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Unit 1. Wave Mechanics: Dual nature of matter and radiation, Schrodinger equation,
Principle of superposition, Motion of wave packets, Uncentainty principle, Fundamental
postulates of wave mechanics, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, Probabilistic
interpretation, normalization of bound and continuum state wave functions,Expectation
values of dynamical variables, Coordinate and momentum representation, Hermitian
operator, Commutator algebra and uncertainty relation, Three dimensional potential
well and Hydrogen atom.
Unit 2. Representation and Transformations: State vectors, Hilbert Space, Dirac
notations, Dynamical and linear operators in matrix form, Linear harmonic oscillator in
matrix formulation, Space and time displacements, Rotation generators,
Transformations of dynamical variables, Symmetry and conservation laws. Symmetric
and anti symmetric wave-functions and Pauli exclusion principle.
Unit 3. Approximate Methods: Time independent first and second order perturbation
theory for non-degenerate and degenerate levels, Variational method and its
application for Helium atom. Stark effect, Dipole polarizability of ground state Hydrogen
atom, Zeeman Effect.
Unit 4. Angular momentum: Commutation relations involving angular momentum
operators, the eigenvalue spectrum, Matrix representation of J , Addition of angular
momentum, Clebsch- Gordon coefficients, Spin angular momentum, Spin wave
functions, Addition of spin and orbital angular momentum.
Unit 5. Scattering Theory: Laboratory and centre-of-mass systems, scattering by
potential field, scattering amplitude, differential and total cross sections, phase shift,
Lippmann-Schwinger equation, First Born approximation.
Unit 4. Relativistic Equations: Klein-Gordon equation and its plane wave solution,
Probability density in KG theory, Difficulties in KG equation, Dirac equation for a free
electron, Dirac matrices and spinors, Plane wave solutions, Charge and current
densities, Existence of spin and magnetic moment from Dirac equation of electron in an
electromagnetic field.
Unit 5. Dirac Equation: Dirac equation for central field with spin orbit interaction,
Energy levels of Hydrogen atom from the solution of Dirac equation, Covariant form of
Dirac equation.
Unit 4. Cluster expansion for a classical gas, virial equation of state, ising model, mean-
field theories of the ising model in three, two and one dimensions, Exact solutions in
Landau theory of phase transition, critical indices, scale transformation and dimensional
Atomic Physics:
Unit 1 . Quantum Mechanical Treatment of one-electron Atom, Spin-Orbit interaction
and fine structure of hydrogen atom, Spectra of alkali elements. Singlet and triplet
States of Helium.
Unit 2 . Many electron atoms: Central field approximation, Thomas-Fermi field, Atomic
wave function, Hartree and Hartree –Fock approximations, Spectroscopic Terms: L S and
J J coupling schemes for many electron atoms, Introduction of Zeeman Effect, Paschen
effect and Stark effect, Electric dipole and Electric Quadrupole.
Molecular Physics:
Unit 3. Born - Oppenheimer approximation, Heitler-London theory of H2, LACO
treatment of H2+ and H2, Classification of Molecules, Types of Molecular Spectra and
Molecular Energy States: Pure Rotational Spectra, Vibrational-Rotational Spectra,
Raman Scattering, Selection rules, Isotope effect, Classification of electronic states,
Coupling of rotational and electronic motions, Electronic spectra: Franck-Condon
Unit 5. Plasma: Definition of plasma ,Concept of temperature, Debye shielding, Criteria for
plasma, Single-particle motions in E and B fields, Magnetic mirrors and plasma confinement,
Plasma as fluid, the fluid equation of motion, Equation of continuity and equation of state,
Waves in plasmas, Plasma oscillations, Plasma frequency ωp, Electron plasma waves, ion waves,
Electron and ion oscillations perpendicular to B and parallel to B, Cutoffs and resonances.
Unit 2. Interaction of X-rays with matter, Absorption of X-rays, X-ray diffraction, The
Laue, powder and rotating crystal methods, The reciprocal lattice and its important
properties and applications, Diffraction intensity, Atomic scattering factor, Geometrical
structure factor.
Unit 3. Crystal imperfections: Point defects, line defects and planer (stacking) faults.
Estimation of dislocation density from X-ray diffraction measurements. The observation
of imperfections in crystals: electron microscopic techniques.
Unit 1. Operational Amplifier Basic and Application: Review of Feedback, Linear Circuit, Op-
Amp Basic, Inverting and Non-inverting amplifiers, Unity follower, Summing amplifiers,
Integrator, Differentiator, Op- Amp Specifications- DC Off-set parameter, Frequency parameters,
Imperfection in Op- Amplifier application- multiple stage gain, Voltage summing and
subtraction, Current controlled voltage ource, Voltage controlled current source, Rectifiers and
Limiters, Comparators and Schmitt Triggers, Active filters.
Unit 2. Digital Logic Gates: Symbols and truth tables, Classes of digital integrated circuits
(Diode logic, DTL, TTL, ECL, MOSFET, CMOS), Transistor- Transistor Logic (TTL), Single Input TTL
Inverter (transfer characteristic), Multi- collector transistors, Propagation delays, Diode Logic,
DTL NAND Gate (transfer characteristic, noise immunity, fan out), Emitter Coupled Logic
(transfer characteristic of OR/NOR gate, practical implementation, MOSFET Logic- Review of
MOSFET, MOSFET Inverter with active load, MOSFET NOR and NAND gates, Complementary
MOS (CMOS)- CMOS inverter, CMOS NOR and NAND, Power dissipation in CMOS,
Advantages/Disadvantages of CMOS.
Unit 3. Digital Electronics and Logic Gate: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number system, Base
conversion system, Bipolar junction and Field Effect transistor as switches, Basic digital logic
gates (OR, AND and NOT, NOR, NAND and Exclusive OR), XOR gate, Boolean laws and theorem,
Sum of Product (SOP) and Peroduct of Sum (POS) method, Karnaugh map, pair, quad and
octave, POS simplification, min-term, max-term.
Unit 4. Application of Digital Logic Gate: Half adder and Full adder circuit, multiplexers,
demultiplexer, Flip- Flop and Registers- RS Flip Flop, D- Flip Flop, T- Flip Flop, JK- Flip Flop, JK
Master- Slave Flip Flop, Astable, Monostable and Bi-stable multivibrator, types of registers,
serial-in-serial out, serial-in-parallel out, parallel-in-serial out, parallel-in parallel out, Counters
and Convertors- asynchronous and synchronous counter, Mod-3 and Mod-5 counters, shift
counters, Digital-to Analog Converters-D/A converter, ladder network, A/D converters.
Unit 5. Microprocessor-Intel 8085 microprocessor architecture, interfacing devices, BUS
timing, instruction set, simple illustrative program.
Unit 4. Transmission and Radiation of signals: Primary line constants, phase velocity
and line wavelength, Characteristic impedance, Propagation Coefficient, Phase and
group velocities, Standing waves, Lossless line at radio frequencies, Voltage standing
wave ratio, Slotted line measurements at radio frequencies, Transmission lines as circuit
elements, Smith chart, Single and double Stub matching, Time domain reflectometry,
Telephone lines and cables, Radio frequency lines.
Unit 1. Introductory Concept of Nuclei: Binding energy and Binding energy per nucleon,
Nuclear angular momentum, Nuclear magnetic dipole moment and Electric quadruple moment,
Parity quantum number, Statistics of nuclear particles, Isobaric spin concept, Systematic of
stable nuclei.
Unit 3. Inter Nucleon Forces: Properties and simple theory of the deuteron ground state, Spin
dependence and tensor component of nuclear forces, Nucleon- nucleon scattering at low
energy, Charge- independence of nuclear forces, Many – nucleon systems and saturation of
nuclear forces, Exchange forces, Elements of meson theory.
Unit 4. Nuclear Structure and Models: Fermi gas model, Experimental evidence for shell
structure in nuclei, Basic assumption for shell model, Single- particle energy levels in central
potential, Spin-orbit potential and prediction of magic numbers, Extreme single- particle model,
Prediction of angular momenta, Parities and magnetic moment of nuclear ground states, Liquid
drop model, Semi- empirical mass formula, Nuclear fission, The unified model.
Unit 5.Particle Physics: Properties and origin, Elementary particles, Properties, classification,
type of interactions and conservation laws, Properties of mesons, Resonance particles, Strange
particles and Strangeness quantum number, Simple ideas of group theory, Symmetry and
conservation laws, CP and CPT invariance, Special symmetry groups SU (2) and SU (3)
classification of hadrons, Quarks, Gell- Mann- Okubu mass formula.
Unit 2: Digital Modulation techniques: Principle of Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK),
Generation and Reception of BPSK, Bandwidth of BPSK Signal , Differential Phase Shift
Keying (DPSK); DPSK Transmitter and Receiver, Bandwidth of DPSK Signal, Quadrature
Phase Shift Keying (QPSK); QPSK transmitter and Receiver, Bandwidth of QPSK Signal,
Binary Frequency Shift Keying (BFSK), BFSK Transmitter and receiver, Amplitude Shift
Keying (ASK).
Unit 4. Data Transmission: Baseband signal receiver, probability of error Optimum filter
probability of error for Optimum receiver, Matched filter, Impulse response of Matched
filter, probability of error of a Matched filter Correlation.
Unit 4. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, Euler, Picard and Runge-
Kutta methods, Predictor and corrector method, elementary ideas of solutions of partial
differential equations, solution of Laplace equation