S.K. Lam and K.B. Chua, WHO Collaborating Centre for Arbovirus Reference and
Research (DF/DHF), Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur.
Alphaviruses are known to give rise to a spectrum of disease in humans, ranging from
silent asymptomatic infections to undifferentiated febrile illness to devastating
encephalitis. The following alphaviruses have been associated primarily with fever
and polyarthritis.
Chikungunya virus
CHIK virus is transmitted in the savannahs and forests of tropical Africa by Aedes
mosquitoes of the subgenera Stegomyia and Diceromyia. Aedes aegypti is an
important vector in urban epidemics in both Africa and Asia.
Clinical Features
CHIK is an acute infection of abrupt onset, heralded by fever and severe arthralgia,
followed by other constitutional symptoms and rash, and lasting for a period of 1-7
days. The incubation period is usually 2-3 days, with a range of 1-12 days. Fever rises
abruptly, often reaching 39 to 40 degrees centigrade and accompanied by intermittent
shaking chills. This acute phase lasts 2-3 days. The temperature may remit for 1-2
days, resulting in a "saddle-back" fever curve.
The arthralgias are polyarticular, migratory, and predominantly affect the small joints
of the hands, wrists, ankles and feet, with lesser involvement of larger joints. Pain on
movement is worse in the morning, improved by mild exercise, and exacerbated by
strenous exercise. Swelling may occur, but fluid accumulation is uncommon. Patients
with milder articular manifestations are usually symptom-free within a few weeks, but
more severe cases require months to resolve entirely. Generalized myalgia, as well as
back and shoulder pain, is common.
Cutaneous manifestations are typical with many patients presenting with a flush over
the face and trunk. This is usually followed by a rash generally described as
maculopapular. The trunks and limbs are commonly involved, but face, palms and
soles may also show lesions. Pruritis or irritation may accompany the eruption.
During the acute disease, most patients will have headache, but it is not usually
severe. Photophobia and retroorbital pain also occur but not severe. Conjunctival
injection is present in some cases. Some patients will complain of sore throat and have
pharyngitis on examination.
CHIK infection has a somewhat different picture in younger patients. Arthralgia and
arthritis occur but are less prominent and last a shorter time. Rash may be less
frequent; but in infants and younger children, prominent flushing and early
appearance of maculopapular or urticarial eruption may be a useful indicator.
In Asia, several virus isolations have been made from severely ill children diagnosed
as having haemorrhagic fever, similar to DHF.
Supportive care with rest is indicated during the acute joint symptoms. Movement and
mild exercise tend to improve stiffness and morning arthralgia, but heavy exercise
may exacerbate rheumatic symptoms. In unresolved arthritis refractory to aspirin and
nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, chloroquine phosphate (250 mg/day) has given
promising results.
The definitive diagnosis can only be made by laboratory means, but CHIK should be
suspected when epidemic disease occurs with the characteristic triad of fever, rash and
rheumatic manifestations.
Striking epidemics of rash and fever were noted in rural Australia as early as 1928.
Both endemic and epidemic transmissions in Australia pose major public health
problems. Although never fatal, the discomfort and loss of productivity from joint
symptoms persist for weeks and occasionally even years. The isolation of Ross River
virus from mosquitoes and its serologic association with epidemic polyarthritis led to
better understanding of the disease.
RRV is endemic and epidemic in tropical and temperate regions of Australia. Large
epidemics have been reported from Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria, South
Australia and New South Wales. Aedes mosquitoes such as Aedes vigilax and Aedes
camptorhynchites, Culex annulirostris and Mansonia uniformis have been implicated
as vectors.
Clinical Features
In Australian cases, the incubation period has been estimated to be 10-11 days. Onset
is relatively sudden and the first symptom is usually joint pain. Rash occurs in the
majority of patients, usually coincident with, or 1-2 days after, initial symptoms but in
some cases rash preceded joint pains by 11 days and followed them as much as 15
days. The eruption is usually macular, papular, or both and occasionally is
accompanied by vesiculation of the papules or petechiae. The eruption is typically
most prominent on the trunk and limbs and may involve the palms, soles, and face. In
a minority of patients it is itchy, and it fades within a few days. Constitutional
symptoms such as fatigue and lethargy occur in only half the patients. Body
temperature is normal, or in half the patients modestly elevated for 1-3 days. Myalgia,
headache, anorexia, and nausea are common.
Most patients will be unable to work or perform house work; but by 4 weeks, half will
be able to resume normal activities, albeit with residual arthralgia. About 10% will
still be limited by joint symptoms at 3 months. Occasional patients will continue to
have signs and symptoms of articular disease for 1-3 years.