Chemical Mechanism For High Temperature Combustion of ISO-OCTANE With Emphasis On Soot Formation

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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.

3, 2011

Chemical Mechanism for High Temperature Combustion of ISO-OCTANE with Emphasis on Soot Formation
C.R.Berlin Selva Rex1, A.Haiter lenin1 , C.V Manoj Kumar2, Dr.K.Thyagarajan3
1. Research Scholar, Anna University, Tamil Nadu. 2. LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Trivandrum. 3. Research Superviser,Anna University, Tamil Nadu.

This article presents a chemical mechanism for the high temperature combustion of wide range of hydrocarbon fuel Iso-octane. The emphasis is on developing an accurate kinetic model for the realistic fuel surrogates for premixed flames. Species like CH, C2H, C2H2, C3H3, C3H4, C3H6, and C4H6 play a major role in the formation of soot as their decomposition leads to the production of radicals involved in the formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and the further growth of soot particles. Temperature, pressure, fuel, O2 and OH concentration are also considered in soot formation process. It is also depending upon the nature of air fuel mixture (lean, stoichiometric or rich). Chemical kinetic mechanism is developed to represent the combustion of these molecules and is validated. A detailed study on the soot formation of Iso-octane has been conducted analytically using a kinetic scheme with 994 elementary reactions and 201 species. This program has been developed in MATLAB for the calculation and prediction of the concentration of 201 species of Iso-octane for various temperatures, pressures and equivalence ratios. Nitrogen is considered as the diluent. The diluent percentage is assumed as 79% to make a comparison with atmospheric condition. Cantera (an object oriented software for reacting flows) software is used in this study.

Keywords: Soot,Ignition delay,Reaction mechanism,Iso-octane 1. Introduction

The goal of present study is to establish the understanding of the behavior of important species which are responsible for soot formation at various initial conditions. Mainly CH, C2H, C2H2, C3H3, C3H4, C3H6 and C4H6 etc are the important species responsible for soot formation. In addition to them temperature, pressure,O2,OH concentration, fuel mixture(lean, stoichiometric, rich ) and the fuel structure plays a vital role in soot formation. By increasing the temperature the soot can be burnt out. But the problem is the formation of NOx. By increasing pressure the fuel breaks down in to molecular level hydrocarbons and radicals and they can easily oxidized, by both OH and O2 in lean mixture and soot formation. Soot is oxidized by OH under fuel-rich and stoichiometric conditions. Soot formation is more at fuel rich zone areas due to the incomplete burning process. Soot is roughly defined as a solid substance that consists of 8 parts of carbon and 1 part of hydrogen. Soot can be formed by 6 process viz. pyrolysis, nucleation, coalescence, surface growth, agglomeration and oxidation. The present study explores oxidation process which converts hydrocarbons to CO, CO2 and H2O. As computational capacity improves numerical simulations are becoming more attractive for combustion studies. Comprehensive detailed kinetic mechanisms have been compiled to fully describe the fundamental chemical processes involved in fuel oxidation .For example, Curran et al. [1,2] have developed comprehensive mechanisms to study the oxidation of n-heptane and iso-octane. The former mechanism comprised of 560 species and 2539 reactions, while the latter contains 857 species and 3606 reactions. These mechanisms were tested by comparing computed results with various experimental data from laboratory devices, and a reasonably good agreement was reported between the predicted and the

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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.3, 2011 measured results, implying that the reaction mechanisms represent correctly the important reaction pathways and rates of oxidation for these fuels. With reaction mechanisms that consist of several hundred species and several thousand reactions, it is still much too costly to use a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism directly in engine combustion studies using multidimensional CFD codes. It is necessary to develop chemical reaction mechanisms that retain the essential features of the fuel chemistry predicted by comprehensive reaction mechanisms, but with much improved computational efficiency in terms of memory usage and CPU time. The extent of comprehensiveness depends on the available computational resources and the type of information desired from the simulation. The basic aim of mechanism reduction is to identify unimportant species and reaction pathways in order to reduce the complexity of chemistry of mechanisms and important features of full schemes. Various methods have been suggested to determine the importance of species and reaction pathways in a mechanism. Sensitivity analysis [3-4] is one of the earliest methods, which is simple to apply, but requires extensive post processing to provide decoupled information about the reactions and species. A reaction elimination method [5] was suggested to identity optimal sets of reactions under given constraints. But the optimization approach is asymptotically slower than sensitivity analysis. The method of detailed reduction [6] uses direct comparisons of reaction rates with preselected critical values in order to speed up the identification of unimportant reactions. However this method is likely to neglect important slower reactions that involve crucial radicals. Another technique to reduce the complexity of a chemical reaction mechanism is chemical lumping [7] which simplifies a mechanism by replacing a set of lumped pseudo species. This method is effective for reducing the number of species and still maintains the important features of full schemes when the importance of a single isomeric species is low but the reaction path via all isomers is significant. Automation of reduction procedures has drawn much interest as well. Soyhan et al.[8] developed an automatic reduction technique to reduce a natural gas mechanism from 53 species and 589 reactions to 23 species and 20 global reactions. Montgomery et al. [9] used the CARM (computer aided reduction method) to automate the mechanism reduction process to generate a variety of reduced ethylene and nheptane mechanism. More recently, the direct relation graph method [10] has been suggested and used to help automation of reduction procedures. The aim of present study is to develop a kinetic model for the combustion of Iso-octane. A reaction mechanism of 994 reactions and 201 species.

2. Iso-octane
The activation energies of Iso-octane are higher than n-octane. Hence Iso-octane is widely used for combustion simulations. Iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane), a primary reference fuel for octane rating in spark ignition engines, has drawn considerable interest as a model compound for branched alkane components found particularly in gasoline [11], but also those found in diesel [12] and jet fuels [13]. Due to its relevance to practical liquid fuels, iso-octane has been the subject of many experimental and kinetic modeling studies. Experimental investigations of iso-octane oxidation and ignition have been carried out in shock tubes, rapid compression machine (RCMs), flames, jet stirred reactors and flow reactors.

3. Investigations
In building up a chemical kinetic model, a number of assumptions have to be made. In fact the assumptions are made so that the conditions simulated correspond to the conditions that are in effect in the experimental side.

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3.1 Reaction Mechanism for iso-octane Oxidation

The complete reaction mechanism (994 reactions and 201species) which involve in the combustion of iso-octane is proposed & validated [14] with LLNL (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) detailed mechanism. There are 3606 reactions and 857 species.

Fig 1: Validation of the reaction mechanism

3.2 Software
CANTERA object oriented software for reacting flows is used to simulate the results.

4. Criteria for finding Ignition Delay

Ignition delay time (t) is the time corresponding to the maximum rate of reactions between CO and O atoms. Induction period is the time at which the temperature had completed about half its total increase, often defined as the time required for a small(ie 1-5%) temperature or pressure rise. Bowman [15] found that ignition delay time to vary inversely with approximately the first power of the propane concentration, to be only slightly dependant upon oxygen concentration and to decrease with increasing pressure and temperature. It is the time to reach the concentration value of OH to 1x10-9 moles/cc .It is the time required to start the decomposition of H2O2.Figure.2 shows the criteria used for finding out the induction or ignition delay period. Practical definition of ignition delay is the time interval between the moment the fuel-oxidant mixture reaches self ignite temperature, and the emission of visible light from the flame.

Fig 2: Ignition criteria.

5. Temperature Profile
The temperature profile is shown in figure.3. The initial condition taken to plot this variation is temperature 1250K, pressure 10 atm and phi=0.3. From the graph it can be seen that the initial dip of

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International Journal of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.3, 2011 temperature occurs. This is due to initiation reactions which are endo-thermic that initially dips and gradually rises until a region when the curve shoots up. These sets of reactions require a large amount of energy and the reactions are endothermic in nature. The heat that is required for the reaction to occur is extracted from the surrounding thus causing the temperature to dip. Once the reaction is complete, a fraction of fuel breaks down in to molecular weight hydrocarbons or the radicals, the temperature steadies on. Once the radicals are formed by the pyrolysis the propagation reaction starts. Initially the reaction proceeds slowly until the self ignition temperature is achieved. Once the temperature is attained, the ignition occurs. The fuel breaks down completely at this stage and the combustion progresses very fast. In the curve, it is the region at which the curve steeps down. The time between the initial time of input and this corresponding time gives the induction period, of course the chemical ignition delay. The curve steeps up and then maintains a particular value. After a while it can be observed that the temperature goes on reducing. This is due to the fact that at this stage there is no fuel to burn to energy. Hence temperature reduces. The initial condition taken to plot this variation is temperature 1250K, pressure 10 atm and phi=0.3.we can see that at the end of ignition delay, there is a steep increase in temperature and pressure. Sufficient oxygen is not available to start spontaneous combustion at high equivalence ratios, which increases the ignition delay time.

Fig.3.Temperature Profile

6. Criteria for Soot Formation

Fig.4.Species Concentration Profile In the proposed reaction mechanism of 994 elementary reactions and 201 species for Isooctane the important species which are responsible for formation of soot are plotted in the figure.4, it is observed that the the species C2H2 and C3H3 are very important in soot formation.

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Fig.5. Variation with O2 (lean mixture)

Fig.6. Variation with O2 (Stoichoimetric mixture)

Fig.7. Variation with O2 (Rich mixture)

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Fig.8. Variation with OH (lean mixture)

Fig.9. Variation with OH (Stoichoimetric mixture)

Fig.10. Variation with OH (Rich mixture)

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Fig.11.Variation of Temperature with Equivalence ratio

From figures.5, 6 and 7 it is observed that concentration level of O2 is maximum at lean mixture because O2 is consumed more for oxidation of soot. At stoichiometric and fuel rich conditions O2 has no role for soot oxidation. At stoichiometric and fuel rich conditions OH radical is responsible for the oxidation of soot Figures.8, 9 and 10.The concentration levels of OH radical is very high in stoichiomeric and fuel rich conditions compared with lea mixture. Soot is formed by both OH and O2 at lean mixture condition. Theoretically temperature becomes maximum at equivalence ratio of unity (stoichiometric fuel-air ratio ) but using the proposed mechanism it is found that maximum temperature occurs at equivalence ratio of 1.2. Figure.11. Soot formation increases with equivalence ratio because when equivalence ratio increases fuel percentage in the mixture also increases, if sufficient oxygen is not available for oxidation process unburnt hydrocarbons are produced.

7. Conclusion
The analytical study on the oxidation of iso-octane has been conducted. A reaction mechanism containing 994 reactions among 201 species was proposed and validated at various initial conditions of temperatures, pressures and equivalence ratio.. The condition used to determine the ignition delay is the time when OH concentration reaches 1x10-9 moles/cc .It is found that with increase in initial temperatures and pressures the soot formation decreases. This is because at high temperature and pressure, the fuel-air mixture density is increased which result in proper mixing in turn shortens the formation of soot. With increase in equivalence ratio from lean to rich, soot formation increases. The reason behind this is when equivalence ratio is increased the fuel concentration in iso-octane is increased and oxygen concentration is reduced, so that sufficient oxygen is not available for the combustion to take place quickly. Thus incomplete combustion occurs. In this study the species C2H2 and C3H3 is found to be the most important species for soot formation. The results obtained are found to be agreeable with previous studies described here in.

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