PPG Module 4
PPG Module 4
PPG Module 4
Alternative Delivery Mode
Module 4: States, Nations and Globalization
First Edition, 2020
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Senior High School
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This learning resources hope to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21 st century skills while
taking consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners’ progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to
encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the
For the learner:
Welcome to the Philippine Politics and Governance – States, Nations and
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource
while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
What I Have Learned process what you learned from the
This section provides an activity which
will help you transfer your new
What I Can Do knowledge or skill into real life situations
or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate
your level of mastery in achieving the
learning competency.
In this portion, another activity will be
given to you to enrich your knowledge or
Additional Activities
skill of the lesson learned.
This contains answers to all activities in
the module.
Answer Key
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the identification of inquiry and stating the research problem. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond
with the textbook you are now using.
This lesson contains the clarity of identification of specific political phenomenon.
Learning Competencies:
1. Define nation and state (HUMSS_PG12-Ie-15)
2. Differentiate nation from state (HUMSS_PG12-Ie-16)
3. Explain meanings of globalization (HUMSS_PG12-Ie-17)
4. evaluate how globalization influences nation-states (HUMSS_PG12-Ie-18)
What I Know
Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. This term is taken from the Latin stare (to stand) a political community that
occupies a definite territory; having an organized government with the authority
to make and enforce laws without the consent of a higher authority. It is
also defined as a self-governing political entity.
A. State C. Globalization
B. Nation D. None of these
2. It refers to the portion of the earth which composed of aerial (air space
above), fluvial (waters around and connecting the islands of the archipelago)
and the terrestrial (landmass) domains.
A. Territory C. Globalization
B. People D. None of these
3. This is one of the elements of the states which refer to coastal states that have
sovereignty, including exclusive fishing.
A. Territory C. Globalization
B. People D. Continental Shelf
4. This term refers to supreme and absolute power within its territorial
A. Territory C. Sovereignty
B. People D. Government
5. The following are the characteristics of Sovereignty EXCEPT:
A. Sovereignty is absolute from the legal point of view.
B. Sovereignty is permanent
C. Sovereignty of the state is universal
D. Sovereignty is alienable
6. It refers to a voluntary association of independent states that often only delegate
a few powers to the central government. Weak or loose organization of
states agrees to follow a powerful central government.
A. Federal C. Unitary Government
B. Confederation D. None of these
7. This type of government is divided between one central and several regional
authorities. Example: Malaysia, USA, Nigeria, Australia.
A. Federal C. Unitary Government
B. Confederation D. None of these
8. This is a form of government wherein one person possesses unlimited
power. The citizen has limited, if any, role in government.
a. Autocratic c. Democracy
b. Oligarchy d. Monarchy
9. In , the king, queen, or emperor exercises the supreme and
unlimited powers of government wherein the position is usually inherited.
Absolute monarch rules by divine right are rare today but from the 1400s to
the 1700s they rule most of Western Europe.
A. Autocratic C. Democracy
B. Oligarchy D. Absolute Monarchy
10. This is the government by the few. Sometimes a small group exercises control,
especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The group gets its power from
military power, social power, wealth, religion or a combination. In here, the
citizen has a very limited role.
A. Autocratic C. Democracy
B. Oligarchy D. Absolute Monarchy
11. It is a government based on the consent of the governed. The people are the
sovereign, thus, they hold the highest political authority.
A. Autocratic C. Democracy
B. Oligarchy D. Absolute Monarchy
12. A form of government wherein it has the peoples support and possess
constitutional mandate. Therefore, it is a legitimate government.
A. De facto C. Democracy
B. Oligarchy D. De jure
13. It is the social construction of a collective identity. It is an imagined political
community that is imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign.
A. State C. Democracy
B. Oligarchy D. Nation
14. It is a belief that kings are chosen to rule the Ancient state by a deity
examples include Egyptians and Aztecs.
A. Divine Right C. Social contract
B. Oligarchy D. Absolute Monarchy
15. Governments emerged when people were brought under the control of some
power. States emerged from the conquest of other families or tribes.
A. Autocratic C. Democracy
B. Social contract D. Divine Right
States, Nations and Globalization
States, nations and globalization are the trending issues in the 21 st century. In this
trying times where COVID 19 significantly affected every state and nation in an enormous
scale, learning the details on these terms are absolutely needed to provide balance and
harmony in society. In this contemporary world where every society faces challenges,
appalling political problems in their various degrees emerge. In this case, understanding and
differentiating state, nation and globalization is a must, that is, a clear and doubt-free
thoughts have to be laid down especially on the functionality and meaning of the terms. In
politics, your mind has a tendency to think about many different things ranging from low
order thinking skills such as asking what, who, where and when) to higher order thinking
skills such as asking how and why. These modes of thinking trigger you to clarify your belief
and understanding of states, nations and globalization.
What’s In
Activity 1: Defining Moment!
Directions: In your own understanding, define, explain and cite specific situation about the
following questions.
1. What is Power?
3. Who have powers in the country?
Directions: What questions about the difference between a nation and a state you have in
mind? (Put their responses in the “Want” column.
Know Want Learn
Activity 3: Think about It!
Directions: Read the statement carefully and briefly explain your
understanding of the quotation below. Write your answer in your
What’s New
Activity 3: ACROSTIC
Directions: Let the students give characteristics of Nation, State and Globalization
based from the letters of the word
N-ationalistic attitude
A-altruistic in nature
T-rust the goverment
I- initiate projects
O-pposing corruption
N- eeds unity in action
Student’s Output
A -
T -
I -
O -
N -
E -
I -
I -
What Is It
Concept of a State
State taken from the Latin stare (to stand) a state is a political community that
occupies a definite territory; having an organized government with the authority to
make and enforce laws without the consent of a higher authority. It is also
defined as a self-governing political entity.
Elements of a State
2. Territory - refers to the portion of the earth which composed of aerial (air
space above), fluvial (waters around and connecting the islands of the archipelago)
and the terrestrial (landmass) domains.
Maritime terms:
a. Territorial Sea - coastal states have sovereignty, including exclusive fishing rights
(12 nautical miles)
b. Contiguous zone- coastal state can enforce its customs, immigration, and sanitation
laws and exercise “hot pursuit” out of its territorial waters (24 nautical miles).
3. Sovereignty - refers to supreme and absolute power within its territorial
Types of Sovereignty
Characteristics of Sovereignty
Forms of Government
1. Distribution of Power
a. Unitary government power is held by one central authority.
Philippines, Denmark, Italy, Finland Peru.
b. Confederation it is a voluntary association of independent states that often only
delegate a few powers to the central government. Weak or loose organization
of states agrees to follow a powerful central government.
2. Citizen Participation
hereditary right; the monarch may be wither a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign – such
a king, queen, or prince – with constitutionally limited authority.
Note: Autocracy and oligarchy sometimes claim they rule for the people but in reality,
the people have very little say in both types of government. They may hold elections
which only one candidate or control the results in various ways. Moreover, even when
the government have a legislature or national assembly, they often only approve
decisions made by the leaders.
3. Legitimacy
a. De jure. It is a form of government wherein it has the peoples support and possess
constitutional mandate. Therefore, it is a legitimate government.
An Independent State
1. Evolution Theory – States evolved from family units. The families grew into a
large extended family that heads of the family served as a government. Eventually
evolved into tribal councils with a hierarchy of authority.
2. Force Theory - Governments, emerged when people were brought under the
control of some power. States emerged from the conquest of other families or
3. Divine Right - Belief that kings are chosen to rule the Ancient state by a deity
examples include Egyptians and Aztecs.
4. Social Contract - It existed during the 17th Century and the Age of
Enlightenment. People begin to challenge the monarchy and the idea of Divine Right.
Concept of Nation
Concept of Globalization
State Nation
Exited not only at present but also in the Modern phenomenon.
ancient period.
It is legal political. It is racial cultural.
People organized for law within a definite People psychologically joined together
territory. with common will to live together.
What’s More
Activity 3: T Chart
Directions: Justify the Philippines as a nation and as a state using the T- diagram.
Write your answers on your notebook.
The Philippines
as a Nation as a State
2. Economic
3. Religious; and
Socio-cultural interconnections
What I Have Learned
1. Today, I realized that…
What I Can Do
Directions: Elaborate your observations from what you have learned in recycle and re-use
through writing the differences and similarities using Venn diagram and using
your gathered data answer the following guide questions.
Venn Diagram
How are you? I hope you enjoyed the lesson 1. Okay let’s see how much you have
Write your answer on your test notebook.
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write T if the bold and italicized word is correct
and write F if the bold and italicized word is false.
1. Globalization is taken from the Latin stare (to stand) a political community
that occupies a definite territory; having an organized government with the
authority to make and enforce laws without the consent of a higher
authority. It is also defined as a self- governing political entity.
2. Territory refers to the portion of the earth which composed of aerial (air
space above), fluvial (waters around and connecting the islands of the
archipelago) and the terrestrial (landmass) domains.
3. People is one of the elements of the states which refer to coastal states that have
sovereignty, including exclusive fishing.
4. Sovereignty refers to supreme and absolute power within its territorial
5. Sovereignty can be divided between or shared by a plurality.
6. Confederation is a voluntary association of independent states that often only
delegate a few powers to the central government. Weak or loose organization
of states agrees to follow a powerful central government.
7. Federal government power is not divided between one central and several
regional authorities. Example: Malaysia, USA, Nigeria, Australia.
8. Autocracy is a form of government wherein one person possesses unlimited
power. The citizen has limited, if any, role in government.
9. In absolute, totalitarian dictatorship, the king, queen, or emperor exercises the
supreme and unlimited powers of government wherein the position is usually
inherited. Absolute monarch rules by divine right
are rare today but from the 1400s to the 1700s they rule most of Western
10. Oligarchy is the government by the few. Sometimes a small group exercises
control, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The group gets its power
from military power, social power, wealth, religion or a combination. In here,
the citizen has a very limited role.
11. Democracy is a government not based on the consent of the governed. The
people are the sovereign, thus, they hold the highest political authority.
12. De jure is a form of government wherein it has the peoples support and
possess constitutional mandate. Therefore, it is a legitimate government.
13. Nation (Anderson 1991, Poggi 2008) is not the social construction of a
collective identity. It is an imagined political community that is imagined
as both inherently limited and sovereign.
14. Divine Right is a belief that kings are chosen to rule the Ancient state by
a deity examples include Egyptians and Aztecs.
15. In social contract theory, governments emerged when people were brought
under the control of some power. States emerged from the conquest of other
families or tribes.
Congratulations! You did a great job! Rest and relax for a while then wait for the next module.
Good luck!
Additional Activities
Directions: Read the statements carefully and write your answers on your notebook.
1. Identify at least two countries, which are not yet recognized as “states”. Learn about
their status specifically on how it affects the lives of their people.
2. Identify at least two countries, which are not yet recognized as “nation”. Learn about
their status specifically on how it affects the lives of their people.
Answer Key
15.False 15.B
14.True 14.A
13.False 13.D
12.True 12.D
11.False 11.C
10.True 10.A
9. False 9. D
8. True 8.
7. False A C
6. True 6. A
5. False 5. A
4. True vary. 4. C
3. False Answers may 3. A
2. True A 2.
1. False A 1.
Assessment What's More What I
Heywood, A. (2003). Political Ideologies, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, p 192 and
p. 46.
Philippines Politics and Governance by: Rhene Tabajen and Erlinda Pulma, pp: 21- 30