A2 U7 Standard AK
A2 U7 Standard AK
A2 U7 Standard AK
Marking criteria
12 Use the marking criteria below to give a score
1 C out of 10.
2 A 9–10 Full contribution. Basic and some
3 C complex structures, accurate and well-
4 B organised. Pronunciation mostly clear.
5 B 7–8 Adequate contribution. Basic and some
6 A complex structures, generally accurate
and well-organised. Pronunciation
mostly clear.
13 5–6 Adequate contribution. Basic structures,
Possible answer: generally accurate and some
Having animal parks for animals in danger is a organisation. Pronunciation mostly
good way of saving wildlife. Also, tourists come clear.
to see the animals and spend money. People 3–4 Limited contribution. Basic structures,
can use the money to save more animals. often inaccurate but some organisation.
When people visit animal parks, they learn Pronunciation mostly clear.
about the animals. Learning about animals can 1–2 Very limited contribution. Basic
make people want to save them. structures, mostly inaccurate and little
organisation. Pronunciation not always
0 Contribution too small or too
Writing incomprehensible to mark.
Sample answer:
Hi Sandra,
We’re meeting in the car park at the beach at 1
pm on Saturday 12 June. You need to bring a
soft drink and some burgers.
I’ll see you on Saturday! I can’t wait!
[38 words]
Marking criteria
Use the marking criteria below to give a score
out of 10.
9–10 Complete, mainly accurate and
7–8 No more than one omission, mainly
accurate, rarely inappropriate.
5–6 No more than one omission, minor
inaccuracies, sometimes inappropriate.
3–4 Several omissions, noticeable
inaccuracies, often inappropriate.
1–2 Many omissions, mainly inaccurate,
mostly inappropriate.
0 Too little or too incomprehensible to