Calls "CLEAR #2". Makes sure the area is clear. Calls "#2 CLEAR".
Engine START switch - Press. Make sure START light illu-
minates. Starts stopwatch running to time the start.
NOTE: When conducting an engine start using external
power or the APU, No. 2 engine oil pressure may
momentarily indicate full scale deflection upon
selection of the START switch for No. 1 or No. 2
engine. No. 2 engine oil pressure should immedi-
ately return to normal values.
At first indication of NH:
Sets condition lever to START FEATHER.
NOTE: Fuel flow indication on ED is not accurate until the engine is stable at idle NH.
Check that engine accelerates to above 64.2% NH and ITT does not exceed 920×C.
Check engine START and ENGINE START SELECT switches OFF – observe SELECT and START lights off.
For the appropriate engine, make sure oil pressure is greater than 44 psi, ENG OIL PRESS warning light,
ENG FUEL PRESS and ENG HYD PUMP caution lights off.
1. Engine START light will remain illuminated for approximately 15 seconds after engine
START and SELECT switches off.
2. At low fuel levels, the TANK FUEL LOW caution lights may take up to four minutes to go
out following engine start.
Repeat start procedure for other engine.
NOTE: Silent flight deck procedures require only that non-normal situations be announced during the
Start Procedure.
Once the engines have started the Commander (PIC) will call for the "AFTER START CHECKLIST" (Chal-
lenge and Response).
NOTE: The "Systems Checks" must be accomplished once every 24 hours by the flight crew.
IAS (kt)
ALT (ft)
150 or lower VMO
CHAPTER 2 2.4-1
The Push Back Manoeuvre is to be performed with Nosewheel Steering switched to off and all 3 green gear
locked down advisory lights illuminated.
The Push Back Manoeuvre is to be performed with Nosewheel Steering switched to off.
Operators may continue using the Lektro models 8750 and 8850 towbarless vehicles pending final approval of
the landing gear and airplane structure for the use of towbarless Lektro vehicles.
The use of these towbarless towing vehicles shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s operating
procedures (refer to Ramp Servicing Manual RSM 1-84-2S).
Maximum towing loads / limits must not be exceeded.
CAUTION: Exercise extreme care when taxiing in reverse due to the length of the fuselage.
NOTE: Taxiing in reverse should only be conducted on paved surfaces and in crosswinds less than 10
2.4.4 Taxiing
Once the airplane is clear of congested areas, the PIC will call for the “TAXI CHECKLIST” (Read and Do) .
Taxi checks should be completed early enough so as to allow both pilots to monitor their surroundings while
taxiing to the active runway.
The configuration items on the Taxi Checklist will be Challenge and Response, i.e. Flaps, Trims and Condition
If carrying passengers, the senior cabin crew member will come to the flight compartment and report “CABIN
SECURE” for departure.
Take-off clearance will not be accepted until a “CABIN SECURE” has been received.
During the line-up check, notify the cabin crew that take-off is imminent.
At the option of the operator, the aircraft may be operated on unpaved / gravel airfields in accordance with the
limitations and procedures contained in this volume and AFM Supplements 25 and 26. General
CAUTION: With airplane headed downwind and flight controls unlocked, firmly hold the control
wheel in the centered position to restrain uncommanded movement of the ailerons.
CHAPTER 2 2.5-1
2.5.2 Cruise
Table 2.5-1 Climb And Cruise Procedures
At Transition Altitude
"TRANSITION, Altimeter Set 1013/29.92"
After reaching cruise altitude and speed
Sets cruise power and completes the “CRUISE
CHECKLIST” (Read and Do)
2.5.3 Descent
Prior to commencing the descent it is recommended that landing information be obtained through ATC (ATIS if
available), and the Approach Briefing completed.
The Descent Checklist is normally called for when initiating the descent for landing.
Normal Descent Profile is flown at VMO.
Select the SEAT BELT sign ON through 10,000 feet. This will advise the cabin crew the aeroplane is descend-
ing for landing. Once the cabin is secure, the senior cabin crew member will come to the flight deck and advise
“CABIN SECURE”. Once the aeroplane is on final approach, two chimes (fasten belts switch) will be sounded
to advise the cabin crew that landing is imminent.
Table 2.5-2 Descent Procedures
Completes “DESCENT CHECKLIST” (Read and
At transition level
“TRANSITION, <Current Altimeter Setting>”
“<Current Altimeter Setting> SET AND CROSS
2.5.4 Holding
Refer to Sub-Chapter 5.10, Holding.
1. For monitoring of the fuel state, the FUEL page of MFD is to remain displayed until the fuel
TRANSFER switch is selected off.
2. Maximum fuel imbalance is indicated by the FUEL quantity readout on ED and fuel gauge
pointers on FUEL page of MFD changing from white to amber and [BALANCE] appears,
flashing on ED.
3. If TANK 1 QTY or TANK 2 QTY is inoperative, the [BALANCE] advisory is also inoperative.
NOTE: Approaching destination, the crew shall re-evaluate the weather situation and recalculate the
required landing distance.
The Approach Briefing will be given by the PF and should consist of at least the following:
1. Terrain situation (MEA, MGA)
2. Type of approach/RWY in use
3. Radio/Nav set up
4. Minimum Sector Altitude
5. Initial Approach Altitude/Descent point
6. Runway condition/landing distance
7. Special aspects (e.g. taxi procedure, system malfunctions,...).
Following items shall be briefed “by heart”:
1. Final Altitude
2. MDA/Descent Altitude/Decision Height
3. Missed Approach Procedure including Missed Approach Point.
The approach speed is based on the minimum speed which can be flown with approach flap configuration
(VAPP = 1.23 VSR with approach flap). Landing speeds are based on the minimum speed which can be flown
with the landing flap configuration (VREF = 1.23 VSR with landing flap).
NOTE: The solid bug is set to VREF and the outline bug is set to VGA.
The Approach Check should be initiated not less than 25 nautical miles prior to commencing the approach, or
through 10000 ft.
2.6.6 Steep Approach and ILS Raw Data Only Steep Approach
(MS 4-456970 or MS 4-309206)
These procedures correspond to Supplement 12 and 45 of the AFM General
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (Supplement 64) must be incorporated.
NOTE: This procedure does not constitute approval to conduct steep approach and landing.
GPWS LDG FLAP switch .................................................................................................................. Select 35°
Check 35° advisory light illuminates.
Prior to glide path intercept:
LANDING GEAR Lever .................................................................................................................................. DN
Check 3 green gear locked down advisory lights illuminate, all amber doors open, red gear unlocked and
LANDING GEAR lever advisory lights out.
FLAPS lever ................................................................................................................................................... 35°
FLAP 35° APPROACH switch .................................................................................................................STEEP
Check STEEP advisory light illuminates.
Condition levers ................................................................................................................................ MAX/1020
2.7.1 General
At or prior to reaching the point where the aircraft will be maneuvered for final approach and landing, the air-
craft will normally be configured at Flap 5.
On final approach, the PF is to, at their discretion, command the landing gear, flaps and condition levers to the
required position for the subsequent landing. Once the aircraft is configured for landing, the PF is to call for the
"LANDING CHECKLIST" (Challenge and Response).
2.7.2 Landing
When established on final approach:
Landing Gear ................................................................................................................................. DN / 3 Green
Check 3 green gear locked down advisory lights are illuminated, all amber doors open, red gear unlocked and
selector lever advisory lights out.
Flap Selector...................................................................................................................................___ Set / ind
Move the flap selector to the detent for the desired approach flap (Flap 15° or 10° or 5° depending on approach
climb WAT requirements). Check flap indication on #2 MFD.
Condition Levers.........................................................................................................................................MAX
Move Condition Levers to the MAX detent (if using Reduced NP for landing, first press the RDC NP button on
the Engine Control panel then move the Condition Levers to MAX within 15 sec).
Minimum Airspeed ................................................................................................................. Approach Speed
Reduce to approach speed.
Bleed Air 1 and 2 .........................................................................................................................MIN / As req’d
Set Bleed selector to MIN and Bleed 1 and 2 switches Off (Bleed 1 and 2 switches remain On if conducting a
"Bleed On" landing).
Flap Selector...................................................................................................................................___ Set / ind
Move the flap selector to the detent for the desired landing flap (Flap 35° or 15° or 10° depending on landing
WAT requirements). Check flap indication on #2 MFD.
Minimum Airspeed ......................................................................................................................................VREF
Reduce airspeed to VREF then fly a stable approach with small corrections regarding control inputs and power
to maintain runway centerline and glidepath.
NOTE: The landing performance given in Sub-Chapter 4.4, assumes that the appropriate VREF is
achieved by 50 ft AGL.
Commence flare and adjust power to achieve positive ground contact with minimum descent rate at the
desired point on the runway.
POWER Levers ............................................................................................FLIGHT IDLE prior to touchdown
then DISC after touchdown
• Check PROPELLER GROUND RANGE advisory lights illuminate.
• Check ROLL OUTBD and ROLL INBD SPOILER advisory lights on at mainwheel contact.
CAUTION: Pitch attitudes greater than 6° in the landing flare may cause the fuselage to contact the
NOTES: 1. To decrease the landing descent rate and not exceed a pitch attitude of 6° when the landing
descent rate is higher than desired, power will be required in the landing flare through to
2. To decrease the landing descent rate at airport altitudes greater than 5000 ft, it may be
necessary to maintain power in the landing flare through to touchdown.
The nosewheel should be promptly brought into contact with the ground following mainwheel contact.
Anti-Skid Brakes .................................................................................................................................. As req’d
Apply Anti-Skid braking as required to decelerate the aircraft within the available runway.
NOTE: Maintain the appropriate VREF airspeed throughout the approach and the landing.
The landing flare angle will be less than that required for a normal, into wind landing.
NOTE: Reduced NP Landing mode will be cancelled if condition levers are not set to MAX / 1020
within 15 s of selecting RDC NP LDG switch.
Required power lever movements will be larger with condition levers set to 850 RPM than experienced at
MAX/1020 during the final approach and landing phase, to achieve the same result.
CHAPTER 2 2.8-1
On roll-out, the Left Seat (LS) pilot will call for control at approximately 60 kt.
Once clear of the runway, the Right Seat (RS) pilot completes the after landing checklist.
2.8.2 Shutdown
As the airplane approaches the gate / parking spot, the PIC will select the TAXI light OFF.
NOTE: If using ground power or APU, ensure that it is on line prior to shutting down both engines.
For all shutdowns allow the engines to run for 30 s at START / FEATHER before selecting
CHAPTER 2 2.9-1
2.9.1 General
The general information in Chapter 0 is applicable with the addition of the following:
a. This information has been prepared by the manufacturer and approved as guidance material to assist
operators in developing suitable guidance, recommendations or instructions for use by their flight crews
when operating on wet or contaminated runway surface conditions.
b. The data have been prepared using reasonable estimates of the effects of wet and contaminated run-
way conditions on the accelerating ground roll and the braking ground roll. The effects of actual condi-
tions may differ from those used to establish the data.
c. The performance information assumes any standing water, slush or loose snow to be of uniform depth
and density.
d. The level of safety is decreased when operating on contaminated runways and therefore every effort
should be made to ensure that the runway surface is cleared of any significant contaminant.
e. The provision of performance information for contaminated runways should not be taken as implying
that ground handling characteristics on these surfaces will be as good as can be achieved on dry or wet
runways, in particular, in crosswinds and when using reverse thrust. Definitions
Runway Contaminated A runway is considered to be contaminated when more than 25% of the runway sur-
by Standing Water, face area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the required length and width
Slush or Loose Snow being used, is covered by standing water, slush or loose snow.
NOTE: Runways with water depths, slush or loose snow less than 3 mm (0.125 in), may be
considered not contaminated provided braking is considered good.
Runway Contaminated A runway is considered to be contaminated when completely covered by snow
by Compacted Snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further compression.
Runway Contaminated A runway is considered to be contaminated when, due to the presence of wet ice,
by Wet Ice the braking effectiveness is expected to be very low.
VGO* The lowest decision speed from which a continued take-off is possible within the
take-off run and take-off distance required.
VSTOP* The highest decision speed from which the aircraft can stop within the accelerate-
stop distance required.
NOTE: * Under the JAR-OPS1 regulations only one single V1 value for the
rejected and continued take-off is permitted. This is why the data in
Sub-Chapter 4.1 only show Vgo/VR = 1 for take-off and VSTOP/VR =
1 for accelerate-stop.
Take-off Distance The take-off distance on a contaminated runway is the longer of:
a. 115% of the distance from the start of the take-off roll to the point at which
the airplane attains a height of 35 feet above the take-off surface, with all
engines operating.
b. The distance from the start of the take.off roll to the point at which the air-
plane attains a height of at least 15 feet above the take-off surface, with crit-
ical engine failure such that the failure would be recognized at the Decision
Speed VGO.
Take-off Run The take-off run on a contaminated runway is equal to the take-off distance on con-
taminated runway.
(cont’d on next page)
Definitions (cont’d)
Accelerate-Stop The accelerate-stop distance on a contaminated runway is the longer of:
a. Accelerate-stop distance with an engine failure at VEF as defined below:
i) The distance necessary to accelerate the airplane from a standing start
to VEF with all engines operating plus:
ii) The distance required to accelerate the airplane from VEF to VSTOP
assuming the critical engine fails at VEF plus;
iii) The distance required to come to a full stop from the point reached at
the end of the acceleration period described in paragraph a. ii) above
assuming that the pilot does not apply any means of retarding the air-
plane until that point is reached and that the critical engine is still inoper-
ative, plus:
iv) A distance margin equal to 2.0 seconds at VSTOP
b. Accelerate-stop distance with all engines operating as defined below:
i) The distance necessary to accelerate the airplane from a standing start
to VSTOP with all engines operating plus:
ii) The distance required to come to a full stop from the point reached at
the end of the acceleration period described in paragraph b. i) above,
assuming that the pilot does not apply any means of retarding the air-
plane until that point is reached and that all engines are still operating,
iii) A distance margin equal t~ 2.0 seconds at VSTOP
WED The water equivalent depth of contaminant = the depth of water producing an equiv-
alent performance effect as that of contaminant of lower specific gravity. WED for
take-off is not based on contaminant depth x specific gravity and must be deter-
mined in accordance with Section 4.1.4.
For further definitions and performance data regarding take-off on wet and contaminated runways, refer to
chapter 4, Performance.
2.9.2 Limitations
The limitations in Chapter 1 are applicable with the addition of the following: Operations
1. Take-off with reduced power is prohibited on contaminated runways. Operation From Runways Contaminated with Standing Water, Slush or Loose Snow
1. Maximum operating altitude for take-off and landing is 6,000 ft ASL.
2. The maximum permitted WED of contaminant is 15 mm (0.59 in).
3. The maximum permitted depth of contaminant is 6 cm (2.4 in).
4. For WED greater than 3 mm (0.125 in): selection of power levers aft of DISC is prohibited.
5. The maximum crosswind component for take-off and landing is 14 kt. Operation From Runways Contaminated with Compacted Snow:
1. The maximum crosswind component for take-off and landing is 20 kt.
CAUTION: Operation in crosswinds on runways contaminated with wet ice is not recommended.
NOTE: Where applicable, the performance factor of the compatible supplement must be applied to the
calculated performance data in chapter 4 prior to applying corrections of this supplement. Take-off Performance on a Contaminated Runway:
NOTE: Tests in water of 19 mm (0.75 in) average depth have shown that there is no spray
impingement on engine intakes or tail surfaces at any speed up to lift-off, from either main or
nose wheels. Some spray from the nosewheel and propellers impinges on the lower surface of
the fuselage, nosewheel well, nacelles, and inboard wing and flap.
CHAPTER 2 2.10-1
NOTE: When a different flap setting is used for landing from that used for approach, the PF will call for
the “LANDING CHECKLIST” prior to landing flap selection.
At completion of the checklist the PNF will call “LANDING CHECKLIST COMPLETE – FLAP
15 or 35 TO GO”.
NOTE: CAT II Approach and Landing are approved using flap 10° or 15° only.
Autopilot must be disengaged at or above 100 ft.
Airplane must be in landing configuration prior to final approach fix.
NOTE: When a different flap setting is used for landing from that used for approach, the PF will call for
the “LANDING CHECKLIST” prior to landing flap selection.
At completion of the checklist the PNF will call “LANDING CHECKLIST COMPLETE - FLAP
15 or 35 TO GO”
1. Heading and Altitude Select should only be used after GA-MODE has been selected.
2. The PNF will advise ATC of the missed approach once the airplane is established in the
3. If carrying passengers the PIC will make a P.A. or request that the Senior Cabin Crew
Member do it on his or her behalf.
4. The PF will call for the “AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST” (Read and Do) at his / her
discretion once the airplane is established in the climb and clear of busy terminal airspace
(minimum 1,000 ft AGL.
1. Heading and Altitude Select should only be used after GA-MODE has been selected.
2. The PNF will advise ATC of the Balked approach once the aeroplane is established in the
3. If carrying passengers the PIC will make a PA or request that the Senior Cabin Crew
Member do it on his or her behalf.
4. The PF will call for the “AFTER TAKE-OFF CHECKLIST” (Read and Do) at his / her dis-
cretion once the airplane is established in the climb and clear of busy terminal airspace
(minimum 1,000 ft AGL.