EC395 Lab 6
EC395 Lab 6
EC395 Lab 6
EC395 Lab 6
Panel Data Analysis
Topics of Today’s exercise:
First, you should download the data set from our webpage. This data file contains 19
variables which are listed in the following order
obs (n): 3580 time (T) = 5
id = identifier for panel individual; 716 total
year = year interviewed (1982, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988)
lwage = ln(wage/GNP deflator)
hours = usual hours worked
age = age in current year
educ = current grade completed
collgrad = 1 if college graduate
msp = 1 if married, spouse present
nev_mar = 1 if never yet married
not_smsa = 1 if not SMSA
c_city = 1 if central city
south = 1 if south
black = 1 if black; 0 if white
union = 1 if union member
exper = total work experience
exper2 = exper^2
tenure = job tenure, in years
tenure2 = tenure^2
We are interested in the wage equation that relates the logarithm of WAGE to
EXPER, its square EXPER2 , SOUTH, and UNION.
1. Estimate the following OLS model and report the results
lwag e i=β 0 + β 1 expe r i + β 2 expe r i + β 3 sout h i+ β 4 unio ni +ui
^ i=¿
2 2
N=R =R =¿
2. Estimate the following OLS model again with dummies for each individuals (OLS
fixed effect)
lwag e i=β 0 + β 1 expe r i + β 2 expe r i + β 3 sout h i+ β 4 unio ni +¿ effect +ui
^ i=¿
2 2
N=R =R =¿
3. Estimate the following model panel data command xtreg with fixed effect option
xtreg …., fe
lwag e i ,t =β 0 + β 1 expe r i ,t + β2 expe r i ,t + β 3 sout hi ,t + β 4 unio ni , t +α i +ui ,t
^ i ,t =¿
N=3580 R =0.137
4. Perform a test of overall significance
H 0 :all Bi=0 H 1 :atleast one of them does not equal 0
N=R =¿
7. Test the significance of the time fixed effects
H 0:H1:
F stat = p-value =
8. Test for groupwise heteroskedasticity
H 0:H1:
Δ %^
lwage i ,t =β 0+ β 1 expe r i ,t + β 2 expe r i , t + β 3 sout hi ,t + β 4 unio ni ,t +α i+u i ,t
N=R =¿
10. Test for first order autocorrelation
ui , t=ρ ui , t−1 +v i , t
Δ %^
lwage i ,t =β 0+ β 1 expe r i+ β 2 expe r i ,t + β 3 sout hi ,t + β 4 unio ni , t + β 5 lwag ei ,t −1+ α i , t +ui , t
N=2,864 R =0.1898