Amended Syllabus For Semester I
Amended Syllabus For Semester I
Amended Syllabus For Semester I
2.1 Law Reports, Magazines and References to Case Laws Law Reports Law Magazines
2.4 General English: Essay wri ng, comprehension, and rules of grammar Ac ve-passive, direct
and indirect speech, degrees of comparison, kinds of sentencesinterroga ve, exclamatory,
impera ve, asser ve, posi ve, and nega ve
Internal Aids -Parts of a statute and their func on in interpreta on of a statute – Short and
long tles, preamble, schedules, marginal headings, parts, and their cap ons, chapters and
their cap ons, marginal and sec on-headings, Defini on‘s clause and types of defini ons,
Explana ons, excep ons, illustra ons, and provisos, Language, and punctua on, non-
obstante clause and saving clause.
External Aids - External Aids to the interpreta on of a statute – Dic onaries, Transla ons,
Travaux Prepara ories, Statutes in pari materia, Contemporanea Exposito, Debates, and
3.2 Judicial material – Ra o and guidelines of courts in the following cases, minority, and
majority judgements:
4.1 Rules of interpreta on of Statutes – Literal, Mischief and Golden rule of interpreta on
Secondary Rules or Subsidiary Rules of Interpreta on- Noscitur a Sociis, Ejusdem Generis,
Reddando Singula Singulis, Interpreta on with reference to the subject ma er and purpose –
Restric ve and beneficial construc on, Taxing statutes, Penal statutes and Welfare
legisla on, Interpreta on of directory and mandatory provisions, Interpreta on
ofsubstan ve and adjunc vely statutes.
4.2 Presump ons in Statutory interpreta on – Statutes are valid, Statutes are territorial in
opera on, Presump on as to jurisdic on, Presump on against what is inconvenient or
absurd, Presump on against intending injus ce, Presump on against impairing obliga ons
or permi ng advantage from one‘s own wrong.
History and nature of a contractual obliga on
Contemporary Relevance
Including – Con ngent Contract, Quasi Contracts, Standard Form Agreements and EContracts
( Includes Legal Recogni on to E-Contracts as per the Informa on Technology Act ( Sec on 2
– 16)
Defini ons, Digital Signatures, Electronic Governance, A ribu on, Acknowledgment and
Despatch of electronic records, Clickwrap and Shrink Wrap Contracts)
2.4 Considera on
4.2.1 PossessoryRemedies
1.1 Tort: Defini on, Nature, Scope and object of Tort, Tort in India.
1.2 Dis nc on from Crime, Breach of Contract etc., who may sue, who may not be sued.
2.2 Torts affec ng Property (Movable & Immovable): Trespass, Trespass ab ini o etc.
2.3 Torts related to Reputa on (Defama on) & Personal Rela ons
2.5 Joint Tort-Feasors, Nervous Shock and Malicious abuse of Legal Process.
3.1 Vicarious Liability: Basis, scope, Jus fica on, Different types.
3.2 Principle of Strict Liability: Ryland V. Fletcher case with excep ons.
3.3 Principle of Absolute Liability: Bhopal Gas Disaster case and Shree Ram Food Oleum Gas
Leakage case and orienta on to Public liability Insurance Act, 199.
4.4 Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies: District Commission, State Commission & Na onal
Commission, Judicial Review.
4.5 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988- Motor Accidents Claims- Claims Tribunals.
4.6 Liability without fault and third-party risks under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.