Mikropenis Dan UDT
Mikropenis Dan UDT
Mikropenis Dan UDT
Case Report
Keywords: Background: Micropenis usually has a series of causative factors that must be identified to determine the treat
Access and reproductive healthcare ment modality.
Gonadotropin Case presentation: A 24-years-old Indonesian male complained of a small penis since infancy. The patient has a
short penis size (3 cm), no pubic hair, small scrotum, both testes cannot hide palpable, and tanner scale 2. The
hormonal examination includes testosterone hormone of 14.94 ng/dL, luteinizing hormone of 14.89 mUI/mL,
and follicle-stimulating hormone of 67.51 mUI/mL. Ultrasound showed no testicular location and only a
prostate-like appearance of a size of 0.6 × 2.07 cm on the abdomen. The patient will receive therapy but was
constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Discussion: diagnosis of micropenis and gonadotropin hormone disorders must be detected early and receive
treatment immediately for better results.
Conclusion: Micropenis is a medical diagnosis that depends on proper examination and management, and early
diagnosis is essential to improve prognosis.
1. Introduction The patient is the youngest of 2 siblings, and the patient’s older brother
does not have penis and growth problems like other family members.
Micropenis is used in clinical practice to refer to a penis that is History of comorbidities and other congenital disabilities was denied.
shorter than expected [1]. The incidence of micropenis is 1.5 of 10,000 Physical investigation showed a body height of 153 cm, penis length of 3
male newborns [2,3], while Indonesia still has no data reporting on this cm, no pubic hair, small scrotum, both testes could not become palpable,
incidence [4]. Micropenis usually has a series of causative factors that and tanner scale 2 (Fig. 1) [8,9]. The hormonal examination included
must be identified to determine the treatment modality. This condition testosterone hormone of 14.94 ng/dL, luteinizing hormone of 14.89
is usually the result of a defect in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal mUI/mL, and stimulating follicle hormone of 67.51 mUI/mL. Brain
(HPG) axis. It can be looked for based on three causes, hyper X-ray and CT scan were expected. On testicular ultrasound, there was no
gonadotropic hypogonadism due to primary testicular disorders, hypo visible testicle in the scrotum to the bilateral inguinal canal. Abdominal
gonadotropic hypogonadism secondary to hypothalamic-pituitary ultrasound showed a prostate-like appearance with a size of 0.6 × 2.07
dysfunction, and idiopathic if all three are absent [5,6]. Based on the cm above the bilateral adnexal area (Fig. 2). Chromosomal examination
description above, we are interested in reporting cases of micropenis in results obtained 46, XY.
Indonesian males. We report based on SCARE 2020 Guidelines [7]. The patient was tested for human chorionic gonadotropin stimula
tion in which the patient received gonadotropin hormone as much as
2000 IU × 3 days. On the fourth day, the result was 0.106 ng/dL. Sub
1.1. Case presentation sequently, the patient underwent laparoscopy, which revealed that the
testes were atrophy in the bilateral intracanalicularis but had not been
A 24-years-old Indonesian male complained of a small penis since opened and explored further. The patient was then diagnosed with
infancy. The patient feels that his body is shorter than his peers, and the bilateral undescended testes and micropenis. The patient was planned
patient feels that his height has not increased since junior high school.
* Corresponding author. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga – Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Jl. Mayjend Prof.
Dr. Moestopo No. 6-8, Airlangga, Gubeng, Surabaya, East Java, 60286, Indonesia.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Ardiany).
Received 11 June 2022; Received in revised form 17 July 2022; Accepted 20 July 2022
Available online 31 July 2022
2049-0801/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IJS Publishing Group Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
K.D. Fahmita and D. Ardiany Annals of Medicine and Surgery 80 (2022) 104244
for testicular exploration bilateral orchidectomy. Subsequent testos Undescended testes (cryptorchismus) are common conditions in
terone hormone replacement therapy, but the patient had not returned which one or both testicles do not fully descend from the abdomen into
to control due to the COVID-19 pandemic. the scrotum during pregnancy. Testicles that have been in an unde
scended position for several years cannot produce normal spermato
2. Discussion gonia and are at significant risk of becoming malignant (testicular germ
cell tumor). Thus, resection (orchidectomy) is recommended for late-
Micropenis is commonly associated with testosterone deficiency arriving cryptorchidism in children or young adults. If refused, careful
from 12 weeks of gestation, in which testosterone is induced by surveillance of malignancy should be carried out. Laparoscopy and
gonadotropin hormone during organogenesis [2]. At the same time, the orchidectomy are recommended in young adult cryptorchid patients
testes differentiate in the first trimester of pregnancy [10]. Males who with non-palpable testes and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
are severely deficient and who have not been adequately treated pre Artificial testicular insertion after bilateral orchidectomy may also be
viously will show the clinical features of marked prepubertal hypo recommended [14].
gonadism, such as testes, small penis, cryptorchidism, gynecomastia, With early treatment, the prognosis of micropenis due to hormone
high-pitched voice, non-closing epiphysis, linear growth to adulthood, deficiency is good. They usually respond well to testosterone therapy,
Eunuchoid habitus, body hair/sparse facial features, infertility, low gain adequate penis length (albeit below average), and function nor
bone mass, sarcopenia, lack of sexual desire/activity. Therefore, the mally as adults [15]. Regarding fertility, studies on untreated bilateral
history should also include information about puberty, secondary sex UDT found that 100% will have oligospermia and 75% will have azoo
signs and hypogonadism. A history of previous systemic disease is used spermia. Among those successfully treated, 75% remained oligospermia
to rule out the suspicion of acquired hypogonadism [11–13]. and 42% azoospermic. Regarding the preservation of fertility potential,
K.D. Fahmita and D. Ardiany Annals of Medicine and Surgery 80 (2022) 104244
early surgical correction is strongly recommended before 12 months and journal on request.
no later than 18 months. The relative risk of malignancy in patients
undergoing UDT therapy before puberty is 2.2 and increases to 5.4 in Guarantor
patients undergoing postpubertal therapy compared to the general
population [16]. Deasy Ardiany is the person in charge of the publication of our
Micropenis impacts a person’s confidence in dealing with the manuscript.
opposite sex and makes the sexual quality less than optimal [17]. So that
it dramatically affects the quality of life because micropenis is a disease
Ethical approval
that is not life-threatening. Its handler is pending due to limited health
personnel during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Because the cause of
Not applicable.
micropenis is related to hormones, the worst complication is fertility,
which causes the patient’s quality of life to be low [17,18]. The limi
tation of this study was that it took a long time to report treatment Funding
prognosis due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Conclusion
Author contribution
Micropenis is a medical diagnosis that depends on proper examina
tion and management. Micropenis can occur due to pituitary/hypotha All authors contributed toward data analysis, drafting and revising
lamic insufficiency, primary testicular insufficiency, or idiopathic. In the paper, gave final approval of the version to be published and agree to
this case, the micropenis is caused to primary testicular insufficiency, be accountable for all aspects of the work.
resulting in impaired development and growth. Endocrinological
assessment helps in determining the etiology of the micropenis. Early Provenance and peer review
diagnosis is essential for various treatment options and a better
prognosis. Not commissioned, externally peer-reviewed.
Research registration
Declaration of competing interest
Not applicable.
Karin Dhia Fahmita and Deasy Ardiany declare that they no conflict
Consent of interest.
Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publi Acknowledgement
cation of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the
written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this We would like to thank our editor, “Fis Citra Ariyanto”.
K.D. Fahmita and D. Ardiany Annals of Medicine and Surgery 80 (2022) 104244
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