Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Once a project has been carried out, it is often useful, (though not always
9 To look back what took place in the past,
9 To compare actual progress with the plans, and
9 To judge whether the decisions and actions taken were responsible and useful.
The extent to which the objectives of a project are being realized provides the primary criterion for an
The analyst looks systematically at the elements of success and failure in the project experience to learn
how better to plan.
Evaluation is not limited only to completed projects.
It is a most important managerial tool in on-going projects as formalized evaluations may take place at
several times in the life of a project.
Evaluation may be undertaken when the project is in trouble as the first step in a re-planning effort.
Careful evaluation should precede any effort to plan for new projects and it is also needed to follow-up the
progress of projects.
Moreover, a final evaluation should be undertaken when a project is terminated or is well into routine
Different groups or units may do the evaluation of projects. Among others,
Project’s management unit often continuously evaluates its experience as implementation proceeds.
The sponsoring agency, perhaps, the operating ministry, the planning agency, or an external assistant
agency may undertake evaluation.
In large and innovative projects, the project’s administrative structure may provide a separate evaluation
unit responsible for monitoring the projects' implementation and for bringing problems to the attention of
the projects’ management.
Evaluation can help not only in the management of the project after the initial phase, but also help in the
planning of future projects.
Experience with one project can give rise to new ideas for extension of the project, repetition, need for
associating projects “vertically” that supply inputs to or process products from this project, and other
ideas that become the seeds to generate new project proposals.
2.3. The UNIDO Project Cycle
The UNIDO has established a project cycle comprising the following three distinct phases:
1. The pre - investment phase
2. The investment phase, and
3. The operating phase
Each of these three phases is divided into stages, some of which constitute important consultancy, engineering, and
industrial (manufacturing) activities.
In this regard, increasing importance should be attached to the pre-investment phase as a central point of
attention, because the success or failure of an industrial project ultimately depends on the marketing,
technical, financial, and economic findings and their interpretations, especially in the feasibility study.
To reduce wastage of scarce resources, a clear comprehension of the sequence of events is required when
developing an investment proposal from the conceptual stage by way of active promotional efforts to the
operational stage.
2.3.1. The Pre–Investment Phase
According to the UNIDO, Manual for Industrial Feasibility Study, the pre-investment phase comprises several
stages. These are:
Identification of investment opportunities (opportunity studies);
Analysis of project alternatives, preliminary project selection, and project preparation (pre-feasibility
and feasibility studies);and
Project appraisal, selection, and investment decision (specialized appraisal reports)
Support or functional studies are also part of the project preparation stage and are usually conducted separately,
for later incorporation of the findings in a pre-feasibility study or feasibility study as appropriate.
Though it is easier to grasp the scope of an opportunity study, it is not an easy task to differentiate between a
pre-feasibility and a feasibility study in view of the frequently inaccurate use of these terms.
The division of the pre-investment phase into stages
Avoids the attempt to proceeding directly from project idea generation (identification) to the final
feasibility study without examining the project idea systematically or being able to present alternative
This cuts out many feasibility studies that would have little chance of reaching the investment phase.
This also ensures that the subsequent project appraisal task, made by national or international financing
institutions, becomes an easier task when based on well-prepared studies.
All too often, project appraisal actually amounts to project preparation, given the low quality of the
feasibility study undertaken and poorly prepared document submitted.
A. Opportunity Studies
The identification of investment opportunities is the starting point in a series of investment related activities, when
potential investors (private or public) are interested in obtaining information on newly identified viable investment
In this regard, the main instrument used to quantify the parameters, information, and data required to develop a
project idea into a proposal is the opportunity study, which should analyze:
Natural resources,
The existing agricultural base (it may be the basis for agro-industries),
Future demand for consumer goods,
Imports substitution and export possibilities,
Environmental impacts (mandatory or non-revenue producing projects),
Expansions of existing capacity,
Manufacturing sector (benchmarking from other countries),
Opportunity studies are rather sketch in nature and rely more on aggregate estimates than on detailed analysis. To
this end, opportunity studies could be general or specific.
General opportunity studies, (referred to as “sector approach”), could be area studies designed to
Identify opportunities on a given area (Administrative province, backward region, etc); Industry
studies to identify opportunities in delimited industrial branch; and Resource-based studies to reveal
opportunities based on the utilization of natural, agricultural, or industrial resources.
Specific project opportunity studies, (referred to as "enterprise approach"), are seen, for instance, in
the form of products with potential for domestic manufacturing.
A specific project opportunity study may be defined as the transformation of a project idea into
a broad investment proposition.
In general,
A project opportunity study should not involve any substantial cost, as its intention is primarily to
highlight the principal investment aspects of a possible industrial proposition.
The purpose of opportunity study is to arrive at a quick and inexpensive determination of salient facts of
an investment possibility.
B. Pre-Feasibility Studies
The project idea must be elaborated in a more detailed study.
However, formulation of a feasibility study that enables a definite decision to be made on the project is a
costly and time-consuming task.
Therefore, before assigning larger funds for such a study, prior assessment of the project's idea might be
made in a pre-feasibility study.
This helps to see if:
9 However, as it relates to a vital aspect of the project, the conclusions could be clear enough to give
directions to the subsequent stage of project preparation.
9 In most cases, a support study when undertaken either before or together with a feasibility study,
form an integral part of the latter and lessen its burden and cost.
D. Feasibility Studies
A feasibility study should provide all data necessary for an investment decision.
The commercial, technical, financial, economic, and environment prerequisites for an investment project
should, therefore, be defined, refined, and critically examined based on alternative solutions already
reviewed in the pre- feasibility study.
The results of these efforts is then a project whose background conditions and aims have been clearly
defined in terms of its control objective and possible marketing strategies, the possible market shares that
can be achieved, the corresponding production capacities, the plant location, existing raw materials,
appropriate technology and mechanical equipment and, if required, an environmental impact assessment.
The financial part of the study covers the scope of the investment, including the net working capital, the production
and marketing costs, sales revenue, and the return on capital invested.
Final estimates on investment and production costs and its subsequent calculations of financial and
economic profitability are only meaningful if the scope of the project is defined unequivocally in order not
to omit any essential part and its related cost.
There is no uniform approach or pattern to cover all industrial projects of whatever type, size, or category in such
The emphasis on the components varies from project to project.
For most industrial projects, however, there is a broad format of general application – bearing in mind that
the larger the project the more complex will be the information required.
Although feasibility studies are similar in content to pre-feasibility studies, the industrial investment project
must be worked out with the greatest accuracy in an iterative optimization process, with feedback and inter-
linkages, including the identification of commercial, technical, and entrepreneurial risks.
The sensitive parameters such as the size of the market, the production program, or the mechanical equipments
selected should be examined more closely.
Moreover, a feasibility study should be carried out only if the necessary financing facilities, as determined by the
studies, can be identified with a faire degree of accuracy.
There would be little sense in a feasibility study without the reliable assurance that, in the event of positive
study findings, funds could be made available.
For that reason, possible project financing must be considered as early as the feasibility study stage,
because financing conditions have direct effects on total costs and, thus, on the financial feasibility of the
E. Appraisal Report
When a feasibility study is completed, various parties will carry out their own appraisal of the investment project in
accordance with their individual objectives and evaluation of expected risks, costs, and gains.
Large investment and development finance institutions have a formalized project appraisal procedure and
usually prepare appraisal reports.
This is the reason why project appraisal should be considered an independent stage of the pre-investment
phase, marked by the final investment and financing decisions taken by the project promoters.
The appraisal report will prove whether the pre-production expenditures spent since the initiation of the
project idea were well spent or not.
Project appraisal as carried out by financial institutions concentrates on the health of the company to be
financed, the returns to be obtained by equity holders, and the protection of its creditors.
The techniques applied to appraise projects in line with these criteria center around technical, commercial,
market, managerial, organizational, financial, and, possibly, socio-economic aspects.
2.3.2. The Investment/Implementation Phase
The investment or implementation phase of a project provides wide scope for consultancy and engineering work,
primarily in the field of project management.
The short-term view relates to the initial, after commencement of production period, when a number of
problems may arise concerning such matters as the applications of production techniques, operation of
equipment, or inadequate labor productivity owing to lack of qualified staff and labor.
9 Most of these problems have their origin in the implementation phase and hence, relatively easy to
overcome as there is learning over time.
The long-term view relates to chosen strategies and the associated production and marketing costs as well
as sales revenues.
9 These have direct relationships with the projections made at the pre-investment phase.
9 If such strategies and projections prove faulty, any remedial measures will not only be difficult but
may prove highly expensive.
The given outline of the investment and operating phases of an industrial project is undoubtedly an
oversimplification for many projects, and, in fact, certain other aspects maybe revealed that even have greater short-
term or long-term impacts.
2.4. The DEPSA’s Project Cycle
There are various ways in which the project cycle may be viewed and portrayed depending on the purpose,
emphasis, and detail required to illustrate. According to the Guidelines to project planning in Ethiopia (1990) of
Development Project Studies Authority (DEPSA), the project cycle comprises three major phases.
1. Pre - investment phase,
2. Investment phase, and
3. Operating phase
Each of these three phases may be divided into stages. The Guideline has divided the above phases into six stages as
1. Identification,
2. Preparation,
3. Appraisal/decision,
4. Implementation,
5. Operation, and
6. Ex-post evaluation
The pre-investment phase consists of the first three stages, while the investment phase includes the fourth stage, and
the operation phase covers the last two stages.
A project cycle, in other words, means the various stages of information gathering and decision-making,
which take place between a project’s inception and completion.
In reality, these are somewhat artificial, but do serve to emphasize the need to think of project planning as a
process of decision-making taking place over time.
Broadly speaking, what is important about this process is that it should begin with the identification of a
number of alternatives, suing (obtaining) existing information, and gathering new data in such a way as to
limit alternatives under consideration to those few, which are most promising.
Throughout the project cycle, the primary preoccupation of the analyst is to consider alternatives, evaluate them, and
to make decisions as to which of them should be advanced to the next stage.
In short, the project planning process is essentially a task of eliminating less viable ideas and alternatives; and in the
continuum, the planner naturally hopes that the best alternative will emerge. In this process:
The results and/or outputs of a given stage serve as the input or part of the input of the next stage, if it
is decided to proceed to the next stage;
The output or part of the output of one stage may be used as new input (feedback) to reconsider or
revise, where necessary, the results of proceeding stages; and
Most importantly, the results of the implementation, operation, and ex-post evaluation stages of a
project constitute valuable experience for the preparation of subsequent projects, provided these inputs
are systematically documented and analyzed.
Summary of the UNIDO Cycle
Opportunity Study
(Market & Demand, Capacity,
Input, Techno, Location analysis)
Project Conception
Project Conception