MIS Full Course
MIS Full Course
MIS Full Course
- IS are part of every single aspect of the value chain of the firm
What happens when Information Technology fails : If the IS doesn’t work, the firm will bankrupt
RISK OF • Needs : Investment in the IS must match the customers need
FAILURE • Accuracy : If the IS is not performant, all the data recovered will be inaccurate (and implementation = failure)
• Adaptation : You must adapt your firm and activity to the ERP system and not the contrary
- Refers to all the systems that are used in order to process the transactional business of an organization in a
TRANSACTIONAL regular daily basis
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning system) is linked to transactional, because they enable the occurrence of daily transactions)
- Linked to the different IS that enable you to have better insight and understanding of the data that emanate
from the transactional system (=business analytics or business intelligence)
Example of Levi’s Strauss : In 2003, it had an old and obsolete IS as it was based on an unorganized mixture of different IS specific to each country
with no compatibility.
ð To deal with this situation, the executives at that time decided to acquire an Enterprise System from SAP with an initial budget of less than $5 million.
ð However, problems appeared then as one major customer asked that Levi’s Strauss to make sure to interface its system with Walmart’s own IS.
ð Walmart required that the system interface work with its supply chain management system which was something that was not taken into consideration.
ð This problem and others during migration forced Levi’s Strauss to shut down three U.S. distribution centers for a week.
ð In 2008, the company took a $192.5 million charge against earnings to compensate for the failed IT project and its CIO was invited to quit .
2. Three kinds of IT
- IT that enable the achievement of individual and standalone tasks in a more efficient way.
- This IT is dedicated to improving the productivity of individual users.
IT - Ex : Word, PowerPoint , Blackboard to upload the course material (more efficient than writing on a paper sheet, scan it and share it)
- Other example : Engineers at Tesla use simulation software to simulate the design and the outlook of the electric car before moving it to
the prototyping phase.
- IT that facilitates interaction between different kinds of stakeholders within and between organization
- Today everyone needs to communicate, exchange and collaborate with customers, colleagues…
- Network IT has also been shown to enable the emergence of unexpected innovation and unforeseen creativity by
employees and within teams.
- Example : Enterprise social media, emails, blogs, instant messaging system (Whatsapp), Workplace
- IT that enables business processes to occur within and between organization
- This category of IT represents software that organizations adopt in order to pursue specific business goals.
- It necessitates generally the redesign of business processes, enables to make workflows become standardized,
reduces errors and duplication of efforts and makes information consistent throughout the entire organization
- Example : ERP, customer relationship management (to increase customer loyaltie), Supply Chain Management
C. Information Service (IS)
- Once these 3 kinds of IT are integrated they represent what we call Information systems
PRINCIPLE - It is because they enable the organization to meet key objectives that are critical to its business such as reducing
costs, optimizing logistics, increasing revenue, enabling cross-selling and up-selling.
IS - IS is an ensemble of IT that collects, creates and distributes useful data to enable business decision
GOAL - IS enable the support of business transactions within and between organizations.
TRANSACTION - Anything that occurs as part of a firm’s daily business and that a record must be kept out of it.
- You don’t want to share your cloud with anyone outside the firm
- Gmail is an example of Public Cloud where everyone has a virtual mini server provided by google (the cloud provider)
- Public doesn’t mean that my emails are shared with everyone
- But only that my emails are located on the same physical server as you
HYBRID - If you want to put sensitive information on the cloud but also non-sensitive information’s in order to master the cost
II. Case Study – Cloud case (NDPL)
- They are wholesalers in the pharmaceutical industry in India
- They have a good position (leader, low competition) and try to expand their activity, which shows a good health
NPDL should go back to the cloud or NDPL should not go back to the cloud?
- Transactional data : As the ERP system is put into production, every transaction that is saved (committed) to the database
will update one or more tables and this data is called transactional data.
- As you can surmise, master data changes slowly, whereas transactional data changes rapidly, growing by large amounts
depending on the volume of business.
- Before an ERP system is put into production, it must be implemented, configured, tested, and then deployed.
- Keeping the data of each phase of the implementation cycle separate from the other phases would require the use of
ERP multiple databases. This is inefficient and unnecessarily complicated.
- An innovative way to utilize the same database for all phases of implementation is to use a field (sometimes called client
number) in all tables, making it a part of the primary key.
- A primary key : is a field (or set of fields) that uniquely identifies each row in a table.
- In this way the configuration phase can use rows with client number 100 and the testing phase can use rows with client number 200.
- Each table of the database has rows of data for the configuration phase as well as the testing phase.
- They are identified by the client number field. The processing tier manages the database authorizations so that only rows
with client number 100 will be seen by configuration personnel.
2. ERP Business Logic
The entire business logic resides in the application server. A dispatcher is the central control process.
3. Presentation Tier
The client-side user interface can be either a custom
program or a web browser.
Either way there is a rendering program that renders the
appropriate look and feel of the UI on the client platform.
Mobile apps have limited screen space, so UIs have to be
designed specifically for this limitation.
Middleware is the glue that binds all client server applications. Interoperability is the reason why middleware exists. One or more
middleware solutions are used within n-tiered client server applications to facilitate this interoperability amongst dissimilar operating
systems and components.
Several types of middleware are available. Here are some important ones as classified by Hurwitz (Hurwitz, 1998) :
• Asynchronous : In asynchronous communication, the client sends a message (request) to the server but does not wait for a response.
Examples are email and file transfer. Middleware examples :
ASYNCHRONOUS REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL (RPC) - Client makes a request after establishing a point-to-point connection. Does not wait for response.
PUBLISH / SUBSCRIBE - Middleware that pushes information that subscribers have subscribed to.
MESSAGE ORIENTED MIDDLEWARE (MOM) - Uses queues to store requests from clients, especially those that require multiple processing steps.
• Synchronous : Synchronous communication is used when a response is required by the client (in real time).
Examples are chat and audio/video communications. Middleware examples :
OBJECT REQUEST BROKER (ORB) - Object-oriented sending and receiving of information.
SQL-ORIENTED DATA ACCESS - Middleware that translates generic SQL requests into the database specific SQL.
SYNCHRONOUS RPC - Synchronous version of RPC
From an ERP perspective, middleware is important because it allows data integration and application integration between one database
and another. Application Programming Interface (API) is used to support interaction between two applications (or programs).
API : Set of routines, structures, classes and protocols provided by libraries and operating systems to simplify the creation of software applications.
ð Think of it as building blocks that a programmer can put together to build applications.
ð Database oriented middleware usually provides an API to access the database.
ð An example of an API is Google Maps APIs. This gives developers several ways of including Google maps within their web pages
either for simple use or with extensive customization.
- Open Database Connectivity (OBDC) is an interface for accessing databases (both relational and non-relational).
- Similar to an API, it provides abstraction from operating system, database and programming language.
- ODBC drivers are used to translate the middleware commands into the DBMS specific commands.
- Changes in the database specification only require an update to the driver
- Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is similar to ODBC.
- It is an API for the Java programming language (not language independent like ODBC) that allows any client program
to access a database.
- It has gained popularity because Java is a network-oriented language.
F. Web based ERP Application
So far we have mostly discussed client server architectures for enterprises distributed over a local area network (LAN).
ð However, since the early 1990s, the web browser is displacing specialized client user interfaces.
ð The ubiquitous availability of browsers for desktop and mobile devices is driving this displacement.
ð The time and cost of web development has gone down significantly.
ERP vendors have responded with user interfaces that integrate the browser into their presentation logic layer. This poses some
new challenges and opportunities. This figure 10 shows how a web-enabled ERP architecture may look :
The web server requires additional security, which is why the enterprise intranet is behind a firewall. In addition, a proxy server can
be added to serve frequently requested pages (which are cached) without having to add load to the web server.
1. Web services
- Are a set of protocols to support computer to computer interaction over the web through the use of XML and HTTP.
- XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language similar to html but with different goals.
- It is used to structure, store and transport data. The tags in XML are wrappers for data.
XML - The sender and receiver must have software to send, receive, and process the XML file.
- Many languages have been developed using XML à Web services description language (WSD)
à Simple object access protocol (SOAP)
- Using WS, one can convert an application into a Web application which can then be shared and consumed by others.
WEB - An example of a Web service would be Amazon fulfillment Web service, which allows merchants to send orders to Amazon.com
with instructions to fulfill customer orders on their behalf.
- Interoperability: Allows applications to exchange data easily
- Reusability: Web service can be consumed as needed without the need to rewrite code
G. ERP Security
Cyber-security has emerged as a major concern in the client server model of ERP application development and deployment. Most
applications we use today are based on this model, which can pose serious risk to security if not properly addressed.
ð Data has to be secured from both accidental and intentional threats.
ð Web based access to data, often through mobile devices, has made securing such systems more difficult.
Security is not a single task that can fix threats and attempts :
- All servers within the ERP system must be protected against intrusion, but the most critical is the database server.
- The physical server and data must be properly secured with access limited
- Server and administrator passwords provide key defenses against attacks.
- Authorization rules restrict who can access what type of data, and what actions they can take on that data.
- Each profile is assigned multiple authorization (read, write, update, delete…)
- Once a user has been assigned the appropriate authorization rule he is assigned authentication to access
- There are three methods of authentication : Password, biometrics and user possessions (magnetic card)
ENCRYPTION - Sensitive information must be protected by encrypting them if they are stolen
- The network that connects the components of an ERP system must be secured as well.
- Routers can be monitored to identify attacks from specific clients.
- They can be configured to restrict access by client IP addresses, country and regions.
- The Web Server is usually protected behind a firewall.
- In addition, encryption can be used to encrypt all data that travels between the client and the server.
- Web servers should have the lowest possible number of ports open for communication.
- Organizations routinely have controls in place to keep personnel from conducting fraud or sabotage.
- Apart from training users on security issues, it is also important to separate duties so that there is no conflict of
interest and no single employee has full control over a process or system
I. New directions
1. Software as a Service (SAAS)
Should I buy a house or should I rent an apartment? The answer depends on many variables, and both options have pros and cons.
A similar option has emerged in the ERP world where Software can be rented on-demand. Instead of making huge initial investments
in IT infrastructure, a business simply subscribes to the software on a pay-as-you-go model.
- Short implementation time
- Little or no infrastructure needed
- Low total cost of ownership (TCO) : No upfront cost of system (servers and software) ownership.
- Pay-as-you-go subscription model reduces risk of IT costs when business slows down.
- A-la-carte model allows clients to pick and choose functionality as needed by business growth.
- High reliability.
- Access to expertise from solution provider.
- Higher security, particularly for small businesses that do not have adequate in-house expertise.
- Access from anywhere, at any time.
- Scalability.
- Businesses have to trust SaaS vendor to provide security, privacy, and confidentiality of corporate data.
- Low control over customizing SaaS software to fit business needs.
CONS - SaaS for vertical market is still relatively rare.
- Subscription costs can add up quickly especially in per-user model of payment.
- Future of business data after termination of contract or end of SaaS vendor.
Unlike the restaurant example previously described, it is typical in software systems for one system to be both a consumer and
producer of services.
2. Tiered architectures
The predecessors of today’s ERP software systems were among the earliest computer systems to be used in business operations.
Just as cars of today are very different from the earliest cars produced, today’s software systems are very different from those that
predated them. Today’s systems are significantly more sophisticated and complex.
a. Monolithic architecture
- Business software systems debuted in the early 1970s as monolithic applications.
- A monolithic application/architecture : It is a software system or architecture that provides all of its functionality
through a single piece of software that operates independent of other software systems.
PRINCIPLE ð As a monolithic application, early ERP software systems accomplished their own data storage
ð Did all of the various calculations and application of business rules internally in their own programming logic
ð And provided their own reporting and human interfaces
- This software was developed to run on mainframe computer systems and provided access to users using a very
AT THE simple (by today’s standards) computer terminal.
TIME - At the time this software initially appeared in business it was revolutionary : You would have access to current
information wherever you were and could get everything that you wanted to know
PROS & - ERP systems allow companies to bring together diverse data into the management of a single software system.
CONS - It breaks down disparate information stores and bring that data into the management of a single software product
- It can be deployed on different computer hardware, improving the system’s power & performance
BENEFITS - Each tier can be designed, implemented, and maintained by different personnel.
- Tiers can be upgraded or changed independent of one another
c. 2 tier
In a two-tiered architecture, two software programs, typically based on different computers, operate cooperatively to accomplish
an intended purpose.
ð Perhaps the most commonly used example of a two-tiered structure is the fundamental architecture used by the WWW
ð When using the WWW, end users run a Web browser program on their computers.
ð Other parties set up Web servers to make Web pages and other related resources available.
ð The users’ Web browser program requests Web pages (and other resources) from remote Web server programs which
in turn transmit the requested data
This two-tiered architecture is very common in software systems and is often referred to as the client-server architecture. Within the
client-server architecture two totally independent software systems operate by passing information back and forth to accomplish a
given purpose.
d. 3 tier
The two-tiered architecture can be expanded to allow the addition of more tiers as necessary within a system.
ð In the WWW example above, a Web server might access a database server to retrieve
information—adding a third tier to the application and creating a three-tiered architecture,
ð In this case a request for a Web page is sent from the client Web browser to the Web server.
ð The Web server then requests information from the database server.
ð The database server supplies the Web server with the requested data, which the Web server
then incorporates into the response data that is transmitted back to the Web browser which
began the process.
- In a tiered architecture one tier can only interact with direct neighbor tiers.
- This particular scenario illustrates one benefit of a tiered architecture : enhanced security.
A common three-tiered architecture involves the interaction of
ð A client tier : that is responsible for displaying information to the end user
ð An application tier : which implements the logical functionality of the system
ð A database tier : which provides persistent storage of data used by the overall system.
e. N-tier
- Applications with more than three tiers may be created.
- These are often referred to as n-tiered architecture because any number of distinct software tiers can be combined
PRINCIPLE into a single system.
- The key element of these software products is that each of them stand alone and operate independently, yet they
receive information from other software tiers and pass information back in response.
- Multi-tiered applications are used for several reasons.
- By separating the overall functionality into multiple applications, it becomes easier to design, create, and manage
each of these applications.
- Individual applications can be upgraded or replaced over time without disrupting the functionality of the other tiers.
Within the above document tags such as <section> and <title> are properly
referred to as elements.
Elements describe the data contained within them—which are formally referred
to as contents.
Notice that elements are represented with tags (contained in < and >), and that
tags must be properly nested in a “well formed” XML document.
Example 1 : The modernization of the Business Systems of the IRSR (Internal Revenue Service in the US)
ð The IT project was launched in 1999 with the aim to upgrade the agency’s IT infrastructure that had more than 100 business applications.
ð The IRS has too many applications and wanted to integrate them and this is a great objective.
ð The IRS tried to mobilize too many teams of known vendors with an $8 billion US budget.
ð For the IRS management, these were sufficient conditions for the project to be successful. Unfortunately, they were wrong because of
management issues of too many stakeholders with no clear accountability.
As a consequence, the agency’s ability to gather revenue, conduct audits, and search for after tax evaders was harshly damaged.
This is probably one of the most severe failures of an IT project in history as it costed the treasury of USA tens of billions of dollars and no concrete
business value.
Example 2 : The second example is from one of the worst scenarios that could happen in IT project management.
The story took place in Australia where the company Sydney Water initiated a large IT project to modernize and consolidate its IT systems.
ð Sydney Water has a very complex IT architecture and wanted to renew its delayed by 18 months and it notably exceeded the initial budget
by more than fourfold.
ð To give you an idea of the financial damage that happened: analysts estimated that this project needs at least 37 years to achieve its ROI
ð Thus, because of these reasons, we need to develop our understanding of IT project management.
This session has 3 main objectives : Define what IT project management is about
Understand the most important pillars of IT project management
Understand the most important roles associated with IT project management
B. Time
Time is tremendously important too. Companies have generally many projects and need to decide on the most urgent project to
start with and thus need to decide to delay others.
ð IT project management is not done for the purpose of IT but to achieve specific business goals.
ð Thus, the more the IT project is delayed, the more delay is caused for the associated business goals.
ð This could cause troubles for companies from a competition standpoint and companies can lose important opportunities
in the market.
Generally, companies consider five main phases in executing IT projects:
- It is about articulating the IT project in business words.
DEFINING - Putting it simply, it is about telling the usefulness of this IT project from a business standpoint.
THE GOALS - For example, if your organization is considering implementing an ERP, it is important that you associate the IT
project with goals such as cost reduction, harmonization of business processes, and reaching better efficiency
PLANNING - This is a very important step as IT projects are generally split in very specific tasks with adapted milestones and
THE IT deadlines. Sticking to deadlines is very important as we do not need to forget that as IT is implemented, there is
a business that needs to continue running and that there are customers that need to be attended.
- This phase is also fundamental.
PROJECT - It is generally about design, development, implementation and go live.
- This step indicates that the objectives of the IT project were met and that the ad-hoc team and resources allocated
PROJECT to the project have finished to enable the project team to go back to its core job.
- As you know, IT cost a substantial amount of financial resources.
- Thus, many CIO and/or Chief Digital Officers are asked by their Chief Financial Officers to report on the degree
PROJECT to which the IT team respected the deadlines and the budget of the IT project, and whether the company is on
the right track to benefit from the expected business value.
C. Quality
DEFINITION It can be defined as the degree to which the IT project answers the needs of the end-users.
Generally, the quality associated with an IT project is understood in terms of:
- Performance of the executions of the functions : how long does it take for a function to be executed?
- Functionality for end-users : do the different function answer the business needs of end-users
- Usefulness of the features : are the features easy to understand and to navigate
FACTORS - Easiness of use : that is associated with the degree to which there are icons and visual indicators that help the user
navigate the application
- Reliability of the application: in other words, is the data kept safe, do we have errors, etc.?
- Easiness of the upgrade and/maintenance of the application: is it easy to move to new versions or is there a new
learning curve for end-users?
D. Expectations
- Expectations are associated with end-users.
END - You need to know that with any IT project, there is always an important group of stakeholders called end-users.
USERS - End-users are very important because they are the most important evaluators of the quality of an IT project.
- Basically, end-users have information needs in order to meet their business goals.
- For instance, the Chief Marketing Officer and the marketing department of an international company need to use a CRM application
that will be integrated with the Supply Chain Management solution
- The teams of marketing and supply chain will be the major representatives of end-users and will be able to tell whether this
integration has enabled them to enhance their capacity to make better, faster and more reliable business decisions.
- Another example, if the quality that is provided is different from the one that is actually expected, there are significant
EXAMPLE chances that the IT project will not finish on time. In effect, there will be certainly many emergent and unplanned
rounds of specifications of the needs of end- users.
E. Costs
- CFO and CEO always look at this parameter in order to make decisions and give the green light for the project
- CFOs and CEOs always ask the classic question about the ROI and the payback period.
IMPORTANCE - They want to know to what extent the business will benefit from such investment and when this will happen.
- Moreover, they can also ask to what extent this investment will enable them to achieve a competitive advantage
and whether this competitive advantage will be a lasting one.
- They generally ask the classic questions to the IT project leader who has the challenge to avoid budget overrun.
GOAL - Now that you know better the five pillars associated with IT project management, you need to keep in mind that
these five parameters are not isolated from one another. Rather they are highly correlated.
V. Conclusion
Before ending, you need to understand that IT projects are never just about IT. There are systematically business stakes and
challenges associated with IT projects.
For this reason, the majority of successful IT projects include a fundamental phase that is change management.
ð Change management services are offered by many consulting firms in management and IT.
ð The objective is to make sure that end-users (such as employees) are making sense of the needed internal changes that
need to take place in order to get the most out of the new technology.
6. How can we catch-up with a runaway project ?
2e asynchronous session : Session 6!
Case application :
BUSINESS - There was no business value with the IR projects.
CRITERION - No one was able to explain/justify the ROI associated with the $3M spent on the IR project
PEOPLE - Users involvement :Users were not involved in this important project that was separated from the mainstream business
CRITERION - Consultant : Had no value in mind when they sold the IR project, and they didn’t say the project was a failure
- There was a total absence of leadership in the IR project
- Despite the technical expertise of the previous CIO Davis he fell in communicating, motivating people, coordinating and sharing
IT - The existing technical environment was based on Microsoft but the technical competences of Netfiects was limited to the Unix-
CRITERION based technologies and Unix technical environment
- Paradoxically and despite its importance, initially this project was not a priority for the top management in IVK
- Actually, this is a strategic error
- In real life, IT is always not considered as important, no one care about IT so they don’t want to invest in wind (only an expense)
III. Lessons
Do you support Barton decision to fire the system integrator Netifects ?
YES - Netifect doesn’t show any monetary value…
- Barton didn’t manage to find any alternative before firing Netifect : Don’t know where to go after firing it.
- Netifect has a major reputation
IV. IT development Method
How to develop an IT application :
Initiation :
Why and how is the system to be
Analysis :
What should the system do?
Design :
How will the system deliver
Development :
Programming and configuring the
Implementation :
Installing and testing the system.
Changeover from the old to the
new system
Maintenance :
Monitoring and revising the system
For the second case, applying the following 2 rules will help CIOs in a better place to anticipate and manage shadow IT projects :
1) Identify where you need to be best in class :
ð Then let line-of-business leaders decide whether to outsource or insource the best-in-class solutions that they need.
ð This may result in a split IT function, where :
• A central IT unit manages legacy structural projects
• A dedicated agile team manages digital and innovation, competing with external providers for business from the business units.
ð This flexible approach should help reduce the number of nasty IT surprises because IT will at least be part of the sourcing process for new
Applying these rules will transform the forward-looking part of the IT function from being the owner and controller of solution
deployment to the “orchestrator” of an ecosystem of suppliers (including itself).
ð Admittedly this adds some degree of chaos but compared to forcing rollouts of multi-year solutions that don’t really serve
the business well today, this may be best choice for the immediate business needs.
ð In this new role as “orchestrator,” IT becomes a partner and a coach to the line of business, helping them to select vendors,
properly design APIs, and ensure an appropriate level of security.
Team members break complex problems into small modules and then start building working versions of potential solutions in short
cycles (less than a month) known as sprints.
ð Team members hold brief daily “stand-up” meetings to review progress and identify roadblocks.
ð They resolve disagreements through experimentation and feedback rather than endless debates or appeals to authority.
ð They test small working prototypes of part or all of the offering with a few customers for short periods of time (if customer is
excited, they release the prototype immediately even if some senior executives isn’t fan)
ð The team then brainstorms ways to improve future cycles and prepares to attack the next top priority.
Problem : Managers launch countless initiatives with urgent deadlines instead of assigning the highest priority to two or three.
ð They spread themselves and their best people across too many projects rather than concentrating everyone’s energy on full-
time, focused teams
ð Too many companies suffer from too much bureaucracy (standardized way of doing things) and not enough innovation
ð They have created static business system, that aren’t capable of adapting to dynamic markets
The solutions to this problem come with IT and the agile method :
ð Agile increases team productivity and employee satisfaction.
ð It minimizes the waste inherent in redundant meetings, repetitive planning, excessive documentation, quality defects, and low-
value product features.
ð By improving visibility and continually adapting to customers’ changing priorities, agile boosts customer engagement and
satisfaction, brings the most valuable products and features to market faster and more predictably, and reduces risk
ð When agile engages team members from multiple disciplines as collaborative peers, it broadens organizational experience
and builds mutual trust and respect.
Frameworks for adaptive software development like agile have been around for a long time and have manifested in many forms.
But at the heart of most of these models are two things
• Forming hypotheses (for example, what is a feature supposed to accomplish?)
• Collaborating across domains of expertise on experiments : all in the spirit of driving learning and not careening down a path
that proves to be incorrect.
Agile processes go awry, because as companies strive for high performance, they become either :
• Too tactical : Focusing too much on process and micromanagement
• Too adaptive : Avoiding long-term goals, timelines, or cross-functional collaboration
The key is balancing both tactical and adaptive performance
5. Takeaways
In the rush to become more adaptive, some companies have implemented agile in a way that actually makes them less agile, like
misinterpreting “responding to change over following a plan” to mean “we don’t need a plan.”
√ Develop a no-handoff process where the product manager, engineers, and other stakeholders collaborate from beginning to end.
√ Create teams that contain the full set of experts needed to deliver on your goal
√ Focus on short experiments (no longer than a week) : To reduce wasted effort and increase the team’s decision rights.
√ Keep customers at the center of everything : From observing them using products to starting every meeting with customer updates.
√ Use time boxes to guide the level of depth and quality for experiments.
Collaboration is central to agility, yet most organization don’t manage internal collaboration. We found that agility at the point of
execution is typically created through group level networks, that gather all sort of workers.
These and other lateral networks provide agility when they are nurtured along four dimensions
It can take three to five years for a newcomer to replicate the connectivity of a high performer, so to avoid this :
• Create a “hidden gems” program to help unearth high potential but overlooked experts : Who could take some of the burden
off overworked central players
• Help those on the fringe to create “pull” for their work : Instead of pushing expertise on others across the network, these
employees need to be seen as a strategic resource to be pulled into opportunities
• Pair newcomers and network influencers through staffing or mentoring.
• Create inclusive and trusting environments to facilitate agile collaboration.
Senior leaders can help motivate experts with the following actions :
• Set specific goal and reward agile collaboration
• Use data and analytics to understand where silos exists, in order to unlock possible agile collaboration
• Identify experts scattered across silos and key cross-points in the firm for agile collaboration
5. Takeaways
Collaboration is central to agility, yet most work is done by combinations of colleagues that don’t report up the same formal ladder
or share standard processes.
To enjoy true benefits of scale and improve collaboration, the firm should :
√ Mapping interdependencies between teams to understand and plan for potential risks
√ Drawing in fringe players by creating a “hidden gems” program to help unearth high-potential but overlooked experts
√ Matching capabilities to needs across the network : Pairing newcomers and network influencers through staffing or mentoring;
and creating inclusive and trusting environments
√ Connecting people doing similar work by setting specific goals and rewarding collaboration; using data and analytics to
understand where silos exist; and establishing communities of practice to share expertise and resources
√ Staying vigilant about overload, considering where it might hinder collaboration and redistributing work accordingly
√ Understanding your organization within the broader ecosystem and scanning for market developments that pose threats or
8. Introducing Business Process Mapping (BPM)
I. Introduction to Business processes and BPM
- This is a very important topic as behind any business success there are critical and well-crafted business processes.
PRINCIPLE - Processes are at the heart of organizations’ success.
- Following the same way of reasoning, many failures are explained by ill-designed business processes.
- In order to enable you to make sense of business processes let us take one concrete example to start with.
- When you rent an apartment on AirBnb, you do not care about the business processes or the functions that were triggered in order
to make the rent operation a success.
- Basically, you only care about getting the best apartment in the area you are looking for with the best price.
- This operation of renting a home illustrates perfectly what we refer to as a business process.
ð Basically, you have an ensemble of steps that start with you typing the name of your destination.
ð Then, there are many additional steps that are orchestrated in a perfect way to help you reaching the very final step that is you
paying your trip and receiving a confirmation.
- Many among you are already familiar with the function aspects of organizations : I mean many among you already know
what finance, marketing, sales, human resources or operations management are about.
- These are functional areas of the organization that have human, financial, physical resources, duties…
- All these areas need to talk to each other within an organization
- They can only do so if there are business processes that enable them to interact and to collaborate in an efficient way.
- This is why processes cut across the functional areas of the firm.
- There are many kinds of business processes that companies rely on in order to serve their customers, manage their
employees, and interact with their exchange partners such as their suppliers.
Coherent ensemble of activities that are performed by a collaborating group of people in order to achieve a specific organizational goal.
There are many organizational goals associated with business process, for instance :
• Make to stock process : Producing goods and then stocking them in large warehouses.
GOALS • Make-to-order process : Shipping the products that were ordered.
• Shopping process : Shopping a particular book online.
• Problem resolution : Managing a complaint that a customer posted on the Facebook page of a brand.
BP Modeling : It is the act of representing both the current status “As-is” and the future desired status “To-Be” processes of an
organization in way that the current status is analyzed and then enhanced.
A. Envision
- The objective is to start by establishing the vision by asking the question about the key business process or
OBJECTIVE business processes that need to be reconsidered.
- In other words, we need to find the areas that need to be reengineered.
- These areas could be the ones that give the least satisfaction to specific stakeholders
- Or they could be the areas that are the most promising for the success of the organization.
- Once, there is a need to find-out a BPR project champion who will benefit from the support of top management.
- Generally, the BPR champion needs to form a task force to tackle this mission.
FIND BPR - This task force ideally should include senior management, managers and individuals who are knowledgeable
CHAMPIONS about the firm’s processes.
- The role of this task force is to target the business process for improvement after taking into account the business
priorities and the IT opportunities that exist.
B. Initiation
- In this step, the goal is to inform all the stakeholders who are directly and indirectly involved in the BPR initiative.
- The objective of this stage is to get the buy-in from the senior management.
Generally, the most important output of this step is to generate a business case for the reengineering project.
ð It can be done for instance by developing a benchmark with previous cases of BPR from other industrial contexts.
ð It could also be done by comparing with a competitor who did a comparable BPR.
ð We can also profit from a recent technology and benefit from the first mover advantage by radically reconsidering
our processes.
- At this stage, the reengineering team is composed and the project is planned.
- This step is then ended by agreeing on the performance goals expected from the BPR operation
C. Diagnosis
- Here, you need to understand who the process owner is.
- I mean who is the primary stakeholder interested in the success of your BPR (CMO, CEO, COO…).
- Generally, the BPR team analyzes the current step in terms of attributes such as activities, resources,
ANALYTICAL communication, IT, and cost.
WORK - Through this analytical work, the BPR team can reveal the causes of the problems that led to the BPR.
- The BPR can also enable the identification of the activities that do not add value to the overall process.
OUTCOME - The outcome of this step is to simply reveal what is wrong with the existing process.
D. Redesign
- At this step, the objective is to come up with a new proposition of processes and/or subprocesses.
- There is a lot of brainstorming and creativity associated with this step.
- At the end of this stage, the outcome is to : Generate the new prototype of the new process
Suggest the new information systems to support it.
E. Reconstruction
- You might think that the BPR is done with the Redesign, but this will be a mistake.
OBJECTIVE - Actually, you need to effectively implement the BPR that you opted for in order to expect the achievement of
the goals of the BPR.
- Consequently, what you need to keep in mind is that BPR is not just about drawing sophisticated models.
ROLE OF BRP - It is also about making sure that the people of your company will make sense of these changes and will, more
importantly, follow them.
- These steps rely deeply on change management in order to ease the migration to the newly redesigned
processes and to the newly implemented IS.
- Explaining the nature of the change and the consequences of the change to end-users is particularly important
F. Evaluation
- This final step is about the assessment of the consequences associated with the BPR.
- Basically, it is about evaluating the improvement achieved in the process that was redesigned.
There are key questions that have to be asked at this particular stage such as:
ð Did we improve the key metrics?
ð Did we enhance the value associated with the output of the concerned process?
- Of course, this last step should not mean that this step will never change again.
- Rather, we should integrate this process in a continuous improvement program as the environment changes on
a continuous basis.
• Compelling business case: convince CEO, CFO and executives of other functional areas that are concerned with the changes.
• Take into account the interdependence that exist with other business processes.
• Reengineering team composition: multidisciplinary team that is dedicated to the BPR mission.
9. How my organization (re)think it Business Process ?
I. What is a Business Process ?
Ex : Launching a course in Blackboard à Open internet à Login on Blackboard à Check micros and cameras à Share screen…
ð By trying to look at a BP visually speaking, you will discover inefficiency, you are doing that will be losing your time….
ð Once you have identified weakness, you will make it better (reengineer it)
ð Technologies could help you to optimize some task
- Events :
- Function : Print an email for example
- And ; or ; Xor (à If you follow one way, BP cannot go back to another way)
- Organization unit : Describe who is responsible for the task
MAIN SHAPES - Information or material
- System : What IS is used to support (linked to event of function)
- Enterprise Area ; Document ; Database
- Control flow : When you link an event to a function
- Information flow ; Organization unit assignment :
- online.visual-paradigm.com/app/diagrams/#diagram:proj=0&type=EPCDiagram
- (only take screen)
We have to
III. Mapp Analysis
Identify non-value activities :
• Printing orders (everything should be on a platform or on the cloud instead of printing and placing it)
• Physical storage : Same as above: everything should be on the cloud instead of transferring 3 times the printed
• Use of too many means for order taking, some of which are outdated : Mail, Email, Fax, EDI
• Creating the order : it is necessary to enter all the information that the customer sends us manually, instead of
doing it directly.
• Allocate stocks to customer order : all stocks should be allocated via ERP system, it is not optimal/efficient to
have the choice between excel file and ERP system.
5) Learn to communicate and frame the message in the context of the employees
E. Summary
Any change introduced into an org will be met with some resistance because employees have an emotional response to it.
ð To address the resistance and emotional response to change, change management techniques should be employed in any
system implementation.
ð The change management process should be followed step by step without skipping any steps.
ð While all steps in the change management process are important, communication throughout the implementation project is
of utmost importance.
ð Examples provided demonstrate that the successful implementation of any organization wide system is critically dependent
upon the process used to implement that system.
II. BPM and Lean Management : Similarities and differences
On a daily basis, businesses and organizations need to compete for market share, pushing companies into constantly seeking
productivity and quality improvements while reducing costs, as a way to stand out from their competitors. Such improvements are
achieved by the use of several management methodologies that, through different concepts, tools and techniques, give support to
improve organizational performance.
For a couple of decades, two methodologies in particular have shown promising results, reached through continuous improvement
approaches: business process management (BPM) and lean management (LM).
2. BPM Structure
- According to Elzinga et al. (1995), BPM begins by setting goals for the company.
START - At this stage, the vision, mission and objectives of the organization are formulated
- And critical success factors are determined
- The main idea of the methodology is to develop a process-oriented organization
IDEAS - Eliminate activities that do not add value
- Improve the process flow within the limits of organizational functions
- Increase customer satisfaction
5 REASONS - Improve business process quality
TO ADOPT - Reduce costs
- Increase business process agility
- Support continuous improvement.
The BPM lifecycle steps were proposed by Dumas et al. (2013) and are described as follows :
PROCESS - This step is marked by the identification of the process to be improved.
DISCOVERY - This process may also arise from the previous phase of monitoring and controlling;
- A process-oriented strategy is developed at this step.
PROCESS - Such a development will provide framework and direction for the continuous management of the processes
ANALYSIS and its macro objective must be aligned with those of the company.
- For this alignment to take place, it is necessary to have knowledge about the organization’s goals;
- This phase is marked by the validation of the information before the effective action.
- It is the context in which the goals and objectives are measured and their variables, as external factors, are
- In addition, this step is marked by the process design and its materialization : At this moment, questions like
“what, when, where, who and how” will be answered.
PROCESS - It is effectively related to the action, that is, when the design is put into practice.
IMPLEMENTATION - This step also marks the moment when small adjustments are made;
- This step provides information about process performance through metrics and helps us think about
refinement actions.
AND CONTROL - The monitoring execution enables the understanding and control of the actual occurrences of the
organization’s business processes, establishing the culture of continuous improvement.
To continually improve processes, several aspects need to be taken into account. Among them, the main one relates to the creation
of an organizational improvement context, which comprises a number of elements including specific business and software teams
committed to a development initiative and systematic approach to drive improvement efforts…
Researchers who studied and documented the approach in this period coined the term “Lean Manufacturing” due to the ability of
delivering greater results to consumers by using fewer resources. Among the applicants of this approach, the Toyota Motor
Company stood out (With its Toyota Production System, TPS). Admired by the Japanese growth, many companies around the world
have tried to imitate or implement TPS using a variety of techniques but failed.
Lean production is an intellectual approach consisting of a system of methods and measures. Lean’s focus is to :
• Use less human effort, less inventory, less time to develop products and less space, to become highly flexible to consumer demand
• While manufacturing quality products as efficiently and economically as possible.
2. LM structure
TPS is described as a house with different pillars :
JUST IN TIME - Customers “pull” production by demanding the product
- It helps avoiding production waste
- Ensures that quality products are being made
- And that any opportunity to produce defective items will be eliminated.
HEIJUNKA - Which means to execute the production in a way that allows the best use of the resources
- Provides a framework for workers to engage in a collective effort of continuous improvement
- In this system, everyone can suggest an idea of improvement, and all good ideas are rewarded
LEAN TOOLS - Tools applied by the methodology in the search for continuous improvement.
4. Continuous improvement on LM
Harris (2006) points out three ways of creating a culture of continuous improvement in the Lean environment :
• Abandoning the “hit and run” type of change : It don’t match with continuous improvement because this project is never
completed (always improvement opportunities)
• Developing a team especially focused on continuous improvement : With a turnover rate of 6 or 12 month in order to increase
the number of employees involved, and composed with the persons that are the most apt to suggest improvement
• Deploying a daily audit behavior : It gives the leaders opportunity to talk to the operators and gather information’s that will
feedback the process of continuous improvement.
C. Comparative analysis : BPM vs Lean Management
- Same decade : 1980-1990, but LM is more recent than BPM
- Focus on continuous quality improvement
- Standardization :
- Decrease cost and waiting times
- Customer focus
- Difficult to implement with low success rate :
- Product/information dichotomy : BPM highlight the flow of information, and LM is more oriented to physical
characteristics of the product
- Main process balancing tool : BPM = Cycle time / LM = Takt time
- Structure of the methodology : BPM = Model, implement, deploy, execute, evaluate
LM = Plan, Do, Check, Analyze
- Support : BPM is supported by specific business and software teams
LM support is provided by teams that aim to include as many workers as possible
- Employees involvement with the productive process: BPM : Great emphasize on education and training
LM : Emphasize on the motivational aspect of employees
- Difference on focus :
ð BPM - Top down Vue : Where processes are mostly improved by specific agents placed in a superior
position in relation to some operators of the process
ð LM – Bottom up view : Improvement is drawn mainly by ordinary workers in their own daily operations
- Method view : BPM is seen as an IT-intensive solution (Service industry s
LM is seen mainly as an overall philosophy
- Industry concerned : BPM = Service industry / LM = Manufacturing industry
11. Introducing Business Intelligence
I. Introduction
In the previous videos, you saw to what extent structuring, planning and organizing IT was key for organizations to
get the most out of their investment in IT :
RECAP ð During the first videos, the emphasis was mainly put on these IS oriented toward transactions.
ð Actually, the transactional dimension of IS is the first orientation that is highly needed for any company in order
to manage its day-to-day operational activities.
- However, when these systems are put in place many organizations stick to the management of these systems
and do not try to go beyond. This is a big mistake.
- Actually, some organizations might be unaware of the resources that they have but the data that come from daily
transactions enabled by IS are tremendously important.
- Organizations benefit from great assets that are the unique data that they gather from their interactions with
their different stakeholders including customers, suppliers, business exchange partners, etc.
As companies want to improve their performance on a continuous basis, managers and executives need to provide
answers to important questions :
• What are the locations where my business is performing the most?
TYICAL • Who are the customers who are the most loyal?
QUESTIONS • Why are some shops doing a great job whereas others are doing a very poor job?
• What are the spare-parts that are ordered the most? What are the spare parts for which shops achieve better margin?
• What are the regions that keep the same volume of transactions and what are the regions that have important variation in their
volume of activities ?
- Put differently, business intelligence is actually no longer a privilege that only a few companies can benefit from.
- BI is a must-have technology and a must-have capability that companies need to be equipped with.
- Operations, tools, techniques, and methods that help managers make decisions to tackle complex business problems.
- BI includes a wide range of applications, practices, and technologies for the extraction, translation, integration,
INCLUDE analysis, and presentation of data to support improved decision making.
- There are many software that are dedicated to BI : SAP Lumira, Tableau, Microsoft Business Intelligence
- The used data in BI are often pooled from multiple databases and may be internally and/or externally generated.
USE - It can be used by employees, customers, suppliers and business partners through the internet, organizational
intranet or mobile devices
B. Unstructured
- This data has started to feed BI systems notably since the advent of popular social media tools where data
emanate from everywhere, all the time and handle an unprecedented variety of topics.
UNSTRUCTURED - Designate any data that is not structured or that is not located in a given RDMS
DATA - They are not organized in a specific format that makes it available for use and processed by end-users.
- Just imagine the enormous quantity of data that the customers of an organization can generate on popular
SOCIAL MEDIA social media such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
- Customers develop a lot of what we call User Generated Content in terms of texts, photos, videos, etc.
- This is a notably important challenge when managers realize that their customers are part of new kinds of
conversations they were not before.
- Indeed, customers’ knowledge is now solicited for product development, for innovation, for branding, etc.
- Customers can also contribute to these spaces by complaining…
- At the end of the day, a huge number of customers is generating an unprecedented and important amount of
digital traces that triggers important quantity of data.
C. Semi-structured
- It is data that have not already been arranged, consolidated, organized and shaped in order to fit in a given RDMS
- SSD somehow lies between structured data and unstructured data.
PRINCIPLE ð Unstructured : Because it is unorganized.
ð Structured : Still it can be organized in a specific way that enables access and analysis.
- Take this example of a PowerPoint document of a representation that is generally considered as being unstructured data.
EXAMPLE - Now, if we add a specific tag with a specific keyword that informs about the content of the slides, this will ease the task of a
user looking for the knowledge contained in the document. This can be considered as semi-structured data.
Now that you understand the differences that exist between these three categories of data, you need to make sense of the key
differences between what we call Online Transactions Processing versus Online Analytical Processes.
ð In order to make sense of Business Intelligence, you need actually to understand two important approaches of processing data
ð In simple terms, OLTP enables to run the operational side of the business.
If we consider the example of an airline company : OLTP is about the system being able to handle the entire customer journey
including the search of a specific flight, in the specific date, with specific departure and arrival locations and many other potential
options like additional services such as renting a car, or booking rooms in a hotel.
3. Vocabulary
a. The 3 dimensions of the OLAP cube
- There are many possibilities of dimensions.
- Putting it simply, dimensions are specific criteria that are used to summarize the data.
- Let us take the example of a retailer of sport goods willing to develop its business intelligence capabilities :
ð The dimensions could refer to time, product categories, etc.
ð Product categories are being aggregated from the total associated with each sub-category.
ð Now if you change the dimension, you also change its items.
ð Thus, if you change the item and consider time, we add another dimension through which you are analyzing your pre-
aggregated transactional data.
- In simple terms, measures are about the values that are associated with the dimensions that we previously
- More precisely, the measure is the total or the sub-total that is associated with the dimension.
MEASURES ð As you can see, dimensions in the cube can be about time, geography, product lines, etc.
ð When you are trying to find a value from the OLAP cube, you are looking for an intersection between one or more dimensions
and one or more measures.
ð For instance, you can request the value of the sales that occurred in April 2015 of the football shoes in the area of Bay
- Hierarchy is about a parent-child relationship between different items.
HIERARCHY - In other words, hierarchies are about relationships between an ensemble and sub-ensembles.
ð For instance, you can split the dimension of time in a hierarchy of year, quarter, and month / area by state, region…
- Rolling-up is the reverse situation : It is about navigating the data as users go from an item to an ensemble.
ROLLING - In other words, users elevate the level of the dimension that is analyzed from specific to aggregate.
- For example, suppose that you generated a report of sales in the region of Boston according to the dimension of day and that now
you are willing to aggregate this analysis to the level of months or quarters. By doing so, you are rolling-up your BI data
- Refers to the action of splitting the cube in a way to extract the needed information for a specific slice.
- This act is crucial as it helps the user to better visualize data presentation for a specific information.
- In other words, it is like when you are filtering data for a specific value associated with a specific dimension.
- Slicing focuses on one attribute.
- For example, out of the sales of the sport retailer, consider that the manager of the basket goods at the corporate level wants to
access to the global sales of all the basket goods over all the locations where the retailer is present only for quarter 1.
- Dicing is about zooming on a sub-ensemble of all the dimensions of the cube but for specific values.
- This approach enables decision-makers to put the emphasis on very specific information in a limited scale.
DICING - Take again the example of the retailer and consider that one manager is looking to zoom in a detailed manner on a particular
product such as tennis balls and basket balls in two locations and in two quarters. This will enable us to end-up with a 2 by 2 by 2
cube and is called dice where we get a sub-ensemble of the original cube in terms of a smaller cube.
BI is very important, as many users, managers and executives need it to answer critical questions
such as: which customers segments should we focus on? What are the areas where we performed
better last year comparing to the year before?
BI actually helps organizations willing to become “data-driven” in order to make sound decisions
that are backed-up with provable data.These organizations should be more productive and
profitable than those companies that are not data driven
12. Why shall we care about Business Intelligence ?
I. Synchronous session
Video problems : Isolated system and lack of communication :
ð If each department has is own IT generating data, if you don’t centralize this data of each of these department in a data warehouse, you’ll have distinct IT systems in one firm with
isolated data.
ð Using a BI system helps to centralize the information in a Datawarehouse in and to establish useful insights that will visualize in an easier way to managers in order to take business
The aim of BI is to analyze and distribute the data in order for managers to react.
The problem now is there are multiple sources of data in a firm. With BI, the manager will be able to access to this data, and modify information in every source, and create insights. The manager
will be able to use this data to take decision in a faster way.
The data mart layer are virtual small database, that will reorganize data according to departments in order to take decisions
OLAP Server : It is the added value the 3tier architecture, and help to automatically transform and extract data in real time without refreshing the table (even if someone add another data)
BI is the consolidation and analysis of internal data and external data for the purpose of effective decision-making.BI initiatives is a data warehouse to hold the data and analytics software. The
data warehouse stores data from operatinal systems in the organization and restructures it to enable queries and models to extract decision support reports.
==>Improve profit and customer services: single data warehouse enabling executives, store managers and business analysts to access and interpriet data about store sales, category sales,
financial performance and suppliers.
==>Store owners and executives could view and analyse information to aid in category managment and promotion decisions. Enable the hardware store owners to see the implications of setting
prices above or below those recommended by head office.
- User groups gradually undertook more responsibility for IW data managment activities so they could perform their own analytic tasks. User groups developed applications and hired business
analysts who extracted data from the IW, then cleaned it, integrated additional data and transformed it into their own reports. This division of labor and IT resources enabled better business
decisions because it facilitated better analysis of the available data, it also dstributed BI and IS responsibilities ad resources across the organization.
【New environment】
- Data would be sourced and consistently managed and integrated from across the company, historical daa wuld be organized according to standard data formats and housed in the central
data warhouse, and there would be simple and easy to update access to meta-data.
==>data views or data marts
- Assisting in organizing the data marts/views, retail analytic specialists would have access to BI tools and the data warehouse to perform sophisticated analysis and predictive modeling and end-
users would have instant access to information they needed to make relevant business decisions.
3) To what degree does the organizational structure influence the success of the BI initiative?
- A lack of resources (which were being used for other projects), the IW was evolving on old infrastructure and a poorly defined data model.
- A lack of standard data definitions meant that several versions of the truth could be extracted from the IW; depending on the way you defined it, different numbers for inventory levels could
be extracted.
- Some data was simply not available
==>a marketing analyst in the sports segment for instance, could not evaluate the result of a weekly promotional effort on golf clubs nor evaluate the performance of various brands against each
other. ==> The data model in the IW did not reflect the data requirements of the business.
- The shadow IT groups (end-user communities in CTR finance and supply chain in positions)provided an alternative source of IT resources to the user groups but at unknown cost and security
risk to CTC IT infrastructure.
- Executive Support Systems (ESS : 1980-90) : Focus on inter/external data analysis for decision by senior executives
- Online Analytical Processing (OLAP : 1990-05) : Software for analyzing multidimensional data tables
OF IS - Business Intelligence (BI : 1990-05) : Tools to support data driven decision with an emphasis on reporting.
ð BI is about tools to analyze large amount of data and transform them in analytical comprehensive figure
- Business Analytics (2005-now) : Focus on statistical and mathematical analysis for decision making
ð Use of mathematical and statistical tools to explore organizational data in order to help data driven decision
- BA is now understood as a transformative engine to help employees turn their data into competitive advantage
- It transforms data into visual insights in way to solve business problems (reveal hidden insights , customer chart…)
- The bottom line is to drive business effectiveness and/or efficiency with the use of BA
- It must be a competitive advantage that the company use in a regular basis
- The starting point should always be a business problem : In don’t make sense to make BA for the sake of data
- It could be different business problem : Better segmentation of customer base in order to customize our offer,
what are the location where we need to intervene in order to boost sales ? ….
- BA techniques are needed in order to enable knowledge workers to investigate and analyze their data in way to
USE transform enhance their result
- It goes beyond the generic use of business methods, as different metrics have different assumptions and goals
I. Synchronous session
BI is a solution to gather all information into a DW and create dashboard to make easy interfaces
BA is transforming Excel sheet in comprehensive dashboard, in order to make possible to take decisions.
ð Suppress all the line in Excel to make it more comprehensive and less time consuming.
ð Automatically transform raw of data in visual graphics, and make more informed decisions
ð As a data analyst, you will not analyze but just help your client analyze the data
A paradigm shift : In the traditional approach, we will only analyze part of the information, but we will miss some information, but
in the big data approach you’ll analyze all information
ð With Big data approach you will highlight the causality, the correlation and the clustering (group with similarities) between info
ð With BD approach, you don’t dig deeper : Large overview of the information (information about your information)
4 types of BA : Descriptive analytics : Analyze the past and try to deduce what happened
Diagnostic analytics: You dig further, you search why did it happen in order to prevent it to
Predictive analytics : Predicting the future based on historical patterns (show the outcomes of a decision)
Prescriptive analytics : Enabling smart decisions based on data
II. Questions
- Immersion strategies : give them deep knowledge of the entire process
- Less management need : Outsourcing the maintenance, data center management and mail, system development…
- Advisor role : Advisory from the outsourced firm, who act like a consultant and can identify opportunities of improvement
- Decentralization : Each BU adopt the most adapted solution to his own problem
1) They built the infrastructure for BA : With the creation of Datawarehouse (BW) to gather data, and make it available for everyone
in Excel (common use) in order to take decisions
ð Most end user only generated standard sales reports from the tool : Didn’t have the time to make the calculation
ð Most of the people modified the data in order to go in their way
2) The first BA solution that IT built for DSD were dashboard : Creation of easy understandable dashboards, in order to give quick
information to take everyday decisions., but also to highlight the bad days of business and the reasons
ð MyResult : Supporting primarily branch managers
ð AMPlify : Mobile analytics solution for account managers
- Past system : Report on key sales and operational metrics and compared actual vs target ; Include data from all the
BU in order to make comparison ; The generation of the report were automated thanks to BW : but it creates an
information overload (too many metrics)
- The objective was to make the data more actionable : To be more specific to the user’s the branch or region
ð Easy access : displayed in the intranet
ð Easy to understand : Graphical representation, figures, forms, organized according to a story board (organized)
ð Data organization according to the 4 main areas of concerns for a branch (sales, operation, SAV, logistics)
Problems :
ð People didn’t trust data : you have to dig deep in order to prove
ð Metrics formed part of people’s performance
- Created due to the limitation of the brick handled (CAT) : Use of paper
- Started designing a suite of sales solution : MyASD, and MyDAY (
- AMPlify is part of MYday : Use it to gather data for account Managers
- Give managers information refreshed on a daily basis they control (don’t have to ask to their boss)
AMPlify - It’s role was to highlight the account manager’s selling opportunities
- Detailed information : Use of colors, metrics to highlight areas of improvement for account managers. They can
have selling information in order to allocate the right amount of space to the product…
- Benchmarking feature : To persuade store managers to order a certain product or make promotion
1 What are the strengths and the weaknesses of ADS’s approach to Business Analytics?
- Developing a culture of fact-based decision making : Managers learn over time how best to borach issues of poor
performance with subordinates, how to mentor.
- Motivation to take action : Poor performance cannot be hidden with increased visibility.
- Efficient : Previously managers spent 80% of their time looking for data, now only 80%; new-found time can be
STRENGTHS used to resolve problems and take action.
- Centralized : Go from isolated infrastructure to one data warehouse
- Daily follow up and transparency between the departments
- Accountability and transparency : See who did wrong, why and where
- IT department earned the trust by the employees thanks to the power of BA
- Lack of time/lack of skills : They don’t have the skills to analyze dashboard and time to make the calculations
- Implementing IT is expensive (money, time, energy)
- Decision makers in the firm fail to develop analytical skills : By simply looking at highly graphical, descriptive data
- Fear : People were afraid to ask questions about data, and no one would investigate further data
- Top-down management philosophy : Limiting the kinds of questions members in the firm can ask for data
- Confusion in the metrics : Users were overwhelmed because of them
- Lack of procedures to analyze existing data
- BA don’t analyze competitors
- No data analyst were allocated at ASD : Data analytics remained basic
- The software was not handy for all users (hard to understand)
2 How does Business Analytics impact business performance? Please say for each of the BA
type? Say both in general and at ADS in particular
The BA dashboards had succeeded in improving organizational performance was up for debate :
ð Pros : It had dramatically changed how people spent their time (for evaluation purpose for instance), it highlighted the application
development priorities
ð Cons : Relatively low adoption, culture change need, principle of simplicity and actionability that undermines the possibility of improvement
- For ADS : With “one version of the truth”, decision makers are more likely to more quickly come to an agreement
on what the problem is. This supports the development of a data-driven culture
- Goal : Determine causal relationships (Why did it happen?)
ANALYTICS - For ADS : By answering “why” questions and providing insights into the causal relationship between variables,
diagnostic analytics not only expand the intelligence phase (as things that are) ….
- Goal : Predicting the future based on historical patterns (What could happen?)
- Pros : Vital tool to forecast possible future outcomes, and also more efficiency, gain a better understanding of
PREDICITVE their customers, detect and prevent fraud and reduce the risks associated
ANALYTICS - Cons : based on probability, so it can never be completely accurate
- For ADS :
- Goal : Enabling smart decisions based on data (What should we do?)
- Pros : Provide invaluable insights in order to take the best possible solution (data based decisions) and reduce
the risk of error
- Cons : Require a large amount of data to produce useful results, and machine learning cannot always account for
all external variables
- For ADS :
3 What factors critical to the success of impacting business performance are evident in ADS?
Critical success factors (CSFs) of BA are the following:
- Agree on a single source of truth
- Use scorecards
- Explicitly manage business rules
- Use coaching to improve performance
Involving all the employees and top management in the process
4 If you were V Du Plessis, how would you prioritize the improvement ideas proposed for the
various applications in order to develop the Business Intelligence and Sales Enablement
group’s project agenda for 2016? What are the CFS ?
Keys to success with Big data Analytics:
- A clear business need
- Strong committed sponsorship : You need to involve top management in order show its importance to the employees
- Alignment between the business and IT strategy : Define clearly the business needs in order to be efficient, and verify that
all the needs and metrics are supported with technological features
- A fact-based decision-making culture : You can’t change culture if there are habits… but what you can do as a consultant
is to do training and coaching session in order to help all employees accept the IT you are implementing
- A strong data infrastructure : Able to manage all the data
- The right analytics tools : Use what type of BA you need (descriptive, predictive) that answers the business problems
- Personnel with advanced analytical skills : Train employees in order to make them ready to use it efficiently
All these factors are managerial (and no technological)
15. Business Analytics Extended
I. 3 things are holding back your analytics and technology
isn’t one of them – Todd Clark & Dan Wiesenfeld
During the past decade, business analytics platforms have evolved from supporting IT and finance functions to enabling business
users across the enterprise. But many firms find themselves struggling to take advantage of its promise.
2. Culture
DATA - Culturally, there are organizations that are too data-driven (yes, they exist)
- They will blindly follow the implications of flawed models even if they defy common sense or run counter to business goals.
INSTINCT - Alternatively, there organizations that rely too heavily on gut instinct
- They resist adjusting their assumptions even when the data clearly indicates that those assumptions are wrong.
Modern business analytics has made it possible to extract new types of insights from vast volumes of data :
ð The result is that analytics has become crucial to any large organization’s ability to make decisions.
ð Getting this capability right means creating an analytics organization with the structure, culture, and problem-solving
methodology to reveal the actionable insights that business leaders need to compete.
II. How to integrate Data and Analytics into every part of
your organization ?
A. Principle
Many conversations about data and analytics (D&A) start by focusing on technology. Having the right tools is critically important
but too often executives overlook or underestimate the significance of the people and organizational components required to build
a successful D&A function.
ð When that happens, D&A initiatives can falter — not delivering the insights needed to drive the organization forward or
inspiring confidence in the actions required to do so.
ð The stakes are high, with International Data Corporation estimating that global business investments in D&A will surpass
$200 billion a year by 2020.
A robust, successful D&A function encompasses more than a stack of technologies, or a few people isolated in the building :
ð D&A should be the pulse of the organization, incorporated into all key decisions (sales, customer, marketing…)
ð The best way to build effective D&A capabilities is to start developing strategy across the entire enterprise, that includes
a clear understanding of what you hope to accomplish and how success will be measured.
C. Conclusion
According to KPMG’s 2016 CIO Survey, data analytics is the most in-demand technology skill for the second year running, but
nearly 40% of IT leaders say they suffer from shortfalls in skills in this critical area. Formally structured systems, processes, and people
devoted to D&A can be a competitive advantage, but clearly many organizations are missing this big opportunity.
While structures vary, the team should be seamlessly integrated with the company’s existing providers and consumers of D&A,
operating in cohesion with non-D&A colleagues (people who really understand both the business challenges and how the business
works) to set and work toward realistic and relevant strategic goals. The teams should also have the complete support of executive
leadership, and their goals should be fully aligned with the business strategy.
In an age where data is created on a scale far beyond the human mind’s ability to process it, business leaders need D&A they can
trust to inform their most important decisions — not just to reduce costs but also to achieve growth. And the best will use D&A to
anticipate what their customers will want or need before they even know they want or need it.
17. R D BMS a n d E R P
In this last video of the MIS course, we will introduce the topic of data management, relational database management systems
(RDMS) and begin shedding light on a very important enterprise system that is Enterprise Resource Planning.
You already know that data in its different formats (structured, semi-structured and unstructured) are the origin of one of the
fundamental assets for organizations that is knowledge.
A. Definition of an RDBMS
- Set of software programs that enables end-user organizations to generate, update, manage and retrieve data
from a database or many databases.
- Basically, an RDBMS is based on what we call a relational model.
- A relational model is a structured and consistent language that enables the generation of data in relations by
indicating the kind of data and the kind of query that can be made.
- The system of RDBMS is based on a relational database framework where data objects can be directly accessed
SQL by end-users through a specific language called Structured Query Language (SQL).
- The SQL language is somehow the key that is used to access to the RDBMS.
- In simpler words, an RDBMS is used to allow end-users to interact with the data in the database.
- Users can mainly store, change and extract data from the RDBMS.
- RDBMS are indispensable for preserving operational records and supporting various kinds of business processes
- A given company needs an RDBMS to save the data associated with all its financial transactions (forecast, requirement…)
EXAMPLE - They will need also an RDBMS to manage its marketing expenses in the different locations where it operates.
- They will also need a RDBMS to keep track of its sales records coming from different sales forces in different regions …
B. How things work in an RDBMS ?
- Suppose that you are running an e-commerce website and that you want to know those users who were not active
during the previous fiscal year.
- Without RDBMS, a user would have to find the information manually which is time consuming and inefficient.
- To enable you to understand a RDBMS, imagine that you are in charge of the library at your university and that you want to help
EXAMPLE the students find the appropriate book in an efficient way rather than losing their time and searching manually for the right outlet.
1 - You will create an RDBMS where the all the content of the library will be managed by designing specific attributes such as: Book’s
title, Discipline, Publisher, Author, Year…
- An RDBMS stores data in the form of tables
- And these tables have related data about a specific entity and then this table is split in columns and rows.
- Let us take the example of an RDBMS that manages the sales transactions for a SME.
- There are many tables in the RDBMS.
- One of the tables contains information about a specific entity that is the customer.
- Tables are always about entities and there are many entities that organizations deal with in their day-to-day business
- In each column, you have fields or attributes : For instance, if your database is about your sales transactions, the attributes will be
about your: customers names, phone, city, date of birth, email, purchased items, dates of purchases, etc.
- In each row, you will have different records about individual information that refer to the different attributes we spoke about
regarding your customer. Thus, you need to inform the data table with the information pertaining to the records associated to each
attribute of your customers.
- RDBMS enable users to filter the data and to stick to the specific data that they are looking for.
- In an RDBMS, a single database is spread across different tables, which is different compared to other types of self-
contained databases.
- Thus, business applications can evolve in a permanent way to meet business changes.
- However, this does not alter your data as data and programs are separated.
- This is a great advantage as it enables your programmers to be more efficient in developing new applications
without being scared of losing the data.
DATA QUALITY - An RDBMS offers the advantage of a better quality as you improve data consistency
- As an RDBMS is administered and managed in a centralized way, data that is altered in the central database is
reproduced immediately in all the applications.
A. Data model
PRINCIPLE - Data model is key as it indicates the logical structure of an RDBMS.
- Basically, it includes the relationships and the constraints that define the relationships between the different entities.
INCLUDE - It includes also information about the way data are stored and accessed to enable an efficient management of the
C. Forms
- As its name indicates, a form is screen with many blanks that await to be filled out by system users.
- Forms actually refer to information a user insert and to what we call an attribute.
- For instance, suppose that you are trying to purchase an airline ticket over the internet.
- From the outset, you have a web form where you enter information about attributes
PURPOSES Entering data ; Updating data ; Revisiting data ; Deleting data
D. Reports
- A report is an assembling of data from the RDBMS that is structured, organized and showed in order to enable end-
users make decision.
- We could also define a report as the formatted output that emanate from querying the database in order to help
users make meaningful decisions.
SQL - For the RDBMS to generate a report a specific language is commonly used and that is SQL
Actually, companies can build applications that use different RDBMS that serve different functions.
ð Classically, companies have main function areas such as marketing, procurement, finance, etc.
ð Then companies build their applications around these functions without necessarily having the big picture in mind.
ð Even though it could seem efficient, companies end up turning their IT systems into siloed environments where specific
applications store their data in different RDBMS.
This situation creates the kind of troubles that you saw in the last case about SAP ERP Implementation and will initiate the need to
leave the narrowed approach to IT systems and to move to an integrated approach through the ERP.