Optimum Cruise Altitude
Optimum Cruise Altitude
Optimum Cruise Altitude
~~~~!RTrS~lJlIIi~ClURES EVOltrTlON
Quarterly AIRLINER January·March 1986
PUSUIU c.ltin SlbOkt and fin! .•................... I TIe BOEING AIRLINER iJ published quancrly by the
CommemaI AitpIaue ComplLlly of The BOEING ComplLlly.
SboriDl Ouuized Carao t. • 80elnR 747 ..d 167 •.•.... 5 Smtlle. WashinllOft., CIIbk Mklrua. BOEING-A.IR. AddlUl aU
JEt Tl'1UISport S1rWCttrra Ewlutloo•.••••..•••••.•.•.. 9 eommunkatlOfts to Clulomer 5e:rvlce5 OrpniUlloQ. Tbe
Nondestructl.e Wp«dOIli 0( IIlSt:"Kt BOEING ee.nplLll),. Bol 3107. Smtlle WubinJ!oa 911124.
BodAI Airplana - Pan 2 . • . • . .. • . . . .. . • . . • . • . •. 17
Informaliol1 pubUshtd in the BOEING AIRLINER is considered
Digital A'rionks Trainlna ...•...•••...•.....•.•.•.•. 2J lICCUnllte and aurhoriUltive. HO'A'ever, DO I1Ulteriai should be
Fuel ConRrYatiOil &: Opt.ratiou consk1tted as FAA approv«l unleM: specirtcally sUIted A.irline
Newsletter .•....••...•.....•........ Center Pulloul personnel are advised thaI their company's policy I'l\IlY reatm
Cuslomer Support Representatins ....••.....•. Back"Re lbe dirtct use of published inronnation.
On lhe Cover. Neilher ratn.. lIeec nor IOOW shall deter Boeiq Aigtll Tesl: CI'nI'$. This 767 1O'ali
pholovapb«l by Pal JohlUOll. night lest photographer. lIS ilwlcd out from lhe
Boeitlg Flight Center.
Ernie Campbell
Flight Training Technical
uccess or failure during an emergency depends on purpose of this article is to discuss tbe above subjects and
AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1m - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I
Training of the flight attendants in fire prevention should It is not possible to smother a passenger cabin fire inflight
emphasize one primary concept - continuous vigilance. The air flow required to maintain adequate cabin pressure
In particular, their attention should be directed to the to sustain life is far greater than the air flow necessary
lavatories. Periodic checks of the lavatories by the flight to support combustion. The passengers would become
attendants is desired to assure that no smoke is present incapacitated by the lack of oxygen long before the fire
and good housekeeping exists. Trash compartments could be smothered. Due to the low human tolerance to
should be checked to ensure waste disposal doors are smoke and toxic gases, maximum cabin ventilation is far
closed and trash containers are not overflowing. more productive in protecting passenger lives. Whenever
possible, the passengers should be moved away from the
Another area that should be of concern to flight attendants smoke source.
is the lower sidewall in the passenger cabin. On occasion,
items have ignited in this area and not immediately been Passenger Oxygen Mask
observed because normal cabin air flow carried the smoke
and fumes through the return air griU and away from the Passenger oxygen system is intended for use only in case
passengers. The flighl attendants should maintain surveil· of cabin pressurization loss and should not be used during
lance of the floor areas, particularly in the smoking zones; a cabin fire. Passenger oxygen masks are not useful as
enforce NO SMOKING rules in restricted areas, espe- smoke masks as the majority of lhe breathing air in the
cially in the lavatories; and keep clothing, bags, papers, oxygen masks comes from cabin air through the mask
etc., from being deposited where they may become a fire inhalation valve. Thus, a significant portion of any smoke
hazard. in the cabin would be inhaled. In addition, another hazard
exists in an active gaseous oxygen system as a bum-
An additional area of concern is smoke resulling from through in the pressurized oxygen distribution lines could
electrical malfunctions in such components as light also accelerate the fire.
ballast, galleys and toilet flush mOlors. In some cases, the
familiar smell of burning wire insulation will nOl be
presenl and it may be difficult to identify the problem as
an electrical anomaly. One indication that the smoke
source may be electrical is a tripped circuil breaker,
especially if it cannot be reset. The Boeing recommenda-
tion for any tripped circuit breaker is that only one reset
attempt be made. Jr it is probable that the smoke source
is electrical, the cockpit crew should be advised to
complete the electrical smoke and fire procedures.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986
A cabin fire gutted the
interior of this aircraft.
Rather than using the passenger oxygen masks to assist hydrogen fluoride) and hydrogen cyanide. While breatlt-
breathing in a smoke environment, the most effective aid ing through itemsofclotlting will also help filter out smoke
is to instruct the passenge~ to breathe through wet towels particles, clothing is generally less effective than wet
or cloths. A National Transporation Safety Board report towels in filtering out tlte acid gases and hydrogen cyanide.
on a rC(;ent accident involving an inflight fire indicated Neither filter system will reduce carbon monoxide concen-
that virtually all of the surviving passengers stated that tration. The initiative on the part of night attendants to
they had covered their mouths and noses with wet towels, distribute wet towels and instruct the passengers to
articles of clotlling or other like items as instructed by breathe through tlte towels or otlter items of clothing will
flight attendants. Wet towels aid in filtering out smoke aid the survival of tlte passengers.
particles and acid gases (such as hydrogen chloride and
AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Crew Duties Having established that a smoke or fire condition exists
in the passenger cabin, the cockpit crew should keep the
The cockpit crewmembers are situation managers and not flight attendants advised on time remaining before landing
firefighters. During a passenger cabin fire, the primary and to prepare for an immediate emergency evacuation
cockpit crewmembef'3, MUST remain at their stations to as soon as the airplane stops.
operate the system controls, accomplish smoke evacuation
procedures, carry out emergency communications with air All operators are encouraged to review their crew
traffic control and to accomplish diversion to nearest emergency communications procedures to ensure that
suitable airport, etc. The flight attendants must be trained urgent calls made by a flight attendant to the cockpit can
to aggressively fight the fire and keep the captain informed be easily indentified over a routine call.
of the conditions in the passenger cabin.
Crew Training
Another problem involved in having a primary crewmem-
ber leave the cockpit to fight the fire is that the The importance of crew training in firefighting and smoke
crewmember could be incapacitated by the smoke or fire evacuation cannot be overemphasized; particularly
and be unable to return to the cockpit. This could result cooperation, coordination and communications between
in only one pilot in the cockpit during an emergency the cockpit and cabin crew. Whenever possible, it is
situation. recommended that the flight attendants, flight engineers,
and pilots attend the same firefighting and passenger
All actions required to accomplish a diversion, such as evacuation training program.
emergency communications with Air Trame Control, a
review of smoke evacuation procedures, should be accom- Summary
plished as soon as possible. There have been cases where
smoke became so dense in the cockpit that flight crew- If a passenger cabin smoke or fire condition is detected
members could not read the checklist. Unless the smoke in flight:
source is in the cockpit, do not open cockpit windows to
evacuate smoke. If over or near a suitable airport, an What Not To Do
emergency descent may be appropriate. However, the
descent should be delayed to take advantage of the higher • Do not shut down air conditioning pack or reduce
true aif'3,peed which wiU reduce flight time if the nearest ventilation in an attempt to smother fire.
airport is still some distance away. Fuel dumping (if
installed) should be considered if time permits. • Do not deploy passenger oxygen masks.
Firefighting and Di'fersiOD to Nearest Airport • Primary cockpit crewmembers should not leave their
seats during an emergency.
When a fire situation has developed, the flight attendant
who first notices the smoke or fire should obtain the What To Do
nearest appropriate fire extinguisher and immediately
auack the fire. Simultaneous with this activity, a second • Flight attendants must aggressively fight the fire.
Oight attendant should immediately notify the captain. A
Oight auendant must maintain continuous communica- • A flight attendant must immediately notify the captain
tion with the captain to provide accurate information as and keep him advised of the situation in the cabin.
to the state of the emergency. This is essential to enable
the captain to make correct decisions to ensure safety of • Immediately proceed to the nearest suitable airport.
flight. An immediate decision to land at the nearest The flight should only be continued if it can be
suitable airport should be made. The flight should only positively determined that the fire has been
be continued to the destination if it can be positively extinguished.
determined that the fire has been extinguished.
• Establish and maintain MAXIMUM ventilation to
Cre", Communications evacuate smoke.
Also noted during the review of airplane inflight smoke • Complete smoke evacuation checklist.
and fire accidents and incidents was lack of timely
communications from the flight attendants to the cockpit • Cockpit crew keep flight attendants advised on altitude
crew advising them of the emergency. It appears that flight and time remaining to landing.
attendants are reluctant to contact the captain, especially
during takeoff and climb or during descent and landing • Be prepared for an immediate passenger evacuation
when the cockpit crew is busy. Additionally, when after landing.
emergency calls are made to the cockpit, the urgency of
the situation is not always made clear to the captain.
4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986
Out ized
The cargo capacity of the 747 Freighter is shown here. The helicopter shown
in the Inset is an example of outsized cargo carried on the airplane.
his article ootlines the improved cargo carrying was prompted by operators who wished to have an easy
Prior 10 the development of this document, Boring The document Shoring Guidelines for Outsized CtJrgo
addressed outsized cargo questions on an individual basis. (Document No. [)6.35527 ror 747 and D636TOO2 ror 767)
10 most cases OpenllOrS would submit a suggested shoring is currently available through Boeing Customer
scheme and Boeing "'ould analyze it and recommend Engineering.
changes as necessary. The devdopmenl of this document
AlRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Development of a Sborillg Scheme pyramiding is a simple yet effective way to ensure that
cargo weighl is uniformly distributed to the noor. In
To ensure tbat cargo can be carried safely in a 747 and Figure I is an example of what pyramiding might look like
767 so as not 10 jepordize the safety of crew or aircran when the area load limit is exceeded.
and to minimize localized damage to the airplane floor or
cargo system components (rollers, for example), airplane When cargo exceeds the linear load limit, cargo weight
structural limits must be followed as published in the must be redistributed in the forward and aft directions to
747 and 767 Weight and Balance Manuals. In the Weighl bring the linear load (cargo load per linear inch in the
and Balance Manual there are four limits that must be fore-an direction) below the linear load limit. This can be
observed: (I) Linear Load Limits. (2) Area Load Limits, done with pyramiding, but in many cases, due to height
(3) Companment Load Limits, and (4) Shear Curve or restrictions, cargo volume and density, pyramiding is
Cumulative Load Limits, incapable of properly redistributing cargo weight. A
shoring scheme ulilizing longitudinal shoring (as shown
• Linear load limits are specified in pounds per inch in Figure 2) provides an alternative method of
along the fuselage. The linear load limil defines the redistributing weight in the fore-aft directions.
maximum weight per inch which can be carried by the
airplane structure.
When cargo exceeds the area load limit, cargo weight must
be redistributed out from under the cargo foot print. The
most effective way of redistributing weight is by use of the
pyramiding techniquE. Pyramiding is any type of shoring
which uses beams and spacer blocks to redistribute cargo
weight in an approximately uniform manner over the full Figure 2. The use of longitudinal shoring beams provides
shoring length. The use of beams and spacer blocks to form an alternative method of redistributing weight in a fore
and aft direction.
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AlRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986
To redistribute a portion of any concentrated load,
longitudinal shoring must be capable of providing
adequate stiffness and strength. Airplane floor stiffness,
shoring stiffness, shoring length and free spans (the length
of longitudinal shoring which extends beyond the cargo
foot print in the fore/aft direction) affect the ability of the
longitudinal shoring 10 redistribute cargo loads.
When cargo exceeds both the area load limit and linear
load limit, longitudinal shoring wiJI be required and lateral
shoring may be required. An operator can determine a
shoring scheme by combining the procedures set forth in
the first two cases as is demonstrated in the shoring
document. Figure 4 is an example of what a shoring
scheme might look like when both the area load limit and
the linear load limit are exceeded. Figure 4. This is an example of a shoring technique
which may be used if the cargo exceeds both the area load
limit and the linear load limit of the noor.
Development of Shoring Stiffness Graphs
AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 7
This cuh'ert pipe is anotber example of outsized cargo.
The amount of weight that is actually redistributed for Figure 5). Given the cargo weight, cargo length, linear
any shoring length/required shoring stiffness combination load limit, floor stiffness, and shoring length, solving for
can be calculated by determining the shear in the shoring the required shoring stiffness/shoring length is now just
at the edge of the cargo foot print (Section A-A in an iterative process such that the shear at A-A is equal
to the weight that must be redistributed.
8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 1 R L I N E R / J A N - M A R 1986
Figure 1. The Boeing Model 367·80 was the prototype for the family of jetliners.
Ull G. Goranson
Structures Technology
Dash.sO Prototype
he profound changes in our world civilization
AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
Boeing recognized the importance ofboth commercial and
military design requirements during the development of
the dash 80 prototype. Particular auention was given to
stringenl implementation of fail-safe design features, such
as multiple load path structure, which have been a
mainstay in Boeing jet transport structures ever since.
Multiple wing splices and the careful selection of materials
with slow crack propagation rates are early examples of
fail-safe design considerations. (Figure 2.) These tear
stopping members provide a second defense against
structural damage missed during inspection. The credible
safety record of subsequent jet transports truly reflects the
importance of these design decisions.
Model 707
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AIRLINER/JAN.MAR 1986
Detail design improvements, such as the side-of-body
joints. increased the relative fatigue life by a factor of three
over the Ket35 to meet the commercial operation
requirements. Bottle-pins were used to eliminate deflec-
tions of the body bulkheads attached to the wing. This
minimized deflection induced fatigue stresses in the
fuselage structure. (Figure 5.)
Model 727
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1
retained as 7178. The 727 structural test program was the
most extensive ever conducted at that time. It included
fuU-scale static and fatigue tests and comprehensive flight
load surveys and flutter test programs.
Model 737
U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A I R U N E R I J A N - M A R 1986
-~~~~~-------~~~-~---_._-- - ---------------------------
• Optimum altitude is not the cases at high altitude airports where a close in obstacle. For close in
step climb initiation point. The absolute maximum performance is obstacles, the trade of excess field
step climb decision is frequently required. length is more useful in gaining
expressed relative to optimum takeoff weight than is use of the
altilUde. However, the converse is The best runway performance is improved climb technique of trading
not true. achieved with the lowest possible field length for speed and gradient
takeoff speed schedule consistent incr~. Figure 6 iUustrat~ a case
The foregoing discussion is of course with certification regulations. This where tbe NORMAL V2 night path
only applicable 10 medium or long philosophy results in V2 speeds which will clear OBSTACLE I but not
range flights where the cruise time are invariably somewhat below the OBSTACLE 2. It can be seen from
is long enough to permit altitude speed required for optimum climb the figure that the use of imprOVed
optimization. For short trips, up to gradient; Figure 5 illustrates this climb reverses the situation in
approlliimately 300 - 350 nautical point. Note that l2Vs airplanes are that OBSTACLE 2 is cleared but
miles, the bulk of the flight is taken the farthest away from optimum not I. The analysis involved with
up by climb plus descent. In this case climb gradient. The Improved Climb determination of obstacle clearance
some arbritrary cruise time or dis- procedure is a technique used to capability when using imprOVed climb
tance is defined which results in the increase the normal V2 speeds is complex and is best handled by the
recommended short trip altitude as towards the optimum climb gradient use of computerized takeoff analyses
shown in the Boeing Operations speed. The resulting gradient program.
Manual. improvement at a given gross weight
can then be traded for higher gross
THEORY AND USE OF weight at the same gradient as that
IMPROVED CLIMB which is required by regulations for
the second segment gross gradient
Periodically, we receive questions (2.4% / 2.7% / 3.0% for 21 3 / 4
about the benefits and theories behind engine airplanes).
the use of improved climb perform-
ance. In this article we will present a
short synopsis on what Improved
Climb is and how it is used to enhance
performance. Since the objective of
this discussion is not to make an Figure 6. Obstacle Clearance
aeronautical engineer out of the Considerations
reader, we will not cover the usage
of the Airplane Flight Manual or The Use of [mproved Climb
the Boeing Operations Manual
chans. Reference may be made to the Having discussed the theory behind
appropriate Airplane Flight Manual improved climb, let us now brieny
and Boeing Operations Manual for Figure S. Generalized Climb investigate the gains to be achieved.
more detailed discussions on Gradient vs Takeoff Speed Figure 7 shows gross weight allowable
Improved Climb calculations. as a function of available (corrected)
The use of an increased V2 speed field length for a typical 747 airplane
Discussion of the Theory to improve climb limited weights at given conditions of airport pressure
requires that the associated VI and
The use of Improved Climb proce- VR speeds be increased in order that
dures to enhance takeoff performance the V2 speed for improved climb can
is not new. The procedures are be reached by 35 feet. Obviously the
certified for all Boeing Model higher speeds for takeoff require that
airplanes except the 747SP and are additional field length be available for
especially effective for use with twin the benefits of imprOVed climb to be
engine jels. The most worthwhile realized.
benefits from the use of Improved
Climb procedures relate to the 737 The improved climb technique can
and 747 airplanes. The advantages of be used in some cases to enhance
using lmproved Climb procedur~ for obstacle clearance capability. Gener·
727 airplanes are fairly minimal. ally, imprOVed climb may provide
Improved Climb procedures for ihe performance gains only for the distant
707 airplanes are used in special obstacle case and not for the case of Figure 7. 747 lmproved Oimb
Model 747
14 AIRLIl'.'ERlJAN-MAR 1986
Boeing's Design for Durability manuals wert made ready
for application to new airplane design.
transport airplanes to minimize structural maintenance Major airframe inspections were conducted at intervals
costs. Customers made certain Boeing was aware of their equivalent to approximately 10,000 flights. Visual inspec-
n=pair and maintenance: costs and the additional invest- tions of the entire airframe, like those used by airlines,
ment required 10 upgrade structun= to meet extended life were performed. Inspection locations and procedures
requirements. In 1971, The Boeing Company initiated the followed the maintenance planning data supplied for
Structures Durability Program. (Figure 16.) The program certification. After completion of SO,<XX> flights, a major
was a major step in exptrience n=tcntion and the formula- inspection was conducted with loading fixtures and major
tion of an engmeering approach to fatigue detail design. reaction straps removed. After completion of 100,<XX>
A summary of discrete types of fatigue distress and flights, a final teardown inspection was conducted. The
structural areas prone to repetitive problems was fatigue test results of both tbe 7S7 and 767 major airplane
generated. tests were exceptional as proven by the rapid completion
of two lifetimes (100,000 flights) of testing in record
The knowledge gained provided a comprehensive under- calendar time (Figure 17), without any down-time caused
standing of detail design quality and became the founda- by structural fatigue cracking. For both the 7S7 and 767,
tion for building an improved fatigue design methodology. more than ten years of repeated load experience was
Fleet comparisons, additional testing and teardowns of accumulated on each model before its first revenue flight.
high time service airplanes added confidence in these new The Structures Durability Program goal of reducing up
methods. Fi"'e years after tbe iDCq)lion of this program, to 8S0/0 of detail design problem areas was far exceeded.
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 5
required spans a five-to six-year cycle to achieve fuJI
implementation of corrosion prevention measures.
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • • •
• • •
A prototype semi....utom.ted eddy current inspectioo instrument.
Non uctive
C F. Raalz NDT and Airplane Design
R~rch and Developm~nt Quality Om/rol
One of the reasons for the growth of NOT in airplane
his is the second of throe articles on Boeing's maintenance is related to airplane design. Boeing's
Figure 1. Damage tolerance design examples typically used in (A) fuselage
crown skin construction and (8) main landing gear beams.
18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986
Figure 1. X.Ray in5pedion is an alternative to panel Figure 3. The R«hii semi-automated eddy current
remo.... 1 and TisuaJ inSpectioll of support structures. instrument permits rapid inspection of fastener boles.
AlRUNERlJAN·MAR 19N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
support of Boeing's airplane structural test programs.
Boeing subjects major airplane components such as
landing gear, control surfaces and complete airplane wing
and body to static and cyclic load tests. These tests verify
engineering design and confirm structural performance
objectives. Figure 4 is a 747 landing gear in a cyclic load
test fixture and in Figure 5 a complete 757 airplane is
shown surrounded by a steel framework which supports
hydraulic load cells attached to wing and tail surfaces.
Through this means representative in-service loads are
transmitted to the test structure. Cyclic load tests
compress yea~ of airplane service inlo a few Neeks or
months of testing. To supplement structural test
performance information gathered by sensitive detectors
located throughout the test structure, periodic
nondestructive tests are conducted. Ultrasonic. eddy
current, X-ray, liquid penetrant and magnetic particle
tests are employed depending on structural configuration Figure 6. An eddy current bole probe and
and the condition being evaluated. On completion ofcyclic
calibration standard.
load testing the test structure is dissassembled and detailed
visual and nondestructive inspections 3re performed for
evidence of material degradation. configuration changes and inspection process
improvements seem minor; however, their cumulative
Nondestructive inspections in support of engineering effect is significant. Today this probe and calibration
proof of design tests have produced significant standard when used with a procedure optimizing hole
contributions to the inspection of airplane structure. These inspection effectively finds cracks of .030 inch length. The
improvements have subsequently been applied to the current configuration of a hand held eddy current fastener
inspections of in-service airplanes. An example of such hole probe and its calibration standard are as shown in
improvement is the eddy current inspection of fastener Figure 6.
holes after fastener removal. During cyclic load tests the
early detection of cracks permits test structure Manual eddy current fastener hole inspection for .030 inch
performance projections and adjustment to test cracks is a very tedious process. An eddy current probe
conditions. Liquid penetrant has long been employed as sensitive to small cracks inspects only a small section of
a detector of small surface cracks. However, in the case hole with each scan. Complete inspection of a hole made
of fastener holes, access Hmitations and penetrant up of two or three members may require several minutes.
bleed-oul from hole interfaces can obscure the detection In addition, a high level of inspector skill and allention
of small cracks. Early eddy current hole inspections were is necessary to assure satisfactory results. A reduction in
conducted using a cylindrical probe with a sensing coil hole inspection time with improved crack detection were
mounted at right angles to the side of the cylinder. objectives of a Boeing Quality Control Research and
Inspection is accomplished by inserting the probe into a Development program in the mid-1970's. These objectives
hole and rotating it in a circumferential scan. The coil's were accomplished with the development of an eddy
electromagnetic field induces an eddy current in the hole current fastener hole inspection system and the marketing
wall. A crack in the wall disrupts the eddy current and of its commercial version as shown in Figure 3. This
its electromagnetic field and this disruption is sensed by battery powered semi-automated eddy current system
the probe and recorded by the instrument. The first eddy consists of a rapidly spinning probe which is inserted in
current hole probes with their large coil size and poor a hole much like a drill. The probe's differential coils are
control over probe-to-hole alignment could only detect insensitive to hole interfaces and material differences but
large cracks. Even so their crack detection were better than highly sensitive to small cracks aligned with the hole axes.
that of liquid penetrant. Improvements in probe This system effectively finds .030 inch and smaller hole
configuration, including smaller coils wound on ferrite cracks and does this in a per hole inspection time of
cores to concentrate the magnetic field, collars to control seconds.
probe hole penetration depth and alignment, and shaping
and slotting of the probe end to control hole wall contact, NDT and Structural Repairs
substantially improved hole crack detection.
Why the emphasis on the detection of small hole cracks?
Concurrent with probe configuration improvements were It is a question of economics and structural integrity.
improvements in the fastener hole inspection process. A Boeing Airplane Structural Repair Manuals require that
hole calibration standard containing representative cracks holes opened up during repair or modification be inspected
was designed and a cleanup ream was identified to improve for assurance of hole quality, referring to specific airplane
hole surface uniformity. Individually, fastener hole probe model NOT manuals for this inspection. The quality of
2 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986
holes which have been eddy current inspected for .030 inch SmaU cracks were found in the lower wing splice stringers.
or larger cracks is assured by hole oversizing to remove the longest of which was 0.15 inch. The only way cracks
the .030 inch of potentially defective material from the of this size could be detected was through disassembly and
hole wall. Reassembly is then accomplished by simply detailed visual and surface eddy current inspection. This
using an over size fastener. If eddy current inspection were small crack size did not affect structural strength but did
not available a more extensive and expensive repair would raise questions of extent of lower wing splice-stringer
be necessary. cracking in older 701 airplanes and of crack growth rates
and their effect on structural performance. Two programs
NDI And Fleet Surveillance were initiated to answer these questions: Fleet sampling
of older airplanes to determine the elttent of the problem
One of the ways in which Boeing supports in-service fleet and structural tests to provide crack growth and structure
structural integrity is through Fleet Surveillance. strength data.
Surveillance of selected structure is accomplished on
airplanes which have accumulated a high number of Structural tests provided crack growth rates and residual
service hours or flights. Selection can result from an strength related to splice stringer crack length. (Figure 1.)
analysis of data from Boeing's airplane structure static and These tests substantiated the design requirement of limit
fatigue tests; from engineering Stress analyses to identify load strength with the loss of a single structural element
high stress areas; from the service history of the airplane; (splice stringer). fleet sampling to establish the condition
or from the performance of similar structure on other of older airplanes required selection of a suitable
airplane models. Another facet of this structural integrity inspection to detect splice stringer cracks initiating at the
program involves disassembly and detailed inspection of inner row of fastener holes as indicated in Figure 7.
selected airplane structure. On occasion, Boeing has Structural tests had established that detection of 0.5 inch
obtained structure from older airplanes which have been long cracks would provide an adequate crack growth
removed from service. The structure is cut into sections interval for 707/120 airplane fleet control. Accordingly,
and shipped to Boeing where it is disassembled and a suitable inspection for fleet surveillance was one that
carefully examined by visual and nondestructive test for would detect a 0.5 inch long stringer crack could be
such service-connected conditions as fatigue cracks and accomplished within an airline's normal operation and
corrosion. maintenance schedule. This ruled out visual inspection
which required defueling and purging of fuel tanks before
An example of nondestructive test development in support entry and extensive sealant removal, and eddy current
of fleet su.rveillance is the low frequency eddy current fastener hole inspection which would require removal of
inspection of 101 airplane lower wing splice stringers. As hundreds of fasteners. X-ray was a possibility; however,
a part of fleet surveillance Boeing disassembled and X-ray required fuel tank entry for optimum radiographic
performed a detailed inspection of an older 707-300 wing. film placement as well as numerous X-ray eltposures to
assure satisfactory inspection resuJts.
Figure 1. Fatigue test results establishing crack growth rate for a lower wing splice stringer.
The residual strength versus stringer crack length is shown to the right.
SPLICE ""'\. , u _
The splice stringer inspection was solved with a low for repair can be set within the eXlstmg maintenance
frequency eddy current inspection. This was the first schedule while maintaining fleet integrity. An example of
application of low frequency eddy current for airplane a Service Bulletin employing nondestructive inspe<:tion is
structural inspection. Up to this time eddy current 707/720 Service Bulletin 3226, Wing LQwer Skin Splice
inspection of airplane structure was limited to the Stringer Inspection. This Service Bulletin was the result
detection of surface cracks. The unique feature of low of the previously described dissassembly and inspe<:tion
frequency eddy current is its ability 10 detect subsurface of an older 707-300 airplane wing. The Service Bulletin
and second layer cracks. For the splice stringer inspection identifies initial and repeat inspe<:tion intervals for lower
tbe eddy current probe is scanned along the wing skin gap wing splice stringer low frequency eddy current
to inspect the splice stringer as indicated in Figure 8. inspe<:tion. Reference is made to the 707/720 Airplane
Disruption of eddy currents induced in the splice stringer Nondestructive Test Manual for a detailed procedure on
by 0.5 inch or longer cracks caused a disruption of the how to perform the low frequency eddy current inspe<:tion
related electro-magnetic field which is detected by the along the lower wing skin splices to detect splice stringer
eddy current probe. cracks as shown in Figure 8.
In cooperation with airplane operators Boeing conducted Nondestructive inspections are now routinely employed
a low frequency eddy current surveillance inspe<:tion of in support of many service bulletins. Its contribution to
lower wing splice-stringers on fifteen high time 707 and this end has been substantial. The ability of nondestructive
eight high time 720airplanes. As a result of this inspe<:tion inspection to inspe<:t hidden structure without time
and of splice-stringer structural tests Service BuUetin 3226 consuming opening up of structure and its ability to
was released calling for low frequency eddy current monitor a potential defect condition to permit selective
inspe<:tion of wing lower surface splice-stringers of older maintenance scheduling of a fleet of airplanes has
707 and 720 airplanes. improved airplane structural inspection coverage while
reducing inspe<:tion costs.
NDI In Support of the Se"ice Bulletin
Boeing uses service bulletins to notify its airplane
customers of particular problems affecting in-service This article reviewed developments in airplane structural
airplanes. A service bulletin gives a detailed description nondestructive testing technology and provided examples
of the problem and the actions required to correct it. of how Boeing has employed this technology in its
Nondestructive inspe<:tion has come to playa significant maintenance and repair manuals and in service bulletins
role in support of service bulletins. The ability of NOT to support the structural integrity of in-service airplanes.
to detect a hidden crack without structure dissassembly The final article in this series will review the current status
is one of its benefits. Another equally important benefit of NOT for in-service airplane inspe<:tion particularly as
is its ability to monitor structure for evidence of change. related its use in support of the OTR system for the
These advantages are particularly important when it inspection of high time airplanes. Some near future
comes to scheduling of airplanes for maintenance or expe<:tations in airplane structural NOT will also be
repair. By knowing the condition of each airplane, priority presented.
22 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A f f i L I N E R I J A N - M A R 1986
Some training is conducted in the 757 and 767 Maintenance Simulators.
e are living in an era of dramatic technological Digital technology, ~ on binary switching elements
An increasing level of practical hands-on Seven major subjects are covered in the
training is offered during the five-week course. digital avionics training course.
FAA Safety Inspectors must possess a broad technical microprocessor training stations. Instructor presentations
background and be knowledgeable in a variety of aviation are supplemented with multimedia and computer driven
disciplines. Their primary duties may be classified into simulation, which provides a dynamic learning environ·
three major functions: certification, surveillance, and ment, designed to maximize student involvement with
investigation. Certification responsibilities include hands-on practice and application.
evaluation of proposed changes to digital avionics
maintenance programs, analysis of automated test The first two weeks of the course comprise phase one,
equipment, evaluation of built·in.test-equipment (BITE), which includes glass cockpit concepts, types of computers,
and evaluation of engineering changes. Surveillance and computer systems, memory devices, number systems,
involves maintenance supp:>Tt activities such as decisions logic review, terminology, and mircocircuits. Special
regarding operation and maintenance of digital avionics emphasis is placed on electrostatic discharge sensitive
systems, analysis ofcorrective actions associated with pilot (ESDS) procedures. This subject is stressed throughout
2 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AIRLINER/JAN-MAR 1986
The hands-on training stations are located
adjacent to the academic training area.
the course, as improper handling of ESDS components For BITE procedures training the 737-300 Flight
may result in degraded operation or failed systems. Other Management System!Avionics Trainer is used.
topics include circuit timing, interface circuits, high level
languages, memory methods, subroutines, interrupts and
microcircuits. control flight, new technology replaces the cables with
electronics circuitry, commonly known as fly-by-wire
A microprocessor training device is used in phase one to control. Future applications will use fly-by-Iight
demonstrate basic computer structure, programmable technology, as fiberoptics is introduced to replace the
memory (PROM) techniques and practice, and machine existing methods of control and communication.
languages program practice. Computer-aided training is
used to give the students practice in understanding higher Fiberoptics, due to its non-conductive characteristics, will
level languages such as BASIC, PASCAL, and FOR- also reduce or eliminate protC(;tion requirements for static
TRAN. Computer-based training is also used to enhance electricity, electromagnetic interference and lightning
instruction on basic computer structure and interface strikes. Limited application of fiberoptics is anticipated in
circuits. 1990-generation airplanes.
AIRLINER/JAN·MAR 1986 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 5
501"le. Washington