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Jameel Ahmed Qureshi1*, Dr. Muhammad Ali Pasha2, Dr. Sikandar Hussain Soomro3
1Ph.D Scholar Faculty of Education, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
* [email protected]
Even though in the environment of the classroom, students and teachers stand the prime performers, but usually they possess dissimilar
perceptions of relation and instructional characteristics of the classroom. Regarding the way and degree through which these perceptions touch
possibly can diverge across changed school and class contexts. Opinions and individual characteristics as well as school and class context, are
showing to affect teacher and student perceptions of their environment. As well, the study specifies the variances in perceptions that ensue not
between students and teachers only, but also amongst individual students inside the classrooms. Despite these variances, this study confirmations
the perceptions of the superiority of the school classroom social environment contain suggestions for equal student and teacher consequences.
Therefore, to comprehend the connection between outcomes and perceptions, it is more significant to comprehend the features that influence
perceptions. So, the present research studied (1) the degree to which students and teachers in elementary and secondary institute settle nearby the
social environment of the classroom, (2) the degree to which social environment of the classroom of elementary institute students’ and teachers’
perceptions of the social environment of classroom differ from secondary institute students’ and teachers’ perceptions, (3) and the degree to
which classroom, schools, and individual student factors support to clarify student perceptions of their classroom social environment
accordingly. Although, from sociocultural various public and private elementary and secondary schools, the sample included eighth- and ninth-
grade students and teachers. Likert Scale questionnaire and interviews were used to analyze the result from ANOVA, chi-square test, and t-test
to obtain mean value, standard deviation, percentage, and significant values respectively. Results indicated from these statistical analyzes that
sociocultural arrangement and gender of the classroom, socioeconomic status of the school, as well as student and teacher beliefs, and
demographics, affect both student and teacher perceptions of classroom social environment. The findings of this study can help researchers
develop appropriate teaching strategies for specific teacher and student groups, as well as increase knowledge of the factors that affect youths'
and teachers' experiences in the classroom.
Social Environment; Classroom; Teacher Student Perception; Elementary School; Secondary School
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
environment of students and teachers viewing similarly or 2. To what degree for teachers' and students’ factors
differently in the classroom (Mutlu & Yıldırım, 2019). support examining the perceptions of the teacher and
It is most important to examine perceptions of the social students of the social environment in the schoolroom?
environment in the schoolroom while converting from
elementary to secondary school. Patrick & Ryan, (2003) Hypotheses of the study
Some null hypothesis was tested to study:
described that during this conversion, student’s involvement
in school contextual variations, including changes to Null Hypothesis Ho1: There is no ideal relationship
instructional performs, schoolroom structure, theoretical between the perceptions of elementary and secondary school
opportunities, and relations with teachers and peers. The students and teachers in the social environment of the
on schoolchildren's adjustment in school. The classroom Null Hypothesis Ho2: There is no relationship between the
social environment also has imperative inferences for perceptions of elementary and secondary students and
teachers, especially the socio-emotional dimension (Patrick teachers from public and private sectors regarding the social
& Ryan, 2003). Bascia, (2014), gave suggestions that environment of the classroom.
helpful teacher-student relations are interrelated with greater Justification/rationale of the study
In the generating of the social environment in the classroom,
levels of teacher-reported satisfaction and inspiration,
a critical role is played by teachers to shape the encouraging
however, teacher-student relationships with high levels of
and motivational framework and the nature of schoolchild
conflict are associated with higher levels of teacher-reported
collaboration. Current schoolroom perception studies are
negative feelings including unhappiness, stress, depression,
indicated by researchers to exist ignore the role of different
lower self-efficacy, and tension (Bascia, 2014).
influences that may be the outcome in educationalists for
Objectives of the study
1. To examine the classroom's social environment betterment (Wang, L. Degol, Amemiya, Parr, & Guo, 2020),
concerning teacher and student perceptions. and school psychologist discouragement the usefulness of
2. To investigate the implications of the relationship instructional intercessions. A range of communicative and
between teacher prospects and perceptions of similar instructional decisions influences the social environment in
actions of school children in the social environment in the schoolroom by opinions about the goal line or
the classroom, as well as educator demographics. determination or classroom strained relations, procedures
3. To compare elementary and secondary school children (Wang, L. Degol, Amemiya, Parr, & Guo, 2020).
and teachers’ perceptions of the social environment in Therefore, it is to be used importance to think
the classroom from public and private sectors. comprehension that perceptions of teacher and students to
regulate that which schoolroom dimensions of teacher and
Purpose and Research Questions student have lower or higher convergent. Characteristic of
The current study shows a qualitative and quantitative the schoolroom social environment will help to control that
mixed-method to examine the perceptions of students and which teacher generate schoolroom environment that has
teachers regarding the social environment of the classroom been certainly construed by students. Additionally, the
included students of eighth class elementary school and results and findings of this study will help for promoting the
students of ninth class secondary school. probabilities for school psychologists and administration to
Followings are the Research Questions engage additional professionals and support development
1. How perceptions of student and teacher of the social for teachers by generating a good classroom atmosphere for
environment in the schoolroom differ from the them and often their students respectively.
perceptions of the student and teacher of the social
environment in the schoolroom?
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
Statement of the Problem classroom individually. This research study will help to
The social environment in the classroom is a multifaceted understand the changes to train the teacher and student
framework that incorporates both educational and social psychology to resolve the problems, issues, and other related
elements. Educational components emphasize relationships things for improving schoolroom common atmosphere.
with teachers and students, and emotional support, while My current research study will also useful and suitable work
social components emphasize relationships and emotional for the Pakistani Govt, head of the institute, principals, and
support with teachers and students. Students need to have other education officers to boost up the elementary and
both the educational and social elements of a healthy secondary schools for determining all the types of
classroom social environment. In the social setting of the interaction amongst schoolchild and educators’ perceptions,
auxiliary classroom, Students' learning and competency are ideas, and views for a common environment in the
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
schoolchildren's perceptions of the classroom (Hofman, As also explained by Blazer and Kraft in 2017, that different
Hofman, & Guldemond, 2001). while examining the degree gender like male and female may create a dynamic role to
of essential constructions of the schoolroom goal. make good sense in the schoolroom for building up good
Patrick and Ryan (2003), proving that the importance of ideas and perceptions of social environment about scholars
educators they described performance styles for education and trainers which show the factors and characters of
and its relations toward the student performance and teacher individual that influence the observations at multiple stages
instructional mirror observes (Patrick & Ryan, 2003). As (Blazar & Kraft, 2017).
described by (Patrick & Ryan, 2003), that the value of Methodology
common atmosphere is the emotional feelings in the The current study was based upon mixed procedures like
schoolroom towards the educators and scholars, Ryan & qualitative (visual or non-numerical data) and quantitative
Patrick, 2003, which determining factor the socio sensitive (numerical data) has been selected for analyzing the set of
situation of the schoolroom. data. The Survey technique has often been chosen by the
According to (Gillies, 2004), he established his ideas that researcher for completing this study work respectively.
common behavior and emotions of students are promoting
that have also been understudied, despite the significant role
Current study based upon the following populations:
of instructor which plays an appropriate role to foster a
1. Students of the eighth class from the elementary
positive schoolroom atmosphere. While conducting a study
section and students of the ninth class from the
of (Akey, 2006), explained their opinions about the common
second section have been chosen by public and
atmosphere of schoolroom that how scholar and educators
private sectors at Taluka Kotri.
intermingle to each other which is affected by common
2. Teachers have also been selected from elementary
models, ethics, behavior that have been often cherished by
and secondary sections regarding public and
their characters and displayed their aspects by the help of
private sectors at Taluka Kotri.
the teacher (Akey, 2006).
Sample Size and Sampling
Teaching space is an encouraging socio-emotional
The process of selecting the sample of the representative
atmosphere that tends to stand-in schoolchildren
population to study research work is called sampling and
intelligence, sense, and wisdom of free population and civil
selection of a subset of the representative population is
community, that’s have been boosting up to interact
called sample. In this current study, random probability
positively and esteem to new educated generations (Hust et
sampling has been used to draw a sample to complete
al., 2013) for common atmosphere regarding pupil and
different statistical tests. The current sample is based upon
trainer perceptions individually which show their ability and
public and private elementary and secondary sections mean
good characters of all (Hurst, Wallace, & Nixon, 2013).
2 schools have also been chosen, and (32) students have
Therefore, equality of gender, sex, and ethnicity are also the
been selected as a sample from both the sectors including
significant research study while conducting the work Fan et
(16) from each sector, while (08), teachers have often been
al., 2011; for perceptions of the scholars, trainers, and expert
chosen from public and private sections as a sample
to avoid discriminations among them based on sex, race or
including (4) from each sector at Taluka Kotri.
ethnicity, society Villase and Bank., 2014; and other factors
that are not relevant to your classwork and maintain the
Tool Development
equality and remove the gender disparity amongst the
Current research work was based upon the following tool
scholars and trainers to make suitable relations between
them in the schoolroom of the common atmosphere (Villase
➢ Questionnaire for the same students and teacher
& Bank, 2014).
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
Likert Scale Description the interrelation among sector and population for instance S
× P based on question numbering one. ANOVA, Chi-test &
Table 2. Likert Scale Description t-test have been used to analyses procurement mean,
Description Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly standard deviation, percentage, significant and non-
Agree Disagree significant values. That has been described in the given
Scores 5 4 3 2 1 table. It might be got the consequence of the significance of
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
P (P ≤ 0.02 used for SA & ≤ 0.03 meant for A), despite the interrelation among sector and population for instance S × P
consequence of S (P 1.00 designed for SA & 0.88 intended based on question numbering one. ANOVA, Chi-test & t-
for A) and interrelation result of P × S (P ≤0.88 aimed at A) test have been used to analyses procurement mean, standard
that represent the non-significant result. Rendering towards deviation, percentage, significant and non-significant values.
the value of mean in table one that participants from both That has been described in the given table. It might be got
sectors gave their opinions as strongly agree 3.96 meant for the consequence of the significance of P (P ≤ 0.24 used for
private and public sectors as well 5.0 used for teachers and SA & ≤ 0.24 meant for A), despite the consequence of S (P
3.87 intended for students. As concerning A, a set of data ≤0.71 designed for SA & 0.71 intended for A) and
presents the variance amongst the public & private which interrelation result of P × S (P ≤0.52 aimed at SA & A) that
might be gained 0.83 & 0.72 correspondingly. Moreover, represent the non-significant result. Rendering towards the
0.00 value of mean attained by the teacher and 0.84 mean value of mean in table one that participants from both
value attained by the students as A. There is no response sectors gave their opinions as strongly agree 3.69 meant for
given by the participants about Undecided (UD), Disagree public and 3.60 intended for private sectors as well 3.06
(D), & Strongly Disagree (SD). used for teachers and 3.70 intended for students. As
Table 3. The teacher makes a special effort to identify concerning A, a set of data presents the variance amongst
student’s improvement, even if they are lower grade
the public & private which might be gained 1.12 & 1.o5
Basis of Scale of Likert correspondingly. Moreover, 1.56 value of mean attained by
Variableness SA A UD D SD the teacher and 1.04 mean value attained by the students as
Sectors (S) 01.00 (ns) ..2
… … A. There is no response given by the participants about
Populations (P) 00.02** 00.03** …. … … Undecided (UD), Disagree (D), & Strongly Disagree (SD).
S×P ….. …. … … Table 4. Teacher increases the capability of student
Sectors (Mean ± SE3) perceptions of classroom social environment.
03.96 ± 00.83 ± Basis of Scale of Likert
Publics …. … …. Variableness SA A UD D SD
00.19 a 00.15 a
03.96 ± 00.72 ± Sectors (S) 00.71 ns 00.71 ns …. … …
Privates …. … …. Populations (P) 00.24 ns 00.24 ns …. … …
00.19 a 00.15 a
Populations (Mean ± SE) S×P 00.52 ns 00.52 ns …. … …
05.01 ± 0.00 ± - Sectors (Mean ± SE3)
Teachers -- -- 03.69 ± 01.12 ±
0.4b a 00.37 b - Publics …. … …
3.87 ± 0.84 ± - 00.21 a 00.17 a
Students -- -- 3.60 ± 1.05 ±
00.14 b 00.11 a - Privates …. … …
ns, * -(non-significant) or (significant) on P ≤0.05 0.21 a 0.17 a
Not appropriate) Populations (Mean ± SE)
3( 3.06 ± 1.56 ±
Standard error) Teachers …. … ….
0.53 a 0.42 a
Question numbering 2 includes (Teacher increases the 03.70 ± 01.04 ± -
Students -- --
00.16 a 00.12 a -
capability of student perceptions of classroom social 1
ns, * (-non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05
environment in the table. 4) in which both private and public Not appropriate)
Standard error)
teachers and students their responses which present the
procurement mean, standard deviation, percentage,
Question numbering 3 includes (Teacher ensures delivering significant and non-significant values. That has been
of expertise through different methods) in the table. 5) in described in the given table. It might be got the consequence
which both private and public teachers and students their of the significance of P (P ≤ 0.04 used for UD & ≤ 0.02
responses which present the interrelation among sector and meant for D), despite the consequence of S (P ≤0.00
population for instance S × P based on question numbering designed for SA & 0.01 intended for UD and 0.01 used for
one. ANOVA, Chi-test & t-test have been used to analyses also D) and interrelation result of P × S (P ≤0.00 aimed at
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
SA, 0.00 used for UD) that represent the the-significant one. ANOVA, Chi-test & t-test have been used to analyses
result. Rendering towards the value of mean in table one that procurement mean, standard deviation, percentage,
participants from both sectors gave their opinions as significant and non-significant values. That has been
strongly agree 3.15 meant for public and 3.33 intended for described in the given table. It might be got the consequence
private sectors as well 3.33 used for teachers and 3.24 of the significance of P (P ≤ 0.00 used for SA & ≤ 0.00
intended for students. As concerning A, a set of data meant for A), despite the consequence of P (P ≤0.46
presents the variance amongst the public & private which designed for UD & 0.46 intended for D) and interrelation
might be gained 1.30 & 1.05 correspondingly. Moreover, result of P × S (P ≤0.64 aimed at SA, 0.64 used for A 0.81
1.56 value of mean attained by the teacher and 1.04 mean for UD & D and 0.91 for SD) that represent the non-
value attained by the students as A. There is no response significant result. Rendering towards the value of mean in
given by the participants about Strongly Disagree (SD). table one that participants from both sectors gave their
opinions as strongly agree 2.52 meant for public and 2.75
Table 5. The teacher ensures delivering of expertise
intended for private sectors as well 4.72 used for teachers
through different methods.
Basis of Scale of Likert and 2.35 intended for students. As concerning A, a set of
Variablenes S data presents the variance amongst the public & private
which might be gained 1.66 & 1.62 correspondingly.
00.01 00.01 -
Sectors (S) 00.55 ns 1 Moreover, 0.22 value of mean attained by the teacher and
*** *** -
1.76 mean value attained by the students as A.
Populations 00.0 -
00.87 ns 00.08 ns 00.04 * Table 6. The teacher ensures delivering of expertise
(P) 2 ** -
00.0 through different methods.
00.00 00.01 -
S×P 00.16 ns 0 Basis of Scale of Likert
*** *** -
*** Variableness SA A UD D SD
Sectors (Mean ± SE3)
00.64 00.64 00.81 00.8 00.91
00.0 Sectors (S)
ns ns ns 1 ns ns
03.15 ± 001.30 ± 00.05 ± 5 ± - Populations 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.46 00.43
00.22 a 00.17 a 00.05 a 00.0 - (P) *** *** ns ns ns
3a 00.64 00.64 00.81 00.8 00.91
00.0 S×P
ns ns ns 1 ns ns
003.33 ± 01.05 ± 00.14 ± 5 ± -
Privates Sectors (Mean ± SE3)
00.22 a 00.17 a 00.05. a 00.0 -
3. a 00.11 0.04 00.03
± ± ±
Populations (Mean ± SE) Publics
02.52 ± 1.66 ± 00.05 0.03 0.02 a
00.2 00.23 a 0.18 a a a
03.33 ± 00.44 ± 00.33 ± 2 ± - 0.05 0.07 0.04
00.55 a 00.43 a 00.12 a 00.0 - ± ± ±
7a Privates
02.75 ± 01.62 ± 00.05 00.0 00.02
000. 00.23 a 00.18 a a 3a a
03.24 ± 01.24 ± 00.07 ± 04 - Populations (Mean ± SE)
00.16 a 00.13 a 00.04 b ±0.0 -
0.00 0.00 0.00
04.72 ± ± ± ±
ns, * -(non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05 Teachers
00.57 a 00.22 ± 0.12. 00.0 00.04
Not appropriate) 00.46 b a 8a a
Standard error)
0.09 0.06 0.03
02.35 ± ± ± ±
Question numbering 4 includes (Teacher ensures delivering 00.17 b 01.76 ± 0.03 a 0.02 0.01.
00.14 a .a a
of expertise through different methods) in the table. 6) in 1
ns, * (-non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05
which both private and public teachers and students their Not appropriate)
Standard error)
responses which present the interrelation among sector and
population for instance S × P based on question numbering
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
Question numbering 5 includes (Teacher gives special 02.06 1.53 00.24 00.1 00.07
± 0.17 ± ± 2 ± ±
freedoms to students who organize their work in the best
b 00.13 00.05 0.03 00.02
way in a table. 7) in which both private and public teachers a a a a
and students their responses which present the interrelation
ns, * -(non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05
Not appropriate)
among sector and population for instance S × P based on 3(
Standard error)
question numbering one. ANOVA, Chi-test & t-test have
Question numbering 6 includes (Teacher shows the
been used to analyses procurement mean, standard
maximum effort for attaining the quality of schoolchildren
deviation, percentage, significant and non-significant values.
as an example in the table. 8) in which both private and
That has been described in the given table. It might be got
public teachers and students their responses which present
the consequence of the significance of P (P ≤ 0.00 used for
the interrelation among sector and population for instance S
SA & ≤ 0.00 meant for A), despite the consequence of P (P
× P based on question numbering one. ANOVA, Chi-test &
≤0.22 designed for UD & 0.29 intended for D and 0.25 for
t-test have been used to analyses procurement mean,
SD) and interrelation result of P × S (P ≤0.89 aimed at SA,
standard deviation, percentage, significant and non-
0.84 used for A 0.76 for UD & 0.86 D and 0.87 for SD ) that
significant values. That has been described in the given
represent the non-significant result. Rendering towards the
table. It might be got the consequence of the significance of
value of mean in table one that participants from both
P (P ≤ 0.00 used for SA & ≤ 0.00 meant for A), despite the
sectors gave their opinions as strongly agree 2.48 meant for
consequence of P (P ≤0.18 designed for UD & 0.89 intended
public and 2.06 intended for private sectors as well 4.72
for D and 0.73 for SD) and interrelation result of P × S (P
used for teachers and 2.06 intended for students. As
≤0.27 aimed at SA, 0.88 used for A 0.83 for UD & 0.24 D
concerning A, a set of data presents the variance amongst
and 0.32 for SD ) that represent the non-significant result.
the public & private which might be gained 1.12 & 1.73
Rendering towards the value of mean in table one that
correspondingly. Moreover, 0.22 value of mean attained by
participants from both sectors gave their opinions as
the teacher and 0.24 mean value attained by the students as
strongly agree 2.39 meant for public and 1.94 intended for
private sectors as well 4.17 used for teachers and 21.99
Table 7. Teacher gives special freedoms to students who
intended for students. As concerning A, a set of data
organize their work in the best way.
Basis of Scale of Likert presents the variance amongst the public & private which
Variableness SA A UD D SD might be gained 1.08 & 1.66 correspondingly. Moreover,
00.42 00.25 00.76 00.8 00.87 0.22 value of mean attained by the teacher and 0.28 mean
Sectors (S)
ns ns ns 6 ns ns
0.0** 0.0** 00.22 00.2 00.25 value attained by the students as A.
Populations (P)
* * ns 9 ns ns Table 8. The teacher shows the maximum effort for
00.89 00.84 00.76 00.8 00.87 attaining the quality of schoolchildren as an example.
ns ns ns 6 ns ns Scale of Likert
Basis of
Sectors (Mean ± SE3) Variableness SA A UD D SD
00.27 00.1 00.07
02.48 001.1 ± 3 ± ± 00.17 00.2 00.8 00.5 00.4
Publics Sectors (S)
± 0.23 2 ± 0.07. 0.04 00.02 ns 6 ns 3 ns 0 ns 9 ns
a 0.18 a .a .a 00.00 0.01 0.18 0.89 00.7
Populations (P)
01.73 0.09 o.05 *** *** ns ns 3 ns
± 00.16 ± ± 00.27 00.8 00.8 00.2 00.3
Privates S×P
2.07 ± 00.18 ± 00.0 00.02 ns 8 ns 3 ns 4 ns 2 ns
0.23 a 0.07 a 4 a a Sectors (Mean ± SE3)
Populations (Mean ± SE) 02.39 01.0 00.3 00.1 00.0
04.72 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 ± 8± 0± 4± 8±
± 0.56 ± ± ± ± 0.23 0.18 0.08 0.05 00.0
Teachers a b a a 3a
a 0.44 0.18 a 0.11 0.06 a
b a 1.94 1.66 0.22 0.11 00.0
± ± ± ± 7±
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
the teacher and 1.45 mean value attained by the students as meant for public and 1.89 intended for private sectors as
A. well 4.17 used for teachers and 1.91 intended for students.
Table 10. Teacher inspires schoolchildren for competing As concerning A, set of data presents the variance amongst
among them.
the public & private which might be gained 0.18 & 1.62
Basis of Scale of Likert
correspondingly. Moreover, 0.22 value of mean attained by
Variableness SA A UD D SD
00.25 00.78 00.9 00.60 the teacher and 1.43 mean value attained by the students as
Sectors (S)
ns .55 ns ns 4 ns ns A.
Populations 0.00 00.17 0.57 0.64
(P) *** .03 ** ns ns ns Table 11. The teacher permits the schoolchildren to
deliberate their work with class fellows.
0.78 0.94 0.28
S×P Basis of Scale of Likert
0.48 ns .55 ns ns ns ns
Sectors (Mean ± SE3) Variableness SA A UD D SD
.16 .10 .26
.32 ± .10 Sectors (S)
Publics ns ns .89 ns .56 ns .56 ns
02.23 01.12 ±.08 0.05 ±.03
±.23 a ±.18 b a a a Populations .00 .01
.22 .14 .07
Privates 1.89 1.62 ±.08 ±.0 ±.03 (P) *** *** .17 ns .83 ns .60 ns
±.23 a ±.18 a a 5a a .25 .87
Populations (Mean ± SE) S×P
ns ns .89 ns .23 ns .32 ns
0.00 0.22 0.06
± ± ± Sectors (Mean ± SE )
3.89 ± .44 0.20 a 0.13 0.07 a
00.57 a ±.44 b a
0.29 .09 02.30 ± .30 .16 .10
01.90 ± .15 ±.02 Publics
Students ±.23 0.18 ±.08 ±.05 ±.03
± 0.17 1.45 ± 00.06 ±.0 a
b 00.13 a a 4a a b a a a
ns, * -(non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05
2( 01.6
Not appropriate)
Standard error) 01.89 02 .24 .11 .08
±.23 ±.1 ±.08 ±.05 ±.03
Question numbering 9 includes (Teacher permits the
a 8a a a a
schoolchildren to deliberate their work with class fellows in
Populations (Mean ± SE)
the table. 11) in which both private and public teachers and
4.17 0.22 0.00 0.11 0.06
students their responses which present the interrelation
± ± ± ± ±
among sector and population for instance S × P based on Teachers
0.56 0.44 0.20 a 0.12 a 0.07 a
question numbering one. ANOVA, Chi-test & t-test have
a b
been used to analyses procurement mean, standard
01.4 .29 .14 .09
deviation, percentage, significant and non-significant values.
01.91 3 ±.06 ±.04 ±.02
That has been described in the given table. It might be got Students
±.17 ±.1 a a a
the consequence of the significance of P (P ≤ 0.00 used for
b 3a
SA & ≤ 0.01 meant for A), despite the consequence of P (P 1
ns, * -(non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05
≤0.17 designed for UD & 0.83 intended for D and 0.60 for 2(
Not appropriate)
SD) and interrelation result of P × S (P ≤0.25 aimed at SA, Standard error)
0.87 used for A 0.89 for UD, 0.23 used for D and 0.32 for
Question numbering 10 includes (Instructor boost up
SD) that represent the non-significant result. Rendering
schoolchildren to deliver their concepts and thoughts to each
towards the value of mean in table one that participants from
other in the schoolroom in the table. 12) in which both
both sectors gave their opinions as strongly agree 2.30
private and public teachers and students their responses
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
which present the interrelation among sector and population the teacher and 1.43 mean value attained by the students as
for instance S × P based on question numbering one. A.
ANOVA, Chi-test & t-test have been used to analyses Table 12. Instructor boost up schoolchildren to deliver
their concepts and thoughts to each other in the
procurement mean, standard deviation, percentage,
Basis of Scale of Likert
Qs Sector SA A UD D SD Variableness SA A UD D SD
Publics 82.7 17.3 00 00 00 .09 .26
Q1 Sectors (S)
Privates ns ns .78 ns .78 ns .48 ns
84.1 15.9 00 00 00
Populations 0.00 .01
Publics 76.7 23.3 00 00 00 (P) *** *** 0.17 ns .17 ns .43 ns
Privates 77.4 22.6 00 00 00 .26 .87
ns ns .78 ns .78 ns .48 ns
Publics 68.2 26.6 3.2 2.2 00
Q3 Sectors (Mean ± SE3)
Privates 70.8 23.0 4.5 2.2 00 2.25 1.05 0.14 0.11
Publics 52.8 35.1 4.6. 4.5. 3.1 Publics ±.23 ±.1 .32 ±.05 ±.03
Q4 a 8b ±.08 a a a
Privates 57.7 32.8 5.4 2.4 3.4 01.6 .12
Publics 58.9 25.6 5.6 4.2 2.7 01.80 2 .11 ±.03
Q5 Privates
±.23 ±.1 .22 ±.05 a
Privates 46.5 40.2 5.9 4.2 3.2 a 8a ±.08 a a
Publics 54.9 24.1 8.5 4,5 4.0 Populations (Mean ± SE)
Privates 46.5 40.5 4.4 3.8 2.8 04.17 0.22 .00 .11 .06
± ± ±.20 a ±.12 ±.07
Publics 56.2 25.6 9.9 4.5 2.8 Teachers
Q7 0.56 0.44 a a
Privates 47.6 40.2 4.8 3.7 2.7 a b
01.84 01.4 .29 .13 .12
Publics 55.7 26.6 9.1 5.1 3.5
Q8 ± 3 ± ±.06 a ±.03 ±.02
Privates Students
46.0 40 6.6 4.6 2.8 0.17 0.13 a a
Publics b a
70.7 6.9 10.9 6.3 4.2
Q9 1
ns, * (-non-significant or significant) at P ≤0.05
Privates 45.0 40.1 7.1 3.8 3.0 2(
Not appropriate)
Publics Standard error)
56.2 28.1 9.3 4.6 3.8
Privates 43.5 40.9 4.7 3.8 4.1 4.2. Percentage of Questionnaire
significant and non-significant values. That has been Table 13. Percent values obtained for public and private
sector schools
described the in the given table. It might be got the
consequence of significant of P (P ≤ 0.00 used for SA & ≤ Summary
0.01 meant for A), despite the consequence of P (P ≤0.17 Results have been obtained by the above statistical analyzes
designed for UD & 0.17 intended for D and 0.43 for SD) from teachers and students having both public and private
and interrelation result of P × S (P ≤0.26 aimed at SA, 0.87 sectors regarding 10 different questions. From question
used for A 0.78 for UD, 0.78 used for D and 0.48 for SD) numbering 1 and question numbering 2, almost all answers
that represent the non-significant result. Rendering towards were found (S.A) and (A). though few answers had also
the value of mean in table one that participants from both been obtained as (UD) and (D) in questionnaire numbering
sectors gave their opinions as strongly agree 2.25 meant for 3, and containing (UD), (D), and (SD) in question
public and 1.80 intended for private sectors as well 4.17 numbering 4. Answers about the question numbering 5,
used for teachers and 1.84 intended for students. As educators and schoolchildren have given answers as SA and
concerning A, a set of data presents the variance amongst A, moreover, few answers of the participants were founded
the public & private which might be gained 1.05 & 1.62 as UD, D, and SD. Though answers were received by
correspondingly. Moreover, 0.22 value of mean attained by question numbering 6 as SA and A while few participants
have given answers like UD, D, and SD from both public
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
and private sectors. Regarding question number 7, almost all statement. In general, the majority agreed and settled
respondents have given ideas as (SA) and (A) but few (95.9% from public and 96.5% from the private sector)
further replies attained answers as (UD), (D), and (SD). of the participants were of aspect that Teacher ensures
Question numbering 8 contained responses from both of the sharing of knowledge in the class. (Table 13).
schools public and private schools as SA and A also while 5. Answers from public schools were obtained and
some answers were given by respondents as UD, D, and SD. participants were found 88.5% agreed that Teacher
About question numbering 9, students and teachers from gives special freedoms to students who organize their
private and public schools provided results as SA and A work in the best way. whereas 4.9% founded disagree
whereas few responses contained UD, D, and SD. Finally, in and 6.6% were undecided while Answers from private
question numbering 10 most of the students and teachers schools were obtained and participants were found
were answers as SA and A even though some participants 92.7% agreed and 3.4% were founded disagree
answered as UD, D, and SD. although 3.9% founded as undecided with the
Findings statement. In general, the majority agreed and settled
1. Answers from both the schools public and private (88.5% from public and 92.7% from the private sector)
schools were obtained and participants were found of the participants were of aspect that Teacher gives
100% agreed that Teacher makes a special effort to special freedoms to students who organize their work in
identify student’s improvement, even if they are lower the best way. (Table 13).
grade level (Table. 13.) 6. Answers from public schools were obtained and
2. Answers from both of the schools public and private participants were found 87% agreed that Teacher shows
schools were also obtained and participants were found the maximum effort for attaining the quality of
100% agreed that that Teacher increases the capability schoolchildren as an example. whereas 5.5% founded
of student perceptions of classroom social environment. disagree and 7.5% were undecided while Answers from
(Table. 13.) private schools were obtained and participants were
3. Answers from public schools were obtained and found 90% agreed and 4.6% were founded disagree
participants were found 97.8% agreed that Teacher although 5.4% founded as undecided with the
ensures delivery of expertise through different methods, statement. In general, the majority agreed and settled
whereas 1.1% founded disagree and undecided while (87% from public and 90% from the private sector) of
Answers from private schools were obtained and the participants were of aspect that Teacher shows the
participants were found 95.8% agreed and 1.1% were maximum effort for attaining the quality of
founded disagree although 3.1% founded as undecided schoolchildren as an example. (Table.13).
with the statement. In general, the majority agreed and 7. Answers from public schools were obtained and
settled (97.8% from public and 95.8% from the private participants were found 85.8% agreed that Teacher
sector) of the participants were of aspect that Teacher support schoolchildren for understanding how their
ensures delivering of expertise through different presentation and performance towards others, whereas
methods (Table 13). 5.3% founded disagree and 8.9% were undecided while
4. Answers from public schools were obtained and Answers from private schools were obtained and
participants were found 95.9% agreed that Teacher participants were found 92.8% agreed and 3.4% were
ensures sharing of knowledge in the class. whereas founded disagree although 3.8% founded as undecided
1.6% founded disagree and undecided while Answers with the statement. In general, the majority agreed and
from private schools were obtained and participants settled (85.8% from public and 92.8% from the private
were found 96.5% agreed and 2.4% were founded sector) of the participants were of aspect that Teacher
disagree although 1.1% founded as undecided with the support schoolchildren for understanding how their
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077
8. Answers from public schools were obtained and schoolchildren of the common atmosphere in the
participants were found 85.3% agreed that Teacher schoolroom, for investigating regarding the classroom,
inspires schoolchildren for competing among them, school and individual influences that on these aspects and
whereas 6.6% founded disagree and 8.1% were perceptions. Results and findings also show the different
undecided while Answers from private schools were conceptualization of the common atmosphere in the
obtained and participants were found 89% agreed and classroom amongst instructors and scholars that measures
5.4% were founded disagree although 5.6% founded as the emphasizing role of the need bases on the characters of
undecided with the statement. In general, the majority educators and schoolchildren perceptions at the schoolroom
agreed and settled (85.3% from public and 89% from level.
the private sector) of the participants were of aspect that Moreover, all the factors like a classroom, school, and
Teacher inspires schoolchildren for competing among individual had erratic and valuable effectiveness on separate
9. Answers from public schools were obtained and These results and findings demand more advanced research
participants were found 81.6% agreed that Teacher to regulate techniques and individual factors that are great
often permits the schoolchildren to deliberate their work prominent, relevant, and appropriate in the shape which
with class fellows, whereas 8.5% founded disagree and influences both educator and schoolchild aspects and
9.9% were undecided while Answers from private perceptions of the social environment of the classroom.
schools were obtained and participants were found Additionally, it is observed in the above findings that there
89.1% agreed and 4.8% were founded disagree is a need for the interrelation between the teachers and
although 6.1% founded as undecided with the students to make more intellectualized and conceptualized in
statement. In general, the majority agreed and settled the social environment of the classroom for student learning
(81.6% from public and 89.1% from the private sector) outcomes and need to motivate and think logically for
of the participants were of aspect that Teacher often promoting good welfare and allow them to make their own
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58 (1): 5807-5820 ISSN: 00333077