B.Sc. in CBZ

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Syllabus B.Sc. Part-I



Paper-I (Mechanics)
Work Load: Two hours lecture per week
Examination Duration: 3 Hrs.
Schemeof Examination: Five questions shall be set and all are compulsory First
questionshallcontain 12 short answer type questions (3 questions from each unit)
ofonemark eachwith answer to each question not exceeding 50 words Candidates
haveto attempt any ninequestions out of these 12 questions. Remaining four
questions willbe of 6 marks each and will be set with one question from each unit
Secondtofitin questionswill have 100%internalchoice.
Unit -I
Physical Law and frame of Reference:
Inertial and non-inertial frames: Transformation of displacement, velocity,
acceleration betweendifferent frames of reference involvingtranslation, Galilean
transformation and invariance ofNewton's laws.
Coriolis Force: Transformation of displacement velocity and acceleration
between rotating frame, Pseudo forces, Coriolis force. Motion relative toearth

Unit I
Centre of Mass:
Introduction about Centre of Mass, Centre of Mass Frame, Collision of two
particles in one and two dimensions (elastic and inclastic). Slowing down of
neutrons in a moderator, Angular momentum concept, conservation and charge
particle scattering byanucleus.
Rigid body
Equation of a motion of a rotating body, Inertial coetfiicient. Case of not parallel to
o Kinetic energy of rotation and idea of
principal axes. Determination of moment
ofinertia ofsymmetric bodies using inertial coefficients.
Motion under Central Forces
central forces, Gravitational
Introduction about Central Forces, Motion under solution under gravitational
nteraction Inertial and gravitational mass, General Cases of elliptical and
nteraction, Keplers Laws, Discussion of trajectories,
circular orbits.
Elastic Properties of Matter
theorems, Bending of beams
Elastic constants and relations among them, Elasticdetermination of Y by bending
Canilever, Torsion of a cylinder, Experimental method &nby static method.
O Deam;nby Maxwell's Y,n and a by Searlc's

Damped Harmonic Oscillations:

Introduction about oscillations in a potential well, Damped force and motion under

damping, Damped Simple Harmonic Oscillator, Power dissipation, Anharmonic

OScillator andsimplependulum as an example.

Driven Harmonic Oscillations

Driven harmonic oscillator with damping, Frequency response, Phase relation,
Quality factor, Resonance, Series and parallel of LCR circuit, Electromechanical
system-Ballistic Galvanometer.

Reference Books: PACHER

1. Mechanics Berkeley Physics Course Vol-1, Charles Kittel
2. Mechanics HS Hans SPPuri, Tata McGraw-Hill
3.The PhysicsofWaves &Oscillations. N.K. Bajaj, Tata MeGraw-HiS
4.Analytical Mechanics LNHand, J.D. Finch (Cambridge University Press)

Paper-11 (Electromagnetism)
Work Load: Two hours lecture per week

Examination Duration: Three hours

Scheme of Examination: Five questions shall be set and all are compulsory. First
question shall contain 12 short answertypequestions (3 questions from each unit)
of one mark cach with answer to each question not exceeding 50 words. Candidates
have to attempt any nine questions out of these 12 questions. Remaining four

questions will be of 6 marks each and will be set with one question from each unit
Second to fiflh questions will have 100% internal choice.
Vector Fields:
Scalar and
Scalar andVectorFields Conceptof Field,
Gradient of scalar ficld, Physical significance and formulism of Gradient,
in Cartesian
field co-ordinates system, Problems
Divergence and Curl of a vector
based on Gradient, Divergence and curl operators. Differential and
and Stokes
Concept of Solid angle, Gauss's divergence law.
integral form ofGauss's law, Ampere's law Faraday's
Unit II
Ficlds ofstationaryandmoving charges
Potential energy of system of () Discrete N-charges () Continuous
distribution Energy required to build a uniformly charged sphere, classical radius
of electron, Electric field due to a short electric dipole, Interactionofelectric dipole
with external uniform and non-uniform electric field, potential due to a uniformly
charged spherical shell.
and theirapplications to
Poisson's and Laplace equations in Cartesian co-ordinates
solve the one dimensional problems ofelectrostatics.

Electric field in matter
Multipole expansion, definition of moments of charge distribution, Dieectrics,
Induced dipole moments, polar & non polar molecules, Free and bound charges,
Polarization, Atomic polarizabilty, electric displacement vector,
susceptibility, dielectric constant, relation between them.
Electric potential and electric field due to a uniformly polarized sphere (1) outside
the sphere (i) at the surface ofthe sphere (ill) inside the sphere, Electric field due to
a dielectric sphere placed in a uniform electric field (a) outside the sphere (b) inside

thesphere, Electric field.

due to a charge placed in dielectric medium and Gauss law, Transient behavior
of series R-C Circuit with a DC Source.

Unit IV
Magnetostatics and magnetic field in matter
Lorentz force, properties of magnetic ficld. Ampere's law,magneticfield due to a
current carrying solid conducting cylinder outside () at the surface and (1) inside
the cylinder, Ampere's law in differential form. Introduction of Magnetic Vector
potential, Poisson's equation for vector potential, Deduction of Bio-Savart law
using Magnetic Vector potentials, Differential form of Ampere's law, Transient
behavior ofseries LR Circuit with a DC Source.
free and
permeability and Susceptibility,
Magnetic magnetized material and
Intensity of Magnetization, due to a uniformly
bound current densities, Magnetic
Non-uniformly magnetized material

Reference Books: Tata MeGra

AS Mahajan & Abbas ARangwala,
Electricity & Magnetism,
Prentice Hall
DavidJ Griffith
2. Introduction to electrodynamics,

3. Berkley Physies Course Vol I and EJ

Vol II: Fields and Waves M. Alonso
4. Fundamental University Physics
Finn:Addrson-Wesley Publishing Company.

Paper I11 OPTICS

Work Load: Two hours lecture per week

Examination Duration: Three hours First
shall be set and all are compulsory.
Scheme of Examination: Five questions
answer type questions (3
questions from each unit)
question shall contain 12 short 50 words Candidates
mark each with answer to
each question not exceeding
of one out of these 12 questions.
Remaining four
have to attempt any ten questions from each unit
marks each and will be set with one question
questions will be of 6
100% internal choice.
Second to fifth question will have

Unit 1

division of amplitude: Interference films of constant
in thin
Interference by Interference produced bý a wedge
reflected waves
thickness in transmitted and
of wavelength and refractive index
Newton's rings, Determination
shaped film, and cqual
of equal inclination (Haidinger fringes)
by Newton's Rings: fringes Michelson's Interferometer, shape of fringes,
thickness (Fizeau fringes), and thickness
difference between two spectral lines
Measurement of wavelength,

ofa thin transparent shect.

Fresnel's Diffraction:

Fraunhofer diffraction by N parallel

slits with two slits as a special case, Missing
and its use in determining wavelength, Dispersion
order, Plane difraction grating and
power ofa Telescope
by a grating. Rayleigh's eriterion ofresolution, Resolving
a Grating.
Polarization, Plane, Cireular and Elliptically Polarized light, Polarization by
reflection Double refraction and Huygens explanation of double refraction,
Production and detection of Plane, Circular and Elliptically Polarized light;
Quarter wave and Halfwave plates, optical activity. Specific rotation, Biquartz
i) LASER: Spontaneous and Stimulated emission Einstein's A&B coefficients
Energy density ofradiation as a result of stimulated emission and absorption,
population Inversion. Methodsof Opticalpumping, Ruby.
(ii) Holography: Basic concepts of holography, Principle. Theory. Construction
and reconstruction of image.Application ofholography.

Wave motion:
ID and 3D wave equation, Transverse waves in a stretched string Elastic wavesin
solidsPressure waves in a gas column, spherical waves. Phaseand groupvelocities
Dispersion ofwaves. Electromagnetic waves, Energy density of Electromagnetic
waves, Electromagnetic waves in an Isotropic and Dispersivemedium.
Reference Books:
1. Optics by Brij Lal &Subramanium,S. Chand.
2. Optics by DPKhandelwal.
3. Principles ofoptics by BK. Mathur.

4. Introduction to Modem Optics by AK. Ghatak. (PACHERI

5. An introductionto Modent Optics by G.R Fowels.
6. Essentials of Lasers by Allen.

Work Load Four hours laboratory work per week
Examination Duration: Four hours
Minimum Experiments: Total sixteen taking cight from each section.
PerformAny Six experiments from section A/B
1. To study the variation ofpower transfer by two different loads by a DC source
and to verify maximumpowertransfer theorem.
2. To study the variation of charge and current in a R-C circuit with a different
time constant (using a DC source).
3. To study the behavior ofa R-C circuit with varying resistance and capacitance
using at mains as a power Source and also to determine the impedance and
with a
ofcurrent in a n L-R
To study the rise and decay with a n
AC p o w e r
4. L-R
emf. behavior
ofan relations.

and c u r r e n t and phase determine

5. Tostudy the voltage impedance
factor, d i o d e and
determine power junction
source. semi-conductor
To study
the circular coil,
resistances. carrying
forward and
the axis coi.
field along circular
To study magnetic radius orthe of
7. To study the magieh andand
hence find
find radius d determine difference
graph material and
Plot the necessary ofa

determine the specific Fosters Bridge.

8. To resistance using
smali range.
between two ammeter ofa given
into an
given range.
9 To c o n v e r t a
into a voltmeter ofa
convert a
10. To Section B constant using the
the decay
decay and
To study the with amplitude
statistical board. variation of time period
pendulum study
2. Using compound Oscillations.

in largeboard angle pendulum.

compound using
damping using frequency splitting
3. To study the modes and

To study the
4 two coupled oscillators.
function of coupling strength
transfer as a
frequency of energy
5. To study the
using coupled oscillators, determining
compound pendulum and
viscous fluid damping ofa
5. To study the oscillato.
coefi+cient and Q ofthe pendulum and
to find
damping of a compound
damping a conducting
To study the
electromagnetic assistance of
7. coefficients with the
of damping
the variation
and Barne's
8. To findJ by Calendar
modulus by bendingofbe:
99. To determine Youngs
10. To determine Y, a and n by
Monel alloy.
Searle's method'
11. To ensure Curie temperature of needle.
ofa wire using Maxwell's
To determine modulus ofrigidity ofoscillations in
ofa coupled pendulum system,
13. Study ofnormal modes between tlhe two
and find the period of energy exchange
mixed modes
Oscillators. method.
tensionwith temperature using Jaeggers
14. To study variation ofsurface
15. To study the specific-rotation ofsugarsolution by polarimeter.
Syllabus B.Sc Part II




Examination Duration: 3 Hrs

Scheme of Examination: Five questions shall be set and all are compulsory Frst
question shall contain 12 short answer type questions (3 questions from each unit)
ofonc mark each with answer to cach question not cxceding 50 words. Candidates
have to attempt any 9 questions out of these 12 questions. Remaining four
will be of 6 marks cach and will be set with one question from each unit Second to
fifthquestions will have 100% internal chouce

Thermal and adiabatic interactions: Thermal interaction Zeroth law of
thermodynamics, System in tlhermal contact with heat reservoir (canonical
distrabution) Energy fluctuations Intropy of a system an a heat bath, Helmholt:
frec energy Gibb's tree energy, Pliase tanstoe Catsaus Clapeyron equation
Vapour pressure curve Heat cngine and ctlicicney of engnc. Carnot's Cycle
Thermodynamic scale as an absolute seale, Maxwell relation and their
Joule Thomson expansion
Production of low temperatures and applications: experiment,
ideal as well as Vander Waal's
gas, porous plug
and JT coefficients for expansion and
Regenerative cooling Cooling by adiabatic
temperature inversion. I. superthudity.
Helium He I and He
demagnetization; Liquid
throughHelium dilution: of molecular
Distribution law
molecular velocities:
The distribution of Energy distribution
and r.m.s. velocities.
most probable, average ot energy.
Tunction: effusion and
molecular beam, the principle ofequal partition
Unit-3 coeficients of
phenomena: Mean
free path, distribution of free path,
ransport diffusion and their
viscosity. thermal conductivity micro and macro states,
Classical Statistics: Validity of
Classical approximation and thermodynamic
relation between entropy
Thermodynamic probability.
ideal gas, Barometric equation.
probability, Monoatomic
Unit 4
function: Planck
statistics and its distribution
Statisties: Bose-Einstein statistics and its
Quantum Fermi-Dirac
distribution function and radiation formula,
thermonic emission.
distribution function, contact potential

Reference Books: PACRL

Shah & Srivastave.
. Tretise on heat by


Heat & Thermodynamics

by DP

Brijlal Subramaniam NS
of Relativity
Mathematical Physics and Special Theory
Work Load: 2 hrs.
Duration: 3 Hrs.
shall be set and all are compulsory First
Five questions
Scheme of Examination: from each unit)
12 short answer type questions (3 questions
question shall contain words. Candidates
to cach question not exceeding 50
with answer
ofone mark cach ofthese 12 questions.
Remaining four questions
9 questions out to
have to attempt any one question from each unit. Second
and will be set with
will be of6 marks cach
100% internal choice
fifih questions will have

expression for gradient.
system. scale factors,
curvilinear coordinate
Orthogonal circular cylindrical and
their application to Cartesian,
divergence, curl
spherical polar Coordinate.
and Jacobian, transformation of covariant,
Coordinate transformation
contraction of
contravariant and mixed tensor, Addition, multiplication and
and its properties
tensors, Dirac delta lunchon

in space-time.
Lorentz transformation and rotation
relativistic equation of
Four vector formulation, energy momentum four vector,
motion invariance of rest mass, orthogonality of four force and four velocity.
Lorentz force as an example offour force.
Four momentum conservation, kinematics of decay products of unstable particles
and reaction thresholds: Pair production. inelastic collision of two particles,
Compton Effect.

two inertialframes.
(A) transformation ofelectricand magnetic ficlds between
with variable coefficient and
(B) The second order linear differential equation to the Legendre's
singular points. series solution method and its application
differential equations. Basic properties like orthogonality, recurrence function
function of Associated Legendre
graphical representation and generating
(simple applications).

to following boundary
Techniques or separation of variables and its application
value problems (1) Laplace equation in three dimensional Cartesian coordinate
earthed parallel plates (I) Wave equation in
system line charge between two membrane, (II) Laplace
spherical polar coordinates the vibrations of a Circular
around a spherical
cquation in spherical coordinate system-clectric potential

Reference Books:
1. Mathematical Physics Satyaprakash.

& Horwill.
2. Mathematics for physics & Engee Pipes
3. Mathematical Physics-B.S Rajput
Paper IlI: Electronics and Solid State Devices
Work Load: 2 hrs. Leeture/week
Examination Duration: 3 Hrs
and all are compulsory First
Scheme of Examination: Five questions shall be set
from each unit)
question shall contain 12 short answer type questions (3 questions
of onemark cach with answer to each question not excccding 50 words Candidates
Remaining four
of these 12 questions
ten questions our from each unit
have to attempt any with one question
and will best
be of 6 marks each
questions will have 100% internal
Second to fifth questions will

Unit I

Circuit analysis and PNjunctions and nodal equation

definitions, loop
Networks- s o m e important network Ampere
Circuit analysis
Laws). Four termninal
based on DC and A C circuits four terminal network.
close and hybrid parameters of any
volt conventions, open, Thevenin Norton, reciprocity.
Various circuit theorems.
transfer. PN junction:Charge
densities in NandP
Compensation, maximum power carriers PN diode equation.
materials conduction by
drift and diffusion ofcharge

Unit 2

Rectifiers and transistors

rectifier calculation of ripple factor,
Rectifiers: Half-wave, full wave and bridge and T-
shunt capacitor L-section
and regulation: Filters series inductor,
efficiency and voltage stabilization by
section filters. Voltage regulation :
Voltage regulation
Zener diode, voltage multiplier.
characteristics for bipolar Junctions
Transistors: Notitions and volt- ampere CB, CE, CC
and operating point Hybrid parameters.
transistor. Concepi ofload line metal oxide
transistor (JEFT) and
Junction field effect
semiconductor filed effect transistor (MOSFET).


Unit 3
Transistor biasing and amplifiers

Transistor biasing: Need of bias and stability ofQ point, stability

factors andd
thermal bias stability fixed bias, collectortobàse
various types of bias circuits for
feedbackbias and four Resistor bias.
and its gain-
Amplifiers: Analysis oftransistor amplifiers using hybrid parameters
basis idea of direct coupled and RC
frequency response, Cascade amplifiers,
feedback: Concept of
coupled amplifiers, Differential amplifiers, Amplifier with
feedback, positive and negative.
Voltage and current feedback circuits. Advantage of negative feedback
Stabilization of gain; effect of negative feedback on output and input resistance,
reduction on nonlinear distortion, effect on gain-frequency response.
Unit 4

Oscillators and Logic Cireuits

Oscillators: criteria for self-excited and self-sustained oscillation,
and its
oscillation, basic transistor oscillator circuit
requirement tor buildup of
Oscillator, RC Oscillators.
analysis, Colpitt's and Hartely
fundamentals AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR gates,
Logie circuits: Logic and negative logic, logic gates
Boolean algebra, Dc Morgan's theorem. positive Boolean
and TTL logic, simplification of
circuit realization using DTL

Reference Books:
Prentice Hall of
1. John D. Ryder. Electronic Fundamentals and Applications,
India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
Book Company, New
2. John D Engineering Electronics, McGraw Hill
Electronics. Analog and

Jacoh Millman and Christosc Hailkias, Integrated

Hill Ltd:(1972)
Digital. Circuits systems McGraw
Electronics. TataMcGraw- Hill-Pub.
4A Albert Paul Malvino, Digital Computer
Co. Ltd, NewDelhi(1983)
S. Kumar &Gupta lHand book of Electronics, AU
6. GK. Mithal, Hand Book of Electronics
7. GK Mithall Electronics Devices and Applications:
8. RPJain. Digital Electronics

Examination Duration. Shrs.
Teaching 1hrs/week
Max Pass Marks: 50
Min Pass Marks. 18

Note: Total number of experiment to be performed by

the students during the
each section.
session should be 16 selecting any 8 from
session 2020-21)
(Perform any Six experiments for the

line parameter using
Study of dependence of velocity of wave propagation

torsional wave apparatus

of variation reflection cocflicient of nature of termination using-

Study or

torsional wave apparatus

3 Using platinum resistance themometer find the melting point of a given

the wave length of a monochromatic
4. Using Newton's rings method find out
source and find the refractive index of liquid.
interferometer find out the Wavelength of given
5. Using Michelson's
monochromatic source (Sodium Light).
6. To determine dispersive powerofprism.
7.To determine wavelength ofsodium light using grating
8. To determine wavelength ofsodium light using Biprism.
Clement's & Desorme's
9. Determine the thermodynamicconstanty=C,/C, using
10. Todetermine thermal conductivity ofa bad conductor by
11. Determination of ballistic constantofballisticgalvanometer. NV
12. Studyofvariation oftotal thermal radiation with temperature. PACHER
Section B
find the neutral température
1Plotthermo emf versus temperature graph and
(Usesand bath).
rectifier with various filter
2 Study of Power supply using Two diodes/bridge
application of Lander section
3. Study of half wave rectifier using single diode&
PNPNPN(common emitter,
To study characteristics of a given transistor
commonbase and common collectorconfigurations).
5. Determination ofband gap using ajunction
ofa given coil using CRO.
6. Determination ofpower factor (cos 0)
audio amplifier variation of gain with
7. Study of single stage transistor
8. To determine e/m by Thomson's
9. Determination of velocity of sound
in air by standing wave method using
speaker. microphone and CRO.
10. Measurement ofinductance ofa coil byAnderson's bridge.
11. Measurement of capacitance and dielectric constant of a liquid and gang
condenser by de-Sauty bridge.
Syllabus B.Sc Part Il1


Paper 1: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
Work Load: Two hours lecture per week

Examination Duration 3 hrs. First

Scheme of Examination Five question shall be set and all are compulsory
question shall contain 12 short answer type questions (3 questions from each unit)
of one mark each with answer not exceeding 50 words. Candidates have to attempt
will be of 6
any nine questions out ofthese 12 questions Remaining four questions
to fifth
marks each and will be set with one question from each unit Second
estions wit have 100% internalchoice.
Unit-1 Evolution of quantum physics
1. Difficulties ofclassical echanics to explain the black- body emission spectr
specific heat of solids Plank quanta concept and radiation law Photo electric
effectand Einstein explanations, Compton effect.
2. Uncertainty principle position and momentum angle and angular momentum,
energy and time Application of uncertainly principle: (i) Ground state energy
ofhydrogen atom, (i) ground stateofsimpleharmonicoscillator, (ii) Natural
width ofspectral lines, (iv) Non-existence ofelectron in nucleus.
3. Operators: Linear operators,product of two operators, commuting and non
commuting operators, simultaneous eigen function and eigen values,
orthogonal wave functions, Hermitian operators, their eiger values, Hermitian
adjoint operator eigen values and eigenfunctions, expectation values of
operators position, momentum energy, Ehrenfest theorem and
complementarity. Concept ofgroup and phase velocity, wave packet.

Unit I1: Schrödinger wave cquation and Its solutions

1. Schrodinger wave equation: general equation of wave propagation,
propagation of matter waves, time dependent and time-independent
Schrödinger equation, wave function representation(y), physical meaning of
V.properties and conditions on Y. postulates of wave/Quantum mechanics,
operators, observable and measurements;probabilitycurrentdensity.
state solution, one
Schrodinger cquation, stationary
2. Time independent dimensional box, eigen
functions and
in one
dimensional problem, particle three dimension and
levels, generalization into
eigen values, energy
well and barrier, step
of energy concept of a potential
degeneracy barrier, reflection and
potential, penetration through

solution in special cases

Unit-Ill: Schrodinger equation coefficients,
reflection and transmission
1. Symmetric square well potential, dimensional infinite
resonant scattering, Bound
state problems particle in one
and eigen
well, energy eigen values
potential well and finite depth potential harmonic
transcendental equation and its solution, Simple
funetions, its solution
Oscillator, Schrodingerequation
for simple harmonic oscillator and
eigen function, eigen values, zero point energy. for one
equation in spherical coordinates, Schrodinger equation
2. Schrodinger into radial and angular
clectron atom in splherical coordinates, separation
and equation, series solution and
variables, solution ofradial equation
state wave function. Orbital angular
encrgy eigenvalues, stationary
commutation relation, eigenvalucs Andy
momentum and its quantization,

eigenfunctions. A

Unit- IV: H-atom, Atomic and Molecular spectroscop
1. Energy level derivation for H-atom, quantum
features of hydrogen speotRTand
Stern-Gerlach experiment, electron spin, spin nhgnetic
hydrogen like spectra,
of fine structure,
moments, spin-orbit coupling, qualitative explanation
Franck-Hertz experiment, Zeeman effect, normal Zeeman splitting,

Qualitative understanding about Stark effect.

Molecular spectroscopy concept of rigid rotator, rotational energy levels,
rotational spectra, selection rules, intensity of spectral lines, isotopic effect;
Vibrational energy levels, vibrational spectra, selection rules, isotopic effect,
effect ofanharmonicity in vibrational spectra.

Reference books

1. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition.

2. R.Shankar, Principles ofQuantum Mechanics, 2d
6th edition.
. Arthur Beiser, Perspective of modern Physics,
4. A. K Ghatak and S Lokanathan, Quantum Mechanics: Theory and application.
HS Mani, GK Mehta, Introduction to modern Physics.
6. C.N. Banwell and E.M. McCash, Fundamental of Molecular Spectroscopy, 4th
7. HEWhite, Introduction to atomic physics.
Paper-1: Nuclear and Partiele P'hysics
Work Load: Two hours lecture
per week
Examination Duration:Three hours
Scheme of Examination Five questions shall be set and all are
compulsory First
equation shall contain 12 short answer type questions (3 questions from each unit)
ofone mark each with answer not exceeding 50 words. Candidates have to attempt
any nine questions out of these 12 questions Remaining four questions will be of 6
marks each and will be set with one
question from each unit Second to fifth
questions will have 100% internal choice

Properties of Nucleus
Discovery of Nucieus, Rutherford Scatterin Gonstitucnts
ofthe Nucleus, Mass Charge, Size, Nuclear Density. Charge DistributidoS
Nuclear Angular momentum, Nuclear Magnetic, Dipole Moment Electric
Quadrupole Moment, Spin, Isospin, Wave Mechanical Properties Parity and
Statistics, Classification of Nuclei, Mass Defect and Binding Energy, Packing
Fraction, Mass Spectrograph.
Nuclear Forces: Properties of Nuclear Forces, Yukawa Meson Theory, Nuclear
Nuclear Models: Segre Chat, Liquid Drop Model, Semi Empirical Mass Formula,
Condition of Stability.

Radioactive Decays: Alpha Decay-Basics of ?-Decay Processes, Theory of ?
Emission Spectrum, Gammow Factor, Geiger Nuttal Law, Range of Alpha
Beta Decay Energy Kinematics for +.3-Decay Spectrum, Positron Emission,
Electron Capture, Pauli's Neutrino Hypothesis.
Gamma Decay - Gamma Ray Emission and Kinematics, Internal Conversion

Applications of Radioactivity. Nuclear Fission and Fusion: Nuclear Fission,

Spontaneous Fission and Potential Barrier, its Explanation by tiquid Drop Model,
Chain reaction, Controlled chain reaction, Four Factor Formula, Nuclear Reactors,
Classification of Nuclear Reactor, Uncontrolled Chain Reaction, Nuclear Fusion,
Energy released in Nuclear Fusion, Fusion in stars.
Interaction of Nuclear Radiations with Matter: Energy loss by Heavy Charged
Particlesin Matter, Interaction of Electrons with Matter, Range of Charged
Particle, Bremsstrahlung. Cherenkov Radiation, Gamma Ray Interation
Discharge, Ionization
Detectors:Gas filled detector,Avalanche,
Counter, Geiger Muller
Chamber, Proportional Synchrocyclotron, Betatron, Proton
lon source. Oyclotron
Particle Accelerators:
to discover elementary
Necessity of high energy
Elementary Particles: elementary particles
introduction to discovery of vettor bosons,
constituents, historical intermediate
charm quark,
positron, neutrinos strange
Hot boson) Elementary
particles and their
botton quark, top quark elementary particles
spin parity, isospin, strangeness, etc),
numbers (charge.
model. and
included in the standard forces, Symmetries
Interactions: Four types of fundamental
onservation Laws. the eightfold
Gellmann Nishijima formula,
Flavor symmetries,
Quark Model: Octet Diagram for Mesons and Baryons.
way. Quark madel,
Suggested Books: Wesley
WE Burcham
and M lobes, Addison
Nuclear and Particle Physics,
Longman Inc Brian R Martin JohnWiley
2. Nuclearand Particle Ferbal, World Scientific.
and Particle Physics, Das and Book
3. Introduction Nuclear
to McGraw Hill
Walter E. Meyerhof,
Elements of
Nuclear Physics,
& Sons.
Company. S,
KennethKrane, John Wiley
Nuclear Physics,
Grifiths, John Wiley &
Introductory Sons.
Particles, David J
6. Introduction to
G.F Knoll (John Wiley &Sons).
and Measurement, C
Radiation Detection Mittal, RC Verma, S.
7. Particle Physics, V.K
Introduction to Nuclear
Gupta, PHI Hill Book Company.
Physics, A. Beiser, McGraw
9 Concepts of Modem AL

III (Solid
State Physics) PACHER

Work Load: Two

Three hours

question shall be set and all are


unit) of
questions (3
question from each
Scheme of a n s w e r type attempt
contain 12
short Candidates have to
question shall 50 words. 6
with a n s w e r
not exceeding
four questions will
be of
mark each Remaining
one of these 12
questions. Second fifth to
questions out from each unit.
any ten one question
and will be set with
marks each choice.
100% internal
questions willhave
Bondingin Solids and Crystal Structure:
Force between atoms, lonic bonds, Covalent and metallic bonds, Vander Waal's and
Hydrogen bonding. Periodicity in lattices, Basis, lattice point and space lattice
Translation vectors, Unit and primitive cell, Crystal systems, Packing fractions for
Simple Cubic (SC), Body Centred Cubic (BCC), Face Centred Cubic (FCC) and
Hexagonal lattice structures, Bravais space lattices.
Crystallography andDiffraction
Direction, plapes and Miller indices in a crystal lattice, Reciprocal lattice and its
significance, Conversion of SC and FCC Structures in reciprocal latticetrem

Bandtheoryof Solids:

Formation of bands, Periodic potential and Bloch Theorem, Numbersfgitès in thes
bands, Kronig Penny model, Brillouin zones, Crystal momenturm nd plysical
origin of effective mass, Negative Effective Mass and Holes, EnergY diipesion
relations: weak and tight binding,
Energy band Structure inInsulators, Conductors, Semi-conductors, Concept of
Direct andIndirectband gapinsemi-conductors, Generation andrecombination of
charge carriers, Mobility of currentcarriers, HallEffectin semi-conductors: Hall
coefficient, Mobility, Charge carrier concentration.
Thermalpropertiesof Materials:
Elastic waves, Phonon, Phonon dispersion relations in monoatomic and diatomic
linear lattice. Lattice heat capacity, Classical theory ofspecific heat, Dulong-Petit's
law,Einstein and Debye's theory of specific heat of solids and limitations of these
Electrical Properties of Materials:
Drude-Lorentz theory, Sommerfeld's Model, Thermal conductivity, Electrical
conductivity. Wiedemann Franzrelation.
Magnetic Properties of Materials:
Classification of Magnetic Materials, Origin of Atomic Magnetism, Classical
Langevin Theory of dia - and Paramagnetic Domains, Quantum theory of
Paramagnetism. Curie's Law,Weiss'sTheory of Ferromagnetism.
Experimental features of superconductivity : Critical Temperature, Critical
magnetic field, Meissner cffect. Type I and Type II Superconductors, London's
Equation and Penetration Depth Isotopeeffect. .
Reference Books
1. Introduction to Solid Statc Physics--Charles Kittel (Wiley Publication)
2 Elementary Solid state Physic--M.Ai Omar (Pearson Education)
3. Elements of X-ray diffractionB.D.Cullity (Prentice Hall)

Practical Work
Teaching: 4 hrs/per week NIVES
Examination Duration: 4 hrs PACHERI
Minimum Pass Marks: 18
Max. Pass Marks: 50
Note: Total number of Experiments to be performed by the students during the
session should be 16 selecting any 8 from each section
(Perform any six experiments for the session 2000-21)
1.A) Determination of Planck's constant with the help ofa photo cel.
2.(A) Todetermine Planck's constant using solar cel.
3.(A) To determine the valuc of Stefan's constant.
4.(A) To Study the change in resistivity of any semiconductor with temperature
by four probe Method.
5.(A) Study ofabsorption spectrum of lodine.
6.(A) Study the characteristics of G.M. counter and hence verification of
inverse square law/ for radioactive radiations.

7.(A) Determination of end point energy of B particles by using Geiger Muller

counter and studyoftheir absorption by aluminium.

8.(A) Determination ofmagnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic/ paramagnetic

material by sing Quinck's method and determinaton ot1onic molecular
susceptibility of ions and magnetic oment in terms of Bohr Magneton.

9.(A) Determination of modulus of rigidity of given material in the form off

torsional oscillator using resonance method and study of dependence of
modulus ofrigidity on temperature.

10.(A) To study the polarization by reflection due to glass plate by using Nicol
prism and photo cell and prove the Brewster and Mallus laws.
11.(A) Tofind e/m of electro by Helical method.
12.(A) Measurement of magnetic field of an electromagnet using a ballistic
galvanometer, search coil and standard inductor. Study the variation of
magnetic ficld ofan clectromaust wvith the curTent.
ofunknownAc Sourceby Lissajous figures.
13.(A) To determine the double stage amplifier
response of R-C coupled
14.(A) To study frequency electron by
Millikan's oil drop experiment.

15.(A) To determine the

charge ofan
Section B

line at 50 Hz.
1.(B) To study
To studyL-CTransmission line. Inductance
air core
2.(B) LCR circuit (using
in varying C, and (i)-

3.(B) Object Study at fixcdfrequency

and dampling by metal plate). (i)
by varying frequency diodes.
and z e n e r
givenjunction c o n t a c t diode
To study the
of diode and a point
4.(B) of a junction
operation and
Recovery time of
Study of (i) function of
5.(B) time as a
(ii) Recovery with
study the regulation
current. supply and
regulated p o w e r
a zener
To design ficld effect
6.(B) various loads c u r v e of
a given

and draw
)To Study
7.(B) transistor (FET). frequency

and to study its gain amplifier

with (a)
FET amplifier
design a of a transistor find its
(ii) To frequency
load, (d) to
the gain transformer
To study load, (c)
8.(B) R e s i s t i v e load,
(b) Inductive
impedence oscillator.
input and
R-Cphaseshift alternating
and studyan conversion
To design circuit and
9.(B) voltage
multiplier different
Study of with it. applying
10.(B) current
logic gates by with
into direct
NOT the gates
AND and with
of OR, their
Study hence Non
11.(B) and
mode, and (b)
integrated circuits (IC's). Inverting Adder
(a) as (a)
operational operational
the of

To Study Application voltage

12.(B) (1) mode, (ii) for unit gate
inverting amplifier
and (b) wm


Syllabus B.Sc. Part-I

Paper-I: Discrete Mathematics

Teaching: 3 Hours per Week
Duration of Examination: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50 (Science)
53 (Arts)
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five units. This paper contains 11 questions.
Candidates are required to attempt only 9 questions. Question no. 1 to 6 are compulsory
and any three questions from question no. 7 to 11. First question contain ten parts of very
short answer type, two parts from each unit. Each part carries one mark. Questions no. 2
to 6 (tive short answer type question) one from each unit. Each carries two marks.
Questions no. 7 to 11 are five big questions, one from each unit. Each carries ten marks.

Unit 1: Boolean Algebras- Lattices and Algebraic structure, Duality, Distributive and
Complemented Lattices. Boolean Lattices, Boolean functions and expressions
Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, divisibility in Z, Congruences, Chinese Remainder
Theorem, Euler's phi-function, primitiveroots

Unit 2: Logic and Propositional Calculus, Propositions, Simple and compound, Basic
Logial operations, Truth tables, Tautologies and contradictions, Propositional Functions,
quantifiers. Discrete numeric functions and Generating functions. Recurrence relations
and Recursive Algorithms Linear Recurrence relations with constant coefticients.
Homogeneous solutions. Particular solution. Total solution. Solution by the method of
generating functions.

Unit 3: Graphs - Basic terminology, Multigraphs, Weighted graphs, Paths and circuits,
Shortest paths, Eulerian paths and Cireuits. Travelling Salesman problem. Union, Join,
Product and composition of graphs. Planar graphs and Geometric dual graphs.
Unit 4: Trees- Properties, Spanning tree, Binary and Rooted tree.
Digraphs - Simple digraph, Asymmetric digraphs, Symmetric digraphs and complete
digraphs. Digraph and Binary relations. Matrix representation of graphs and digraphs.

Unit 5: Numerical ability: Numbers and simplifications, Divisibility, H. C. F and LCM

of Number, Average, Percentage, Calender, Clocks, Binary System, Profit and Loss,
Ratio and Proportion, Races and Games, Alligation Or Mixture, Time, Time and Work,

Speed and Distance, and Cisterns, TrainsSrcams And Boats, Surds and Indices,
Fractions, Logarithms.
Paper-I: Calculus
Teaching:3 Hours per Week Max. Marks: 50 (Science)
Duration of Examination: 3 Hours
NIS 53 (Arts)
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five units. This paper contains 11 questions.
Candidates are required to attempt only 9 questions. Question no. 1 to 6 are compulsory
and any three questions from question no. 7 to 11. First question contain ten parts of very
Each part carries one mark. Questions no. 2
short answer type, two parts firom each unit.
one unit. Each carries two marks.
to 6 (five short answer type question) onefrom each
Questions no. 7 to 11 are five big questions, from cach unit. Each carries ten marks.
Unit 1: Series Infinite series and Convergent series. Tests for convergence of a series
- Comparison test, D'Alembert's ratio test, Cauchy's n-th root test, Raabe's test,
De-Morgan-Bertrand's test, Cauchy's condensation test, Gauss's test, (Derivation of tests
is not required). Alternating series. Absolute convergence. Taylor's theorem. Maclaurin's
theorem. Powerseries expansion of a function. Power series expansion of sinx, cosx, e,
loge(1+x), (1+x)".
Unit 2: Derivative of the length of an arc. Pedal equations. Curvature Various
formulae, Centre of curvature and Chord of curvature. Partial differentiation. Euler's
theorem for homogeneous functions. Chain rule of partial differentiation. Total
differentiation, Differentiation of implicit functions.

Unit 3: Envelopes, Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables. Lagrange's

method of undetermined multipliers. Asymptotès. Multiple points. Curve tracing of
standard curves (Cartesian and Polar curves).

Unit 4: Beta and Gamma funct ons, Reduction formulac (simply standard formulae),
Double integralsin Cartesian and Polar Coordinates, Change of order of integration.
Triple integrals. Dirichlet's integral.
Unit 5: Areas, Rectification, Volumes and Surfaces of solids of revolution.

Paper-I1: Three-Dimensional Geometry and Optimization Theory PACHER

Teaching :3 Hours per Week

Duration of Examination:3Hours Max. Marks: 50 (Sciene)
54 (Arts)
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five units. This paper contains 11
Candidates are required to attempt only 9 questions. Question no. I to 6 are
and any three questions from question no. 7 to 11. First question contain ten
parts of very
short answer type, two parts from each unit. Each part carries one mark. Questions no. 2
to 6 (five short answer type question) one from each unit. Each carries two marks.
Questions no. 7 to 11 are five big questions, one from each unit. Each carries ten marks.

Unit 1: polar equation of conics, polar equation of tangent, normal and asymptotes, chord
of contact,auxiliary circle, dircector cincle of conics.
Unit 2: Sphere, Cone.

Unit 3: Cylinder, Central Conicoids Ellipsoid, Hyperboloid of one and two sheets,
tangent lines and tangent planes, Direct sphere, Normals.

Unit 4: Generating lines of hyperboloid of one sheet system of

generating lines and its
properties. Reduction of a general equation of sccond degree in three-dimensions to
standard forms.

Unit 5: The linear programming problem. Basic solution. Some basic properties and
theorems on convex sets.. Fundamental theorem of L.P.P. Theory of simplex method only
Duality. Fundamental theorem of duality, properties and elementary theorems on duality

Practical: Optimization Techniques

Teaching: 2 Hours per Week per Batch
(20 Candidates in each Batch)
Examination: Duration: 2 Hours
Scheme Science Arts
Max.Marks 50 40
Min.Pass Marks 18 13
Distribution of Marks:
Two Practicals one from each group
15 Marks each 30 Marks (13 Marks each) 26
Practical Record 10 Marks 07

Viva-voce 10 Marks 07
Total Marks 50 Marks 40

Group A: Modelling of inustrial and engincering problems in to mathematical LPP

and its dual and their solution by Simplex Method.
Group B: Modelling of industrial and engineering problems into
)Assignment Problems and (1)) Balanced and unbalanced Transportation Problems.
and their solution
1. Problems will be solved by using Scientific Calculators(non-Programmable)
2. Candidates must know about all functions and operations of Scientific Calculator.
3. Each Candidate (Regular/non-Collegiate) has to prepare his/her practical record.
4. Each Candidate has to pass inPractical and Theory examinations separately.
5. Non Collegiate candidates are required to take practice certificate of 21 days (2
hours per day.)
Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II
Paper-1: Real Analysis and Metric Spacej(PAC
Unit 1: Real numbers as complete ordered ficld, Limit point, Botzano-Waedess
hecrem, Closed and Opcn sets, Union and Intersection of such sets. Concept
compactness.Heine-Borcltheorem. Connected sets.
Real sequences-Limit and Convergence ofa sequence, Monetonic sequences

Cnit 2: Cauchy'ssequences, Subseqvences, Cauchy's general principle ofconvergence

Properiiesof centimuous functions on closed intervals. Properties of derivable functions,
Darboux's and Rolle'sthcorcm.
Unit 3: Notion of limit and continuity for functions of two variables.
Riemamintegration-Lower and Upper Riemann integrals, Riemann intcgrability, Meau
value dheorem of intcgral calculus, Fundamental theorem of integral calculus,

Unit 4: Sequcnce and series of functions - Pointwise and LUnifom convergence

Cauciy's critcrion, Weierstrass M-test, Abel's test, Dirichlet's test for uniform
Convergence of serics of functions, Unifom convergence and Continuity of series of
functions, Term by term differentiation and integration.
Mctric space- Definition and examples, Open nd Closed sets, Interior and Closure of a
sct, Limit point of a set.
Unit 5: Subspace of a metric space, Product space, Continuous mappings, Sequence in a
metric space,Cauchy sequence. Complote metric space, Baire's theorem, Compact sets
and Compact spaces, Connected mctric spaces.

Paper-I: Diffcrential Equations

Teaching :3 Hours per Weelk
uration of Examination: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 50 (Scicnee)
53 (Arts)
Note: Syllebus of this paper is divided înto tive units. This
paper contains 11 questions.
Candidatcs are rcquired to altempt only questions. Qucstion no. I to 6 are
compulsory and any three questions from question n0. 7 to 11. First question
contain tcn parts of very shorl answer type, two
parts from each unit. Each part
carricsonc mark. QuCStions no. 2 to 6 (live short answer type question) one from
cach unit. Each carries two marks. Questions no. 7 to 1i are five big questions,
onc from cach unit. Eachcarriesten marks.
linif 1: Degree atd urder of a differential
equutiot. Equations ot iirst order ana
2erc.quaiaons in which the variabies arc separable. iiomogeneus equations ünd
qunicns reducible to homogeneous form. L.incar equations and equstiuns reducible to
iearfor. Exact differential equations and equntions which can be made cNael.
Unit 2: First order but
higher degree diferential
Clairut s ferm and singular sotutions with Extrancousequatiens
solvable for x,y ard p.
Loci. Linear di ferentiul equations
with constant coefticients,
Complimentary function und Particular iniegrai.
nit 3: Homogencous linear diferential cqustions, Simultancous differential equations.
Exact linear difterential cquations of nth order. Existenee und uniqueness thheoFEm

Unit 4: Linesr differential equations of second order. Linear independence of sohutions.

olution by transformatipn ef the cquetion by changing the dependent variable/thie
ndiependent variable, Factorization of operalors, Method of variation of parameters,
Method of undetermined coefficients.

Uait 5: Parninl dilferential equations of the first order. Lagrange's limear cquation.
Charpit's general mothodof solution. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear partial
differential equations with constant coefficients. Equations reducible to equations with
constant coefticicnts.

Paper-iI: NumericalAnalysis and Vector Calculus UNIV

Teaching:3 Hours per Weck VIN
Duration of Examination:3 Hours Max. Marks: Sciende
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five umits. This paper contäins Nuesticni
Candidates are required to attempt only 9 questions. Qucstion no.
compulsory and any three questions from question no, 7 to 11. First question
Conlain ten parts of very short answer type, two parts from each unit. Each part
camies oncmark. Questions no. 2 to 6 (ive short answer type question)one from
each unit. Each carries two marks. Qucstions no. 7 to Il are five big questions,
one from each unit. Each caries Ienmarks.
Non-Programmable Scicntific Calculators are sllovwed.
Unit 1: Differcnces. Relation between differences and derivatives.
Diflerences of a
polynomial. Nowton's fomulac for forward and backward interpolation. Divided
differences. Newton's divided difference, Lagrange's interpolation formula
Unit 2: Contral differentes.Gauss's, Stirling's and Eessel's interpolation fomulac.
Numerical integration, 1Derivations of gencra! quacdrature fomulas, Trapaz0idal rule:
Simpso's one-hird, Simpson's thrc-eighth (derivaticn of formulae only)and Gaus's
q Ladraurd formulac.

Unit 3: Quantitative cormparison. Reasoning (lncludimg series formation, lettier scries,

Symbol Serics, Coding-Decoding, Ranking and Arrangements, Puzzles). Non Vcrbal
Reasoning (lncluding Figural Series, Figural Analogy, Figural Calssification, Grouping of
igures, i uunting or Figures, Figural Matrix, Figure Completion, Formation Ot rigures,
Embedded Figures).
Unit 4: Sealar and Vector
point functios. DiTerentiation and integration of vector point
tunctions. Directional derivative. Differentinl operators. Gradicnt, Divergence and Cur.

Unit S: T hcorems of CGauss, Cireen, Stokex (without prouf) and problems b0sed cin these

Practical: Numerical Techniques

Teaching: 2 Hours per Week per Batch
(20 Candidates in each Butch)

xarminatiou: Duration: 2 Hours

Scheme Science Arts
Max.Marks 50 40
Min Pass Marks N
Distribution of Marks:
Two Practicals one from each group
15 Marks cach
30 Marks (13 Marks adi2
Practical Rocord TO Marks
Viva-voce 10 Marks
Total Marks 50 Marks

Group A: Numerical integration using Trapezoidal and Simpson's rules.Numerical

ofAlgebraic and Transccndental equations using
I) Bisection method, (i) Regula-Faisi method. (ii) Iteration method (iv) Nowton-
Raphson Mcthod.
Group B: Numerical Solution of system oflincar equations by (iauss eliminalion, Jacobi
and Guass-Seidel methods. Solution of lincar differcntial
cquations offirst order and first
dcgree with initial and boundary condition using modified Euler's method. Runge-Kutta
Fouth order method.

1. Problems will be solved by using Scientitie Calculators (non-Programmable)
2. Candidates must know about all functions and operations of Scientific Calculator.
3. Eech Candidate (Regularncon-Collegiate)
has to prepare hisher
practical rocord.
4 Each Candidate fhas to pass in
5. Non Colieglate candidales are
Practical and Theory examinations separutely.
to tike prictice ccrtificate of 21 days (2
hours per day.)
Syllabus B.Sc. Part-III
Paper-I: Algcbra
Teaching:3 Hours per Week
Max. Marks: 50 (Scicnce)
Duration of Examination: 3 Hours
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five units. This paper contains II questions.
1 to
analaares are required to attempt only 9 questions. Question no.
and any three questions from question no. 7 to 11. First question
Opuisory part
each unit. Each
parts from
parts of very short answer type, type question) one
Canes one mark. Questions no. 2 to 6 (five short answer
11 are five big questions,
Each carries two marks. Questions no. 7 to
one from each unit. Each carries ten marks.

I: Definition andsimple properties of Groups and Subgroups.

Permutation group,
Unit of a finite order
yclic group. Cosets, Lagrange's theorem on the order of subgroups
Unit 2: Morphism of groups, Cayley's theorem. Normal subgroups and Quotient groups.
Fundamental theorems of Isomorphism.
Unit 3: Definition and simple properties of Rings and Subrings. Morphism of rings.

Embeddingof a domain and field. Characteristics of a Ring and Field.

ring, Integral
Unit 4: Ideals and Quotient Ring. Maximal ideal and Prime ideal. Principal
domain. Field of quotients of an integral domain. Prime fields. Definition, Examples and
Simple properties of Vector spaces and Subspaces.

Unit 5: Linear combination, Linear dependence and Linear independence of vectors.

Basis and Dimension. Generation of subspaces. Sum of subspaces. Direct sum. and
Complement of subspaces. Quotient space and its dimension. ONIV

Paper-: Complex Analysis ACHERI

Teaching: 3 Hours per Week
Duration of Examination:3 Hours Max. Mark: 50 (Science)
WSS Arts)
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five units. This paper contains-Hquestions.
Candidates are required to attempt only 9 questions. Question no. 1 to 6 are
compulsory and any three questions from question no. 7 to 11. First question
contain ten parts of very short answer type, two parts from each unit. Each part
carries one mark. Questions no. 2 to 6 (five short änswertype question) one from
each unit. Each carries two marks. Questions no. 7 to 11 are five big questions,
one from each unit. Each carries ten marks.
c n (statement only). Extended complex plane. SteresyahAS
projection. Complex valued function- Limits, Continuity and
functions, Cauchy-Riemann Differentiability, Kralyu
equations (Cartesian and polar form). Harmonic fiunctiots,
Construction an analytic function.

Unit 2: Complex integration,

integral, Fundamental theoremComplex
line integrals, Cauchy integral theorem,
of integral calculus for Indeinite
integral formmula, Analyticity of the derivatíve complex functions. Cauchy
Poisson integral formula, Liouville' of an analyic function, Morera's theoren,
Unit 3: Taylor's theorem. Laurent's theorem.
Power series Absolute Maximum modulus theorem
Circle and Radius of convergence, Abel's theorem, Cauchy-Hadamard
convergence, Analyticity of the sum function 1heorGn,
of apower series.
Unit 4: Singularities of an analytic function, Branch
functions, Riemann's theorem, point, Meromorphic and Erdire
Residue at a Casorati-Weierstrass theorem.
singularity, Cauchy's residue theorem. Argument
theorem. Fundamental
theorem of Algebra, principle. Kouche s
Unit 5: Conformal mapping. Bilinear transfomation and its properties. Elementary
w()-z+,,sinz, cosz, and logz.
Evaluation of a real
definite integral by contour
Analytic continuation. Power series method of integration.
analytic continuation.
Paper III:
Dynamics and Computer Programming in C
Teaching Hours per Weck
Duration of Examination:3 Hours Max. Marks: cieace)
Note: Syllabus of this paper is divided into five units. This
paper contains 11
Candidates are required to attempt
only 9 questions. Question no. Iquestions.
compulsory and any three questions from question no. 7 to 11. First to 6 are
contain ten parts of very short answer question
carries one mark. Questions no. 2 to 6 type,short parts from each unit. Each part

each unit. Each carries two marks.

(five answer type
question) one from
one from each unit. Each carries ten
Questions no. 7 to 1l are
five big questions,

Unit 1: Velocity and acceleration along radial and transverse

tangential and normal directions. S.HM, Hooke's law, motion directions, along
vertical elastic strings. along horizontal and
Unit 2: Motion in
vclocity(verical motion). Workmedium-Resistance
dro- Resistance varies as veicci m
and Enerr. Maticn on smocth Cure E* * *
plane.Motion on the a
inside and outside of a smooth vertical Crci
Unit 3: Central orbits-p-r equatíons. Anses. Tie in an orbit, Kepier s
pihmn kw of
motion. Moment of inertía
M.I. of rods. Circular rinzs Circular sks, 2nc

spheres, Rectangular lamina, Ellipse and Trianie. Theorem ofparallel as m t

4: Programming languages and problem solving on computers Agen, Fio
Programming in C- Constants, Variables, Arithmetic and ingical engssions
Unit 5:dConditional statements, Implementing loops in Programs. Deiningand
manipulation arrays and functions.
Practical: Solution by Programming in C
Teaching: 2 Hours per Weck per Batch
(20 Candidates in cach Batch)

Examination: Duration: 2 Hours

Scheme Scicnce Arts
Max.Marks 50 40
Min.Pass Marks 18 13
Distribution of Marks:

Two Practicals
15 Marks each
Practical Record
30 Marks (13 Marks cach
10 Marks
Viva-vocc 10 Marks
Total Marks 50 Marks
Programming in C and execution for the result of
Solution of linear algebraic equations by Gauss elimination method
Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by Bisection, False position
and Newton- Raphson Methods
Solution of ordinary differential cquations by Euler's and Runga-Kutta 4" order
4. integration by Trapezoidal and Simpson's one third rule
Mean and standard deviation (S.D.), Line Graph, Histogram, Bar Graphs, Pie Charts

1 Each Candidate (Regular/Non-Collegiate) has to prepare his/her practical record.
2. Each Candidate has to pass in Practical and Theory examinations
3. Non Collegiate candidates are required to take
practice certificate of 21 days (2
hours per day.)
Syllabus B.Sc. Part-I
CH-101 Paper I:InorganicChemistry
(2 hrs or 3 periods/ week)

Unit-I of radius
radius ratio effect and coordination
number, limitation
Ionic Solids: Ionic structures, and Borm Haber cycle, solvation energy
semiconductors, lattice energy
ratio rule, lattice defects,
power and polarisability of
ions, Fajan's rule.
and solubility of ionic solids, polarizing
valence bond and band
Metallic bond: free electron,

bonding, vander Waals forces

Weak Interactions: Hydrogen
Unit-I of simple
directional and shapes
bond theory and its limitations, to NH,
Covalent Bond:
Valence shell electron pair
repulsion (VSEPR) theory
molecules and ions.
HO SF, CIF, ICh, and NO) diatomic molecules.

homonuclear and heteronuclear (CO percentage
Molecular Orbital
electron deficient molecules, bond strength and bond energy,
Mulicenter bonding in vity difference.
moment and electronegati
ionic character from dipole
features of hydrides,
study, diagonal relationships, salient introduction to
Comparative function in biosystems, an
s-Block Elements: including their
solvation and complexation
alkyls and aryls.
Periodicity in properties of
p-block elements with special
electron affinity, electronegativity,
Periodicity of p-block radi, ionization energy,
reference to atomic and
diagonal relationship, catenation.
diborane and higher
Elements: Hydrides of boron,
of p-block (structural
Some Important Compounds fuorocarhons, silicates
hnrohydrides, fullerenes, carbides, polyhalides.
horaness, borazine, halogens, interhalogens
tetranitride, basic properties of
principle), tetrasulphur
hemistry of Noble Gases: Chemical properties of the noble gases, chenisury of Xen0n,
structure and bonding in Xenon compounds.

Unit. V
Nuclear Chemistry: Fundamental particles of nucleus (nucleons); Concept of nuclides and
Forces operating
representation; Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones (with specific examples); ratio).
of nucleus (n/p
Derween nucleons (n-n, p-p, & n-p); Qualitative idea of stability
Radioactive disintegration series
Kadiochemistry: Natural and artificial radioactivity; aveàge life; Nuclecar
Half life and
Kadioactive displacement law; Radioactivity decay rates;
and binding energy; Nuclear reacll.OnS,
binding cnergy, mass defect and calculation of defect UN
Spallation, Nuclear fission and fusion.

CH-102 Paper II :Organicweek)
(2 hrs or 3 periods/

and heterolytic bond cleavage. Tyhes of
Mechanism of Organic Reactions: Homolyticintermediates carbocations, carbanions, free

reagents, electrophiles and nucleophiles. reactions. Energy
and nitrenes (with examples). Types of organic
radicals, carbenes, arynes mechanism (product analysis,
determination of reaction
considerations. Methods of
and stereochemical studies).
internediates, isotope effects, kinetic
of isomerism,
Concept of isomerism, Types
Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds: and Fischer projection
and conformation, Flying wedge
Difference between configuration
formulae. stereogeniccentre,
molecular chirality, enantiomers,
Isomerism: Elements of symmetry,
Optical achiral molecules with two stereogenic
Properties of enantiomers, chiral and
optical activity. isomers, meso compounds.
Resolution of enantiomers.
Diastereomers, threo and erythro
(with cxamples).
Inversion, retention and racemization
sequence rules, D/L and R/S systems of nomenclature.
Relative and absolute configuration, isomers cis/ trans andE/
of configuration of geometric
Geometric Isomerism: Deteminationisomerism in oximes and alicyclic comnpounds.
Z systems of nomenclature. and Sawhorse formulae,
Conformational Isomerism: Newman projection
analysis of ethane, n-butane, Unit-ll
nomenclature of branched and unbranched alkyl
Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: 1UPAC formation (with special reference of Wurtz
in alkanes. Methods of
classification of carbon atoms carboxylic acids).
reaction and decarboxylation of
reaction, Kolbe reaction, Corey-Hoiuse of alkanes. Mechanism of free radical halogenation -

Physical properties and chemical reactions nomenclature, methods of formation,

and selectivitý. Cycloalkanes
orientation, reactivity of rings.
chemical reactions. Baeyer's strain theory and its limitations. Theory
Dienes and Alkynes: Methods
of formalion, mechanisms of
Alkenes, Cycloalkenes, of alkyl halides. Regioselectivity in alcohol
dehydration of alcohols and dehydrohalogenation
elimination. Physical properties and relative stabilities
dehydration the Saytzelf rule, Hoffimann
alkenes. Chemical reactions of alkenes - mechanisms involved in hydrogenation, electrophilic
and tree radical additions. Markownikoff's rule, hydroboration-oxidation, oxymercuration
reduction. Epozidation, ozonolysis, hydration, hydroxylation and oxidation with KMnO4.
Polymerization of alkenes. Substitution at the allylic and vinylic positions of alkenes.
Classification and Nomenclature of isolated, conjugated and cumulated dienes. Structure
allenes and butadiene. Methods of formation, properties, Chemical reactions , 2 - and 1,4-ad

ditions, Diels-Alder reaction and polymerization.

formation. Chemical reactions acidity of alkynes;
iructure and bonding in alkynes. Methods ofaddition reactions; hydroboration-oxidation; meta
mechanism of electrophilic and nucleophilic
ammonia reduction, oxidation and polymerization.
Unit-IV aromatic
derivatives. The aryl group,
Arenes and Aromaticity: Nomenclature of benzene formula and Kekule structure. Stability
nucleus and side Structure of benzene: molecular
resonance structure,
MO diagram.
and carbon-carbon bond lengths of benzene, membered.
three to eight
Aromaticity: the Huckel rule, aromaticions
of sigma and pi-
of the mechanism, role
Aromatic electrophilic substitution: General pattern Friedel-Crafts
nitration, halogenation, sulphonation, mercuration,
complexes. Mechanism of diagrams. Activating
and dectivating
reactions and chioromethylation. Energy profile chain reactions of
substituents. Directive influenceorientation and ortho/para ratio. Side
benzene derivatives. Birch reduction Unit-V
chemical reactions. Mechanisms
Methods of formation of alkyl halides,
reactions with energy profile
Alkyl and Aryl of halides S2 and Sl
of nucleophilic substitution reactions alkyl
diagrams. Chloroform, carbon tetrachloride.
Polyhalogen compounds:
reactions. The addition-climination
nucilear and side chain
Methods of formation of aryl halides, aromatic suhstitution reactions.
of nuclenphilic
and the elimination-addition mechanisms
Relative reactivities of alkyl, allyl, vinyl
and aryl halides. AUN
CH-103 PaperorITT: Physical Chemistry
(2hrs. 3 Periods/week).

sketcling, linear graphs and catculations
Mathematical Concepts: Logarithmic relations, curvesinx and log x; maxima and minima, partial
of functions ike k, e', X,
of slopes, differéntiation useful/relevant functions;
integration of some
differentiatiou and reciprocity relatius,
permutations and combinations,
factoials, probability.
structure of liquids (a qualitative description).
Liquid State: Intermolecular forces,
Liquid crystals: Difference between liquid crystal,
differences between solids, liquids and gases. and cholestric phases. Themography
of nematic
solid and liquid. Classification, structure
sCven segment cel.
UNIT- II van 0er
from ideal behavior,
States: Postulates of kinetic theory of gases, deviation
Waals equation of state. isotherms of van der
states, the
cal Phenomenon: PV isotherms of real gases, continuity ofder Waals constants, tie law

waals equation, between critical constants and van

corresponding states, reduced equation of state. and most probable
velocities. Qualitative
Molecular velocities: Root mean square, average
number, miean
molecular velocities, collision etfect.)
discussion of the Maxwell's distribution of Joule-Thomson
and collision diameter. Liquification of gases
(based on
unit cell. of rationaiyo
Solid State: Definition of space lattice, interfacial angles (ii) Law
Law of constancy of
Laws of crystallography- elements in crystals. Determiation of
indices (1in) Law ofsymmetry. Symmetry Derivation of Bragg's equation
Basic concept of X-ray diffraction by
crystals. band heory of solids.
method and powder method),
Crystal structure of NaCl and CsCI (Laue's
Defects in solids UNIT IV
of colloids, classification ofcolloids. Protective
Colloidal State: Definition and electrical, stability of colloids.
Solids in liquids (sols) properties-
kinetic, optical
action, Hardy-Schulze law, gold
nurnber. applications
preparation and properties, inhibition, general
Liquids in solids (gels): classification,
of colloids. Emulsifier
of emulsions, prcparation.
Liquids in liquids (emulsions): types
factors influencing the
Chemical kinetics and its scope, rate of a reaction,
Chemical Kinetics:
temperature, pressure, solvent,
light, catalyst. Concentration
of a reaction, concentration, reactions z e r o order, first
ratc mathematical characteristics of simple chemical
dependence of rates, half-life and mean-life.
Determination of the prder of
order, second order; pseudo method of integration, method of half-life period and ísolation
reactions differential method,
Radioactive decay as a
first order phenomenon. 1nethods,
conductometric, potentiometric, optical
methods of chemical kinetics: on rate
Experimental kinetics. Effect of temperature
polarimetry and spectrophotometry.
Theories of chemical
concept of activation energy.
of reaction, Arhenius equation, transition state theory (cqåilibrium
on shard sphere model
Simple collision theory based rateconstant bases on equilibrium
constant and thermodynamic
hypothesis). Expression
for the
Practical:CH-104 Laboratory Course-
(4 hrs or 6 periods/week) AUN
EX.1 (i)
Preparation ofstandardsolution.
Dilution o. 1M to o.001M solution.
(ii)Volumetric Analysis commercial vinegar using nagh

Determination of acetic acid in

)(b) Estimation of Hardness of water by EDTA
(C)Extimation of copper using thiosulphate
Ca2 and Mg*
() Complexometiic Titrations (EDTA): Extimation of
aoratory Techniques (methanol, ethanoB
benzoic acid, urea, etc.) boiling point
Determination of nelting point (naphthalene,
(urea cinnamon acid, etc.).
cyclohexane, etc.); mixed melting point from boiling water, naphthalene
and benzoic acid from hot waterm acetanilide
(b) Crystallization of phthalic acid
camphor, etc.
from ethanol etç.; Sublimation of naphthalene,
alitative Analysis phenolic, alcoholic,
determination qinsaturation,
Element Detection (N, $ and halogens), Functional group and liquids.
amine, amide, nitro) in simple organic solids
carboxylic,cabonyl ester, cairbohyärate,
be given in theexamination)
t r of the following experiments should

Chemical Kineics: hydrogen

) T o determine the specific reactjon
rate of the hydrolysis of methyl acetate/èthyl acetate catalyzed by
ions at room temperature.
of an ester.
o To study the effect of acid strength on the hydrolysis
the kinetics of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate.
(e) To compare the strength þf HC and H,SO, by studying
To study kineticálly the réactior rate
of decomposition of iodide by H,0,
i) Viscosity , Surface Tension:
(alcohol etc.) at room temperature. ( using the
(a) To determine the viscdsity/surface tension of a pure liquid
Ostwald iscoieter/Stalagempmeter).
(acetone & ethy
(b) To determine the percentage composition of given binary mixture by surface tension methoji

methyl ketoné)
mixture (non- interacting system_) by viscosity method.
determinejthe petcentage domposition of given
ic) To
To determine the viscosity of amyl alcohol in water at different concentiation and
calculate the excess viscosity
of these solutions.
(Instruction to the

Practical (Pass Course) Marks : 18

104: Chemistry Pass
CH hrs.
Duration of Exam: 5
Max. Marks: 50
Inorganic Chemistry 10
Ex.1 (1) Preparation ofstandard
(ii) Volunietric Analysis N
Organic Chemistry
Ex. 2 Laboratory Techniques 10
Ex. 3 Qualitative Analysis group
detection of functional
Detection of element and

PhysicalChemistry mentioned in the syllabus. 05

Ex. 4 Perform one of
the experiments
Ex.5 Viva Voce
Ex.6Record 50

Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II


CH-201 Paper-1: Inorganic Chemistry

2hrsor 3periodsAveek
Chemistry of Elements of First Transition Serics:
haricterisie properties of d-blockclements.Properics ol the elerments ut the tirst transinon
series. their binary compounds and complexes ilustrattng reletive subiliy of ther oxidation
Statcs. co0Tdination nur ber and geomelry
Chemistry or Elements of Second and Third Transition Series:
encra ehtrncieristics, comparative treatment with their 3d-analogurs in respect ofionic adl.,
OxIaLonstales. magnctic behaviour spectral propertics and sterevchemmstry.

Coor diualion Compounds:
WernersCuDrdination theory ant its experimental verilication, eltetive aumic numiber coicepl
chulates numencluture of coordination compounds. isomerisni in coardinalior compounds,
lenee bond theery ol transitiun mctal complexes.

ChemislTy of Laithanide and Actinide Elements:
Eromc suu:ture uxdation states. 1one radi und lanthanide contrauin. complex tormation,
occurrenecnu isoion ol lunthanide Cumpounus
icher feulures lenisi ot separatinn ul Np. Pu and Ar lrom . elertronic contiguration.
1Latit Slut 1Cic Dperties. LOilexatiun ehav1. cnrs o! lanthanides and
ciinle super teatknnis
&iua lion and Retuction
Uses Rody Paigtaldat ualysisuf elar cycle retar stabiity in wuer Frost. imerand
uax dg.tns Applicatn ut redtx data in th Extictioa ut elenenis
Acids and Bases:
wCept arid Lewis concept o
heories Arrlernus. Bronsied-owr, Lux-Fiuod. Salvent systen
acids and bases.

Non-aqucous Suivents:
and their general characterisües, rriactions in
PySiCB properties of a sulvent, types of solvents and
non-aqueous solvents with reference tu liquid NH3 liquid S0:

CH-202 Paper-11: Organic ChemistryY

(2 Hrs. or 3 periods/week) PACHERIo
Unit- *wwte

Electrnmagnetic Spectrum: An Introduction

Absorption Spectroscopy
Litrimolct {UV) spectroscopy Absorption laws (Becr-Lambern L.wy, miular absorptivity,
transitions, eftect o
and anatySiS ol Vspeciu, ty pes of electronic transitions. eftect l slerents on
conjigalunL Concepl of chronophore and xoctrome, Bathocthromie. iy sochromic, hyperchromic and
hypochromic shits. UV speclra af conjugatcd dienes and enpnes

Infrarcd (IR) spectroscopy - Molccular vibrations, Hook's law. selcetion rules, intensity and
position of IR bands, m e a s u r : m e n i of lR specirum. [ingerprint regnon. characteristics absorption
ol warious functional groups and interpreiation ol IR specira of imple rganic compounds.

Alcohols- Classilication and nomenclatur.
Monohydrie aleohols Methods uf formation by rcduction ul uldeinydes, ketones, carboxyliu
acidsand esters. Hydrogen bonding. Acidit nature. Reaclions of'aicvbul with mechanism
Dihydrie alcohols rTICthods of lornation, chemical reictins v vicinal glycols, oxidative
cteavage 1PhtOAeu and HIO and pinncol-pinacolone rearangemen
Tribydricalcohols methods of formation. chemical reuctions n'gly cero.
Nomenclature. structure and honding. Preparation ot Phenois. Phy sreal propetics and acidie
charueter. C'omparativc acidie srength of aleohols and pheals. Reactions of phenols
clecophilic tronalie suhstiluton. acylation and Lilrbuxs lati Meetanisms of Fries
rearange nent, Cl:isen rear:ngemenl, Gattermman synthesis. Havhcn-Hueseh rcaction, Ledere
Manasse renn and ReTCT- I enann reaction.

Ethers and Epovides

Methods u t o n . physcal properties. Cheinieal renctons cleavagcund autoeaidaior
Ziesels method.
Sy nthesis uepoxides. Aciit and btse-vatals zcd ring openin of epoxides orientaton ot epoxide
itvts uf rignadntsrglthium rengents with egoxrdes.
Allehy ds and Ketones
Suctare 1 the earbenyi grup Syiteses uf aiehydes from acid chlorides.
e d ketones Sig13-dtthianes syniheses uf ketories fram ririles and Fom
carbury lie acds. Physical propeucs.
Mchattsrtot nuckeoplie addaionsto carhunyl group with paricular emphasis on bern2oir,
aldl Perkn and Krnoevenagelcordeinsati Condensation with am1nont and its derivatives
Wug reaction. Mannieh reaction. Daidaiun ofaldehyies, Baeyer-Villiger oxidoton ofketones,
Cannizzaru reuction, MPy (Meervein-Pndruf-Verley), Clemmensen, Woll-Kishner. LiAlH4
in NuR reductioS, Halcgenation u enslizable ketones. Use of acetals and 3dthiane as
prMeKu urup

Carboxylic Acids
Siruetreun bonding.physical propuries. uuidity of'carboxylic acids, effccts of sutbstituents on
Ed sirength Preparation uf carhasylie zeids. Reactions of carboxytic acidh, Ilel1-Volhard.
Telinsky reaction. Reduction of carboxy lie Deids. mechanism of decarboxylation.
Methods ol lomation and chemical reaetions bf halo acids. Hydroxy acids malic, tartaric and
citrie acid
Dicarnayyiic acids: methods of fomation anal elleci of heaa and dehydrating agenis (succinic,
gitarie and adipic eids)

Carboaylic Acid Derivatives

Siruae rmenclature and synthesis l' acid thlorides, esters, amides and ncid anhydrides.
Relotie st1biliry of acyl derivatises. Phy sieal propenies. interconversion of acid derivatives
nutlungilie cyl substitution by
Prepayanun ol carb0xylic acid derivatives. cheniel reactions. methanis1ns af esierilication and
hydralysis (Hidic and basic).
(Organi Compounds ol Nitrogen
Prepardiot of nitroalkanes and niuroarenes, Chentical reactions of
nuclephilie suhstinmlion in niroarenes and Iheir redtictivns in acidic,nitroalkanes. Mee hanisms of
nculral and alkaline
P'ieric . ncdia.
Anmis Sictere. nomenctature ad prepirn o alkyl, anu iary! anmines (reduction of nitro
Ctads itiles, 1eductiVe nnation ul allthydie and etonma
properiles. slereochemistuy of amiocs. eparalinn ol a mxiure ol Compounds. P'hysical
imines S!rue urai lealures etlccling primary. secondary and tertiary
basicIuy f aies. Amine Salts as phase-iransler esialys
Gabrei-h:l:imide rcection and Hellmtit bromammde reaciton wilh mcchanisn
eations ines. electrophle a m c SubsutO in aryl amincs, reactions l
rous acid. Diazotisaion and imines with
nhm SynthI: transirn1ations of aryl diZoniun salts.
aZ Cdg ad ils applicatinas
203 Paper Hl:Physical (hemistry A ON
2 Ars.tr3 periods/week) PACHERIjc

DE on of Thermodynamic Terms. System.suToundings, etc. Types or E ténsive
arnd cxtensTtE propernies. State and path lunctiens and their dilferentials. Thermadynamic
process, cncept of heat and wok.
FTst Lay of Thermodynamics Statenment. detinition of intenal energy and enihalpy. heat
capaezty. eat capacities at constant volume und pressur and their relationship. Joule's a,
Joule-Thomsun voeffclent and inversion teniperáture. Calculation of w. q. d! & di lor the
c&parisiof of ldeal gases under isothemal und adiabatic conditions for reversible process.
T'herochemistry Suandard state, standarl enthalpy of formalion, Hess's law af hea
summation And is applications Heat of reaetion a coiSstant pressiure and at constant vlume
nthalpy o! neutralization. Bond dissttiation cnergy and its caleutation from herrno-chemica
data, termperalure dependencc of enthalpy. Kirehhelf'sequation
Thermodynamics -11
Second Lar of Thermodynamies:Necd tur the law, dlifferent statements of the law. Cartot
ycle and ils efficicncy. Camot-Theorem. Thermodynanmic scale of temperature.
Concept of Entropy: Entropy as a staie lunctioa. entropy as a function of V&T, entrapy as 2
furction of P&T.entropy change in physical change. Clausius inequality ánd entropy as a criteria
ofsponianeity and equilibium. Entropy chane in idcal gases and mixing ofgases.
Third Law of Thernodynamies Nernst hear theorcm, statement and concept ot residual
eniropy cvaluation of absolute eniropy from heat capacily dat. Gibbs and Helmholtz funcrions
Gibbs Junciion(Ci)and Hcimholi lunciun (4) aus: thermmodynanic quantities. A & Gas criteria
orthemiynamic equibriumund spontaneiy. their advan:aye over entropy ehange. Variation
of Gnd A with P',Vand T
Cheuical Equilibriumi:
Eguilibrium eonstant and frce cnergy. hernudynurnie derivation oflaw of mass sction. Le
Chatelier's pincipie. Reaction isotherm and reection isochore Clapeyroncquation and (lustus
Tlapeyrn cquuin., applications
Phase fquilibrium: Siatement and meaniny f te terms phase, cunmunent und drgrec of
redoi. derivatian f Gibbs phase rule. phie euilibra of onc componenl ystem - waler, C0
ucl sulphu: syslems.
Phase equilibria ol to coponent syslem slitl-lhquid cyuilibria Sinple cuieciie Bi-Cd. Pb-
Ag sens, dsiiverization ul' le:ul.
Selid solutions conpound furnaton With. ongrucnl nelug poini
{Mg-dn) und ineurngruent
heling oi. tNICL-iL0)) System. Freezing uixturs avetone-dryice.
.iguid-Liquil mistures: ideal liuuiu niialiue. Runu!t's anl lenry's law, Nun ideal systen
1zaos. HCHl anul ethuol-watcr sysletns. Palliy nusrible liquis. henoi-waler. Lnwer
21 e i consoue lemperature. cilect ol impurily o Conoutt TIperaure. Nernst
ds iu a ierrud 1IC derivtnil, applicatio
ectical transport-conducti in meluls and in electrolyte solutiuns. speciie conductance an
exjU valent conductance, TneusuTement of equivalcni coluctanec. vutinton
specifieconductance with dilutiun of cquivalet und
Mgralion of ions and KohinuSchy law. Arrhenius theory of electrnlyte dissociation and ts
mtattons, weak and sireng eiucirolytes. (stwald s dilurion law. its uscs and limiations Debye
HuCSe-Onsager's equation for sirong electrolytes (clementary treutment
r , definiion and determination by Hitorf 's method and moving boundaryonly). metod
Applicatieons of conductivity T.isuremenis:
eiemiatio3efdegree ofdissaciation. detemination ofK, ofacids, tetermination of solubility
Firoasct of a sparingly solutle salt. eonductometric itrations.

ypes of reversibie elecltodes C4-metal-ion, metal-metal ion, meul-insoluble salt anion and
rrdox eleetrodes, electrode reactions. Nernst equation, derivation ef cell EMF nd single
cectrocle potential, standard nydrogen ciectrode, reference electrodes. standard ciectrode
TOential,sign conventions,clectraehemical series and its significance.
Electrolytit ani Galvanic ceils-reversihle and irreversible cells, conventional representation of
elecochemical cells.
EMF of a cell and its mcasurements. Computation of celis EMF. C'aleulation of thermodynamie
quarulies of cell reactions (AG. AH and K), polarization, over potential and hydrogen
Concentralion cell with and wihout transport. iquid junction potential, epplicaion of
concentration celis. Valency of ions. soluhility product and acivity coelficienl, potentiormeic
finition of pH andpKa. deierminatn t pH using hydrogen quinhydrone nnd glass clectrodes.
by polentiumetric methods
Suggested Books:
TPrinciplesof Physical (henistay: B. R. Puri. Sharma and M. S.Patiani
2. A TextBook of Physical C'henmistryA. S.Negi and S. C. Ananl.


3 TeXI Book of Physiel Chenisiry: Kunduind Jain.

Theciemenis of Physical Chenistry, P,W aikins Oxford
niversir iencral humsre,NR Rao. Ma: Milan
1asic Inorganic Chcinist Coton i. Wilkinson anu P.i. ('aus. Wey
J.D. Iee. ElBS
Concise norganic Chemisiy. und . Alexander.
oncepts ol' Models ol Inoruanne Chem:Sry B. Douglas.). Mlaniel
Juhr Wile
organic Chiemistry. D1...Sariver Atking and (H. Langford.

nrgari Chemisty. .Portsrticlti Addison Wesiey

Iorganic (hermisury. . i , Sin:rne. H13S
13 IForgaiy Chemistry. (i,. Alicsierid D.A. TeT. Prentice luli.
Prentice 1 lall.
ryanic Chemisiy. M r i i i n l iui.
(rganic Chemis:ry. I.G. WhdeJ Prentuc lal
l incntls of Organi iemilr ulo3s. Jnhn Wiley.
CH-204 Chemistry Practical Labor tary Course-l
14hrs Or 6 Periods/weeki
a Job'smethod
(b) Mole- rätlo method
Adulteration-Food stufis
EFfuentanalysis, water analysis
Solvent Extracticn
Separationand estimation of Mg )and Fel
tonExchange Method
Separationandestimation ofMefli) and Fe t
Separationandidentification ofSixradicals 13cationsand 3anions) in thiegiven inargani
mixtureincluding specialcomblnations and interferingradicels
( LaboratoryTechniques
A.Thin LayerChromatography
Determination of Rrvaluesandidentification oforganiccompounds
(a)Separation ofgreenleafpigments(spinach leavesmaybeused
b) Preparation and separation of2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazones ofacetone, 2- butanone, hexan-2
one and hexan-3-one using toluene and light petroleurm (40-60) solvent system
ic) Separation ofa mixture of dyes using cyclohexane and ethyl acetate (8.5:1.5)
B. Paper Chromatography Ascending and Circular
Determination of R,values andidentification oforganiccompounds,
(al Separation of mixture of phenylalanine and glycine.Alanine and aspartic acid,leucine and
glutamic acid. Spray reagent ninhydrin.
b) Separation of amixture of D-alanine, glycine and 1- Leucine using n- butanol: aceticacid:
water (4:1:5),Spray reagent ninhydrin.
c Separation ofmonosaccharides Mlxture of D-galactose and D-fructose using n-bútanol
acetone:water(45:1 Spray reagent-anilinehydrogen phthalate.
(ii) Synthesis of Organic Compunds
a) Acetylation of salicylic acid, aniline,glucose and hydroquinone,
Benzoylation of aniline and phenol
b) Aiphatic elctrophilic substitution IAU UN
Preparation of iodoform from ethanol and acetone
cAromatíc electrophilicsubstitution PACHERI jn
Preparation of M-dinitrobenzene
Preparatlonof p- nitroacetanilide
Preparation or P- bromoacetanilide
preparation of 2,4,6, tribromophenot
id) Diazotization/coupling
Preparation ofmethy! orange and methyl
e} Oxidation
Preparation of benzoic acid from tolueme.
fReduction nitrobenzene
Preparation of aniline from
preparation ofm-nitroaniline from m-dinitrobenzene.
dentiieatisn ci organic conipounds (uld and Hqaicd) through ti: firictikoriel Erup aaiysis.
etermaticot meitihg poitit, boling pointand preparatianof suitable derivatives
Physical Che mistry
Transition Temperature
Determination of tHe transition temperature ofthe given substunce.by
thermometric/dlakometricmethod(e g.Mnciz.4H.0/SrBr.2H,0)
) Thermochemistry determine i r i
and to
0 etermine the selublityofbenzoir acid at different temperatures
of the dissolution prucess
strong i6 se f
etertine the enthaipyofneutralization ofa weak acld/weak base versus
strong acid and determine the enthalpy of jonizatian of the weak acid/weak base
and cakulate thelatticé energy
CD determinethe enthalpy of salution ofsolid calcum.chloride
afcalctum chloride froi lts enthalpy data using Born- Haber tycie.
(il Phase Equilibrium
To study the effect ofa solute (e..g. NaCl, Sucine acid ) on
the criticalsolution temperature ot
a and to deterrtine the concentrtion
tvepartialy miscithle liquids fe.g. pheno-water system)
ofthe salutein thegiven phenolwatersystem.
BTaconstruct the phase diagram of twa components.
(e.g. diphenylamine-benzophenane)
System by coeling curve method.
iv) Distribution la

al To studythe distributiori ofiadine between waterand and water
of benzoic acid between benzene
b To study thedistribution TACHERI

(Instructions to the Examiner)

B.Sc. part
CH-204 Chemistry Practical
Duration of Exam:5 hrs.
Minimum Pass Marks: 18
Max. Marks: 50
inorganic Chemistry 10
lon exchange
Or Sovent Extraction Or
Ex.1 Mixture Analysis
Organic Chemistry analysis, 07
compournds thirough the functionalgroup
Ex. (i) ldentification of one organic
preparation ofsuitablederivatives.
determination ofmelting point, boiling point and
Perform one experiment out of the expèriments
on thin layer and paper thromatography
given in the syllabus. 05
ii) Synthesis of one ofthe six preparations
Physical Chemistry in the sylabu5. 12
experiments asmentioned
Ex. 3 Perform one of the physical chemistry 05
Ex.4 Viva- Voe
Ex. 5 Record
Syllabus B.Sc. Part-m


CH-301 Paper-I: Inorganic Chemistry (PACHERI

hrs (2 or 3 periods/ veek)
Hard and Soft Acids and Bases Uait-
Classification of acids and bases as hard and soft.
and hardness and softness.
Pearson's HSAB concept, acid-base strength
Symbiosis, theoretical basis of hardness and softness,
electronegativity and hardness and softness.
Metal-ligand bonding in Transition Metal complexes:
Limitations of valence bond theory, an clementary idea of crystal-field theory, crystal-field
splitting in octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, factors affecting the crýstal-field

Magnetic properties of Transition Metal Complexes:

Types of magnetie behaviour, methods of delermining magneic susceptibility, spin-only
formula, L-S coupling, correlation of and Her vaues, orbital contribution to agnetic
moment data tor Jd metal complexes.
nOments, application of magnetic
Transition Metal Complexes:
Electron spectra of selection rules
tor d-d
transitions, spectroscan
opic ground states,
ypes of electronic transitions, level diagram
level diagram d' and d states,
for d
for discussion of the
ctrochemical series, complex

i r o n i c spectrum of
Aspects ofMetal
complexes and factors affecting the stability,
mic and metal
stability of met
brief outline

of planar

stitution reactions of square


organometallic compour
lassification of ion,
ganometallic Chemistry*

Inition, nomencl
poperties, bonding and applications of alkyls and 3
dn and Ti,
a brief accoig
of metalethylenic
of bonding complexes
carhohomogeneous hydrogenation,
anc Hg, Sn
aryls of Li, AI,
aryls carbonyis ana
nature of bonding in mers and homo arhonyls and the

Bioinorganic Chemistry: Unit-V

Essential and trace elements to
Biological processes,
haemoglobin and myoglobin ological
myoglobin. proccsses, metalloporphyrins with special reference to
reference to Ca .Nitrogen fixation.
Biological role ofof alkali and alkaline earth metal ians with special
ions w

Inorganie Polymers:
Silicones and phosphazenes as
triphosphazenes. examples of inorganic polymers, nature of bonding in

CH-302 Paper-Il: Organic Chemistry

hrs or 3 periods/weck) ( o{PACHERI

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Unit-I

Proton magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) Spectroscopy:
chemical shift and molecular structure, spectroscopy, nuclcar shielding and deshiclding,
signals. Interpretation of NMR spectra ofspin-spin
splitting and coupling constants, arcas of
organic molecules such as ethyl bromide,
ethanol, acctaldchydce, 1,1,2-tribromoethane, ethyl acetate, toluene and
pertaining to the structure elucidation of simple organic compounds acetophenone. Problems
NMR using data.
Organic Synthesis via Enolates: Acidity of a-hydrogens in
alkylation of diethyl malonate and cthyl acctoacetate. reactive methylene compounds,
Claisen condensation,
cnoltautomerism in cthyl acctoacctatc. Synthetic applications of ethyl acetoacetate and malonie
Heterocyclic Compounds and aromatic
characteristics of
Introduction: Molecular orbital diagram and chcmical reactions with purtieur

Methods synthesis
the of clectrophilic substilulio. Miechanism of nucleophilic substinution Ss Oin
ot pyridine, piperidine and pyrolc.
Pyridine derivatives. Comparison of basicity

Introduction tocondenscd five-

six-memocrea neterocyies. Preparation and reaction.
eactions of
reference to Fisher-indole
with special synthesis, Skraup
ndole, quinoline and isoquinoline fechanism of electrophilic substitution reactions
synthesis, Mechanism
Pnthesis and isoquinoline.
O indole, quinoline and

charides, mechanism of osazone forrnation. Epimers,

Carbobydrates n o m e n c l a t u r e ,

of glucose
Uersion of
mutarotation. Interconversion
M o n o s a c c h a

and frictose, chain lengthening and chain

Classification and
nomers and
chortening of
aldoses. Erythro and threodiastereomers. Conversion of glucOse
ttiguration of
monosaccharides. Determination of ring size of f
glycosides, ethers and esters. Cyclic structure of D(+)-2lucose monosaccharides.
and Formaon
fructose. Structures o
of rioos
and deoxyrnbose.
Nomalature and structure of
(starch and cellulose); Glycosidicdisaccharides
(maltose, sucrose and lactose) and polysaccharides

Amino Acids, Peptides, Proteins and Unit-IV

Nucleic Acids
Classiticati0n, structure and stereochemistry of amino acids, Acid-base behaviour, isoelectric
point and electrophoresis. Preparation and
reactions of a-amino acids.
Structure and nomenclature of peptides and proteins. Classification of
detemination, end-group analysis, proteins. Peptide struetut
Solid-phase peptide synthesis. selective hydrolysis of peptides. Classical peptide sync
Nucleic acids -

Introduction, constituents of nucleic acids -

nucleosides and nucleotides.

Organosulphur Compounds : Nomenclature, structural features, methods of formation and
chemical reactions of thiols,
sulphonic acids, sulphonamides and Sulpha drugs: sulphaguanidine,
sulphadiazine (sulphapyrimidine), sulphamethoxazole, sulphacetamide.
Synthetic Polymers: Addition or chain-growth polymerization. Free radical and
polymerization. Ziegler-Natta Catalyst Condensation step-growth polymerization. Polyesters

polyamides, phenol-formaldehyde resins, urea-tformaldehyde resins, epoxy resins and

polyurethanes. Natural and synthetic rubber.
Synthetic Dyes: Colour and constitution (elcctronicconcept). Classification of dyes. Chemistrv
and synthesis of methyl orange, congo red, malachite green, crystal violet, phenolphthalein
fluorescein, alizarin and indigo.

CH-303 Paper III:Physical Chemistry
(2 Hrs. or 3 periods/week)


Elementary quantum Mechanics: heat capacity ofsalid.

law, photoelectric eltect,
radiation, Planck's radiation effect.
Black-body, and its defects.
ofhydrogen atom (no Sinusoidal Wave
Heisenberg's* uncertainty principle, ave
hypothesis, the importance, physical
De Broglie Schrodinger
wave cquation ana i1s
iamiltonian operator,
dimensional box.
h wave
lhnction, postulates of quantum mechanics, particle in a one
Schrodinger wavo for H-atom, sepamtion into three cquations (without
equation imnom,
and thieir
nbers and their separm radial wave

angularwave functions.
importanco, hydroge
yarogen like wave functions,

Molecular orbital theory

8asic ideascriteria for foming A.O. construction of
M.0. from A.0, ol M.0's by LCAO-H2
construction o jon
calculation of fro Irom
energy level from wave functions,
calculation 0l energy phvsical picture of bonding an nd antibonding
wave fincions, concept ofo, a*, n, r* orbitalsnnd their characteristics. Hybrid orbitalssP.
sp, calculation of coeflcients of A.0's used in these hybrid
Introduction to valence bond model of H, comparison of M.O. orbitals
and V.B. moacis
Introduction: Electromagnetic radintion, spectrum, basic features of different speciroiele
stalement of the Born-Openhcimer
approximation, degrees of freedom.
Rotational Spcctrum: Diatomic molecules, Energy levels of a rgid rotator (semi-classical
principles), sclection rules, spectral intensity, using population distribution (Maxwell-Boltizmann
distribution) determination of bond length, qualitative description of non-rigid rotator, isotope
Vibratlonal Spcctrum: Infrared spectrum: Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator,
Sclcction rules, pure vibrational spectrum, intensity, detemination of force constant and
qualitative relation of force constant and bond energies, effect of anharmonic motion and isotope
on the spectrum, idea of vibrational frequencies of different functional groups.
Rumun Spectrum: Basic principles and applications, conccpt of polarizability, purc rotational
and pure vibrational Raman Spectra of liatomic molecules, selection nules.
Electronic Spectrum: Concept of Potential Energy curves for bondingg and antibonding
molecular orbitals, qualitative description of selection nles and Frank Condon principle.
Qualitative description of o, t and n M.O. thcir energy levels and the respective transitions,


Photochemistry dilference between thermal and photochemical processes

Intcraction of radiation with matter,
law, Stark-Einstein law, Jablonski diagram denietin
Luws of pliotochemistry: Grothus-Drappcr
in the exited sate, qualitat1ve description of fuorescenc e,
Various processcs occurring
(intemal conversion, Intersystem crossing), ntum
phosphorcscence, non-radiative proccsses (simple examples),
reactions-cnergy transícr processes
yicld, photosensitized

Molecular Structure
Physical Properties and (Clausius-MOSSotu ceuon,
ornentation of dipoles in an

Optical activity, polynmerization


measurement of dipole moment

induced dipole momenl,
clcctric ficld, dipole moment, structure of molecules
and refractivity method, dipoic noment and
cmpcraturce method diamagnetism and
edons, Dlute Solutions
and UNIT-V
del 2 Colligative Properties:
2o-Oeal solctians, methods
coef+icea of exoressing concentrations of solutions, 2ctivity and
Di soutioc, colngative properties, Reoulr's
moir wega relztive lowering of vapor
d determination. Osmosis. law oflaw,osanotic pressure,
izznoa molkcular ight from
pressure and S measure
ssi eeang osmonc oressure. Elevation of
ekvaa ot boiling poirt
po~nt. Temodynzmic derivztion of relztion between boiling point a
d 2nd deoessioa in molccular weiga
iag vanos colligative freezing point. Experimental
metioas to
25socizticz f solutes. properies. Abaormal molar m2ss, degrec of dissociauOn

Books Suggested (Theor Course)

Basic incrgeric
Chenistry FA. Couoa. G. Wilkinson and PL. Caus.. Wiley.
Concise Inarganic
Chemistry, J.D. Lee, ELBS
Coacepts of Models of Inorgznic Chemistry B. Douglas. D. McDaniel and J. Alexander,
Jobn Wilcy.
2orgaic Caemist1ry, D.E Shriver P.W. Atkins and CHLangford, Oxford.
5. aorganic Chemisty, W.w. Porterfield Addison Wesley.
Inorganie Chemisty, AG. Sharpe, ELBS UNID
Icorganic Coemisty, G.L Miessler and D.A. Tar, Prentice Hall.
8. Organie Caecmistry, Mcrisca 2d Boy, Preatice Hal PACHERI
9. Organic Cheraisty, LG. Wade Ji. Prenice Hal.
10. Fuadameatzls of Orgaric Cheinistry, Solomons, John Wley.
Organic Chemistry VoL 1, 11, n SM. Mukheg, S.P. Singh znd RP. Kapoor, Wiley
Easten Ld. (New Age Internaional)
McGraw Hill, Inc.
12. Organic Chemisry, FA Carey, and Kosover. Macmilan.
13. Introductoa to Streatwiesct. Heathoock
Orgaric Cheristry. intern2rional Snzdent Edition, McGraw HIL
GM. BaTOw.
14. Paysical Chemistry, Jin. Tata McGraw Hil
ith Application, V.K.
I5. B2sic Programming Hunt 2nd Shelly, Preatice Hall,
Cormmon Scnse. R.
16. Computers 2cd
hemstry Practcal
(4 hrs Or 6 Laboratooryry Course-Il
Perlods /week)

Synthesisand Analysisof:

alPotassium trioxalatoferrate(M), K, Tkdc.r

methylgyoximato) nickel (I)
Tetraamm minecopper () sulphate, [comples, [Ni(DMG}]
c cis- diaquabis (Oxalat
s Analyse
avimetric Analysis (any two) (oxalato)chromate (l) ditydrate,

K{cis-Cr[(H,O}; (GOJh].2H,0
Cu as
Nias Ni (dimethyglyoxime)
B aas Bas04.
Pb as Pbcro


S t e a mD i s t i l l a t i o n

naphthalenetrom its suspension in water

from Clove
ofo- and p-nitrophenol
Column chromatography

of rescein and
methylene blue

pigments spinach leaves
racemic mixture of
(+) mendelic acid

of an organic mature contalning two solid components using water, NaHCO3, for separation
AAnalvsis of suita ble derivatives
and preparation
Cereo chemical Study of Organic Compounds via models
isomers. E, Z Configuration of geometrical isomers.
Rand Sconfiguration ofoptical
Conformational analysis of cyclohexanes and substituted cyclohexanes.

alkali solution.
given acid conductometrically using standard
alTo determine the strength ofthe electrolyte conduct
and solubility product ofa sparingly soluble
b) To determine the solubility
) To study the saponification of ethyl acetate conductometrically.
weak acid conductometrically.
d) To determine the ionization constant a of KMnO4/K2Cr207,
ferrous ammonium sulphate solution using
To titrate potentiometrically the given scale.
e of Fe"/Fe" system on the hydrogen
as titrant and calculate the redox potential

Refractometry, Polarimetry Abbe's refractometer.

law of refraction of mixture (e.g. glycerol and water) using

l verify the
optically active compound.
D) To determine the specific rotation of given

Molecular Weight Determination

solute by Rast method/Beckmann freezing
l) Determination of molecular weight of a non-volatile
point method.
In aqueous
Determination of the apparent degree of dissoclatlon ofan electrolyte (e.g.NaCl)
solution at different concentrations by ebuloscopy
determlne the
concentration ofthe given
KMnO,/KgCrO, and
() To verify Beer-Lambert's law
solution of the substance,

( o P A C H E R I

(Instructions to
the Examiner)
CH-304 Chemistry
Pass Marks:
Max. Marks: 50
Duration of Exam:5

syntheses given in the syllabus. 10
and ofone of the four in the syllabus
(1) Synthesis of one ofthe four given
Gravimetric analysis
Organic Chemistry 14
water /NaHCO,/NaOH
solid components using
containing two
Organic mixture
Analysis of an derivatives.
of suitable
and preparation

the syllabus.
experiments given in
Perform one ofthe

Physical Chemistry 12
experiments given
in the syllabus.
chemistry 05
Perform one of the physical

Viva- voce 05

Syllabus B.Sc. Part-I


. There will be two parts of every theory question paper with total duration of 3 lhours.
First part of question paper will comprise question No. 1 containing 10 very short
answer (Maximum 25 words) type questions, eachof I mark. This part is compulsory
to attempt. Questions should be evenly distributed covering entire syllabus.
Second part of question paper will be of long answer type questions having three
sections. There will be total 9 questions (0. No. 2 to 10) inthis part,i.e., three fiom
each unit /section out of which candidate will be required to attempt any 4 question
sclecting at least one question from each unit/section. Each question will carry 10
2. The candidate has to answer all questions in the main answer book only.

Section -A (Teaching hours:20)

1. Zoogeographical distribution: Principal zoogeographical regions of the world with
special reference to their mammalian fauna.
Bio-diversity of fauna of India and World.
Reasons of depletion of biodiversity andconservation measures of biodiversity where
Adaptation of animals to their modes of life and environment.
Continental drifl.
Section-B (Teaching hours: 20)
1. General principles of taxonomy, concepts of the five kingdom scheme. International
Code of z00logical nomenclature, cladistics, molecular taxonomy.
2 Concept of Protozoa, Metazoaand levels of organization.
3 Basis of classification of non-chordata and chordata: symmetry, coelom, segmentation
and embryogeny.
4. Detailed classification of various phyla of Non-chordata with diagnostic features of
classes and sub-classes with examples.

Section C (Teaching hours: 20)

of evolution and theories of evolution (Lamarkism and Darwinism).
1. Evidences
Natural selection (Differential reproduction), Genetic basis of evolution and Speciation.
Variations and isolation.
time scale.
Paleontology: Fossils, geological
forms: Dinosaurs, Archeopteryx.
Study of extinct A UNI
6. Evolution of man.

Total teachhg Hrs.- 60

paper with total duration of 3 hours.

will be two parts of every theory question
1. There will comprise question No.
1 containing 10 very short
First part of question paper
each of I mark. This part is compulsory
a n s w e r (Maximum
25 words) type questions,
entire syllabus.
should be evenly distributed covering
to attempt. Questions having three
will be of long a n s w e r type questions
Second part of question paper
total 9 questions (Q. No.
2 to 10) in this part,i.e., three from
sections. There will be to attempt any 4 question
cach unit /section out
of which candidate will be required
Each question will carry 10
one question
from cach unit/section.
selecting at least
marks. answer book only.
all questions in the main
The candidate has to

(Teaching hours: 20)


Cell Biology size, shape, characteristics and structure of

I. Introduction to cell: of virus and cell theory.
animal cell; basic idea
prokaryotic and eukaryotie
membrane molecules,
fluid-mosaic model of
Characteristics of cell
Cell menmbrane: junctions.
Nicholson, concept of unit membrane; Gap mediated) and
Singer and and osmosis, facilitated,
Passive (diffusion
3. Cell membrane transport:
active transport. and functions of
Structure, composition nmitochondr7a, microb0dies
Cell organelles :reticulum,golgi-complex,lysosome,ribosome,

microvilli and cytoskeletal elements.
centrioles, cilia, flagella,

Section-B (Teaching hours: 20)

1. Nuclear Organization:
() Interphase nucleus: Structure and function of nuclear envelope, nuclear matrix
and nucleolus.
(1i) Chromosomes: Morphology, chromonema, chromomeres, telomeres, primary
and secondary constrictions, chromatids; prokaryotic chromosome.
(iii) Giant chromosomes: Polytene and Lampbrush.
iv) Chromosomal organization: Euchromatin, heterochromatin, folded fibre model
and nucleosome concept.
2. Nucleic Acids:
G) DNA structure, polymorphism(A, B and Z types) and replication (semi
conservative mechanism) experiments of Messelson and Stahl: elementary idea
about polymerases, topoisomerase, single strand binding protein replicating
forks (both unidirectional and bidirectional), leading and lagging strands, RNA
primers and Okazaki fragments, elementary idea about DNA repairs.
(i) RNA structure and types (mRNA, TRNA and tRNA).
3. Genetic code and protein synthesis: Triplet code, characteristics of triplet
code;transcription and translation.
4. Cell reproduction:
(i) Cell cycle: S, G-1, G-2 and M phase.
() Mitosis: Different stages, structure and function of spindle apparatus; anaphasic
ii) Meiosis: Different stages, synapses and
synaptonemal complex, fonnation of
chiasmata and significance of crossing over.

Section-C (Teaching hours: 20)

. Mendelism: Brief history of genetics and Mendel's
work; Mendelian laws, their
significance and current status, chromosomal
theory of inheritance; Gene
concept:Recon, muton and cistron.
2. Gene interaction: Supplementary genes, complementary genes,
epistasis, inhibitory and polymorphie genes. duplicate genes,
3 Linkage and crossing over, elementary idea of chromosome mapping.
4. Multiple gene inheritance: ABO blood groups, Rh factor and their
. Chromosomal mutations: significance.
Translocation, inversion, deletion and
Variations in chromosome duplication;
numbers:haploidy, diploidy, polyploidy, aneuploidy,
euploidy and polysomy.
6. Cytoplasmic inheritance.
7. Sexdetermination in Drosophila and man.
8. Genetic disorders: Down's, Tumer's, Kleinfelter's
imited diseases. syndromes; sexed linked and sex

Total teaching Hrs. 60
C Will be two
parts of every theory question paper with total
a duration
Part of question paper will comprise question No. 1 containing
of 3
10 very
Wer (Maximum 25 words) type questions, each of 1 mark. short
atempt. Questions should be evenly This part is
p a r t of question paper will bedistributed covering
of long answer entire
type syllabus.
questions having three
Ons. There will be total9 questions No. 2 to 10) in this
unit /section out of which candidate(Q. part,i.e.. three irom
will be required to attempt any
a t least one question from each unit/section. Each question will4 carry.
5 The
candidate has to answer all uestions in the main answer book only.
Section-A (Teaching hours: 20)
Developmental Biology: Scope and Early
2. Historical review, types and scope of Events
Gametogenesis: embryology.
(i) Forimation of ova and sperm.
3. Vitellogenesis.
ertilization: Activation of ovum, essence of activation:
the egg cytoplasm. Changes in the organization ot
1. Biology: Pattern and Processes(Teaching hours: 20)
Cleavage: Definition, planes and patterns
among non-chordates and
SIgificance of cleavage, blastulation and morulation.
maps, gastrulation,
morphogenetic cell movements, significance of
Embryonic induction, primary differentiation and competence.gastrulation.
Development of chick up to 24 organizer,
hours stage.
Embryonic adaptations:
(i) Extra embryonie
membranes in chick,
(ii) their development and functions.
Placentation in Mammals: Definition, types,
classification on the basis of
morphology and histology,functions of placenta.
(iii) Paedogenesisandneoteny.

Section-C (Teaching hours: 20)

Developmental Biology:Dimensions
Various types of stem cells and their
Cloning of animals: applications.
i) Nuclear transfer technique. NIA
(ii) Embryo transfer techniquc.
Teratogenesis(Genetic and Induced) :CHERI

Biology of aging.
. Cell death.
Syllabus: B.Sc. Part-I (Pass Course)

Min. Marks: 18 4 Hrs./Week Max. Marks: 50

Microscopic Techniques: IS
1. Organization and working of Optical Microscope: Dissecting and compound
2. General methods of microscopic slide preparations; narcotization, fixing and
and mounting;
preservation; washing; staining; destaining, dehydration; clearing
general idea of composition, preparation and use of
i) Fixatives: Formalin, Bouin's fluid.
(11) Stains:Aceto-carmine, Aceto-orcein, Haematoxylin-Eosin,
(11) Common reagents: Normal saline, Acidwater, Acid alcohol and Mayer's

3. Collection and Culture Methods:
Collection of animals from their natural habitat during field trips such as
Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Planaria, Daphnia, Cyclops, etc.
(i1) Culture of Paramecium in the laboratory and study of its structure, life
processes and behavior in live state.

II. Study of Microscopic Slides and Museum Specimens:

Protozoa: Amoeba, Euglena, Trypanosoma, Giardia, Entamoeba, Elphidium
(Polystomella), Foraminiferous shells, Monocystis, Plasmodium, Paramecium,
Paramecium showing binary fission and conjugation, Opalina, Nyctotherus,
Balantidium, Vorticella.

Porifera:Leucosolenia, Euplectella, Spongilla, T. S. Sycon, Spicules, Spongin fibers,


Coclenterata: Millepora, Physalia, Velella, Aurelia, Alcyonium Gorgoni1d,

Pennatula, Sea anemone, Stone corals, Obelia colony and medusa.

Ctennophora: Any Ctenophore.

Platyhelminthes: 7aenia, Planaria,Fasciola (W.M.), Miracidium, Sporocyst, Redia,
Cercaria and Metacercarialarvae of Fasciola;Scolex, T. S. mature proglottid of
Taenia, Cysticercus larva.

Aschelminthes:Ascaris,I reria, Dracunculus.

IIl Anatomy:
Earthworm: External features, general viscera, alimentary canal, reproductive
system and nervous system,
Cockroach: External features, appendages (wing and
leg), mouth parts, alimentary
canal, reproductive and nervous system.
IV. Study of the Following through Permanent Slide Preparation: Paramecium,
Euglena, Foraminiferous shells,Sponge spicules, Sponginfibres, Gemmule, Hydra,
ObeliacolonyandMedusa; ParapodiumofNereisandHeteronereis
. Exercises in Cell Biology:
1. Squash preparation for the study ofmitosis in onion root tip.
2. Squash preparation for the study of meiosis in grasshopper or cockroach testes,
3. Study of giant chromosomes in salivary glands of Chironomouslarvae or
4. Study of cell permeability using mammalian R.B.Cs.
5. Permanent slides of mitosis and meiosis (all stages). UN

VI. Exercises in Genetics:

A. Study of Drosophila:
1. Life cycle and an idea about its culture.
2. Identification of male and female.
3. Identification of wild and mutants (yellow body, ebony, vestigial wing and white
4. Study of permanent prepared slides: Sex comb and salivary gland chromosomes.
B. Identification of blood groups (A, B, O & Rh factor).

VII. Developmental Biology:

1. Study of development of frog/toad with the help of Charts/Slides/Models:
() Eggs, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, neurula, tail-bud, hatching, mature tadpole
larvae, metamorphic stages,toadlet/ froglet.
(i) Histological slides: Cleavage, blastula, gastrula, neunlaand tail-bud stage.
2. Study of development of chick with the help of whole mounts/
) 18 hrs, 21 hrs, 24 hs, 33 hrs, 48 hrs, 72 hrs and 96 hrs ofincubation.
(i) Primitive streak stage in living embryo, if possible, after removal of the
blastoderm from the egg.
ii) Study of the embryo at various stages of incubation in vivo by making a
window in the egg-shell.
(iv) Study of various foetal membranes in a 10-12 day old chick embryo.
B.Sc. Part - I

Scheme of Practical Examination and Distribution of Marks

Time: 4 Hrs. Min Pass Marks: 18 Max. Marks: 50

Regular Ex. /N.C. Students

1. Anatomy (any system) 3/5 3/6

2. Permanent Preparation S/7 7/9
3 Cell Biology and Genetics 6+6/8+8
4. Developmental Biology 6/9
5. Identification and comments on Spots (I to 8) 16/24 16/24
6. Viva Voce 5/10 5/10
7. Class Record 5/10

50/75 50/75

With reterence to
anatomy, study of museum specimens and develop1nental biology,
candidates must be well versed in the study of various systems with the help of
dissections/ charts/models /CD-ROMs multimedia computer based simulations
includingcomputer assisted learning (CAL) and other softwares.
2 With reference to permanent preparations and microscopic slides, in case of non
availability, the exercise should be substituted with diagrams, photographs, models,
charts, etc.
3. Candidates must keep a record of all work done in the practical class and submit
the same
for inspection at the time of the practical examination.
4. The candidates may be asked to write detailed
methodology wherever necessary and
separatemarks may be allocated for the same.
5. Mounting material for permanent
preparations would be as per the syllabus or.as
available through collection and culture
6. It should be ensured that animals used in the practical exercises are not covered under the
wild life act 1972 and amendments made subsequently.


N nitso-
Recomnended Books:
Bafinsky B. I. and Fabain BC: Introduction
to Embryology. CENGAGE Learnins
Barrington EJW: The Biology of Henichordata arnd
London 1965. Protochordaia.:Oliver & Boyo
Berril N : Developiment Biolog. Tata McCiraw Hill, 1971
Colberi EH: Evulution of the Vertebrates. 2 edition uhn
1969 Wity & Sons. Nen Yorkk
ColbertEH. Murales A1. Minkuft. EC Colberts Eiulution ot
History of the Backboned Animals Thriotyh, fime. 3ediion Wiley ertebrates
2001 A
Cost anb20 LS PAysieloei:4 epa Saunders Tuc 2e0
DevenportR, An Outline of Animal D=velopment. dlison Wesley ongmznInc,

De Rulbertis FDP and De Roberti's Ir M Ceil and Molecutar BialogY S iion

Lippincor 1Williams &Wilkins 2006
i a e CD Manual of Laboratory Expetiences Cell BigY Me Gra-iii
Professional Publishing 1989.
Clber SF and Singer SR: Developmen1 Biology. Sinauer Associales;" edition 2010
odish H, Berk A, Kaiser CA Krieger M, Scout MP, Bretscher A, Ploegh H
iarsuuaira P Moiecuiar Ceii bioiugy. 6 edition w.H Freemun and Company, Nev
York, 2008.
12 Lodish Berk A, Kaiser CA. Krieger MM, Bertscher A, Ploegh H, Amon A, Sco M
,4 P Molecular Cell Biology. 7t" edition Mac Milian High Edutation (iniernational
edition)England, 203
13. Lodish H Berk A, Maisudaira P, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Scoti MP, Zipursky, SL,
Darnell J: Molecular Cell Biology. S edition W.H Freeman and Company, Nes
York, 2004.
4 Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky SL, Matsudaira P. Balimore D. Darnell J: Molecular
Cell Biology 4 edition WH Freenian & Company, New York, 2000
Sinauer /Panima Books, 2007
15. Morgan CDD The (ellC.ycle: Principles C.ontrol.
Simaue/Panima Dooks
16: Petsko GA and Ringe D: Protein Structure and Funciion.
2004 and 1BH Publishing
17 Rao KV: Development Biology: A Modern Synthesis. Oxford
1994 Development Biology Kedar Nath
8 Rastogi VB: Animal Distribution, Evolution and
Ram Nath Educatioal Publishers. Nath Education Publisler
19 Rastogi VB: Evolutiornary Diology. KedarNath Ram Rastogi Publications, Meeru,
20. Singh SP and Tomar BS: Cell Biology 10
NewDelhi. 2014 Wiley &Sons.
DP and Simnmons MI: Principles ul Genctic's. 4cditiun John
21 Snustnd
Inc, 2005 Co. Ltd.New.
Practical Zoology: Invertebrates. Chand &
22. Verma PS. A Manual of .

Dellhi, 1971. VK: Chordate Embrylogy: Development Biology. S. Chand

2 Verma PS and Agarwal
& Company Ltd. 2012 VK: Cell Biology. Genctics. Molccular Biology. Evolutoi
24 Verma PS and Agarwal
andEcology. 14
edition, S. Chand 2004.
Winchester AM: An
Introduction to
Genetics. Barners & Noble,
Canada, 2002.
tdity. Oxford&IBH
A Survey of Principles e
Wiuchester AM: Genetics:
Publislig Co.. 1967.
Neill bsning Co 1971
AM: Human Genetics. Ohio Charles
Syllabus B.Sc. Part-II




Total tcaching lirs.6

NOTE hours. Fisst

1ThcTuwill bc two parls ol cyery 1ieory question paper with foial duratinn.of
containing 10 very shot answer
parl of question paper will tomprise qestion No altanpt.
(Maximum 25 words) 1ype qucstions, cach of 1 mark Tns part 1s compulsory to
Questions shouldbeevenly distributed coveringentire syllabus.
Second part of question puper wil be o long answUT Iype questious having tlirce eclions
tach unit seclion
1here willbetotal 9 questions ( No. 2 t0 10)in thisparl,ie llirce roim
lenst One
out of which candiate will be requirei to attempt any 4 question selecting at
from.eachunil/'section, Each queslion willcary 10 marlks.
answcr bok ony.
2The cndidate hasto answeT all question n themair

SectionA (Teaching bours:20)

Struetureand Function-i
nOn-choradates as cxcmplified by
Structure and finctional organization of vital systems of
1ueuid,Nereis, ilirudinania
Anoeli Parameciwn, Euglen, Sycon Ubelit, fasctole,
'alaenmon, Lanmellidens, Pilaand lseterias.
{Pararecim), llagolar (ugleRu)
1 Locomotien: Pseudopodial (meeba), Caliry (Pilayand ube-feeltAsterids
arapodial (ereis) pedal-muscular foot
S t ; FEdoskeleton (picules ot
Cal sul4 {Culs, Pila, Src #skelca, ditinious
Nervous Syste Sensory and nerve celis dstr juis ), siliecus tlilotaia ii'deiitnup.
Ldn:eio id
((hebizt}; lran risng d ragaindiual 1CI
2ala und Taenia): brain und venirill nerve V

8ysteri of Pila and T.amelliden. cord 1Nere5

unel/'alaemon), nervous
Sensc-organs: Statocyst and ospharadiun (Lnmeliidens and
Paasmon) and sitnpBe Fila), ceoinpound cy
uchal organs (Nereis) cye (Nereis, Pila); lavtile und oltuetury organs tPalacnon)

Section-B (Teacling hours: 20

Structure and Function-il
Food, feeding, digestive stuctures and digestior: Aulotrophric (Engtena),
hclcrotrophie through food vacuele (Parnieciun)
Z0oids (Obelia), Parastitic (asciala, Faenia, Td in hydroid and ncdusoid
Paltemon. Asterius filler-feeding (lamelidens) Hirudimaria predatory (Nereis
Rcspiration Aquatie general hody surface (Evglena, Nereis,
bronchial (Asterias) parapodia (Aereis), llirudinaria);
gills (Palaumon, Lemetlidens. Pilay denna
pulonarysac (Pila), tracheu (insect), anuervbic (Fuciola, Taenia) uerial
Excretion General body surface (Protozoa, Sycon, Ubetia);
and lame cells (fasetola, Taenia); protonephridial system
ncphndia (Nereis,
tubules(lnscct); organof Bojanus (T.amellidens, Pila). Hiridiiaria), malphighian
Crculation Cyelosis (Euglena, P'aramecium); diffusion (Sycon, Qbelia,
Tacnia); open circulatory systcm (Hirudinaria, Palaemon, Fasetola,
Asterias) closed circuBatory system (Nereis). Laniclidens Pila,
Reproduction: Asexual (Paramecium, Luglena, Syeany allemation f generation
(Oheha): Sexuai (Fasciola, Tacnia, Nereis, Lanieliders, Pila, Hirudinaria,

Section-C (Tenching hours: 21)

Tayertebrate Adaptations
S:alient fcaturcs of Hcnichordata
Evolution of canal sysiem ol sponges:
Parasitic adaplations in ielmintis.
4 SOCial oTginizat0n in termites and becs
Ducct anl mdirect tievelopment in nsccts.
Watcr vascular system of starfish.
Larval loms (tree swimming & parasitic).
Parasitisn in Crustarea.
Torson7 mollusca.
FAPLR-f: -202


Totat tcachin sfrs

ere will he two parts l evTy Thory queslIO paper with ioial iuraton ot hoars
No. contaning 10 very stOrt a1wer
part G questiun paper will comprise question
MaXimuni 25 wordls) type questions, éach of I nark. This purt is eomgurisery tu nllennt
Ouestionsshould be evenly distribued covering enliv sytlabius.
ivng tira >ol
EcOnd part of uestion paper will be of long answer type questions from each unit n
iere willhe total 9 questions (Q. No.2 1o 10) in this part, it,
tiree /scctn
questiot selceting t leastoe

Dut ol which canlidate will be reguired to attempt any.4

Question fnun cachunit/section,Fach questionwill carry 10 murka.
h e candidate has to answer all questions in the main unswer buok only.

Section-A (Teaching hours: 20)

Animal Physiology with specialrefcrenceto mammafs

Osmoregiulation in mammals
Physiology of digestion: Vanous types ofdigestiveenzymes and thcir digestivC Action
n thealimcntary canal
Plysiology of blocd circulition: Composition and function of blood inechanismo
blood clotting heart beat; cardiac cyele;blood pressure, body lemperature regulation.
Physiology ofrespiration: Mechanism ofbreathing exchange of gase's: trunsporaion
ofoxygen and carbon ditxilein bloodregulation of respirátion
Plhysiology of cxcretion: Kinds of nitrogenous excretory end products ( onotelie,
uricotelic and urcotelic); role of livet in the formation ot these end products
Funetional architecturc of mammalian kidney tubule and formatien of urine homonal
regulationblwaterand clectrolytc balancc(Homcostasis)

Scction-B (Teachinghonrs: 20)

Regulatory aspect of Animal Playsiology

Physioloy ot nervC napulse and retlcX action Functuonal architecturc of a icuron,
0Tginand propagation olnervc mpulse, synaplic tränstnission, reflcx arc.
Physiology of muscle conlracti0n1 Functiomal archiiccture ol skeletat muscles
chemical and biophysical evenis duning contraction antdrelixatiin ofmuscle tihers
ypes of endocrine glands their secretions and funchons: hlutary atrenal, thyra,
Isletsof Iangerhan's,testis and ovary.
Physiology of Reproduction Homonal conttoi of unaleand female ruproduclig
pubcrty, mplanlatIm parturilon ani 1actalon il mamiais. ipause n iiuman
Preliminary itdea ofneurosecrelion,hypethalmic controlof pituiraryfunctio
Section- Teachi; hours: 20i
laydrates: Siucture, uction, and signitieanee, oxidtion of gluueee Liacugli
yolysis, Krcb's eycle and oxidalive phosphorylatican, elemcntary kriowledge ot
tTonvCrsion of glycogen and glucose in liver, role of irivuln and glucagn,
TISStrucure,fuactionand significanee,esscatial and nun-Essential amino ueis
tnsorTulionaf amino ucids deaminutim trausamination dearnox ylulion syntluesis
ot protein aund urea, fatec ofammonin (ornithine.cycie) fate ofcarbun skeloton
nzymes: Types and miechanism of uction.
dS Structure, function nd sipnificance, 3etu-itlativc patiway f iuy acids..
briefuceount of biesynthesis oftriglycerides. Cholesterolanditsinctabolisn.
Disorders of metalholism.( Alkeptoneuria,Thenylketoneuria,Clycogensturap
Paper II: 7-203

Imnunology, Mierobiology & Biotechnolugy

Totalteaching lirs.-60
1 There
willbetwoparts ofevery theory question paper withtotalduratiun of3htrs.Firs
pa1t of question paper will comprise question No. containing 10 very short answer
(Muxun 25 words) type questions, cach ol 1 mark. This part is canpulsory to altcupt.
Questions should be evenly distributed covering entire syllabtus
Second parl ofquestion paper will be of long answer 1ype questinns having three seetiuns
Therewillbe tolal 9 questious (O. No. 2 to 10) in this purt,i three from eacliunit/section
Out of which candidale will be required tn aftempt any 4 queslion sclccling at legst one
qucstion rom cach umit section. Each question will carry 10arks.
2 Thecandidatchas to answer all questions in themain answerbook only.

Section-A (Teachingliours: 20)

Immunology: Detmmtion. types of immunity nnate and acquircd umoralaud cell

mediated. Organsofumne sysrem.

Antigen and aitibody: Antigenicity of molecules, haptens,antibodytypes.
Antigen-Anubody reaciion3 Precipitation Teact1, aggiulinalion 1Cartion,
neutraliing Teactio, conplement nd ytic Teictns d phagocytosis.
Hypersensilivily (Reaction of immune system & dnugS involvei)
Immunity Regulating Cells: Macrophages, lymphocyTcs (B and 'T:Types) T-helpcr
cells. T-Kiler cells, plasma cellsamd menory colls.
iecanism of hinmoral or antibody meliatd nUnity 2nd cll mediated immunily.
MHStructure and fiunctiom f class 1, I and ii MHC moltcules,regulation o
MHC expressiom
Sectin-B T cnchin uuursi 20
introduction t0 the History of Microbilugy Wor of Anatony a
CEuwEnhock theory of spontaneous generatin geul tleury vl fermentat o aid
iSCasc: work ofLoui Pasteur, John lyndall, Ruberi-Kocli and JeuI
TheProkaryota (Bacteria):Struetural organizatio
Size shupes und patterns ufarrungement
(i) Strueturalorganization: Slime layer tcapsule), cell envelopes: eytplasnie
membrane (inner menbrane). Cell wiall (outer menmlbrane) of CGiim neguive
and Grumi-positive bacteria: mesosines cytoplasinic organivatio, cell
projection flagella and elia.,
Cnctic material ofBactena:Chromosome.plasmid(extrachromcsonmal DNA)R
replieation ofbacterial DNA
Reproduction in Bacteria: Asexual reproduction (binary fission. budlirig, endospore
lormation,exOspores atd cyst formation); Sexual reraduclion (conjugution
transiormation& transduchon)
Micrübial Nutrition :
Carbon and energy source
Nitrogcn and mineruls
Organic growthfactors
Environmcntal factors : Temperatureand pH
Growth curva of bacteria
Bactcria of MedicalImportance
( Gram-Positive
Cocci: Staphvtocci, Streptococci
Bacilli: Diptheria. Teranus.
a. Cocci: Neisserie yonnorhet, Neisseriu meningilidis
Bacilli: Diarrohea
Myeobactcria: "Tubereulosis, LeprOsy
AIDS and hepatilis, The causatve agcnts, transmission; puthugenicity, taboratory
dingnosis,treatment and prevention (clementary idca only)

Section-C (Teaching ihours: 0)

efinitioi, history, scope ani applieatn of biotcchnology major areaS
biotechnology (microbial. plant and aninial biolechnalogy)
Vcctors for
gcne transfer (plasmids, bacteriophage, cosmds).
Basie cocepis of amnal eeli, lissue, organ and embryo cultue.
Proloplast fusion in prekaryotes and euharyates.
nt12n 1NA 1echnologs ols s rDNA teclnkygy, and tiieir
1NA inger priting, DNA Dt rinting RELP, RAPD &AFL: upicalios
genome prnjecl, Genomics& c-DNA library
ilybridima technique, Manoclonal antibodies and its appicaton
neiC Engineering (outlineides onlyi:Applications of gencie enginecting,hazards
and regulations.
Traisgenic aninials: defiition, transfection and cxXAples.
Bricf accouatof cloningits advantages and disadvantages.
Bitechuology in melicine (oulline idca vnly), antibiotics, vuccnes yes,
vilamins, honones, artiticial blood.
11 Envitoamental Biotechnotogy (ourline idea only): Metal and petrolcianm recovery
pest control, waste watertreatment.
12. Food, drink and dairy biotechaology (outline ides only) Fermenlod foud pruducuun
L141Ty producis, winc, beer, vinegar and food preser valinn.

Recommended Books:
I. Barnes, R. D.: Tnvertebrate Zoology, W. G. Saunders, Philadelphia.
and Biochemistry ELIS
2 Bcll, J. N. and Davidson, Gh. H.: Text Books of Physiotogy
Lehninge: Principles of Biochcnistry
Satyanarayana, U. : Biocheinistry, Books and Alicd (P) Ltd.,Kolkata.
Sastry K. V.: Animal Physiology und Biochemistry, Rastogi Publications,
Randall, D., Burggren W, lrench K. W. H.: Eckert Animal Physiology, Frecman and
Conmpauy, New York.
and Allicd (P) Ltd., Kolkata.
Satyanaryana, U.: 1Biotechnology, Books
and Cienoniies, Rastogi Publications, Mceut.
8. Gupta P. K.: Biotechnology
Animal phiysiology and Biochemistry, Rameslh Book
Bhatia, A. L. and Kohli K. S.:
Depoi Jaur.
Piescott, T. M. Harley J. P. Klcii, D.A:Mierobiology
McOraw ilil, New Delhi
R. I. and Singh H. S.: Inverlebrate siructurc and Function. Rastogi
11. Kotpal
Fublication, Mecut.


a e sR lntelse aoloes. W E Saunss i '

London 195 HL RevI Melig:
arre a t a A Bocmo, a d Brooks
Education ldia t ll 212
Pisioiog 24iiB l (tofill
erril N The Tuietes The Roy Society. london
SiiaierPun Buk 2H}
lnercbrates Z edilign
rusca R d DruSca til Moleculir Approach 6
ediiión AsM
Hausa Rh The Cell A
ooper I and 2013
PrcSs Washington. DCSinaliet/Panima Bouks,
RH Uline iochemistry Srditton
o i EL. Suunpl PK. BiUeng
Sons. 1987 elition
CDP tnd De Robcrtis Jr EMF Cell ond Mulecular Bioiogy
e Rubeis
Lppinco! Wil ams&Wilkins, 2006, Annal Physiology S edition W
Durgeren Wan Fronch K Eckert
1U David R
Freeman&Tompany, Nev York,2001 fiysiofog i d
Fekert R Kandall D Burygen W, Frertch K: Etkert Aniul
Burggren WW& Co Lid, 1997
McGraw Hill Education 2003
Fox S Humu Phy siology. 8 edition DP. Principlcs of enclics cdition Jehn
Cardner FL. Simnions 1J and Snustád
iley & Sons. Int 2(106
icsc Lsll PhyS1ulogi. 4Editton. Sauulers. 197
TS Cick BR erernak J and Molecular Biotechnology. 4 edition ASM lress 2010
6 RA Ktndt T Oshorie BA: Kuhy Immunolpgs WH Freeman and C'o.
Nes York 002
iani: Bioloy ol Developmental Systet
Ciupta PR. ueneics Classical 1o Müdcr. Rasiogi Publications, SauyderS
19 lallJE: tiuon and 1lall Textboük or Medical Physielogy 12 edilion
Publicaiuns. 2010
i R Wse GA. Anderson M: Aninal Physiulogy. 3 vdiionSinauerSsotiates
I SA 2012
lismaulH Thelnertchrale5, Vol.b. Mc Graw
Juran El. and erma P'S: lnvertebrate 2oolouv S. Chind &Compan Lid012
Karg i ell &oleular Binly Dncepis and Experiments.7etiton 0n

Ka R en Tex Douk of7.oalog neriehrales Rastoyi Publitatins, 2012

Ll S8: P al Zoolagy Inrericbrale 11 revisec euiion Rasti hlicaions
Tehningst AL Biocieiai 2 eduin Kalat Piblishers. 1991
alS Pral Zlou hietebi.e ilesisal clitign. Rastogi Publeaton
ger L Euelemistry Kaixani ublisiiei. 98
n.tinl: i. Brk, Kaiser CKrieger M.Berischer Plocgh !. AmnA. Seott
iou fel Eiolog 7" ettli a c l i a n High Eduati tlientnit

eyersR iuie:uinr log it fechnokgy f eens 1

tieleichgs ile &sui1995
LitbtA x MM ehnt
S1 Prr iniles oi
d ox MM
Lelineei B:henusla edin
enPual J. Sirdntord S Pntole st Bihenms
Kauhy slit t
nd iinmiueE cdition Wi feenR
rcinetic Piiaiose S Paiples Ld
sl Engneering Llaiversity o
ut ene
2014-15 Anunal Pliysislogy an!Califori, 198 An
utridtic tion
ne A Sheeman . Brochemstry edition Rastoui
Fnction Me CGtaw Hill Co.ICiana iluman fhysinlogy Tho 'ublunis.
Ema Parnd Jurdan EL New Yutk. 1998. Mechanies of ody
Inveitcbrute Zolhey. S Chand & C. Lid.
ema PS, Tyagi BS Agarwal Ncw Delhi,
2004 VK. Animal Physiolugy. 6
Voct D and Voct 1CG cdition S. Chard& Co
Noct Dand Voct Ji: Biochenistry. edilion. John Wiley &
Verma PS A ManualBiochemistry.
of John Wiley &Sons,New Sons. Inc, 2011
Delhi. 197 Practical Zoolopy. Invertebrates. S. York, 1990
oct Dand Voet J Chand &Co. Ltd. Ne¢w
Wake MH: Hymun'sBiochemistry. 4 ediu Ton Wiley &Sons
Comparative Vefebpate A0atomy.
Chicago Press Ltd..London, lne, 2011
1992 3editiun nieersity ol
yllalus; B.Se. Part-lI (Pass Course)
Zoology Practical
Min. Matks: 18
4 irs.Weck MAx. Marks: 50/75
Study of Museum
Neanthes, lIeteronereis, Aphrodite
Chactolerux Arenicola, Glossiphnia,
Puntubetka, Polygordins
OnychopBiora P'eripatus
Arnhropoda Limulus,Spider, Scorpion, Cenlipatle,
Millipede, Lepas,Ralamis, Squilla, Eupagurus
Crab, Mantis, Honey-bee, fqueen, king, worker
Locust, Silkwoun Motht, Bectle, White grul:
Mollusca hiton, Aplysia, Cypraea, Myidhus, Pearl Oyster
Dentaliun, Loligo, Nautifus.
Echinodermata Pentaceros, Fehinus, pihiothri
Antendon. ria
llemichordata Balanoglossus oPACHER
l. Study of Microscopie Slides:
Annelida T.S.body of Nereis thhrough VaTTOUS TETOS
Arthropoda V.C. of
tcuicle), Pedicuus,
Bcdbug, Termite and its castes, Cycops
Daphnia, crastacean laryae (Nauplius, Zoc
Mysis, Megalopa), statocyst of praNT
Mollusca VC. shell, T.S. gill of Pila Glochidium larva.
T. Stindy of the lollowing Thruugh Permanent Slide Preparatinn:
Larval fomns efliver iluke
0i) Dilferential staining and identification oi varnous types
of blond cells
IV. Anatomy

PraSuilla Exlernal catures, appendages, almntary cana.

and nervous system; hastare Plale
Pala External, leatures pallial organs and rvous
system, osphradaun, rlula.
. icrobiolugy, Immminology and Riotecinulugy
rep21atiou amd use of culture medi for tuernbes.

entficaiion of microbes using dittorcnlial staining

d y e nicrobes in fosd niuterials like ruri, et (a:thacilus Asgrgil}hs.
Mucor Rhizopus, Aiternaria, Penicilliam
Ualoal tour o any microbiology faboratory, dairy, food processing tactor
nd disileny tor lirst hnd study. Collection of atetial may also be encouragcd
detailcd report of sutli
ETEyer possible. Candidates are expectei to suinit 3

Anigen-utibody reactions: Precipilation, uggiutination, LiSA

6. Efect of antibiotic/vitumins on mierobial culture tair/watcrsoil
VI Animal Physiology: AUN
1Countingof redanl awhite bloodd eellsin the given blond sanmpie.
Estimation of lhemoglobin in the given blood sarnple
Estimation of hnematocii vulue (PCV) in the given blood sampk.
4. Demonstrstion ofenzyme activity (catalase) in liver.
alcoholan sal vary
S Sthudy of salivary digestion of starch and the effect of heat and
digestion of starch.

6: Study of histological structurç of major cndocrine glands ofmamnals.

VI. Biochemistry:
. Dctection of prötcin, carbohydrate and lipid in the animal tissucHood saniples.
2. ldentification of different kinds of mono-, di- and poly-saccharides in the given
food samplcs.
3. Circular paper chromatography ol dyes/amuno aculs
B.Se. Part - 11

and Distribution »f Marhs

Selemeof Practieal
Max. Marks: 50:75
Time:4 Hrs. Min Pass Marks: 18
Ea. /N.C. Students
Anatomy (any system)
2. Penmanent Preparution
5t6 618
Excrcise i
Exercise in Animal Physiology 710
Exercise in Biochemistry
6:24 L6/24
Identification and comments
m Spots (lto 8)
S/10 5/10
Viva Voce
8 Class Record 50/75

specimens, candidates
nust be Well
study of museum
reterence to anatomy and help of
With with the
various systems (CAT) anid
verscd in the study of simulations imcluding compuicr assisted learnine
multimedia computer based
other softwares. excreise should be
preparations and micIOSCopic slides,the
With reference to ctc.
pholographs,moels,charts, same
Substituted with diagrams, all work done n the practicalclass und suhinit the
a record of
3. Candidates iustkecp
of thepractical exammalion. necessary and
forinspcctuonat thetime dctailed melhodology whercver
asked to write
The candidates may be
allocatecd for the samc. or
separate marks nay be preparalions
woult be as per the syllabus
Mounting material tor
and eulure methods.
availablethrough collection coverod under the
used in tie practical exercises aIE nOt
thal ammals
6. It should he ensured
amendnchts male substquentdy
wild lifeact 1972 and
Syllabus B.Sc. Part-III


PAPER-I: Z-301

Total teaching Hrs. 60

1. There will be two
parts of every
First part of question paper willtheory question paper with total duration of 3hours.
answer (Maximum 25 comprise questionNo. I containing 10 very short
words) type questions, each of I mark:
to attempt. Questions should be This part is compulsory
evenly distributed coveringentire
Second part of question paper will be of syllabus
long answer type questions having
scctions. There will be total 9 questions (Q. No. 2 to three
10) in this part, i.e., three from
cach unit section out of which candidate will
be required to attempt any 4/qiuestion
selecting at least one question from each unit/section. Eaclh question will carry 10
2. The candidate has to answer all questions in the main answer book.only

Section-AA Teaching lHrs,-20

I. Classification of chordates upto orders (upto subclass in mammals)
2. Comparison of habit, external. featureS and, anatomy of Herdmania and
Branchiostoma (excluding development)
Ascidian tadpole larva and its metamorphosis.
Affinities of Hemichordata, Urochordata and Cephlochordata
. Habit, habitat and salient features ot Petromyzon, Ammocoete larya.
Section-3B Tenching lrs. 20
Comparative Anatomy
Basic plan ofincluding structurc and placoid scales, fcathers hair
Alimentary canal nd development
vertcbrate endoskcleton.
development of
Hcart and aortic
5. arches.
Rcspiratory systcm,
6. Urinogenital system.
Sense organs (car and
Section-C Teaching lHrs. 20

Chordate Adaptations UNi

I. Pisces: Scales and fins,
migration and parental care.
Amphibia:Parental care.
3 Reptilia: Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes, poison appura PACHERE

Aves: Flight adaptations, bird migration. .

Mammals: Adaptive radiation, dentition.

PAPER -II: Z-302

Total teaching Hrs. -

NOTE: duration of hours.

1 .There will be two parts of every theory question paper with total
No. 1 containing 10 very short
First part of question paper will comprise questionof mark. This part is compulsory
answer (Maximum 25 words) type questions,
each 1
covering entire syllabus.
toattempt. Questions should be evenlybedistributedanswer type questions having three
Second part of question paper will of long i.e., threeifrom
be total 9 questions (Q.No. 2 to 10) this part,
sections. There will
required to attempt any 4 question
each unit /section out.of which candidate.willbe
each'ünit/section. Each question will carry 10
selecting at least one question from ,
all questions in the main answer bookonly.
2. The candidate has to answer

Section-A Teaching Hrs. -20.

Ecology meaning and history.

1 Basic concepts in ecology,its
2. Conceptsoflimiting factors.
Ecosystem: Biotic and abiotic factors.
decomposition in an.ecosystem: Concepts
Ecosystem: Production, consumption and :

offood-chain, food web, trophio structure, ecological
and role of microb)P*
Biogeochemical cycles of Oz, CO, H;0, N, P
. oyatem Ilumeetasis, Nunnetios
OI lye enets, niche. speets, wvuluetivlty voneepts mmd deteminalion,
tatim olopye ensity md
an ad distributin methnls at its mensurenent, nalnlity.mortulitynge
d metthnds
Npulatim intrmrti
Nuitann fleaetdons ands , Iuetuatins, biotie potential, disjperaal, growth forms,
panugativn, hvict iuled nt den
CmnnmY ulogye Characteristies
vonumunes cure, eompos
stvatitieati ot naural
ngiinl Sueeesstonm: 'Types anl of xeroscrenn
patterns, eoneept
eoeept of ol linas, details
ylusene sLessdOns. D A atens, e
labilat elogy: Briet aerount of ieslh water, marinc, terrestrinl and cstunrine water
Magor bionmes of'the worl.
Tolagy and human atural
tiuture: inowth ate
role of huniai kina
u n t i e s in temm of pubtie henith mod welfare with respect to usc ot e esticiles.
onservation and pollhution NLV

Seetion - Tenchiug 1lrs. 20

uvtronmental Blology-1
nvinonem and its concepts, glubal environnent, hyclrosjphero, lithosptsE
Natural resources: P'resent status and future necds.
Conservatim and management of natural resources: Renewable (forest, wildlife, water)
and non renewable (soil, minerals und energy),
linvironnental pollution I: General outline and various types of pollution of water,ir,
and soil.
remedies for noise, radiation, industrial.
nviromental pollution lI: Sources and
insecticides, pesticides und housclhold
ehemicals, agroehemicals, I Nina ctlects.
Cireen floSe effoet, Ozone layer
depletion, El-Nino and La
6 of radiation, fallout cffects of
radiation nuclear
Radiation and environment: Types
biomagnifications, biodegradation of pollutants
Basie concepts of
Teaching lHrs. 20

Inyironnmeutal Biology -I1 and threalened animals and, plants with
conservation: Vanishing non
. Vildlife
management elflorts by Government and
referenee in Rajasthan, Wildlife
organization(including wild life acts). urban centers, factors
and distribution of
urbanization: Devclopment
mpact of launa ot oriental region.
solutions of urbanization, colonization
problems and their solutions,
spacepröblems and
Space ccosystenm,

.Sp:ace ccology:
Totnl tenchtng lrs. t0
The H e wo
pars of
Fst esTo paperevery
r y question paper with total durution of I hours
question pap
Maximan words) Cmprise comprise question
question No. I contaitning 10 very slhort
p etype questions, each ofi mark. This part is eompulsory
e QEsTOS questios
ot me shoaid be Eveniy
Seo pat
Secord pt of coestioa paper evenly
distrituted cavering
o entire syllibus.
cstions huving three
sets. hCTt will be total 9 be of long answer
eacta rast sectiori out of questions (0. No. 2 to 10) n ts i
seectg kast one question candidate will be roquire t i l l
mks. from each unit/section. ac question carry, 1
2The carndate haa to answer all
qoestions in the main answer book
Section-A Teaching lrs. 20
Applied Zookogy
Priaipies ad Practices of the following
Sericalture (inctuding ericalture).
Lac culture.
5. Prawn culture.
6. Porultry keeping
Pisciculture PACHERI
Ecomomic Importance of the following:

Corals and coral reefs.
Arthropods; Insects and tieir management
Mollusca: Outline idca of peart culture.

Section-B Teaching IIrs.-20

Introduction and history of Ethology.
of Ethology. Fixed action pattem, sign
stimulus, innate releasing mechanism,
2 Conccpts
motivation imprinting and learning.
action specilic energy, and
behavior: Neuroanatomical,neurophysiological
Mehods of studying brain
eurochemical techniques.
alarm spreading
and their rolein honeybee,deer and
special reterence to
Societies: Characteristics and advantage with ,

rionkey and biological ciocks,

Biological rhythms
Mehods otfstudying animal
Bistatistics Tenching llrs. 20
scope and
anding theoncepis of iptive
Frmquency distribution. descriptive nnd inferential statistien.
Graphical nand tabular
Nean.m edian, presenmation of data.
mode and
Standard their
Null andstandard eror and their signifieance
altemative, Student's t- test.
Syllabus: B.Sc. Part-Il (Pass
Zoology Practical Course)
Min. Marks: 18
4 Hrs./ Weck Max. Marks: 50/75
L Anatomy:
(a) Any edible fish (Wallago, Labeo, etc.): External fcatures,general viscera,
afferent and efferent
branchial blood vessels, eye muscles and their innervalions,
brain, cranial nerves and intermal ear.
b). Rat or any other suitabBe mammal: Blood vascular,
urino-gential ánd
system (brain, cranial nerves). In this exercise CAL (Computer Assistcd
Leaming) May be used with a software COMPURAT.
Study of the following through Permanent Slide preparations:
Striped muscle fibers; Smooth muscle fibers, scales of edible fish, hair of man, dog
goat and cow.

III. Study of Microscopic Slides: Whole mounts of oral hood, velum and pharyngeal
wall of Amphioxus, T. S. of Amphiois through various regions;tadpole larva of
Ascidia; whole mounts of Salpa,Doliolmand Oikopleura,V. S. of skin of fish. T. S.
body of fish through vanious regions, V. S. of skin of bird, V, S. mammalian skin, T.
S. mammalian liver, kidney, stomach, intestine, bone, spinal cord, lung. duodenum,
pancreas, testis and ovary.
Botryllus, Ammococte larva,
IV. Study of Museum Specimens: Ascidia, Ciona,
(Sphyrna), Torpedo, Chimaera,
Petromyzon, Mprine or Bdellostoma, Zygaena
Acipenser, Amiaor Lepidosteus, Lcabeo,
Clarias,Anguilla, Hlippocampus, Exococtus
Icthyoplis or any blind-worm,Proteus,
Echeneis, any flat-fish, Protopterus,lyla,1estudo, Clhelone, and Fresh Water
Ambystoma, Axolotl, Siren,HemidactylusFlrynosoma, Draco,Clameléon; Era
Sphenodon, Running Bird,
Tortoise, CrocodiluS Aigator, Archacopteryx, any
Hydrophis, Naja,liper,
Macropus, Bat,
Dsteology: A
Loris, Scaly anteate
Tachyglossu Didelphy,

bones and study of

vertcbrac, limt
hclp of modcls/ charts! girdles
of any
y amphibiun,
and disarticulated boncs of skull,
reptile, bird and mammal with
Vi. Environmental Biology: skclcton/hones.
Analysis of Environmen
. Soil pliH
2. Water analysis: pH,
(Chloride). alkalinity, acidity, dissolved
y , ncidity,
dissolved Oz and free CO, Salinity
Qualitative ONIV
Methods ofcstimation of
zo0-plankton in given samplc o water,
ccological census PACHERI
VIL. Ethology: of soil fauna.
1. Study of any stored inset
Chemical grooming
4. Visit
to a
pest (food
Zoo/ Muscum ofAnts/carthworm.
preference and respou
local Natural
faunal biodiversity (CundidatesHistory /Wild lifc Sancu
such visit). are expected to subm etailcd report or
VIII. Biostatistics:
Construction of frecqueney table, bar diagram, line
polygon and pie chart. diagram, histogram, frequency
2. Exereiscs mean, mcdian and mode (direct, short -cut and
methods). stcp
3. Standard devíation and
standard error.

Scheme of Practical Examination

B.Sc. Part-IlI
and Distribution of Marks
Timc: 4 Irs. Min Pass Max. Marks: 50/75
Marks: 18

Regular Ex. /N.C. Students

Anatomy (any system) 3/4 3/6

Perimanent Preparation 6/8

Environmental Biology 118 7/10

Ethology 3/5 S/7

Biostatistics S/8 10
Identification and comments on Spots (I to 8) 16/24 16/24
5/10 5/10
Viva Voce

Class Record 5/10

50/75 50/75
.. .
1. With r
reference to anatomy and
vcrsed in the
the st
study ot various
study of museum specimens,
ultimedin com
multimedia computer based systems with the specimens.
help of
candidates must be we
of charts models/CD ROMs
other softwarcs. simulations including cha leaming {CAA} and
reference to permanent
With reference computer
puter assisted leams
nilability, the exercise should
preparations and microscopic
be be
oscopic slides. in case of non-
slides. tn
charts, ctc,
substitutedwith diagrams. photographs, modets.
3 ust
Candidates must
keep a record of all diagrams, p
forinspcction:at the time of work done in the practical class and subrmt
AThe candidates may be asked practicalexamination.
to write
sCparate marks may be allocated detailed methodology wherever nE
Mounting material tor permanent for the same. A AU
preparations would be PACHER!
available through collection and culture
I t should be ensurcd that methods.
animals used in the
as per tne
wild life act 1972 and amendments made practical exercises are not coveru der t NIS

ad Stnba SP A Haud tauk on lEenmwnie, ~Mmlngt
ittal Behavior
Anal An Evlnimry Appumelh mast A PME:
A A ieties and volution. Seientitie Amegean litian
A 1te horcdates, Canibidlge Univerally l'ieae 7
MMethds in liology Fglialn 1limeFG PE
N , Statistical J:Animal
Moore Beltavior.
Athlenie 9 PMe
d A and of Ethology
a i N : Au lntroduction to Bostatistins.MIP 'hublialnete, 20U
a bok of Ethological Methot: L.aharen Publtenlione Clar ind Stid Pes
Book of anblogy: VerlebialeM. till BAedin Puittentioni
IN RL: lodem Text
and Evolutien i" edfitóit.
Mtasdad D: Animal Behavior: Pareliobiülopy.Fthilagy
Mastadand D:
mginan 908
7 edition Jaypee Publtateri, 2016.
Nahaian 88: Methods in Biostatisties.
An ntroidhellon to Ainial.Helitviut. Catibidge
Maauing A. Dawkins MS UN
niversity Press 2042
Rehavior. Rastogi Publiealions 2010,
Aiathur R: Animal
Iooks/Cole 005.
Eeology. Thomson
atuan: Fundamentalsuf and Society Siauer Associates 1Na
Uelveen Seienee edition Wla
Num: cology: ABridge V: Textbook of Vertebrate Zoology.13t
Pasad SN and Kashyap A
asten td. 2011.
Prineipleg of Oene Manipulation and Cichomiics.
Twynan R. M:
Pimuose S. B. and
Sons. 2013
ohn Wiley Envirmental Stulies. 4 cdition. Rnstogi Publicalionis 2012. Nath
Natl Rom
Ra Nath
Rana S. V S: Evolution 6" editlon Kedar Natlh
VB Organie
Publications,Mecrul,Delhi. 1993.
Ahimals Kedar Nalh
MS Animnal Ecology &Distribution of
Rastogi VB and Jayaraj Meenut, Delhi. 1983.
Toxicology efition Radtogi
Ram Nath Environnicntal Biology and
P. :
Research Methods
Pubicatioms, 2013
Richard J; ntroduction to Biostatistics and
Sunder Rao P'SS Publications
PH Publishers. 2012 Environment, 12" revised cdition, Rastogi.
Shara P. D:
Ecolagy and
Publishing Co.,Inc
Behavior. CGood Year 1970.
Anima! University PressLondon1962
Werlace RA; ot'Mammals.Oxford Uiiversity Press.
12 The Lile Vertebrates. edition
Yotny 2
J2: The lile ot
Syllabus: B.Sc. Part-III,(Pass
Zoology Practical
:Max. Marks: 50/75
4 Hrs./Week
Min. Marks: 18

(Wallago, Labeo, etc.): External features,general yiscera,
(a) Any edible fish branchial blood vessels, eye muscles and their innervations,
atferent' and efferent
brain, cranial nerves and internal ear. urino-gential and nervóus
or any other suitable
mammal: Blood vascular, Assisted
(b): Rat -this exercise. CAL (Computer
system (brain, cranial nerves). In
Learning) May be used with a software

Study ofthe following through

Permanent Slide preparations:
of edible fish, häir of man, dog
Smooth muscle. fibers, scàles
Striped muscle fibers;
goat and cow.

II.Study of Microscopic Slides:

Whole mounts of oral 'hood, velum and pharyngeal
larva of
of Amphioxus; T. S. of Ampl1ioxus through various, regions;:tadpole
wall. V. S: of skin.of, fish, T S.
Ascidia, whole mounts of Salpa,Doliolimand Oikopleura, V. S.mammalian skin,T:
S.of skin of bird,
body of fish through various regions, V.intestine,
liver, kidney, stomach, bone, spinal cord, lung, duodenum,
S. mammalian
pancreas, testis and ovary.

of. Museum Specimens: Ascidia, Ciona,: Botryllhus, Ammocoete larva

Torpedo, Chimaera
Pelronyzon, Myxine or Bdellostoma, Zygaena Sphyrna),
Hippocampus, Exocoetu
Acipenser, Amiaor Lepidosteus, Labeo, Clarias, Anguilla, blind-worm,Proteu-
flat-fish, Protopterus,: Tcthyoplhis. orany
Echeneis, any and. Fresh Wate
Ambystoma, Axolotl, Siren, Alytes, Hyla, Testiydo, Chelone, Chamelèon,br
Tortoise, Sphenodon, HemidactiylusPhrynosoma, Draco,
Naja, Viper, Crocodilus, Alligätor,. Archaeopteryx, any Running


Pavocristatus, ChorioisnigricepsOrnithorhynchus,
Macropus, Bat, Loris, Scaly anteater.
v. Osteology: A comparative study of articulated and disarticulated bones of skull,
V. vertebrac, limb bones and girdles of any amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal with
the help ofmodels/ charts/ artificial skcleton/boncs.

VI. Environmental Biology:

Analysis of Environment:
. Soil pH
2. Water analysis: pH, alkalinity, acidity, dissolved 0, and free CO02, Salinity
3. Qualitative estimation of zo0-plankton in given sample of water.
4. Methods of cological census of soil fauna.
VII Ethology:
I. Study of any stored insect pest (foodpreference and responseto light
2. Antennal grooming in cockroach.
3. Chemical communication: Ants/earthworm.
4. Visit to a Zoo/ Museum of Natural History /Wild life Sanctuary and/or Study
local faunal biodiversity (Candidates are expected to submit a detailed report of
such visit).
VIII. Biostatistics:
1. Construction offrequency table; bar diagram, line diagram, histogram, frequency
polygon and piechart.
2. Exerci_es on mean, median and mode (direct, short -cut and step-deviation
methods): A U
3. Standard deviation and standard error.

B.Sc. Part - III MIS

Scheme of Practical Examination and Distribution ofVlarks
Min Pass Marks; 18 Max. Marks: 50/75
Time: 4 Hrs..
Regular Ex. /N.C, Students

Anatomy (any system) 3/4

Permanent Preparatio

Environmental Biology 7/8 7/10

Ethology 3/5 S/7


5/8 10
Tdentification and comments on Spots (I to 8) 16/24 . :

Viva Voce 5/10

Class Record 5/10

50/775 50/7
specimens, candidates must be. well
anatomy and study of museum ROMs,
reterence to charts/models/CD-
With of various systems with the help of
assisted learning (CAL)and
viersed in
in the
based simulations including computer
multimedia computer
other softwares.
slides, in case ot non
preparations and microscopic
With reference to
diagrams, photographs, models
availability, the exercise should be substituted with
charts, etc. the same
the practical class and submit
Candidates must keepa record of all work done in .

for inspection at the time ofthe practical necessary and
candidates, may be asked to write detaild methodology wherever
separate marks may be allocated for the sam:
would be as per the syllabus ofas
Mounting, material for permanent prèparations
available through collection and culture methods.
overed under the
It.should be ensured that animals used in the practical exercises are not *

wildlife act 1972 and amendments madesubsequently

Syllabus B.Sc part-l


B.Sc. Part 1


Giencral characters, Diversc Habitat. Range of thallus structure, Photosynthetic
pigments and Food rescrves. Reproduction( Vegetative, Asexual, Sexual), Types
ifeeycles: Economic lmportanee.
Type Studies
Chlorophyccac- Volvox, Chara
Rhodophyccac- Polysiphonia
structurc. Reproduction (Vegetative
General characters, Habitat, Range of thallus
Economic importance.
and Sexial); Alternationofgenerations;,
Type Studes
Hepaticopsida - Marchantia.

Anthocerotopsida - Anthoceros.

Bryopsida- Funaria
Lichens- Gencral characters, Habitat, Structure, Reproduction, Economic and
Ecological importance of Licbens
eested Laboratory Exercises:
Study of class material by making suitable temporary slides and study of
permanent slides of, Oscillatoria, Nostoc, VoBvox, Ocdogonium, Chara
Vaucheria, Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia.
2 Study of extcrnal morphology and preparation of suitable sections of
vegctative/reproductive parts ofRiccia, Marchantia, Anthoceros, Funaria.
3 Study oflichens.
Suggested Readings
. Bold.H.C. Alexopoulous. CJ. and Delivoryas, T Morphology of Plant and
Fungi (4th Ed.) Harper & Foul Co, New work, 1980.
Ghemawat, M.S. Kapoor, J.N. and Narayan, H.S. A text Book of Algae,
Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur, 1976.
3. Gilbart, M: Smith. Crypogamic Botay, Vol. I &Il (2nd Ed) Tata MeGruw
Hill. Publishing Co., Lad., New Delhi, 1985.
Kumar, H.D. : Introductory Phycology, AfMiliated East-West Press, Ltd. New
York, 1988.
5. Puri. P:: Bryophytes, Atmaram& Sons, Delhi, Luchnow, 1985.
6. Sarabhai. R.C. and Saxana, R.C.: A text book of Botay. Vol I & II, Ratan
Prakashan Mandir, Moerut, 1980.
7. Singh. V, Pande, P.C. and Jairs, D.K.:A text book of Botany, Rastogi, & Co.,
Meerut, 2001.
8. Vashista, B.R.: Botamy for Degree Students (Algae, Bryophytes)S.Chand &
Co., New Delhi, 2002.


Microblotog)y, Mycology and Plant Pathology
Microbiology: Meaning and scope,
Eubacteria: General account, occurrence, morphology (structured and shapes).
flagella, capsule, nutritional types. endospore, reproduction (binary fission,
transformation, conjugation, transdaction), cconomic and biological importance.
Mycoplasma and Phytoplasma: occurence, morphology, reproduction and
Virus: Gcncral characteristics and importance. StructureofTMV and Pox vinus.
Fungi Gencral charactcrs, occurence, thallus organization, reproduction,
economic importance.
Brief account, structure. importance and life history and/or disease cycle and
control of the following:
Albugo and white rust; Sclerospora and Downy mildew/Greencar disense of Bajra;
Aspergillus. Peziza.
Unit UL
Brief account, structure, importance and life history andor disease cycle and
control ofthe following:
Puccinia and Black rust of wheat: loose smut ofwheat and covered smut of barley
Altemaria and early blight ofpotsto.
Causes and symptoms of plant diseases with special reference to green ear disease
ofBajra,smut of whcat, citrus canker, littkeleafofbrinjal.
Suggested Laboratory Exerclses:
1. Study ofbacteria using curd or any other suitable material, Gram's staining of
2. StudyofMycoplasma.TMV, bacteriophage(Pbotographs/3-D models)
3. Study of symptoms of plant diseases- Doway mildew of Bajra, Gireen ear of UNI
bajra, Powdery mildew. E
4. Study of specimen, permancntslides and by makingsuitabletemporary slides. PACHERI
Albugo white rust; Sclerospora-downy, mildew, green ear, Aspergilus;
Claviccps- crgot, Peziza, Ustilago-Loose simut of wheat, covered smut of
barley, Puccinia- Black rust ef wheut: Agaricus and Alternaria- earBy blight of
Media preparation: potato doxtrose agar, Nutricnt agar.
6. Culture techniqucs offungi and bacteria.
S e e d Beeka
A hm nd r a Wroehe wwy Mvenlngy. Johs iley anet
See, New Yeers 2000
Due.C P g i Rasteg Publoatiom, Meerut, 199
Sarabha RC and Saxoma R.C A Teet bee of Botsey Rastogi Pubslieatien
Sharma, OP Fungi Today and Tonorrow Printers and Pabliahers, New
Dehi 2000
Vhshuhsta BR Boany for degree snadends- Fuagi. S.Chand &Co. New Delb
Bilgrami,KS.ad Dube, H.C. AText book of molerm plant Patbokogy, Vika
Publications, New Deihi 2000
iwas S.and Biswae An introduction to Vinuses, Vikas Publicatioms
New Delhi 2000
Cliton, A. introductionofBacteria, MoCGiraw Hill co Lad, New York, 1985
Madahar CL Introduction of Plants Virus SChand and Co, New Delha
Palzar MJ x Chan, E. CS and Kneg. N.R. Microbiology, McGraw hill Bda
Pvt Lad London 2001
Purohit, S.S. Microbioiogy, Agro. Bot
Publication, Jodhpur
Sharma, PD Microbiology and Pathology. Rastogi Publication, Meerut,
Sngh V. and Srrvastava V. : Introduction of Bactera. Vilkas Publication, I1998.

Cappuccino. J. amd Sihcrman, N. Microbiakogy

Ed), Benjamin Cumminga. 2013
A Laberatory Manual (10 Th
Ancja KR Experi ments in Microbiology, Plant Patho logy and
Biotechnology New age intcrnstional (P) Lad..
Publisbers, New Delhi 2003
Mchrotra. R.S. and Aggarwa!, Ashok. Plan: Patho logy, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education, 2003

B.Se. Part-
Unit 1: Cell organclles and Nuclear material:
Ultrastructure and function of different cell organelles (cell wall,
membrane. nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast, ribosome). Chromatin structure
and chromosome organisation: eukaryotie and
prokaryotic, Transposons.
Unit-2: Cel divisions
Cell Cycle, Mitosis: stages, structure and functions of
spindle apparatus,
anaphasic chromosome movement, Meiosis: its difforent stages- meiosis I, mciosis
l. synaptonemal complex.
Basis of genetic material: Grifith's transformation
experiment and the Hersbey
ad Chase blender experiment to demonstrate DNA as the
genetic material.
Extra nucdear genome: Mitochondrial and
chloroplast genome. plasmids.
Chromosomal sberrations: Deletion, Duplication, Trunslocation, Inversio,
Aneuploidy and Polyploidy.
Unit-3: Genetic Inheritamce
Mendel's laws of inheritancc and their cxceptions: allelic ( incomplete and co
dominancc., Iethality) and non-allclic interactions
and duplicate genes). complementary genes, epistasis
Cytoplasmic inheritance: Matermal influence, shel coiling in snails.
Unlt-4: Plant Breeding
introduction and objoctives of plant breeding, general methods of plant
in sclfpolilinated, cross-pollinated and vegctatively propagated plants.
Introduction and acclimatization, selections, hybridizations, hybrid vigour and
inbroeding depression. Role of mutation and polyploidy in plant breeding. Famous
indian and intemationai plant broeders and their coniribution.
Suggested Laboratery Excercises:
Study ofcell structure from Onion, Hydrilla and Spirogyra
Study efcyclosis in Tradescantis sp.
Study of plastid for pigment distribution in Lycopersicon, Cassia and
Study of cloctron microphotographs of eukaryotie cells for various cell
Study of electron microphotograpths of virus, bacteria and eukaryotic cells for
comparative study ofcelular organization.
Study of different stagcs of mitosis and meiosis in root-tip cells and ffower
buds respectively ofonio.
solve genctic based upon Mende>'s Laws of inheritance
Monohybrid. Dihybrid, Back cross and Test cross.
meiosis, sex
Permanent slides Photographs of different stages of mitosis and
chromosomes. polytene chromosome aund salivary glandchromosomes
Emasculation, bagging &Tagging technugoes
Cross pollination Tochaiques.
Saggested Readings:
of Plant Breeding Oxford and
Choudhary, H.K.(1989), Elementary Principles
IBM Publishing Co, New Delbhi
and Plant Breeding. Rastogi
Gupta. PK. (2009) Cytokogy. Genetics Evolution
Publications, Moerut
Miglani, GS (2000), Advanced Cenetics, Narasa Publishing House, New
Runocl,Pl41998). Genctics The Bcncjamins/Cummings Publisbing Co., Inc
and Plant
Shukla, R.S and chandel, P.S (2000) Cytogeactics, Evolution
Beooding. S.Chand &Co. Lad. New Dolhi
Singh. R.B(I999) Tex Book of Plant Breeding. Kalyani
Cytolog and CenetiC, Tata MoGraw Hill Pub. Co
Dayansagar. VR. (1986)
LAd. New
De. KK (1990) Cell Biology New Central Book Agency
Roy SC. and
Genetica, Molecular
Verma PS and Agarwai, VK (2012) Cell Biokogy,
Biology. Ecology, S
Fvolatioa and Chand and Co Lad. New Delhi



Syllabus B.Sc part-11


B.Sc. Part-I
Paper-l: Plant Morphology And Anatomy
The basic body plan of flowering plant-diversity ofplant form in annuals, biemials
and perennials; branching pattern; monopodiat and sympodial growth;
meristematic, simple, complex snd secretary tisues.
Cambaum and its functions, fornation of secondary xylenm; a general account of
wood structure growth rings; sapwood and beartwood; secondary phloem-
structuroand function; periderm. Anomalous sccondary growth.
Stomata- Structure and
The leaf: arrangement and diversity in size and shape:
types, stomatal index. Scnscscenceand
The root system: structural modification and root mícrobial interaction.
Morphology andd anatomy of seed (monocotyledons and dicotyledons):
Significance of seedsuspended animation, dispersal strategies. Vegetative
Suggested readings:
Cutter F.G. 1969 Part l cells and tissues Ecward Amold. London
Cutter.E.G. 1971 Plat Anatomy Experimeni and interpretation. part ,
Organs educated Amold, London
Esan. K. 1977 Anatormy of Seed Plants, 2nd edition Jobn Wiley & Sons, New
Fahn.A. 198S Plant Anotomy Pergamon Press Oxford
and ofIndia
Hartman H.T. and Kestler, D.E. 1976 Plant Preparation Principles
Pvt. Lad. Ncw Delhi.
1988 Plant Anatoany, The Benjamin Cumming Publishing
Manscth J.D.
Inc. Mento Park Califormaa, USA,

Suggested Laberatory Exercises:

body plan and
of any Commonly occurring Plant to understand the
modular type of growth.
Lite formms cxhibited by flowering plants visit to a forest ora garden)
of leaf
LS. of shoot tipto study the organization of menstem and origin

Monopodial and Sympodial types of bcanching im monocots & dioots
A natomy of Primary and Secondary growth in monocots and dhcots using
out sections of sunfiower, maize, cucurbita stern and roots.
Anamolous socondary growth in she, Salvadora Bignoia Bougainvillia
Bouhacnia myctanthes Leptadema, Deaccna.
Stady of diversity on leaf shape and sne lntemal structure of
arnd isobilat
cral leaves, sthacy of utecatal typex
Examination ofsced (monoxot and deoes) Structure seed viability test
Spocimon study of modifications of plant parts for Negetive reproduction
B.Sc. Part I
And Palaeobotamy
Paper- Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms
Exam Duration:3 Hrs. Maxim1m Marks:34
alternation of generation.
Gcncral characters ofptericdophytes. Distribution and
and Apospory. Economic importance of
Stelar systcm in pteridophytes. Apogamy
of Selaginella, Equisetum and
Morphology, anatomy and reproduction distribution (K.RSporne)
Marsilca. Characteristics of Gymnosperms,
and life cycle ofCycas, Pinus and Ephedra
Morphology, anatomy, reproduction
of stucy of fossils. Geological
Process of fossilization, types fossils, Fossil
time scale. Primitive land plant: Rhynia, pteridophytes.
Cell Biolog
cell ultrastructures addfunctions
bols and techniques used in and prokaryotes (cell wal3
of difcrent cell organelles of cukaryotcs chloroplast, ibosome,
plasmamembrane; 'nücleus, mltochöndrla, organizatlon
peroxisomes, Lysosöme, golgl. bodíes, cto.) Chromosorme

(eukaryotic and prokaryotic. Chromosomes

morphology: apecializod**
ypes of chromosomes (Sex chromiosomes,
lampbrush Chromosome"
aberations; deletior, duplicatión,*
Polyterie chromasomes). Chromósomaland polyploidyri *
tranislocation, inversion, Aneuploldy
and functionis'bfspindle
Cell divisions:cellcycles, mitosis structure
apparatusy anaphasic chromosome movement;
complex chiasnata-and:crossingovér.
nuúcloici atids*
Experimentakbasis:for DNA-as geretic-material;
Structure ofDNAaridRNAandBNA repliation, RNA Prithèr Okazaki
sfFragmentspolyierasesexonsánd introis;DNA-Protei"interdctions
NocleosomemodelsjStracture ot.GeneRegulationogeie expresaion
inrprokaryotes-andieukaryotes; genetic code Extre miclear genóme
presence and functioniofimitochondria-and plastidDNA;4plasimids
Genetic.inherlance :Mendel's laws:of.inheritance and=their
exceptions allelic (complete dominance, co-dominance-and incomplete
donminance;lethality)and.non-alilelic interactions(complementary genès
epistasi'andduplicate-genes), linkageanderossing 'over Eleimetarý
ideasofchromosomemapping. Cytoplasmic:inheritance raterial
inNuence,shelcoilinginsnails,Kappa parnickesinParataeciim-Multiple
allclism 'ABO blgod;gronps in men. Múltiplorgeic"inheritane
characleristics plant height; grain colour in-wheat. i

Plant Breeding
Introductlon and objectives of plant beoeding general methods of
plant breeding (Introduction and acclimatizatiön, selétions,
hybridizations); typrid vigour Aad inbreding depression: Role öfmitatioh'
andpolyploidy in plant breeding. FamousIndihh'and fntermätional plant
breeders and thelt' contributlog Natlonal and Internatlonal agiiculhural
research institutes

Plantbreeding workdon onwhat and ricoIn Indla green revoluiton

Methods of breeding in self-pollinated and cross póllinated ähd4
vegetatively propagated crop plants.
Suggested Readiags
. Alberts; B Bray,
DJ, Ralf:MRoberts, Kand Wassön, LD
Molecula BBologyofCell, GarlantaPebiishing Co., ftc;New YOtk
2.: Choudhaiy,H.K. Elementai Principles-ofPlant-Brecding pkford
and IBM Publishing Co., New:Dethi, 1989.
3.Gupta, PK. : Cytology, Genetics, Bvolutión, and Plant-Breding
Rastogi Publications, Meerut (2000).
4 Miglani, GS. :Adyanoed Genetics, Narósa Publishing Hoise, New N
Delhi (2000). PACHERI0
5. Russel, PJ. Genetics. The Benejamins!Cumimings Publishiknig Co, *
Inc. U.SA. (1998).
B.Sc. Part
(Pass Course Syllabus)
Plant Phystology and Biochemistry
(2 Hr/weck) Max. Marks 33; Duration ofexamination oftbeory paper: 3hours

Water: Absorption and transport of water; Ascent of sap. Transpiration. stomatal
factors a ffccting transpiration. Guttation.
Mincral Nutrition : Essential micro and macro nutrients; their uptake,
hydroponics-and nutrient requirement deficicncy and toxicity syrmptoms.
Photosynthesis : Pigments, Photosynthetie apparulus, Light reaction, photo
system I& I1, Z scheme, photophosphorylation, Cc3(Calvin oyckc), C4 Cycle, and
factors affecting the photosynthesis.
Respiration : Acrobic and anacrobic respiration; RQ {Respiretory Quotient),
Kreb's cycle, cloctron transport system, oxidative phosphorylation and factors
affecting the process, Fcrmcntation.
Carbohydrates: Introduction, impartance, nomenclarure, classification,
molecular structure & fanction of mono, di and poBysaccharides, their properties,
glycosidic linkages andglycoprotcia
Proteins: Amino acids-structure, electrochemical properties, peptide bonds,
chemical bonds and nomenclare, structure and classification of proteins, physical
and chemical propertic.
Enzymes: Stnucture, nomenclature & classification of cnzyme. Characteristics of
ezymes. 1mechanism of action. multi-enzyme system, regulation of enzyme
Unit 4
Photoperiodism & vernalisation: Physiology and mechanism of action, concept
offlorigen and phytochrome.
Plant Hormones:Auxins, Gibberel ins, Cytokinins, Ethyleneand ABA:discovery
&Physiological eflects.
T o determinc the osmotic potential of vacuolar sap by plasmolytic method
2 To study the pcrmcability of plasma membranc using diffcrent concentrations
oforganic solvents.
To study thc cffect of temperature of permeability of plasma membrane
4. To Scparatc
chloroplast pigments by solvent method.
S. To Separalc
chloroplast pig1ments using paper chromatography.
6 To separate amino acids in a mixture
by paper chromatography.
Toprepare the standard curve of protein.
To demonstrate the tests for protcins in the unknown samples.
Todemonstrate the enzyme activity Catalasc, peroxidase and amyiasC.
To demonstratc the tests for different types of carbohydrates and lipids.
I1. Bioassay of growth hormone tauxin.
eytokinin. gibberellins.
Demonstration ofphenomenon of osmosis by use of potato osmometer
13. To demonstrate root
14. Todemonstratc rate
of transpiration by use ofphoiometers.
Photosynthcsis by invortod funnel method. Moll's
16. To demonstration anacrobic
RQ.by Ganong's rospirometer.
and aerobic respiration. ONIY

Mcasurement of growth using auxanomeier. HEHOVd
B.Se. Part-iII

Ecology and Economic Botany

Plants and Environment: Amosphere (four distint zone viz. stratosphere,
troposphere. mesosphere. and thernosphere). Adaptation(Morphological.
to water (Hydrophytes and
anatornical and physiological responses) of plants
acuve radiation. Zonation
Xcrophytes). Laght (gobal radiation, photosynthetically
m water body: littoral, limnetic and profoundal zones, Photoperiodism, heliophytes
and sciophytes). Temperature (Raunker's classification of plants: megatberm,
and vernalisation). Soil
mesotherm, microtherm, heikistotherm; themoperiodicity
Sol texture, soil types, role
(soil Profile, development-wcathering and maturation).
ofpH,organie matter (EPA remain).
Population ccology, Community, Ecosysten and Phytogeography:
characteristics: stratification, life fonms and biological spectrum. Ecological
succession: types (primary and secondary), mechanisn, nudation, migration,
Structuro- abiotic
cceCIs, rcaction and climax, xerosere, hydrosere; Ecosystems;
and biotic components, trophic level, food chain, food weh, ccological pyramids,
modei of Odum). Vegctation types of Rajasthan.
Cergy flow (Box and Pipo
Endangered plants of Rajasthan.
Food plants. Wheat, maize,
Basic concept of center of origin of cultivated plants.
account with a note on radish, onion, garlic,
sugarcane. Vegetabiles: general
and pea. Fruits: General account with a
caulitiower, cucumber, tomato, lady finger oil:
noie an banana, ber, mango. jamun, watennclon, guava and orange. Vegetable
Ground naut, mustard.
those cultivated in Rajasthan (Cumin,
Spices: General account with an emphasis on
Tea and Coffee. Medicinal plants: General
Capsicum. Coriander). Beverages:
Fibres: Cotton and jute. Rubbe. Ethnobotany: general
account with an emphasis.

Practical Exercise:
Study frequency and density,
abundance plant species ofcampus vegetation by
quadrate method.
Viariation in soil moisture in relation to depth.
3 Toestimate bulk density ofgrassland and woolland soil
and woodand sample.
To estimate the porosity ofgrassiand
and wood land soil.
5 Todeterminc moisturecontent of grassland
6. To measure dissolved oxygen content in polluted and unpoltuted water
7. Tomeasure tenperatureofdifferent water bodies.
8. Waterholding capacity ofthe soil.
9 Fid out pH ofsoil sanmple by univensal indicator nmethod.
10. Find out pH ofwatcrsample by pH meter.
. Find out transpareney ofwaterbody bysochhidisk.
12. Study morphology (external and internally) of hydropbytes (Hydrilla stem,
Typha leaf and Nymphaca/Eichhomia petioler and xerophytes (Calotropis,
Capparis and Casuarina stcm, Nerium leaf with refcrence to their adaptations.
13. Study following specimen with special reference to
Botany ofthe economically important part.
2.processing,ifany involved.
3. Spocimenofocreals,pulses, spices beverage (Tea& coffce) benns, sagar,
or scods (mustard, groundnut)
14. Study of starch grain in potato and pea histochemical test cellhulose, lignin,
starch Fat, protein and tannin.
15. Submits spocimens of locally important medicinat Plants.


B.Sc Part-lll

B.Sc Part-11
Taxonomy and Embryology of Angiosperm NIS
of genus and species,
tntroduction of Taxonomy, Units ofclassification, Concept
Botanical Nomenclaturc, International codc of Botanical
Types of systems of cassification : Bentham and Hooker's, Engler's, Engler

Prantle's system.
and economic importance of
Diversity of flowering plants illustrated by members
the following familics: Apiaccac and cucurbitaccac.

Rubiaccac, Apocynaccae, Asclepicadaccae, Convolvulaceac, Lamiaceae,

Chenopoliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Liliaceae.

Struçture of anthor, Microsporogenesis, Tapetum-Types and functions,

development ofmale gametophyte.
of female gametophyte
Types of ovulcs and Mcgasporogcnesis, development of double
Embryosac). Fertilization, double fertilization, significance
Development of dicot and monocot embryo. Formation embryo, Types
haustoria. Polyembryony
Embryo. Endosyperm. Types of Endosperm, Endosperm
The following arc suitable for study of familics.
.Ranuneulaccac: Ranunculus,Delphinium
Fabccac: Pisum Sativum
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Genetic Material: Biological, chemical and physical nature of hereditary material
structure of DNA and RNAs ( mRNA, IRNA and rRNA). Watson and erick model
of DNA, Nucleosome model.

DNA replication: Mcsclson- stahl exporinncnt of scmiconservative replication of



Central dogma of life, Transcription in eukaryotes: role of promoter, gene. pre

mRNA synthesis pre mRNA processing: capping. splicing and polyadenylation.

Translation: genetie code (Codon), initiation, elongation and termination.


Biotechnology: Functional definition. Basic aspects of plant tisue culture, basal

medium, media preparation and aseptic culture technique. Concept of cellular
totipotency: Callusing; Differentiation and Morphogenesis; Micropropagation;
Tissue cuture and its applications. Basic concept of Protoplast culture,
culture, Embryo culture nad theirapplications.
Recombinant DNA Technology: Tools and Techaiques used in rDNA technology
Restriction enzymes. Vectors for gene trans fer, Bacteriophage, plasmids,
and Artificisl chromosome, cDNA technology. gene amplification.



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