This document provides background and instructions for a lesson on distinguishing observations from inferences. It includes vocabulary definitions and two activities where students must identify statements as observations or inferences based on pictures of scenarios.
This document provides background and instructions for a lesson on distinguishing observations from inferences. It includes vocabulary definitions and two activities where students must identify statements as observations or inferences based on pictures of scenarios.
This document provides background and instructions for a lesson on distinguishing observations from inferences. It includes vocabulary definitions and two activities where students must identify statements as observations or inferences based on pictures of scenarios.
This document provides background and instructions for a lesson on distinguishing observations from inferences. It includes vocabulary definitions and two activities where students must identify statements as observations or inferences based on pictures of scenarios.
SUBJECTS: Language Arts, Science. SUGGESTED TIME: One class period, but review concepts throughout the year, especially before the Field Work Day at Mesa Prieta and before the standardized tests. MATERIALS: Copy for students: Children on the Mesa student activity sheet (7 - 4), Children on the Mesa companion picture (7 - 3), Observation and Inference student activity sheet (7 - 7), Observation and Inference Petro- glyph Panel companion picture, (7 - 6). For the teacher: Children on the Mesa activity teachers key (7 - 5), Observation and Inference activity teachers key (7 - 8). BACKGROUND: Archaeology is based on observation and inference. An observation is what is seen or detected. An inference is a suggested reason that tries to explain an observation. A hypothesis is a chosen inference or prediction that the archaeologist will try to prove or disprove through testing. Archaeologists use observation and inference to describe and understand the story of ancient people. By making obser- vations about objects (artifacts and sites) they infer the behavior of the people who used the objects. For example, if a corn cob is found in a re pit, the archaeologists will infer that the people grew corn. To test their hypothesis, they will look for evidence of corn elds. SETTING THE STAGE: Write the rst four vocabulary words on the board and discuss their meanings with the students. Use examples from within the classroom such as I am wearing a blue sweater. This is an observation because you can see it and it is a fact. Why did I wear the sweater? The student answers are all inferences because they dont know for sure why you wore the sweater. To test their hypothesis they must ask you why you wore the sweater. Play the What color is my sweater? game multiple times throughout the course of the year. Have a student come up to the front and other students make observa- tions and inferences about him/her. UNIT 7: OBSERVATION AND INFERENCE VOCABULARY Archaeologist: A scientist who studies ancient people and their cultures. Hypothesis: an educated guess or prediction that may be tested. Inference: a conclusion made from observations. Opinions may vary. Observation: recognition or noting of a fact or occurrence. Petroglyph: a design pecked, chipped or scratched into a rock surface. Students will be able to differentiate between observation and inference through a problem-solving approach. OBJECTIVES Unit 7 page 1 *Adapted from Intrigue of the Past. A Teachers Activity Guide for Fourth through Seventh Grades, Bureau of Land Management, 1993, pp. 14-18.
2014 Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
Discovering Mesa Prieta 1. Distribute the picture of the Children on the Mesa student activity sheet and companion picture to the students. 2. Read each statement and ask students to decide if it is a statement of observation or of inference. Is it a fact? If it is, then it is an observation. When you ask Why or Do you know for sure? or What might happen? then it is an inference. Ask them to give reasons for their answers. 3. Assist students to create a denition for observation and inference. 4. Students may wish to color their picture when they are nished. ASSESSMENT: 1. Distribute the Observation and Inference student activity sheets and explain that these petroglyphs are found on a boulder on Mesa Prieta. 2. Ask students to work on their own to decide which statements are observations and which are inferences. Remind them that these are statements, not questions. 3. When looking at petroglyphs, the students should ask themselves, Is this a true fact? (observation) Do I know what the maker was thinking? What else could it be? (inference) Many different inferences are possible from one observation. What other inferences might be made from observing these petroglyphs? 4. Review the answers together or the teacher can evaluate them. Unit 7: Observation and Inference Activity: Children on the Mesa Unit 7 page 2
2014 Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
Discovering Mesa Prieta Unit 7: Observation and Inference Unit 7 page 3
2014 Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
Discovering Mesa Prieta Unit 7: Observation and Inference Unit 7 page 4 Name: __________________ Date: ________ CHILDREN ON THE MESA: Student Activity Sheet Place an I before the statements that are inferences, and an O before the statements that are observations. ___1. The children are in front of some large boulders. ___2. The weather is warm. ___3. The boy is touching his leg. ___4. If the boy tried to stand up, he might fall into a cactus. ___5. The girl is standing next to the boy. ___6. The boy has broken his leg. ___7. There are petroglyphs on one of the boulders. ___8. The girl pushed the boy. ___9. The boy is angry. ___10. The sun is setting. ___11. The girl is thinking about how she will get some help for the boy. ___12. The children are both wearing tie shoes. ___13. The petroglyph arrows and deer mean that the people were going hunting. ___14. The petroglyphs were made by ancient people. ___15. The boy wasnt careful and tripped over a rock. ___16. There hasnt been much rain in this area.
2014 Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
Discovering Mesa Prieta Unit 7: Observation and Inference Unit 7 page 5 CHILDREN ON THE MESA: Activity Teachers Key Place an I before the statements that are inferences, and an O before the statements that are observations. Answers: O 1. The children are in front of some large boulders. I 2. The weather is warm. O 3. The boy is touching his leg. I 4. If the boy tried to stand up, he might fall into a cactus. O 5. The girl is standing next to the boy. I 6. The boy has broken his leg. O 7. There are petroglyphs on one of the boulders. I 8. The girl pushed the boy. I 9. The boy is angry. I 10. The sun is setting. I 11. The girl is thinking about how she will get some help for the boy. O 12. The children are both wearing tie shoes. I 13. The petroglyph arrows and deer mean that the people were going hunting. I 14. The petroglyphs were made by ancient people. I 15. The boy wasnt careful and tripped over a rock. I 16. There hasnt been much rain in this area.
2014 Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
Discovering Mesa Prieta OBSERVATION AND INFERENCE: Student Activity Sheet, p. 1 Unit 7: Observation and Inference Unit 7 page 6
2014 Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project
Discovering Mesa Prieta Unit 7 page 7 Name: ______________________ Date: __________ OBSERVATION AND INFERENCE: Student Activity Sheet, p. 2 This is the drawing of a group of petroglyphs on a boulder on Mesa Prieta. Place an O before the state- ments that are observations and an I before the statements that are inferences. Write the reason for your answer under each statement. ___1. There are many petroglyphs on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___2. There are zigzag lines on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___3. There are 3 petroglyphs of snakes on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___4. The people who made the petroglyphs had a pet dog. ________________________________________________________ ___5. There is a gure with 2 legs on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___6. There are 3 crescent moons on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___7. There are many dots on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___8. There is an eyeball with eyelashes on the boulder. ________________________________________________________ ___9. The people who made the petroglyphs were Christians. ________________________________________________________ Unit 7: Observation and Inference