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Conn} Sapte | tt) lata cond Hen =© é a = e( 148) (esp qe Time. constant Capes) wee Preavener te: re- Ue ——— = Ee loss line “W line Ss he pelag-Lime ¥ “a af Yo, RH ' Minium phese aye fem=~ TY che dude PRE 19 RNG Non u Ato pre ta RUS pr2= sic, proparte p=Zz= Propet Te pee = (imp yop & 1p fleck of Veelp Sefect ae peameter Joxietion xeckxey i ain sh Leon Xeduces, & otacte ees | , . 4, sensitdily Stability £ Bro Tt eco bis 3 elect 6 sa deatel Tigbubonte 4 Weedoces of Fadi. = GN N EGG yp “— sensitivit 6, Wen ia wi OM = Ny J ae ae ony, Chere Ms a RGR izUP eh ct 14 Gesbtcs) 1 Die (LTE ae Af t= ato , Ed eh ep ani, ) Pp gaalite 10 Tendkhy fen touching ce, palig oa +P tore OS = Spier t eo le ah oe Ob costadke otha Rydges 1 =e Tie Mb) evk Fp re cey due 4, ctcs “4 r & “ EGgionG) _ ~G(S)XG) EAS) De Motor? 2 Coobelted Refs (i(s' (Era)s-4 (Stet vo bole ¢| Modetti Mechanical, System (van 5 lettin f) €- displacement (a) vide ~velocilyy (ols | 0 EE OG) Memn(y) Kren d B= viscous Veiction cell (asim) 4 Tobtdiq teice damping Fece F= md't _ hadv F=ft@rh) _ Puy, ae +t , te al =e ~ } String Serco f =e ve b eae. Plea 2 \ K (O44) dt AEE Ine add. Roketionall B=angb lex AS place net vad = = Arguer Velocity vad/iee ve = Angular acceleration Yay 2 pe applied “Torque (u-m\ T= Moment af, inertia. (4. m°fad) B= Wictiont coeff Now [radfoee k= bib ney sprieg Nomad Enteta Tay ve damper Toque ouet die At spring Tole Th “Ade & Ba (6-4) T= toRo-g Bre 5k, f (noatlag Mececeen ~cer creme bey Far | Aloe ~ Ceesrert G Sy Voltage (v\ chore (\ Sto (q\ R a= R L ret lhe svr0 fee! Pe Vol (ul cuvvert(i| cuyent; Voltage @ havye , Fox eeoe RAN inst fo sro tie 0) jo By condidin? 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Wifseetny ose ‘)iotons ae (Tinears active, Ritaleral.) ; youg' a T (ox) 2, Sle fetirent q ib a be ‘fm nals RB, a by 5 Sametheosem [Iinéaw,aclive g be J Marimom Powe’ Teansres treet 1 ree oO: : 1 5 Peseuig hy = \s. 7) aR t oR Ss 4 ara Rak Ge dts Me : e ; oh, an pit ots ue i Ra .e a Pros ep tea Powe = L : ee i ur L Rs mar = Vp, aa eR, ts vayiable sot tnt & buxiog Prax dashes to loan 41» m ie a “ at So +f. a, Sepply voltag, or oppens across load of “gn Bete 4 tt oy Nhe pico eee theoxem (Ving! al es ie : a =O) = (4) 5, (4, Ville} Me) Eten® ze i) Alon lineaw ele ments) k This Aheexer cow ape te H Rec} ocily c Zy\ 2% 261 nm lox linea basse Biloteral ‘thoy 4) a Le constan ie i, m ips be aes 4 tee only ‘sivgle "seurce nfo pals Sources nl € Tr fines Recipreci ty ts Ad-Re=! | €) Niiliman's Theakem nV Nhu es ie % . z Vi Gy Rea t tC ~~) © not. teh cle pendent uy Dual ittiman Pete oy pa s : a7 ® Ra say * t=! _ st .¢ ye %| dearer Liew theewern —_— sect elo Nod Steady State eye Measusing, wale ments let caviting nven be le A es a os yoni. nt} ie ae at ‘, [wih {me i) Fs by, = xfak) — 9» compensated ve te) Sobstitortes sobslitotion Theae (tineayawo fintas/active Bilaten) rf ika els = a? e ere % | wot Wy Noke - y, | plegactive Resistance a ee wary do wepwesen+ acdive Regene vertive Klas io Cheetyica Sgoreing cohose ras vet chars appear ® 9-1 XO-W 4, vi plane En, igh gen ample ie $ #NE E(p ntfes tie ose iNetoxs thetolyanst stor, tay cells ete - Ye Rescstance & ook a pees wl repeilies th: To duct rs 4 to | dedecloxs | Yer ve tdi Be Yev, ideakete rl couN=° at a oe 3 xadocte x | 3 Fadocloy acts as fe in dent be $5 “ - VEY allers Sudden charge wn cesven t STdeal inductors | Bepro Ft So Pork less =0at ail capaci toy acts as OO ra ; tle eek: : west ) & co ire i at be (9 55 gS capacitors even alters Sudden change in 1) geal capacttevs fros 4 Ne mite dictectyc | py | poeses loss = 1 4 lag So tte \eatore cusxents 7 Se Power Asiongle se {pirat Fs ¢ Q=Ivsinh is War) Tanh= 2 cesp= P o Pr Vices ; P w Sex $ Sin ms : Qt % z 4 Powes factor pi Pen lo alts A, Ws Gal ®/2 (we & aime ne hs cate Sy R— cost (up) j . 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9 ee di defermining ‘ehis cliNtolt \y Non -Cancnieal cet toms Parar 4 Nop ideal) ‘p like Step, Farp, Pawsbalic Ie por st eaponentis( ipl be Fillers A Sai} (s)=y Spe. Hl (sh\=o | he bass We z Y + 2 | (fp Seo +\(s) S=pe - HGS 2/0! 4 $70 HGj=0 Spee. HI SS=0 a Seo -HGS=) J Rand Beyec+ +; (fox ae He\- 1 | Vo x Gatigh Pass’ re 4 Band pass Silley TeD0 Port At fia a Trey 4 > Pee: 5 1 92 z-4, Bi ubg tat z y (se \ tree z T (7 ling patame ake ty OR ee hss FASE : 3, = Myr F953 M Y, = CYU-D a, Taverse Pte Bal ple’! a a thebxed (, era, on! 5, ely 2 en v byt ig 2D Ay cl br, t,~hy J, hy,“ CY Tnverse Wylex: a yg = o GS ~ GY This to y e WM ee io Bevelliy Rec «peect ty ZF BG z° 4y 2u~ Bs oem Meet Yer. Ap~—Be={ Ad-Be=y A he Aly'-ae=t A\y- Qi ' td Lat spe hl er, habs s Srp “hy dist “dy oelallice io |b > 8 oo at tee Bre +7 Hy Ababoal 4 4, af PP} ae . W248, 2,¢2, > Aims unbd/ ie Sets si ll cleme nts uae ee vs ay (2) not Prssible (7, e nw [y]o (3 3, oc. 17 oe\ sevies ~sewles 25 prxaie | pras\tel ¥ ce a ‘4 AR 2 = ‘fet E al "R (I= (uf) } stefes= patalte| +) Pavatel= sevies 4; : ee eh Ce AA ai 2 (a= GleThs) «J [anh a Caseaded/cha ain) Tandem ) none oma 2 Ceaph ery meshes iandeperderd eps = b-\- \ Spain ODN ney « es eas le make ageph ae) 9 Comple te oul “pn Aedes 1S ‘2 “be Teee Seb asap “havieg alt nodes, without -te%ming sae closed \oops sk da Tree odd a — te net 7s pies ) odes Kas unl (a edges Nod, dee s~ ere 18 —7 compl ek sraph el ‘ 4 Taek (fas fa Trany ee, fay) a xeduce d m cudence actsip 7 — thick Nine, on tree has art tagsco- taee > comple fnent ft tree fins x) choxels. 1 Thier fines eh del fines ——auz_cottte has b-ner link, Cveph = thee 4cotkee + ae naa + b= net b-(e') | Incidence matkex A.) gh branchdi rede axa a tein, oxdey ig nxb n=no-d, nodec , Yank ts of b= 0-4 Iskarche , Reduced matkix [Ay Rel node neglected exder is (a-)rb Jondamental logy > Closed pth having me 'n Menta ae tise Noel nee ea) = tnkS | | 4 Te sebrcurysert ot loop Gedeeae by tite dey Tesek motxiy (By oxdex — oe ABP = [oe She finks bxanche s Kank b. (n-") = ' k FI Sth bial Cuasent 2 of ae kvl =~ BYCyY=o ay cokiet One -hoig Live st tink s Ned Fp colsety Tags ¢ “A ARS eset mabe oxder= @-1eb ths Cen bgGeos faio Syston £ sh eQit a “i Hob it: J feta betes ; eve most he bounds Up. we mark vse stacey ta exponertial’s (2 1 TR= ire) Pole, io Slane fave. ep ty f chble aio cm R oo ensteet) Pts w<\g 2 k hs S$ ( 4 stal fx s 4 ~A- CS styinfty Half A Jel spetibittoled /-» .; = sF Be f je) + » 5 sn eth! , a a ONS2 ble Mex iy 3 ut De, aes ‘ Grae? of Onde bb “ue ud oh ; yee : mi [~ : | Da stabe 3 at : 2 df oe a id iNi; th it yf basenc Voltage 15 (@clele nt with : a cul se Voltarye Lovierted % guine AVEC Three phase Civcoll, bo a Te RK Nine cunsreect — Paces in Stax Reppert di meee. yA, | Pe Gitiny wil = fy Sino VARsSiy aks 3 prter . these A Saal has magnitedle W diatebten "hul- wi diet, why, ploase Rect 37 ° a(t Tey a Yn ‘alts £0 hay) ¥ (48 titty wv Ny. Hs) ¥ HS w Time & Weavehey ave dol LP cexMaethes # [(mpotse \at = step t= $B ae {step at =Vormp s molt} 4 [Ream p ak = posabolic Re tou) 185 Bae teeta) Por roy = 3 (Ramp) = S¥p « 3, Ge) = Lmpolse Reak!-atl numbers Including Nee” mol Pirkeqou, aan Basic Signals TAS Done’ sep Lovelion (utes) yxy aa ot =f eo t eo) =p téo ont Romp Sonetion vith a Jat 26 b 4 slope =® yH4e0 —— \ Wt st) ier odd-y dadled, fgrem dees eet Euensinnpolse, Since, Weombtc Ad \4) YB} wa | is xt Sine: *)55 Rectangles Siagoel @ Senclio ny weel=1 Us 'y Pleing tect (t) Fh Te tl sath Ah ie a J Bey maplit { \ p, 5 Bien angola “prse Aevelion -.,. Ast} = I-\ey Wey “A inte! =o ra Ee e =4 Lonctio sae Ct} . aes \ nes EEA S& = D < 0 fs eek a eS “a GO odd se t iy Seagyt) WS-20- a 8s incAunetion t enc Lh tet — voted doe Asine(l} = Asin je or =1¢ F * | sine IE S a en ne sued ; Sad SAM Y bole sei $ 50)> 3 Sg} = - 54 } foad\ 2\ In case of hidden seme eveneodd t hole | AWererctiation Kelation ship tit! Me) Peay d He dy \ { rt) Bounded seed ave “catted Bounded 5 ‘a : ne ae vel) ti (ES sin cM, i Sle) Buk SAY nok boorded . Er ¥fB, 5 ow unboonded S Mintle dune dwetion $ gral Hthe purelion 4 Sanel we Finite then i is carted Linite uation: | 2) Goosian undien TTR eee gee. kt ee (3) Sioscidal Sigpel key = Asw/nt +4) 1) Reot Xeol_ exponent nontial) , oe zr bil = net ee Rex xy. er s A BP (5l4to) HES Sere cE { ait) |" i) Complee exfoneetial signal XY - est S=ItIRte <0 | { aS es S=S+i\p Teo S=o+jp Tx Pe LRA ee Aah iss Modelos eft) lx\ wee / jx Loo MA =K+cy piserete ont Shep Avacd of ‘ola)= f n2z0 =o Nilo Ap discxete Sorel & pee eee ato cotegtion cloey not EBS OnE OLN = 4S (6 olor Ula} =S/n}+ fe ‘) adusceete un vat “‘mpulse mapulse Sr) gtk) 1s ARG (n: S(ny=i J a=o \ fe => {nto “see a (nt) Un) =SO\tSirje SP) off) = a = i closilicti on ‘4 Signa th SaLLN —~- ) Cordinvous signal cir domain) Bene |e ERLARG ER Continvans ot -Gme | > », biweveke sol oop cael Sampled version rr: Lime domain sare otKp axis coil Anke onl integers not Pel bl Waris P lat ge i) 3) digital Sign wayis discvettsed hy aes quanti 3° cated quanti i gactton . | Sb = ST, \ f Taj samp \ peeled ) CT Bomain Angeles He ) br General teiw Yum cosust tcontinvois Casnt— diseye te ‘ ect § rosiagal erly, one nth pasatenefer a fy tod — Bienensions = Ato. af iodpdt poameleig Sop signdd ware than one prameter Sry) 9 piss sir ST bein eQ- eles J T= Jonctamertell me period oF Vr Wy "Keg DP ACY - st N *Inkeges taltigies af re OAD, han ionics. t foun Poperts (oh wigs A doriotic Sacal’s be periodic Signal must be deorn 06 to 00 py soni periodic ig either -rotog Holos |! “ 84Slematio manner. Ey Tv Can bet Aroltiples + ilege xis 7 S493 3 Pombexs T= Vy, 3/4 \weige, motile Ar \T= 1am A Ratton 5 MOHiples ah Ar=\1 bea Y/, = oF 0g d analy AS, Lin 4ia0 oot \ 4oy ~ Ray Srime Shing. ~ 2h ee 2B 9) time Scall oe ae peer ect Linear Combidcetion, oth buroals, EY KSA ES A AY am EA Fu lk} X Ch at hort, tele | €(tap) = Riget shit ddr ar dompesion b4 1 O6K21=4 ERpansion bef %. ct method gre nethod ey en. Ried Y % t Linea Combination 4 he 2 os hab es 2 oo petiedic Sanats need 7, ~ ¥ Te = nk not he periodic - PAT he fee oh 5 # Signal tp be! periodic T= (Lemna tg T ast only, i either Arslan 1s (Cem valve ; Mex \s ey terms of Tes fate (4) -m Should Not be tm terms Aw: 3 * ee teygai- bertsob tf * Raste tens on Sigal’ “Stine Revered (lasing gperien o Soe op tk ‘ Res J Ampitade Seti net) axl \ a (fap - Wht shirt of ete, j aeadding 2s.) tng pltalaed by * signet fleet Addition lp Cae: intend % HF e ye 7 ex ¥ (es be 1 pl si cotati! t ee ee ® ripe ak event fime ¢ L B= afd re Hexen Serome og! A dh : e3 vie) = rae iL stage Qvo dyn ) C b 4 = even tigoals tot CxS Dongenpeelss, (a) Rexam’ 2 : icons is rh = ~e(4) ® "i tty x4 seat voating thay | IBS + Ba X38 © 8) os . © |g) Hicker, _Sammetiic signal 4 wy ~Evut onltg to ode signals zs i « B= pay be e 4 Bud symmetiic » vent er 25 vert We: ‘au ma Widder | bk clamp mer free conglude VEN veh ode Mee) ~ D) Ptcele, 5 we abt ‘ { he Component 1, odd Signa | it becomes Widder pt ate tho, Cvem nk oe. ~ \¢) Hatecnve Hon praiils ek we * . ett} =e [+ 2)Hota bait ak bath Ape fe Reverse anplitode NereE Otwkea tw ‘stanals are added oveutt wange i (LMA Th fndividunt Signal karqe, i Deohen tie Siqnals caro woltiplied over alt tara, Vb inferdection “ah, individual siaral Konqes: | # REE = Xe X a5 BAS xl rece) CE) = HCY —eb) s| MD Conpler signs.” = i (0) = Keg} ¥ (0) ea Cornpler Sqoometrg. o &(o\ RUS Fe Ka Xen) ee oma we Bact Cotwse on reff ag ok Sheration ey ines” Sarals ate vsed = 2) cavsal Signal tt} olt-3} aE x=o0 5 £0 fo.) ¥{nj= 0 PI Neo 13) Ankicavsel slink ntlise dre, al. ha | bein 7070" | ty) ‘Aton Corsa be ; ' Er Nrerthey Covsal nov Aphicousal Nile At peiedic: z ‘siqrals are Non CH pers ad fs . xeBEE og En BUM 3, iqoals e te) power X ESeRS SQA ft Dean Get he Tee +f : en | 9 ie DT n> bette 4 pe 2° et * p= N/o Rens =(P, ( Mole Oe i TD Lr ipetesictateers, OL Creaiesss dt- ie q te he © 1 fpotedielat =» © (Mpetodelt - i as a , Bh tole hoc pere XEH0 HS pore RS } |9) vceZ we ARKO =S Enea SQ" " > BP tgp Neitter power od ee “6 f eOi gy, YR= 07 . Soe: el} = TAS Rell s AEBS én = ah is oe 1/13 ; Woe dal ' ety s (i thy fe FH) tha sevall s PAIN periodic signals axe pooer Siqnat s f ma Att Ge burction Signals a signal * an oBounced Signals ase nether ps ver E Bounded Signals Uh Constart am plitude (olf X ibs cletarged sats) Ani’ le ceurllies One power Stqval s i ® Rovacded Signals ath eb onential de ean Signals A nyantte cuiction aye eels : & nals: inl Strength, (5 cbubled then endo af4 / tnNoTE.’ ~ Est ps = ps- x Sal CENND © DT boinain - Decimation Mr) < x(a) - RIS ele M>| (Enteg es) Tn sexf 2 a) bes Bice ats cah'ich cleperds iss Siles ‘ OA” Sequence. : Metbines hy e200 ay wt) Aveta acl Bate yates Inler polation Gaon =\ ine A B Decimetion . ‘Jinterpeletie of Kay’ a Reversal ' aps x (e a ClassWicetion a systems ecimation / Cex fe Rte on Scale Lineal aw Hadditivily ~ Anderpoleti of Static A basamic (eect: Leo] hem Ting charges) } ds on present 7 itp -then “geen | is stotic ASA& post ® ns valves Beaten HS by Evdiy Kiierertial) potas ane dynamic ts ve we Sha \s = ceti te -then is buamic> at one ee tie : ae baaen 2) ws age Xen meat Vineat . “faeplitede eid a\et [x, det ¥(n \
<| Convoltion TON ropes te i Genel proherkien o Pavoiative —7 2B hE = chet} enh = eit fave Rental he ARM shi a Associative — 7 x(G « [hlehe byl] 3s sini feb di * pishi kobe 4 ey 4 j Ree. pn 4 re Lineacet eet 2A +3 Ene =s a 6 eS: Bis) « Ha) = (oe Scalin thot) « blot} = ray 868) -i¢ fot =e ei CMOS at ete coy eh- e “ty Dat ve cla moltWS 4 0(¢5 < # Pc =i 4 =o f # OMe oY > Mhirees ts He Basso ® veck fphatrveck Ul) = = No ah nvolytioNn ——— fi ae ce ae ule a ole) =\(n)+ vp) & Th , i ac) z OG Fo =5H Cor qe ef _k(ph(o-*) Brig c V\nea Mineat convelirtion a Merveelay, periodic Gi yet a leah ot ron Lim-) ins hin] 2M k(n) = {3.607 * Len) 2 Mex(t ) Nirh)= nos Meer as a Rleci)= 7136 i .. Loy adpee zee ta “4 d. = hist) Ex'— Countess - i n) 7 Hn tar ea & tf Exe Registers a ole bP. fo = for i 4 Lines fy CWE volar ah PAA ab © els)= eae 3,641 “3 Nia} = J fies - =(Mer}on te L 4 Chast 3 7 Ae oaks iF Ov P49 FT RS Max (a(n), Wa) ya) =s = L- <7 Cs ce et ty 5 (F fhe 1-4 Ae4 44 # Som a, loeoer (writs of fant of Uh * iow UME [toni-ts of BAY A KELS 1S Upper tonite af KES & the ahove Loo points aw valid Loy BT bomain F Convelvtion a r Rectang ts Jonebion 3 a voequel durations esol “Tppegoicad Sige ® Convdulion a 9 Reclanqolas Joncfions of equ dutotions vesults Tango Sigel - # LeE X(t} Ay Ney At, Aye AyAt, es ee is Pp Veshonse 5 (3 q i at is sep Bren vespense ' Skep Xesporte iT homain or Somatn = Babe {(0)= Xinhien) @ a= Ula AB 5B WIEE= vias = Uejehe) SO = Sindy Serie 0) EAC) cp bee oll hay {en} = 8) -$(n-) LES RHA js lores | ~ | Note ~ chen “As m connected in caxcacde the Overall Tmpulse Kes ponse 1s Convolution of individ impulse WU ponseg t ANeaqency Raia a, frat ‘ pied sqnals Anal Ki 5| les spec fem 15 colin a Tine Korat Yicen, fn on set i wi 2 Dias tae i : \ xt ‘ Scontiavory periodic } 2) continvous + Aperiedic comlinvong -time |, Oo 3 Wanshetm a t- “a | s)piscrede + periodic bTET (iscuele tine | euier sei) | 4) Sis cxe le Fapmiedtc bret Az-Tfe pele ef | Table , Time Komain Veeqbercy Horror eo a ve * mh s cominvows eo? Abérindic - 3B) Kiscvele «<7 paiodic x x SV piodle <9 bce x 4 Ajeriodic &——_ cortinuonsFourie series ( hp Phtsenads on) dc eked Tyigenomedai ¢ er beri. Snts callad j 8 ) x (tS = = Sot seas rit 4 ban rinkt) a= aa = “2 kibeoriat . t Efe Sin TINS tok polars ce =A &, Boe t +6) Cem 240, ay 6 =n (e Exponential Vs) 4 a oh Pie £ ehh ef ierne >y Cntied orm vp a fee in) (xe) _ at << xt = x, a OK erraket ne rr \ nt} - as x tet F vse TES i ee paiodic shoals pipe mee Ere gh iNs . : «ashe tee Dis . calculate fhe Magni-terte phae spec byoms- alien |) Caan Saad Teget Be An bn ale, Com) Qe 4a, cosine Ht ay. Be One dake given en [%! ee _piepetin AP ' c ae mye (= elt . \J Yaeo xk exists Gros ‘ ; Te Whee. So-hs-1, | >): ¢) 6= ta (BO corr =F x= % (455 b, eto B) Magnitude 18 alongs even, ps does rot ee: 4). BA) consists th plore vlves eye 1 Pa Lt ; ¥(k) is old 3 gales th, Haase ¢) @ =e (e =2% a y Pre X a =e : : “ jae Wideyh\h 4) by ewtats, 2 %) M5 even a) ps 1s odd consist 42% NoTE™= TE be compontat exists then ts ae _ Hidden Seve beg Siegrel- = ey Ts Neither eyen novodel ) a= erists wo r (x on) (a On) (x, xf) eeaists DMs is even Nps odd \ consists A ) sf atleaut one Valve eth et tha >To) +2 _prveoblenn solving 1) calculate Re ae : P ci ° ponent al Sanat dent even Semmetry of a sme, ah, Siar Xealevlete x7 valves d 3) ay step © veal e axprl hidden sammety (oy making ave ampiids ie = Ve ample l ealevicte & valves. | ~ ia +) Apply Hos (ie PY Raping AVE Amps -veam’) & cenclode * pele} uer- ‘ Flas with vebain odd tharmonic S| Ge cancel, ven % ‘ Propestion of louienseries ) Vineet) ax (abe (4 —ax,+br,, %) Time, shee kor Faerie oT Yn omalt, Else)
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