Beacon Core Book Symbols v15.4
Beacon Core Book Symbols v15.4
Beacon Core Book Symbols v15.4
Beacon is a tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG) inspired by the high fantasy stories of the Final Fantasy video
games and the tactical gameplay of the Lancer and Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition TTRPGs. High-action,
tactical combat scenes are at the core of Beacon, supported by a streamlined and engaging narrative system that
lets you get to the action quickly. Create unique and interesting characters, explore fantastical worlds with your
friends, and confront the deadly dangers and obstacles that stand in your way!
A WORLD OF YOUR OWN The GM and players work together to define the
specific details of the Reflection in which their game
In Beacon, you create your own unique setting
takes place, including its history, peoples, and
together, called a Reflection.
cultures. This process is detailed in Chapter 07:
Games of Beacon take place in the Source, a Game Master’s Guide (p. XX).
wellspring of endless potential and stories. While the
true nature of the Source is incomprehensibly
complex, it is often represented as a giant crystal Beacon features two modes of play – narrative play
with infinite facets. Each facet is a different and combat. While playing, you will move between
Reflection, and each Reflection is a unique reality. these two modes, which each have their own unique
While there are infinite stories that can be told within set of rules.
the Source, there are commonalities across its During narrative play, you tell stories about your
facets. The following are true of each Reflection: characters and the world in which they live. Narrative
The world is filled with action and adventure. play is rules-light, allowing players to shape the
All things are composed of aether, a magical narrative without getting bogged down by
element that comes in many varieties, including mechanics.
astral and lunar forms. In combat play, your characters – customized and
Magic is widely available and has been
equipped in countless ways – enter battle. Combat
combined with technology to create magitech
play is tactical and rules-heavy, with plenty of scope
for unique builds and playstyles.
There are beacons – people who are sources
of great inspiration for others, whether they are YOU ARE A BEACON
heroes or villains.
There is a recurring threat to the Reflection – Your characters in the game are known as beacons.
the Scourge. Beacons are powerful heroes who help and inspire
Crystals hold some significance to the others. Every Reflection has its own unique take on
Reflection or its inhabitants. what beacons are and what they do.
Ruins dot the landscape, ready to be explored.
Participants in Beacon take on one of two roles:
either that of a player or that of the game master COMBAT AND
The goal of all participants is to tell a shared story,
and to have fun doing so. Each player creates a Beacon’s gameplay is split into scenes. A scene is a
single player character (PC) – a heroic figure called series of events that focus on a person, place, or
a “beacon” – and explores the game through that challenge. Each scene is either a narrative scene
character’s story. The GM, on the other hand, or a combat scene, falling under the rules of either
controls all of the non-player characters (NPCs), combat play or narrative play.
sets up combat scenes, and helps shape the
The GM determines when one scene ends and
another begins, and whether the scenes are
narrative or combat. But anyone can suggest or
CORE PRINCIPLES request a scene, and you are encouraged to do so.
Beacon has six core principles: Combat scenes use the rules for combat play (p.
1. The well-being and fun of the group, XX). These scenes feature important fights and
including both the players and the GM, is the battles. Not every fight is worthy of a combat scene;
top priority. only those that are important or tactically challenging
2. Specific text takes precedent over general move into combat play. A simple street fight or
text. barroom brawl, for example, wouldn’t start a combat
3. Beacon does not model reality or real-life scene. A fight on a crumbling bridge against a horde
physics, and is not meant to. of demons, or a climactic showdown with an
4. Narrative play and combat play are distinct archnemesis would be worthy of a combat scene.
modes of play. The ability to do something in
one does not automatically grant the ability Example: An angry necromancer has performed a
to do it in the other. ritual in a nearby cemetery, creating a continuous
5. In combat play, players can do anything stream of undead soldiers that attack nearby towns.
their abilities allow, even if it doesn’t make The beacons are asked to stop the necromancer
narrative sense. and break the ritual. The GM sets up a combat
6. Always round up to the nearest whole scene with the beacons fighting in a misty cemetery
number. against undead hordes and a necromancer riding an
animated mausoleum!
General Text vs Specific Text Narrative scenes, on the other hand, use the rules
General text includes basic rules of the game, such for narrative play (p. XX). Any scene that isn’t a
as “The 5 FIGHT action is used to make a melee or combat scene is considered a narrative scene.
improvised weapon attack.” These scenes involve challenges that are resolved
by rolling dice (called “skill checks”) or roleplaying.
Specific text is more granular or detailed than Small-scale fights can even happen during narrative
general text. For example, the Slow tag specifies play, but these fights are resolved just like any other
that, “Abilities with this tag can only be activated as challenge that happens during narrative play, using
part of 7 FULL ATTACK.” This means that a Slow skill checks and roleplaying instead of the combat
weapon can’t be used as part of the 5 FIGHT action, play rules.
because the text of the Slow tag is more specific
than the text of the 5 FIGHT action.
Example: The beacons need to get to a floating
island and the only way to get there is with an DICE
airship. They don’t have one, so they ask the GM for
During both narrative play and combat, players roll
a scene with the Artificer’s Guild. The GM sets up a
dice to determine success, failure, and other
scene in which the beacons meet the guildmaster
interesting outcomes.
directly. The beacons attempt to convince the
guildmaster to let them borrow an airship, using a Beacon uses two types of dice: 20-sided dice (d20)
mix of roleplaying and skill checks to determine how and 6-sided dice (d6). The rules sometimes call for
successful their attempts are. a d3, which can be represented with a d6. A result of
1–2 equals 1, 3–4 equals 2, and 5–6 equals 3.
There are three types of modifiers that can affect
rolls, increasing or decreasing their results:
Accuracy (+)
Difficulty (-)
Static modifiers (+1, –4, etc.).
Bonuses from your beacon’s ability scores and GRIT
count as static modifiers.
This chapter walks through the steps of creating a a name and a title
character and outlines the various components that three rank 1 background skills (p. XX)
define them. 2 ability points (p. XX)
three rank 1 talents (p. XX)
In Beacon, the characters created and portrayed by an ancestry (p. XX)
the players are special individuals known as one class rank (p. XX)
“beacons”. They are called this because of the way access to all basic equipment and techniques
they act like shining lights to others. There is no one (p. XX)
way that beacons act or conduct themselves; no an appearance (p. XX).
matter what, they always find themselves in
Once you have finished these steps, you will
positions where they can inspire or help others.
determine your beacon’s attributes, which are values
The precise characteristics that make someone a used in combat play (p. XX).
beacon differ between Reflections. In one
Reflection, beacons might be mystically empowered NAME
individuals born under a strange star. In another, Beacons can have any sort of name, from the
they might be students with an abundance of mundane to the grandiose.
Choose a name for your beacon. Alternatively, you
Beacons don’t need a reason to be special in your can decide this later. You might not have an idea for
game. The fact they are controlled by a player a name yet, but might think of one after picking your
already makes them special, and grants them the background skills or ancestry. There are also plenty
opportunity to influence and change the story as it’s of random name generators online that you can use
told. Your game could be about a band of heroes for inspiration.
destined to save the world, or it could be about a
found family, fighting to keep itself safe. Example: Shawn is creating her first beacon. She
likes the name Dhalia, so she names her character
The only constant across all Reflections is that Dhalia.
beacons inspire people around them. Even those
who are cowardly or timid have the potential and TITLE
opportunity, as a group, to give hope to others.
When the stories of your character and their fellow
Chapter 07: Game Master’s Guide details some beacons become legend, how will they be
example Reflections and the roles of beacons within remembered? What will they be called when their
them (p. XX). name falls into obscurity and all that survives is their
Your beacon’s ancestry describes their heritage or Each class also provides a job unique to that class.
species. Ancestry determines a beacon’s SIZE and Jobs provide the starting values for a beacon’s
gives access to a list of ancestry traits. Whenever attributes (p. XX) and their equipment slots (p. XX).
your character goes on a quest, they can choose to A class’s job is unlocked upon reaching rank 1 in
equip one of their ancestry traits. that class.
Choose an ancestry. See pages XX–XX for the full Every job also has a limit break – a powerful,
list of ancestries. scene-changing ability unique to that class.
Ancestries can also be used as collections of Your beacon can only perform one limit break per
common traits, rather than literal descriptions of how quest. If you use a limit break from one job and later
characters look or act. For example, the avian change jobs within the same quest, you don’t get to
ancestry allows for flight, but an avian character use the new job’s limit break – you’ve already used
doesn’t have to be a literal bird-person; maybe your one limit break for that quest.
they’re a human that comes from a culture where
Beacons regain the ability to use a limit break after a
jetpacks are common.
Long Rest (p. XX).
Example: The elves in Shawn’s favorite stories are
known for being magically gifted, so she plans on
making Dhalia an elf. She reads the elf ancestry Example: Shawn picks the Equinox class for
traits and likes the Elven Accuracy one. She Dhalia, gaining the Equinox job and unlocking the
doesn’t need to pick a trait until Dhalia goes on a rank 1 Exobomb and Scar spells. She likes that the
quest, but she knows she’ll probably use Elven class focuses on long-distance spell attacks, as well
Accuracy. as the description mentioning sun aether, which
connects to her background skill “Disciple of the
Classes represent specialized approaches to
combat, like a Thunderclaw’s electrical fighting style
or a Phoenix’s burning spells. Classes unlock TECHNIQUES
equipment and abilities that beacons can equip for All beacons have access to a wide array of
quests. weapons, support items, skills, and spells that
Each class has three ranks, with each rank they can equip right from the very beginning. They
unlocking additional equipment and abilities. aren’t limited to equipping only abilities from their
current job.
At level 1, choose 1 rank in any class. See pages
XX-XX for the full list of available classes. You can find the basic equipment and techniques in
Chapter 06: Character Options (Basic Equipment
As they level up, beacons gain ranks in multiple and Techniques, p. XX). You don’t need to choose
classes. The equipment, techniques, and jobs they any until you’re ready to go on a quest, but you
unlock can be mixed and matched in a huge number might want to look at them now to get a feel for
of combinations. what’s available.
The last step in creating your beacon is deciding
their appearance – what they, their equipment, and Each beacon has a character level, which
their abilities look like. It’s totally up to you – you can represents their overall growth and strength.
describe them any way you want, regardless of the
Whenever you finish a quest, whether you were
art and flavor text in this book.
successful or not, your beacon gains another
The only limitation is that your description can’t grant character level. This is called leveling up. The
mechanical benefits in combat play. You can’t give maximum character level for beacons is 12.
your character see-through skin and argue they
should always be invisible. Beyond that restriction, LEVELING UP
describe whatever you want: Give your beacon Whenever your beacon gains a character level, they
wings that let them fly around during narrative play. gain:
Let them move around the world in a wheelchair.
1 rank in a new or existing class
Have them wield weapons made of solid ice.
1 ability point
Describe a photon axe as a greatsword.
1 background skill point
Describe the character you see yourself playing. The 1 talent rank or a new rank 1 talent
information in this book is just intended to provide
inspiration – it isn’t absolute truth. There are infinite
worlds in which your story can take place. Anything GRIT represents the combat experience that
is possible. beacons gain when they increase their character
Example: Shawn finishes character creation by
deciding that Dhalia is a pale elf with long dark hair Starting at character level 2 and then at every
and golden eyes. Her spells flash with bright light second level after that (i.e., levels 4, 6, 8, etc.),
when used, their color and luminosity changing beacons gain +1 GRIT. GRIT is a passive bonus that
depending on her emotions. With that, she’s ready applies to several other attributes. Each point of
to begin playing! GRIT provides the following:
+1 HP
+1 to all attack rolls
Whenever your beacon gains a level, you may do
one or both of the following:
Reassign any number of ranks from one talent
to another.
Reassign any number of ranks from one class
to another.
When one character forces another to make a save,
ATTRIBUTES the character making the save must equal or exceed
the initiating character’s SAVE TARGET to succeed.
In addition to their talents, background skills, and so
on, beacons have several attributes that are used
in combat play. They are determined by a
character’s level, job, ancestry, talents, ability HP AND WOUNDS
scores, and equipped gear and techniques. Every character has a pool of hit points (HP).
Points are subtracted from this pool when they take
Characters have a BLOODIED value, which is half of
SIZE determines how many spaces a character (or their maximum HP (rounded up). When a character’s
object) takes up on a grid and how they interact with current HP is equal to or less than their BLOODIED
cover. Chapter 05: Combat Play (p. XX) covers value, they are considered BLOODIED (p. XX).
how this works in greater detail. In an abstract
sense, SIZE represents how much space or control a When a character reaches 0 HP, they take a
character exerts on the battlefield; it does not Wound. When they take a Wound, their player
indicate exactly how tall or how heavy they are. resets their HP, carrying over any excess damage,
and makes a wound roll to see what additional
SIZE 1/2 and SIZE 1 characters both occupy 1 space, penalties they suffer. Beacons are taken out of a
SIZE 2 characters occupy an area of 2 x 2 spaces, fight when they accumulate 4 Wounds. This is
and SIZE 3 characters occupy an area of 3 x 3 known as their WOUND CAP.
See Chapter 05: Combat Play (p. XX) for additional
information on HP, and Wounds and Overstress
(p. XX–XX) for more information about Wounds.
Each beacon has a pool of RECOVERIES, which
represent the resources they have available to heal
themselves and repair their equipment. They can
heal themselves by spending RECOVERIES using the
1 REFRESH action and other abilities.
Beacons can be anywhere between SIZE 1/2 and Beacons start with a maximum number of
SIZE 3. This is determined by their ancestry. RECOVERIES determined by their job, which
increases with BULK. They refresh their pool of
recoveries when they take a Long Rest (p. XX).
SCOPE is the maximum number of grid spaces within
which a character can detect HIDDEN characters,
attack with spells, and use certain other abilities.
ARMOR reduces incoming damage by an amount
equal to its value. ARMOR does not affect Discord,
which is a nonstandard damage type, or Stress,
which is not considered damage.
Characters cannot have more than 4 ARMOR.
DODGE Mana points (MP) are a pool of magical energy that
can be spent to use certain abilities. To use one of
DODGE represents how hard it is for attacks to hit a
these abilities, a character must have the indicated
character. To hit a target, the result of the attack roll
amount of MP available, and it is spent once the
must equal or exceed the target’s DODGE.
ability is activated. Beacons can restore MP in
SPEED combat with the 1 REFRESH action.
SPEED is how fast a character can move. When a
character takes a standard movement during their ABILITIES
turn, they can move a number of spaces equal to
Beacons use a wide variety of abilities to achieve
their SPEED (p. XX).
victory in combat scenes. Abilities include traits,
STRESS CAP AND OVERSTRESS equipment, talents, and techniques. In general,
anything that can be used in a combat scene is
Stress is a special type of harm that characters can
considered an ability.
take (p. XX). Stress is accumulated through mental
and physical strain, like suffering psychic attacks or STACKING ABILITIES
performing tiring combat maneuvers.
Each character can only benefit from one instance of
When a character takes Stress, it accumulates until any given ability or effect at a time. Put another way,
it exceeds their STRESS CAP. If a character goes subsequent instances of abilities and effects don't
over their STRESS CAP, they take an Overstress. stack on top of themselves.
Their player resets their Stress, carrying over any
excess Stress; and make an overstress roll to see For example, the Sniper talent’s rank 2 ability, Zero
what additional penalties they suffer. Beacons are In, gives +1 + on ranged attacks every time you
taken out of a fight when they accumulate 4 miss, and stacks until you finally hit with a ranged
Overstresses, which is known as their OVERSTRESS attack. Conversely, the Shocking Grasp spell,
CAP. which prevents targets from performing reactions
until the end of their next turn when they’re hit,
Characters have a BREAKING point, which is half of wouldn’t extend its effect across additional turns if
their STRESS CAP (rounded up). When a character’s they were hit by Shocking Grasp again before the
current Stress is equal to or higher than their original effect expired.
BREAKING point, they are considered BREAKING.
See Wounds and Overstress (p. XX–XX) for
additional information. Traits are abilities that reinforce a beacon’s identity
and playstyle. Traits come from a beacon’s ancestry
MEMORY (p. XX) and equipped job (p. XX).
A character’s MEMORY limits the maximum number Traits can provide either passive benefits or effects
of techniques they can equip. Each technique has its that need to be activated. Some traits provide
own MEMORY cost – the combined value of all of additional abilities, like the Riftblade job’s special
equipped techniques cannot exceed the character’s Riftcutter weapon.
Beacons’ equipped traits are always available and
AETHERIC DEFENSE (A-DEF) cannot be destroyed.
AETHERIC DEFENSE (A-DEF) is how hard a character
is to hit with Aetheric attacks. Aetheric attacks
target the aether that makes up a being, and they
can’t be avoided like normal attacks. These attacks
– magical attacks from abilities with the Aetheric tag
– must equal or exceed the target’s A-DEF to hit.
Equipment is the weapons, armor, and tools that a In addition to a size, each weapon has one of the
beacon chooses to bring on a quest, and it has a following types:
significant impact on their combat performance. Artifact: Wands, staves, and other magical
Equipment is broken down into two categories: implements. Artifacts often have the Aetheric
weapons and support items. tag.
Blade: Swords, axes, and daggers of any size.
Equipment is usually selected when preparing for a
Blades are basic, balanced weapons.
Bow: Bows and crossbows. Bows are typically
EQUIPMENT SLOTS ranged and often have the Arcing tag, allowing
them to fire over obstacles.
Each job provides a different number of weapon Club: Maces, warhammers, and other blunt
slots and support slots. These determine how weapons. These weapons are often Slow or
many weapons and support items the beacon can Inaccurate, but hit hard. Natural weapons like
equip. Weapons can only be equipped in weapon claws also count as clubs.
slots, and support items can only be equipped in Longarm: Spears, javelins, and other weapons
support slots. Each slot is also suitable for with an extended reach.
equipment of a certain size – LIGHT, MAIN, or HEAVY Magitech: Magitech weapons are any that
– or smaller. combine technology and magic. Shardguns,
which are firearms that shoot blasts of magical
EQUIPMENT SIZE energy from specialized crystals, are the most
common sort of magitech.
Like equipment slots, weapons and support items
come in three sizes, from smallest to largest: LIGHT, Linked Weapons W
MAIN, and HEAVY. Weapon slots that have a W symbol between two
You can only equip a weapon or support item into a weapon sizes (e.g., [LIGHT W LIGHT]) can hold two
slot if the equipment is the same size as the slot or linked W weapons of the indicated sizes. These two
smaller. For example, if you have a MAIN weapon weapons form a linked pair. When you attack with a
slot, you can equip either a MAIN or a LIGHT weapon linked weapon, you can also attack with the weapon
to it. it’s linked to as part of the same action – as long as
you haven’t already done so as part of the same
action. This second attack is called a linked attack.
Some equipment can be equipped for free. Free Each linked pair can only trigger one linked attack
equipment doesn’t take up a slot when equipped; per turn. You can make a linked attack even if the
however, only one copy of each piece of equipment weapon would normally be used in a different phase.
can be equipped for free at a time. You can’t have This excludes Slow attacks. Linked attacks don’t
multiple free versions of the same equipment. You benefit from bonus damage.
can have multiple different pieces of equipment A weapon can only be in one linked pair at a time.
equipped for free, though, and something equipped Both weapons count as linked W to each other.
for free can still be equipped in other slots. Each weapon in the linked pair counts as a separate
WEAPONS weapon and can benefit from a separate
Enchantment; however, if one is destroyed, so is
Weapons are the primary way that beacons attack the other.
their foes. Weapons can be either melee weapons
or ranged weapons. Melee weapons make melee
attacks, and ranged weapons make ranged attacks.
See Chapter 05: Combat Play (p. XX) for additional
information on how different sorts of attacks work.
What Do Linked Weapons Look Like? skills draw their mana directly from the user’s body,
with no active manipulation of aether needed.
Linked weapons can be interpreted a number of
Because of this, skills are unaffected by the
ways. They might be depicted as dual-wielded
SILENCED condition.
weapons; weapons literally connected by links; or
weapons fused together, like a double-bladed
SUPPORT ITEMS Beacons tend to acquire various resources during
their adventures. Some resources are used for
Support items are the armor, shields, potions, and combat play only, like temp HP and FOCUS, while
tools that beacons can equip for quests. Support others are only used in narrative play, like GOLD and
items often provide defensive bonuses or utility RESIDUUM. There are also supplies, that can provide
abilities. benefits in both narrative and combat play.
welcome to change the limit to better suit their one sleeping bag, one titan flask, and one elf cookie.
game. SUPPLIES gained during the course of a quest can
RESIDUUM either be immediately equipped – exceeding the
normal limit of three equipped SUPPLIES – or saved
RESIDUUM is a byproduct of the destruction of for a future quest.
magical items. It is dense in aether and can be used
to modify other magical items. RESIDUUM is created
with the DISENCHANT LOOT downtime activity. (p.
1 RESIDUUM: Reroll any one loot crate slot.
2 RESIDUUM: Reroll any one loot crate slot and
choose a specific type for the slot (weapon,
support item, skill, or spell).
2 RESIDUUM: Reroll any one loot crate slot. The
rerolled slot will be one level rarer than the
original result (Uncommon > Rare >
Gameplay in Beacon revolves around quests.
Quests are the adventures that the beacons go on, STAKES
each comprising a combination of narrative and
combat play. The stakes describe the things that might happen if
the quest succeeds or fails. Depending on the goal,
After every quest, whether it is a success or failure, this could include any of the following:
all beacons gain a character level.
Goal: Destroy the forces occupying the castle.
Quests have the following components:
Success: The nearby town is safe and its
Goal: The quest’s objective. people don’t need to worry about extortion.
Stakes: The potential outcomes of success Failure: The occupying force retaliates and
and failure. destroys the town.
Information: The things known by or available
to the PCs before they begin the quest. Goal: Prevent the archmage from crashing the
Rewards: The rewards, if any, that the moon into the planet.
beacons might receive upon completing the Success: The moon stays where it is.
quest. Listed rewards might require succeeding Failure: The moon crashes. Bad things follow.
in the quest, or simply completing it.
Goal: Assassinate the faction leader.
Quests progress through the following stages:
Success: The faction is weakened and likely to
Preparation: The beacons prepare for the be destroyed or assimilated.
quest. Failure: The faction is emboldened, gaining
Quest Scenes: The quest begins and moves more followers and strengthening its position.
through a series of narrative and combat
scenes that tell an overarching story. Goal: Rescue a captured friend.
Downtime: An opportunity to undertake Success: The beacons’ friend is returned
downtime activities before the next quest. safely.
Chapter 07: Game Master’s Guide provides Failure: The beacons’ friend becomes the
guidance for creating quests (Building Quests, p. vessel of a parasitic psychic entity.
XX). Each quest needs stakes, although the GM can
keep them broad or vague. Either way, the players
GOAL should have a good understanding of what the
stakes are. The stakes can’t be hidden or secret.
The quest’s goal is the thing the beacons need to do
Depending on the actions of the players, it’s possible
to succeed. This can include things like:
to achieve a mixed outcome – neither an outright
destroying the forces occupying the castle success nor a total failure. The GM can decide the
preventing the archmage from crashing the results in cases like this. They don’t need to be
moon into the planet specified ahead of time.
assassinating the leader of a faction
rescuing a captured friend.
The players should always know the quest’s goal.
Beacons might receive additional rewards after a
INFORMATION request, like GOLD, SUPPLIES, or narrative benefits.
These additional quest rewards might be dependent
Some information might be available to the players on whether the quest was successful or not. For
before the quest begins. This helps them prepare for example, the rescue of a captured prince might see
the quest and understand the situation they’re the beacons awarded noble titles. Clearing out a
getting into. dangerous dungeon, on the other hand, might earn
Before the quest begins, the players should have an each player a specific bonus piece of loot. These
opportunity to ask questions, with the GM answering additional rewards are up to the GMs discretion.
based on what they might reasonably know or can
safely expect. The GM might also allow the players
to perform skill checks or downtime activities to gain
more information. Quests can be broken down into three stages:
preparation, the quest itself, and then downtime.
After finishing a quest, the beacons receive rewards. When preparing for a quest, the players pick the
Whether the quest was successful or not, beacons abilities and equipment they want their beacon to
always receive a new character level, and a loot have during that quest. They choose the following
crate. from their unlocked options:
New character level: The beacons level up A job
after every quest they complete. This increases A trait from their chosen ancestry (p. XX)
their character level by one and allows them to Equipment (weapons and support items) equal
gain a new class rank. They can either take a to their slots
new class at rank 1 or go up to the next rank in Techniques (skills and spells) equal to their
a class they already have (up to a maximum of MEMORY
rank 3). SUPPLIES
Loot crate: Loot crates are randomized
Players always have access to all of their jobs,
rewards. Loot crates are an abstraction – a
ancestry traits, equipment, techniques, and SUPPLIES
mechanism to assign random rewards to
when preparing for quests, regardless of where they
beacons – and they aren’t always boxes of
treasure. Each player receives their own loot are or the situation in which they find themselves.
crate containing three random pieces of Once everyone has prepared, the quest begins.
equipment or techniques, one of which they get From this moment on, they are considered to be on
to keep. The loot they choose is added to their that quest until it is finished. They can only be on
unlocked equipment and techniques. Players one quest at a time, although side objectives and
always have access to unlocked loot, just like
challenges may arise along the way that weren’t
any other piece of equipment or techniques.
present when they set out.
Each player can only receive a given piece of
loot once; if a loot crate contains a piece of loot
they already have, that option is rerolled. Loot
crates are discussed in more detail in Chapter
07: Game Master’s Guide (Loot and Rewards,
p. XX).
Quests are composed of multiple narrative and After finishing a quest, the beacons begin a period of
combat scenes. Each quest typically features downtime. Downtime is a type of narrative play in
between one and four combat scenes, with narrative which the characters can pursue personal interests,
scenes sprinkled throughout. explore the world, and perform downtime activities
(p. XX). The GM can also decide to declare
The GM is responsible for presenting scenes to the downtime during long breaks in the middle of quests.
players and stringing them together (see Chapter
07: Game Master’s Guide, p. XX, for more When the beacons begin downtime, it counts as
information about building quests). While the GM taking a Long Rest, which replenishes their HP, MP,
might have an idea about how a scene could unfold, and other attributes; allows them to change out their
the actions of the players ultimately determine what equipment and techniques; and more. See page XX
happens within a scene. for more information on resting.
The players are responsible for interacting with the Chapter 04: Narrative Play contains further
scenes presented to them. Players don’t get to information on downtime (Downtime Activities, p.
choose what scenes take place (although they are XX).
encouraged to let the GM know if they have specific
scenes they’d like to see), but they do influence
what happens within a scene.
Skill checks have three potential outcomes, Example: If Dhalia’s result had been a crit, the
depending on the total of your roll and any GM would just tell her that she found the
modifiers: Scourge’s weakness, with no cost.
Miss (9 or less) Costs for skill checks can include injuries, taking
Hit (10–19) longer than expected, losing an item, damaging
Crit (20+) a relationship, embarrassing oneself, feeling a
A miss indicates you didn’t achieve the desired strong emotion, or anything else the GM or
result. You get a lesser version of what you were players can think of.
hoping to achieve and there’s usually a
significant cost you have to pay.
Skill checks can only be attempted at the GM’s
discretion. For example, if you try to jump 30
feet straight up in the air with nothing to aid you HELPING OTHERS
but an average level of human strength, the GM Beacons can assist other beacons with their skill
will disallow that skill check, even if you’ve checks. To do so, the beacon who is helping
already rolled a 25 on your attempt. Tell the GM must be in the same location as the one
what you want to do, and they will let you know attempting the skill check and must be able to
whether you need to roll a skill check or not. invoke their title, and the beacon making the skill
check can’t have invoked their own title for that
DIFFICULT SKILL CHECKS check. If these criteria are met, the assisting
The sorts of activities that prompt skill checks beacon can invoke their title on behalf of the
are inherently difficult, since if they weren’t, you roller.
shouldn’t be rolling dice for them in the first
place. That said, the GM can add - to skill CHOOSING FAILURE
checks to represent particularly tough You can choose to automatically get a miss
challenges. result on a skill check. You might do so if you
If the GM or players believe a challenge is find that result interesting or have a narrative
exceptionally hard, difficult, or challenging, the reason.
GM can impose up to 3 - on the skill check.
1 - represents a very hard challenge. NARRATIVE ACTIONS
2 - represents a challenge in which Skill checks work for anything a beacon might
numerous factors all contribute to an want to do in narrative play, but they are
exceptional level of difficulty.
intentionally broad and generic. Narrative
3 - represents a challenge that straddles
actions are specific types of skill checks that
the line of what should even be allowed as
can also be made during narrative play and that
a skill check. Before applying this level of
have specific outcomes. They don’t represent
difficulty, think about whether this is
something that should be possible for a every possible action; instead, they are more
beacon to accomplish. If it is, then go for it detailed and focused variations of normal skill
– even if it stretches the limits of checks.
plausibility. After all, beacons are heroes Narrative actions are used instead of standard
that routinely do the impossible.
skill checks when their trigger is met. Triggers
As a guideline, the GM usually shouldn’t add are given as a bolded phrase in the action’s
more - to a skill check than the tier of NPCs description. This phrase is the event that takes
the beacons are currently up against (see place in the narrative to trigger the action.
Chapter 08: Non-Player Characters, p. XX–
When a narrative action is triggered, the player
XX, for information on tiers.)
in question rolls a skill check and uses the
results listed for that narrative action.
The terms miss and hit might sound familiar to GAIN INSIGHT
you. They are borrowed from Meguey and
What you see is not always what you get.
Vincent Baker’s Powered by the Apocalypse
Sometimes the situation is unclear or confusing.
(PbtA) framework, first used in Apocalypse
Take a moment to look around and dive a little
World. Beacon’s narrative actions are designed
like PbtA’s “moves”, meaning you can easily
import other PbtA moves into Beacon, or even When you quickly read a person, place, or
use an entirely different set of PbtA rules for situation, roll:
narrative play.
9 or less (Miss): You get a bad read of things.
The GM tells you either something untrue that
you believe, or something true that you wish
CONVINCE wasn’t.
A honeyed word, a veiled threat, or an equal 10–19 (Hit): Ask two of the following questions
exchange; all are ways of convincing a person to about your subject of study:
do something.
What recently happened or is about to
When you try to convince someone to do happen?
what you want, roll: How can I ______?
What seems strange here?
9 or less (Miss): They can’t be convinced to do
Who or what is in charge here?
What is safe or vulnerable here?
10–19 (Hit): The GM chooses one of the What is useful to me?
following: 20+ (Crit): As above, and you can ask one
They do what you want, but only if you do follow-up question that doesn’t need to be from
something for them first. the list.
They won’t do it unless you give up any
leverage over them.
20+ (Crit): They do what you want.
People can’t be persuaded to do things that go
against their beliefs or that they think are bad
ideas unless you have some kind of leverage.
Hit the streets or hit the books. Information is Punch someone in the face, belittle them in front
power, and you collect it from wherever you can of their friends, or have a psychic showdown in
find it. their dreams. However you do it, you’re in
conflict with someone.
When you spend time gaining information
about a person, place, or thing, name your This action is for quickly handling conflict in
general topic of inquiry and roll: narrative play. Not every fight is important
enough to warrant moving to combat play. The
9 or less (Miss): Ask the GM one question
benefits of this move are purposely vague to
about your topic, and they will give you an
encourage the players and GM to interpret the
answer that you think is true. The information is
results creatively.
either untrue, or contains true information that
you wish wasn’t true. When you engage in conflict with something
(physical, social, or mental), roll:
10–19 (Hit): Ask the GM one question about
your topic, and they will respond truthfully. 9 or less (Miss): Choose two costs (see below).
20+ (Crit): As above, but you can ask two 10–19 (Hit): Choose one benefit (see below)
questions. and one cost.
The GM can ask you to come up with a different 20+ (Crit): Choose one:
question if they think it unlikely you would be
You defeat them outright.
able to discover that information, or if they want
Choose two benefits and one cost.
that information to be discovered another way. A Choose one benefit and no costs.
classic example would be a beacon trying to
solve a murder mystery: Asking, “Who is the BENEFITS
murderer” might invalidate the quest, dampening
You wound them or drive them away.
the fun for everyone. On the other hand, the GM
You leave an impression of your choice on
might allow the question, pivoting the quest from them.
an investigation into a survival quest in which You create an opportunity for your allies.
the PCs must outlast or escape the murderer! You take something from them.
You overcome a consequence. You overcome a consequence.
1/round when you make an attack roll while An ally of your choice starts combat with 3
HIDDEN, you can roll the d20 twice and take the FOCUS.
best result. ENCYCLOPEDIA
FORWARD POSITION You and the other PCs know if any deployed
When you deploy for combat, you can deploy up enemies have abilities that grant resistance or
to 8 spaces further away than normal. immunity or that make them VULNERABLE, and
IN THE SHADOWS what those abilities do. This includes abilities
You start combat HIDDEN. with conditional triggers (e.g., resistance that
SURPRISE only applies in certain situations).
You can take your first turn during PHASE 1 IDENTIFY
BOLSTER and use any action during that phase. You can learn the ability scores, attributes, and
TRAPPED ENVIRONMENT abilities of one non-boss NPC of your choice.
You can place three Traps in free spaces on the PRECAST
map. Characters that trigger one of the Traps The first time you use an ability that costs MP, it
take [6 Physical, Astral, Lunar, or Force] (chosen costs –2 MP less than usual.
by you at the time of placement) and must pass PREPARED
an AGILITY save or be SLOWED until the end of You can switch one intact weapon, support item,
their next turn. ancestry trait, or technique you have equipped
with a different one that you would be able to
You overcome a consequence and may choose CRIT
one option from the hit list. SURPASS
CLOAK OF SHADOWS You overcome a consequence and may choose
You start combat HIDDEN and INVISIBLE. You one option from the hit list.
remain INVISIBLE until you make an attack, deal READY
damage, or force a save. At the start of each round of combat, you can
MARKED FOR DEATH READY an action. Each action can be readied
Choose a non-Boss NPC. 1/round when you once.
consume a MARK on them and successfully hit PLAN [TEAM]
with an attack that deals Physical, Force, Astral, At the start of a single round, you can enact your
or Lunar, the damage is increased by the result plan. All non-boss NPCs count as having base
of the highest + die rolled. initiative 8 until the end of the round.
All PCs start combat HIDDEN and can’t lose You regain all charges of one Consumable
HIDDEN until they take a turn or an enemy ends a ability.
turn adjacent to them. WELL RESTED
SPREAD OUT [TEAM] Your SURGE level immediately decreases by
At the start of the first round of combat, all PCs one.
can immediately move up to their SPEED.
Scout Choose a non-Boss enemy. They become
VULNERABLE to Physical, Astral, Lunar, or Force
Perform recon on who you’re fighting and the (your choice) for the rest of the scene.
environment you’re fighting in to gain an
OVERCOME Bluff, lie, or charm your way to your destination.
You overcome a consequence.
You can learn the ability scores, attributes, and OVERCOME
abilities of one non-Boss NPC of your choice. You overcome a consequence.
Your enemies can’t start combat HIDDEN or One non-Boss NPC of your choice is DISARMED
INVISIBLE and can’t become HIDDEN or INVISIBLE or SILENCED until the end of their first turn.
during their first turn. CONFLICTED FEELINGS
KNOW POSITIONS Non-Boss NPCs take [1 Stress] every time they
You can move one non-Boss NPC to another damage you.
free space within their deployment zone. If there CONFUSED
isn’t a set NPC deployment zone, you can move A non-Boss NPC of your choice treats their first
them to a free space within [Range 8]. Initiative as 8 during the first round of combat.
Three enemies of your choice become MARKED. A non-Boss NPC of your choice receives +1 -
SEARCHING EYE on attacks against you until you deal damage or
Choose an enemy. You and the other PCs Stress to them.
always know their current HP and Stress. SHARE
You regain a RECOVERY.
You overcome a consequence and may choose SURPASS
one option from the hit list. You overcome a consequence and may choose
CHANGE GEAR one option from the hit list.
Once during combat, you can switch one BUDDY
weapon, support item, ancestry trait, or You can change your starting position to be
technique you have equipped, even a destroyed adjacent to an enemy of your choice.
one, with a different one that you would be able TURNCOAT
to equip. The GM will choose a non-Boss NPC to change
STUDY allegiance to your side during the next combat.
You and your allies know the current HP, Stress, They deploy with the PCs, in the PC deployment
and MP of all enemies. zone.
When you deploy, choose two options from the You decide where all NPCs deploy. The GM will
list below. If placing cover or terrain, you can tell you the boundaries within which you can
place it in free spaces on the map: deploy.
Place 4 pieces of SIZE 1 hard cover FALSE REPORTS [TEAM]
Place 2 pieces of SIZE 2 hard cover You gain control over enemy reinforcements.
Place 6 spaces of difficult terrain The GM shares the list of reinforcements with
you, and you can decide the order in which they
Place 4 spaces of dangerous terrain
are deployed and where. You can delay creating
(AGILITY, 5 Physical)
reinforcements for 1 round, but otherwise can’t
Remove 4 pieces of SIZE 1 cover prevent reinforcements from appearing.
Remove 2 pieces of SIZE 2 cover
Take out foes and cut your way through to your Below is a list of example adversities that might
destination. appear in an adversity challenge.
HIT For example, crossing the Duskwood Forest
OVERCOME might involve “dangerous fauna” and a
You overcome a consequence. “monster infestation” as adversities.
You gain resistance to Physical, Force, Astral, ADVERSITIES
and Lunar until the end of the first round. 1 Adoring fans
One enemy of your choice deals half damage on 3 Armed guards
their first ability that deals damage. 4 Blockade
BRUISED 5 Dangerous fauna
One non-Boss NPC of your choice is always 6 Destroyed path
considered BLOODIED regardless of how much 7 Extreme weather
HP they actually have. 8 Lack of sleep
LIMP 9 Locked door
One enemy of your choice is SLOWED until the 10 Monster infestation
end of their first turn. 11 People that need help
STRESSED OUT 12 Poisoned
One non-Boss, non-Minion NPC of the GM’s 13 Political machinations
choice starts combat at their BREAKING point. 14 Rival beacons
15 Shiny distractions
16 Structural instability
CRIT 17 Time loop
SURPASS 18 Traps
You overcome a consequence and may choose 19 Unfamiliar terrain
one option from the hit list. 20 Unfriendly locals
You can instantly release your first 2 CHANNEL
ability when used instead of waiting until PHASE CONSEQUENCES
CRIT FISHER Below are the negative effects that you can
You automatically score a crit on your first attack apply as a result of the PCs failing to overcome
roll of 15+. You then score a crit hit on your next adversities. The players should always be aware
attack roll of 16+. This target increases by +1 of the effects of each adversity they face.
every time you score a crit on an attack until it
reaches 20. For example, a dungeon might have “traps” as
FEAR an adversity with “bumps and bruises” as its
Enemies that have line of sight to you receive +1 consequence, or a bar crawl might have
- on all attacks against you.
“poisoned’ as an adversity with “unfocused” as
One non-Boss NPC of your choice starts the its consequence.
combat with their HP at their BLOODIED value. As a reminder, consequences only apply to the
next combat scene.
create two consequences: monster infestation
will have the “hurt” consequence and the
CONSEQUENCES destroyed path will have the “delayed”
1 BROKEN Each PC has one of
their weapons or
support items of their The GM describes the scene, explaining how
choice destroyed. the mine is old and full of dead ends (unfamiliar
2 BUMPS AND Each PC loses a
terrain) and damaged minecart rails (destroyed
3 CAPTURED The GM gets to deploy path), which are the quickest method of
one of the PCs in any navigation. Monsters fill every corner of the
free space that isn't mine, spawned from the crystal buried deep
dangerous terrain. within (monster infestation).
by a set of chains, which Dhalia goes first. Because the mine is dark, she
are locked (p. XX). wants to illuminate it. The Scout approach is the
Once the chains are best fit for her plan, so she makes a skill check
unlocked, they are no with her “Disciple of the Sun” background skill.
longer IMMOBILIZED. She gets a 12, which is a hit. She doesn’t have a
4 DELAYED NPCs act before PCs in
good way to overcome any of the consequences
each phase.
5 DISCOVERED All PCs start the combat so she holds onto her choice until the next
MARKED. combat scene.
6 DRAINED The SURGE level of all
Barbazar goes next. She wants to use a
PCs increases by one.
7 EXHAUSTED All PCs are WEAKENED minecart to get to the bottom of the mine quickly.
until cleared. Because the rails are damaged, her plan is to
8 FRUSTRATED All PCs start the combat use her incredible strength to lift and jump the
with their Stress at their minecarts across the damaged sections. She
BREAKING point. picks the Endure approach and makes a skill
9 HURT PCs can’t have more HP check with her “Bend Bars and Lift Gates”
than their BLOODIED
background skill. She rolls a 14, also a hit. One
10 MANA- All PCs start the combat of her weapons was destroyed in an earlier
TAPPED with 0 MP. combat, so she picks the “Armorer” option to
11 SURPRISED All PCs take their first immediately repair it.
turns during PHASE 8
Mallory wants to get rid of the monsters by
DELAY, and can’t
perform reactions or hacking and slashing at them while riding past
free actions before that. them in the minecart. She picks the Whittle
12 UNFOCUSED Each PC has one of approach and makes a skill check with her
their techniques of their “Murderous Ball of Death” background skill. She
choice destroyed. rolls a 23, which is a crit! She chooses the
“Surpass” option, overcoming the monster
infestation consequence and holding her other
Example: The beacons need to destroy a choice until later.
corrupted crystal deposit at the bottom of a
The GM decides that the actions of the beacons
mine. The crystal is spawning monsters and
have gained the attention of a large monster in
weakening the ground, so the GM declares an
the mine. They describe a giant monster that
adversity challenge. They set the goal as “get to
starts chasing the PCs down the tunnels, adding
the bottom of the mine” and create three
a new adversity (but no new consequences).
adversities: “monster infestation”, “destroyed
path”, and “unfamiliar terrain”. They decide this Dmitri wants to hold the giant monster off until
will be a simple challenge for four PCs, so they they can reach the bottom of the mine. He uses
the Endure approach and his “Perfected Body”
background skill to jump in the monster’s mouth
and keep it from biting anyone. He rolls a 17 and
immediately chooses the “Defensive” option.
Now that every PC has acted, the GM describes
how the PCs soar down to the bottom cave, the
giant monster stuck in the entrance, too large to
enter. The guardian of the crystal materializes
and the beacons enter a combat scene.
Everyone that didn’t already choose a hit or crit
effect from their approach can do so now.
Because no one overcame the “destroyed path”
consequence, all beacons will suffer the effects
of the “hurt” consequence in this combat.
This chapter contains the rules governing combat scenes. Combat scenes are tactical, rules-heavy parts
of the game and the main focus of Beacon. This chapter explains how combat scenes work, and the rules
and terminology used in combat play.
By default, there are two sides in every combat scene: the PCs and the NPCs. The rules in this chapter
apply to PCs and NPCs, but NPCs have slight differences that are explained in Chapter 08: Non-
Playable Characters (p. XX).
Combat in Beacon is composed of a few Once they’ve taken their turn, the NPC can take
different units of time: scenes, rounds, phases, their turn, followed by the final PC.
and turns.
Later that round, another PC wants to take their
Scenes: A scene is an entire combat, from turn during PHASE 7 FULL ATTACK. Normally an
beginning to end. Once the fighting is over, the NPC could take their turn, but since there are no
scene ends. NPCs that can act during this phase, the PC
Rounds: Each combat scene is made up of a takes their turn.
number of rounds, each of which is split up into Phases: Phases are the various stages of the
eight distinct phases. At the end of the eighth round during which characters can act. The
phase, the round ends and another round phase in which a character takes a turn is
begins. usually decided by the action they want to
Turns: Each character takes one turn per perform, as each action can only be performed
round, taken during one of that round’s phases. in a specific phase. For example, characters can
The action they want to take on their turn only DEFEND during PHASE 1 BOLSTER and can
determines which phase they act in. On their only GRAPPLE in PHASE 5 BRAWL.
turn, a character can perform their standard
At the beginning of each phase, the side whose
movement, one standard action, one minor turn it is to act can nominate a character to take
action, and any number of free actions (within
a turn (as long as they haven't already taken one
reason). Most NPCs only take one turn per this round). Once they've taken their turn, the
round, but some NPCs might take multiple turns. other side may nominate a character, and so on.
The players and the GM’s NPCs take turns on
Once all characters that want to take a turn
an alternating basis, with priority going to during a given phase have done so, the next
whichever side (PC or NPC) hasn’t acted most
phase begins.
The PCs generally take the first turn in the first THE BATTLEFIELD
round of a combat scene. When multiple PCs Combat scenes in Beacon are played out on a
want to take a turn at the same time, the PCs battle map that uses either square or hex-
decide their order, and if an agreement can’t be shaped spaces (either is fine). The battlefield is
made, the GM will decide. two-dimensional – it is a flat plane, with no
vertical spaces; however, there are several
Example: In the first round of combat, two PCs
mechanisms to represent height advantages,
and one NPC want to act during PHASE 3
like a character’s SIZE and the FLYING status (p.
SKIRMISH. No characters have taken a turn yet,
so one of the PCs gets to take the first turn.
Information transparency is important in combat Combat scenes end when all enemies are
scenes. The players should always know: defeated or when the combat’s objective has
The NPC types and templates for all been achieved.
enemies. At the end of a combat scene, all effects,
The locations of enemies on the map at all conditions, statuses, and combat resources
times, regardless of line of sight or whether
(Temp HP, FOCUS) go away unless explicitly
The conditions and statuses of all enemies.
The battle plan and all relevant goals.
The locations of all Traps.
The mechanics of any abilities or items that
NPCs use.
Other information is restricted unless a beacon
has a specific way to access it. This includes the
ability scores and attributes of NPCs and the
specific features they have equipped. Certain
abilities, like the Lore Book support item (p.
XX), can provide access to restricted
Each round has the following phases:
SURGE COST There are four types of actions characters can
SURGE LEVEL STRESS COST take: standard actions, reactions, minor
0 2 Stress actions, and free actions.
1 1d3+1 Stress
2 1d6+2 Stress Some abilities grant characters additional
3 1d6+4 Stress options when they use an action. For example, a
beacon with the Rank 3 Brawler talent
Alternative SURGE Rules
Submission gains a unique 2 CHANNEL action.
SURGE is a powerful tool that allows PCs to When they 2 CHANNEL, they can choose to use
change the game’s action economy. Because of the effects of Submission instead of one of their
this, some groups may find that it doesn’t suit other 2 CHANNEL abilities.
their game for various reasons, like the potential
for increased turn length or the effect it can have Certain conditions, like STUNNED, limit the
on one-shot games. actions that a character can take.
Here are some alternative rules you can try if SIMULTANEOUS ACTIONS
your group wants to reign in the power of the When multiple actions or effects would affect a
default SURGE rules, although it is recommended character at the same time, such as at the
that you try the normal rules first. beginning of their turn, the following rules apply:
Higher starting cost: The beacons start at Actions and effects from other characters
a higher SURGE level. For example, they apply first:
might start at SURGE level 2 instead of 0.
Roll checks and saves first.
This simple change is often used for one-
If there are multiple effects from one
shot games.
character, they choose the order in which
Partial SURGE: When beacons SURGE, they happen.
they get either a standard action, a If there are effects from multiple characters,
standard movement, or a minor action, the GM decides the order.
instead of all three. All other rules remain Self-imposed actions and effects apply
the same. second:
Restricted SURGE. PCs can only SURGE Roll checks and saves first.
once per scene, with a flat cost of 1d6+1 You determine the order.
Stress. The human ancestry’s Adrenaline
trait instead grants resistance to Stress
from SURGE, and the Rimeguard’s
Absolute Zero limit break clears their own
Stress and that of all allies in the scene and
grants the affected characters resistance
to all Stress for the rest of the scene.
Example: An enemy Cleaver is starting their
turn adjacent to Dmitri, who is using the Warden
job. Two effects are triggering at the start of the You begin to enact a CHANNEL ability, the effect of
Cleaver’s turn. The Cleaver’s Whirlwind skill which you can unleash in PHASE 6 with the
ends one of its benefits, and the Warden trait RELEASE action. This is the only way to trigger a
Grasping Vines allows Dmitri to apply a channeled ability’s RELEASE effect. Until you
negative effect to the Cleaver. Dmitri’s effect will release it, you are considered to be channeling.
apply first, and the Cleaver’s self-imposed effect While channeling, if you take any damage (after
will apply second. ARMOR) or Stress not caused by yourself, you
must pass a BULK save against the other
If Dhalia had an effect that was also triggering at character’s SAVE TARGET. This is called a
the start of the Cleaver’s turn, the GM would concentration save. On a failure, you lose
decide whether Dmitri’s or Dhalia’s effect would concentration: you stop channeling and the
happen first. ability fizzles.
You can only channel one ability at a time, and
STANDARD ACTIONS you can’t READY the CHANNEL action. You can
This section lists the standard actions that you stop channeling as a free action. If you don’t
make a standard movement this turn, you can do
can perform on your turn, broken down by the
so when you RELEASE the ability this round.
phase in which they can be used.
CHANNEL abilities are considered to be used at the
PHASE 1: BOLSTER time this action is taken, and any costs (e.g., MP)
must be paid at that time. Their effects, including
DEFEND PHASE 1 BOLSTER choosing targets, only happen when they’re
released unless the ability specifically states they
You gain FOCUS equal to your ARMOR + 1d3. Until happen when channeling.
the start of your next turn, attacks against you are
made with +1 -.
You make a shove attack:
You make one of the following attacks: Shove attack: Make a melee weapon attack
Melee attack: Make a melee attack with an against an adjacent target. Roll 1d20+GRIT.
ability against a target within the ability’s You gain +1 + for every SIZE you are larger
Reach. Roll 1d20+GRIT. If your result than the target, or +1 - for every SIZE
equals or exceeds the target’s DODGE (or smaller. If your result equals or exceeds the
A-DEF for Aetheric attacks), it hits. target’s DODGE, choose one of the following:
Improvised weapon attack: Make a
melee weapon attack against an adjacent. You push them 1 space.
Roll 1d20+GRIT. If your result equals or You knock them PRONE.
exceeds the target’s DODGE, they take [1d3 Shove attacks can be made while you are
Physical]. DISARMED (p. XX).
These are the basic reactions available to all You can acquire free actions through equipped
PCs. You can acquire additional reactions abilities.
through equipped abilities.
To target something with an ability or effect, the Example: You and your enemy are both SIZE 1,
potential target must be: and are on opposite sides of a SIZE 3 wall.
Neither of you can draw line of sight to the other;
within line of sight (p. XX); however, if you have a weapon with the Arcing
within Range or Reach (p. XX); and tag, you could shoot over the wall and the
either a character, a space on the
enemy still wouldn’t have line of sight to you.
battlefield, or an object (p. XX).
You can’t attack yourself unless otherwise
All abilities require a clear path to their target,
known as line of sight, unless otherwise noted.
Attacks can be either melee attacks or ranged
attacks. They can be further categorized as
weapon, spell, support or skill attacks,
Figure 3: Example A: The SIZE 2 character can depending on their source.
choose to bypass the cover because they can Some abilities reference reaction attacks.
shoot over it. They still benefit from hard cover These are attacks made with a reaction, like
against attacks from the SIZE 1 character. COUNTERATTACK.
Example B: The SIZE 2 character can ignore the All attacks have a Range or Reach (or both),
cover from the corner of the hallway because which indicates the maximum number of spaces
they can shoot around it. They still benefit from within which an attack can be made. Range and
hard cover against attacks from the SIZE 1 Reach are measured from the edge of one of
character. the attacker’s spaces. At least one of the target’s
Example C: Both characters can shoot over the spaces must be within an attack’s Range or
pillar because they are the same SIZE as it; Reach to be targeted by the attack.
however, due to its length, the GM decides they See pages XX–XX for more information on
can’t bypass it since they can’t shoot over the Range and Reach.
entire length of the pillar.
MELEE ATTACKS Some ranged attacks also have a Reach, but
they are still considered ranged attacks. Reach,
Melee attacks ignore cover (p. XX). in these cases, is used for certain actions like
Most melee attacks have a Reach, which OPPORTUNITY ATTACK, but doesn’t change the
indicates the range of the attack. Reach is also attack to a melee attack.
used for certain actions like OPPORTUNITY Attacks vs. Attack Rolls
An attack can be composed of either a single
For example, the Dragon Rider’s Longinus attack roll, or in the case of abilities that affect
ability is a melee weapon. Therefore, attacks an area, multiple attack rolls.
with it are considered melee weapon attacks. It
has Reach 3, which means it can be used to When an ability refers to an attack, it means all
attack enemies up to 3 spaces away. of the attack rolls made as part of that attack.
Large Characters
Characters of SIZE 2+ occupy multiple spaces,
and therefore enter more than 1 space when
moving. When a SIZE 2+ character moves into
multiple spaces with different movement costs,
use the highest cost. For example, a SIZE 2 orc
occupies a 2 x 2 space on the battlefield. They
want to move forward 1 space, which involves
moving into two new spaces. One of these
spaces is difficult terrain, which costs 2 spaces
of movement to enter, and the other is a normal
space that costs 1. The orc would have to spend
2 spaces of movement to move forward.
In Beacon, climbing is just a way to move. It Obstructions prevent movement if they are the
doesn’t provide any direct offensive or defensive same SIZE as the moving character or larger.
benefits. If an obstruction is an allied character or an
High ground, a special type of terrain, provides enemy character smaller than you, they do not
the benefits one might associate with having a count as an obstruction and you can move
height advantage. See Terrain Features (p. XX) through their spaces; however, you can’t end a
for more information. movement sharing spaces with another
If an obstruction is an object that is smaller than
Squeezing is a special movement that allows you, you can climb on it at no additional
characters to fit into smaller spaces. movement cost.
1/round, when you enter dangerous terrain or Doors, gates, and treasure chests can all be
end your turn in it, you must make an ability locked, preventing them from being opened. A
check of the GM's choice. Failure: You take 5 locked entrance – a bolted door, for instance –
damage of any type or Stress based on the type can’t be moved through. The contents of chests
of terrain. and other objects that are locked can’t be
For example, if the ground is covered in freezing
water, the GM might decide that it triggers a To unlock something, you can make an AGILITY
BULK check and deals Lunar damage. check as part of the action to interact with it. On
a success, the lock is disabled and the object is
Low visibility can represent darkness, fog, and EMPTY SPACE/FREE SPACE
other effects that make it hard to see. It affects
A free space is a space that doesn’t contain any
how far characters can see, and makes it harder
characters or objects. Empty spaces, on the
to find HIDDEN characters.
other hand, are more specific than free spaces.
Low visibility has the following effects: Empty spaces are those that don’t contain any
characters, objects, terrain, or terrain features.
Characters are INVISIBLE while HIDDEN.
SCOPE and the Range of all weapons are Some abilities affect free spaces, while others
reduced by half. Reach and AOEs are not will affect empty spaces only.
High ground provides benefits that represent
Combat scenes that take place completely being at a higher elevation than other
underwater or in zero-gravity treat all characters characters, similar to those received when
as FLYING. However, unless they have flight or FLYING. Characters standing on high ground
an Aquatic Adaptation (granted by certain gain the following benefits:
abilities), they can’t 4 RUSH or shift.
Non-thrown melee attacks against them
from non-FLYING characters that aren’t on
TERRAIN FEATURES high ground receive +2 -.
They neither become ENGAGED by nor
Terrain features modify spaces and terrain on cause ENGAGEMENT to non-FLYING
the battlefield. While they generally affect single characters that aren’t on high ground.
spaces, multiple terrain features can be placed Their attacks gain +1 + against non-
next to each other to create a continuous FLYING character that aren’t on high
feature. For example, you can have a single ground.
space of lava as dangerous terrain, but you
Accessing high ground sometimes requires
could also connect multiple lava spaces to
special movement, like flying or climbing.
create a lava flow, all of which count as the
same piece of dangerous terrain. IMPASSABLE TERRAIN
Cover (p. XX), difficult terrain (p. XX), and Impassable terrain is any terrain, like a wall or a
dangerous terrain (p. XX) all count as terrain cliff, that cannot normally be traversed except by
features. characters who possess a type of movement
This section lists some of the most common that allows them to do so, like flying or climbing.
terrain features. A full list of terrain features can Some impassable terrain cannot be entered at
be found in Chapter 07: Game Master's Guide all (e.g., a pillar that reaches up to the ceiling or
(Environmental Factors and Terrain Features, p. the walls of an underground dungeon).
TRAPS A reroll on the next loot crate’s first slot.
Subsequent instances of this bonus increase the
Traps are interactable objects with the Trap tag slot that can be rerolled. For example, getting this
reward twice means that you can reroll either the
(p. XX). While many Traps are PC or NPC first or second slot.
abilities, you can use the following Traps to +X GOLD
represent Traps already on the battlefield. +X RECOVERIES
Repair a destroyed weapon, support item, or
Damage technique for free
A specific piece of loot
The triggering character takes [6/8/10] Regain X uses of a Consumable ability
damage of any type, chosen when the Trap Increase current and total MP by X for the rest of
is set. the scene
Clear all Stress
Damage, Area
Condition, Area
ARMOR reduces incoming Physical, Astral, The GM may allow objects and terrain to be
Lunar, and Force equal to its value. ARMOR does broken in smaller segments. For example, you
not reduce Stress or Discord. For example, 2 might punch a hole through a wall instead of
ARMOR would reduce Physical taken from an destroying the entire wall at once.
attack by 2.
In some cases, the GM may allow for objects or
ARMOR applies to each separate source of terrain to be broken with successful a BULK
damage. For example, if you are hit by two check. This might be the case if you try to ram
attacks in a turn, ARMOR would apply to each down a wooden door.
In general, the ground does not take damage.
Resistance halves any incoming damage of an This can be ignored in certain situations, like if
indicated type, or even Stress. For example, if you want to destroy the floor in a house to fall
you would take 10 Astral and have resistance to into the basement. But in most cases, no one
Astral, you only take 5 Astral. needs to track how much damage the ground is
Immunity negates all incoming damage or
Stress from whatever it is you have immunity
against. For example, if you would take 2 Stress
and have immunity to Stress, you take no Stress
at all.
In combat, characters can receive Wounds or
become Overstressed. As they accumulate
Wounds and Overstresses, their combat
performance weakens until they are no longer
able to fight.
Roll 1d6 and consult the relevant column based on the number of Wounds you have remaining.
3 2 1 0
5–6 6 – – DAZED: You are DAZED until the end of your next turn.
3–4 4–5 5–6 – BROKEN WEAPON: Destroy one of your weapons.
Limited and Consumable equipment can only be
selected if they have charges remaining. If you can’t
destroy a weapon, this becomes the BROKEN SUPPORT
ITEM result. If you can’t destroy a support item either,
this becomes the STAGGERED result.
1–2 2–3 3–4 – BROKEN SUPPORT ITEM: Destroy one of your support
items. Limited and Consumable equipment can only
be selected if they have charges remaining. If you can’t
destroy a support item, this becomes the BROKEN
WEAPON result. If you can’t destroy a weapon either, this
becomes the STAGGERED result.
– 1 1–2 – STAGGERED: You are SLOWED and STUNNED until the
end of your next turn.
– – – 1–6 DEFEATED: You are defeated.
Roll 1d6 and consult the relevant column based on the number of Overstresses you have remaining.
3 2 1 0
5–6 6 – – DAZED: You are DAZED until the end of your next turn.
3–4 4–5 5–6 – BROKEN TECH: Destroy one of your techniques. Limited
and Consumable techniques can only be selected if
they have charges remaining. If you can’t destroy a
technique, this becomes the LOST MANA result. If you
can’t do that, this becomes the EXPOSED result.
1–2 2–3 3–4 – LOST MANA: You take –1 to your current and maximum
MP until restored during a Short Rest (p. XX). If your
maximum MP is 0, this becomes the BROKEN TECH
result. If you can’t destroy a technique, this becomes the
EXPOSED result.
1 1–2 – EXPOSED: You are VULNERABLE and WEAKENED until the
end of your next turn.
– – – 1–6 DEFEATED: You are defeated.
You can also spend RECOVERIES for the
Blinded: BLINDED characters can only target
and draw line of sight to adjacent spaces.
Dazed: DAZED characters receive +1 - on all
attacks, checks, and saves.
Disarmed: DISARMED characters can’t make
weapon attacks except for improvised weapon
They cease to be FLYING if they become
Grappled: GRAPPLED always involves at least
Bloodied: Characters are BLOODIED when they two characters, both of whom receive the status.
have half of their HP maximum or less (their While GRAPPLED, the following effects apply:
BLOODIED level).
Both characters are ENGAGED.
Breaking: Characters are BREAKING when they Neither character can take reactions.
have Stress equal to or exceeding their STRESS The larger character can move normally.
CAP (their BREAKING point). The smaller character is IMMOBILIZED, but is
dragged along by the larger character
Engaged: When a character becomes adjacent
when they move, mirroring their
to an enemy, they both gain the ENGAGED status
movements and inheriting any special
as long as they are adjacent to one another. forms of movement like flight.
ENGAGED characters make ranged attacks at +1 If the initiator is the same SIZE as the
-. If a character becomes ENGAGED by another target, they count as the larger one during
character of the same SIZE or larger, their the turn in which the initiate the 5
movement ends and they lose any unused GRAPPLE.
movement. Characters cease to be ENGAGED Characters of the same SIZE can make a
when they are no longer adjacent to an enemy. contested BULK check as a free action to
see if they count as the larger one until this
Flying: Characters with flight can either take
contest is repeated.
off, gaining the FLYING status, or land on the
ground, clearing the status, as a free action GRAPPLED ends when one of the following
once per turn. They can also choose to start occurs:
combat scenes FLYING. The characters are no longer adjacent to
While a character is FLYING, the following effects each other.
apply: The initiator ends it as a free action.
The 5 GRAPPLE target succeeds on a
Non-thrown melee attacks from non-FLYING contested BULK check as a minor action.
characters gain +2 - against them.
They can move normally over and are Hidden: While a character is HIDDEN, enemies
immune to the effects of terrain, can only target them with AOEs or while
obstructions, and terrain features, but adjacent to them. They are still visible on the
cannot benefit from or interact with them combat map to players and the GM.
either. When flying over objects, they are
The following things end HIDDEN:
considered to have their SIZE increased by
the SIZE of whatever they are flying over for The HIDDEN character uses a hostile effect
the purposes of determining line of sight (e.g., attacking or forcing a save) or uses
and cover, as if they were climbing. INTERPOSE.
They cannot benefit from cover from terrain The HIDDEN character ends any turn within
or objects. an enemy’s line of sight unless they are
When attacking non-FLYING characters, either INVISIBLE or benefiting from cover
they treat their target’s cover from terrain against that enemy.
and objects as one step lower (hard cover An enemy performs a successful 3
becomes soft cover, soft cover becomes no SEARCH against them.
Invisible: When making an attack against an
They ignore ENGAGEMENT and don’t cause
ENGAGEMENT. INVISIBLE character, before any attack rolls are
They don’t trigger Traps but can still be made, roll a d6. On a 1–3, the attack misses.
affected by them. INVISIBLE characters are still visible on the map
to players and the GM. INVISIBLE lasts until the space. Cover and line of sight are calculated
end of the scene unless stated otherwise. from the center space. Users can be affected by
their own Blast.
Prone: Attacks against PRONE targets gain +1
+ and PRONE characters always count as Burst X: Affects all targets within a radius of X
moving through difficult terrain. Unless they spaces from the edge of the spaces occupied by
are IMMOBILIZED, PRONE characters can stand the target, including the target's spaces but
instead of making their standard movement, excluding the target itself. Cover and line of sight
which ends this status. Standing doesn’t count are calculated from the edge of the spaces
as a form of movement. occupied by the target. If a Burst forms a zone,
the zone moves with the target.
Flightless Celestos
If you want to play a flightless celestos, you can
either use the orc ancestry or switch out the avian
Flight trait with a trait from the orc ancestry.
Flight Trait
You have flight.
Name: Azin
The azin of Diablos are just one of the many peoples
that live on the Umbral Plane, but some of the few
who can easily cross into the Astral Plane.
Most azin will only guide travelers between the
planes with a strong contract in place, a practice
learned from a hard lesson long ago.
Azin mercenaries, guards, and scouts are highly
sought after for their unfamiliar umbral powers,
which seem strange and frightening to those native
to the Astral Plane.
Bloodhunter Trait
You gain +1 + on attacks against BLOODIED
Wrath Trait
Cambions are people with demonic traits like horns, You gain +1 + on attacks against any characters
that have hit or damaged you since the end of your
tails, or cloven hooves. The specifics and
last turn.
prominence of these traits varies from Reflection to
Reflection, but cambions are often distant
descendants of demons with their own unique
cultures. Fiendish Wings Trait
What part of your people’s history do others still You have flight.
hold against you, and are their feelings
What good thing did you do that others
disbelieved or doubted your intentions for?
What was a hard bargain your people had to
Where did your people once live but now don’t,
and why don’t they live there?
explains the physical differences between these
groups: some have tails, some have wings, some
have few scales, and so on.
Inside their eggs, the growing dragons are already
named, with names like Bahamut, Phoenix, and
Nidhogg. The drakhal believe that when their dragon
hatches, it will change the world in their favor. One
dragon might destroy all enemies of the drakhal that
hatched it, while another might bring prosperity and
bountiful harvests across the world. Once the
dragon has changed the world, it returns to its lair,
where a new shell forms around it, and it waits until
its next hatching.
These ancient dragons rarely awaken, and each has
their own cycle. It is likely, due to the cyclical nature
of these dragons, that one (or more) of them is Io’s
Dragonfire Trait
You gain the Dragonfire weapon, which is
equipped for free.
Draken are people with draconic traits like scales,
tails, or wings. Their specific physical characteristics Dragonfire Melee Weapon
depend greatly on the Reflection and what its Main Artifact | Innate, Unique
dragons are like. Draken are imposing figures, either 3 Volley or 5 Fight
through their stature or presence. [Reach 1, Close Blast 1] | [2 Discord]
What is a threat faced by other civilizations that You can attack with this weapon while DISARMED.
is only an inconvenience to your people?
What do your people think of dragons, or what
relationship do they have with them?
Are draken associated with one element or
Dragon Scales Trait
many, and what element are your people
associated with? You gain either Astral or Lunar resistance.
What monument or structure of your people
has endured multiple disasters?
Inner Fire Trait
Name: Drakhal
When you 1 REFRESH, you automatically regain
The drakhal of Io primarily dwell in volcanic regions, 1d6 HP before choosing any effects.
which run the gamut from barren wastelands to
tropical islands teeming with life.
Each group of drakhal are in possession of ancient Draconic Wings Trait
dragon eggs. These massive eggs must be
incubated in the burning temperatures of active You have flight.
volcanos. Each group of drakhal believe they are the
inheritors of their specific dragon’s legacy, which
carve out, exploring and meeting each other through
tunnels both natural and cut by unknown forces.
Danger lurks in the depths, beneath old tunnels long
abandoned. Creatures of chaos live there, surging
their way upward. Every civilization moves ever
higher, trying to stay ahead of the Scourge
Beneath. The tektite have excelled at this, moving
upward while maintaining strongholds to hold back
the Scourge, but no matter what they do, the
darkness always advances …
Resilience Trait
You gain resistance to Lunar damage and +1 +
on BULK saves.
Unyielding Trait
Free Action (1/scene)
Name: Tektite
The tektite of Penumbra are locked in a constant
race upward, fleeing the ever-encroaching darkness
from below.
There is no surface in this Reflection, or at least
none has been discovered. The sky is stone, and it
never ends. The tektite and other people of
Penumbra live comfortably in whatever caverns they
The Cultivator seeks to keep the nations
independent, and to grow them individually.
The Weaver and Cultivator are always in conflict
with each other, as their purposes and philosophies
are opposed. Each approach has benefits and flaws,
and each party firmly believes in their role.
To complicate matters, in each cycle one of these
two people becomes the Scourge, and there
appears to be no pattern as to which one it is.
Over the last 100 years, many of these qiradel came
to a planet populated by powerful civilizations, with
abundant magical energy and a moon in an uneven
orbit. There have been many painful lessons when
adapting to life on this new planet, but some
measure of stability has finally been found.
The qiradel of this Reflection absorb magical energy
into their bodies throughout their lives, gaining
physical characteristics based on the types of magic
they encounter. Qiradel who surround themselves
with primal magic might grow leafy tattoos, while
those with boundless arcane magic might gain
glowing eyes. Divine magic, a source of aether
drawn directly from gods, did not exist on Fey. The
youngest generation of qiradel are starting to exhibit
new traits derived from their exposure to this alien
Name: Qiradel
The qiradel of Moontouched hail from a distant Fey Step Trait
planet called Fey which was destroyed and Free Action (1/scene)
shattered by a great cataclysm a generation ago. You teleport 5 spaces.
The inhabitants fled through teleportation magics
and flying cities, hurling themselves through space
in the hope of finding safety.
Name: Jotun
Giant monsters, called tyrants, roam this Reflection,
destroying cities and empires in their rampages. The
people of this Reflection have gathered their power
and resources to create weapons platforms called
anti-tyrant suits, or ATSs. The ATSs are strong
enough to fend off the tyrants, but are too large to be
used by anyone but the jotun. These jotun pilots are
known as crownbreakers.
Whenever a tyrant appears, a crownbreaker with a
dedicated support team must don their ATS and do
battle. Their support team either keeps the ATS
functional, or directly fights in the field.
This Reflection’s Scourge is a particularly powerful
tyrant that threatens the stability of society and
pushes the crownbreakers to the limit.
Endure Trait
Free Action (1/scene)
You gain resistance to all damage until the end of
your next turn.
Name: Maji
The maji of Conduit led their Reflection’s most
powerful civilization for centuries, propelling society
ahead with their technological innovations. Then,
they messed it all up with one cataclysmic mistake.
Through hubris, oversight, or ignorance, the maji
unleashed what was to be their greatest
achievement, only to have it backfire. Unbeknownst
to them, the maji were the Scourge.
But the maji – and their Reflection – survived. Now
they’re determined to either fix their mistake, or fix
the world they ruined.
they’re born into) is that of a basic goblit, which is
also the smallest. In their second “hobgob” stage,
they grow in size and strength. The third form is that
of the “bokgob”, which is even stronger and begins
to develop wildly varied appearances like fur, extra
arms, or a thick hide.
The exact reasons why only some gobs undergo this
metamorphosis and why some never progress
beyond the hobgob stage are unknown. The leading
theory is that it’s a genetic mutation.
There is rumored to be a stage of metamorphosis
beyond bokgob – the “urgob” stage. There are no
recorded cases of urgobs, but if it is stronger than
the bokgob stage, it must be incredibly powerful.
Scurry Trait
When an attack misses you, you can shift 1.
Swarm Trait
Your base SIZE is increased to 2. Despite this, you
can still benefit from any cover of SIZE 1 or larger.
Additionally, you gain resistance to Physical but
are always VULNERABLE to Force.
Each of your RECOVERIES might represent a
different goblin in your swarm.
has been saved by an unlikely but much-needed
ruppit inn.
No matter where, whether in the desert or the
tundra, you’ll find a ruppit hospitality establishment.
Some ruppits have even set up hospitality chains,
branding them with names like “Rin’s Roadstop”.
Lucky Trait
Stressful 2
Reaction (1/round)
Trigger: You would be hit by an attack.
Nimble Trait
Reaction attacks made against you receive +1 -.
Additionally, 1/scene when you would trigger an
enemy’s reaction, the reaction doesn’t trigger.
Brave Trait
During any turn in which you SURGE, you gain +1
+ on all attacks, checks, and saves.
Name: Ruppit
On Rhombus, the ruppit set up small hospitality
stations beside long, dangerous roads. These
ruppits value service to others and happily create
establishments in dangerous areas. Many a traveler
While society tries to survive, the Scourge plans its
next move below …
Hearty Trait
You gain +3 maximum HP.
Adrenaline Trait
1/scene, you can SURGE without increasing your
SURGE level.
Name: Hyul
The Scourge poisoned the land, so the hyul and the
other survivors of Nimbus created flying airships
capable of supporting thousands of people.
Everyone now lives in the skies, venturing to the
surface only to scavenge tech and supplies, and
wearing special suits to avoid breathing the poison
from below.
Distract Trait
Free Action (1/scene)
[Burst 2]
Enemies in the AOE become MARKED.
Kobolds are a reptilian people known for their
incredible craftmanship. Kobold-crafted gear is
highly coveted by beacons due to its unusually high
aetheric density, which makes it easier to enchant. Trapmaster Trait
What sort of craftsmanship are your people You can automatically open locks as a free action.
highly regarded for? Additionally, you gain +1 + on rolls to disable
What type of environment did you grow up in? Traps and saves triggered by Traps.
What is or was the family business?
What is your favorite thing you’ve ever made?
Evasive Trait
Name: Drik You gain resistance to damage and Stress from
AOEs, and +1 + on saves against AOEs.
When Keystone was fractured, the drik held it
together. Piece by piece, they were able to pull Additionally, 1/turn you can spend 1 FOCUS to reroll
fragments of the Reflection together and bind them a failed save.
with chains, bolts, and glue. Now the drik maintain
their world, keeping everything running as best as
they can for their fellow survivors.
LYCANTHROPE The uranuk collect crystals, the energy of which can
be drained for summoning their primal spirit. They
seek to gather as many of these crystals as
possible, mining or stealing them as needed. Some
groups use their primal spirits for defensive
purposes, while others use them to aggressively
expand their territories.
The procedure was a success and their people
survived, but their old ways of life were destroyed or
made irrelevant. Now inhabiting new bodies and
calling themselves the bayvo, they have to decide
what the next chapter of their history will look like.
Armored Trait
You gain +1 ARMOR while you aren’t BLOODIED.
Name: Bayvo
The bayvo of Luna were once living, breathing
creatures. When the Scourge threatened to destroy
their civilization, they leveraged their scientific and
magical skills to ensure their survival. To do this,
they constructed artificial bodies and transferred
their consciousnesses into them.
Name: Mar’orc
The mar’orc of Leviathan control the Reflection’s
largest and most powerful naval fleet. It began as a
host of individual pirate bands, eventually brought
together by the Hook, Peg, and Powder pirate
company to defeat one of the incarnations of the
After their victory, Hook, Peg, and Powder was able
to maintain control of the pirate fleets and earn
recognition as a sovereign nation.
Rushdown Trait
When you 4 RUSH and choose the movement
option, you can move +2 spaces.
Furious Trait
1/turn, you can take 1d3 Stress to reroll all the dice
from one of your damage rolls.
techniques from both the basic options (p. XX) and
CLASSES AND JOBS all of your unlocked classes.
Classes are collections of abilities you unlock over
time. Each class has an associated job, which is
something you can choose to equip at the beginning Each job has several elements: a role, base
of a quest. Jobs grant traits and determine the base attributes, some traits, weapon slots and support
values of your attributes. slots of various types, and a limit break.
Classes are thematically connected collections of Role: A job’s role describe what sorts of things
equipment and techniques that you can equip for characters with that job do in combat:
quests, and each is associated with a job. The Artillery: Deals damage over long range.
description of each class includes some optional Controller: Manipulates foes or the battlefield
questions to help flesh out your character and their to gain an advantage.
connection to that class. Defender: Protects their allies or draws
attention to themselves.
Each class has three ranks, starting at class rank 1
Striker: Deals damage over close-to-medium
and going up to class rank 3. Whenever your range.
beacon levels up, including at level 1, they acquire Support: Assists allies, either by healing,
a new class rank, either gaining a new class at rank mitigating damage, or enhancing other
1 or increasing their current rank in a class by one characters.
Base Attributes: A character’s equipped job
Variant Jobs determines the starting values for their attributes.
Each of the classes in this book have one Each attribute is listed beneath an ability score
associated job, which shares the same name as the (BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC). These attributes are
class; however, future books may introduce variant modified by the points you have put into the relevant
jobs, and you can always add new jobs in your own ability score. The values listed for attributes are the
games. starting values, assuming 0 points invested in the
related ability score.
For example, this book includes only one job for the
Paladin class – also called the Paladin – but a future SCOPE: The distance within which you can use
book might add another job for the Paladin class, certain abilities, such as ranged spell attacks.
called the Avenger. In that case, upon reaching rank SAVE TARGET: The target number characters
1 in the Paladin class you could choose to unlock have to meet or exceed when rolling a save
either the Paladin job or the Avenger job, but not against you.
both. BULK
You unlock one of a class’s associated jobs upon HP: When you reach 0 HP, you take a Wound
reaching rank 1 in that class. Jobs give you access and make a wound roll. When you reach your
to specific traits and determine the base values for WOUND CAP (4), you are defeated.
your attributes, like your HP and the number and RECOVERIES: A resource you can spend to
size of your weapon slots. Once you have unlocked recover HP and repair destroyed equipment
a job, your beacon can equip it whenever they go on and techniques.
a quest. They can only equip one job at a time.
Every rank you have in a class also unlocks two
abilities for your character. These abilities can be DODGE: The number that attackers must equal
weapons, support items, spells, or skills. Once an or exceed to hit you.
SPEED: The number of spaces you can move
ability is unlocked, it enters the pool of abilities you
with your standard movement.
can equip when you go on a quest.
You aren’t limited to equipping techniques and
equipment associated with the job you’ve equipped.
In fact, you are encouraged to mix equipment and
AEGIS Defender
defense-oriented spellcasters adept with protective magic. Aegises put up barriers and
shields to protect friends and block out foes.
Aegises are defensive spellcasters that specialize in creating barriers and mitigating damage. Aegises rely on
efficient use of mana to keep their barriers up for prolonged periods of time, and a group of them can maintain a
city-spanning barrier for the duration of a siege.
While the primary purpose of an aegis’s barriers is protection, they can also be used offensively. A well-placed
wall can split a group of enemies or cut off an avenue of attack. For these reasons, aegises find themselves in
high demand, especially in militaristic organizations and cities. They are at their strongest when there are people
to protect, so they are seldom alone.
Aegises use many methods to extend their mana capacity and lessen the cost of spells: magical tattoos that act
as miniature ley lines, mana batteries and potions, and arcane familiars are just some of the tools used by
different schools of aegises.
What are your barriers made of, and what do they look like?
When did you fail to protect someone or something?
What does it feel like when one of your barriers breaks?
What is the longest one of your barriers has lasted for?
Scope: 10 Save Target: 10
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 7
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 7
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 10
Speed: 4 MP: 5
Mana Transferal Trait LIGHT LIGHT
You can spend MP as if it were FOCUS.
Perfect Shield Limit Break
Abjurer’s Ward Trait Special
You gain the Ward spell, which is equipped for [Range = Scope]
free. At any time during a combat scene, you may
choose an ally within Range. Until the end of this
Ward Spell phase in the next round, all damage and Stress
Innate, Mana 1, Unique they receive is reduced to 0.
Trigger: An ally within SCOPE would take Physical, The pinnacle of barrier magic is a shield that
Astral, Lunar, or Force, before ARMOR and grows stronger the more force is used against it.
resistance. Such a perfect shield is unbreakable, but hard to
Effect: You reduce the damage by –1d6. You can master and incredibly draining.
reroll this dice as many times as you want, at a cost
of 1 MP/reroll.
One ally within Range gains ARMOR equal to the This AOE is a zone and can face any direction. The
FOCUS spent. They cannot have more than 4 zone counts as difficult terrain, and attacks that
ARMOR. Whenever they take damage, they lose –1 enter it, pass through it, or are made from within it
ARMOR down to their usual maximum. receive +1 -. Characters that enter the zone take
[2 Stress] 1/turn per character.
Layers of magical armor provide temporary This zone lasts for the rest of the scene, or until
protection, before themselves being torn you dismiss it as a free action or use this ability
asunder. again.
Aegises are fragile, backline defenders. Mana Transferal allows them to protect allies without needing to
generate FOCUS first, meaning as long as they have MP, they can use their main defensive tool, Ward. Aegises
can’t use Ward on themselves, so they are incentivized to pick abilities that will keep them away from enemies.
Masters of potions and consumables. Alchemists bring a wide array of support items
into combat to prepare for any situation.
Bubbling cauldrons, explosive concoctions, and brightly colored liquids are the telltale signs of an alchemist. They
mix together ingredients and magic to create powerful potions that can be used by anyone.
Merchant-alchemists tend to have a few recipes they can produce reliably, but beacons are a step above. They
have the skill and knowledge to produce rarer and more varied effects than can be found in a potion shop.
What was your first concoction supposed to do, and what did it actually do?
What is a signature element of your concoctions – an ingredient, flavor, or effect?
What type of ingredients do you prefer to use? Plants, monster parts, something else?
What is the ultimate creation you want to perfect, but haven’t yet?
On Hit (1/attack): If the target was an enemy, You can expend a charge for one of the following
one of your Consumable abilities regains 1 effects:
charge. Explosive Concoction: You auto-hit a
character within the thrown Range, dealing
Articulated claws overlap the user’s fingers [3 Astral]. You can spend 1 MP to make it
with a needlelike tail along the forearm. The [Blast 1].
tail can strike at nearby foes, injecting poison Sticky Bomb: Make a melee weapon
attack against a target within Range. On a
while extracting aetheric energy. Once enough
hit, they are IMMOBILIZED. After their next
energy has been extracted, the mechanism turn, they can make a BULK save as a
distills it into small vials. minor action. Success: They clear this
condition, dealing [2 Astral] to themselves
and any other characters within [Burst 1].
Arsenals carry nearly limitless numbers of weapons. They can infuse weapons with mana, creating bonds
between themselves and their weapons. These weapons can then be manipulated with mana, flying around at the
arsenal’s command, or diffusing into raw aether to be summoned at a later time.
Arsenals are dangerous opponents and hard to fight against. Fighting one can feel like fighting an entire squad,
their weapons changing the moment you think you’re getting used to it.
What is your favored weapon or type of weapon, and why?
How are you weapons summoned? Directly into your hand, floating around you, shrinking or growing larger
on command, or something else?
How would you describe your fighting style?
What mythical weapon do you wish you could add to your collection?
Scope: 5 Save Target: 10 Phantom Armory Melee or Ranged Weapon
BULK MIND Variable Size and Type | Innate, Unique
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 5
3 Volley (Ranged Profiles) or 5 Fight (Melee
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 5
Ranged Profiles
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 6
Speed: 5 MP: 3 Artifact: Aetheric | [Range 10] | [1d6 Astral]
Bow: Arcing | [Range 10] | [1d6 Physical]
TRAITS Magitech: Reliable 2 | [Range 5, Reach 3] | [1d6
Armiger Trait Force]
Melee Profiles
You gain the Phantom Armory weapon, which is
Blade: Accurate | [Reach 1] | [1d6+1 Physical]
equipped for free.
Club: Push 2 [Reach 1] | [1d6+1 Physical]
Longarm: [Reach 2] | [1d6+1 Physical]
When equipped or Minor Action: Choose one of
Flex Weapons Trait the listed profiles and any size for this weapon.
This lasts until the end of the scene or until you
You can choose to treat your MAIN weapon slots as
next change it.
LIGHT W LIGHT slots, and your HEAVY slots as MAIN
W LIGHT slots. 1/round when you would take damage from a
non-Aetheric attack, you can choose one of the
listed profiles and roll its damage, reducing the
damage you take by that amount (after ARMOR
and resistance). That profile can’t be used until
Walking Armory Trait
the end of the scene. You can’t use this effect if
When you 1 REFRESH, you can spend 1 MP to you are unable to take reactions.
repair one of your destroyed weapons or support
items. During a Short Rest, you can repair one
weapon and one support item for free.
Assassins deal in death. Their skills are used for taking lives through stealth, subterfuge, or force.
Anyone can commit murder. An assassin’s strength comes from being undetected and getting away with it. They
rely on their skills and training to stay hidden for as long as possible, choosing the right time to strike. Magic isn’t
a necessary part of their work, but many find it helpful. These assassins branch out into other classes, picking and
choosing tools and tricks to enhance their unique approaches.
Assassins want to get in close to their targets to take advantage of Assassinate, but their low HP means they
need to avoid taking damage. Their high DODGE and stealth abilities help them do this, and abilities from the
Shadow Dancer class synergize with this playstyle well.
Who was the first person you killed, and how did you do it?
What is your signature style or method for dispatching targets?
Do you operate secretly, publicly, or under an alias?
How did you become an assassin, or why do you have their skills?
Berserkers are most often known for their rage, but any emotion can be fuel for these devastating warriors. Most
draw on one specific emotion, but others use several.
Berserkers tend to move fast and wield heavy weapons to defeat targets quickly. Maintaining extreme emotions
can be draining, and the longer a fight lingers, the harder it is to maintain the necessary emotional intensity.
Berserkers are extremely dangerous when they critically hit, and can lean into this aspect of their playstyle by
finding abilities that can make them more likely to achieve this (abilities that increase their +, for example), or
that do more things when they critically hit (like the Deadeye talent). Berserkers can also make good defenders
due to their incredibly high HP.
Chronomancy is a rare but powerful form of magic. The more common it becomes, the more it is regulated. Entire
civilizations have been wiped out by abuse of the timelines, and unintended consequences follow those who
meddle with such forces.
Chronomancers aware of the existence of other Reflections have noted that their ability to control time does not
extend past the boundaries of their current Reflection. It is not possible to alter the timelines of Reflections other
than the one in which they currently reside.
The Chronomancer is a complex class with abilities that let them break the normal flow of combat, like Front of
the Timeline and Borrowed Time. Chronomancers can easily branch out into offensive or supportive playstyles
with their high base MP and MEMORY.
What does time look like to you? Individual threads, a spinning wheel, interlocking gears, or something else?
What is something you have or know of from a different timeline?
How do you think the timeline should be handled? Protected, changed, cultivated, or something else?
What is something you wish you could change in the timeline, and what prevents you from being able to do
Scope: 10 Save Target: 12 Pluck the Threads of Time Spell
BULK MIND Arcing, Innate, Mana 1, Unique
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 6 Reaction (1/round)
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6
AGILITY MAGIC Trigger: A character within SCOPE makes an attack
roll, save, or check.
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 9
Speed: 5 MP: 5 Effect: You force them to reroll the die, taking the
second result.
Undo Trait
1/round, you can perform actions from a phase that WEAPON SLOTS
has already passed, instead of waiting until PHASE
8 DELAY. You take 1 Stress for every phase that LIGHT LIGHT
has passed since the action’s usual phase. For
example, if you use 1 DEFEND during PHASE 5
BRAWL, you would take 4 Stress. SUPPORT SLOTS
Pluck the Threads of Time Trait
You gain the Pluck the Threads of Time spell,
which is equipped for free.
Time Shuffle Limit Break
At the start of a round, you may restructure the
order of phases for that round only. You can put
them in any order with the exception of PHASE 8
DELAY, which is always the last phase in a round.
Demon hunters are outcasts from society, shunned by the worlds that they have decided to protect. Many of their
kind fall to temptation, giving into the corruption that slowly eats away at their soul. There is no happy ending for
one such as them. They either give in to corruption, or die fighting.
Many demon hunters start their training by studying one specific type of demon, learning how it thinks, moves,
and fights. When they think they’re ready, they hunt that demon, taking a trophy to mark their success or dying in
the process. If they were successful, the trophy becomes an important catalyst in their first taste of corruption.
How has your body changed as it has acquired corruption?
What do you fear might happen if you are overwhelmed by corruption?
What weapon, spell, or demonic feature do you feel a connection with?
What demon continues to elude you?
BASE ATTRIBUTES your next turn. While in this form, you gain the
following benefits:
Scope: 8 Save Target: 10
BULK MIND Your bonus damage from Corruption
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 9 increases to +3 Force.
All bonus damage you deal becomes Discord.
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 5
You gain resistance to Stress caused by
other characters.
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 8 You have flight.
Speed: 6 MP: 2 You gain +1 ARMOR.
Corruption Trait
You have a d6 Corruption Die that starts at 1. Infernal Aether Trait
When you take Stress, increase the Corruption Die Stressful X
by 1, to a maximum of 6. You gain the following Minor Action
effects (and all previous effects) when you reach
the relevant amount of Corruption: You regain any amount of MP at a rate of [3 Stress]
per 1 MP.
2 Corruption: You deal +1 bonus Force on
hits with attacks.
4 Corruption: Your bonus Force increases to
6 Corruption: You can activate your Demon
Form trait. LIGHT MAIN ∞ LIGHT
Demon Form Trait
Free Action
At 6 Corruption, you can reset your Corruption Die
to 1 and assume a demonic form until the start of
Become the Monster Limit Break
Demon Hunters play a dangerous game. They want
Free Action
to gain Stress to increase their Corruption, but they
You immediately assume your Demon Form risk overexerting themselves and becoming
regardless of the status of your Corruption Die, and Overstressed. Increase your STRESS CAP, or find
then reset the die. Until the end of the scene, your ways to lessen your Stress levels.
Corruption Die resets to 3 instead of 1.
Attached to these claws are a pair of folding Blazing auras are a common spell, but this one is
blades. When retracted, they allow for wide, fueled by corrupted aether that twists and burns
sweeping attacks, but in an instant they can be with dark flames.
snapped together like a mantis’s claw.
Demonologists use their magical powers to rip holes in the fabric of reality, pulling out demons and other
creatures to do their bidding. The process of becoming a demonologist is dangerous, as untrained summoners
risk bringing forth creatures that they can’t control.
Not all creatures summoned by demonologists are demons. They can just as easily pull creatures from other
planes, alternate timelines, or the spaces between Reflections.
Demonologists are a summoning class, but tend to treat their Summons as disposable. If you want to have as
many Summons on the field as possible, you can pick up more summoning abilities from other classes, but if you
want to enhance your existing Summons, the Shadebinder class has attractive options.
Demon Lexicon Trait Sacrifice Trait
Mana 2, Summon Minor Action
3 Volley [Range = Scope]
[Range = Scope] You destroy one of your Summons within Range.
When you do so, you can choose one of the
You call forth any one of the following demons.
following effects:
They share your DODGE and A-DEF, can move up
to their SPEED during your turn, and add your GRIT Boost: You gain +1 + on attacks, checks,
to their HP. You can only summon one of these and saves until the end of your next turn.
demons at a time: Essence Explosion: All characters within
Flameskipper (SIZE 1/2, HP 5, DODGE/A-DEF [Burst 1] of the destroyed Summon must
= yours, SPEED 3): At the end of your turn, make an AGILITY save. Failure: They take
you choose one target within [Range 5] of the [2d6 Force]. Success: They take half
flameskipper, who must make a MAGIC save. damage.
Failure: They take [3 Astral]. Life Link: You gain 4 TEMP HP and regain 1
Painlash (SIZE 1, HP 8, DODGE/A-DEF = MP.
yours, SPEED 4): At the end of your turn,
enemies adjacent to the painlash must make
Legion Limit Break WEAPON SLOTS
Mana 1
3 Volley MAIN
You immediately conjure up to 4 Summons drawn
from all of your Summon abilities, ignoring their SUPPORT SLOTS
normal limits on quantity of Summons but
otherwise following their usual restrictions. At the
end of each of your turns, if any of these LIGHT MAIN
Summons exceed the number usually imposed by
that ability, one of them is automatically affected by
your Sacrifice trait regardless of Range and line of
Until the end of the scene, if the defeat of one of
your Summons would result in the destruction of
the underlying ability (like with Gert’s Backbone),
the ability is only destroyed if the last instance of
that Summon is defeated.
Dragon riders are trained to fight against aerial foes, staying mobile and using spears to increase their reach. The
best dragon riders bond with the companions (typically dragons) they ride into battle.
This bond isn’t just emotional, but magical. When a dragon rider calls, their companion can answer across any
distance and adapt to any environment. Their aetheric fields become entwined, and their minds become as one.
This special call can only be maintained for a short period of time, before their aetheric fields begin to separate
once more.
Dragon riders are anti-aerial strikers. They have a penchant for longarm weapons, which makes the Lancet talent
a natural choice for them. They have a high SPEED, and any abilities that give them special movement like flight
or teleportation help them maneuver around the battlefield with ease.
Scope: 5 Save Target: 11 Skythrust Trait
BULK MIND Stressful 1
HP: 9 Stress Cap: 4 Minor Action
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 5
AGILITY MAGIC You fly up to half your SPEED in a straight line. If
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 7 you fly at least 2 spaces, your next melee attack
Speed: 6 MP: 3 against an adjacent character that turn gains +1 +.
Skyhunter Trait
You gain +1 + on attacks against FLYING
characters, don’t receive - for making melee
attacks against them, and cause ENGAGEMENT
against them as normal.
Dragon Echo Limit Break RANK 1
Minor Action
[Range = Scope] Jump Pads Skill
2 Memory | Mana 1
Dragon Echo (SIZE 3, HP = GRIT+15, DODGE/ A-
DEF 10, SPEED 6) Phase 3 Skirmish
[Range = Scope]
You summon an echo of your dragon within Range.
This dragon has flight and can move up to its Create two SIZE 1 jump pads in free spaces within
SPEED during your turn. Allies can share spaces Range. When you or an ally enter a jump pad’s
with it, and any allies fully within its spaces can space, you (or they) immediately fly up to 5 spaces,
move with it when it moves. The dragon lasts until ignoring reactions.
the end of the scene or until defeated. When an enemy enters a jump pad’s space, they
The dragon can also attack with the Echo Wave immediately fly 5 spaces in a direction of your
weapon as a standard action during your turn, choosing, ignoring reactions.
adding your GRIT to the attack roll. All movement from this ability is considered
involuntary movement. Jump pads are destroyed
Echo Wave Melee Weapon after they are used, and using this ability again
destroys all old pads. If not destroyed, they last
Heavy Artifact until the end of the scene.
Dragon riders have the skills and training to
[Close Blast 2] | [3 Astral + 1 Discord]
mount their flying companions, but not everyone
The bond a dragon rider has with their mount is who needs to ride a dragon has the same training.
deep, and requires both creatures to weave their To this end, dragon rider engineers invented the
aetheric fields together. Many fail to do this, jump pads, which propel anyone standing onto
resulting in a backlash against the creature with them into the air.
the weaker field, which is usually the rider. Safety protocols require all personnel that
Aetheric backlashes can cause serious injury or work near jump pads to wear personal parachutes
permanent physical changes in the likeness of the in case of accidental deployment.
more powerful creature.
Once the bond is complete, the rider and dragon
become one. The strongest dragon riders can pour Dragon Saddle Support Item
their mana into creating an echo of their Main | Mana 1
companion made of pure aether. Even if their Free Action (1/turn)
dragon companion is long dead, a dragon rider is
never alone – their partner will live on inside You gain FLYING, which lasts until you end it as a
them. free action. During this time, whenever you move
outside of your turn, you gain soft cover until the
start of your next turn.
Any Weapon or Technique with Reach: This attack deals an additional +1d3 damage if the
This ability gains +1 Reach and doesn’t target is BLOODIED or BREAKING, or an additional
receive - when making melee attacks +2d3 if the target is both BLOODIED and BREAKING.
against FLYING characters. You regain either HP or MP equal to the value of
Any Weapon or Technique with Range: any damage dice rolled as part of this spell
This ability gains +3 Range. (excluding bonus and other sources of damage). If
two or more dice are rolled, at least one must apply
to HP and one must apply to MP.
Magical versions of this enchantment lengthen
the blade or shaft without increasing the The one spell taught to all dragon riders is
weight. transfuse. Meant to be used late in a fight, this
spell drains the target’s aetheric energy, and
transforms it into a benefit for the caster. The
weaker the target’s aetheric field, the greater
the effect.
A whispering wind that grows into a howling hurricane. A morning dewdrop falling into a rushing river. The seed
that grows to reach the heavens. These are the primal forces of nature – the power that a druid uses.
These mysterious spellcasters use their mana to manipulate and control the weather and flora around them.
Animals are outside the domain of the druid, since their powers don’t control thinking creatures.
Druids are flexible, able to use a combination 2 CHANNEL and 3 VOLLEY abilities. Druids that seek to command
the fauna of their environments tend to choose the Companion support item (p. XX) and ranks in summoning
classes, while those that seek to transform their bodies take ranks in the Shapeshifter class (p. XX).
Scope: 10 Save Target: 11 Nature’s Path Trait
When you push, pull, or slide a character, you can
HP: 9 Stress Cap: 6
spend MP to increase the distance they move by
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6
+1 space for every MP spent. You can’t use this
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 9
Speed: 4 MP: 4
Tempest Storm Limit Break
2 Channel
[Range = Scope] Vine Whip Melee Weapon
On Channel: You begin calling a furious storm, Light Longarm
and all adjacent characters of your choice are 5 Fight
pushed 1 space away from you. If you stop [Reach 4] | [1 Physical]
channeling this ability before releasing for any
reason, you do not expend your limit break. On Crit: You may slide the target 3 spaces.
On Release: You create a 4 x 4 storm zone within
Range. The storm lasts until the end of the scene Enchanted plant matter that never withers or
and its spaces are difficult terrain. burns. Druids make vine whips with the
Characters within the storm when it is created or materials of their home before venturing into
who enter one of its spaces take [1d6+4 Physical], the wider world.
no more than 1/turn per character. If a character
ends their turn in one of the storm’s spaces, you
may slide them up to 3 spaces.
Minor Action (1 MP): You move the storm up to 3
spaces in a straight line. Gust of Wind Ranged Spell Attack
1 Memory
“We thought they was normal storm clouds, 2 Channel or 3 Volley
though they did seem to form outta nowhere. [Range = Scope]
There wasn’t no forecast of rain, neither. But the
You gain the following ranged spell attacks:
lightning started immediately, even before the
rain. And then the winds hit. You’ve never felt Tornado
winds like this. Funnels of dust were everywhere, 2 Channel | Auto-Hit, Slide 2
and they swept us off our feet. When I woke up,
On Release: The target takes [2d6 Force].
the ground was scrubbed clean. No bushes, no
grass, just rock.” Air Blast
3 Volley | Push 1
On Hit: The target takes [1d6 Force].
accelerating its growth.
Equinoxes pull celestial aether from beyond the bounds of their planet, mixing it with the native aether around
them. This celestial aether comes in two types – sun aether and moon aether – though they do not necessarily
originate from a literal sun and moon.
Sun aether is dangerous and destructive. Spells empowered with sun aether explode violently. Moon aether, on
the other hand, is stable and strong. Spells empowered with moon aether can keep their form over longer
Which type of aether – sun or moon – is easier for you to use, and which one do you fear?
What spell do you know that others have declared too dangerous to use?
What celestial event are you waiting for, during which something important will happen? An eclipse, a
conjunction, or something else?
What item helps you control your spells?
BASE ATTRIBUTES Moon: For each Moon you have, your SCOPE
and Range with artifact weapons and spells
Scope: 12 Save Target: 11 that have a Range increase by +4; however,
BULK MIND you take [1 Stress] each time you target
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 5 something with a spell or artifact weapon
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 7 attack beyond your normal SCOPE or the
AGILITY MAGIC weapon’s Range.
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 10
Speed: 4 MP: 5
Scar Spell
The Equinox’s Day/Night Cycle lets them switch 2 Memory | Mana 1
between long-range spells or large AOEs, although Minor Action
the cost for repeatedly using each resource can add [Range = Scope]
up quickly. Equinoxes can focus on increasing their Deal [1 Piercing Force] to an enemy within Range,
MP or STRESS CAP to let them use these effects for or [3 Piercing Force] if they’re BLOODIED.
longer. Picking up spell attacks from other classes
can give an Equinox more versatility. A quick spell to meant to incapacitate or
outright kill targets. The only defense against
this spell is a strong lifeforce.
Gravewalkers stride the line between life and death. They have close relationships with death, and use their
necromantic magic to protect their allies. When you are friends with a gravewalker, you die when they allow it.
These heavily armored necromancers are nigh unkillable, able to shrug off wounds that would fell any other
person. Their shovel is functional and symbolic, sometimes used to literally dig themselves out of their own grave.
How did you die the first time, and how did you come back to life?
What does the personification of death look like to you, and what are they like?
How can you tell when someone has been touched by death?
How do you travel between the world of the living and the world of the dead?
Scope: 10 Save Target: 10 Written Name Trait
You gain the Written Name skill, which is equipped
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
for free.
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 5
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 8
Written Name Skill
Speed: 4 MP: 3
Focus 1, Innate, Unique
TRAITS Reaction
Harvest Trait Trigger: A character takes damage within [Range
1/round when an enemy within SCOPE is defeated, 5] of a tombstone.
you gain 2 FOCUS. Effect: You give them resistance to that source of
damage. If the damage was from an AOE, you can
use this reaction additional times, up to 1/character
in the AOE.
Tombstone Trait
Mana 1, Summon
Minor Action
[Range = Scope]
Tombstone (SIZE 1/2, HP 5, DODGE/A-DEF 10, MAIN HEAVY
You summon a tombstone within Range. You can SUPPORT SLOTS
have up to two tombstones in play at a time.
Gravewalkers are slow, and armor can slow them down further. To counteract this, they can provide protection
over distance. Gravewalkers can either seek out ranged options to get around their slow SPEED, or choose heavy
weapons to make devastating attacks when they finally reach their foes.
That Which is Already Dead Limit Break
At any time during a combat scene, you may refuse
the call of death. Until the end of the scene, you
can’t take a fourth Wound and don’t make any
wound rolls. When you would take your fourth
Wound, you instead return to your maximum HP
and carry over any excess damage.
Psychopomp Spell
Entomb Spell
2 Memory | Mana 1
3 Memory | Mana 2
Reaction (1/round)
2 Channel
[Range = Scope] Trigger: A character is defeated within [Range 20].
Effect: You teleport to the closest free space
On Release: A character within Range takes [2
adjacent to them.
Stress] and must make a BULK save. Success:
They are DAZED and SLOWED until the end of their Psychopomps are escorts into the afterlife. You
next turn. Failure: They are BLINDED, IMMOBILIZED, don’t have to help ease their transfer, but you
and SLOWED. can take advantage of the free trip.
At the end of each of their turns, the target can
make another BULK save. Success: They end the
effect. Failure: They take [2 Stress].
If the target is subjected to forced movement, they
The sinful are burdened by their transgressions, Those that wear this armor cannot die. People
which weigh upon them like an anchor. Purge have sealed themselves inside such armor to
yourself of your sins, and you will feel the achieve immortality.
weight lift off your soul.
Gunslingers are masters of firearms. Their quick hands can draw, fire, and reload in
the blink of an eye.
You are the bullet. The trigger is your breath. Breathe in. Squeeze. Breathe out.
Gunslingers are firearms specialists. Their insight into their weapons lets them reload supernaturally fast,
recharging or replacing ammo with their own aetheric energies. Gunslingers often modify their weapons and
ammunition to suit their style and environment.
Gunslingers lean towards weapons with the Reloading tag, as their traits helps them mitigate that penalty.
Increasing their MP pool can also allow them to reload more often. While Gunslingers are naturally drawn toward
long-range combat, their base traits can also work with melee weapons.
Scope: 8 Save Target: 11 Quick Draw Skill
Reaction (1/round)
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 5 Trigger: A character within Range or Reach of one
AGILITY MAGIC of your weapons attacks.
Dodge: 10 A-Def: 6 Effect: You attack them with that weapon before
Speed: 5 MP: 3 they roll for the attack.
Fast Reload Trait
1/round when you attack with a Reloading
weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, you immediately reload WEAPON SLOTS
it. You can spend MP to increase the result of this
roll by +1 per each MP spent. LIGHT ∞ LIGHT MAIN
Stare Down Trait
When you reload a weapon, you gain the Quick SUPPORT SLOTS
Draw skill until you use it, or until start of their next
Customized Ammo Limit Break RANK 1
Free Action
You gain access to the following special Curve Ammo Support Item
ammunition types for the rest of the scene. Each
ammunition type can be used once. Light | Enchantment
You can choose to use an ammunition type when You may use the following Enchantment:
attacking with a ranged weapon, giving the listed Any Ranged Weapon, Skill Attack, or Spell
effects. The attack’s normal effects still apply. Attack: When you make a ranged attack with this
Hotshot: Draw a straight line between ability, you can do one of the following:
yourself and your target, and place a [Blast 2] Spend 1 MP to ignore line of sight as long
AOE centered anywhere along this line. as there is a potential path to the target,
Characters in the AOE must make an AGILITY although cover still applies.
save. Failure: They take [2d6 Astral]. Spend 2 MP to make this attack Homing.
Success: They take half damage.
Additionally, the area becomes dangerous Curve bullets can be bent, flying around cover.
terrain (AGILITY, [5 Astral]) until the end of the
Different grades of ammunition follow
different paths.
Mindjack Round: On Hit: Until the end of the
target’s next turn or until they are dealt
damage by you or one of your allies, they
consider you and your allies as their allies,
Slugthrower Ranged Weapon
and their former allies as enemies. On Miss:
The target is unable to target you with hostile Main Magitech | Reliable 2, Reloading
effects until the end of their next turn. 3 Volley
Piercer: The attack gains Piercing and [Range 8] | [2d6 Physical]
becomes a Line attack with a distance of any
amount up to the attack’s Range. The attack Unlike energy-based firearms, this weapon fires
also has Reliable 10 against objects and solid pieces of metal.
Shock Round: On Hit: The target is
STUNNED and SLOWED until the end of their
next turn. On Miss: The target is SLOWED and
can’t take reactions until the end of their next
Hexblades know pain and misery better than most. These warriors can take the suffering in their heart and use it
to power an array of curses and hexes. To a hexblade, the soul is just another power source.
Hexes are blights upon creatures with aetheric fields. The simplest of them induce minor aetheric imbalances,
causing clumsiness and inability to focus. The strongest ones act like magical parasites, using their hosts own
aether to produce ongoing, detrimental effects like loss of vision and internal decay.
What’s the worst luck you had?
How does the shape and appearance of your soul alter your weapons and techniques?
What’s your favorite curse to put on people?
How do you get under people’s skin?
Misery Trait
BASE ATTRIBUTES You gain +1 + on attacks against characters with
Scope: 10 Save Target: 11
one or more conditions.
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6 WEAPON SLOTS
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 8 LIGHT ∞ LIGHT MAIN
Speed: 5 MP: 4
Doom Hex Limit Break
Hex Ranged Spell Attack
Free Action
Auto-Hit, Innate, Mana 1, Unique
Minor Action A character affected by your hex becomes DAZED,
and WEAKENED. At the end of each of their turns in
The target becomes hexed, which lasts until the end which they have at least one of these conditions,
of the scene or until you use this ability again. This they make a MAGIC save. Success: They choose
has the following effects: and remove one of these conditions.
When you defeat a hexed target, you regain 1
MP. Evil eye. Mind-fog. Dancing legs. Sloughing skin.
1/round, you can deal +1d6 bonus damage on Atrophied muscles. Eldritch horror.
a successful weapon attack against a hexed
target. Warlocks and witches have hundreds of hexes
1/round when you inflict a condition on a hexed and curses at their disposal. The most powerful
target, you can also inflict the same condition hexblades can create doom hexes – powerful
on another enemy within [Range 5] of the curses that combine multiple curses into one.
hexed target. The second character has this
condition until the end of their next turn.
Any Weapon: This weapon becomes 1/turn when you defeat, Wound, or Overstress an
Unbreakable, and when thrown, returns to enemy with this weapon, you gain 3 TEMP HP and
you after the attack resolves. It can be used this weapon’s damage increases by +1. This
even if you are DISARMED. effect stacks with itself to a maximum of +6. This
Any Technique: This technique becomes extra damage lasts until you take a Long Rest.
Unbreakable. If it’s a spell, it can be used
even if you are SILENCED. This weapon feeds on souls, growing stronger
and sharper with each soul consumed. It will
When you make a pact for power, the patron only achieve its true form when sated.
will want to monitor your progress. A weapon
is manifested as an extension of the patron and
given to you. Refusal is not an option.
The Dreamscape is a realm few know about, and accessible to even fewer. The Awoken are those who can travel
this realm of infinite creativity and shape it to their whims; however, not everything there is pleasant, and dangers
lurk in the shadows.
Knightmares have been influenced by their brushes with the horrors of the Dreamscape – true nightmares. Using
these strong negative emotions, they can take objects from the Dreamscape into the waking world, which display
properties that make a mockery of reality.
When did you first become Awoken?
How do you choose to look in the Dreamscape?
Who do you hope to capture in your chains?
What nightmare still plagues you to this day?
Scope: 5 Save Target: 11 The Weight of Inevitability Trait
You are always considered at least SIZE 3 for the
HP: 9 Stress Cap: 6
purposes of 5 GRAPPLE and 5 SHOVE and you can
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 5
perform reactions while GRAPPLED.
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 7
Speed: 6 MP: 3
Trapped in a Dream Limit Break
5 Grapple
All enemies of your choice within [Range 5] are Body Shields Skill
pulled to the closest free spaces adjacent to you 1 Memory | Unique
and GRAPPLED. Escaping from the grapple requires
Any Physical, Astral, Lunar, and Force you would
a standard action during any phase instead of a
take is reduced by –1 (before ARMOR and
minor action. Any time an enemy GRAPPLED by this
resistances) for every character GRAPPLED by you.
ability attacks, they must include you as one of their
When characters GRAPPLED by you deal damage to
you, they don’t count toward this damage
Your chains move according to your will,
You don’t benefit from this ability while SUNDERED.
wrapping around your foes and dragging them
screaming toward you. As they move closer, they Most people are about the size of a tower shield.
find themselves transported into a domain of the They also do a pretty good job at blocking things
dreamscape chosen especially for them. They can – like a shield – even if they’re not happy about it.
see the waking world, but the dreamscape fights
them every step of the way.
Lifeweavers have unique insights into the dynamics of aetheric fields and can use magic to heal wounds instantly.
This knowledge also makes them dangerous fighters, as they know exactly how to hurt or incapacitate foes and
turn their own aetheric fields against them.
These healers have honed their training for the battlefield. Their healing magic may not be as effective as proper
medical attention, but it serves its purpose of quickly repairing minor injuries and letting people continue fighting.
Lifeweavers have many ways of keeping their allies healthy during fights, from granting TEMP HP to pure healing.
Lifeweavers play a versatile supporting role, especially when combined with other classes like the Tidecaller.
Healer’s Burden Trait WEAPON SLOTS
When an ally spends or loses a RECOVERY within MAIN
[Range 5] or during a Short Rest, you can allow
them to use your RECOVERIES instead.
Quick Stitch Trait
Mana 1
Trigger: A BLOODIED ally within SCOPE starts their
The ability to bring someone back from the dead, Strengthen and enhance an ally’s aetheric field
no matter how long has passed, exists only in by drawing power from their own lifeforce.
legend. However, there is a very short window of
time where life can be restored to the recently
Stolen Life Ranged Spell Attack
A lifeweaver can repair and stimulate a person’s 2 Memory | Aetheric, Indirect
aetheric field before it completely breaks down, 3 Volley
breathing life back into their body and repairing [Range = Scope] | [2 Stress]
some of the recent damage they’ve taken.
On Hit: Choose one of the following:
Drain Life: You or a character within [Range
5] of you regains 1d3 HP. You can spend 1
MP to increase this to 1d6 HP instead.
Drain Vitality: You or a character within
[Range 5] of you clear up to 2 Stress.
Paladins are motivated individuals driven by their beliefs. What separates a paladin from an advocate is their
ability to turn their resolve into power, bolstering their aetheric field and gaining strength through their convictions.
Most paladins are very protective of their friends and will willingly put themselves in harm’s way to save one from
danger. Their desire to protect becomes so strong that when they sense a threat, they can travel great distances
in the blink of an eye to stand ready against it.
Who or what would you give your life to protect?
What is a belief you hold onto strongly?
What sensation or emotion do people feel when they’re near you?
When did you stand up for something, and what did it cost you?
Scope: 5 Save Target: 10 Guardian Angel Trait
BULK MIND Minor Action
HP: 9 Stress Cap: 7
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 5 Choose an ally within line of sight to protect. You
AGILITY MAGIC may INTERPOSE for them as long as they are within
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 7 SCOPE, teleporting to a free adjacent space. This
Speed: 5 MP: 2 lasts for the rest of the scene or until you use this
ability again.
Layered Auras Trait
You gain the Aura of Inspiration spell, which is Retribution Trait
equipped for free.
You can COUNTERATTACK 2/round instead of
Additionally, you may have two Auras active at 1/round.
once, but they must be from different abilities.
Additionally, 1/round when performing INTERPOSE,
you can COUNTERATTACK the attacker before the
triggering attack happens. This COUNTERATTACK
doesn’t cost FOCUS.
Aura of Inspiration Spell
Arcing, Aura 5, Innate, Unique
You and all allies within this Aura gain +1 + on
checks and saves. MAIN HEAVY
Bastion of Resolve Limit Break
At any time during a combat scene, you may Auras of Resistance Spell
harden your resolve and surpass your normal 2 Memory | Arcing, Aura 5
limits. When activated, you clear all conditions and Free Action
gain the following benefits, which last until the end
of this phase next round: You can use one of the following Auras at a time:
You gain resistance to all damage. Aura of Energy Resistance: Choose either
Your weapons with Reach gain +2 Reach. Astral or Lunar. You and all allies within this
You may use Guardian Angel on all allies. Aura gain resistance to the chosen damage
Aura of Freedom: You and all allies within
Paladins draw upon their beliefs and convictions this Aura gain immunity to SLOWED and can
to strengthen their aetheric fields. The more automatically break out of grapples as a free
deeply they believe in something, the stronger action.
the effects. Once they’ve perfected this skill, the
Expand your aetheric field to cover those of
only limit on their power is the strength of their
your allies. As they overlap, you can imbue their
resolve. As long as they stand unwavering, they
fields with your own protections.
can’t be stopped.
Reaction (1/round)
Phoenixes are elite spellcasters specializing in elemental fire. During training, they take the mythical phoenix as
their inspiration, focusing on the different aspects of fire, such as destruction and rebirth. To become a phoenix,
you must give over your aetheric field to the raw forces of flame. If you have prepared correctly, it will be returned
infused with fire; if not, your aether will be consumed.
Phoenixes make expert use of effects that deal Discord. Their significant MP and long SCOPE means they are well
suited to attack safely from afar with spells. The Sniper talent is a good fit for Phoenixes that use ranged spell
You have resistance to Astral and Discord. Characters within or adjacent to the volcano or a
lava flow space receive +2 - on checks to clear
WEAPON SLOTS On subsequent turns, you can spend 1 MP as a
minor action to add or remove up to 3 lava flow
LIGHT MAIN spaces.
The volcano and lava flows last until the end of the
Riftblades explore the different Reflections of the Source, cataloging as much about these new and interesting
worlds as possible. The main tool of a riftblade is their signature riftcutter, a magitech device with an infinitely
sharp edge that can cut small portals between Reflections. Knowing that each new Reflection is filled with
unknown challenges and hazards, riftblades outfit themselves with a wide array of gear to prepare for any
The Riftblade is a complicated class that use their Rift trait to gain range and angles on their enemies. Careful
positioning of a rift is necessary, as enemies can attack them through it. Try placing rifts in cover or where
enemies can’t reach.
Scope: 15 Save Target: 10 Riftcutter Trait
You gain the Riftcutter weapon, which is equipped
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
for free.
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 8
Speed: 4 MP: 4
Riftcutter Melee Weapon
TRAITS Light Magitech | Accurate, Innate, Piercing,
Rift Trait Unique
Mana 1 5 Fight
Minor Action [Reach 1] | [3 Physical]
[Range 20] This weapon ignores resistance and immunity.
You place a rift in a free space within Range. This
doesn’t require line of sight. WEAPON SLOTS
Range, Reach, and line of sight for everything
(except placing additional rifts) can be drawn both LIGHT HEAVY
to and from you as if you were standing in the rift’s
space. The rift’s space is considered occupied by
The rift itself is not an object and cannot be directly
interacted with or affected in any way. It lasts for LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT
the rest of the scene, until you use this ability again,
or until you dismiss it as a minor action.
Gateway Limit Break
Minor Action
You create two SIZE 3 gateways on free solid Gravity Well Skill
surfaces within [Range 15], ignoring line of sight. 1 Memory
These gateways aren’t obstructions, don’t block line
Enemies must always stop moving when they
of sight, and last until the end of the scene.
become ENGAGED with you, regardless of their
1/turn when a character fully enters a gateway, they SIZE. Adjacent enemies must spend 2 movement
are immediately teleported to the other gateway, when moving to spaces that aren’t adjacent to you.
being placed in a space of their choice so they are
fully within the gateway. If a character enters a Gravity generators are a standard piece of
gateway as a result of forced movement, their equipment for Riftblades. The ability to create a
forced movement continues in the same direction comfortable gravity field around themselves is
from the other gateway starting in a space chosen sometimes the difference between life and death.
by whoever initiated the forced movement.
If a character cannot end this teleport fully within
the gateway (e.g., because too many spaces are
occupied), the teleport fails. Sensor Goggles Support Item
Riftcutters can be overcharged with energy, You know the current HP, Stress, and MP of all
allowing them to create larger and more stable MARKED enemies.
rifts. With the proper architecture, these
Additionally, 1/turn, you can reroll the INVISIBLE
gateways can become permanent portals, miss chance when attacking an INVISIBLE target.
allowing instant travel between two places;
however, the portable power packs that
These goggles are equipped with aetheric and
riftblades carry aren’t strong enough, and the
biometric scanners for any situation.
gateways they create will eventually close.
The Rimeguard’s source of power is their frozen heart. A splinter of ice formed from the death of an ancient
elemental spirit is driven into their heart, encasing it in ice and freezing the blood in their veins. Those that survive
the process become one with the forces of cold.
The icy splinters needed to create a rimeguard are rare, and as a result, rimeguards are an uncommon sight.
Their rarity combined with their cold and distant demeanor, gives rimeguards a frightening reputation that is only
sometimes earned.
Who did you save from certain death?
Where were you when you realized you would change the world?
What can’t you feel when you channel the cold?
Who or what have you lost to the cold?
Rimeguards want to generate as much FOCUS as possible, allocating it between TEMP HP granted by Frost
Armor and their other FOCUS needs. Because of their unique mechanism for stacking TEMP HP, rimeguards can
either keep the TEMP HP for themselves and adopt an interposing defender style, or play the role of the backline
defender by sharing TEMP HP with allies.
Seekers are warriors who form bonds with primal spirits, which impart upon them a fraction of their power. In
return for power, seekers act as extensions of their patron spirits, operating beyond their normal boundaries.
Most seekers have a positive relationship with their bonded primal, but some forged their bonds out of
desperation or necessity. These seekers may not agree with their primal’s motives, but are nonetheless
compelled to do its bidding or risk losing their powers. However antagonistic the relationship, the seeker acts as
the eyes, ears, and hands of their primal.
The Seeker playstyle revolves around the MARKED condition. Marksman’s Eye benefits allies that consume
MARKS, and Seeker’s Sight allows them to 3 MARK enemies with ease. The Spotter talent is a good choice for
Seekers, and any abilities that use SCOPE benefit from their high base SCOPE attribute.
Scope: 20 Save Target: 11 Guided Shot Skill
BULK MIND Innate, Unique
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 4 Reaction
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6
AGILITY MAGIC Trigger: A ranged or thrown attack misses an
enemy within your SCOPE.
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 9
Speed: 5 MP: 3 Effect: The attack roll misses, but the attacker may
to reroll the attack roll against a different target
TRAITS within [Range 5] of the original target. A target can’t
be hit more than once by the same attack.
Marksman’s Eye Trait
Your allies gain +2 + instead of +1 + when
consuming MARKS against targets within your
Seeker’s Sight Trait
Minor Action
Sudden shifts in an area’s aetheric balance can give rise to shades – creatures made of pure aether. These
creatures can be dangerous, often lashing out in pain and confusion due to the environmental imbalance.
Shadebinders capture and train these dangerous shades, returning them to their homes once the imbalance is
addressed, or forging strong bonds with them and becoming traveling companions.
What was the first shade you trapped, and what were they like?
What was the most elaborate trap you set, and what was it for?
When were you unable to return a shade to its home, and why?
What aetheric disturbance has never been repaired, and is only getting worse?
BASE ATTRIBUTES you do so, you gain one of the special reactions
listed below.
Scope: 10 Save Target: 12
BULK MIND You can only have one shade in play at a time and
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 5 it retains its current HP when dismissed, which
persists between scenes. If the shade is defeated,
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 6
you must spend a RECOVERY to summon it again,
after which it regains all HP. It regains all HP during
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 7 Rests.
Speed: 4 MP: 4
Vinecutter Action
Reaction (1/round)
Companion Shade Trait Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the Shade takes
Summon damage or Stress.
Minor Action
[Range = Scope] Effect: They take [2 Stress] from the Shade and the
Shade can slide them 2 spaces.
Friendly Shade (SIZE 1/2, HP = GRIT+8, DODGE/A-
You call forth a friendly shade within Range. When
Shadebinders are a summoning class that prioritizes
having fewer, stronger Summons. Command Slash Skill
Partners lets their Summons take actions on the An adjacent enemy takes [3 Piercing Physical] and
behalf of the Shadebinder, like grappling enemies is SUNDERED until the end of their next turn.
instead of doing it themselves. As with most
Snarl Skill
summoners, they will likely want to take the
Summoner talent. An enemy within [Range 5] is MARKED and must
make a MIND save. Failure: They are WEAKENED until
the end of their next turn.
Recover Skill
WEAPON SLOTS The Summon regains all of its HP, clears a
condition, and gains hard cover until the end of your
next turn.
Shades are aetheric creatures. By infusing them
SUPPORT SLOTS with aether, their form can change and grow,
becoming stronger than before. This change is
temporary, as this new form radiates aether until
it returns to its natural state.
Aetheric Evolution Limit Break Teamwork Skill
Arcing 1 Memory
3 Volley Your Summons can use your BULK, AGILITY, MIND,
[Range = Scope] and MAGIC scores instead of theirs for ability
checks and saves.
You empower one of your Summons within Range
Minor Action: If you have at least one Summon in
with an influx of aether. It regains all HP and
play, choose one of the effects listed below. This
receives the following benefits, which last until the
lasts for the rest of the scene, or until you choose
end of the scene or until the Summon is defeated,
another effect, end it as a free action, or have no
and remain even if the Summon is dismissed:
more active Summons.
+1 SIZE.
These effects affect all of your Summons,
+10 current and maximum HP.
including ones summoned after the profile is
If it didn’t have a SPEED, it gains SPEED 4.
Otherwise, it gains +2 SPEED.
Threatening Summons: Attacks against
It also gains the Hyper Ray, Slash, Snarl, and
your Summons gain +1 +, and attacks
Recover abilities, which it can perform as standard
actions. against you receive +1 -.
Unassuming Summons: Attacks against
your Summons receive +1 -, and attacks
Hyper Ray Spell
against you gain +1 +.
All characters in a [Line 15] AOE must make an
AGILITY save. Failure: They take [10 Force]. You and your summons fight together and cover
Success: They take [5 Force]. for each other.
After performing this action, the Summon can’t move
or take any actions during your next turn, and can’t
be dismissed until the end of your next turn.
Trainer Items Support Item RANK 2
Main | Consumable 3
Reaction (1/round) Buddy Bond Support Item
Light | Enchantment
You gain the following reactions, which expend a
charge when used. You may use one of the following Enchantments
at a time:
Revive Action Any Support Item or Technique that
Doesn’t Require an Action to Activate:
Reaction (1/round) When you create a Summon, you can
choose for it to also receive any passive
Trigger: One of your Summons within SCOPE benefits granted by this item or technique.
would be defeated. This lasts until it is defeated or dismissed.
The Summon doesn’t gain the ability to use
Effect: The Summon is not defeated, and has its any actions granted by this item or
current HP set to its BLOODIED value. technique – just the passive benefits. Only
one Summon can benefit from this ability at
Return Action
a time.
Any Equipment or Technique with the
Reaction (1/round)
Summon Tag: When you regain HP,
Summons created with the enchanted
Trigger: A character starts their turn. equipment or technique regain half as much
HP. This only affects Summons that are
Effect: One of your Summons (ignoring line of
currently in play.
sight) is teleported to a free space adjacent to
Your companion has their own appropriately
A supply of medicine, supplies, and equipment to sized equipment.
keep your companions in tip-top shape.
Familiar Spell
1 Memory | Mana 1, Summon
Minor Action
Familiar (SIZE 1/2, HP 1, DODGE/A-DEF 10, SPEED
You call your familiar forth in a free space adjacent
to you. You may automatically do this at the
beginning of a combat scene, spending the
required MP as normal.
When you call your familiar, choose BULK, AGILITY,
MIND, or MAGIC. While you and your familiar are
adjacent to each other, you both gain +1 + to
checks and saves with the chosen ability score.
Whenever you move (excluding forced movement)
while adjacent to this Summon, it can also move to
any free space adjacent to you, benefiting from any
special forms of movement that you use (e.g.,
flight or teleportation).
Shadow dancers train in the dark, increasing their attunement to the power of the umbra. When they finish their
training, their shadow has changed: it moves differently, feels looser, and seems darker. Every shadow looks
different to the dancer once they realize that they’re all connected.
How are shadows linked, and how do you exploit that?
What is your favorite type of dance?
Why do you feel more comfortable in the dark?
What strengthens your shadow, and what happens if it gets too strong?
Scope: 12 Save Target: 10 Slip Step Trait
Reaction attacks against you receive +1 -.
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 4
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 5 Minor Action: While adjacent to a character, you
AGILITY MAGIC teleport to another space adjacent to that
Dodge: 12 A-Def: 7 character.
Speed: 7 MP: 4
Shapeshifters can change their bodies, taking on the features of other creatures or changing into different
creatures altogether. The earliest shapeshifters were lycanthropes studying the way their transformations worked.
Over time, they discovered how to transform specific parts of their bodies, and eventually how to choose what
they transformed into.
This type of shapeshifting is notable because it’s a learned skill, not a spell. The shapeshifter carefully rearranges
their aetheric balance until it precisely aligns with the typical aetheric balance of the creature they’re shapeshifting
into. While their form may be different, they’re still the same person they were before. A shapeshifter that
transforms into a bear isn’t actually a bear; they’re merely adopting the outward form of a bear.
A shapeshifter’s different forms make them very versatile in combat play, and with Form for the Occasion they
don’t need to worry about changing their equipment and techniques based on the environment. Shapeshifters are
a jack-of-all-trades class, and can adopt a range of playstyles by combining their shapeshifting forms with those
from other classes.
Scope: 10 Save Target: 10 Form for the Occasion Trait
You move normally in difficult terrain. Additionally,
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 7
you have an Aquatic Adaptation and you can fly
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 5
when you move, but you take [1 Stress] at the end
AGILITY MAGIC of any turn in which you do so.
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 7
Speed: 5 MP: 4
Beast Weapons Melee Weapon
Light Club | Innate, Unique LIGHT HEAVY
5 Fight
[Reach 1] | [1d3 Physical] SUPPORT SLOTS
At the end of your turn, if you didn’t make an
attack that turn, you can attack once with this LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT
weapon as a free action.
You can use this weapon even if DISARMED.
Perfect Form Limit Break
Free Action RANK 1
There is magic in a song. There is magic in a dance. Any performance where you put some of yourself into it is
magic. Skalds know this, and can push it to its extremes. Stories come to life and move people, or draw out
specific emotions. Performance is the weapon of the skald.
A skald’s performances stimulate the aetheric field of nearby creatures. By honing these performances, they learn
to produce specific, repeatable effects. Skalds enjoy traveling and meeting other skalds, growing their repertoire
of performances and related magical effects.
What type of performance is your specialty?
What weapon and instrument have you combined? Songbow, hammerhorn, or something else?
What does your entrance music sound like, or what is the main instrument it features?
Who was moved by your performance that you didn’t expect to be?
Tempo Trait
BASE ATTRIBUTES You gain the Tempo skill, which is equipped for
Scope: 10 Save Target: 11
HP: 7 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6
Tempo Skill
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 9
Speed: 5 MP: 4 Innate, Unique
TRAITS Trigger: An attack misses an ally within SCOPE.
Encore Trait Effect: The ally shifts 2.
At the beginning of any round, if you successfully
released a 2 CHANNEL ability in the previous
round, you can spend 1 MP to immediately 2
Mana 1
Free Action (1/turn)
[Range = Scope] LIGHT MAIN
Thunderclaws are named after the elite canine warriors that created the fighting style. Training atop a mountain in
the Thunderfields, they gained unique insights into the properties of lightning. They learned how to generate and
channel it through their bodies, and how to hold it within to enhance their physical abilities.
Thunderclaws are highly mobile, with abilities that allow them to quickly move around a battlefield, and others that
require specific positioning to maximize their effects. The more attacks a Thunderclaw makes, the more Flurry
they can generate, so the Stormdancer talent’s third rank and other abilities that allow for extra attacks are good
choices for this class.
Scope: 5 Save Target: 10 Flurry Trait
You have pool of Flurry that starts at 0 and has a
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
maximum of 6. Whenever you hit with a melee
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 6
attack, you gain +1 Flurry.
Dodge: 10 A-Def: 7 When you hit with a melee attack, you can spend
Speed: 6 MP: 2 Flurry as follows:
1/round, you can spend 1 Flurry to deal +1d6
TRAITS bonus damage of the same type.
Balance Trait 1/round, you can spend 6 Flurry to make a
Stunning Strike, forcing one of the targets to
Once during each of your turns, you can convert make a BULK save. Failure: They are
any amount of Flurry to an equal amount of FOCUS, STUNNED and DAZED until the end of their next
or vice versa. turn.
Fast as Lightning Trait
Minor Action
Common wisdom suggests that only a fool braves the seas without a tidecaller. Their command over water and
their insight into weather patterns make them invaluable additions to any seafaring vessel.
Tidecallers are strongly associated with water-aspect aether, known for its healing properties. A drop of this
magical water can heal a small cut, while a deluge can repair deadly wounds and restore vitality. An often-
forgotten aspect of water-aspect aether is its weight. Surprisingly, small quantities can knock a grown person off
their feet and drag them around in its wake.
Tidecallers use spells to move their allies and enemies around the battlefield with Rising Tide and River
Current, while providing healing support with spells like Tidal Healing. Their rank 3 Whirlpool ability is incredibly
strong in combat scenes that require controlling an area, like Acquisition or Control.
Whirlpool Spell
Drown Ranged Spell Attack
2 Memory | Mana 2
2 Memory | Aetheric, Indirect
2 Channel
3 Volley
[Range = Scope, Blast 2]
[Range = Scope] | [1 Discord]
On Release: This AOE is a zone. When it is
On Hit: Choose one of the following:
created, you may slide characters in the zone to
Engulf Lungs: If the target gains Discord any free space within the zone, after which they are
from this attack, they are SILENCED until they IMMOBILIZED. They can clear IMMOBILIZED by
clear all their Discord. succeeding on a BULK save as a minor action.
Submerge: The target must make a MAGIC
The zone is difficult terrain. It lasts until you
save. Failure: They are BLINDED until the end
dismiss it as a free action or use this ability again.
of their next turn.
On subsequent turns, you can spend 1 MP as a
Pool water in their mouth and lungs, drowning minor action to slide any number of characters in
them from the inside. the zone again.
Wardens are connected to the lifeforce of the planet, controlling the elements of earth and rock. They feel what
the planet feels, and when it cries out in pain, they rise to defend it. In return, they can draw upon the strength of
the planet itself to protect themselves.
Wardens can connect and attune to any planet or plane to which they travel, although doing so may change how
their powers look or work. Traveling to a dimension of fire, for example, a warden might find their hair turning to
flame, and their powers becoming wreathed in flame.
The Warden’s Earthen Slide and Grasping Vines let them bring enemies close and keep them there. From
there, they can use their Greatoak Mauler or other close range AOEs to punish clusters of enemies. The Great
Weapon Master talent works great with this type of playstyle.
What earthlike features do you have? Rocky skin, stone hair, something else?
What creature or spirit did you learn from?
How does the planet communicate with you?
What are the unique properties of the tree from which one of your pieces of equipment is made?
Scope: 5 Save Target: 10 Grasping Vines Trait
When an enemy starts their turn adjacent to you or
HP: 12 Stress Cap: 6
is moved adjacent to you by Earthen Slide, you
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 5
can spend 1 FOCUS to make them SLOWED until the
AGILITY MAGIC end of their next turn. You can’t use this ability if
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 8 you are DISARMED, SILENCED, or STUNNED.
Speed: 5 MP: 2
Tacticians and leaders, warlords are the glue that holds their groups together. They feel the rhythm of battle,
adjusting their plans, tactics, and people accordingly.
Warlords can either be backline strategists, supporting their allies with intelligence and positioning, or frontline
commanders, leading by example in the thick of battle.
Why are people willing to follow your command?
When did one of your decisions save the day?
What tactical mistake have you promised to never let happen again?
Who do you wish you could learn from or serve under?
Focused Plan Trait LIMIT BREAK
1/round when you make a character MARKED, an Follow My Lead Limit Break
ally of your choice can 3 VOLLEY or perform a Free Action
PHASE 5 BRAWL action against the MARKED
character as a reaction with +1 -. Until the end of the scene, any time you perform
your standard action, an ally of your choice can
perform a standard action from the same phase as
a reaction. Each ally can benefit from this effect
Take a Breather Trait
When you or an ally within SCOPE performs 1 You lead by example, your actions inspiring
REFRESH, another character of your choice within others to do the same. Your confidence bleeds
[Range 10] of that character gains 1d6+1 TEMP HP. over to your allies, creating a positive feedback
loop between them and you. Your confidence
inspires, their loyalty enkindles. Together, you
all act as one.
Warlords make their allies better. They can grant extra attacks with Focused Plan or have allies attack on their
behalf with Command. Marks are the primary way that warlords provide support or trigger their abilities, and the
Spotter talent helps them apply more of them.
Choose a damage type (Physical, Astral, Lunar, or
Force) and one of the following profiles:
Melee Weapon: Blade, Club, Longarm,
or Magitech | [Reach 1]
Ranged Weapon: Artifact, Bow, or
Armor keeps you alive. The stronger and more Magitech | [Range 10]
reliable your armor is, the longer you stay alive.
This weapon doesn’t need to be reloaded after
Talent every use. Instead, roll a d6 Malfunction Die
Rank 1: Reinforced Plating after each use. On a 5–6, the weapon must be
After you 1 DEFEND, you can spend FOCUS,
temporarily gaining +1 ARMOR per FOCUS spent, Talent
to a maximum of 6 ARMOR. This lasts until the Rank 2: Improvements
start of your next turn or until you next take
Physical, Astral, Lunar, or Force. Your Experimental Weapon only malfunctions
on a result of 6 on the Malfunction Die.
Talent Additionally, you may choose two of the following
Rank 2: Adamantine Armor improvements for your weapon each time you
equip it or during Long Rests.
Your Armor support items become Unbreakable.
+Tag (Can be Chosen Twice): Your
Experimental Weapon gains one of the
Talent following: Accurate, Aetheric, Arcing, Push
Rank 3: Battle Hardened
1, Reliable 2, or Thrown 5.
When you reduce a source of damage to 0, you +AOE: When you attack with your
negate all other effects the attack or ability would Experimental Weapon, you can spend 1
have on you, including on-hit effects. MP to attack with either of the following
AOEs instead of its normal Range.
Ranged Weapon: [Line 8], or
[Blast 1] with weapon’s Range.
Melee Weapon: [Burst 1] or [Close
Blast 1].
Infusing items with aetheric energy allows you Rank 2: Portfolio of Formulas
to grant them unique traits. Enchanted
weapons are always better than their mundane You can apply one of your Enchantments to two
counterparts. different things.
Additionally, the following support items –
Talent Adamant, Speed, and Vorpal – are added to the
Rank 1: Apprentice Enchanter list of available support items from Apprentice
Each quest, you can equip one of the following Enchanter.
support items – Keen, Variable, or Aspected –
for free. Adamant Support Item
Keen Support Item
You may use one of the following Enchantments
Enchantment at a time:
You may use one of the following Enchantments Any Armor: As a minor action while
at a time: wearing this armor, you can gain 1
Any Weapon, Skill Attack, or Spell FOCUS.
Attack that Deals Damage: On a crit Any Weapon or Spell Attack: On a crit
with this ability, you deal +1d3 bonus with this ability, you gain 1 FOCUS.
Any Weapon, Skill Attack, or Spell Speed Support Item
Attack that Deals Stress: On a crit with Enchantment
this ability, you deal +2 Stress.
Any Weapon, Skill Attack, or Spell You may use one of the following Enchantments
Attack that Deals Discord: On a crit at a time:
with this ability, you deal +1 Discord. Any Non-Slow Weapon: You can 3
VOLLEY or 5 FIGHT (as relevant) with this
Variable Support Item
weapon during PHASE 1 BOLSTER.
Enchantment Any Armor: While wearing this armor,
you can take PHASE 4 REPOSITION
You may use the following Enchantment:
actions during PHASE 1 BOLSTER.
Any Equipment or Technique: When you apply
this Enchantment, 1 REFRESH, or Rest, you can Vorpal Support Item
change its damage type from Physical, Astral,
Lunar, or Force to another one of these damage
types. You may use the following Enchantment:
Aspected Support Item Any Melee Weapon: 1/round when you roll the
highest possible value on a damage die as part of
Enchantment a melee attack with this weapon, roll that die
again and add that result to the total damage.
You may use one of the following Enchantments
This effect can trigger multiple times.
at a time:
Only the damage from the weapon triggers this
Any Armor: You gain +1 + to checks
effect, not any bonus damage or extra sources of
and saves with one ability score – BULK,
damage. On a crit, resolve which damage dice
AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC – chosen when
are being used before doing any of the rerolls.
you apply this Enchantment.
Any Equipment or Technique: When
you attack with this ability, you can
spend 1 MP to give it the Aetheric tag,
Rank 3: Master Enchanter
You may have one ability at a time with two
Enchantments applied, instead of just one. In a prolonged firefight, it’s just as important
to avoid getting shot as it is to accurately hit
Additionally, you can equip a single your enemies. This fighting style uses
Enchantment support item for free, which can be
movements meant to avoid the most commonly
an additional one from this talent.
attacked areas.
1/round after you hit and deal damage to a Additionally, 1/turn when you crit with a ranged
character with a HEAVY melee weapon attack, you attack against a target within that weapon’s
can take [1 Stress] to Cleave. Choose a different Reach, you gain 1 FOCUS.
character within the weapon’s Reach and your
line of sight, even a HIDDEN one. That character Talent
Rank 3: Death-Blossom
takes damage equal to half the total damage
dealt to the original target. The Cleave target You have a d6 Gun Kata Die that starts at 1.
can’t have been a target of the original attack. Each time you make a reaction attack, increase
the value of the Gun Kata Die by +1, to a
Talent maximum of 6. When the die reaches 6, you can
Rank 2: Carry Through reset it to 1 as a free action during your turn to
When you roll damage from a HEAVY melee deal [6 Physical] split however you like among
weapon, you can choose to treat any 1s as 2s. any enemies of your choice within [Range 3].
Additionally, when you use Cleave, you can 1/turn you can spend 1 FOCUS as a free action to
choose to gain TEMP HP equal to the amount of increase the value of your Gun Kata Die by +1.
damage you would deal to the second target Your Gun Kata Die keeps its value between
instead of dealing that damage. You lose that scenes, but resets to 1 during Long Rests.
amount of TEMP HP at the start of your next turn.
If the first attack was a crit, you can both deal
damage and gain TEMP HP.
Rank 3: Wide Cleave
When you roll damage from a HEAVY melee
weapon, you can choose to treat any rolled 1s or
2s as 3s.
If you defeat an enemy with damage from
Cleave, you can trigger Cleave again that turn,
bypassing the 1/round limitation. This effect can
trigger multiple times.
“Never stop moving. If something stands in your
The battlefield is no place for proper medicine
and care, but in a pinch, the presence of a way, run them over. You are unstoppable.”
hospitaller can mean the difference between – Captain Inyanafretziel, retired beacon, training
life and death. a new generation of linebreakers
Talent Talent
Rank 1: Reserves Rank 1: Leverage
When you 1 REFRESH, you can pick two different You are considered to have +1 SIZE for 5 SHOVE
options from the second list instead of one. and being smaller doesn’t impose -.
Additionally, when you successfully 5 SHOVE,
Rank 2: Help you can choose to push the target up to 3 spaces
instead of 1.
When you 1 REFRESH, an adjacent ally gains
TEMP HP equal to your GRIT+3. Talent
Rank 2: Locomotion
Rank 3: Medic 1/round when you push a character into another
character or object, the pushed character takes
When you 1 REFRESH, you can spend a
RECOVERY for an adjacent ally to also gain the [1d6 Physical]. If you push them into another
benefits of whatever options you selected. character, both must also make an AGILITY save
against your SAVE TARGET. Failure: They fall
Rank 3: Runaway Train
You gain the Runaway Train action.
Talent Talent
Rank 1: Quick Step Rank 1: Leyline Sensor
You can shift 1 after attacking with a longarm. At the start of each combat scene, create three
[Blast 1] zones – your ley nodes – anywhere on
the map. This doesn’t require line of sight but
Talent these zones can’t contain any enemy spaces. If
Rank 2: Poke and Prod
you or an ally starts their turn fully within one of
When you crit with a longarm, the target is these zones, roll a d6. On a 5+, they regain 1 MP.
WEAKENED until the end of their next turn.
Rank 2: Leyline Drainer
Rank 3: Impale
1/round as a reaction when a character enters
1/turn when you attack with a longarm, you can one of your ley nodes, you can force them to
turn the attack into a Line attack with a length make a MAGIC save. Failure: They lose 1d3 MP,
equal to the weapon’s Reach. and you regain that much MP.
Additionally, you and your allies regain MP in
your ley nodes on a 4+ instead of a 5+.
Rank 3: Leyline Transportation
You create 4 ley nodes at the start of combat
instead of 3. While you are standing fully in one of
your ley nodes, you can use your standard
action during PHASE 4 REPOSITION to teleport to
another one of your ley nodes. The ley node you
left is destroyed.
Rank 3: Living Vessel
Living Vessel (SIZE 1/2, HP 10, DODGE/A-DEF 5,
Liches are arcanists that have discovered a path SPEED 0, immune to Aetheric attacks and
to immortality. By creating a device called a Stress)
soul vessel, the would-be lich can make a copy
When you would be defeated, your body
of their soul and store it inside. Upon death, a
disappears and you turn into your living vessel,
new body is formed around the soul vessel, and a SIZE 1/2 object in one of your spaces. Living
the process begins anew. vessels can’t act or move.
You expend a charge and summon your soul
vessel in a free adjacent space. While it is in
play, you gain the Reformed reaction. Magitech weapons utilize technology to mimic
the effects of traditional spells, letting anyone
Reformed Action harness the destructive power of magic.
Reaction Different civilizations have created their own
Trigger: You would take damage or Stress from power sources for magitech, from electrical
another character. currents through to soul gems.
Effect: The damage or Stress is immediately
negated along with any other effects. You Talent
immediately teleport to your soul vessel, which is Rank 1: Growing Power
then destroyed.
Whenever you crit with a magitech weapon, you
Talent get a d6 Power Die. You can have up to 6 Power
Rank 2: Demilich
Dice, which last until the end of a quest or until
1/scene when you defeat a character, your Soul spent.
Vessel regains 1 charge.
After rolling an attack or damage roll with a
Additionally, you can remove Wounds or magitech weapon, you can roll any number of
Overstresses for 1 RECOVERY each during Short Power Dice, expending them in the process. The
Rests. highest number rolled is added to the result of the
attack roll or to the damage roll as bonus
Rank 2: Infused Ammo
“Shadows cloak and conceal. Keep us safe. Keep
When you attack with a magitech weapon, you us hidden. Stay in the shadows. The light
can spend up to 6 MP to increase the attack’s reveals to us our deaths.”
existing Physical, Force, Astral, or Lunar by +1
per MP spent. The increased damage applies to – Myphos
every target hit by the attack.
Talent Rank 1: Blend
Rank 3: Unstable Power Core
While INVISIBLE or benefiting from cover against
1/round when you crit with a magitech weapon, all enemies that have line of sight to you, you can
you can apply one of the following effects: take [2 Stress] to 4 HIDE as a minor action.
Magnetic: The target is DISARMED until the
end of their next turn. Rank 2: Hunt
Shielded: You gain 2 FOCUS.
Shock: The target is DAZED and SLOWED You gain +1 + on your first attack roll while
until the end of their next turn. HIDDEN in a given turn.
Soul Gem: The target is WEAKENED until the Additionally, whenever you defeat an enemy, roll
end of their next turn and MARKED. a d6 Hunt Die. On a 6+, you can choose to
Volatile: The target is SUNDERED until the become HIDDEN.
end of their next turn and knocked PRONE.
Rank 3: Infiltration
You can deploy in any free space within [Range
5] of an edge of the map.
Additionally, when you roll your Hunt Die, you
In the face of unbridled savagery, most training become HIDDEN on a 5+; if you were already
and discipline finds itself lacking. HIDDEN when you defeated the enemy, you
become HIDDEN on a 4+.
Rank 1: Never Down
You receive the following benefits:
While BLOODIED, you gain +1 + on
While BREAKING, you gain 1 FOCUS at the
start of each of your turns.
Rank 2: Vicious
You can use the Reroll Table to reroll damage
Rank 3: Wild Attacker
You can trigger the Overextend option from the
Reroll Table multiple times per turn, but only for
a different enemy each time.
Most cultures have their own unique version Snipers are deadly marksmen. They live by the
of the sword. Katanas, gladii, scimitars, and motto, “one shot, one kill”, no matter how long
khopeshes are all considered swords. A skilled it takes.
wielder of blades can adapt to just about any
situation. Talent
Rank 1: Steady Shot
Talent At the start of your turn, you can choose to start
Rank 1: Feint Aiming. You become IMMOBILIZED until the start
1/round when you hit with a blade weapon attack, of your next turn and gain +1 + on all ranged
you can take [1 Stress] to 3 MARK the target. attacks while IMMOBILIZED in this way.
Talent Talent
Rank 2: Hamstring Rank 2: Zero In
1/round when you crit with a blade weapon When you miss with a ranged attack, you gain +1
attack, the target is SLOWED until the end of their + on all ranged attacks until you hit with one.
next turn. This effect stacks.
Talent Talent
Rank 3: Weeping Cuts Rank 3: Pinpoint Shot
1/round when you hit with a blade weapon attack, 1/round when you crit with a ranged attack while
you can choose to treat half of the attack’s IMMOBILIZED, you deal +1d6 bonus damage.
damage as normal, and half of the attack’s
damage as Discord instead of its normal damage
type. For example, if a blade attack deals [10
Physical], you can choose to have it deal [5
Physical + 5 Discord] instead.
Rank 3: Practiced
Instead of reducing your Stance Die by –2 after
A versatile soldier must be consistent and attacking with a MAIN melee weapon, you only
reliable in any situation. reduce it by –1.
The first time each turn you perform a melee Flowing Stance: Reduce your Stance
attack with a MAIN weapon, that attack gains +1 Die by –2.
Rank 2: Stances
Minor Action: You take [1 Stress] and enter one
of the following stances – Wolf Stance, Snake Go fast. Embrace speed. Put your problems
Stance, or Eagle Stance. You remain in this behind you, and never stop running, or they’ll
stance for the rest of the scene or until you catch you.
perform this minor action again. You may enter
each stance 1/scene. Talent
Rank 1: Sprint
When you enter a stance, you gain a d6 Stance
Die that starts at 6. After attacking with a MAIN Minor Action: You take [2 Stress] and move up
melee weapon, reduce the value of your Stance to half your SPEED.
Die by –2. If it reaches 0, you drop the stance.
Wolf Stance: Your MAIN melee weapon Talent
Rank 2: Supersonic
attacks gain Reliable X, where X is the value
of your Stance Die. The Reliable damage When you 4 RUSH or use Sprint, you gain 1
can’t exceed the weapon’s maximum Sonido, up to a maximum of 6. As your standard
damage. movement, you can spend any number of
Snake Stance: The ARMOR of your targets Sonidos to teleport a number of spaces equal to
can’t reduce the damage of your MAIN melee the Sonido spent and gain soft cover until the
weapon attacks below the value of your start of your next turn. You can’t use this ability if
Stance Die. you are SLOWED.
Eagle Stance: Before rolling an attack with a Sonido lasts between scenes, but resets to 0
MAIN melee weapon, you can do either of the during each Long Rest.
Treat one + die as if it had rolled the Rank 3: Tactical Repositioning
value of your Stance Die.
Treat one - die as if it had rolled 7 minus When you 4 RUSH, you can use both options
the value of your Stance Die. For instead of choosing one.
example, if your Stance Die is 4, you
could treat the result of a - die as 3 (7 –
4 = 3).
Spellbreakers are anti-mages. Their job is to
Spellblades weave magic into their weapons,
casting spells between weapon strikes. shut down enemy spellcasters, which they do
with surprising efficiency.
Talent Talent
Rank 1: Spellweaver Rank 1: Broken Concentration
1/turn after hitting the same target with both a When you force a character to make a
weapon and spell attack in the same turn, you concentration save, they become DAZED until
gain 1 Weave, to a maximum of 3. Weave lasts the end of their next turn and take [3 Stress]. This
until you Rest. doesn’t trigger an additional concentration save.
During your turn, you can spend 3 Weave to
perform the following Spellstrike minor action. Talent
Rank 2: Spell Evasion
SPELLSTRIKE Action If you succeed on a save against an effect that
Minor Action has a reduced effect on a save (e.g., half damage
You attack with either: or fewer conditions), you don’t suffer those
a LIGHT or MAIN weapon
a 3 VOLLEY or 5 FIGHT spell. Talent
This attack doesn’t deal bonus damage or trigger Rank 3: Break
linked attacks. You gain the Break Spell reaction.
Rank 2: Spellblade Training
Break Spell Action
You gain the following benefits: Reaction (1/round)
When you hit with a weapon attack, you gain Trigger: A character begins channeling within
+1 + on your next spell attack against the Reach of one of your weapons.
same target. Effect: You attack them with that weapon.
When you hit with a spell attack, you gain +1
+ on your next weapon attack against the
same target.
You can’t gain more than +1 + this way at a
Rank 3: Aetherblade
You can link a weapon and a spell together as if
they were a linked pair. When you would select
equipment, choose an unlinked LIGHT or MAIN
weapon and a 3 VOLLEY or 5 FIGHT spell attack.
You can spend 1 MP to make a linked attack
with them as though they were a linked pair.
Unlike linked W weapons, if either the weapon or
spell is destroyed, it does not destroy the linked
W weapon or spell. This effect lasts until you
select a new linked pair with this talent.
Additionally, you gain +1 + on linked attacks
(see p. XX).
Spotters are usually paired with snipers. The
sniper is the gun, and the spotter is the eye. Rank 2: Whirling
Together, you are dead.
1/round after hitting with the second of two
Talent different LIGHT weapons during your turn, you
Rank 1: Shotcaller begin Whirling. This lasts until the end of your
turn. During this time, you can consume Whirling
1/round, when you make a target MARKED, you as a free action to do the following in any order:
can force them to make a MIND save. Failure:
They are SUNDERED until the end of their next Create a [Burst 1] AOE, dealing [3 Physical]
turn. to enemies in the AOE.
Move up to 3 spaces.
Rank 2: Radar Talent
Rank 3: Dual Wielder
When you perform a 7 FULL ATTACK, you can
One of your MAIN or LIGHT W LIGHT weapon slots
replace one or both of the actions with 3 MARK. becomes a MAIN W LIGHT slot, or one of your
LIGHT slots becomes a LIGHT W LIGHT slot.
Rank 3: Quick Call
At the start of your turn, you can take [1 Stress] to
3 MARK as a free action.
Rank 2: Powershot Overcharge Action
2 Channel
When you attack with a bow while benefiting from
On Release: You auto-hit with an artifact
Overdraw, you can take [1 Stress] to choose one
weapon, even a Slow one.
of the following:
Ballista: Your attack becomes a [Line X] Talent
Rank 3: Empowerment
attack, where X equals the weapon’s Range.
This replaces the attack’s Range, and the 1/round when you hit a target with an artifact, you
attack can’t benefit from Arcing. can spend 1 MP to apply one of the following
Catapult: On a hit, the target must make a effects:
BULK save. Failure: They are automatically Cold: The target is SLOWED until the end of
affected by a 5 SHOVE from you. their next turn.
Rain of Arrows: All enemies within a [Burst Dark: The target must make a MAGIC save.
1] AOE around the target are MARKED. Failure: They are BLINDED until the end of
their next turn.
Talent Fire: The target takes [1 Piercing Astral]
Rank 3: High Shot damage for every space they move during
You punctuate your shots with arrows launched their next turn.
high into the air. Whenever you attack with a bow, Force: The attack gains Push 1 and the
you can either gain +1 Arrow or consume all target is DAZED until the end of their next
Arrows. You can only gain 1 Arrow per attack turn.
(not attack roll). Light: The target is MARKED.
Lightning: The target can’t use any
When you consume all your Arrows, you roll an
extra d20 for each Arrow and take the highest reactions until the end of their next turn.
result as the attack roll. Arrows last until the end Toxic: The target takes [1 Discord].
of the scene.
Parkour is a movement style focused on
travelling between two points in the fastest,
most efficient way. Practitioners can jump, roll,
Delving into caves and abandoned ruins is
or climb over any obstacle.
dangerous, but it can lead to great treasures and
Talent riches.
Rank 1: Limber
You receive the following benefits: Rank 1: Lucky Haul
You gain +1 + on AGILITY checks and When you take this rank, the GM generates a loot
saves crate for you (p. XX). You keep the loot even if
You move normally in difficult terrain. you cease to have this talent, but you don’t get
Climbing costs half as much movement additional loot crates if you later take this talent
as normal. again.
Standing from PRONE costs half your
movement, instead of all of your Talent
movement. Rank 2: Gambler
Talent When you get loot crates, you can reroll either the
Rank 2: Rollout Slot 1 or Slot 2 option once.
Rank 3: Free Movement
When you move adjacent to an object (including
terrain) of equal or greater SIZE, you can take [1
Stress] to move up to 2 spaces as a free action.
You can repeat this multiple times in a turn,
taking [1 Stress] each time, but not from the same
object twice in a row.
Using magic on the battlefield is nothing like
learning it academically. Battlemages sacrifice
flexibility for power and speed. Warcasters must
learn how to hold their focus no matter what is
happening around or to them. Pain is a
distraction that leads to death.
Rank 1: Maintain
You gain +1 + on concentration saves.
Additionally, being ENGAGED doesn’t give your
ranged spell attacks +1 -.
Rank 2: Spellfighter
Your 3 VOLLEY and 5 FIGHT spell attacks that
don’t have Reach gain [Reach 1]. You can
OPPORTUNITY ATTACK with these spells.
Rank 3: Unflinching
While channeling, you gain resistance to
Physical, Astral, Lunar, and Force.
Beacons have access to an array of basic equipment and techniques. These abilities are always available
to beacons, either because they’re easy to find, learn, or craft, or because they’re cheap.
Whenever you prepare for a quest, you can always choose equipment and techniques from those listed in
this section. Additionally, because none of these abilities are Unique, you can equip multiple copies of
each, as long as you have the slots or MEMORY to equip them.
Aetherbreaker 5 FIGHT Main Club Inaccurate [Reach 1] [2d6+1 Force]
Bloodpike 5 FIGHT Heavy Longarm – [Reach 2] [2d6+1 Lunar]
Hammer 5 FIGHT Light Club Thrown 5 [Reach 1] [1d3+1 Physical]
Maul 5 FIGHT Heavy Club Inaccurate, Push [Reach 1] [3d6 Physical]
Moonknife 5 FIGHT Light Blade Accurate, [Reach 1] [1d3 Lunar]
Thrown 3
Photon Axe 5 FIGHT Heavy Blade Reliable 4 [Reach 1] [1d6+7 Astral]
Rapier 5 FIGHT Light Blade Piercing [Reach 1] [2 Physical]
Runespear 5 FIGHT Main Longarm Thrown 3 [Reach 2] [1d6+1 Force]
Sword 5 FIGHT Main Blade Reliable 2 [Reach 1] [1d6+1 Physical]
Whip 5 FIGHT Light Longarm – [Reach 3] [1d3 Physical]
Crossbow 3 VOLLEY Heavy Bow Piercing, [Range 10] [2d6+3 Physical]
Crystal Staff 3 VOLLEY Heavy Artifact Aetheric, [Range 10, Blast 2] [2d6 Lunar]
Mana 2
Forbidden 3 VOLLEY Main Artifact Aetheric, [Range 15, Blast 1] [1d3+1 Lunar]
Tome Arcing,
Mana 1
Lunar Cannon 7 FULL ATTACK Heavy Magitech Reliable 4, [Line 15] [3d6+3 Lunar]
Shardgun 3 VOLLEY Light Magitech Reliable 1 [Range 5, Reach 3] [1d3 Force]
Shardgun Rifle 3 VOLLEY Main Magitech Reliable 2 [Range 10] [1d6+1 Force]
Shardshredder 3 VOLLEY Main Magitech – [Range 5, Reach 3] [2d3 Force]
Shortbow 3 VOLLEY Main Bow Arcing [Range 10] [1d6 Physical]
Starwand 3 VOLLEY Light Artifact Accurate, [Range 5] [1d3 Astral]
Stormbow 3 VOLLEY Heavy Bow Arcing, [Range 15] [2d6 Astral]
Push 1
Reaction (1/round)
# Theme 1 # Theme 2
# Theme 3
1 Balance 1 Collecting
1 Survival
2 Artificial Scarcity 2 Protection
2 Floods
3 The Number 13 3 Giants
3 Bells
4 Separation 4 Darkness
4 Optimism
5 Right vs Wrong 5 Unification
5 Rain
6 Sacrifice 6 Fallen Civilizations
6 Identity
7 Redemption 7 Embracing of the
7 The Future
8 Family Scourge
8 History 8 Freedom
9 Graves
9 Shame 9 Pride
10 Sea
10 Transformation 10 Electricity
11 Boundaries
11 Perseverance 11 Revolution
12 Music
12 Vengeance 12 New Horizons
13 Reincarnation
13 Cuteness 13 Destiny
14 Time
14 Light 14 Dreams
15 Airships
15 Mazes 15 Nightmares
16 Dinosaurs
16 Poison 16 Fire
17 Stars
17 Corruption 17 Ice
18 Destruction
18 Illusions 18 Hostile
19 Isolation
19 Oblivion Environments
20 The Past 19 Justification
20 Holes
20 Growth
Heroes. Paragons. Chosen. The Scourge is a recurring threat – a guaranteed
event in every Reflection. Its form and nature differs
Across all reflections, these legendary figures share
between Reflections, but it always exists (or did
a common name: beacon. The characters portrayed
exist) in each. The Scourge may not always be the
by players in your game are heroes like these.
greatest threat facing a Reflection, but it is constant.
Beacons exist on each Reflection as inspirational or
The Scourge can be anything; the only consistent
guiding figures. They can be heroes, villains, or
thing is that it’s a threat of some sort. It’s usually an
anything else. What makes them truly special is that
entity (like a boss you can beat), but sometimes it
– one way or another – people look to them in times
might be an event, like two distinct worlds joining
of trouble.
into one every 1,000 years.
For example, the beacons of one Reflection might
Many Scourges have powerful subordinates called
be heroes from a doomed timeline, trying to prevent
heralds. These dangerous beings carry out the will
the destruction of their world, while those of another
of the Scourge or otherwise work to bring it about,
might be people with a unique ability to resist the
leading armies and crushing beacons who stand
poisoned air of the land beneath the clouds.
against them.
As a group, ask yourselves the following questions
It is important to understand that the Scourge is a
and then decide on the role or nature of beacons in
recurring threat, but not necessarily an evil. Every
your Reflection, choosing from the below list or
Reflection is unique, and sometimes a scourge is a
making your own:
force of evil, but sometimes it’s not. Either way, it
What role do beacons serve in this Reflection? must be dealt with.
How does one become a beacon?
What separates beacons from other people? Most games of Beacon revolve around Scourges,
but sometimes the Scourge isn’t the real threat of
Cost 5 Enhance 3
Cost 5 Enhance 0
Summary: A prince or princess has been Summary: A living, growing dungeon has
captured and must be rescued! The royal been unearthed. Its rooms expand like tree
family has an idea who might have done it, roots, weakening the ground and releasing
but the real reason might be surprising … monsters onto the surface. It must be
Inciting Incident: The beacons arrive at the
castle the morning after the royal was Inciting Incident: Monster attacks have been
kidnapped. The castle is in a state of panic as on the rise lately, but with no obvious source.
they search for the missing person, and no One day a sinkhole swallows up part of a city,
one will deal with the beacons until they are revealing an expanding dungeon beneath.
returned. Architects confirm that where the dungeon is
now, there once were sewers. The dungeon is
Rising Action: The beacons identify the growing.
kidnapper and where they went. They must
make their way to where the royal is being Rising Action: The beacons venture into the
held before the kidnapper can escape. dungeon, encountering the monsters and
traps that spawn inside of it. They find signs
Climax: The beacons confront the kidnapper. of the life and intelligence that is the dungeon
If the kidnapper was in the wrong, the itself.
beacons must fight them and their
companions. If the situation is more Climax: The dungeon focuses its ability to
complicated, they must confront the true create monsters to forging a powerful body for
threat. itself. This living manifestation of the dungeon
clashes with the beacons, attempting to purge
Conclusion: The beacons are rewarded by its body of the invading heroes!
whoever they supported, and are offered
support in their next task. Conclusion: If the beacons win, they can kill
the dungeon and stop it from growing any
further. If they lose, it will grow unchecked.
Summary: A town is under siege by the Summary: A corrupt political leader has been
undead, who rise every night but turn to ash rallying the populace against the beacons and
when the sun rises. their efforts.
Inciting Incident: The beacons receive a Inciting Incident: The corrupt leader calls for
direct request for aid from the townsfolk. The the imprisonment of the beacons. A mob of
people of the town need help identifying the deceived citizens attack the beacons.
source of the undead invasion and putting a
stop to it. They lose more people every night Rising Action: The beacons have to avoid
and will soon be overrun. drawing attention to themselves. They must
figure out how to remove the corrupt leader
Rising Action: The beacons help the and get proof of their corruption.
townsfolk temporarily strengthen their
defenses, then go hunting for the source of Climax: The corrupt leader reveals their
the undead. They trace it back to the shadowy master plan in a villainous monologue, and
forest nearby. sets their lackeys upon the beacons! The
heroes must capture them before they can
Climax: The beacons make their way through destroy the evidence.
the forest to confront the foul necromancer, a
powerful young mage who was exiled from Conclusion: If the beacons get the evidence,
the town as a child. they can regain their good standing. If not,
they are forever branded as outlaws and
Conclusion: The beacons either defeat the criminals.
necromancer or convince them to stop. The
townsfolk are relieved to be safe once more.
The rest of this section covers these decision If there are more PCs than there are NPCs,
points, and Chapter 08: Non-Player the PCs have a huge advantage because
Characters (p. XX) contains the full list of of the number of turns available to them
versus the NPCs. Try to design combat
NPCs, templates, and their rules.
scenes so there aren’t many more PCs
Minions are easily defeated, but do just as
A combat scene’s difficulty is one way for a GM much damage as standard NPCs. Too
to customize a fight. The main way to adjust a many Minions can quickly overwhelm the
combat’s difficulty is by increasing or decreasing PCs.
the number of enemies within it. Mini-Bosses shouldn’t fight the PCs alone.
Any single character, even a Mini-Boss, is
The first step in deciding how many NPCs
quickly overwhelmed by multiple
should be present in a combat scene is to
determine your NPC budget. To do this, take
the number of PCs that will be participating in Ultimately, figuring out what counts as an easy,
the fight and multiply that number by 1.5. For normal, or hard combat scene is more art than
example, if you have 4 PCs, your NPC budget science because there are just so many
will be 6 (4 x 1.5 = 6). variables. A combat scene that seems hard on
paper might be very easy for your players
NPC budget = # of PCs x 1.5 because their builds counter the NPCs you
Certain battle plans will modify this NPC budget. picked. The more you play with your group and
The Survival battle plan, for example, doubles the more familiar you become with their
your NPC budget. If your normal NPC budget characters, the more accurately you’ll be able to
would be 6, for example, it would be doubled to achieve your intended difficulty.
12 in a Survival combat scene.
Every NPC you add to a combat scene costs
some points from the NPC budget. Most NPCs
Every battle plan contains the following The beacons have to fight through enemies
elements, which shape how the combat scene toward a location, and then keep their foes out.
plays out. These combat scenes often involve securing a
Map: Every battle plan contains an example person or location held by enemy forces.
map. This map is meant to represent how the
combat scene should be laid out and can be
used as a starting point when creating an actual
battle map.
Goal: The goal is whatever the PCs must do to
achieve victory in the combat scene. Some
battle plans have secondary goals, which must
be completed after the primary goal to secure
Setup: The setup provides recommendations on
how the combat scene should be laid out.
Rules: Some battle plans have special rules.
This section explains how they work.
NPC Prep: This describes how many NPCs the
GM should prepare and whether or not there are
reinforcements. In addition, it indicates whether
Goal: Have more PCs than enemy NPCs in the
the PCs or NPCs deploy first in the combat
control zone at the end of Round 6.
scene. Whichever side deploys first must decide
where in their deployment zones they want to Setup: Place a PC deployment zone along one
start without knowing the locations of their edge of the map. Place a control zone near the
opponents. opposite side of the map. This control zone is
also the NPC deployment zone. It should be
Reinforcements: This outlines when enemy
fortified with cover and large enough for multiple
reinforcements join the combat scene, and
characters to occupy at the same time. Place
where from.
reinforcement zones along the edges of the
Rules: At the end of Round 6, determine if there
are more enemy NPCs in the control zone than
PCs. Mini-Bosses count as 4 characters each,
Elites count as 2, Minions count as 1/4, and
Summons count as 0.
NPC Prep: Normal NPC budget, but half are
reinforcements. NPCs deploy first.
Reinforcements: At the end of Round 1, the
GM deploys all reinforcements in any
reinforcement zones.
standard movement adjacent to it, the objective Rules: The objectives are objects with the
moves along with that character. At the end of following attributes:
that movement, the player can place the
SIZE 1–3
objective in any adjacent free space. If the
objective is adjacent to two characters from DODGE/A-DEF 5
different sides, it stops moving and won’t move
further. The objective doesn’t move on its own. To calculate the objectives’ HP, multiply the
number of PCs by 20 and divide this number
NPC Prep: Normal NPC budget. NPCs deploy evenly between the objectives. For example,
after the PCs. with four PCs, the pool of HP is 80. With two
Reinforcements: If any NPCs are held as objectives, each has 40 HP. With four
reinforcements, they can be deployed in objectives, each has 20 HP.
reinforcement zones at the start of any round. The objectives do not clear Discord and they
take any ongoing Discord damage at the end of
each round.
NPC Prep: Slightly more than the normal NPC
The beacons have a brief opportunity to destroy budget, but not more than twice the budget.
a number of objectives before time runs out. NPCs over the normal budget are held as
reinforcements. Enemy NPCs deploy first.
Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
GM can deploy up to four Minions or up to two
other NPCs in any reinforcement zones.
Two or more sides must fight until their enemies The beacons seek to escort someone from one
are defeated or in rout. through enemy lines. The enemy forces want
this person for themselves, and will try to take
them or prevent the beacons from moving them.
An interesting environment is a key part of a
In desperate times, survival is everything. Hide,
memorable combat scene. This section outlines
fight, run away – all that matters is that you
a range of environmental factors and terrain
features you can use in combat scenes,
including the basic ones discussed earlier in the
Locks Poisonous
Doors, gates, and treasure chests can all be Characters must succeed on a BULK check at
locked, preventing them from being opened. A the start of each of their turns while within this
locked entrance – a bolted door, for instance – environment or take [1 Discord].
can’t be moved through. The contents of chests
and other objects that are locked can’t be
accessed. Combat scenes that take place completely
underwater or in zero-gravity treat all characters
To unlock something, you can make an AGILITY
as FLYING. However, unless they have flight or
check as part of the action to interact with it. On
an Aquatic Adaptation (granted by certain
a success, the lock is disabled and the object is
abilities), they can’t 4 RUSH or shift.
Low Gravity
Characters in low-gravity environments can
jump further than normal. When they begin their Terrain features modify spaces and terrain on
standard movement or begin a 4 RUSH the battlefield. They are not objects unless
movement while within this environment, they specifically indicated otherwise. While they
can choose to gain FLYING, and can move up to generally affect single spaces, multiple terrain
half their SPEED in a straight line in addition to features can be placed next to each other to
that movement. They lose FLYING at the end of create a continuous feature. For example, you
that movement. can have a single space of lava as dangerous
Low Visibility terrain, but you could also connect multiple lava
spaces to create a lava flow, all of which count
Low visibility can represent darkness, fog, and as the same piece of dangerous terrain.
other effects that make it hard to see. It affects
how far characters can see, and makes it harder Armor Rack
to find HIDDEN characters. Characters can use an adjacent armor rack as a
Low visibility has the following effects: minor action, gaining one of the following
effects for the rest of the scene:
Characters are INVISIBLE while HIDDEN.
SCOPE and the Range of all weapons are They gain +2 ARMOR.
reduced by half. Reach and AOEs are not They gain resistance to either Physical,
affected. Force, Astral, or Lunar.
When triggered, all characters in a [Burst 1] Characters can use an adjacent weapon rack as
AOE must make a save of the GM’s choice. a minor action, choosing one of the following
Failure: They gain a condition, chosen when options:
the Trap is set.
They repair a destroyed weapon for free.
They gain +1 + on all attacks with a
weapon of their choice for the rest of the
Treasure Chest scene.
Treasure chests are objects that don’t cause By default, each weapon rack can be used once
obstruction and that contain bonus effects for per scene.
the players, chosen from the table below.
Players always know the contents of chests. The
GM can decide if the bonuses apply to the
character that opened the chest or everyone on
their team. Some bonuses provide immediate
effects, while others provide delayed effects or
permanent resources.
Chests can be accessed with a minor action
while in their space, but might be locked (see
the locked environmental feature).
Every combat scene takes place on a battle Each NPC type has a role, much like classes do:
map. The size of these maps may vary from defender, striker, controller, and so on.
scene to scene, but on average, they should be
When designing combat scenes, it’s best to use
around 25 spaces by 25 spaces. This gives
a variety of NPC types. This makes the combat
enough room for tight, efficient scenes.
feel more dynamic and gives the PCs more
Avoid combats in plain, open fields. Placing engaging decisions points. For example, if
terrain and objects around the battlefield gives there’s a Healer NPC keeping a Protector NPC
people opportunities to find cover and avoid line alive, it will encourage the PCs to find a way to
of sight. take out the Healer first.
PLAY SMART Above all, don’t put too many defenders in a
combat scene. Defenders generally have high
You don’t need to alter your tactics based on the HP and low damage output, so combat scenes
intelligence of your NPCs. You’re encouraged to filled with too many of them can feel like a slog.
act intelligently, attacking vulnerable characters
and avoiding dangerous situations. USE NPCS WITH VARYING INITIATIVES
For example, beacons have the ability to actively NPCs have set INITIATIVE scores (p. XX) and act
defend each other using INTERPOSE or other in specific phases instead of operating according
defensive abilities. You can intentionally attack to the freeform approach used by PCs. Try to
beacons supporting their allies from the back incorporate NPCs with a variety of INITIATIVE
lines, because defender-type beacons will be scores into each combat scene, keeping them
able to step in and protect them. Unlike other from all clumping together.
games, you don’t need to directly target the
For example, the Architect, Gladiator, and
defender-type beacons just because they’re the
Firebug NPC types all have INITIATIVE 5. If you
“party tank”. Attack intelligently, and let your
have them all in a combat scene, that will slow
players utilize their defensive abilities.
everything down during PHASE 5. One result is
That being said, you don’t HAVE to do this. You that the PCs won’t have much reason to change
can intentionally have your NPCs use poor their plans on the fly, since they know the NPCs
tactics or make bad decisions. For example, you will always act during PHASE 5. Instead,
can play an NPC Fury as someone that only consider using a Protector (INITIATIVE 1), Firebug
attacks the closest enemy. Just know that the (INITIATIVE 5), and Titan (INITIATIVE 7). These
game is designed around the idea that you can NPC types have the same roles, but their
attack intelligently as a GM and don’t need to actions are spread out through the phases.
pull your punches.
But remember: always root for your players to
Each loot crate has three slots, each containing d100 Type (Any Slot)
a random piece of loot. The contents of the slots 1–17 Skill
are generated using either an online generator 18–34 Spell
or by rolling a percentile die (d100). 35–67 Weapon
68–100 Support Item
Slots 1, 2, and 3 each have their own rarity
scale, with Slots 2 and 3 being more likely to
contain rarer loot. Rarity (d100)
The chances of a slot holding a weapon, support Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
item, or technique are almost identical. Because Uncommon 1–75 1–30 —
Rare 76–100 31–90 1–75
it isn’t possible to divide 100 by three with dice, Legendary — 91–100 76–100
however, techniques are very slightly more
CREATING LOOT CRATES Loot is meant to be a fun, random way of getting
additional equipment and techniques beyond the
You can use the following online tool to easily ones granted by classes.
generate loot crates: Loot Crate Generator Link
In other games that use loot as a reward, it is
To manually create a loot crate, use the usually based on the GMs discretion. Beacon
following steps for each slot, consulting the table puts that part of the game back into the players’
below: hands. They will always get a piece of loot, and
will get to make a choice about, even though it
1. Determine type: Roll a d100 to
determine if the slot contains a weapon, may not be useful to their particular build.
support item, or technique. There are downtime activities, like SHOP, that let
2. Determine rarity: Roll a d100 to players trade in loot that they don’t plan on
determine the rarity of the slot’s using.
3. Determine loot: Choose a piece of loot
that matches the type and rarity results
for that slot. You can either hand-pick
loot or use a random number generator Residuum can be spent to reroll the random
to generate a result using the tables in
options found in loot crates. Residuum is
Appendix B: Loot (Type and Rarity, p.
created with the DISENCHANT LOOT downtime
activity and can be spent to apply the following
effects. You can choose more than one option to
apply to a single roll, and can choose the same
option multiple times:
1 RESIDUUM: Reroll any one loot crate slot.
2 RESIDUUM: Reroll any one loot crate slot
and choose a specific type for the slot
(weapon, support item, skill, or spell).
2 RESIDUUM: Reroll any one loot crate slot.
The rerolled slot will be one level rarer than
the original result (Uncommon > Rare >
The players can obtain other rewards that don’t
have direct rules effects through narrative play. HOMEBREW RULES
These might include the backing of a powerful
“Homebrew” is when you design your own
organization, an airship, or another base of
gameplay elements for an existing game – like
operations. While these rewards shape the
creating your own classes or equipment for
story, they don’t have direct effects on combat.
I love homebrew, and a lot of people enjoy
adding to existing games. Heck, Beacon
originally started as a homebrew version of
I encourage you to make homebrew if you’re
interested. Things that are especially easy to
customize or create include NPC types and loot.
It can be trickier to create new classes or talents
because they have the potential to interact with
all other aspects of the game.
Creating variant jobs is a simpler option than
creating whole new classes. Variant jobs are
variations of the existing jobs that players get
through classes. Each class has a job of the
same name. For example, the Warlord class
has the Warlord job by default; however, if you
designed a Valkyrie job, you could make that a
variant Warlord job. When one of your players
gains rank 1 in the Warlord class, they could
choose to gain either the Warlord job or the
Valkyrie job (but not both).
There’s also room for prestige jobs. These jobs
aren’t tied to specific classes, but can instead be
unlocked through downtime activities. This is a
great way to add homebrew jobs to the game,
and you can easily introduce a trainer or
downtime activity to provide players with access
to it.
NPCs take their turns in a different way than
PCs. Instead of acting based on the phase of
DEFEND: Attacks against this NPC receive +1
the standard action they want to perform, each - until the start of their next turn.
NPC has an INITIATIVE, which ranges from 1–8.
This specifies the phase in which they take their REFRESH: This NPC regains all MP then can
choose one of the following:
turn. During that phase, the NPC can take any
action, not only those options available to PCs Reload all Reloading weapons and
during that phase. abilities.
Clear a condition.
For example, Elementalist NPCs have
INITIATIVE 1. They take their turn during PHASE 1 CHANNEL: As normal, but if the NPC takes this
BOLSTER, at which time they can take any action. action during PHASE 6 RELEASE (only
They can use the 3 VOLLEY action to attack with possible for NPCs with multiple turns), they
their Primal Staff, a ranged weapon, during can’t RELEASE it until the next round.
their turn even though it’s not PHASE 3 PHASE 3 SKIRMISH
SKIRMISH, because they don’t follow the same VOLLEY: As normal, but improvised spell
action rules as the PCs. attacks have a +1/+2/+3 attack bonus.
Certain templates can give an NPC multiple MARK: As normal.
turns, and therefore multiple INITIATIVES. For SEARCH: As normal.
example, the Elite template gives an NPC 2
turns each round. It takes their normal INITIATIVE
RUSH: As normal.
and adds 5 to determine their second INITIATIVE.
For example, Vulture NPCs have INITIATIVE 3. HIDE: As normal.
An Elite Vulture would have two INITIATIVES of 3 PHASE 5 BRAWL
and 8 (3 + 5 = 8). Templates that provide FIGHT: As normal, but improvised weapon
additional turns explain when they happen. attacks have a +1/+2/+3 attack bonus.
Some NPC actions are slightly different from PC SHOVE: As normal, but with a +1/+2/+3 attack
actions. The following section explains the bonus.
differences. GRAPPLE: As normal, but with a +1/+2/+3
attack bonus.
ARCHITECT Controller
The Architect rigs the battlefield in their favor, laying down traps for their
enemies to stumble upon.
Architects are Trap-focused NPCs, placing their Traps in chokepoints and forcing their enemies to either
avoid areas or disable them to proceed. There is no limit to the number of Traps an Architect can place,
and if not dealt with, they can quickly fortify a position. The Architect and their allies don’t trigger these
Traps, and the Architect has a number of ways to knock enemies right into them.
Beware of high-mobility beacons who can easily move around isolated Traps, or artillery beacons that
can take out Architects before they have a chance to litter the battlefield with Traps.
Base Features
Blasting Charges Support Item Electric Whip Melee Weapon
Heavy | Mana 1 Light Longarm
5 Fight 5 Fight | +2/+4/+6 vs Dodge
[Range = Scope (5/5/5)] [Reach 3] | [4/5/6 Astral]
The Architect deals [10 Piercing Force] to a On Hit: The Architect can slide the target up
piece of terrain up to SIZE 2 within Range and to 2 spaces.
creates a [Burst 1] AOE around it. Characters
in the AOE must make an AGILITY save.
Failure: They take [8/10/12 Force].
Success: They take [4/5/6 Force]. Busy Hands Trait
The Architect can use their standard action to
perform a minor action.
If this support item would be destroyed, one All characters in the AOE must make an
of the Architect’s Trap options is instead AGILITY save. The target with the sticky bomb
rendered unavailable. is affected as if they failed the save. Failure:
They take [8/10/12 Force]. Success: They
take [4/5/6 Force].
Extra Features
Fast Deployment Trait Tripwire Trait
The Architect can deploy two of their Traps Recharge 5+
at once. Reaction (1/round)
This ability does not require line of sight.
Lodestone Sling Ranged Weapon Trigger: An enemy moves within [Range 3] of
Main Club | Arcing one of the Architect’s HIDDEN Hazards.
3 Volley | +1/+2/+3 vs Dodge Effect: The enemy must make a MIND save.
[Range 8, Blast 1] | [4/5/6 Force] Failure: The Hazard triggers as if it were in
On Attack: The attack gains either Push 1 or one of the triggering character’s spaces (GM’s
Pull 1. choice).
ARDENT Support
The Ardent inspires their allies with their presence and their words of
Ardents enhance and improve their nearby allies. They work best when in close groups with other NPCs,
and can easily swarm isolated targets; however, their desire to be close to their allies makes them
susceptible to AOE abilities.
Base Features
Fervor Trait Scorn Ranged Spell Attack
Arcing, Aura 3 Aetheric, Indirect
Free Action 3 Volley | +2/+4/+6 vs A-Def
Once activated, the Ardent’s allies within this [Range = Scope (8/10/12)] | [2/3/4 Stress]
Aura gain +1 + on attack rolls. This effect is On Hit: The next attack against the same
suppressed while the Ardent is DAZED or target by any character deals +1d6 bonus
SILENCED. damage. They can clear this effect with 1
Standard Movement: The Ardent increases REFRESH.
this effect to Aura 5 until the start of their
next turn.
Tranquilize Spell
Recharge 5+
Incite Skill 1 Refresh
Mana 2 [Range = Scope (8/10/12)]
Phase 1 Bolster The Ardent chooses an ally or enemy within
[Range = Scope (8/10/12)] Range:
An ally within Range can 3 VOLLEY or 5 Ally: They clear [4/5/6 Stress] and all
FIGHT with +2 - as a reaction. If they are Discord.
within the Ardent’s Fervor area, they don’t Enemy: They must make a MIND save.
receive the +2 -. Failure: They are DISARMED until the
end of their next turn.
Extra Features
Refresh Skill
Clarity Skill Allies that start their turn within the Ardent’s
Allies that start their turn in the Ardent’s Fervor area regain 1 MP.
Fervor area can clear one condition.
Shelter Skill
Convert Skill Attacks originating outside the Ardent's
When an enemy starts their turn adjacent to Fervor area receive +1 - against the
two or more of the Ardent’s allies that are
Ardent's allies within the area.
within their Fervor area, that enemy must
make a MIND save. Failure: Until the end of
this turn, they are unable to target any
characters that were adjacent to them at the Witness Failure Skill
start of this turn with hostile effects. Allies within the Ardent’s Fervor area can
take [1d6 Stress] to reroll an attack, check, or
save, 1/turn per character.
Move as One Skill
Allies within the Ardent’s Fervor area can
choose to use the Ardent’s INITIATIVE in place
of their own, 1/round per character.
The Charger is a fast-moving, close-range attacker. They can quickly close the
gap between them and their target, and are protected while doing so.
Chargers are fast-moving attackers that utilize hit-and-run tactics. They should always be moving, and
they gain benefits when using 4 RUSH. Their main weapons push foes on hits, which lets them pivot to
new targets without provoking opportunity attacks. Preventing a Charger from moving shuts down many
of their abilities and leaves them vulnerable.
Retaliation Skill
Characters that make an OPPORTUNITY
ATTACK against the Charger become
The Cleaver is a close-range brawler with hard-hitting, wide-swinging
Cleavers are physical brutes with dangerous attacks. They want to position themselves near as many
foes as possible and attack as often as they can to make the most use of their Wide Arc trait. It is difficult
to defend against Cleavers, as they increase FOCUS costs or even outright destroy abilities that cost
FOCUS. Fortunately for their enemies, Cleavers have low A-DEF and STRESS CAP scores, and lack any
abilities that work at range aside from Hook.
Base Features
Opportunist Trait
The Cleaver can OPPORTUNITY ATTACK any
Shred Trait
If the Cleaver hits the same target with two
weapon attacks in the same turn, the target is
SUNDERED until the end of their next turn.
Whirlwind Skill
Recharge 5+
Phase 5 Brawl
[Burst 2]
All enemies in the AOE must make an
AGILITY save. Failure: They take [5/6/7
Physical] and lose 1 FOCUS. Success: They
take [3/3/4 Physical].
Additionally, until the start of the Cleaver’s
next turn, any attacks against the Cleaver
while adjacent to them trigger Wide Arc.
CONJURER Artillery
Conjurers summon allies to assist them in battle, overwhelming their foes
with numbers if left to their own devices.
Whether they be demonologists, necromancers, or beastmasters, all conjurers are expert summoners.
They specialize in calling on conscripts, versatile Summons that can be any sort of creature. Conjurers
stay in the back and place their conscripts in front of them, letting their summons whittle down enemies
while the Conjurer channels powerful spells.
The Elementalist is a magical defender who calls upon the elements to protect
their allies.
Elementalists protect their allies with magic, supporting them with arcane shields and preventing enemy
access to certain areas. These units work from the back lines, lacking their own direct defenses, and are
easily overwhelmed. Elementalists are also heavily dependent on MP, and negating their ability to regain
it, or causing them to burn through it too quickly can cause them to waste actions.
These Expendables overwhelm their foes with sheer numbers.
Expendables are cannon fodder, a step above Minions. Because they are deployed in pairs (see
Quantity Over Quality), they try to use their superior numbers to defeat their foes. Expendables aren’t
expected to survive encounters, and try to either deal as much damage as they can or hinder their foes
so their allies can take them out.
Scramble Trait
For the rest of the turn after using 4 RUSH,
Hunt by Scent Trait the Expendable moves normally in difficult
When the Expendable uses 3 SEARCH, they terrain and climbing costs half as much
automatically detect any HIDDEN or INVISIBLE movement as normal.
creatures in SCOPE.
Expendables and Templates
Expendables are particularly dangerous when
Lash Support Item
Heavy paired with the Minion template. They are
5 Fight | +1/+2/+3 vs Dodge designed to be easily defeated and
[Range 3] overwhelming in numbers. The Minion template
The Expendable makes a melee weapon intensifies both of these characteristics, with little
attack against a target within Range. additional downsides. Be careful if you decide to
On Hit: If the target is the same SIZE as the use this combination.
Expendable or smaller, they are pulled
adjacent to and GRAPPLED by the
Expendable. If the target is larger, the
Expendable is pulled adjacent to them and
they are then GRAPPLED by the Expendable.
The Firebug is a frightening hard-hitter that overwhelms foes with searing
While usually associated with fire, Firebugs can be portrayed as utilizing any type of energy. Focused on
close-range AOE attacks, Firebugs wield devastating effects that deal damage over time – damage that
can quickly grow out of control. Beacons that spread out weaken the effectiveness of Firebugs, so look
for opportunities to keep them clustered together.
Base Features
Extra Features
Destructive Breath Melee Weapon
Heavy Artifact | Mana 1 Contagious Skill
5 Fight | +1/+2/+3 vs Dodge Reaction (1/round)
[Reach 1, Close Blast 2] | [4/5/6 Discord] Trigger: An enemy within the Firebug’s
SCOPE fails a check to clear Discord.
Fuel Tank Support Item Effect: All enemies adjacent to the target take
Heavy | Stressful 2 Astral or Lunar equal to the target’s Discord.
Minor Action
The Firebug regains 1 MP.
Distracting Burns Trait
Additionally, when this item is destroyed, the
Whenever the Firebug deals a character
Firebug takes [6/8/10 Piercing Force]. While
Discord or increases a character’s Discord,
this item is destroyed, the Firebug is
that character becomes MARKED.
considered BLOODIED.
The Fortress is a mobile castle, providing safety to those within it.
Fortresses are slow, bulky defenders that use their size to protect their allies. They provide a space in
which their allies receive defensive bonuses. As such, Fortresses want to keep as many allies as possible
within their spaces and stay the focus of enemy attacks. Allies within the Fortress have no protection from
AOEs and are still susceptible to forced movement taking them outside the Fortress. Although they have
a lot of HP, Fortresses are VULNERABLE to Piercing damage and easily become overstressed.
Base Features
Mounted Defenses Ranged Weapon
Towering Wall Support Item Heavy Club | Arcing
3 Volley | +2/+3/+4 vs Dodge
The Fortress’s allies gain the benefits of
[Range 15] | [4/5/6 Physical]
cover from the Fortress as if they were a
Allies fully within the Fortress’s spaces can
piece of hard cover.
3 VOLLEY with this weapon.
Additionally, as long as the Fortress’s allies
are fully within the Fortress’s spaces, non- On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of
Aetheric, non-AOE attacks against them their next turn.
target the Fortress instead.
Extra Features
Harness Trait Barracks Trait
The Fortress’s allies can share the Fortress’s The Fortress counts as a reinforcement zone.
spaces, gaining hard cover from Towering
Wall. Allies fully inside the Fortress move
when the Fortress does, and are considered
to be the same SIZE as the Fortress for the Fortified Trait
purposes of determining line of sight. Allies fully within the Fortress’s spaces gain
ARMOR equal to the Fortress’s ARMOR.
Heavy Frame Trait
The Fortress is VULNERABLE to Piercing
damage, including Discord.
Additionally, the Fortress is immune to
forced movement from smaller characters.
Stomp Skill
Minor Action
Murder Holes Support Item All adjacent enemies must make a BULK
Heavy save. Failure: They fall PRONE.
Allies fully within the Fortress’s spaces gain
+1 + on ranged attack rolls.
FURY Striker
The Fury overwhelms enemies with powerful attacks, building their rage
throughout the fight.
Furies are close-up attackers with one goal: hitting hard. The more damage they take, the more damage
they put out.
Furies need to be in close range to be effective. Taking damage just builds their Rage, so they can be
reckless when closing the gap. They gain the same amount of Rage regardless of the damage taken, so
high-damage or high-stress attacks reduce their effectiveness They have a very low STRESS CAP, so they
take Overstresses easily. If they only have OVERSTRESS CAP 1, they can be put into a state where they
take double damage, and are easier to defeat.
Base Features
Extra Features
I Am My Scars Trait
Barbed Armor Support Item While BLOODIED, the Fury gains 2 Rage
Light | Armor whenever they would gain 1.
Whenever an adjacent character hits the
Fury with a weapon attack, the attacker takes
[2/3/4 Physical].
Lash Out Skill
Reaction (1/round)
Trigger: The Fury takes damage not caused
Deadened Nerves Trait by themself.
While BLOODIED, the Fury has resistance to
Effect: The Fury makes a melee weapon
Physical, Astral, Lunar, and Force from
attack against the source of the damage.
weapons and skills. This effect is suppressed
while the Fury is VULNERABLE.
Throwing Axe Ranged Weapon
Light Blade
Furious Charge Skill 3 Volley | +2/+4/+6 vs Dodge
Recharge 5+ [Range 5, Reach 1] | [5/7/9 Physical]
Phase 4 Reposition
The Fury moves up to their SPEED (5/5/6) in a
straight line, ignoring ENGAGEMENT. If they
moved at least 3 spaces, they can make a
single weapon attack when they end the
The Gladiator is a battle-honed warrior that uses a variety of equipment to
protect their allies and hinder their foes.
Gladiators are survivors of countless battles through which they’ve learned tricks and techniques that can
take enemies by surprise. Their equipment influences their strategy, but the Gladiator’s basic role is to
stay near allies and protect them with their Bounce Shield, and move or immobilize enemies to further
protect their backline. Gladiators are unable to protect their allies from auto-hit or auto-damaging abilities.
Base Features
GUNNER Artillery
With an array of special bullets, the Gunner has an answer to every problem.
These answers usually involve filling the air with gunfire from a safe
Gunners are long-distance fighters whose damage is dependent on their MP. As artillery units, they want
to position themselves far away from any danger, leveraging their long range to keep themselves safe
and stationary. Gunners can regain MP while stationary, which allows them to attack for longer before
needing to recover MP. They are heavily customizable thanks to their Special Bullets, which have a
variety of effects. Effects that disarm the gunner reduce their maximum MP, too, which can weaken them
during long fights.
Base Features
Backup Weapons Trait Special Bullets Trait
The Gunner has a number of backup 1/turn before attacking, the Gunner can apply
weapons, allowing them to replace weapons one of their equipped special bullets to one of
when they’re lost or destroyed. If the Gunner their Repeater attacks.
would be DISARMED or one of their weapons
Each type of special bullet must be taken as
or support items would be destroyed, they
a separate extra feature and counts as a
instead lose 2 MP and –2 maximum MP.
separate support item.
Extra Features
Special Bullets: Fear Support Item
Antimagic Field Support Item Light | Mana 1
Generator Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
Main | Mana 1 the following to Repeater attacks:
Minor Action
[Range = Scope (15/15/15), Blast 2] On Hit: The target is DAZED until they end
This AOE is a zone. Characters are SILENCED their turn HIDDEN or out of the Gunner’s line
while within it. The zone lasts until the of sight.
Gunner uses this ability again, or is BLINDED,
STUNNED, or defeated.
Special Bullets: Freezing Support Item
Light | Mana 1
Special Bullets: Charm Support Item Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
Light | Mana 1 the following to Repeater attacks:
Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
On Hit: The target must make a BULK save.
the following to Repeater attacks:
Failure: They are IMMOBILIZED until the end
On Hit: The target must make a MIND save. of their next turn.
Failure: The Gunner chooses one:
The Gunner moves them up to their
SPEED, controlling their movement, Special Bullets: Drill Support Item
which counts as forced movement. Light | Mana 1
The target uses 3 VOLLEY or 5 FIGHT Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
as a reaction with a weapon or both of the following to Repeater attacks:
technique attack of the Gunner’s choice
against a target of the Gunner’s choice. On Attack: This attack ignores soft and
hard cover from terrain, and gains
On Hit: This attack deals double
Special Bullets: Death Support Item damage to Summons, objects, and
Light | Mana 1, Recharge 6+ terrain.
Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
the following to Repeater attacks:
On Hit: The target must make a BULK save. Special Bullets: Slow Support Item
Failure: They take 1 Wound instead of the Light | Mana 1
normal damage. Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
the following to Repeater attacks:
On Hit: The target is SLOWED until the end of
Special Bullets: Support Item their next turn.
Light | Mana 1
Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
the following to Repeater attacks: Special Bullets: Stun Support Item
Light | Mana 1, Recharge 6+
On Hit: The target is SUNDERED until cleared. Special Bullets allows the Gunner to apply
the following to Repeater attacks:
On Hit: The target must make a BULK save.
Failure: They are STUNNED until the end of
their next turn.
Filler Block
HEALER Support
The Healer keeps their allies fighting fit with curative, bolstering magic.
Healers are vulnerable support units that can keep their allies alive on the battlefield. The longer a Healer
remains on the field, the more HP they can restore to their allies. To make the most of Healers, they need
to be properly defended – they have little in the way of physical defenses, although their A-DEF is higher
than average. Healers with the Resurrect spell can dramatically change the momentum of a fight,
especially when an Elite or Mini-Boss enemy might be brought back to the fight.
Shield Spell
Healing Zone Spell Mana 1
Mana 1 2 Channel
2 Channel [Range = Scope (10/10/15)]
[Range = Scope (10/10/15), Blast 1] On Release: An ally within Range gains a
On Release: This AOE is a zone. Allies that protective shield. The next time the shielded
start their turn within the zone regain 4/5/6 character would take damage or Stress,
HP. The zone lasts until the Healer is (after ARMOR and resistance), the damage
defeated or uses this ability again. or Stress is reduced to 0.
Relief Spell
Mana 1
3 Volley
[Range = Scope (10/10/15)]
A character within Range clears all conditions
and negative effects other than statuses. The
target can immediately shift up to their
The Marshal commands allies and looks for advantageous positions.
Marshals are classic back-line support units. Their strength lies in their ability to call out Advantageous
Positions and command their allies to take actions. Marshals can enable units to attack more often than
they normally could, which can lead to dangerous combos. On their own, however, Marshals have no
special defenses and rely on positioning and defensive units to keep them safe.
Move! Skill
Mana X
Hit Them Skill Phase 3 Skirmish
Mana 1 [Range = Scope (10/12/15)]
Minor Action For each MP spent, one ally within Range
[Range = Scope (10/12/15)] can move up to their SPEED.
An ally within Range can 3 VOLLEY or 5
Priority Skill
Mana 1
Inspiring Presence Trait 3 Mark
The Marshal’s adjacent allies gain +2 + on [Range = Scope (10/12/15)]
attacks, checks, and saves. 1d3+1 enemies within Range become
Mindreavers have psionic powers that can destroy or manipulate minds.
Mindreavers infiltrate the minds of their foes, altering their perceptions and placing stress on their
psyches. Fighting against a Mindreaver means making difficult decisions and choosing the least harmful
option in the moment. Mindreavers inflict lots of Stress and can receive a lot of Stress in return, but are
fragile at close range.
Base Features
Focused Trait
1/turn, the Mindreaver can take [1 Stress] to
reroll an attack, check, or save.
MIRAGE Controller
Mirages are illusionists that create false images around the battlefield.
Mirages are battlefield illusionists, experts in altering the perceptions of their enemies. Invisibility and
misdirection are their defensive tools, allowing them to befuddle foes by manipulating positioning. Mirages
are hard to hit, and can Redirect the rare successful hit against them. Abilities that deal automatic
damage and Discord are effective against these low-HP enemies.
The Overlord is a high-flying threat, keeping tabs on enemies below them
while softening them up with magical attacks.
Overlords hover high above the battlefield, marking enemies for destruction. With their magical prowess,
speed, and ability to fly, they remain as far away as possible to keep themselves safe while channeling
their powerful abilities. Overlords are protected from melee attacks while flying, but are vulnerable if any
enemy can bypass that defense or the penalty to ranged attacks inflicted by Nimbus.
Flight Trait
The Overlord has flight.
The Pegasus is a flying archer that harnesses astral power to deliver divine
punishment upon their foes.
Pegasi are fast flying units with strong aetheric defenses. They prefer to attack at range, using their
superior speed and maneuverability to stay out of range of their foes. They can choose extra features that
grant them a range of control and support abilities.
Base Features
Breaker Trait Sunrise Ranged Spell Attack
1/round when the Pegasus makes an enemy Aetheric, Arcing, Indirect, Mana 1
BLOODIED, the enemy must make a MAGIC 3 Volley | +1/+2/+3 vs A-Def
save. Failure: They are DISARMED until the [Range = Scope (10/10/10)] | [2 Stress]
end of their next turn. On Hit: The target is BLINDED until the end of
their next turn.
Additionally, 1/round when the Pegasus
makes an enemy BREAKING, the enemy must
make a BULK save. Failure: They are Extra Features
SILENCED until the end of their next turn.
Aerial Punishment Skill
Reaction (1/round)
Trigger: An enemy makes a melee attack
Flight Trait against the Pegasus.
The Pegasus has flight. Effect: The Pegasus attacks them after their
attack resolves.
Protectors are heavily armored guardians that position themselves in the
way of attacks meant for their allies.
Protectors are defensive units focused on taking damage on behalf of their allies. They are best
positioned near vulnerable units, like support units or those that 2 CHANNEL. Because Protectors need to
be as close as to their allies as possible, altering their positioning is one way enemies can bypass many
of their abilities.
RANGER Striker
Rangers are mobile attackers that are effective against all types of enemies.
They can easily flank their enemies and retreat to safety after attacking.
Rangers are mobile, all-round damage dealers with access to ranged, melee, and spell attacks. They can
easily move around the battlefield, flanking enemies and maneuvering around cover. Rangers operate
best at range, as their melee options are weaker.
Base Features
Flush Them Out Ranged Spell Attack Twin Blades Melee Weapon
Aetheric, Arcing, Indirect Light Blade
3 Volley | +2/+3/+4 vs A-Def 5 Fight | +2/+3/+4 vs Dodge
[Range = Scope (10/10/10)] | [2/3/4 Stress] [Reach 1] | [3/4/5 Physical]
On Hit: If the target ends their next turn The Ranger can attack twice with this
adjacent to a piece of cover, they take [4/6/8 weapon. They can shift 1 before, between,
Astral]. or after each attack.
Extra Features
Marksman Bow Ranged Weapon
Bear Trap Support Item
Main Bow | Arcing
Main | Mana 1, Trap
3 Volley | +1/+2/+3 vs Dodge Minor Action
[Range 10] | [6/8/10 Physical] The Ranger deploys a bear trap in a free
On Miss: The target becomes MARKED. adjacent space. When triggered, the
triggering character must make an AGILITY
save. Failure: They are IMMOBILIZED. A
Snap Shot Skill character IMMOBILIZED this way can clear it
Recharge 4+ with a successful Bulk save as a minor
action. The Ranger can only have three bear
When the Ranger uses 4 RUSH or 4 HIDE,
traps in play at a time.
they can deal [2/3/4 Piercing Physical] to an
enemy within SCOPE (10/10/10). This doesn’t
remove the HIDDEN status.
ROGUE Striker
Rogues are sneaky fighters that stays hidden before attacking vulnerable
Rogues are opportunists, ready to take advantage of any vulnerabilities they find. They use their speed
and cover to remain in hiding until the right time to strike. Rogues have a versatile toolkit of conditions
they can inflict on their foes, and they deal increased damage when attacking enemies with conditions.
They are primarily close-range attackers, and are open to attacks if they can’t retreat to cover to hide.
Base Features
Extra Features
Shiv Melee Weapon
Light Blade Assassin’s Crossbow Ranged Weapon
5 Fight | +2/+4/+6 & +1 + vs Dodge Main Bow | Reloading
[Reach 2] | [5/6/7 Physical] 3 Volley | +1/+2/+3 & +1 + vs Dodge
This weapon gains the Piercing tag and [Range 5, Reach 3] | [6/8/10 Physical]
deals +3 damage against enemies with one On Hit: The target is DAZED until cleared.
or more conditions.
Shifty Skill
Reaction (1/round)
Trigger: The Rogue is hit or missed by an Trap Master Trait
attack and isn’t IMMOBILIZED or SLOWED. The Rogue does not trigger Traps, and can
automatically disarm them as a minor
Effect: The Rogue shifts 2 and can 4 HIDE if
they end this movement next to or in cover.
Additionally, they can automatically unlock
Sharpshooters are deadly foes that can kill from a great distance with
pinpoint shots.
Sharpshooters are dangerous marksmen, able to eliminate enemies with great precision from extreme
distances. They can take their time to line up a shot, delivering massive damage if not contested. Cover
can mitigate some of the Sharpshooter’s strongest effects, so try to position them where enemies will be
exposed when approaching.
Base Features
SPECTER Controller
Specters are incorporeal beings that can phase through solid objects and
drain energy from other creatures.
Specters are ghostly controllers with the ability to move through terrain. Fighting a Specter is a tiring
exercise, as they can easily vanish or move across a map. These apparitions go wherever they want,
staying close to enemies they think can’t hit them or staying at range and hampering movement. Reduce
their MP to stop them from disappearing or using Reform, or hit them with damage that isn’t affected by
their invisibility.
Base Features
Extra Features
Reform Skill
Chilling Phase Skill Mana 1
When the Specter moves through an enemy,
Phase 4 Reposition
that character must make a BULK save.
The Specter is removed from play. They
Failure: They are SLOWED until the end of
return to play in any free space at the
their next turn. Each enemy can only be
beginning of the next round.
affected by this ability 1/turn.
Spellshields are trained to counter and weaken enemy spellcasters while
sheltering their own allies with magical shields.
Spellshields are specialized anti-spell defenders. Arcanum Shield lets them split damage with nearby
allies, while Mana Drain and their extra features disrupt the spellcasting abilities of their foes.
Spellshields can safely be aggressive against enemy spellcasters, but should be wary of MP-draining
Base Features
Swarms are a deadly mass made of countless smaller parts. They move as one,
covering the battlefield.
Swarms are controllers that force enemies to reposition in order to get away from them. Each Swarm is
surrounded by a Swarm Body, which can cause negative effects for enemies caught inside. They can
also summon Drones over a great distance, driving enemies into new positions. Swarms are vulnerable
to damage from AOEs, and their area of control shrinks once they’re BLOODIED.
Base Features
Titans are slow, lumbering, unstoppable enemies that are devastating at close
Titans are massive, frightening units. They move slowly towards enemies, delivering devastating attacks
with their Giga Hammer when close enough. They are geared toward keeping enemies close and
punishing them for that proximity. Titans are considered controllers because the PCs need to keep them
at range or hinder them, otherwise the Titan will cause significant damage.
Extra Features
Giga Hammer Melee Weapon
Heavy Club | Slow Danger Zone Trait
7 Full Attack | +1/+2/+3 & +1 - vs Dodge Enemies that start their turn adjacent to the
[Reach 2] | [10/14/16 Physical] Titan take [3/4/5 Physical], or twice as much
On Hit: The target must make a BULK save. damage if the enemy is BREAKING.
Failure: They are STUNNED until the end of
their next turn.
VULTURE Controller
Vultures are flying menaces that nimbly avoid attacks while dragging their
victims around.
Vultures are aerial harassment units. They move fast and easily avoid attacks with their Barrel Roll
reaction. They specialize in moving their foes out of position, putting them into dangerous situations.
Attacking a Vulture multiple times in quick succession can wear them down, and their A-DEF is much
lower than their DODGE.
Base Features
WARMAGE Artillery
Warmages are spellcasters ready for explosive combat. Their powerful magic
can destroy whole armies.
Warmages are area-based spellcasters that rain fire and destruction from afar. Their channeled abilities
can quickly destroy groups of enemies, and their Battlemage trait allows them to maintain their
concentration in the face of enemy attacks at the cost of MP. They have little defense against physical
attacks, so try to close the distance quickly and spread out.
Base Features
Extra Features
Mirror Self Spell
Chain Death Spell Mana 2, Summon
Mana 1 Minor Action
2 Channel [Range = Scope (20/20/20)]
[Range = Scope (20/20/20)] Illusory Copy (SIZE = Warmage’s SIZE, HP
On Release: The Warmage chooses up to 5, DODGE/A-DEF 10, SPEED 0)
three different characters within Range,
designating them as Target 1, Target 2, and The Warmage creates an illusory copy of
Target 3. Draw straight lines from Target 1 to themselves in a free space within Range.
Target 2, and from Target 2 to Target 3. Whenever the Warmage uses an ability, they
These characters, and any characters within can determine line of sight, Range, and cover
one of these lines, must make a MAGIC save. from the copy’s position instead of their own.
Failure: They take [6/7/8 Lunar] and are
WEAKENED until they regain any amount of
HP. Success: They take [3/4/4 Lunar]and
are WEAKENED until the end of their next turn. Wave of Death Spell
Mana 1
2 Channel
[Burst 2]
Cone of Cold Spell On Release: All enemies within the AOE
2 Channel must make a MAGIC save. Failure: They take
[Close Blast 3] [10/15/20 Lunar] and are unable to regain HP
On Release: All characters in the AOE take until the end of their next turn. Success:
[8/10/12 Lunar] and must make a BULK save. They take [5/8/10 Lunar].
Failure: They are IMMOBILIZED until the end
of their next turn. Warmage Templates
While IMMOBILIZED by this ability, targets are Be cautious when giving Warmages the Minion
VULNERABLE to Physical damage. template. Minions deal just as much damage as
their non-Minion counterparts, and Warmages
can deal lots of damage safely at range.
Escape Spell
Mana 1
Standard Movement
The Warmage teleports up to 6 spaces.
Guardian Trait
Armor Support Item
This NPC’s allies gain the benefits of cover
Light | Armor
as if the NPC were a piece of hard cover.
Immunity Trait
Darkvision Trait
This NPC is immune to either a damage type
This NPC ignores penalties from low
or Stress.
visibility and doesn’t treat HIDDEN characters
as INVISIBLE within low visibility areas.
Incorporeal Trait
This NPC gains the following benefits:
Deadly Attacks Trait
This NPC’s weapon attacks gain Reliable They ignore ENGAGEMENT and don’t
3/4/5. cause ENGAGEMENT.
They can move through the spaces of
other characters, objects, and terrain,
but can’t end their turn in these spaces.
Double Crossbow Ranged Weapon They ignore difficult terrain and
Main Bow dangerous terrain.
3 Volley | +1/+2/+3 vs Dodge
[Range 8, Reach 3] | [4 Physical]
This weapon can make two attacks at a time,
or three attacks at T3. Juggernaut Trait
This NPC is immune to the DAZED and
SLOWED conditions.
Long Weapon Ranged Weapon Regenerator Trait
Main Any Type | Reliable 2/3/4 This NPC regains 1/2/3 HP at the start of
5 Fight | +1/+2/+3 vs Dodge each of their turns, as long as they have at
[Range 10] | [5/6/7 Damage] least 1 HP.
Recurring Trait
When this NPC is defeated, they always
retreat or escape to fight another day.
TEMPLATES Sturdy Trait
Templates are sets of features that can be applied to The Elite gains +1 WOUND CAP and +1
NPCs. NPCs can have multiple templates, although OVERSTRESS CAP.
some templates specify that they can’t be combined
with others.
Templates provide base features and, in most Elite Traits Trait
cases, optional extra features. An NPC with a The Elite selects an additional extra feature.
template gets the listed base features and adds the
extra features to the pool of extra features you can
choose from, except where stated otherwise.
Minions are cannon fodder – weak individually, but
Mechanical templates are those that affect the
threatening in groups. They only cost 1/4 of a point
balance of combat scenes. The Minion, Veteran,
from the NPC budget. Despite their limitations,
Elite, and Mini-Boss are all mechanical templates.
Minions do the same amount of damage as normal
NPCs, so be careful when combining them with
certain NPC types, like artillery NPCs.
Reflexes Trait
The Mini-Boss can OPPORTUNITY ATTACK an Fanatical Allies Trait
unlimited number of times each round. When the Mini-Boss would take damage or
Stress from an enemy, an adjacent ally that
isn’t STUNNED or IMMOBILIZED can take the
damage instead as a reaction.
Focused Concentration Trait Masterwork Melee Melee Weapon
While channeling, the Mini-Boss can’t lose Weapon
concentration. They take 2 Stress whenever Main Any Type | Reliable 6/8/10
they would lose concentration. 5 Fight | +2/+3/+4 & +1 + vs Dodge
[Reach 2] | [6/8/10 Force]
This weapon deals bonus damage equal to
the highest die result on any + dice rolled.
Full Attacker Trait
The Mini-Boss can 7 FULL ATTACK.
Resurgence Skill
Masterwork Armor Support Item Limited 1
Main | Armor Free Action
+4 ARMOR. The Mini-Boss regains all HP and MP, and
The Mini-Boss can exceed the usual clears all Stress and conditions.
maximum of 4 ARMOR.
Additionally, whenever the Mini-Boss takes
damage, they then reduce their ARMOR by – Seize Initiative Trait
1, to a minimum of 0 (after reducing damage The Mini-Boss’s INITIATIVE becomes 1 and 6,
from ARMOR). At the start of each round, they replacing their original INITIATIVE scores.
regain all ARMOR lost this way.
Unfazed Trait Fighter Trait
The Mini-Boss is immune to the DAZED, The Veteran deals +2 damage with weapons
STUNNED, and WEAKENED conditions. and skills that deal damage.
Fortified Armor Support Item
Heavy | Armor
Veterans are experienced units. They are harder to Additionally, the Veteran takes –1 damage
defeat than most enemies, and have a wide array of from Discord.
unique features.
Base Features
Full Attacker Trait
Enhanced Trait The Veteran can 7 FULL ATTACK.
The Veteran gains +1 + on all checks and
saves with one ability score (AGILITY, BULK,
Keen Eye Trait
Minor Action
The Veteran uses 3 SEARCH.
Sturdy Trait
The Veteran gains +1 WOUND CAP and +1
Last Stand Trait
When the Veteran takes their last Wound or
Overstress, they are not defeated. Instead,
Veteran Traits Trait they will become defeated at the end of their
The Veteran can select one Veteran extra next turn. Nothing can prevent them from
feature per tier. The Veteran cannot choose being defeated at that time.
extra features from this list outside of this
BEAST Echolocation
The Beast is immune to the BLINDED
Beasts represent natural fauna, like bears and
griffons. Their wide array of features make them condition.
unpredictable if you’re not familiar with them.
Banish Spell
Sting Melee Weapon Mana 1, Recharge 5+
Main Longarm
2 Channel
5 Fight | +2/+4/+6 vs Dodge [Range = Scope]
[Reach 2] | [2/3/4 Discord + 1 Stress] On Release: An enemy within Range must
On Hit: Until the target clears all Discord, make a MAGIC save. Failure: Until the end of
they take [2 Stress] whenever they fail a their next turn, they can neither affect nor be
MAGIC check to clear Discord. affected by other characters. They ignore
ENGAGEMENT and obstructions from other
characters, cannot deal or take damage or
Swim Trait Stress, and so on. They are still affected by
The Beast moves normally in liquid-based existing Traps and Summons. Success:
difficult terrain, and has an Aquatic They are SLOWED and WEAKENED until the
Adaptation. end of their next turn.
Flight Trait
The Celestial has flight.
Healing Aura Skill
Arcing, Aura 5
Allies that start their turn partly within this Poison Breath Skill
Aura regain 2 HP. Recharge 5+
Phase 5 Brawl
[Close Blast 2]
Enemies in the AOE must make a BULK save.
Unblemished Trait Failure: They take [3/4/5 Discord] and are
The Celestial is immune to Discord. DAZED until cleared. Success: They take
[1/2/3 Discord].
Extra Features
Invisibility Spell
Mana 1
Minor Action
The Devil becomes INVISIBLE until the start of
their next turn.
Backed into a Corner Skill
Trigger: The Dire becomes BLOODIED.
Dire creatures are larger and stronger than their Effect: The Dire makes a melee weapon
ordinary counterparts. Dire creatures tend to be attack, even if they would be defeated.
Beasts, but anything can take on a Dire form.
Frenzy Trait
The Dire gains +1 + on attacks while Tear Skill
BLOODIED. 1/round when the Dire hits with a melee
weapon attack, the target becomes
SUNDERED after the attack until the end of
their next turn.
Extra Features
When the Draconic rolls a recharge die, they
can increase the result by +1 for every MP
Draconic creatures are either types of dragons or
creatures with draconic features, like scales, claws,
wings, and breath attacks.
Energy Aura Trait
Base Features Aura 1
Characters that start their turn in this Aura
Chromatic Scales Trait take [2/3/4 Damage] of the same type that
The Draconic gains either Astral or Lunar the Draconic has resistance to from their
resistance. Chromatic Scales trait. This effect is
suppressed while the Dragon is STUNNED.
Invisibility Spell
Mana 1
Minor Action
The Fey becomes INVISIBLE until the start of
their next turn.
Run Over Skill
Phase 4 Reposition
The Mounted moves up to their SPEED, and
Mounted creatures ride something into battle, can move through the spaces of enemies
whether a horse, a motorcycle, or something while doing so, ignoring ENGAGEMENT.
stranger. They are fast but vulnerable when knocked Enemies they move through must make an
AGILITY save, 1/turn per character. Failure:
down. You can flavor this as the Mounted NPC
They take [3/4/5 Physical].
being temporarily dismounted.
Base Features
Rooted Trait
The Plant is immune to forced movement.
Curse of Death Ranged Spell Attack
Aetheric, Indirect
3 Volley | +2/+4/+6 vs A-Def
Undead are reanimated or ghostly creatures. While
[Range = Scope] | [4/6/8 Lunar]
they come in many shapes and forms, they usually
On Hit: The target can’t regain HP until the
share an ability to endure greater injuries than the
end of their next turn.
Base Features
Death Grip Skill
Undead Construction Trait Characters GRAPPLED by the Undead are
The Undead gains one of the following WEAKENED while GRAPPLED.
Cadaverous: The Undead doesn’t make
wound or overstress rolls. Additionally,
when they would take their last Wound, Festering Bite Melee Weapon
roll 1d6. On a 5–6, they don’t take a Main Club | Reloading
Wound and instead go to 1 HP. Astral 5 Fight | +1/+3/+5 & +1 + vs Dodge
damage and damage from critical hits [Reach 1] | [5/6/7 Lunar]
ignore this effect. On Hit: The target loses 2 FOCUS and the
Ghostly: The Undead is immune to Undead regains 2/3/4 HP.
Physical, but VULNERABLE to Force. They On Crit: As a hit, but the target must make a
ignore ENGAGEMENT, and can move BULK save. Failure: They are STUNNED until
through the spaces of other characters the end of their next turn.
and objects, but can’t end their turn
sharing spaces. They ignore dangerous
terrain and difficult terrain.
Skeletal: The Undead has resistance to Infect Trait
Physical from non-club weapons, but is Recharge 4+
VULNERABLE to damage from club When the Undead hits with a weapon attack,
weapons. the target becomes infected with the
following effects:
Infected characters are DAZED.
Extra Features Whenever one of the infected
character’s allies becomes adjacent to
Call of the Grave Trait them, they also become infected.
When the Undead gives an enemy a Wound Infected characters can attempt a BULK
or Overstress, the target rolls the wound or save as a minor action to end the
overstress roll twice and takes the lowest infection.
result. Clearing the DAZED condition also
removes the infection.
Base Features
Bleed Trait Hypnotize Skill
When the Vampiric deals damage with a 2 Channel
weapon, the target takes [1 Discord]. [Range = Scope]
On Release: A character within Range
becomes hypnotized. The target takes [2/3/4
Stress] and the Vampiric moves them up to
Extra Features their SPEED. If the target ends this movement
next to the Vampiric or one of the Vampiric’s
Agents of the Night Spell allies, that character can 3 VOLLEY or 5
Mana 1, Summon FIGHT against the hypnotized target as a
2 Channel reaction.
[Range = Scope]
On Release: The Vampiric creates one of
the following Summons within Range:
Misty Escape Skill
Vermin Swarm (SIZE 3, HP 5, DODGE/A-DEF Reaction (1/round)
10, SPEED 3) Trigger: The Vampiric is critically hit or takes
The vermin swarm can share spaces with a Wound or Overstress.
other characters. Enemies that start their turn Effect: The Vampiric teleports up to 10
inside its spaces take [2/3/4 Physical] and spaces.
are DAZED until the end of their next turn.
Vermin swarms have resistance to damage
that isn’t from AOE effects. Siphon Ranged Spell Attack
3 Volley | +2/+4/+6 vs A-Def
[Range = Scope] | [4/6/8 Force]
When an adjacent enemy makes an attack, On Hit: The Vampiric regains HP equal to
the wolf can make an OPPORTUNITY ATTACK the damage dealt (after ARMOR and
with [+2/+4/+6] versus their target’s DODGE resistances).
that deals [4/6/8 Physical].
Although the Boss is considered to have taken a When a new stage begins, any existing Guardians
Wound, they don’t make a wound roll and are not gain the Guardian profile for the new stage.
Dragons are incredibly long-lived creatures that grow throughout their lives. The largest and most
powerful of these dragons, called Great Wyrms, are terrifying creatures imbued with explosive elemental
The Great Wyrm presented here is associated with fire, but you can easily change it to be associated with
a different element.
The Great Wyrm and its Guardians prefer when enemies bunch up, which makes it easier to hit them with
AOE attacks and abilities. They are at their strongest when they can stack Discord on enemies and move
around to catch as many enemies in AOEs as possible.
In Stage 1, the Great Wyrm is most mobile. In Stage 2, it looks for opportunities to knock enemies into
Traps. In Stage 3, it becomes enraged and acts less intelligently than before.
Don’t set up a small or tight battlefield, as one of the PCs’ primary defensive strategies will be to spread
Fill the map with rocks and rubble for cover and difficult terrain, and place pools of fire or lava as
dangerous terrain. You can also change the environment as the scene progresses through each stage,
adding more lava and cracks in the ground in the later stages.
Because the Great Wyrm and its Guardians can fly, the scene should have three or so harpoon terrain
features (see below) that the PCs can use to deal ranged damage and bring their enemies to the ground.
You can flavor them as magical stones, prepared missiles, or whatever fits for your Reflection.
PCs standing in a harpoon’s space can use their standard action during any phase to make a ranged
weapon attack against a target within [Range 15].
On Hit: The target takes [1d6+1 Piercing Physical], loses FLYING, and cannot resume FLYING until this
phase in the next round.
Harpoons must be reloaded after each use. They can be reloaded with a standard action during any
phase, or are automatically reloaded if a PC in its space reloads a weapon.
Stage 1: The Doomwing
The Great Wyrm takes to the sky with a deafening roar. Small cracks and fissures appear on the ground,
and the temperature begins to rise.
Guardian Base Features
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Size 1/2 1/2 1/2 Fire Aura Trait
Armor 0 0 0 Aura 1
Scope 10 10 10 Enemies that start their turn in one or more of
Save Target 12 14 16 these Auras take [1 Discord] per adjacent
Ability Scores +1 +2 +3 Guardian.
HP 10 12 14
Dodge 8 10 12
Speed 4 4 4
Stress Cap 4 4 4 Whelp Breath Skill
A-Def 10 12 14 2 Channel
MP 2 2 2 [Close Blast 1]
At the beginning of this stag, deploy a number of On Release: Enemies in the AOE must make an
Guardians equal to the number of PCs + 1 in AGILITY save. Failure: They take [3/4/5 Astral] + [2
free spaces. During the Great Wyrm’s turns, Discord]. Success: They take [1/2/3 Astral] + [1
each Guardian can move up to their SPEED. Discord].
The full Kraken only appears during the final stage of this boss battle. In Stage 1, the PCs fight its
tentacles, which are its Guardians. The Guardians focus on damaging the ship on which the beacons
fight. In Stage 2 the PCs must contend with dangerous events. In Stage 3, the Kraken appears and
focuses on attacking as many enemies as possible.
The combat scene takes place on a 12 x 12 map, with the beacons deploying on a 6 x 6 ship in the
middle of the map. The rest of the map is water, which is considered difficult terrain. Characters with
Aquatic Adaptations can move normally in these spaces, but are still imperiled by the Kraken’s
Snapping Jaws trait.
The Ship
The ship counts as an object that can’t be moved. Only the Kraken and its Guardians can damage the
ship, but only using abilities that specifically mention this. Instead of having HP, damage to the ship is
represented by the destruction of 1-space segments. Destroyed segments of ship are replaced by water.
Beacons can repair destroyed ship segments with standard actions during any phase. Each time a
beacon performs repairs, they can restore 1d3 spaces within SCOPE, changing them back from water
spaces to ship spaces. They can take [1 Stress] to reroll the 1d3.
Stage 1: The Arms
Towering tentacles rise out of the water and begin smashing into the nearby ship.
Tidal Wave To make the fight more difficult, you can create
a new tidal wave at any side of the map once
A tidal wave forms along one of the edges of the the old one disappears. This continues until the
map. It is a straight line as long as that side of
end of the scene.
the map and 1 space wide.
Each round, the tidal wave moves 3 spaces
toward the other end of the map twice: once at
Stage 3: The Deep One
The full scale of this monster is finally revealed as the Kraken emerges! Its tentacles flail in anger as it
attempts to grab and crush the puny beacons arrayed before it.
Ink Spray Skill
Disarmed Trait
Recharge 5+
The Kraken is VULNERABLE while it has no
Guardians. Phase 3 Skirmish
[Range = Scope (10/10/10), Blast 1]
The AOE is a zone. Enemies are BLINDED while
fully within the zone, and line of sight can’t be
Sea Monster Trait
drawn through the zone unless it’s from an AOE.
The Kraken and its Guardians move normally in
The zone lasts until this ability is used again or the
water spaces, but treat non-water spaces as
Kraken dismisses it as a free action.
difficult terrain. They generally avoid entering
ship spaces.
Fling Skill
Standard Actions 3 Volley
One enemy GRAPPLED by the Kraken or a Guardian
Actions are ordered according to the phases in is pushed up to 5 spaces in a straight line in any
which they can be used. direction. If this would push them into one of their
allies, they take [6/8/10 Physical]. As a reaction,
Stormcaller Spell
the ally can split the damage evenly between
Mana 2, Recharge 5+ themselves and the pushed character.
Any Phase
Place a Raging Storm Marker in a random
Rogue Wave Skill
Phase 4 Reposition
[Burst 1]
All enemies in the AOE must make a BULK save.
Failure: They fall PRONE.
The Kraken can then teleport to another side of
the ship. Guardians must make a BULK save. Failure: They
take [12/16/20 Physical]. Success: They take
[6/8/10 Physical].
Liches and their Guardians are fragile and dependent on mana. They want to remain as far away from
enemies as possible. Despite this, once the Lich’s Living Soul leaves their body in Stage 2, they
immediately play more aggressively, since they will remain invulnerable until the end of Stage 3.
This boss battle benefits from a larger map. The Lich’s long SCOPE and the Guardians’ ranged abilities
mean they want to keep their distance. Because the Lich can teleport, consider creating locations on the
battle map that are hard to access without teleportation, flight, or climbing. Don’t make them
completely inaccessible, but give the Lich plenty of opportunities to evade danger so the PCs can focus
on taking out Guardians.
Be sure to include cover and terrain that blocks line of sight so the PCs can avoid or mitigate the
significant number of ranged attacks they are likely to face in this boss battle. You may also want to
include beneficial terrain features for the PCs, either as a way to entice them to good positions or to force
them to choose between a good position or a bad one with a beneficial terrain effect.
The Lich and certain PCs will want to be in Mana Nexuses as much as possible, so think ahead where
you’d like to place them. You can change their positions in each stage, but having the position of at least
the Stage 1 nexuses planned will save you time.
Stage 1: The Wizard Supreme
The Lich uses illusions to mask their true appearance, presenting themselves as a grand wizard with a
retinue of apprentices. The illusion can’t fully compensate for the jerking movements of their undead
attendants, or the uneasy feeling caused by their presence.
On Hit: The target must make an AGILITY save. An enemy within Range must make a MAGIC
Failure: One of their weapons or support items is save, taking +1 - if they are BLOODIED. Failure:
destroyed (their choice). They take [3 Stress] and are STUNNED and
SLOWED until the end of their next turn. Success:
They take [3 Stress] and are SLOWED until the
end of their next turn.
Creeping Rime Ranged Spell Attack
Guardians Traits
Deploy a number of Guardians equal to the Doublecast Trait
number of PCs in free spaces. 1/round, the Lich can spend 2 MP when taking
an action to take it twice that turn.
All Guardians turn into jars that are Summons
with the Death Jar trait.
Guardian (SIZE 1/2, HP 1, ARMOR 2, DODGE/A- Mana Application Trait
DEF 6, SPEED 0) Mana 1
The Lich can reroll an attack, check, or save.
Guardian Base Features They can use this trait any number of times per
Death Jar Trait
Aura 2
Enemies in these Auras are unable to regain
HP. Additionally, enemies that start their turn in Soulcrux Immortality Trait
one or more of these Auras take [2/3/4 Lunar] The Lich is immune to all damage and Stress
and are unable to regain HP or gain TEMP HP while any Guardians remain. Nothing
until the start of their next turn. supersedes this trait.
Perfected Spellcasting Trait
Mana Nexus III
If the Lich would be SILENCED, they instead lose
The Lich can reposition the mana nexuses from 2 MP and can’t perform reactions until the end
their Stage 2 positions, with at least one close to of their next turn.
the Lich and at least one close to the PCs. Additionally, the Lich can’t use any reactions
while exceeding their STRESS CAP.
Characters that start their turn in a mana nexus
regain 3 MP.
Ranged Destruction Trait Creeping Rime Ranged Spell Attack
The Lich can 3 VOLLEY during PHASE 5
BRAWL. 3 Volley | +2/+4/+6 vs Dodge
[Range 25] | [8/10/12 Lunar]
Standard Actions
Dimension Door Spell
Actions are ordered according to the phases in
which they can be used. Mana 1
Phase 4 Reposition
Vengeful Ghost Spell
The Lich teleports up to 6 spaces.
Mana 1, Summon
Any Phase
[Range = Scope (25/25/25)]
Howl Skill
Vengeful Ghost (SIZE 1, HP 5, DODGE/A-DEF 10,
SPEED 3) 5 Fight
[Burst 3]
The Lich creates a vengeful ghost within Range.
Enemies that end their turn adjacent to the ghost All enemies in the AOE must make a MIND save,
take [2 Stress]. taking +1 - if they are BREAKING. Failure: They
take [2/3/4 Stress], are DAZED until the end of their
next turn, and must immediately move their SPEED
directly away from the Lich. Success: They take
Glitter Dust Spell [2/3/4 Stress].
Mana 1
Phase 2+
Disrupt Life Spell
[Burst 2]
Mana 2
Enemies in the AOE must make an AGILITY save. Phase 6+
Failure: They are BLINDED until the end of their
[Burst 3]
next turn.
Enemies in the AOE must make a BULK save,
taking +1 - if they are BLOODIED. Failure: They
take [8/10/12 Lunar] and –2 maximum HP that
Energy Drain Ranged Spell Attack lasts until the end of the scene. If their maximum
HP reaches 0, they are defeated. Success: They
3 Volley | +2/+4/+6 vs Dodge
take [4/5/6 Lunar].
[Range 25] | [6/8/10 Lunar]
Antilife Spell
Mana 1
Reaction (1/round)
Adventuring supplies and common goods.
# Supply Cost Effect
1 Compass 1 gold You gain +1 + on skill checks to navigate.
2 Holster 2 gold You gain an extra LIGHT weapon slot.
3 Pouch 2 gold You gain an extra LIGHT support slot.
4 Rations 1 gold Minor Action (1/quest): You can regain HP equal to your
5 Rented Gear X gold You gain access to any weapon or support item from any
class for the duration of one quest, although it still needs to
be equipped as normal. This costs GOLD equal to the class
rank required to unlock it.
6 Rumors 1 gold You learn the environmental factors and NPC types that will
be encountered during this quest. If the GM doesn’t know
them all yet, they will instead provide as much guidance as
they can on what the environments and NPCs might be like.
7 Sleeping Bag 1 gold At the end of each combat scene, you regain HP equal to 1/4
of your maximum HP.
8 Treasure Map 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, the GM will place a
treasure chest in the scene.
9 Tutor X gold You gain access to any technique from any class, although it
still needs to be equipped as normal. This costs gold equal
to the class rank required to unlock it.
10 Waterskin 1 gold Minor Action (1/quest): You can clear Stress equal to your
11 Well Stocked 1 gold You gain +1 RECOVERY.
Potions and elixirs with a variety of magical effects.
# Supply Cost Effect
1 Acid 1 gold This support item is equipped for free. [Support Item] Main |
Consumable 3, Innate, Thrown 5 | Minor Action. Expend a
charge to make a support attack within the thrown Range. On Hit:
The target is SUNDERED until the end of their next turn.
2 Alchemist’s Fire 1 gold This support item is equipped for free. [Support Item] Light |
Consumable 3, Innate, Thrown 5 | Minor Action. Expend a
charge to make a support attack within the thrown Range. On Hit:
The target takes [1 Discord].
3 Antitoxin 1 gold Free Action (1/quest): You can clear all Discord.
4 Astral Potion 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to
Astral for the rest of the scene.
5 Barkskin Potion 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to
Physical for the rest of the scene.
6 Catseye Elixir 2 gold During this quest, you can 3 SEARCH as a minor action for 1
7 Crystal Flask 1 gold One piece of Consumable equipment gains +1 Consumable.
8 Diamond Flasks 3 gold All of your Consumable equipment gains +1 Consumable.
9 Displacer Flask 3 gold You gain +2 AGILITY.
10 Elixir of Agility 1 gold You gain +1 AGILITY.
11 Elixir of Fortitude 2 gold You gain +3 maximum HP.
12 Elixir of Magic 1 gold You gain +1 MAGIC.
13 Elixir of Strength 1 gold You gain +1 BULK.
14 Elixir of Wisdom 1 gold You gain +1 MIND.
15 Empyrean Flask 3 gold You gain +2 MIND.
16 Flask of Life 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain +5 maximum HP
for the rest of the scene. Your current HP also increases.
17 Force Potion 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to
Force for the rest of the scene.
18 Invisibility Potion 2 gold Free Action (1/quest): You become INVISIBLE until the start of
your next turn.
19 Lunar Potion 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to
Lunar for the rest of the scene.
20 Memory Potion 2 gold 1/quest during a Short Rest, you can repair one destroyed
technique without spending a RECOVERY.
21 Minor Healing Potion 1 gold 1/quest during a Short Rest, you can regain all your HP without
spending a RECOVERY.
22 Minor Mana Potion 1 gold Free Action (1/quest): You regain 1d6 MP.
23 Moon Flask 3 gold You gain +2 MAGIC.
24 Potion of Expanded 2 gold You gain +1 MEMORY.
25 Potion of the Archmage 2 gold You gain +1 maximum MP.
26 Prismatic Potion 2 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to
Astral and Lunar for the rest of the scene.
27 Swiftness Potion 2 gold You gain +1 SPEED.
28 Ruptured Flask 1 gold This support item is equipped for free. [Support Item] Light |
Consumable 3, Innate | Minor Action. You expend a charge and
your aetheric field becomes dangerously unstable. You gain a d6
Explosion Die that starts at 1. Whenever you take damage,
increase the value of your Explosion Die by 1 to a maximum of 6.
As a free action you can discharge this unstable energy in a
[Burst 2] area, dealing an amount of Force equal to your Explosion
Die to characters in the AOE. You take half as much Force. This
effect then ends.
29 Titan Flask 3 gold You gain +2 BULK.
30 Water-Breathing Potion 1 gold You gain an Aquatic Adaptation.
Forged metal gear and equipment.
# Supply Cost Effect
1 Adamantine Plating 2 gold 1/quest when one of your weapons or support items would be
destroyed, it isn’t.
2 Adaptive Armor 1 gold You become immune to the effects of an environmental factor or
terrain feature of your choice (excluding Locks).
3 Armor Kit 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain +1 ARMOR until
the end of the scene.
4 Armor Spikes 1 gold You deal [1 Piercing Physical] on hits with 5 GRAPPLE, 5 SHOVE,
or improvised weapon attacks.
5 Buckler 1 gold You start each combat scene with 1 FOCUS.
6 Cold Iron Weapon 1 gold One of your weapons that deals Physical, Force, or Astral deals
Lunar instead.
7 Counterweight 2 gold One of your melee weapons changes its type to club.
8 Deep-Plate Scabbard 3 gold You gain an extra MAIN weapon slot.
9 Handle 2 gold One of your melee weapons changes its type to longarm.
10 Helmet 1 gold 1/quest when you would become DAZED, you don’t.
11 Links 3 gold One of your LIGHT weapon slots becomes LIGHT W LIGHT.
12 Lockpick 1 gold 1/quest, you can automatically unlock a lock as a free action.
13 Manacles 1 gold 1/quest when you 5 GRAPPLE a character, they are DISARMED until
the grapple ends.
14 Mithral Plating 2 gold Choose one of your weapons. When you use the Reroll Table to
reroll an attack with that weapon, the reroll gains +1 +.
15 Padlock 1 gold As a free action while adjacent to a chest, door, or other object
that can be locked, you can lock it. Enemies receive +1 - to
unlock it.
16 Perfectly Balanced 2 gold One of your weapons gains Reliable 2.
17 Portable Wall 1 gold Minor Action (1/quest): You can place a SIZE 2 piece of hard
18 Reinforced 1 gold 1/quest when you would become MARKED, you don’t.
19 Repair Kit 1 gold 1/quest during a Short Rest, you or an ally can repair a piece of
destroyed equipment without spending a RECOVERY.
20 Sharpened 2 gold One of your weapons crits on rolls of 19+, instead of 20+.
21 Sharpening Stone 2 gold One of your melee weapons changes its type to blade.
22 Solarite Weapon 1 gold One of your weapons that deals Physical, Force, or Lunar deals
Astral instead.
23 Specialty Weapon 3 gold One of your weapons gains +1 +.
24 Thorium Weapon 1 gold One of your weapons that deals Force, Astral, or Lunar deals
Physical instead.
25 Wagon 3 gold During Short Rests, you and your allies can each swap out an
equipped weapon or support item with a different option for free.
Destroyed weapons and support items, and those with 0 charges
remaining can’t be swapped.
26 Weapon Chain 1 gold One of your weapons can be used while DISARMED.
27 Weapon Ring 2 gold 1/quest at any time, you can swap out any number of your
weapons for different ones that can fit in the same slots.
Sturdy leather gear and lightweight clothing.
# Supply Cost Effect
1 Ammo Pouch 2 gold Free Action (1/quest): You can reload a weapon.
2 Archmage Cloak 2 gold You gain +1 maximum MP.
3 Archmage Robes 1 gold You gain +1 + on concentration saves.
4 Backpack 3 gold You gain an extra MAIN support slot.
5 Behemoth Gloves 1 gold Your crits deal +2 bonus damage.
6 Bloodroot Belt 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you regain 1 MP at the start
of each round for the rest of the scene.
7 Driftwind Cloak 2 gold You gain +2 DODGE.
8 Dragonscale Lining 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to
Astral or Lunar. You are VULNERABLE to the other damage type.
These effects last for the rest of the scene.
9 Dragonstrike Gloves 2 gold Your weapon attacks critically hit on 19+, instead of 20+.
10 Explosive Ammunition 1 gold 1/quest, you can give one ranged weapon attack [Blast 2].
11 Fine Clothing 1 gold You gain +1 + on skill checks to impress, convince, or make good
12 Focus Band 1 gold 1/quest when you would be reduced from full HP to 0 HP, you
instead go to 1 HP.
13 Frostfur Lining 2 gold You are immune to the SLOWED condition from other characters.
14 Gem-Studded Belt 1 gold Minor Action (1/quest): You regain all your HP.
15 Handwraps 2 gold Your improvised weapon attacks deal +2 damage.
16 Lava Tunic 2 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you become immune to
Astral for the rest of the scene.
17 Leather Kit 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain +1 ARMOR until
the end of the scene.
18 Polar Tunic 2 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you become immune to
Lunar for the rest of the scene.
19 Prismatic Armor 2 gold At the start of each combat scene, you randomly gain resistance
to either Physical, Astral, Lunar, or Force.
20 Raptor-Hide Boots 2 gold You gain +1 SPEED.
21 Reins 3 gold You gain a mount, which counts as an allied NPC. It is 1 SIZE
larger than you, has HP equal to your BLOODIED value, DODGE/A-
DEF 8, and SPEED 4. The mount can carry one character smaller
than it at a time. It moves during PHASE 4 REPOSITION, and can
only use its standard movement and 4 RUSH. If the mount is
reduced to 0 HP, it is defeated. You can spend a RECOVERY to
restore all the mount’s HP during a Short Rest.
22 Runecloth Backpack 5 gold You gain an extra HEAVY support slot.
23 Shadowcloak Armor 1 gold Free Action (1/quest): You can 4 HIDE.
24 Spellstrike Gloves 2 gold Your spell attacks critically hit on rolls of 19+, instead of 20+.
25 Spellweave Lining 2 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you gain resistance to all
damage from spells for the rest of the scene.
26 Spidersilk Boots 2 gold You are immune to the IMMOBILIZED condition from other
27 Spidersilk Bowstring 1 gold One of your bows gains +3 Range.
28 Sturdy Belt 3 gold You gain an extra MAIN weapon slot.
29 Tent 3 gold 1/quest when you take a Short Rest, you reduce all RECOVERY
costs by –1 for you and your allies that rest, to a minimum of 0.
30 Wild Armor 1 gold You gain two random +1 bonuses to your BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or
MAGIC checks/saves this quest. Randomly determine where each
increase goes. Both increases can go into the same ability score.
Cutting-edge tech and magitech.
# Supply Cost Effect
1 Arcane Focus 2 gold You gain +1 maximum MP.
2 Arcane Retrofit 2 gold One of your weapons changes its type to artifact.
24 Telescoping 2 gold One of your melee weapons changes its type to longarm.
25 Walking Bomb 1 gold Walking Bomb (SIZE 1/2, HP 5, DODGE/A-DEF 10, SPEED 3,
Tags: Summon)
1/quest, you can create a walking bomb in an adjacent space
as a minor action. As a minor action, you can detonate the
bomb. All characters in a [Burst 2] AOE must make an AGILITY
save. Failure: They take [2d6 Force]. Success: They take half
Food and drink to keep you full and hydrated.
# Supply Cost Effect
1 Appetizers 1 gold Your Summons gain +2 maximum HP.
2 Bubble Tea 2 gold 1/round when you would trigger a Trap, you can make an
AGILITY check to avoid doing so.
3 Chicken Curry 1 gold You gain +2 to AGILITY checks and saves.
4 Dino Steak 1 gold You gain +2 to BULK checks and saves.
5 Dragon Stout 1 gold You gain +2 to MAGIC checks and saves.
6 Elf Cookies 2 gold You gain +2 SAVE TARGET.
7 Feast 2 gold Free Action (1/quest): You can 1 REFRESH.
8 Fruit Smoothie 2 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you become immune
to Lunar for the rest of the scene.
9 Gillyeel 1 gold You gain an Aquatic Adaptation.
10 Ginger Tea 1 gold 1/quest when you would be SILENCED by another character,
you aren’t.
11 Grilled Salmon 1 gold You gain +2 to MIND checks and saves.
12 Grog 1 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you can clear 1 Stress
at the start of each of your turns for the rest of the scene.
13 Hard Bread 1 gold You are immune to forced movement from other characters.
14 Hero’s Feast 3 gold You can use your limit break a second time this quest.
15 Honey Walleye 1 gold You start each combat scene with 1 FOCUS.
16 Hot Cocoa 1 gold Each round you can use one Reroll Table option 2/round
instead of 1/round.
17 Jungle Jelly 3 gold You move normally in difficult terrain.
18 Leftovers 1 gold You regain 1 HP at the start of each round.
19 Lucky Lollipop 1 gold Whenever you defeat an enemy, roll 1d6. On 5+, you gain 1
gold. This can trigger 5 times.
20 Mac & Cheese 2 gold You only take 2 damage from dangerous terrain.
21 Mango Moxie 1 gold 1/quest when you take a Wound or Overstress and it isn’t your
fourth of that type, you don’t make the wound or overstress
22 Margarita 2 gold 1/scene when you use the Strain option from the Reroll
Table option, you only gain 1 Stress.
23 Milkshake 1 gold You gain +1 + on saves while adjacent allies.
24 Rising Risotto 1 gold Minor Action: You stand up from PRONE.
25 Rockfruit 1 gold 1/quest when you would be SUNDERED by another character,
you aren’t.
26 Spicy Noodles 2 gold 1/quest at the start of a combat scene, you become immune
to Astral for the rest of the scene.
27 Transmutive Biscuits 1 gold You change your ancestry for the duration of the quest,
choosing a new ancestry trait.
28 Wildfruit 2 gold You gain two random +2 bonuses to your BULK, AGILITY, MIND,
or MAGIC checks/saves this quest. Randomly determine where
each increase goes. Both increases can go into the same
ability score.
On Release: One target within Range is removed Allies adjacent at the time of use gain +1 + on
their next attack roll before the end of the round.
from play. They return to play during PHASE 8
DELAY of the next round in the same space or the
nearest free space. Each character can only be
affected by this ability 1/scene.
Beam Saber Melee Weapon (Rare)
Main Blade | Piercing
5 Fight
Barbed Enchantment Support Item [Reach 1] | [1d6+1 Astral]
Light | Enchantment You ignore all penalties from low visibility.
Blackiron Armor Support Item (Rare) Bonecaller Armor Support Item (Rare)
Heavy | Armor Main | Armor, Summon
Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with You gain 1 FOCUS.
this weapon, you take 1 Stress and roll that die
again. This effect can trigger on the same die
multiple times and is not optional.
Conductor’s Baton Ranged Weapon (Rare)
Light Artifact | Aetheric
3 Volley
Challenge-Seeker Melee Weapon [Range 8] | [1d3+2 Force]
Main Longarm On Hit: You can spend 1 MP to force the target
5 Fight to make a MAGIC save. Failure: They are
SILENCED until the end of their next turn.
[Reach 2] | [1d3+2 Physical]
This weapon deals +1d6 bonus damage against
targets that have their maximum HP.
Counterspell Spell (Legendary)
2 Memory | Mana 2
Reaction (1/round)
Charging Spear Melee Weapon (Uncommon)
Trigger: A character within SCOPE uses a spell.
Main Longarm
Effect: The character must make a MAGIC save.
5 Fight Failure: The spell fizzles and the action is lost.
[Reach 2] | [1d6+1 Physical]
Cleansing Touch Skill (Uncommon) On Hit: The target is SLOWED until the end of their
next turn. If they are already SLOWED, they are
1 Memory | Mana 2 also IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn.
Minor Action
You clear one condition from an adjacent ally.
Darksight Armor Support Item
Cursesong Support Item (Rare)
Light | Armor
Main | Armor, Mana X +1 ARMOR.
Additionally, you ignore all penalties from low
visibility and don’t treat HIDDEN characters as
Reaction (1/round): INVISIBLE in areas of low visibility.
Trigger: You are hit by an attack from a
character within SCOPE.
Effect: You spend up to 3 MP, giving them +1 - Death’s Gambit Dice Support Item
on all attacks, checks, and saves per MP spent. (Uncommon)
This - decreases by –1 at the end of each of
their turns.
When you make a wound roll, you can roll twice
and take either result.
Effect: You teleport a number of spaces equal to Dragon Mask Support Item (Uncommon)
the damage dealt (after ARMOR and resistance), Main | Mana 1
to a minimum of 1 space and maximum of 10 5 Fight
spaces. [Close Blast 2]
You make a melee spell attack against characters
in the AOE that deals [1d6+1 Astral or Lunar],
Distracting Force Spell (Uncommon) chosen when equipped.
2 Memory | Mana 1
Minor Action
A character that is channeling within SCOPE must
make a concentration save.
Elemental Enchantment Support Item
Duck Skill (Uncommon)
Light | Enchantment, Unique
2 Memory
Reaction (1/round) You may use one of the following Enchantments
at a time:
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You gain resistance to any damage from Any Weapon, Skill Attack, or Spell
the attack, but you become PRONE. Attack: This ability deals +1d3 Astral or
Any Armor: This Armor grants resistance
to Astral or Lunar.
Durable Construction Support Item
Light | Enchantment, Unbreakable, Unique
Elven Cloak Support Item (Uncommon)
You may use the following Enchantment:
Any Equipment or Technique: This equipment
or technique gains Unbreakable. 3 SEARCH checks against you receive +1 -.
Additionally, while you are in difficult terrain, you
Efficient Burns Skill (Rare)
2 Memory | Unique
When an enemy within SCOPE fails a check to clear Ember Ranged Spell Attack (Uncommon)
Discord to which you contributed, you regain 1 MP. 1 Memory
3 Volley
[Range = Scope] | [2 Astral + 1 Discord]
Electrical Pack Support Item (Uncommon)
Main | Consumable 3, Enchantment, Unique
Empowered Spells Spell (Rare)
You may use the following Enchantment:
2 Memory | Mana 1, Unique
Any Melee Weapon, Skill Attack, or Spell
1/round when you use a spell, you can give it +2
Attack: On a melee hit with this weapon, you can
expend a charge to deal +1d6 bonus Astral.
Flare Ranged Spell Attack (Legendary) Frost Bolt Ranged Spell Attack (Uncommon)
1 Memory | Auto-Hit, Mana X 2 Memory
2 Channel 3 Volley
[Range = Scope, Blast 2] | [4d6 Force] [Range = Scope] | [2 Stress]
This attack consumes all of your MP, and you must On Hit: The target must make a BULK save.
have at least 2 MP to use it. Failure: They are SLOWED until the end of their
next turn.
On Release: All characters in the AOE are auto-
Lava Lob Ranged Spell Attack (Rare) Lightburst Summon Spell (Legendary)
1 Memory 1 Memory | Mana 2, Summon
3 Volley 3 Volley
[Range = Scope] | [1d6 Astral] [Range = Scope]
Hits with this attack against targets with Discord Lightburst Summon (SIZE 1/2, HP 1, DODGE/A-
become critical hits. DEF 10, SPEED 0)
You create this Summon within Range. At the end
of the next round it explodes in a [Burst 2] AOE. All
characters in the area are STUNNED until the end of
Leap Skill (Uncommon)
their next turn. The Summon is then defeated.
1 Memory | Unique
Minor Action
You instantly climb to the top of something to
Lightning Javelin Melee Weapon (Rare)
which you are adjacent.
Main Longarm | Thrown 8
5 Fight
[Reach 2, Thrown 8] | [1d6+2 Astral]
Leech Melee Weapon (Rare)
Main Magitech When thrown, this is a [Line 8] attack.
5 Fight
[Reach 1] | [1d3+2 Lunar]
On Hit: You regain HP equal to the amount of HP Living Leyline Spell (Legendary)
the target lost from this attack. 1 Memory | Unique
You gain +2 A-DEF, and +1 + on MAGIC checks
and saves. This effect is suppressed while you are
Contributed by Koleos.
Returning Weapon Support Item
Light | Enchantment
You may use the following Enchantment: Safe Travels Skill (Uncommon)
Any Melee Weapon with Reach: This weapon 1 Memory
gains Thrown 5 and automatically returns back to You are immune to dangerous terrain.
you when thrown.
Scythe of Darkness Melee Weapon Additionally, you gain the Shield Block reaction.
(Legendary) If you meet the trigger condition of the Shield
Block while using INTERPOSE, you can
Heavy Blade | Accurate, Unique automatically use its effect as part of that
5 Fight INTERPOSE reaction.
[Reach 2] | [2d6+2 Lunar]
Shield Block Reaction
On Crit: The target is BLINDED until the end of
their next turn. Reaction (1/round)
Trigger: You would take Physical, Astral, Lunar, or
Slam Skill (Uncommon) You can make a ranged attack with this weapon
using [Range 8].
2 Memory | Stressful 1
Minor Action
An adjacent enemy must make a BULK save.
Failure: They are DAZED until the end of their next Sonar Bow Ranged Weapon (Uncommon)
Main Bow | Arcing
3 Volley
[Range 10] | [1d6+1 Physical]
Slime Staff Ranged Weapon (Rare)
Minor Action: You spend 1 MP to fire a sonar
Main Artifact | Mana 1 arrow at a space within this weapon’s Range.
3 Volley This allows you to immediately 3 SEARCH for all
[Range 10] | [1d3 Lunar+3 Discord] HIDDEN characters in or adjacent to that space.
Surprise Attack Skill (Legendary) You 5 SHOVE a target within Range and count as
SIZE 3 when doing so. Instead of choosing to push
3 Memory | Unique them 1 space, you can slide them 3 spaces.
1/round, you can deal +1d6 bonus damage on a
melee attack if you are the only character adjacent
the target.
Teleport Partner Skill (Rare)
2 Memory | Unique There is No Escape Skill (Rare)
When you teleport, you can choose to bring an 1 Memory | Unique
adjacent character with you. If they are unwilling,
they must make a MAGIC save. Failure: They are You gain +1 + on 5 GRAPPLE attacks and checks
teleported. related to GRAPPLE and being GRAPPLED, and you
can still use reactions while grappling.
5 Fight
[Reach 1] | [1d6+1 Lunar]
On Hit: You can spend 1 MP to regain HP equal to Wand of Fireballs Ranged Weapon
the damage the target takes from this attack, after (Legendary)
ARMOR and resistance. Light Artifact | Mana 2
3 Volley
[Range 5, Blast 2] | [1d3+4 Astral]
Venom Melee Weapon (Uncommon)
Light Blade | Thrown 5
Wand of Magic Missiles Ranged Weapon
5 Fight
[Reach 1, Thrown 5] | [2 Discord]
Light Artifact | Accurate, Homing
On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their 3 Volley
next turn. [Range 12] | [1d3+1 Force]
Vicious Enchantment Support Item (Rare) Wand of Time Ranged Weapon (Rare)
# Name Rarity
1 Firebrand Legendary
2 Lucky Legendary
3 Meteor Staff Legendary
4 Oathbow Legendary
5 Railgun Legendary
6 Scythe of Darkness Legendary
7 Spider Staff Legendary
8 Sundyr Legendary
9 Thunderstruck Legendary
10 Wand of Fireballs Legendary
These tables list all NPCs by their INITIATIVE and NPC TYPE BY ROLE
role. This is to help GMs populate combat scenes Name Role Initiative
with a diverse array of NPCs. Gunner Artillery 7
Sharpshooter Artillery 3
NPC TYPE BY INITIATIVE Conjurer Artillery 2
Name Role Initiative Warmage Artillery 2
Ardent Support 1 Architect Controller 5
Elementalist Defender 1 Mindreaver Controller 2
Protector Defender 1 Mirage Controller 2
Spellshield Defender 1 Specter Controller 3
Healer Support 2 Swarm Controller 4
Mindreaver Controller 2 Titan Controller 7
Mirage Controller 2 Vulture Controller 3
Overlord Support 2 Elementalist Defender 1
Rogue Striker 2 Fortress Defender 5
Conjurer Artillery 2 Gladiator Defender 5
Warmage Artillery 2 Protector Defender 1
Marshal Support 3 Spellshield Defender 1
Ranger Striker 3 Charger Striker 4
Sharpshooter Artillery 3 Cleaver Striker 7
Specter Controller 3 Expendable Striker 5
Vulture Controller 3 Firebug Striker 5
Charger Striker 4 Fury Striker 7
Pegasus Striker 4 Pegasus Striker 4
Swarm Controller 4 Ranger Striker 3
Architect Controller 5 Rogue Striker 2
Expendable Striker 5 Ardent Support 1
Firebug Striker 5 Healer Support 2
Fortress Defender 5 Marshal Support 3
Gladiator Defender 5 Overlord Support 2
Cleaver Striker 7
Fury Striker 7
Gunner Artillery 7
Titan Controller 7
NPC Template: Templates are additional sets of
APPENDIX D: features that can be added to NPCs, which can
GLOSSARY drastically alter how they play. There are two types
of templates: thematic and mechanical.
GENERAL TERMINOLOGY NPC Tier: NPCs come in one of three tiers: tier 1
Ancestry: Ancestry describes a beacon’s heritage (T1), tier 2 (T2), and tier 3 (T3). NPCs of higher tiers
or species. It determines their SIZE and gives access are stronger and tougher than those of lower tiers.
to a list of ancestry traits. Whenever a beacon goes NPC Type: NPC types are collections of abilities
on a quest, they can choose to equip one of their and attributes that represent general themes, similar
ancestry traits. to player character jobs.
Boss: The toughest enemies in the game are Quest: Quests are adventures that beacons go on,
Bosses. Bosses have their own unique rules for each comprising a combination of narrative and
combat. combat play.
Battle Plan: Battle plans provide the framework for Reflection: The many settings of Beacon. Each
combat scenes, determining the win conditions for setting is called a Reflection.
the PCs, the NPC budget, and any special rules.
Resting: Resting allows PCs to heal, recover
Class: Classes represent specialized approaches to resources, and repair equipment. There are two
combat. Classes unlock equipment and abilities that types of rests: Short Rests and Long Rests. Short
beacons can equip for quests. Each class has three Rests are quick breaks that allow beacons to patch
ranks, with each rank unlocking additional themselves up after a fight, while Long Rests are
equipment and abilities. longer and more restorative.
Hub: A base of operations for beacons. Title: All beacons have a title, which can be used
Job: Jobs provide the starting values for a beacon’s during narrative play to gain a +2 bonus to a skill
attributes and their equipment slots. A class’s job is check.
unlocked upon reaching rank 1 in that class.
Level/Character Level: Each beacon has a
Adversity Challenge: A type of skill challenge
character level, which represents their overall
representing the obstacles the beacons encounter
growth and strength. Whenever you finish a quest,
between combat scenes, like moving through
whether you were successful or not, your beacon
dangerous rooms in a dungeon or sneaking past
gains another character level. The maximum
patrolling guards to ambush a target.
character level for beacons is 12.
Background Skills: Words or brief phrases that
Loot: Loot includes a range of equipment and
represent a beacon’s history and training.
techniques that aren’t tied to specific classes. It is
Background skills have three ranks. Skill checks use
usually presented to the players via loot crates.
background skills, and grant +1 + on the roll for
Loot is categorized by rarity. It can be Uncommon,
reach rank in the skill.
Rare, or Legendary.
Downtime Activity: When beacons have free time,
Loot Crate: A loot crate is a set of three random
they can perform downtime activities.
pieces of loot from which the player can select one
to keep. Narrative Action: Narrative actions are a type of
skill check with specific outcomes.
Non-Player Character (NPC): Characters controlled
by the GM are called non-player characters, or Skill Challenge: Skill challenges are series of rapid
NPCs. NPCs can be friends, foes, beasts, or skill checks. Skill challenges can be split into two
anything else that the GM presents. categories: story challenges and adversity
Skill Check: Skills checks are used to determine target. Only successful attacks or abilities that deal
success during narrative play. damage can deal bonus damage.
Story Challenge: A type of skill challenge. Story Character: PCs, Summons, and NPCs are all
challenges are used when an obstacle or scene is considered characters. As a general rule, characters
too complex to be resolved with a single skill check. are entities capable of taking some sort of actions,
either personally or at the command of other
Climbing: A special form of movement that allows
COMBAT TERMINOLOGY characters to move atop objects such as terrain.
Climbing has a movement cost equal to the object’s
Ability: All techniques, traits, and equipment.
SIZE + 1. Characters standing atop objects are
Basically, if something does something in combat,
considered to have their SIZE increased by the SIZE
it’s an ability.
of whatever they are standing on for the purposes of
Ability Check/Save: A roll made to overcome an determining line of sight and cover (p. XX).
obstacle or resist an effect. Effects that prompt
Concentration Save: While channeling, if you take
ability checks or saves indicate which ability score –
any damage (after ARMOR) or Stress not caused by
BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC – is used for the roll.
yourself, you must pass a BULK save against the
Background skills, GRIT, and titles don’t apply. To
initiator’s SAVE TARGET. On a failure, you stop
succeed on an ability check, you need a result of
channeling and the action is lost.
10+. To succeed on a save, your result must equal
or exceed the SAVE TARGET of the initiator, or 10 if Cover: Objects on the battlefield can provide
not otherwise specified. cover. Cover imposes - on attacks and can block
line of sight, depending on whether it is hard cover
Ability Scores: The four ability scores – BULK,
or soft cover. Soft cover grants +1 - to attacks,
AGILITY, MIND, MAGIC – affect a character’s attributes
but doesn’t block line of sight. Hard cover grants +2
and actions in combat play.
- to attacks and can block line of sight.
Ally: A character friendly to you or on the same side.
Critical Hit: On a result of 20+, an attack roll is a
You don’t count as your own ally.
crit. Roll all damage dice twice and take the highest
Area of Effect (AOE): Abilities and effects with an result.
AOE affect multiple targets or spaces. Blast, Burst,
Damage: Harm done to another character. Damage
Close Blast, and Line are types of AOEs.
is subtracted from HP, and comes in different types
Attack: Attempts by characters to hit and harm (Physical, Force, Astral, Lunar, Discord).
something with weapons, magic, or other means. To
Dangerous Terrain: Terrain that can cause
hit your target, your result must equal or exceed
damage. 1/round when you enter dangerous terrain
their defense (either DODGE or A-DEF, depending on
or end your turn in it, you must make an ability check
the type of attack). Attacks can be either melee
of the GM’s choice. Failure: You take 5 damage of
attacks or ranged attacks, and can be further
any type or Stress based on the type of terrain.
categorized as weapon, spell, support, or skill
attacks. Defeat: When a beacon is defeated, all effects on
them and that originated from them are removed,
Attribute: Beacons have several attributes that are
including Summons. Damage, conditions, statuses,
used in combat play, such as DODGE and SIZE.
and created objects and terrain remain, including
These scores are determined by a character’s level,
job, ancestry, talents, ability scores, equipment, and
techniques. Difficult Terrain: Terrain that slows movement. It
has +1 movement cost.
Bonus Damage: Additional damage added onto an
existing source of damage. Effects with more than Discord X: Discord is a special effect that applies
one target only deal half their bonus damage to each ongoing damage. A character or object that takes
Discord immediately takes Piercing discord Limit Break: Every job has a limit break, which is
damage equal to the amount of Discord gained. The a power, scene-changing ability unique to that
Discord they took is then added to any Discord they job. Beacons can only perform one limit break
already have. per quest.
At the end of each turn while they have Discord, the Line of Sight: All abilities require a clear path to
character or object makes a MAGIC check. On a their target, known as line of sight.
successful save, all Discord is cleared from them.
Linked Weapons: Two weapons can be linked
On a failure, they take Piercing discord damage
together to form a linked pair. When you attack with
equal to their current Discord. For more information
a linked weapon, you can also attack with the
on Discord, see p. XX.
weapon it’s linked to as a part of the same action.
Enemy: A character that is hostile to you or on the This is called a linked attack, and each linked pair
other side. can only make 1 linked attack per turn (p. XX).
Environmental Factors: Effects that alter combat Minor Action: You can perform one minor action
scenes, individual spaces, or even objects. Some during your turn. Minor actions can be used during
apply to the entire combat scene, while others affect any phase.
characters in smaller areas.
Movement/Standard Movement: You can use your
Equipment: Weapons and support items are standard movement to move a number of spaces
equipment. equal to your SPEED.
Flight: Characters with flight can activate or Object: Anything that isn’t a character (or part of
deactivate the FLYING status 1/turn as a free action. one). The terrain, parts of the environment, and
deployed items (like Traps) are all objects.
Forced Movement: Any involuntary movement that
pushes, pulls, or slides a character. Forced Obstruction: If a character or object is the same
movements do not provoke reactions and ignore SIZE as you or larger, you can’t move through their
ENGAGEMENT. You can’t be forcibly moved into a spaces. Allied characters and enemy characters
space you can’t enter. smaller than you don’t count as obstructions and you
can move through their spaces, but you can’t end a
Free Action: Free actions can only be taken during
movement sharing spaces with another character.
your turn, but you can perform any number of free
actions during that turn. Phase: The various stages of the round during
which characters can act. The phase in which a
Grit: An attribute representing the combat
character takes a turn is usually decided by the
experience that beacons gain when they increase
action they want to perform, as each action can only
their character level. Starting at character level 2
be performed in a specific phase.
and then at every second level after that (i.e., levels
4, 6, 8, etc.), beacons gain +1 GRIT. GRIT is a Range/Reach: The maximum number of spaces
passive bonus that applies to several other within which a given ability can be used. Range and
attributes. Reach work in the same way, but some effects
trigger based on one or the other, not both.
Immunity: When a character is immune to
something, they are unaffected by that type of effect. Reaction: Special actions performed in response to
specific triggers, even on other character’s turns.
Initiative: NPCs take their turns in a different way
You can perform one reaction per turn, but there is
than PCs. Instead of acting based on the phase of
no limit on how many times a specific reaction can
the standard action they want to perform, each NPC
be used unless one is specified.
has an INITIATIVE, which ranges from 1–8. This
specifies the phase in which they take their turn. Reroll Table: When making an attack, ability check,
During that phase, the NPC can take any action, not or save in combat, you can reroll the dice by using
only those options available to PCs during that the Reroll Table. To use the table, you choose one
phase. of the listed options and reroll all dice for one roll
(including + or -). Each option from the table can placed next to each other to create a continuous
only be chosen once per round (p. XX). feature.
Resistance: Reduces damage by half. Trait: Abilities that reinforce a beacon’s identity and
playstyle. Traits come from a beacon’s ancestry and
Round: Each combat scene is made up of a number
equipped job.
of rounds, each of which is split up into eight distinct
phases. At the end of the eighth phase, the round Turns: Each character takes one turn per round,
ends and another round begins. taken during one of that round’s phases. The action
they want to take on their turn determines which
Shift: A special movement that doesn’t provoke
phase they act in. On their turn, a character can
reactions and ignores ENGAGEMENT. You can’t shift
perform their standard movement, one standard
action, one minor action, and any number of free
Scene: An entire combat, from beginning to end. actions (within reason). Most NPCs only take one
Once the fighting is over, the scene ends. turn per round, but some NPCs might take multiple
Squeezing: A special form of movement that allows
characters to fit into spaces one SIZE smaller than Wound/Overstress: Characters can receive
them, but increases the cost of all movements by +1 Wounds or become Overstressed. As they
while doing so (p. XX). accumulate Wounds and Overstresses, their combat
performance weakens until they are no longer able
Standard Action: Characters can take one standard
to fight.
action per turn. Beacons can only use standard
actions from the current phase. Zone: A lingering effect from an AOE, which
remains in play for a set time or until the end of the
Stress: A special type of harm that doesn’t count as
damage and doesn’t affect the recipient’s HP. Stress
accumulates up to a character’s STRESS CAP. TAGS
Surging: Beacons can surge 1/round to take a Accurate: Attacks with this tag gain +1 +.
second turn at the cost of taking Stress (p. XX).
Aetheric: Attacks with this tag are made against A-
Talent: Sets of abilities that don’t need to be Def instead of Dodge.
equipped. Once your beacon has learned a talent,
they will always have access to any abilities Arcing: Abilities with this tag can be aimed over
unlocked by their ranks in that talent. Each talent obstacles. They ignore line of sight as long as there
has three ranks. is a vertical path to the target, although cover still
Techniques: Skills and spells are techniques.
Armor: Abilities with this tag represent suits of
Teleport: A special form of movement that allows for armor or similar defenses, many of which provide a
instant movement between two spaces. bonus to ARMOR. A character can only have one
Teleportation doesn’t require line of sight, doesn’t ability with this tag equipped at a time.
provoke reactions, and ignores ENGAGEMENT.
Teleportation always counts as moving 1 space. If a Aura X: When activated, abilities with this tag affect
character teleports into a space they can’t occupy, indicated characters within X spaces of the user. A
the teleport fails and the action is lost. character can only have one Aura activated at a
time and can change Auras 1/turn.
Terrain: A specific subset of object that includes the
environmental elements in a combat scene – trees, Auto-Hit: Attacks with this tag automatically hit
walls, rocks, and similar. without making an attack roll.
Terrain Features: Terrain features modify spaces Blast X: Abilities with this tag have an AOE. It
and terrain on the battlefield. While they generally affects all targets within a radius of X spaces from
affect single spaces, multiple terrain features can be the center space, including the center space.
Cover and line of sight are calculated from the
center space. Users can be affected by their own Line X: Abilities with this tag have an AOE. It affects
Blast. all targets in a straight line with a length of X spaces
and a width of 1 space, drawn directly away from
Burst X: Affects all targets within a radius of X
you in any direction.
spaces from the edge of the spaces occupied by the
target, including the target's spaces but excluding Focus X: Abilities with this tag cost X Focus to use.
the target itself. Cover and line of sight are
Piercing: Damage with this tag ignores ARMOR.
calculated from the edge of the spaces occupied by
the target. If a Burst forms a zone, the zone moves Pull X: Abilities with this tag inflict a type of forced
with the target. movement. On a hit, the target is moved X spaces
directly toward the origin.
Close Blast X: Abilities with this tag have an AOE. It
operates like a Blast, but: Push X: Abilities with this tag inflict a type of forced
movement. On a hit, the target is moved X spaces
at least 1 space must be adjacent to the user
directly away from the origin.
the user can’t be in the area
cover and line of sight are calculated from the Range X: Abilities with this tag can be used on
user. targets within X spaces.
Consumable X: Abilities with this tag can only be Reach X: Abilities with this tag can be used on
used X times per quest. Consumable abilities targets within X spaces. This tag also determines
represent potions, elixirs, and other items that can the range of the OPPORTUNITY ATTACK reaction.
be replenished.
Mana X: Abilities with this tag cost X MP to use.
Enchantment: Abilities with this tag modify other
Polymorph: Abilities with this tag modify the target’s
abilities. Enchantments can typically only be applied
form. A character can only be under the effect of one
to specific types of abilities and can only be applied
ability with this tag at a time, and any subsequent
to one ability at a time. Additionally, each ability can
polymorph effects are automatically cancelled while
only have one Enchantment at a time.
they are under the effects of a polymorph.
Enchantments can only be applied to a new ability
while preparing for a quest or during a Long Rest. If Recharge X: Whenever an NPC uses a Recharge
an Enchantment is destroyed, the ability it is ability, it can’t be used again until that ability
enchanting is not destroyed and vice versa. Traits recharges. At the start of each of the NPC’s turns
and talents can’t be enchanted. after using a Recharge ability, the NPC rolls a d6
recharge die. If the result equals or exceeds the
Homing: Abilities with this tag ignore line of sight
Recharge value (X) of any Recharge abilities they
and the effects of cover. As long as the target is
have, those abilities recharge. NPCs only make one
within Range and it is possible to reach them (i.e.,
recharge roll each turn, but that roll can recharge
they aren’t in a box), they can be targeted.
multiple abilities at once.
Inaccurate: Attacks with this tag receive +1 -.
Reliable X: Abilities with this tag always deal at least
Indirect: Attacks with this tag ignore any - from X damage, even if they would miss or deal less than
cover. X damage. Reliable damage inherits the ability’s
Innate: Abilities with this tag can’t be destroyed or damage type and tags; however, Reliable damage
enchanted. They can’t be chosen for destruction as does not count as a hit and doesn’t trigger any
the result of a wound roll. effects that require a hit.
Limited X: Abilities with this tag can only be used X Reloading: Abilities with this tag must be reloaded
times per quest. Limited abilities provide powerful after each use before they can be used again. This
effects that can’t be replenished during a quest once can be done using 1 REFRESH and other abilities.
used. Slide X: Abilities with this tag inflict a type of forced
movement. On a hit, the target is moved X spaces in
any direction.
Slow: Abilities with this tag can only be activated as be placed in a free adjacent space. They become
part of 7 FULL ATTACK. armed at the end of the turn in which they are
placed. Moving into or adjacent to a space occupied
Stressful X: Abilities with this tag inflict X Stress on
by a trap triggers it, activating its effects, after which
the user.
it is removed from play.
Summon: Abilities with this tag create one or more
Traps are permanently HIDDEN, but can be
temporary characters under the control of another
automatically detected with 3 SEARCH. You can
character, each of which has the Summon tag.
attempt to disarm a trap by making an AGILITY check
Summons have the following statistics unless as a minor action when moving into or adjacent to
otherwise indicated: its space (before it is triggered). On a success, the
trap is removed from play without being activated.
SIZE 1/2 On a failure, it activates as normal.
HP 5
Dodge/A-Def 10 Unbreakable: Abilities with this tag cannot be
Speed 0 destroyed and can’t be selected for destruction if
SAVE TARGET = Summoner’s SAVE TARGET there are non-Unbreakable options left. If an
BULK/AGILITY/MIND/MAGIC 0 Unbreakable result is selected from a wound or
overstress roll, it becomes a DAZED result instead.
Summons can only be created in free spaces that
they could normally enter (they can’t be summoned Unique: Characters can only equip one copy of
into impassable terrain, for example). each ability with this tag at a time.
Background Skills · 8
Damage · 69 Homing · 79
Bonus Damage · 70 HP · 13
Dangerous Terrain · 66 Hub · 303
Difficult Terrain · 66
Difficulty · 6
Discord · 70 I
Dodge · 14
Downtime Activities · 29 Inaccurate · 79
Create a Ritual · 30 Indirect · 79
Disenchant Loot · 30 Information Transparency · 47, 329
Dungeon-Dive · 30 Innate · 79
Find Echo · 30
Gain a Contact · 31
Get Something · 32 J
Go Shopping · 32
Hit the Books · 33 Job · 10, 104
Imprint a Crystal · 33
Make Something · 34
Pursue a Profession · 35 L
Run an Organization · 35
Take a Breather · 36 Leveling Up · 11
Training · 37 Levels · 11
Limited · 79
Line · 63, 79
E Line of Sight · 57
Linked Weapons W · 15
Enchantment · 79 Loot · 331, 463
Engagement · 66 Loot Crates · 333
Environmental Factors · 66, 323
Adaptations · 67
Equipment · 15 M
Equipment Size · 15
Equipment Slots · 15 Magic · 9
Free Equipment · 15 Mana · 14, 80
Support Items · 16 Memory · 14
Weapons · 15 Mind · 9
Minor Actions · 54
Modifiers · 6
F Movement · 64
Flight · 65
Focus · 80 N
Forced Movement · 66
Free Actions · 54 Narrative Actions · 25
Convince · 26
Gain Insight · 26
G Gather Information · 27
Make Conflict · 27
Grit · 11 Move Unseen · 28
Overcome · 28 Reloading · 80
Recall Lore · 29 Reroll Table · 61
Use Magic · 29 Resources · 16
Narrative Play · 24 Combat Resources · 16
Narrative Resources Narrative Resources · 16
Gold · 16 Supplies · 17
Residuum · 17 Rewards · 21
Non-Player Characters · 336 Ruins · 298
NPC Actions · 338
NPC Features · 337, 401
NPC Initiative · 337 S
NPC Templates · 336
Mechanical Templates · 403 Safety Tools · 292
Thematic Templates · 407 Save Target · 13
NPC Tier · 337 Saves · 5
NPC Type · 336 Scope · 13
NPC Types · 340 Scourge · 297
Session 0 · 291
Shifting · 64
O Shops · 455
Alchemy Shop · 456
Objects · 56 General Store · 456
Obstruction · 66 Magic Shop / Dojo · 462
Overstress · 14 Size · 13
Skill Challenges · 37
Adversity Challenges · 39
P Story Challenges · 37
Skill Checks · 24
Phases · 47 Slide · 80
Piercing · 80 Slow · 80
Polymorph · 80 Source · 3
Pull · 80 Speed · 14
Push · 80 Squeezing · 65
Standard Actions · 49
Stress · 70
Q Stress Cap · 14
Stressful · 80
Quests · 20, 307 Summon · 80
Supplies · 455
Surging · 48
Range · 80 T
Reach · 80
Reactions · 53, 531 Tags · 79
Recharging · 339 Accurate · 79
Recoveries · 13 Aetheric · 79
Reflections · 300 Arcing · 79
Colossus · 302 Armor · 79
Crystal Warriors · 300 Aura · 79
The Soul Guard · 303 Auto-Hit · 79
Reliable · 80 Blast · 79
Burst · 79 Free Techniques · 16
Close Blast · 79 Skills · 16
Consumable · 79 Spells · 16
Enchantment · 79 Teleportation · 65
Focus · 80 Terrain Features · 67, 323
Homing · 79 Themes · 295
Inaccurate · 79 Thrown · 80
Indirect · 79 Title · 7
Innate · 79 Tone · 293
Limited · 79 Traits · 14
Line · 79 Trap · 80
Mana · 80 Turns · 48
Piercing · 80
Polymorph · 80
Pull · 80 U
Push · 80
Range · 80 Unbreakable · 81
Reach · 80 Unique · 81
Reliable · 80
Reloading · 80
Slide · 80 W
Slow · 80
Stressful · 80 Weapons · 15
Summon · 80 Weapon Type · 15
Thrown · 80 Wounds · 13
Trap · 80
Unbreakable · 81
Unique · 81 Z
Talents · 9, 257
Targeting · 56 Zones · 62
Techniques · 16
You can only take standard actions available in the
current phase.
Combat takes place within combat scenes. Each
combat is made up of a number of rounds. By Each round starts with PHASE 1 BOLSTER, and ends
default, each PC beacon and each NPC takes one with PHASE 8 DELAY.
turn each round. PCs and NPCs alternate turns. If a PC decides to
COMBAT STRUCTURE take their turn during PHASE 1, then an NPC has
the chance to take the next turn in that phase. If no
one else takes a turn that phase, the next phase
begins. The pattern of alternating turns continues
across phases and rounds. This means that if the
final turn in a round is taken by a PC, an NPC will
ROUND have the first opportunity to act in the next round.
Endanger You become MARKED. You You begin to enact a CHANNEL ability, the effect of
can’t use this option if you are which you can unleash in PHASE 6 with the
MARKED. This doesn’t count as RELEASE action. This is the only way to trigger a
a condition that you’ve given channeled ability’s RELEASE effect. Until you
yourself. release it, you are considered to be channeling.
Overextend You can only choose this
option if you are adjacent to an While channeling, if you take any damage (after
enemy or within Reach of an ARMOR) or Stress not caused by yourself, you
enemy’s weapon. The enemy must pass a BULK save against the other
can choose one of the character’s SAVE TARGET. This is called a
following, which resolves concentration save. On a failure, you lose
before you reroll: concentration: you stop channeling and the
They make an ability fizzles.
OPPORTUNITY ATTACK You can only channel one ability at a time, and
against you. you can’t READY the CHANNEL action. You can
They deal 3 Physical stop channeling as a free action. If you don’t
to you as a reaction. make a standard movement this turn, you can do
so when you RELEASE the ability this round.
CHANNEL abilities are considered to be used at the
STANDARD ACTIONS time this action is taken, and any costs (e.g., MP)
must be paid at that time. Their effects, including
PHASE 1: BOLSTER choosing targets, only happen when they’re
released unless the ability specifically states they
DEFEND PHASE 1 BOLSTER happen when channeling.
You gain FOCUS equal to your ARMOR + 1d3. Until
the start of your next turn, attacks against you are PHASE 3: SKIRMISH
made with +1 -.
Reload all Reloading weapons/abilities. If they are HIDDEN, you make a contested
Clear all Discord. MIND check against their AGILITY. On a
Clear a condition that wasn’t caused by success, they are no longer HIDDEN.
yourself. You learn the target’s ability scores,
Clear a condition on an adjacent ally that attributes, and abilities.
wasn’t caused by them.
You make one of the following attacks: You make a grapple attack:
Ranged attack: Make a ranged attack with Grapple attack: Make a melee weapon
an ability against a target within the ability’s attack against an adjacent character. Roll
Range. Roll 1d20+GRIT. If your result meets 1d20+GRIT. If your result equals or exceeds
or exceeds the target’s DODGE (or A-DEF for
the target’s DODGE, you and the target are
Aetheric attacks), it hits.
Improvised spell attack (1 MP): Make an
Aetheric ranged spell attack against a Grapple attacks can be made while you are
character within SCOPE. Roll 1d20+GRIT. If DISARMED (p. XX).
your result meets or exceeds the target’s A-
DEF, they take [2 Stress].
DELAY PHASE 8 DELAY Effect: You can VOLLEY or FIGHT against that
character with one of those abilities. Each attack
The last chance to take an action during this roll can only be counterattacked once – multiple
round. If you wanted to take an action but the characters can’t COUNTERATTACK in response to
phase had already passed, you can do so in this the same attack roll.