolysis in cytosol
Pyruvate and NADH
↓ decarboxylation
Acetyl CoA
↓ TCA cycle
Molecular basis of
oxidative phosphorylation
A. Molecular basis of oxidation: Electron-
transport chain
NADH, Nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide
FADH2, reduced flavin
adenine dinucleotide
B. Molecular basis of phosphorylation:
ATP synthase
The structure of the ATP synthase
F1 particle is the catalytic subunit, which contains
5 types of subunits in the ratio of 3: 3: 1: 1: 1.
F0 particle attaches to F1, which contains 3 types of
subunits in the ratio of 1a : 2b : 12c, and is
embedded in the inner membrane.
The ATP synthase is a reversible coupling device
Proton translocation through F0 drives ATP synthesis
by F1: Binding Change Model and Rotational Catalysis
Boyer proposed in
1979, and was
greatly stimulated
by the publication
in 1994 of the
structure for F1
complex (X-ray)
from bovine heart
C. Mithchell’s Chemiosmotic theory (1961)
The pH and electrical gradient resulting from
transport of protons links oxidation to
When electrons are passed to carriers only able to
accept electrons, the H+ is translocated across the
inner membrane.
More than 21026 molecules (>160kg) of ATP per day in our bodies.
Electrons pass from NADH or FADH2 to O2, the terminal electron
acceptor, through a chain of carriers in the inner membrane (FMN,
Fe-S center, Heme group Fe, CoQ).
As electrons move through the electron-transport chain, H+ are
pumped out across the inner membrane, and form Proton motive
NADHO2: 3ATP/2e;
FADH2 O2 : 2ATP/2e
The proliferation and origin of Mit and Chl.
A. Organelle growth and division determine the
number of Mitochondria and Plastids in a cell
Compare the
ribosomal RNA with
the base sequence of
various bacterial
Purple bactria-