Pho Orientation Reviewer
Pho Orientation Reviewer
Pho Orientation Reviewer
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
2. Relief International
3. World Health Organization
4. Lions Club
• A healthy Pilipinas where health-seeking
individuals, health-enabling setting, and health-
supporting governance are present and
achieving optimum health is possible
• To make healthy behavior the easier choice for
everyone, every time, everywhere
• Filipinos are health literate, settings are health
1. Major Health Event Partners
enabling, and public policies are health-
Goal: strengthen, support, and widen reach of
observances/celebrations supporting
o Hosting of event and logistics support
o External financing
o Resources persons and technical
o Promotion of activity
2. Regular Health Event Partners
Goal: deload HPB/HPU with conduct of regular
health observances/celebrations
o Co-branding of society/organization
o Promotion of regular health event
o Dissemination of Communication
Important Stakeholders/Program Partners:
1. UNICEF Health Promotion Governance
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
Health Settings
• Healthy Communities – any level of local
Components of the LHS ML: Levels of Progress government unit where (1) the physical, social,
• Preparatory Level (Level 1) – covers KRAs political and economic factors that make up the
relating to preparatory works and other environment of the population are promotive
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
• The Sa Booster PinasLakas Campaign aims to • Ensuring that all Filipinos, especially the
sustain the success of the country’s COVID disadvantaged groups, have equitable access to
vaccination program. The campaign pushes this affordable health care
by highlighting the positive effects of • The LGUs assume primary responsibility over
vaccination in our social and economic recovery, the delivery of health services and the provision
as well as communicating the safety and efficacy of health facilities
of vaccines for us to achieve a “wall of • The DOH in coordination with LGUs, designed
immunity” against COVID. mechanisms for a comprehensive approach to
health care delivery
Partner Involvement for broader reach and
• Healthy and productive individuals towards a
“Leprosy Free Philippines”
• Sustain elimination of leprosy as a public health
Indigenous People Health Program problem thru quality comprehensive and
Indigenous People integrated health services
• Refer to a group of people sharing common
bonds of language, customs, traditions and Leprosy
other distinctive cultural traits • Since 1997, Leprosy elimination goal is attained
• A common characteristic of indigenous people is and sustained to less than 1 per 10,000
their close attachment to ancestral land, population
territory and resources. The world view that • World Leprosy Day is celebrated every last
“land is life” is deeply embedded in their Sunday of January
existence. • Leprosy control week is celebrated every last
week of February
• Indigenous people are among the poorest and
most marginalized sectors of Philippine Society
What is Leprosy?
• Indigenous Peoples’ communities can be found
in the interiors of Luzon, Mindanao and some • Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by
islands in Visayas like Mangyan in Mindoro. And Mycobacterium leprae, an acid fast, rod-shared
AETAS living in the community of PUTING bacillus that mainly affects the skin, peripheral
KAHOY, ROSARIO, BATANGAS nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract
and eyes
Universal Health Care Did you know?
• The Aquino Health Agenda (AHA), contains the • Leprosy is also known as “Hansen’s Disease”
operational strategy called Kalusugan because it was discovered by a Norwegian
Pangkalahatan (KP), which aims to achieve physician, Dr. Gerhard Armauer Hansen in 1873
universal health care for all Filipinos • It has a very long incubation period which
• Kalusugan Pangkalahatan is directed towards ranges from 5 to 15 years
achieving better health outcomes, sustained • Leprosy is an infectious disease directly
financing, and responsive health systems transmitted from man to man
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
Diagnosis of Leprosy
• Mainly based on clinical signs and symptoms
• Only rare instances is there a need to use
laboratory and other investigations to confirm a
diagnosis of leprosy
• Cardinal signs:
o Hypo-pigmented or reddish skin
lesion(s) with definite sensory loss
o Peripheral nerve damage, as
demonstrated by loss of sensation and
muscle weakness in the hands, feet
and/ or face
o Positive slit skin smear
• Other signs of leprosy are: Classification of Leprosy according to WHO
o Skin lesion(s) with decrease or loss of • Paucibacillary (PB) – 2 to 5 skin lesions
sweating and/or hair growth • Multibacillary (MB) – more than 5 skin lesions
o Constant redness in the eyes from
irritation and dryness
o Loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
o Nasal congestion/obstruction and
frequent nosebleed
o Collapse of nose bridge
o Enlargement of breast in males
o Mobile or stiff clawing of fingers and
o Chronic ulcers, usually in the sole of the
foot, palm of the hands and fingers
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
Side Effects:
• Rifampicin – may cause slightly reddish
discoloration of urine within a few hours after
intake: patient may experience body malaise,
joins and muscle pains
• Clofazimine – gastric irritation; skin
discoloration (disappears a few months after
stopping treatment)
• Dapsone – side effects are rare some patients
may develop allergic reactions causing itchy
rashes and exfoliative dermatitis
Contraindications to MDT:
• Cases with sever liver and kidney disease
• Severe hypersensitivity to any of the MDT drugs
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
• Severe anemia
• BCG Immunization
• Avoid prolonged exposure to person with
• Consult a health personnel if you think you have
symptom/s of leprosy
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
• About 26,000 Filipinos die from TB annually, tool for systematic screening in health facilities
which translates to 70 deaths per day amongst all consults
• Ask for the following signs and symptoms
lasting for 2 weeks or more
o Cough
o Unexplained weight loss
o Night sweat
o Unexplained fever
Diagnosis Policies
• A Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT), such as Xpert
MTB/Rif test, shall be the primary diagnostic
tool for PTB and EPTB in adults and children
• All presumptive TB patients who are at high
risk for MDR-TB shall be referred for XPERT
National Tuberculosis Program Manual of MTB/RIF Testing, If not accessible, a sputum
Procedures 6th Edition transport system shall be referred to the
Focused on the technical approach to patient care nearest health facility with DR-TB Services
• Cascade of Care for screening
o Screening • For presumptive EPTB cases, the body fluid
o Diagnosis or biopsy samples that are appropriate for
o Treatment Xpert MTB/RIF Testing shall be obtained
o Preventive Treatment
• Emphasis on patient-centered care Procedures
• Presumptive TB must be identified and
Screening Policies diagnosed through bacteriologic confirmation
1. Systematic Screening shall be implemented in all health o Collection of the necessary specimens
facilities for testing
• Identification of presumptive TB o Performing the tests (GeneXpert, Smear,
Microscopy, TrueNAT, TB LAMP)
• In target group
o Making diagnosis based on the results
• Using examinations or other procedures (cxr,
o But not if bacteriologic testing is
negative or not available/accessible,
• Intensified Case Finding (ICF) physician shall decide on clinical
o If done in health facilities (e.g., Cxr diagnosis based on best clinical
vouchers) judgement
• Active Case Finding (ACF)
o If done in the community using Diagnosis Policies
mobile Cxr
• Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) – an adjuvant when
• Enhanced Case Finding (ECF) there is doubt to make clinical diagnosis of TB in
o House to house visits using symptom children
o Either 5-TU or 2-TU strength are
2. Symptom screening using any of the four cardinal regarded as similar in producing
signs and symptoms shall be the primary screening induration indicative of TB infection
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
o For children, PLHIV and MDR TB risk drugs according to national standards of quality as
groups, trained health workers shall do set by the FDA.
the testing and reading 4. Treatment adherence shall be ensured through
o POSTIVE TST patient-centered approaches. Treatment support
▪ An induration of at least 10mm shall be provided by health workers, community
regardless of BCG vaccination volunteers, or family members.
▪ Or 5 mm in 5. Treatment response shall be monitored through
immunocompromised children ( follow-up SM and clinical assessment.
severely malnourished) 6. All adverse drug reactions (ADR) shall be reported
• All laboratories providing TB diagnostic test using the official reporting form of the Food and Drug
whether public or private, shall participate in the Administration (FDA) and managed accordingly.
Quality Assurance (QA) system of the NTP 7. TB Patients aged 15 years old and above shall be
• A TB Medical Advisory Committee (TB MAC) shall offered Provider-initiated HIV counselling and testing
be established at least per region to provide according to the phased implementation of the TB-
clinical expertise and guidance in the diagnosis of HIV collaboration.
clinically-diagnosed Drug-resistant TB and 8. TB patients aged 25 years old and above shall be
management of difficult TB and DR TB cases screened for diabetes
Treatment Policies
1. All diagnosed DSTB cases shall be provided with
appropriate anti-TB treatment within 5 working days Registration Groups of TB Patients
from collection of sputum. • New – never had treatment for TB or has taken
2. Standard treatment for DSTB shall be given based on anti-TB drugs for less than 1 month
results of Xpert MTB/Rif. If Xpert MTB/Rif Test or any • Retreatment – has been treated before with
other DST is not done, history of treatment will be anti-TB drugs for at least 1 month. This includes
used as basis for the regimen. the ff:
3. Quality of anti-TB drugs shall be ensured by ordering o Relapse – previously treated for TB and
from a sour with a track record of producing first-line declared cured or treatment complete,
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
monitoring, and evaluation of health policies, • health care professional who may be doctor of
programs and plans and; medicine or any other allied professional duly
• A people-oriented approach for the delivery of licensed to practice in the Philippines
health services that is centered on people’s • community-based health care organization,
needs and well-being, and cognizant in the which is an association of members of
differences of culture, values, and beliefs. community for the purpose of improving the
health status of that community
Two types of coverage • pharmacies or drug outlets, labs, and diagnostic
• Population Coverage – all Filipino citizens are clinics
automatically included into the National Health
Insurance Program (PhilHealth). Health care provider network
• Service coverage – every Filipino shall be granted • group of primary to tertiary care providers,
immediate eligibility and access to preventive, whether public or private, offering people
curative, rehabilitative, and palliative care, can centered and comprehensive care in an
either be delivered through population-based or integrated and coordinated manner
individual-based services. (Ways on how health
services can be delivered).
o Population-based health services –
Interventions such as health promotion,
disease surveillance, and vector control,
have populations or groups as recipients.
(pang-malawakan ang approach)
o Individual-based health services – services
that can be accessed remotely that can be
definitively traced back to 1 recipient; has PRIMARY CARE
limited effect on population level and does • initial contact, accessible, continuous,
not alter underlying cause of illness. (pang- comprehensive, and coordinated care.
isahang approach)
• health care worker
Financial Coverage
• Population-based health services – financed by
National Government; free of charge for all Filipinos
• first contact care, comprehensive care, providing
continuing care; coordinating care and managing
• Individual-based health services – financed
patient records
primarily through prepayment mechanisms such as
health insurance, private health insurance, and HMO POPULATION-BASED
plans; ensure predictability of health expenditures • promoting health, implementing
(PhiliHealth, private insurance, HMO) public/population health.
Definition of terms • ability to provide health services with a time
Health care provider frame appropriate to the urgency of the health
• health facility which may be public or private, problem.
devoted primarily to the provision of services for COMPREHENSIVE PRIMARY CARE
health promotion • ability to provide range of health services meet
common needs across all life stages. -it guides
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
• Don’t put garlic, rocks, and others. I. Infant and Young Child Feeding Program
• Do not bleed the wound. (IYCF)
• Don’t go to “tandok o albularyo”. 1) It covers the enforcement of E.O 51 or
• Do not kill and release the animals. commonly known as the MILK CODE.
• E.O 51 (MILK CODE)
Mga paalala para makaiwas sa Rabies: o It regulates the marketing of infant field
• Be a responsible pet owner—make sure to formula, other milk products, and
always vaccinate your pets annually, lock them beverages, as well as feeding bottles and
up, and tie them if possible. needs.
• If bitten, make a schedule for a consultation and o This program also covers the
vaccination at the nearest Animal Bite Treatment enforcement of RA 10028 or the
Center. Expanded Exclusive BreastFeeding in the
• Always remind the children to report if they are Workplace Law.
bitten by the dog or cats. • RA 10028 (Expanded Exclusive BreastFeeding in
the Workplace Law)
Nutrition Services o The policy adopts rooming-in and
establishment of lactation stations in the
workplace to encourage, protect, and
• To manage and organize efforts of government,
support the practice of breastfeeding.
private sector, and other stakeholders at all levels
o Enforcement of RA 11148 popularly
in addressing malnutrition of Batangueños
known as the Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng
Mag Nanay Act or First 1000 Days.
o Policy and program formulation and
• RA 11148 (Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng MagNanay
Act or First 1000 Days)
o Capacity development;
o It is an act scaling at the national and
o Promotion of good nutrition;
local health and nutrition programs
o Resource generation and mobilization;
through a strengthened integrated
o Advocacy;
strategy for maternal, neonatal, child
o Partnership and alliance building
health, and nutrition in the first 1000
days of life
• The family, community & health providers that o Proper introduction of complementary
work together to make the attainment of good feeding (Timely, Adequate, Safe &
nutrition and optimum health, a way of every Properly Fed).
Filipino. o Home fortification of complementary
o The Philippine Plan of Action for foods through the use of multiple
Nutrition lays on the target direction & micronutrient powder.
priority action to achieve nutrition
targets that are in turn based on the
nutrition situations.
o Mass weighing of 0-59 months old
CATEGORIES: children every 1st quarter of the year.
A. SPECIFIC PROGRAMS That would be the baseline data for
o address immediate causes of intervention.
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
B. Iron Supplementation
o Pregnant Mothers
A. Nutritional Assessment (Identification of SAM)
▪ 1 tablet once a day as soon as
B. Food ration for mass supplementary feeding
pregnancy is determined. A total
C. Multiple micronutrient powder
of 180 tablets.
D. Vitamin & Mineral supplementation E. Nutrition
o Lactating and post-partum mothers:
education (IYCL- exclusive breastfeeding)
▪ Give 1 tablet once a day for 90
E. Establishment of LACTATION STATION in
evacuation centers
o Female adolescence (10-19y/o)
▪ Give 1 tablet once a week for 6
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
A. promotion and healthy lifestyle in community, • implies that people are able to have responsible,
school, and workplace safe, consensual, and satisfying sex life and have
B. media campaign on increased consumption of the capability to reproduce and freedom to
fruits, vegetables and root crops decide if, when, and how often to do so
C. Wellness programs like Zumba and any exercise • men and women attain equal relationships
program & diet lectures/counseling related to sexual relations and reproduction.
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer
11. Age- and development – appropriate RH • National and local government cooperation in
education for adolescents in formal & non implementation
formal educational settings • Participation of the Private sector, Academe,
o Batangas had implemented the Basic Sector, and Civil Society Organizations
reproductive health education program • Continuous monitoring & review of programs
among adolescents in collaboration with
private partners and donations from
other stakeholders.
12. Mental health aspect of RH care
o In the context of RPRH, there should be
a healthy and positive attitude and
perspective towards reproductive health
BSN 2105 PHO Reviewer