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Big Super Fight involves use of one six-sided dice and one twenty-
sided dice [for damage in combat]. Prior to the game, players will
create a character to play and the Game Master will plan a
particular story - whether it is a place to explore, a quest to go
on, or a challenge to overcome. The game begins with the Game
Master introducing the characters and the world they inhabit.
Players then make decisions and attempt various actions. When a
player attempts to act, they must roll the six-sided dice,
comparing the total to a relevant stat. In any Big Super Fight
game, there are four main stats - Strength, Speed, Wisdom, and
Charisma. If the total on the dice is lower than the associated stat,
the player succeeds in their action, and the Game Master then
narrates the outcome in the context of the story.

Making a Character:
Distribute 8 points between the four stats.
Roll a d20 and add 30; this is your HP -
a numerical placeholder for your current
life force. Whenenever you take damage
you deduct from this number.

You will need a magical power,

players can select any power
they would like - here are a few
Shooting from hands and feet.
Reading minds.
Making objects spontaneously explode.
Body growth and shrinking.

See the Big Super Fight game guide for more

detailed explanations and information.
Norwegians are a self-sufficient

Setting people, they prefer to do things

for themselves. They also tend to
be more closed-off and cold
Norway experienced a lot of toward strangers. This is a by-
trouble during the Emergence. product of the fact that most
Oslo was completely submerged Norwegians have lived their entire
in water, as was much of the lives in the one-same town they
coast. The death toll was grew up in. The refugees have
extremely high and the attempts trouble maintaining or creating any
at disaster relief were hindered by meaningful community with the
the Emergence's impact on some Norwegians, though most the
of the population - driving them Norwegians treat them well
mad or giving them unmitigated enough for a stranger. Norwegians
power. But after a time, many such do not treat others as though they
individuals left Norway; and the are lesser; tending to even
Mad were killed off. The demean themselves rather than
Norwegians attempted to adjust to admit they are talented at
their new situation; and were something; and so relations with
mostly able to do so as few Beasts the refugees is not hostile, just
reported from around the world cold. While awkward perhaps,
ventured into Norway. Refugees, they are at least safe; even theft or
however, did enter Norway, and violence is a rarity in Norway as it
now have their own encampments. was prior to the Emergence.
Otta acts a sort of miniature

capital and administrative hub.
While its sway is minor in the now
mostly self-preservation world,
With Oslo as well as much of the where government is more of an
northern coastline covered in idea than a fact, within the
water, society in Norway borders of Otta there is an air of
[especially for refugees] exists law and order.
mostly along road E6 - from Lillehammer used to be an
Dombas to Otta to Lillehammer. Olympic Skiing town, and while
There are towns between these, of some may still ski there, for the
course, but these have become most part it has become a hunting
"major centers" for the scant village and outpost. From it, the
population of locals and refugees. Norwegians overlook the new
Dombas would not be expanse of the ocean, looking for
considered a city, only a town, refugee boats as well as Beasts,
but acts as a major commercial or anything else out of sorts. It is
center for the tradesmen of in constant communication with
Norway, coming from both North the now coastal town of Rjukan.
and South.
Beasts &
Beast Effects
Mahishasuras Kelpies
Mahishasura are like giant bull or The Kelpies are twenty to thirty
buffalo; standing on four feet, at feet tall, made from marsh muck,
ten feet high, and about twenty wood, and anything else they can
feet long, typically with two large attach to their wet skin. Kelpies
horns and a fur brown and matted are carnivorous and bloodthirsty.
with blood. Mahishasuras are They prefer blunt force trauma
territorial; no matter where they attacks and sleeplessly wander
find themselves, and attack until they find something to eat or
creatures who come close. kill.
When Kelpies come near,
HP: 100 Humans rarely have a
reaction to the presence of a
HP: 120 some may
Madness or
STR: 4 CHR: 1 Mahishasuras;
have Magical
those who
Powers STR: 2 CHR: 4 adamant that all surrounding
become Dark as a result,
however, may experience
SPE: 4 WIS: 1 painful and random visions SPE: 2 WIS: 1 persons should feed
themselves to the Kelpie;
from the perspective of the once this occurs, it is not
Mahishasuras in question. undone.
Tall as a skyscraper, Trolls are
Achiyalatopa are large, leathery
rarely seen in Norway; but when
creatures, with a thick hide and
they are, it is in the Mountains and
white fur. They are bipedal, with
the deep north. They are long
two, long, apelike arms. They
creatures, with horns and a
stand about fifteen feet tall. They
glowing seal in the middle of the
have no eyes and operate using
chest from whence heat blasts of
their sense of hearing and smell.
energy spew forth. They kill
Their smell is the strongest. They
entirely for pleasure and find
hunt men and beasts as prey
humans to be fascinating toys to
without need of sleep.
fling about or melt down if
HP: 100 Achiyalatopas have a terrible
threatened by them. effect on humans within its
STR: 3 CHR: 3 hunting range. They will lose
HP: 100 When a Troll is near to a all sense of direction, may
town or city, Madness will SPE: 3 WIS: 4 become panic stricken, as
well as begin to feel
STR: 5 CHR: 2 spread, and Dark Ones will
rise up. Additionally, animals nauseous; in some cases,
will flee the vicinity. Those experiencing intense nausia.
SPE: 5 WIS: 3 with Magical Powers may Lastly, food will have a
also take to a fever or flu metalic flavor if a
symptoms accompanied by Achiyalatopas is nearby.
hearing non-existent voices.
Thomas Andersen Linn Pedersen
Commissioner of Trade in Dombas. Head of the watch in Lillehammer.
A defacto leader of the She keeps an eye on the edge of
community. He is strict, intelligent the Norwegian border and takes
and values currency and care of new refugees who float
someone's ability to work in into Norway. She expects
convenient ways for his everyone to work, especially to
community. He is a coordinator hunt. She is kind, but firm.
and likes to meet new visitors in HP: 52
order to put them to work. STR: 4 CHR: 3
HP: 45 SPE: 2 WIS: 2
STR: 4 CHR: 2
SPE: 2 WIS: 3 Stian Hersen
Head of the government in Otta.
Andreas Nilesen
He is smart, keen of mind, but not
Head of the Rangers on the
quite equipped to lead. He is a
outskirts of Dombas. Nilesen is
career politician and trusted by
dark, bruding, but protective and
most of Norway for the time
HP: 50
HP: 38
STR: 5 CHR: 1
STR: 1 CHR: 4
SPE: 2 WIS: 3
SPE: 2 WIS: 3
Martin Larsen
Head of the underground and
backdoor deals in Otta. If you
need something, Martin is a first
stop; but there is always a price.
HP: 39
STR: 1 CHR: 3
SPE: 5 WIS: 4
The Black Gem Crossbow
A gem of power; when in the A crossbow is a bow mounted on
possession of a player, the powers a wooden plank with a trigger for
of any other player or non-player release. The crossbow, when used
character is negated. Damage is against a beast, damage is
doubled. In the possession of the divided in half and add 2.
enemy, the same effects are in
place against the players.
When in use, players do not need
to roll when looking for something
Shotgun in the dark.
A gun that sprays metal shrapnel.
Enemies must be fairly close. "Boken Med Tapte Tanker"
When used against a beast foe, A dream book composed by an
damage is divided by 2. ancient Norwegian madman.
Describes attributes of the
Hunting Rifle Achiyalatopas, Trolls, and the
A gun that shoots a single, highly Mahishasuras in the form of dream
precise bullet. When used against visions. Players in possession of
a beast foe, damage is divided by Boken Med Tapte Tanker do not
2 and then add 5. need to roll WIS checks and add
+1 to attacks against the
Electric Bike
A small bike with an electrical
motor. When in use, SPE is
increased by +2. However, attacks
take -1 whenever attacking from
the bike.
The Hunters of Otta
Refugees like you are not well taken care of in Otta. The
Norwegians expect members of the community to take care of
themselves, but few refugees can. Hunters like you are the only
chance many of them have to eat. But the deep mountainous woods
of Norway are not always a safe place... neither is dealing in food in
a desperate place like Otta.

Watching the Water Ripple

Refugees often return to Lillehammer to volunteer for the Watch. It
pays well, saving other refugees from the water feels like giving
back, and though they would have never accepted you if they
knew you had powers, it is a tangible way you can use your gift to
help. When you gather a group of refugees, you hope they are
well intentioned; but one of them has powers, though he seems
kind enough, he can easily turn others into the Mad.

The March of the Troll

Dombas is a tight knit community. Everyone is expected to take
care of themselves and do as much business as they can in order to
get by - that includes Refugees. The Rangers make sure everyone is
safe as often as possible; and those with powers must ensure those
powers are hidden. When a Troll is spotted on its way to Dombas,
those powers may not be able to remain hidden for long.



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