2023 10 10 Passwords Personal Protection Karampelas

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International Air Force Semester


Cyber Warfare
Defensive Cyberspace Operations
Panagiotis Karampelas
Hellenic Air Force Academy

02 November 2022
01 Personal Defence
01 Personal Defence
Let’s talk about passwords

How many
passwords do
you have?
Let’s talk about passwords

How do you
remember all
Let’s talk about passwords

Do any of the following apply to you?

• I use the same password for multiple
websites, or software.
• I save my passwords in my browser.
• I have some passwords that are very
short (eight or less characters).
• Someone else in my life knows all of
my passwords.
What happens when we create a

• Usually, the password is stored as a hash value

• A hash is a value that gets calculated from math
formulas and sets of rules (i.e., an algorithm)
• There are many different hashing algorithms

HAFA_lms*124 17e35d0ad3f405223bea4fbb9c31b97d
What happens when we create a
• There are many different hashing algorithms
▪ md2, md4, md5
▪ sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512
▪ ripemd128, ripemd160, ripemd256, ripemd320
• Hashes cannot be decrypted

HAFA_lms*124 b855c8420964af368e811731f0bf030c
How do we login into a system
• We enter the same password as before
• It goes through the same hashing algorithm as
• It simply compares the new hash value with what
was stored when you created your account

HAFA_lms*124 b855c8420964af368e811731f0bf030c
If that is the case then how?

Lecture 05
How was my password cracked?

• The password was • The password was

leaked in a data entered in a
breach malicious website
• The database of a • The hacker installed
service/vendor was a keylogger in my PC
acquired by a hacker • The hacker retrieved
• The hacker managed the password file
to guess the from my PC and
password cracked it
Data Breaches
Lecture 05
• 32 million emails and passwords
• 10% could be used as they were in PayPal
Major data breach in 2009
*numbers in millions
Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Panagiotis Karampelas, and Reda Alhajj. "A password creation and validation system for
social media platforms based on big data analytics." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-21.
World's Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks, https://www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/worlds-biggest-data-breaches-hacks/

• On Tuesday, February 2, 2022, COMB was leaked on

a popular hacking forum
• It is a database called COMB or Compilation of
Many Breaches and contains more than 3.2 billion
unique pairs of cleartext emails and passwords
• The user credentials come from past leaks from
Netflix, LinkedIn, Exploit.in, Bitcoin and more
• It is the biggest breach of all time (data for almost
70% of the Internet users worldwide)
Defensive Cyberspace Operations
Has my password leaked?

Lecture 05
Tools to use to find if my password
has been compromised
• I can check whether my password has leaked
• I can see in which list my password is
▪ https://haveibeenpwned.com

• I can check whether my email has been included in

any of the data breaches
• I can also see the available password
▪ https://www.proxynova.com/tools/comb/

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

How was my password
Lecture 05
People are predictable
• Family names, pet
names, etc.
• Same or derived from
• Application name
• Keyboard sequences
• English common words
• Common non-English
• Words with capitalization
(PaSsWorD) and
substitutions (0 for O)
Lecture 05
We analyzed
found in a

Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Panagiotis Karampelas, and Reda Alhajj. "A password creation and validation system for
social media platforms based on big data analytics." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-21.
Password length
Percentage of passwords per length

Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Panagiotis Karampelas, and Reda Alhajj. "A password creation and validation system for
social media platforms based on big data analytics." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-21.
Most frequent password
Most frequent patterns in passwords with length 10

Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Panagiotis Karampelas, and Reda Alhajj. "A password creation and validation system for
social media platforms based on big data analytics." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-21.
Most frequent password
Most frequent number patterns in passwords with length 5

Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Panagiotis Karampelas, and Reda Alhajj. "A password creation and validation system for
social media platforms based on big data analytics." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-21.
Most frequent password
Most frequent keyboard patterns and numbers in passwords

Xylogiannopoulos, Konstantinos F., Panagiotis Karampelas, and Reda Alhajj. "A password creation and validation system for
social media platforms based on big data analytics." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (2019): 1-21.
How these passwords were
• Brute Force attack
▪ Try all combinations, e.g. aaa, aab, aac, …
▪ Often aided with a Rainbow Table -> pre-computed hash
values for all possible combinations of an “alphabet”

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

How these passwords were
• Dictionary attack
▪ Note that the “dictionary” could be any list of words,
including a list of known passwords
▪ Words are also tried with common letter-to-number or
letter-to- symbol substitutions, e.g. cat, {at, (at, <at,
c@t, …
▪ It is common now to also try combinations of dictionary
words, e.g. catdog, dogcat

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

How these passwords were
• Mask (Pattern, Rule) attack
▪ Takes advantage of human naming conventions
▪ Try all combinations with a few restrictions
▪ First letter capital
▪ All other letters lowercase
▪ Following a series of letters is a series of numbers
- e.g. Fall2022, Andrew2000

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

Rainbow Tables

• We can speedup cracking by using a hash table

▪ Dictionary of passwords with associated hashes
▪ Contains passwords from charset within length range
• Problem: hash tables require huge storage space

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

Password Cracking Tools

• L0phtCrack
• John the Ripper
• Ophcrack
• Burp Suite
• CeWL
• Hashcat
• THC-Hydra

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

Let’s crack a password

Lecture 05
MD5 hashed password

• We will create the MD5 hash for the password

▪ https://www.tools4noobs.com/online_tools/hash/

• We will then use rainbow tables to crack the

▪ https://crackstation.net

• Repeat the same process with SHA1 or SHA512

Defensive Cyberspace Operations
Password creation rules

• Password should be 10 characters long or longer

▪ Makes it difficult to brake
• It must be unique for each site and system used
▪ If one password is exposed, the rest remain safe
• It should be kept safe and secure
▪ Prevents others from seeing or using it

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

Cracking a password

• We need to calculate the possible combination of

the alphabet
• For each character in a password:
▪ Lowercase letters: 26 possible characters.
▪ Adding numbers to the above: 36 possible characters (26
+ 10 [0 through 9]).
▪ Adding uppercase letters to the above: 62 possible
characters (26 + 10 + 26).
▪ Adding symbols to the above: 96 possible characters (26
+ 10 + 26 + 34).
Defensive Cyberspace Operations
Cracking a password

• The formula for the total number of possible

character combinations for a password is 96x,
where x is the length of the password
• If the password length is 8 then we have:
▪ 968 = 7,213,895,789,838,336

• How much time is needed to crack the password?

▪ Depends on the available infrastructure

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

Time needed to brute force a
password in 2022


Defensive Cyberspace Operations

Defensive Cyberspace Operations
02 November 2022

International Air Force Semester


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not
constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the
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made of the information contained therein.

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

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