Gas Turbine Sensor Faults
Gas Turbine Sensor Faults
Gas Turbine Sensor Faults
Supervisors Candidate
Prof. Andrea FERRERO
Giuseppe SOLARO
Prof. Christian KOCH
Ottobre 2022
When testing gas turbine engines, a variety of flow parameters must be monitored.
The precise measurement of total pressure and total temperature values is critical
for evaluating the performance of the entire engine as well as individual engine
components. Moreover, these parameters are used to define the control law and
the engine health monitoring in an installed engine in operation conditions. The
actual sensor design is often challenging due to the high temperatures and flow
velocities within a gas turbine. In this study, a detailed literature review is reported,
in order to describe the inaccuracy of the two systems, the temperature and the
pressure measurement system, given by the contributions of each component in
the chain. This review allowed a deeper understanding of the different parameters
involved in defining the system’s inaccuracy and, moreover, the formulation of
inaccuracy forecast highlighted in a modern engine. Regarding the temperature
measurement system inaccuracy, a thermocouple in MIMS configuration with an
exposed junction was considered. The indicated temperature is primarily influenced
by systematic errors caused by the design of the sensor probe, whereas thermocouple
drift has a lower impact on the deviation from true temperature: the errors in the
individual components of the chain are in the same order as the inaccuracy of the
type K thermocouple, therefore, they cannot be neglected. Regarding the pressure
measurement system inaccuracy, the probe’s design is critical, instead the errors
from other components of the pressure chain have little impact, which could be
omitted due to the high pressure inside the engine.
Desidero ringraziare il Dott.Ing. Christian Koch, mio tutor e guida presso l’ILA
(Institut für Luftfahrtantriebe), che con grande disponibilità e competenza ha
supportato il mio lavoro grazie ai suoi suggerimenti e le sue preziose indicazioni.
Un sentito ringraziamento al Prof. Andrea Ferrero per la fiducia e il sostegno che
mi ha dimostrato in questi mesi.
A mio padre,
per essere stato senza saperlo la mia costante forza di volontà.
A mia madre, esempio di forza e caparbietà,
per essere sempre la casa in cui posso tornare e sentirmi al sicuro.
Questo grande traguardo è anche Vostro.
Table of Contents
Acronyms xi
Introduction 1
4 Test case 52
4.1 Test case 1 - Velocity, conduction and radiation error . . . . . . . . 53
4.1.1 On-design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Velocity error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Conduction error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Radiation error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.1.2 Off-design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.2 Test case 2 - Aging/Drift and Inhomogeneities of the thermocouple 59
4.3 Test case 3 - Lost of one thermocouple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Conclusions 62
A MATLAB script 64
A.1 Dipendence of the M aJ to AE/AB ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
A.2 Effect of the L/D ratio on conduction error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
A.3 Velocity, conduction and radiation error on-design . . . . . . . . . . 66
A.4 Effect of AE/AB ratio on velocity, conduction and radiation error . 68
A.5 emf - Temperature relationship for type K thermocouple . . . . . . 70
Bibliography 71
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Gas turbine trend, [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Exhaust Gas Temperature
Electronic Engine Control
Full Authority Digital Engine Control
High Pressure Compressor
High Pressure Turbine
Low Pressure Turbine
Outlet Guide Vane
Cross-Channel Data Link
Resistance Temperature Devices
Temperature Sensitive Resistor
electro-motive force
Mineral Insulated Metal Sheathed
total Temperature of the thermocouple Junction
Free-stream Total Temperature
Free-stream Static Temperature
Recovery factor
M aF
Free-stream Mach number
M aJ
Junction Mach number
Velocity error
Area Kiel entry
Area bleed hole
overall recovery factor
corrected recovery factor
Conduction error
Length of thermocouple exposed
wire Diameter
Radiation error
Full Scale
Semi-Infinte Tube
Data Acquisition system
Modern turbine engine control and health management depend on sensing a wide
range of quantities throughout the engine, including temperatures, pressures, and
vibration, all with varying redundancy, reliability, and accuracy requirements.
These values can be used as inputs to control laws as well as to estimate the
performance and health of various engine components. The sensors must meet
different requirements depending on their function: control sensors require proven
extended reliability, accuracy, and speed of response, which makes them extremely
expensive for turbine engine applications, while engine health management sensors,
on the other hand, do not have the same high-reliability requirements and are
frequently not redundant.
This work focuses on technology for temperature and pressure measurements
inside the section of the engine; the intent is to provide an overview of the difficulties
and issues in obtaining accurate measurements.
The Exhaust Gas Temperature EGT is one of the most important parameters
of the turbine section. The severe circumstances in which the turbine runs are
most of the difficulties encountered in taking measurements inside the turbine area.
This is not surprising given that the turbine is exposed to gases directly from the
combustor, which is near the thermodynamic peak temperature and pressure.
Gas turbine trend, which including higher cycle temperatures and pressures, is
shown in figure 1.
In addition to the fact that turbine conditions are becoming harsher, there is
also a push to reduce uncertainty because uncertainty and transients force the need
for margins in the design of turbine engines. Reducing uncertainty is one tactic
to increase the level of integration that is practical within a complex propulsion
system, as each component or subsystem must be able to function in the worst-case
scenario with other components.
The main reasons to monitor continuously the gas turbine signals, pressure and
temperature, are:
• cycle performance optimization and power control engine through all the
different operational conditions
• performance evaluation because the knowledge of inlet and exit signals allows
to calculate the efficiency of compressors and turbines
Chapter I provides a brief description of the CFM56 and V2500 gas turbine
engines, which are chosen like reference engines, along with basic performance data
and the engine’s leading particulars about sensor instrumentation.
Chapter II presents for the CFM56 engine how the sensor signal from the
Electronic Engine Control EEC is handled in terms of utility and fault detection
Chapter III presents the temperature measurements system and the pressure
measurements system with the related reliability, accuracy, and related problems
Chapter IV presents the test case developed with an evaluation of the forecast
results, according to the problems highlighted in the temperature measurements
system and pressure measurements system chapter.
Chapter V summarizes and provides conclusions about the work that has been
done. A comparison between values predicted in the test case model developed
and data provided by the literature is presented, identifying existing problems, and
proposing further work to settle unsolved discrepancies.
The Institute of Aircraft Propulsion Systems operates a remote-controlled model
helicopter powered by a gas turbine. In teaching, it is utilized as a test object for
engine performance model development based on flight test data. It also serves as
a test vehicle for the research of transient condition monitoring. The gas turbine
used is a commercial product called PHT-3. The PHT-3 engine on the ground test
bed is used as a real-world data generator for the validation of fault and damage
detection algorithms. There is currently no logic in place to detect sensor faults or
measurement system degradation.
The unknown behavior of malfunctioning sensors and the precise fault variation
picked from a list of probable problems are the starting points for this problem.
The aim of this thesis is to find out possible sensor faults, how they will affect the
sensor signal and how such faults could be simulated on the test bed.
Chapter 1
The V2500 and CFM56 are twin-spool, axial flow, high by-pass ratio turbofans series
designed primarily for 150 seats, short to medium range aircraft. Both engines
incorporate several advanced technology features which include Full Authority
Digital Electronic Control - FADEC, with two channels.
The first one was developed in 1983 by five of the world’s leading aerospace
manufacturers who signed a 30-year collaboration agreement to produce an engine
for the single isle aircraft market with the best proven technology that each could
provide and it was certified in 1988. Each of the shareholder companies is given
the responsibility for developing and delivering one of the five engine modules, as
shown in figure 1.1. However, the engines are assembled by the major partners,
Rolls Royce and Pratt and Whitney.
V2500 and CFM56 Gas Turbine Engine
V2500 and CFM56 Gas Turbine Engine
• V2500: the core engine ’hot’ exhaust and the ’cool’ by-pass flow are ’mixed’
in the Common Nozzle Assembly before passing through the single propelling
nozzle into the atmosphere.
• CFM56: the core engine ’hot’ exhaust and the ’cool’ by-pass flow pass through
a different propelling nozzle into the atmosphere.
An engine map for each one is presented, showing the location of the stations
respectively in figure 1.2 for V2500 and in figure 1.3 for CFM56. In table 1.3 are
reported for each station the corresponding parts of the engine.
V2500 and CFM56 Gas Turbine Engine
- V2500 CFM56
Intake/Engine inlet interface 1 1
Fan inlet 2 2
Fan exit 12.5 13
LPC OGV exit 2.5 2.5
HP Compressor exit 3 3
Combustion section exit 4 4
HP Turbine exit 4.5 4.2
LP Turbine exit 4.9 5
When the engine’s performance are evaluated, measurements are made at certain
locations inside the engine. These locations coincide very often with thermodynamic
stations, and the measurements are typically temperatures and pressures, static or
V2500 and CFM56 Gas Turbine Engine
Fan inlet P2 T2
LPC OGV exit - T2.5
HP Compressor exit P3 T3
LP Turbine exit P4.9 T4.9
Fan Exit P12.5 -
EGT is one of the most essential factors in engine performance studies since it
is the most important temperature in the engine’s hot sector.
The hot region of the engine has three main temperatures:
• burner exit temperature T4
• HP Turbine exit temperature, identified in T4.5 for V2500 and T4.2 for CFM56
• EGT, identified in in T4.9 for V2500 and T4.95 for CFM56
The burner exit temperature’s value of T4 is impacted by the amount of cooling
air used by the HPC. Furthermore, it is difficult to install a sensor due to the
extreme conditions encountered (high temperature), as these conditions affect the
sensor output signal generating sensor biases (systematic errors) which will be
discussed in the following chapter.
For the same reasons stated above, the HPT exit temperature is not sensed.
The EGT for the engine V2500 is detected in the LPT exit (station 4.9), but
the EGT for the CFM56 is identified in the LP Turbine inter-stage, specifically at
the stage 2 inlet.
To do a better analysis of engine condition, some more parameters are potentially
accessible for the CFM56 engine in comparison to the V2500 engine: sensor signals
V2500 and CFM56 Gas Turbine Engine
PS13, P2.5, and T5 are used for monitoring the trend of the CFM56 engine in
addition to the signals of sensors P12.5, T2.5 and T3 also used for monitoring the
trend of the V2500.
Engine condition monitoring is possible by the ability of the FADEC to broadcast
the engine parameters through the ARINC 429 bus output.
1.1.3 Details
It is possible to note that both engines have a very identical array of sensors, except
for the optional sensors described above for the CFM56.
Both engines are equipped with a resistance probe at the LP compressor exit,
going into more detail it is a platinum resistance probe: the operating principle of
the sensor is based on the properties inherent to metals (in this case platinum),
being that their resistance varies in relation to temperature. Therefore, current
supplies to the probe resistor and its signals are modified by the temperature
surrounding the probe.
In the other stations, the temperature signals are perceived through thermocou-
ples type K (Chrome (+) - Alumel (-)): the operating principle of the sensor is
based on the generation of an electromotive force between two dissimilar conductors,
submitted to a temperature gradient.
The thermocouples will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.
Thermocouples are the most popular sensors used for gas temperature measure-
ments nowadays, owing to their robustness, ease of manufacture, tolerated reaction
time, and low cost of use.
Resistance Temperature Devices RTDs are increasingly being used, although
each has limitations in size, ruggedness, signal processing, or cost when compared
to the more popular thermocouples. Thermistors are not commonly utilized due
to their low-temperature range, which is typically less than 200°C, indeed in our
references engines are only used in LPC exit.
The greatest difference between the two reference engine was observed in the
choice of thermocouple wiring harness design in the station identified as EGT and
the transducer type used to read the pressure signal.
In way of comparison to the CFM56 engine, the two channels manage different
signals but at the same points of the section, while in the CFM56 the two channels
manage signals from different points of the section.
Pressure transducer
In the V2500 are installed piezoresistive transducers, silicon capacitive type, while
in the CFM56 are installed piezoelectric transducers, quartz capacitive type.
Piezoresistive based transducers rely on the piezoresistive effect which occurs
when the electrical resistance of a material change in response to applied mechanical
strain. The piezoresistive effect in silicon is due primarily to changes at the atomic
level and is approximately two orders of magnitude larger than in metals. When
piezoresistors are placed in a Wheatstone bridge configuration and attached to
a pressure-sensitive diaphragm, a change in resistance is converted to a voltage
output which is proportional to the applied pressure.
Piezoelectric based transducers rely on the piezoelectric effect, which occurs when
a crystal reorients under stress forming an internal polarization. This polarization
results in the generation of charge on the crystal face that is proportional to the
applied stress. Therefore, an electric charge proportional to the applied force is
generated when a piezoelectric material is stressed.
In both engines, in each channel is installed a single pressure transducer for each
pneumatical line. Consequentially, in the station where there are different rakes
mounted in a different positions, the pressure is collected and averaged through a
pneumatical line that runs around the section, as shown in figure 1.6.
V2500 and CFM56 Gas Turbine Engine
The pneumatical line, coming from the engine section within the EEC, through
a shear plate is routed to the channel A and B transducers which compute the
actual pressures.
Only for the optional monitoring pressures, for the CFM56 engine, the pneu-
matical lines are supplied by a single channel.
Chapter 2
The EEC receives engine inlet condition data from the Air Data Computers
ADCs and operational commands from the Engine Interface Unit EIU.
As shown in figure 2.1, operating condition data from dedicated engine sensors
such as T12, PS12, P0, N1, N2, PS3, T25, T3, and temperature case are sent to
EEC: through these parameters, it computes the required fuel flow, Variable Stator
Vane VSV, Variable Bleed Valve VBV, HPT clearance control, LPT clearance
control, and rotor active clearance control valve positions.
The FADEC is categorized as “on condition” equipment which means they are
removed only when a failure is indicated.
The different inputs from sensors, switches, and aircraft are checked at several
stages within the EEC before the values received are finally picked to be used in
the control law computations.
After being converted to digital format, the values must go through signal and
range check logic to then be compared across the Cross-Channel Data Link CCDL
prior to being chosen for the control law calculations.
After the values have been calculated and processed in the control law logic, they
pass through the output stage for transmission to the engine, or aircraft systems.
As shown in 2.3, both EEC channels validate their inputs, process the data, and
check their outputs identically.
Although the signal’s fault isolation would seem so simple, some inputs take
into account other parameters in the calculation phase, making fault isolation more
difficult like sensed signal P25, PS13, PS3, and T3. By way of showing, the sensor
faults logic for the T3 sensor signal is described: T3 sensor signal is a control input
used to calculate the demand on the HPT Active Clearance Control HPTACC
valve, in this case, the fault strategy used to isolate the sensor fault is much more
stringent because when the engine is running, the EEC checks only the minimum
limit, more precisely -60 °C for more than 4.8 seconds, while if the engine is running,
the EEC compares if T3 value is less or equal to the selected value of T25, or T3
is sensed as being above 725°C. In both case the error must be present for 4.8
seconds. It is evident that the sensor fault strategy used depends on the operating
conditions of the engine.
If the parameter fails the range tests, the EEC sets a flag like ’invalid’ and holds
the parameter at its last valid value, and the EEC generates an error designed as:
’Signal out of the range’.
Signal processing for CFM56 engine
Due to all the potential engine failures, isolating sensor faults is not always easy.
The logic examples described above, while not giving specific instructions on how
to do so, do help understand how challenging it is to isolate sensor errors and how
heavily it depends on the engine’s control and monitoring logic.
After passing through the signal and range check logic, these values are compared
throughout the CCDL: validated input signals and validation status data are sent
from one EEC channel to the next via a set of digital discrete control/status signals.
This cross-channel data can then be used in the data selection process.
The opposite channel’s data is used by the local channel through CCDL if the
local channel’s digital data is invalid or fails a maximum/minimum range check,
provided that the data has passed validity and range tests. If it fails the validation
and maximum/minimum range checks also in the stand-by channel, the EEC then
chooses either a fail-safe value or, for certain parameters, a model value generated
mathematically by the EEC from other parameter values: sensor inputs like PS3,
T25, and T3 have an EEC calculated models.
When both channels are operational and cross-channel data is available, the
validity of channel A and channel B dual sensor measured values is given by the
fact that EEC checks the absolute difference between the two inputs within a
predetermined range: if the difference between the inputs is less than the specified
tolerance, the average of the values is selected.
The value that is closest to the input model is chosen if the delta between the
two inputs is beyond the set range. In the absence of a model for the sensor, a fail
safe value is chosen but in either situation, the EEC will produce the following
error message: ’Signal disagree’.
The figure 2.5 schematically summarizes what has just explained above.
Signal processing for CFM56 engine
• if the engine is not running, the EEC checks to see if the temperature felt is
less than -60°. If a sector’s temperature falls below this level, the EEC sets a
fault flag and generates an error message’Signal out of the range’.
• if the engine is running, the EEC conducts additional examinations on the
sectors. If one of the sectors detects a temperature below the specified value
of T25 or above about 1300°C, the EEC sets a fault flag and generates an
error message. ’Signal out of the range’.
Signal processing for CFM56 engine
An error message ’Signal disagree’ is generated by the EEC if one sector has 200°C
discrepancy compared to the average of the other sectors.
Chapter 3
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Data collection and processing systems offer the link between the instrumentation
systems and their user’s data. These components obtain the outputs from the
signal conditioning units and process these electrical signals to generate output
data in the specified digital and/or analog formats. This element is identified as
EEC. The data acquisition and processing systems have already been thoroughly
addressed in the previous chapter.
The intrinsic portion of the instrumentation system for temperature and pressure
measuring systems are discussed in details below.
The connected issues for the two systems, temperature and pressure measurement
systems, that are associated with each of the parts mentioned above will then
be looked into and highlighted. On the other hand, simply an indication of the
related error will be provided for the signal conditioning, the data acquisition and
processing systems, which can be neglected.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
to improve the stability and/or manufacturing processing of their wire, that can
depart significantly from those of the original formulation.[9]
Large calibration shifts will occur if exposed to a marginally oxidizing atmosphere
at a temperature above 800°C due to Green-rot corrosion, such corrosion results
from preferential oxidation of chromium when the oxygen content of the atmosphere
surrounding the thermocouple is low.[10] This aspect will be explored later.
This thermocouple type presents an accuracy of ± 2.2°C or 0.75% for category
2, while accuracy of ± 1°C or 0.4% for category 1.
Figure 3.4 shows the voltage against temperature relationship for some of the
most common thermocouples (letter designated thermocouples) distinguishing
positive (P) and negative thermoelements(N): from the graph, it’s obvious that for
the temperatures inside the reference engines, other thermocouple types could also
be installed.
Consequently, it will be clarified why it was chosen type K thermocouple in the
reference engines, in accordance with [7]: basically, thermocouples can be divided
into two groups: thermocouples with Ni-base thermoelements (type E, J, K, and N)
called base-metals thermocouples and thermocouples with Pt-base thermoelements
(type R, S and B) called nobles-metals thermocouples.
Type R, S, and B thermocouples employ Pt-base thermoelements and can
withstand temperatures of up to 1700°C; however, they are more expensive and
have a lower voltage output than type K. Ni-based thermocouples, on the other
hand, can operate at lower temperatures than Pt-based thermocouples, but for
the engine taken as reference, the temperature range, at which the two types of
thermocouples can operate, does not affect the choice. The main difference that
influenced the choice is that the continued use of Types R and S thermocouples at
high temperatures results in excessive grain growth, which can lead to mechanical
breakdown of the platinum element, resulting in less durability than type K
As regards thermocouples with Ni-base thermoelements, the only two thermo-
couples with Ni-base thermoelements that can be ruled out are type J and type
E, the former because the rate of oxidation of the iron thermoelement (positive
thermoelement) is rapid above 540°C, and the use of heavy-gauge wires is recom-
mended when long life is required at higher temperatures, the latter because type
K oxidation resistance characteristics are better than type E.
Regarding type N thermocouple, it works well with reference engines because
it varies from type K because it has silicon added to both the NP and NN wires
as well as more chromium in the NP wire. The NN wire also contains roughly
0.15% magnesium. This thermocouple offers lower drift rates around 1000°C, does
not exhibit the short-range ordering of type K materials and is less vulnerable to
preferential oxidation effects compared to type K thermocouples.
Between the measuring junction and the reference junction extension wires are
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
hA (Te − T ) = mc (3.2)
• m = thermocouple mass
• c = specific heat capacity of the thermocouple material
• h = heat transfer coefficient
• A = thermocouple heat transfer surface area
τ + T = Te (3.3)
Where the time constant, τ , for thermocouple is defined as:
τ= (3.4)
The thermocouple temperature can be solved as a function of time for the
immediate change in fluid temperature at time zero:
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
t 1Út −t
T = Ce τ + Te e τ dT (3.5)
τ 0
• T = thermocouple temperature
• C = integration costant
• t = time
• Te = environment temperature
Figure 3.7 shows the transient response of a thermocouple. While 63.2% of the
final temperature is reached after one time constant, it takes 5τ for the value to
reach 99.3% of the new temperature value.
According with [11] and [14], the most important thermodynamic factors affecting
thermocouple probe design are:
Figure 3.8 shows the schematic cross-section of such a sensor design with the
basic heat transfer phenomena indicated above.
• velocity error
• conduction error
• radiation error
The errors mentioned above will be discussed detail, in according with [11], [14]
and [15].
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Velocity error
The difference between the total temperature of the thermocouple junction TJ , and
the total temperature of the gas TT , is described with the so called recovery factor
R and is defined as:
Tj − TS
R= (3.6)
This is the ratio of the actually measured to the total thermal energy available
from the flow’s adiabatic deceleration.
A good thermocouple design is achieved if the recovery factor is very close to 1.
The recovery factor R of a bare wire thermocouple is a function of the thermocouple
geometry and can be varied only between narrow limits. For bare thermocouple
wires recommended values of R for probe designs are:
The aerodynamic recovery factor R can be used in conjunction with the overall
recovery factor, which serves as a measure of how well the total temperature probe
under test recovers the total thermal energy of the flow, to perform a correction
factor ∆.
This correction factor ∆ is defined in equation 3.11 and is related to the
aerodynamic recovery factor and ratio of static to total temperature. This correction
factor is subsequently added to the overall recovery factor defined in equation 3.12
to give the flow total temperature through the corrected recovery factor R̄ in
equation 3.13.
3 4
∆ = (1 − R) 1− (3.11)
r= (3.12)
M a2F
R̄ = r + ∆ = r + (1 − R) 2
1 + γ−1
M a2F
This corrected recovery factor R̄ is used to correct errors due to Mach number
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Conduction error
It is assumed that the heat energy transferred from the hot gas to the thermocouple
hot junction through forced convection is equal to the heat energy transferred
through conduction along the thermocouple wire. The thermal energy loss due to
conduction is given by the following equation:
Yc = TT − TJ = 5 1 21 6 (3.14)
cosh L 4 hc
D kS
• TM = mount temperature
• L = length of thermocouple exposed
• D = wire diameter
• hC = convective heat transfer coefficient
• kS = thermal conductivity of thermocouple material
N u kg
hC = (3.15)
The Nusselt number can be evaluated through empirical equation:
ρV D
Re = (3.18)
It is possible to notice that a possible strengthening of the convective heat
transfer coefficient is directly coupled with a higher flow velocity inside the sensor,
which returns as a counterpart increases in the velocity error.
The figure 3.10 illustrates the effect that the ratio L/D can have on conduction
error for a thermocouple normal to flow.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Radiation error
Due to the flow slowdown towards the total condition, the thermocouple is at a
greater temperature than the adjacent components: the stagnation tube has a
temperature near the static temperature due to a large heat transfer to the free
stream. Furthermore, due to flame radiation or excessive air cooling, the engine
parts in front of the sensor may have a greater or lower temperature.
This results in a significant radiation heat transfer that can be expressed by:
1 σϵ 1 2
Yr = TT − TJ = T 4
− T 4
hc 1 + AT C
(1 − ϵ) T W
Other than hC , all other parameters are fixed. The only way to increase, or
reduce, the radiation error is by changing hC : a higher hC reduces the conduction
error but corresponds to an increased thermocouple junction Mach number M aJ ,
which, as seen for the conduction error, implies an increase of velocity error.
The emissivity ϵ is basically fixed by the thermocouple material, but it changes
during engine running in an unpredictable way due to oxidation or deposition.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Figure 3.11 illustrates the influence of the radiation heat transfer. It is clear
that radiation has an impact on temperature starting at about 500K. This effect
becomes noticeable around 1000 K, even when compared to other errors like the
thermocouple error. The assumption that the maximum temperature of all engine
components is constrained, results in a significant change of the gradient around
1300 K. Above this point, the surfaces immediately around the sensor will be cooled
and the temperature difference will increase. As a result, the radiation heat transfer
has risen sharply.
Another type of radiation is radiation error induced by gas and flame radiation,
but is generally considered to be negligible at atmospheric pressure and temperatures
experienced in the gas turbine.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
According to [10] [12], the main phenomena responsible for type K thermocouple
drift are oxidation and short-range order transformations.
According to [7], short-range ordering contributes to drift in the temperature
range of 200-600°C. On the contrary, oxidation becomes considerably above 800°C.
As a result, it can be assumed that sections of the thermocouple below 600°C are
primarily affected by short-range order and sections above 600°C are primarily
affected by oxidation: this approximation allows to decouple the contribution to
drift from oxidation and short-range order transformation, as shown in figure 3.12.
These approach is confirmed in [10]
Figure 3.12: Sections of the thermocouple affected by short range order and
oxidation, [10]
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
• Oxidation: when type K bare wires thermoelements are exposed to air, they
oxidize. Above about 800°C the effect of oxidation on Ni alloys becomes
important. The oxidation produces an extensive change in composition as a
result of the formation of oxide scales on the surface of the thermoelements.
By way of showing, it is considered the effect of oxidation on the positive
thermoelement KP (Ni-Cr alloy). In the positive thermoelements KP, Cr is
oxidized preferentially forming Cr-rich oxides. The Cr content of the alloy is
not enough to form a continuous external chromium oxide, so an external Ni
oxide is formed with an underlying Cr rich oxide layer.
Because Cr is depleted from the base metal in order to generate Cr rich oxides,
the Cr oxide has a higher Cr concentration than the alloy. As a result, the
Seebeck coefficient is reduced, causing drift.
Figure 3.14: Drift for bare wire KP and KN thermoelements (3.2 mm wire
diameter) in low oxygen content atmosphere - short-range order effect, [10]
• missing probe tips, which is potentially the most serious condition of all from
the standpoint of the possible effects on the control system. In this case, the
probe tip is completely missing from the affected thermocouple.
• open sensor circuits, which occur when a thermocouple develops an open circuit,
which generally occurs adjacent to the weld point of the two thermoelements
in the sensing element.
Such damage can occur if, for example, hot spots develop in the turbine inlet
because of improperly functioning fuel nozzles. Hot spots in this location can cause
a dramatic increase in erosion and sulfidation of metal surfaces, which greatly
reduces the service life of thermocouples.[17]
Also that even under the best of conditions, the effects of heat, erosion, and
sulfidation will eventually exact their toll on all thermocouples. This is why
thermocouples should be inspected at regular intervals.
When a thermocouple develops an open circuit, it generally occurs adjacent to
the weld point of the two thermoelements in the sensing element.
3.2.5 Maintenance
Due to the fact that the manuals for the two reference engines are not available,
the following chapter summarizes the information provided by the Operation and
Maintenance Manual for Allison 250-C18.[18]
Temperature measurement system maintenance consists in inspection and re-
placement of the thermocouple assembly.
The inspection consist in two phases:
• visual check
• electrical check
The visual check is executed through a strong light and 10X magnification to
identify wear, broken leads or other damage. The inspection of the thermocouple
tip is vital to identify cracks, erosion, and scale.
Thermocouple assembly will be replaced for any of the following reasons:
• tips having scale on either wire affecting 25% of the cross-sectional area. If
the thermocouple is otherwise satisfactory, it is possible to remove the scale
by soft grit blast.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
The study carried out by Chue [19] provides an important conclusion that
supports the claim that even though there are various Pitot probe designs, each
with a distinct yaw angle insensitivity range, they all have considerably lower
critical insensitive angles than Kiel-head probes, making Pitot probes unsuitable
for highly unstable environments.
The critical angle is the incidence, referred to either yaw or pitch, at which the
stagnation pressure error overtakes the amount of 1% of the pressure measured at
a null angle of attack.
The Kiel-head probe is nothing more than a Pitot probe whose intake is protected
by a shroud, and it is helpful to obtain stagnation pressure because of the extremity
probe that derives from the Pitot probe.
It can be used if the probe axis alignment and the flow direction have a relative
imprecision or incidence of almost ± 35° ÷ 60°, in function of the probe geometry,
resulting in a higher yaw/pitch applicable range than Pitot probes, as shown in
figure 3.16.
Considering keeping the same probe, results that the probe insensitivity range
rises by increasing the external diameter, therefore the inner geometry does not
affect the probe performance in terms of yaw and pitch angle insensitivity. [20]
Therefore, a degradation of the external surface could give an error reading
pressure from the true pressure.
To obtain a pressure measurement at a specified point in a gas stream, therefore,
the pressure is usually sensed by a probe, which is usually a Kiel-head probe due
to its great range of insensitivity, and then conveyed to a transducer.
As seen previously, the two reference engines have different transducers types:
in the V2500 are installed piezoresistive transducers, silicon capacitive type, while
in the CFM56 are installed piezoelectric transducers, quartz capacitive type.
Production aerospace transducers generally report a total error band. Total
error band specifications are meant to convey the installed performance when any
combination of realistic environmental factors may be present.
Refer to [21], below are shown the characteristics between the piezoresistive
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
static error band = nonlinearity 2 + hysteresis2 + repeatibility 2 (3.21)
The overall contribution of hysteresis and repeatability to the static error band is
typically less than 10% in silicon capacitive type, due to the nearly perfectly elastic
nature of the mono-crystalline silicon pressure sensor combined with the low level
of stress applied at full scale. Therefore, Non-linearity is the largest contributing
component of the static error band. The static error band of a pressure transducer
is typically ±0.1% FS.
A great contribution to the total error band is given from thermal zero shift,
which is normally the single largest error source in general purpose pressure
transducers together with thermal sensitivity shift.
Thermal sensitivity shift and thermal zero shift define the effects on sensitivity
and zero measurement output of operation at operating temperatures other than a
normal ambient temperature of 24°C.
The thermal zero drift, which is measured as µV /°C, causes a constant error that
exists over the full range of measurement of the instrument and it can be treated
as a bias and periodically tared. Therefore, the thermal zero drift is normally
removable by calibration.
Figure 3.18 shows the effect on the output of the thermal zero shift and the
thermal sensitivity shift.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Figure 3.18: Pressure Transducer Thermal Zero and Sensitivity Shift, [22]
• LM is about 90 cm maximum
• LM is about 548 cm minimum
The theory behind the SIT design is that for a sufficiently long tube (semi-
infinite), pressure fluctuations at the measuring station will have attenuated to
small enough values at the far end that their reflection back to the measuring
station will be very small, giving negligible measurement errors.
Despite this, in the engines taken as a reference, this technology was not found.
A possible explanation for this choice by the manufacturer could be that the length
of the pressure line is not consistent, therefore the error given from not using an
SIT system is negligible.
Regarding the influence of flow characteristics on probe reading the only two
effects that can have a significant influence in this instance are compressibility and
turbulence in the flow field.[24] [19]
Regarding all Kiel-head probes there is a local speed range in which the critical
angle remains constant, this means that the probe in this range is not sensitive to
compressibility, as shown in figure 3.20.
Temperature and pressure measurement systems
Figure 3.20: Correlation between critical angle and local Mach number for Kiel-
head probes, [19]
This leads to the conclusion that until the flow turbulence intensity remains
under 70%, which is the limit turbulence intensity as calculated through equation
3.23 considering a medium Kiel-head critical angle of 35°, the Kiel-head probe is
not sensitive to turbulence induced errors.
A correlation between total pressure read by Kiel-head probe and the turbulence
intensity with a CFD evaluation is reported in figure 3.22
Figure 3.22: Correlation between total pressure read by Kiel-head probe and the
turbulence intensity with a CFD evaluation, [24]
features a three-dimensional model, and in second time, in the previous study a lot
of real aspects, as well as phenomena, have been neglected.
It is critical to understand the relationship between total pressure read by the
probe and turbulence because, for example, downstream-the-rotor mounted probes
are subjected to important pressure fluctuations owing to wake vortexes generated
by the relative motion of rotor blades ahead the probe axis.
In general, fluctuations in turbo-machines can be subdivided into three categories.
• Periodic, which in general, are produced by the rotation of the blades. Other
factors that may cause this kind of fluctuations may be the presence of shock
waves and the interaction among secondary flow rates, which may include
bleed and bypass ones, and the core primary flow
• Nearly periodic, which are caused by large domain unsteady phenomena, such
as rotating stall as well as compressor’s surge
• Stochastic, which are caused by phenomena such as intermittent blade flutter,
boundary layer separation, unsteady transition as well as turbulence
Chapter 4
Test case
In this chapter, for each test case presented, the parameters used to define the
error for each type of problem will be briefly summarized before moving on to the
construction of the test case in question. A comparison with the literature will also
be presented, if available.
Another main objective of this is to choose in which area of the engine to apply
the test case, taking into account in which station the error could occur or in which
station the error occurs with greater magnitude.
For all test cases presented the station engine identified is the EGT.
• Test case 1 - The temperature and the internal flow Mach number M aJ have
the greatest influence on the error highlighted in this study. Because the mach
junction number is independent of the section, the only parameter left to
define the section where the test case should be applied is the temperature.
The EGT section shows a higher temperature between the sections sensed.
• Test case 2 - Temperature and exposure hours have the greatest influence on
the error highlighted in this study. With only three temperature drift curves,
it was decided to apply the test case in the region where the temperature was
closest to the drift curves, the EGT section is identified like it.
• Test case 3 - Because hot spots can dramatically increase the erosion and
sulfidation of metal surfaces, the temperature is the parameter that influenced
the error highlighted in this study. and as identified previously, the EGT
section has a higher temperature than the other sections.
Test case
Figure 4.1: Best M aJ to reduce the velocity, conduction and radiation error
4.1.1 On-design
Before proceeding with the development of the test case, it is necessary to define
the installation of the thermocouple in the reference engine CFM56, which is chosen
between the two reference engine to simulate the test case.
The EGT, which presents a value equal to 1188 K, is not measured in the main
stream of the LPT air, it is measured by a thermocouple located in the interior of
the vane as shown in figure 4.2.
Considering that the real local Mach number in the application is not exactly
known and that for the reference engine CFM56 the EGT is in the 2nd stage of LP
turbine, therefore, a free-stream Mach number is assumed to be 0.8 like a possible
turbine’s Mach design.
To obtain an accurate measurement of the conduction and radiation errors,
a heat transfer analysis of the probe would be required to obtain the mount
temperature TM and the wall temperature TW .
Following it will present a method to obtain valid values in first approximation,
without to recur necessarily to heat transfer analysis.
The following analyses will be conducted using 3.2 mm wire diameter thermo-
couple, being the same diameter used to characterize the drift for bare wire KP
and KN thermoelements in low-oxygen content atmosphere, shown in figure 3.14
Moreover, taking into account that the EGT work under the effect of a gas
combustion, specific heat gas combustion cp is taken equal to 1184 KgJ K , the
R*(constant gas/molar mass) is taken equal to 293.77 KgJ K , and the γ is taken
equal to 1.33.
Test case
Velocity error
Taking into account the considerations made previously, to obtain a Mach number
junction M aJ , in accordance with the range that has been highlighted previously,
a ratio AE/AB equal to 4 is defined.
This ratio, referring to equation 3.10, return a Mach number junction M aJ
equal to 0.137.
As shown in 4.2, the flow it will be considered parallel to the wire. Under
these conditions the recovery factor recommended for bare thermocouple should
be in the range R = 0.86 ± 0.09, but not having characterized the probe, in first
approximation, is assumed the rake shaft like a cylindrical body under cross-flow
conditions, which the recovery factor value is given to 0.68. [14]
Referring to the equation 3.9, a velocity error results equal to 1.18 K.
Conduction error
Taking into account the considerations made previously, the ratio L/D equal to 10
is defined.
Considering a wire diameter equal to 3.2 mm, is obtained a length of thermo-
couple exposed equal to 320 mm.
From Sutherland’s formulas 4.1, a dynamic viscosity equal to 4.60 10−5 mKgs is
obtained for the temperature of 1188 K.
T 3/2
µ=S (4.1)
• S = 1.4610−6 Kg
m s K 1/2
• χ = 110K
An approximation of the velocity inside the probe is given from equation 4.2
and 4.3: considering the Mach number junction M aJ , which is defined as equal to
0.137, and the total temperature, which is defined as equal to 1188 K, a velocity
inside the probe is equal to 93 m/s.
T = γ ′ −1
1+ 2
M a2J
V = M aJ γ ′ R∗ T (4.3)
Having defined the velocity inside the probe and the dynamic viscosity, it is
possible to define Reynolds number, and consequently, the Nusselt number and the
convective heat transfer coefficient hC , which results equal to 411 mW2 K .
Test case
Regarding the mounting temperature, it is assumed that with a bleed from the
first stages of the HPC, which have the same pressure to be able to thus the cooling,
it is possible to maintain the mounting temperature at 150 k less than the total
temperature inside the probe.
The thermal conductivity of thermocouple material kS is 100 mWK while for the
gas, considering the pressure and the temperature in operation condition, a value
of the thermal conductivity is given equal to 0.09 mWK .
Referring to the equation 3.14 is obtained a conduction error equal to 2.09 K.
Radiation error
Referring to the equation 4.5, it is necessary to estimate the surface wall and the
surface thermocouple exposed: the surface wall is estimated 1700 mm2 considering
an internal diameter equal to about 5.2 times the diameter of wires for MIMS
configuration [7], while the surface thermocouple exposed is estimated 643 mm2 .
The rake shaft temperature rises from a low value, at the cooled engine casing,
to a stable value between the static and total temperatures, which is determined
by the shaft’s recovery factor and the radiation heat exchange with surrounding
surfaces, which will be neglected in first approximation.
This analysis allows to arrive at an approximation of the rake’s temperature
equal to 1151 K, following the equation 4.4, where free-stream static temperature
TS is defined through the isentropic equation and equal to 1074.5 K.
γ′ − 1
TW = TS 1+R M a2F (4.4)
Referring to the equation 4.5, a radiation error equal to 2.94°C is obtained.
Figure 4.3 shows the influence of the different effects on the measurement of total
temperature. A deviation from the total temperature of 0.53% is detected.
The deviation is mainly caused by the radiation which results 0.25% in according
with the figure 3.11.
A correction with the calibrated recovery factor only eliminates the velocity and
the conduction error. Therefore an error of 0.25% will remain after the correction.
This is in the same order as the thermocouple error and must not be neglected.
The comparison between the results of this investigation and data from the
literature shows an overall deviation of this work in good approximation valid. The
overall deviation from the total temperature in [14] is equal to 0.9%. The low
difference can be related to the different temperatures and to the different free-
stream Mach numbers, on which the influence of separate effects is studied. Strongly
Test case
deviation is detected for the radiation error being this work evaluated about 200
K less, while the velocity and the conduction error give the same percentage of
The other errors like the thermocouple error still have to be added. The table
4.1 shows the single parts identified in the chain of the thermocouple with the
relative inaccuracy. The ∆T obtained in the analysis is related to the temperature
of the EGT in °C.
Overall, is detected an inaccuracy from the real total temperature equal to 13.06
°C, which corresponding in percentage to 1.42% respect 915°C EGT temperature.
Test case
4.1.2 Off-design
Considering a geometry change of the Kiel’s probe inlet AE and the bleed holes
AB, due to erosion or thermal dilatation, in figure 4.4 is presented the percentage
variation of the velocity, conduction, and radiation error.
Figure 4.4: Effect of AE/AB ratio on velocity, conduction and radiation error to
1188 K
The change of AE/AB ratio is followed by a change of the Mach number junction
M aJ , that as shown in the figure 4.1, is followed by a redefinition of inaccuracy
percentage due to the velocity, conduction, and radiation error.
As shown in figure 4.4, considering the absurd situation in which AE /AB changes
its value to +50 % from the design point, an overall ∆%overall equal to 0.04%
occurs regarding the design configuration, returning a Kiel’s probe inaccuracy equal
to 6.77 K, while for -50 % from the design condition, an overall ∆%overall equal
to 0.15% regarding the design configuration, returning a Kiel’s probe inaccuracy
equal to 8.07 K.
This low variation from design conditions is justified because the most predom-
inant error in high-temperature measurement is radiation error, which increases
exponentially above 1300 K, while the velocity and the conduction error are strongly
influenced by the Mach number junction M aJ , which have no significant values,
going only outside the ideal range and, at the same time, outside the range in
which the speed error increases consistently.
Test case
The only thermocouple part subjected to oxidation in the MIMS with exposed
bare wire junctions configuration is the junction, which is the only part of the
thermocouple exposed to the surrounding environment. But nevertheless, changes
at the thermocouple junction usually have no effect on drift because the junction
is assumed to be at constant temperature. As a result, only the change caused by
the short-range order effect contributes to drift in the MIMS configuration with
exposed bare wire junctions. For the same reason, the interaction with the sheath
does not contribute to thermocouple drift.
Referring at the figure 3.14, after 400h for exposition at 1000°C, results a drift
equal to +100 µV for the KP thermoelement, while a drift equal to +15 µV for
the KN thermoelement.
Overall the short-range order effect produces a positive contribution to drift of
115 µV after 400 h.
From the NIST online database [25] has been obtained the type K Thermocouples
Coefficients, shown in table 4.2.
1 2
emf = ti90 + a0 ea1 (t90 −a2 ) i = 0, ..., n (4.5)
Test case
Test case
In the case in which the sector is not excluded, for example, because the logic
has not been implemented, is obtained an untrue temperature read compared to
the real total temperature equal to 1037 K, according to the the following equation:
N qn
EGTread = i=1
i = 1, ..., n j = 1, ..., N (4.6)
j=1 nj
This chapter represents the end of the study carried out, by the undersigned, at
the ILA (Institut für Luftfahrtantriebe) sited in the University of Stuttgart.
Within the proposed work, the author tried to analyze the contributions of each
component in the chain of temperature and pressure measurement systems, to the
inaccuracy of the two systems.
In addition, it has been conducted a forecast campaign about three test cases
developed, according to the errors highlighted in the two chain systems.
In other words, the present study dealt with the comprehension of how much
and in which way the instrumentation, in terms of temperature and pressure
measurements, used in today’s engine can affect the precision of the real temperature
and pressure inside the gas turbine engine
In this way, the aim of this study consisted in performing, firstly, a deeper
understanding of the contributions of different parameters involved in defining the
system’s inaccuracy and, secondly, the formulation of inaccuracy forecast for the
errors highlighted during this work.
Another feature on which the attention has been focused was been to get an
idea of how modern engine identifies and insulates sensor faults. This analysis led
to the conclusion that due to all the potential engine failures, isolating sensor faults
is not always easy, because some inputs take into account other parameters in the
calculation phase. Therefore, the manufacturers don’t give specific instructions on
the fault strategy. The only conclusion that can be highlighted is how the fault
strategy heavily depends on the engine’s control and monitoring logic.
During the first part of these six months, detailed bibliography research has
been conducted in order to gather sufficient data to focus the study but, owing
to the very broad and variegated field such as this one debated, the link at single
details for each component of the chain it turned out to be necessary.
For the temperature measurement system, despite the results are not highly
representative of the real physics of the studied phenomena as some strong approx-
imations, the same results constitute a valid tool to state that:
• at temperature close to 1000°C the radiation error is the main cause of the
temperature deviation, together with thermocouple accuracy and the error
For the pressure measurement system, the largest source of the error is given
from the probe, identified in Kiel’s probe design as it has large ranges of yaw
and pitch insensitivity. The influence of flow characteristics on probe reading
could lead to deviations from the real pressure. Regarding the sensitivity to
compressibility, for Mach number upper 0.5 a critical angle decreases while for
the effect of the turbulence, keeping in mind that in turbo-machinery turbulence
intensities won’t overwhelm a 10% value, the errors will be negligible every time.
Being that the Kiel’s head yaw and pitch insensitivity depend on the external
diameter, degradation due to erosion of the external surface of the shroud could be
the cause of a deviation from real pressure.
Appendix A
MATLAB script
1 gamma=1.409
2 Ma_F= 0 : 0 . 1 : 1 ;
3 r a t i o=l i n s p a c e ( 1 , 1 0 , 2 0 0 )
4 f o r i =1: l e n g t h (Ma_F)
6 %Ma_j t o AE/AB r a t i o
7 Maj=Ma_F( i ) . / r a t i o . ∗ ( 1 + (gamma−1) /2∗Ma_F( i ) ) .^( −1/(gamma−1) ) ;
8 end
10 %r e c o v e r y f a c t o r : reccomends f o r w i r e t h e r m o c o u p l e normal t o f l o w
11 R=0.9
12 Tt=l i n s p a c e ( 2 8 8 , 1 4 9 0 , 1 0 ) ;
13 f o r i =1: l e n g t h ( Tt )
15 % V e l o i t y e r r o r − [K]
16 Ve=(1−R) ∗ ( ( ( gamma−1) /2∗Maj . ^ 2 ) . / ( 1 + (gamma−1) /2∗Maj . ^ 2 ) ) . ∗ Tt ( i )
MATLAB script
1 kg = 0 . 1 2 ; %[W/ (m∗K) ]
2 r a t i o =[ 5 , 1 0 , 1 5 , 2 0 ]
3 D=0.005 %[m]
4 L=D∗ r a t i o %[m]
6 %Reynold number −−> Re
7 Re = 2 0 0 : 1 0 0 : 6 0 0 0
9 %Valutiamo i l numeor d i N u s s e l t −−> Nu
10 Nu= ( 0 . 4 4 + 0 . 0 6 ) ∗Re . ^ ( 1 / 2 ) ;
12 %Valutiamo h e a t t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t −−> h_c
13 hc=Nu . ∗ kg . /D;
14 ks =100 ; %[W/ (m∗K) ]
15 f o r i =1: l e n g t h ( r a t i o )
16 f o r j =1: l e n g t h ( Re )
18 %Conduction e r r o r n o r m a l i z z a t o
19 Ce_norm ( i , j ) =1/( c o s h (L( i ) ∗ ( 4 ∗ hc ( j ) / (D∗ ks ) ) ^ ( 1 / 2 ) ) )
20 end
21 end
MATLAB script
1 r a t i o _ 1 =4; %DESIGN
3 %Valutiamo g a s combusti
4 gamma= 1 . 4 0 9 ;
5 cp_primo =1184; %[ J / ( kg K) ]
6 R_primo = 2 9 3 . 7 7 ; %[ J / ( kg K) ]
7 gamma_primo=(cp_primo /R_primo ) / ( cp_primo /R_primo−1) ;
9 %r e c o v e r y f a c t o r : reccomends f o r w i r e t h e r m o c o u p l e p a r a l l e l t o f l o w
10 R=0.68 ;
11 Ma_F=0.8 ; %Supposed l i k e Ma_D LPT
12 Tt=915+273; %[K]
13 Maj=Ma_F/ r a t i o _ 1 . ∗ ( 1 + ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Ma_F) ^( −1/(gamma_primo−1) ) ;
15 %V e l o c i t y e r r o r
16 Ve=(1−R) ∗ ( ( ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Maj ^2) . / ( 1 + ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Maj . ^ 2 ) ) ∗Tt
18 kg = 0 . 0 9 ; %[W/ (m∗K) ]
19 r a t i o =10
20 D=0.0032 %[m]
21 L=D∗ r a t i o %[m]
22 c h i =110; %[K]
24 S=1.46∗10^ −6; %[ kg / (m∗ s ∗K^1/2) ]
26 %S u t h e r l a n d law −−>dinamic v i s c o s i t y
27 mu=S∗Tt ^ ( 3 / 2 ) / ( c h i+Tt ) ; %[ kg / (m∗ s ) ]
40 %N u s s e l t number −−> Nu
41 %Nu= ( 0 . 4 4 ) ∗Re ^ ( 1 / 2 ) %w i r e s normal t o f l o w
42 Nu=0.085∗Re ^ ( 0 . 6 7 4 ) %w i r e s p a r a l l e l t o f l o w
MATLAB script
44 %Heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t
45 hc=Nu∗ kg /D;
46 ks =100 ; %[W/ (m∗K) ]
48 %Conduction e r r o r
49 Ce_norm=1/( c o s h (L) ∗ ( 4 ∗ hc / (D∗ ks ) ) ^ ( 1 / 2 ) )
50 d i f f T =150 %[K]
51 Ce=d i f f T ∗Ce_norm %[K]
53 eps =0.2;
54 sigma =5.67∗10^ −8;
55 Ts_w=Tt /(1+(gamma_primo−1) /2∗Ma_F^2)
56 Tw=Ts_w∗(1+ R∗ ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Ma_F^2)
58 %S u r f a c e t h e r m o c o u p l e
59 ATC=2∗ p i ∗D/2∗L∗2 %[m^ 2 ]
61 %S u r f a c e w a l l
62 AW=2∗ p i ∗ (D/ 0 . 1 9 ) / 2 ∗ (L) %[m^ 2 ]
64 %R a d i a t i o n e r r o r
65 Rer=sigma ∗ e p s / hc ∗ ( Tt^4−Tw^4) ∗1/(1+ATC/AW+(1−e p s ) )
67 %P e r c e n t a g e e r r o r
68 err_per_V=Ve/Tt ∗100
69 err_per_Ce=Ce/Tt ∗100
70 err_per_Rer=Rer /Tt ∗100
71 t o t=Ve+Ce+Rer
MATLAB script
1 ratio_1 = 1 : 0 . 1 : 9 ;
3 %Valutiamo g a s combusti
4 gamma= 1 . 4 0 9 ;
5 cp_primo =1184; %[ J / ( kgK ) ]
6 R_primo = 2 9 3 . 7 7 ; %[ J / ( kgK ) ]
7 gamma_primo=(cp_primo /R_primo ) / ( cp_primo /R_primo−1) ;
9 %Recovery f a c t o r : recommends f o r w i r e t h e r m o c o u p l e p a r a l l e l t o f l o w
10 R=0.68 ;
11 Ma_F=0.8 ; %Supposed l i k e Ma_D LPT
12 Tt=915+273; %[K]
13 Maj=Ma_F. / r a t i o _ 1 . ∗ ( 1 + ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Ma_F) ^( −1/(gamma_primo−1) ) ;
15 %V e l o c i t y e r r o r
16 Ve=(1−R) . ∗ ( ( ( gamma_primo−1) . / 2 ∗ Maj . ^ 2 ) . / ( 1 + ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Maj . ^ 2 ) )
18 kg = 0 . 0 9 ; %[W/ (m∗K) ]
19 r a t i o =10
20 D=0.0032 %[m]
21 L=D∗ r a t i o %[m]
22 c h i =110; %[K]
23 S=1.46∗10^ −6; %k [ g / (m∗ s ∗K^1/2) ]
25 %>S u t h e r l a n d law −−> dinamic v i s c o s i t y
26 mu=S∗Tt ^ ( 3 / 2 ) / ( c h i+Tt ) ; %[ kg / (m∗ s ) ]
39 %N u s s e l t number −−> Nu
40 %Nu= ( 0 . 4 4 ) ∗Re . ^ ( 1 / 2 ) ; %Wires normal t o f l o w
41 Nu=0.085∗Re . ^ ( 0 . 6 7 4 ) %Wires p a r a l l e l t o f l o w
MATLAB script
43 %Heat t r a n s f r c o e f f i c i e n t
44 hc=Nu . ∗ kg /D;
45 ks =100 ; %[W/ (m∗K) ]
47 %Conduction e r r o r
48 Ce_norm=1./( c o s h (L) . ∗ ( 4 ∗ hc . / (D∗ ks ) ) . ^ ( 1 / 2 ) )
49 d i f f T =150 %[K]
50 Ce=d i f f T ∗Ce_norm
53 eps =0.2; sigma =5.67∗10^ −8;
54 Ts_w=Tt /(1+(gamma_primo−1) /2∗Ma_F^2)
55 Tw=Ts_w∗(1+ R∗ ( gamma_primo−1) /2∗Ma_F^2)
57 %S u r f a c e t h e r m o c o u p l e
58 ATC=2∗ p i ∗D/2∗L∗2 %[m^ 2 ]
60 %S u r f a c e w a l l
61 AW=2∗ p i ∗ (D/ 0 . 1 9 ) / 2 ∗ (L) %[m^ 2 ]
63 %r a d i a t i o n e r r o r
64 Rer=sigma ∗ e p s . / hc . ∗ ( Tt^4−Tw^4) ∗1/(1+ATC/AW+(1−e p s ) )
66 %P e r c e n t a g e e r r o r
67 err_per_V=Ve . / Tt ∗100
68 err_per_Ce=Ce . / Tt ∗100
69 err_per_Rer=Rer . / Tt ∗100
70 t o t=Ve+Ce+Rer
71 t o t _ p e r c=t o t /Tt ∗100
MATLAB script
1 %Type K c o e f f i c i e n t s
2 c0 = −0.176004136860∗10^( −1)
3 c1 =0.389212049750∗10^( −1)
4 c2 =0.185587700320∗10^( −4)
5 c3 = −0.994575928740∗10^( −7)
6 c4 =0.318409457190∗10^( −9)
7 c5 = −0.560728448890∗10^( −12)
8 c6 =0.560750590590∗10^( −15)
9 c7 = −0.320207200030∗10^( −18)
10 c8 =0.971511471520∗10^( −22)
11 c9 = −0.121047212750∗10^( −25)
12 a0 =0.118597600000∗10^0
13 a1 = −0.118343200000∗10^( −3)
14 a2 = 0 . 1 2 6 9 6 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 ∗ 1 0 ^ ( 3 )
15 x=0:0.5:1372
16 f o r i =1: l e n g t h ( x )
17 y ( i )=c0+c1 ∗x ( i )+c2 ∗x ( i )^2+c3 ∗x ( i )^3+c4 ∗x ( i )^4+c5 ∗x ( i )^5+c6 ∗x ( i )^6+c7 ∗
x ( i )^7+c8 ∗x ( i )^8+c9 ∗x ( i )^9+a0 ∗ exp ( a1 ∗ ( x ( i )−a2 ) ^2)
18 end
20 %emf t o 1188 K
21 t 1 =915
22 y0=c0+c1 ∗ t 1+c2 ∗ t 1^2+c3 ∗ t 1^3+c4 ∗ t 1^4+c5 ∗ t 1^5+c6 ∗ t 1^6+c7 ∗ t 1^7+c8 ∗ t 1^8+
c9 ∗ t 1^9+a0 ∗ exp ( a1 ∗ ( t1−a2 ) ^2)
23 y1 =37.9249+115∗10^( −3)
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