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Welcome to Aspire N.A.T.H., the school of traditional healing. We

hope your journey with us will be very fruitful in you becoming a
qualified, firm, established and determined healer who understands
the path of healing and will be able to tap into your higherself and
access both the plane of ancestors and of angels. Your six month
training will be very hectic, not only exhausting your physical body, but
also transforming the old dead energy in your sytem, and replacing it
with the new energy of light from ancestors and God.

The main important factors in order to survive lefehlo are:

• Rules – of the environement, lefehlo & impande

• Conduct – amongst fellow siblings & elders
• Hygiene – the environment
• Cooperation – with lefehlo, environment & fellow siblings
• Respect – for everyone

Sleep@ 22:00 Cleaning@04:00

Wake@ 03:00 Dishes@ 4 times daily

Bath@ 04:00 Cooking@ from 16:00

Porridge@ by 07:00 Greetings @ on your knees

Mbiza@ 2-3 times daily Gesture @ both hands together

Sfutho@once a week Dance practice @ four time a week


Gapa, detox, cleansing bath twice a week – Wed & Sat Meditation at sleep time & Waketime


Drums always be placed in the sun & removed by sunset Bags always neatly packed & Closed


Clothes and Clothing area never left untidy, no clothes must be left lying around


Always keep the house, yard and the trainee area clean Blanket area to be kept clean at all times

Talking to each other, everyone else, with no loud voice Cleaning items to be neatly put away

Humbleness, on knees, Thokoza as a gesture


Request to be started with Thokoza…. Dog area to be cleaned with water & jeys
Response to be followed with Thokoza….. & hands together fluid on a daily basis

Storage Area to be tidy and packed neatly all the time – buckets, chairs, washing baths, scrubbing
cloths, brooms, dustbin and everything else.

Cleaning Areas – the house, the yard, trainee room, ndumba(shrine), dog area, legandelo – must be
cleaned on a daily basis. Toilet seat must be sterilized every morning and throroughly scrubbed with
a brush and a cloth. No stains must be inside and around the water area of the toilet seat.

Cleanless is Holines.


Awakening – lessons to awaken you
Spirituality – lessons to practice spirituality
Purification – purification rituals
Intuition – Enhance your intuition
Renewal – Spiritual Renewal
Elevation – Elevate into the spiritual light
This is a school of New Age Traditional Healing (N.A.T.H) and the seed is given by Mkhwanazi clan.
The seed to teach and heal in traditionl healing and have a place to connect the school with the
universe in order to teach spirituality. The colors of the mpande are given as a way of representing
the rays of light from God, the spirits that are protecting the school.
Green – Healing, Life and Abundance – Earth Element
Blue – Holy Spirit, Weisdom and - Water Element
Striped White – Purity, Light with Holy Spirit
Striped Black – Power, protection and with light, The universe
Shiny Pink – Love and Purifying the Soul
Impande is a healing herb from Mother Earth that will purify the soul in order to be united with the
energy of Mother Earth and the Spirit of God. The processes used in training are those that were
created by ancestors when they created the schools in ancient times. The separation of ancestors
from God, the gateway was blocked for ancestors to connect with the light of God. The school has
been given the tools to align the connection of ancestors with the Spirit of God. That is what Aspire
N.A.T.H. is teaching and the tools used have been passed down to restore that connection. The
spirit of ancestors has its own recitations and invocations. The school trains these ancestral
energies: mndawu, mnguni, ubhugedla, amakhosi, isthunywa, spirituality.




THE INITIATE - Mind Soul and Body

This manual is designed for trainees in traditional healing practicising spirituality. The person who
walks the path of ancestors must first consider the spiritual laws. The most important factors in the
path is the mind and the heart as they both affect the physical body. They affect it in a way that the
blood circulation that gives life to the body and the energy of God that gives power to the body, are
blocked and cause chronic diseases. What is the role of the mind and the heart in this path?
The mind is connected to the spirit and that gives a link to the universe, the Universal Energy of God,
and the heart is connceted to the soul that creates a link to the Energy of Mother Earth that is
attached with ancestors. A human being comes from darkness of chains and prison with an
unpeaceful mind and negative emotions of not having the will to fulfill their purpose of existence.
The initiate is trained on how to call the spirit of ancestors, how to access the plane of ancestors.
The SAM CALL is the practice of spirituality in accessing the plane of ancestors by calling the spirit of
ancestors in meditation. The spirit of ancestors and the plane of ancestors exists in a dimension of
earth. This plane has four gateways, the gateway of water (west), earth (north), fire (south) and
air(east). This energy of ancestors has its own rules of invocations and evocations and the sounds
required to evoke those spirits. This enegy is attached to the energy of Mother Earth. This plane
also has light and darkness and these two kingdoms do not operate the same way. The plane of
light, draws pure energy of mother earth that connects to the light of God and the plane of darkness
draws dark energy in the earth that connects to the dark energy of Darkness. If an initiate can
understand how these spiritual laws operate they will find it easier to survive in the path of ancestors.

The initiate is trained to remodel their minds, how they think and perceive life and circumstances, also
their hearts on how they feel, how they react to life and circumstances. There’s two things that
conncet a human being to heaven and earth, the universe connects man with their mind, their plans,
goals, their wills whereas the earth connects with man with their heart, their feelings, attractions, their
desires where they want to be. Everything is a living energy and it is connected to a human being.
If man feels negative and is no longer interested in life, they will connect to darkness because that is
where they will sell their souls. Every man is created with a purpose to fulfill and they need to regain
power and control of their lives. You regain power over your life and control over your feelings
otherwise something will gain power over your life and control over your feelings. That is the
mathematics of creation of life.



The Practice of spirituality by accessing the plane of ancestors, calling the spirit of ancestors in

Meditation CALL The Spirit of Ancestors – The Plane of Ancestors

Spirituality Meditation


Meditation – the act of remaining in a silent and calm state for a period of time, in attempt to contact
or access a spiritual world in a certain plane of existence. It is a communication process between a
human being and the spiritual world.

Spirituality – is the act of practice that gives tools on how a certain dimension operates when
evoking and invoking spirits or entities into the space where they are being called to.

Ancestors – a person one whom is descended and they are attached to your bloodline where one I
born from in both families, mother and biological father, they form part of your genes, your veins
running in your body.

The SAM CALL is a training for calling and accessing the spirit and plane of ancestors. The spirit has
rules that the seeker is required to abide to. When God created everything on earth and in the
universe, He created them with rules of procedure and sequence. Everything that He created is
infinite. Now that a seeker or a trainee that is about to enter the path of ancestors and spirituality
must first learn these rules and sequence.
The first training given is the creation of everything in heaven and earth, the dimensions, the cycles,
the houses where everything falls into. Before a trainee can be in line with creation, he or she must
first recover from darkness of confusion into intelligence of light. The first starting point is the Mind
and the heart. Man is remodelled, reshaped or regenerated into a being of intelligence and order,
and to enable him or her to access the tree of life, i.e. the galaxies, by first re -aligning the seven
energy centers, called chakras in a man’s body and five energy centers, passages or gateways into
the light.
The tree of life consists of spirits of light in man and they are: confidence, strength, knowledge,
compassion, insight, intelligence, passion, establishment, elimination, elevation. Once man has
reached the state of elevation, he or she will be able to have the keys to prosperity and healing
power. The rule of light is order and it must be in mind and in heart.


The training in the school will frist reshape two things in man:

• Personality – it is the outside you show to others

• Character – reveals your inner being
Every man must be pure in mind and at heart in order to be fully accepted by God and the hierarchy
of light before his or her tree of life can be fully functional. Every man is given a power to access his
or her own spirits in the tree that are given by God. The following is how the personality shapes the

The Pyramid of Personality – THE ABAC Pyramid

Attitude(Fire – Mind – Spirit)

Character Character (Earth – Heart – Soul)

Behaviour(Water – Emotions – Physical) Actions(East – Feelings - Being)

Four Elements That Make A Man

Elements of Man

A. Attitude
• Personality Types
o Perssimistic – a person tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe
that the worst will happen.
o Optimistic – a person that is hopeful confident about the future
o Envious – a person that wishes that you had what another person has
o Trusting – a person that always believes that other people are good or honest
and will not harm or deceive them
o Assertive – a person that is confidently aggressive or self-assured, confidently
behaves and is not frightened to say what they want or believe.
o Passive – a person that accepts or allows what happens or what others do,
without active response or resistance.
o Passive – Aggressive - a peron that has a tendency to engage indirect
expression of hostility through acts such as subtle insults, sullen behaviour,
stubborness, or a deliberate failure to accomplish required tasks.

B. Behaviour
• Types of Emotions
o Anger
o Fear
o Sadness
o Happiness
o Disgust
o Surprise
o Doubt
o Envy
o Contempt
o Frustration
o Hostility
o Hatred
o Loneliness
o Paranoia
o Pride
o Remorse
C. Character
• Associations of Feelings
o Moods – happy or sad
o Personality – traits a person shows consistently at different times and different
o Temperament – combination of mental, physical and emotional traits of a
person or natural disposition. The dominant quality or qualities distinguishing a
person. Customary moods and attitude toward the life around someone.
o Motivation – the reason you do something.
o Disposition – the particular type of character that a person naturally has.
D. Actions
• States of Actions

o Inaction – (Nothing Happens) the state of not moving forward, not moving
backwards, and slowly wasting away days.

o Distraction – (Nothing Productive) the state of activities that capture our

attention and focus, but divert it away from what is most important

o Reaction – (Things happen to you) a response based on an incoming piece of

information or change

o Proaction – (Make Things Happen) the state to move yourself and projects


It is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. It is a periodic

back and forth motion of particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any
physical system is displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that
tend to restore equilibrium.
It is a person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the association of an object as
communicated to and felt by others.

Elements of A Vibration – As Above and So is Below

Mechanical phenomenon – associated with motion of objects

Oscillations / Swinging – movement back and forth in a regular rhythm
Equilibrium point – a condition or state in which forces are spiritually balanced
Particles – a minute portion of matter
Motion - a movement, a change in position of an object over time


The Energy of God, Seven Dimensions, Angels, Light Beings Attracts Controls

Energy of Light

Green Leaves and brown stem

Spiritually – East - Air

Emotionally – West - Water

Thinking – Mentally – North - Earth

Actions – Physically – South - Fire

Emotions - Happy
Feelings - Positive
The Energy of Mother Earth

Vegetation, plants, seeds, fruit, trees, minerals, animals, insects, birds, fishes, souls (Living)
Evil spirits, Dead vegetation, plants, seeds, fruit, trees, minerals, animals, insects, birds, fishes, souls (Undead)

Emotionally – West - Water ThinkingNorth - Earth

– Mentally – North - Earth Spiritually – East - Air

Actions – Physically – South - Fire

Emotions - Depressed Feelings - Negative


Grey Leaves and black stem

This is a plane of darkness. It is a negative dimension where all spirits of darkness reside.
The spirit of the undead and evil spirits enters the earth plane through Grey
the human or
animal vibrations. The grey spirits are attached to the emotions based on the mindset of
the person. These spirits that come from this dimension haunt people to be depressed,
suicidal, angry, jealous, tricky, betraying, lustful, greedy, envious, power hungry, deceitful,
resenting, remorseful, addicts, drug abuse, alcoholism, and so forth. Spiritual people are Attracts Controls
trained and awakened to build their light body to elevate into the light, they drag people
further down into darkness to take their souls for their masters. They are spirits that come
with heavy dark and negative energies based on how they felt when they left the earth Energy of Darkness

The Energy of Evil, Seven Dimensions, Demons, Dark Beings



Spirituality, ancestors and meditation is one call in healing. When a human being connects with
ancestors, they are in practice of spirituality. When we contact the spiritual world, they use a different
language than that of humans. The process demands that one must be in complete silence and let
the spirits speak and deliver the message.

Your are attempting to walk the path of ancestors and at the same time trying to understand who is
God and how do the two connect to each other. You have plenty of online research and yet still, it
creates more confusion on exactly how does the two interconnect yet as the religion yourare raised
from teaches you how sinful it is to consider ancestors in a path with God. The starting point is the
beginning of how everything came into place and what is the process of connecting with God.

Who is God?, the source that created everything in heaven and earth. This source created the
universe, solar system, earth, and its contents, plants, animals, insects, birds, fishes, elements, gods,
goddesses and human beings of different color. Everything comes from a specific
department/dimension/plane. They all breath from the same energy. God also separated two
houses where everything He created will emerge from, these houses are, a house of light and a
house of darkness and they all have the same spirits that have different powers and vibration. The
spirits from light vibrate the higher energy, they give power and life and the ones that come from
darkness they take power and take life from the human being.

Gods & Choice

Everyone is being given a choice to choose on which house they want to build. God granted gods
and goddesses to create anything that will make them more powerful to exist and rule over everything
on earth. He blessed them that they can multiply and create anything that humans can choose to
worship under them. These gods and goddesses, also have houses and departments of where
everything will be created from. These gods and goddesses established their departments according
to their natural gifts, for example, god of war, god of technology, god of science, god of commerce,
god of love and so forth. Thus depending on their departments and skills, they repond to people that
invite them in their lives and inspire them to create under them. They bless the particular individual
with wealth, power and fame because that’s what fulfills a human being. God granted gods to rule
over earth and create anything on earth, they also know that every human being has a God given
talent and treasure thus they first acquire what belongs to the human being, the soul. They then
block their spiritual vessel to God because they know human beings are lazy to be spiritual. The first
point of attack is the spiritual messages, dreams, inspirations and make sure that soul will be able to
imagine power, wealth and fame. They make sure that, this particular person will have constant
problems in life, poverty and evil attacks that will create fear until they are inspired to seek the most
powerful magician that will help that individual. Systems are already in place for people to know
where to go to seek that kind of help, they created pastors and powerful healers that use the same
magic from them.

Here is how gods operate, they created religions, belief systems, education system, healthcare
system, government system, science and technolgy system, financial system in order to ensure that

all human beings fall under the same energy system that will create the same type of humans with
same mentality of power, fame and wealth not elevation to the Source. Every man on earth is given
fear and seek the quicker solution from someone, but not to believe in the energy that created them
or to revive their own power from God.
Why did God allow all of this to happen if He created man with love to exist on earth. God did not
create man just to exist, but man must fulfill his purpose in heaven and on earth. What does this
mean? Man has a spirit and a soul, the soul exists one earth and the spirit in heaven. They must
both be united and be one with God. Every man that seeks God will elevate higher to Him with his
own efforts and being guided by the awakened beings and a man that remains asleep will be trapped
in the chains of gods and be slaved into darkness. Man must strive for light.
These gods and goddesses seek power and control and they come in different types, for examplle,
Greek gods, Romans, Hebrew or Jewish, African, Persian, Egyptian, Hindu, Islam, Asian, and so

Power and Control

The positive side of power and control for a human being is elevating towards God and be able to
have power and control over your life and existence.
The negative side is that when a human being is not awakened and elevated will be overpowered
and controlled by these entities and their souls will belong to these entities but not to God.
God has given every human being a choice in life, which is to be awakened and elevate, the human
being will be able to access the house of light or to be asleep and regress and the human being will
be chained in the house of darkness.

The First Elements To Learn

Heaven and earth, spirit and soul, male and female, light and dark, day and night, mind and heart,
thinking and feeling, happy and angry, kind and cruel, jealousy and contentment, stubborn and
reasonable, acceptance and resistance, these are what will challenge man while learning to walk the
path. The path of light teaches man to recover from darkness and know how to walk into elevation,
illumination. What are the first elements to learn.

The Spiritual Side Of Life

God has created everything to exist physically and spiritually. Now because the challenge of the path
is spiritual, created systems affect man physically and spiritually. If man starts a spiritual practice
under a certain system, that man must learn which spirits will attack and challenge him.

• Christian Religion – The Spirit of Discrimination, Competition and Judgement

Spirits that will attack your determination and focus in achieving your goal:

Spirits that attack the soul on the path to regeneration

• The Spirit of Eve - Curiosity

• The Spirit of Cain – Jealousy
• The Spirit of Hagar – Cruelty
• The Spirit of Rachel – Deceit
• The Spirit of Israelites – Negativity,Disobedience and Confusion
• The Spirit of Moses – Weakness, Fear and Doubt
• The Spirit of David – War, Defensive and Complaints
• The Spirit of Absolom – Power Hungry and Greed
• The Spirit of Solomon – Carelessness and Regret
• The Spirit of Naomi – Bitterness
• The Spirit of Job – Constantly Tested
• The Spirit of Saul – Arrogance, Cruelty and Greed
• The Spirit of Hanna – Oppression
• The Spirit of Eli – Negligence
• The Spirit of Samson - Temptations
• The Spirit of Jesus – Crucifixion/Torture
• The Spirit of Peter – Unfaithfulness
• The spirit of Judas – Betrayal

• Islam – The Spirit of War and Justification

These are the two most followed religions in the world and these spirits that created them constantly
fight for the same things against each other and other creations of other spirits. Any trainee that
starts walking the path under the christian spiritual practice must be prepared to be head to head with
these spirits.
Factors of the path that are generated in a spiritual training
• The Mind
The mind is connected with the spirit and it needs to follow spiritual laws and on how
the mind is created. There’s three things that will elevate the mind:

- Mentality – a change in mentality of things and see life differently with a

different perspective and new learning about life and existence.

- Joy – find a joy in the new life you are embarking on that will awaken
powers of your being.

- Relief – find relief that you know better now on who are you, what is your
purpose and who is God and everything in it.

• The Heart
The heart is a living energy and it vibrates low energy all the time in man. The heart is
connected to the soul and it needs to be elevated into the spiritual light and it should
vibrate the posistive energy.
Negative Energy Positive Energy

- Selfishness GENEROSITY
- Competition HARMONY
- Boastfulness HUMBLENESS



Aligning The Chakras – What is a chakra? It is the energy center found in a man’s body that
connects man to the spiritual world. There are twelve chakras, seven are found in an man’s
body and five are outside the man’s body. The five are: The Earth Chakra, Soul Chakra, Spirit
Chakra, Universal Chakra and Galactic Chakra.

Crown Chakra (13th Dimension)

Third Eye Chakra (Universe Gateway)

Throat Chakra (Water Gateway)

Heart Chakra (Earth Gateway)

Solar Plexus (Energy of the Spirit)

Sacral Chakra (Energy of the Soul)

Root Chakra (Energy of Ancestors)

The Earth Chakra – is the gateway of any spirits found on earth, being ancestors, good earth spirits
or evil earth spirits. They all use the same earth gateway to access man’s energy centers in the
body. Any chakra that is attacked or accessed will signal the emotion attached to that chakra. For
example if the root chakra is accessed or attacked, man will suddenly feel hopeless if it is a negative
spirit and if it is a good spirit he will feel encouraged and determined.

The Soul Chakra – this is the gateway that the Soul uses when it connects to the human being or the
Spirit with the energy of God and it is the same gateway the soul comes through when it reaches or
leaves the earth plane during Astral Travelling, Birth or Death.
The Spirit Chakra – the gateway of the Spirit during Trance State, Connection to the Soul and man,
to the energy of God, when man dies, the Spirit disconnects from man and ascends to God with this
The Universal Chakra – the gateway to the universe, planets, solar system and its contents. When
the Spirit elevates into the universe, it will go through this gateway and it is watched by other spirits
that blocked man’s rite of passage into space.
The Galactic Chakra – The gateway into the Omega Point, the 13th dimension, where man will reach
Euphoria, and be able to unblock his powers as a Godlike Being. When man will meet with the
angels of God.

In spiritual practice, man must be aligned with the spiritual forces. He or she will be able to do so in
meditation by aligning his or her chakras from the ancestral energy to the energy of God. In silence,
when in meditation, the breathing exercises must be done in order for one to know how to hold long
breaths in order to open the chakras for a free flow of energy. As soon as the chakras are balanced,
the energy of God is able to flow freely in man’s body and he or she will be able to see, hear, feel,
sense or touch what they are given by the spiritual world. The practice of meditation restores good
health as it enables man to unblock unwanted energies in the body that create disease to the
physical body. A human being will be able to see all the chakra colors aligned same as the rainbow
colors. All the emotions must be cleansed from the energy centers and the light dwell in a man’s


Building A Sanctuary And Body of Light
A body of light is a fully infused physical body with opened chakras aligned and purified to the energy
of God and Light. A sanctuary is a place where the Spirit meets with God in meditation.

Buidling a body of light and sanctuary is very important for man in order to survive the apirirtual path.
One must bear in mind that our blood, our genes carry cracks of dark energies that have tainted our
spiritual vessel to God. When entering the path, the most important practice is constant purifications
physically, emotionally and spiritually. A spirit and a soul, both have the mind, and this man has four
segments, thus purification must be done for both the Spirit Mind and the Soul Mind. Four corners of
each entity.
The only way one can do this is by accessing the sixth chakra, which is the Third eye, which connects
man into the universe where he will be able to see his Soul and his Spirit. Calling on the healing
energy of water to cleanse off all the unwanted energies in both the Spirit and the Soul’s Mind that
will affect the spiritual progress in building the Body of Light. After this has been done, then the Spirit
will be able to ascend into the sanctary by accessing the crown chakra mentally, emotionally and
spiritually in tapping in his own powers, his Trinity. All his six chakras will be purified and cleansed of
all the dark energy man came with in the spiritual path.


Withdrawal from Old Patterns in Thinking and Feeling

The spiritual path demands a positive mind and peaceful emotions because the same energes that
put man’s spirit in chains will return and repeat the same thing again. Everyone is responsible for
their own purification, alignment and balancing all the time. We come into contact with many spirits
on a daily basis, either by people we meet, areas we visit and also the throughts and emotions that
keep coming back to us and invite those energies back into our energy centers. Man must withdraw
from being negative in any circumstance:

• Unruly Thought Patterns

• Negative Emotions
• Spiritual Dryness
• Unbelief
• Fear
• Doubt
• Weakness
• Complaints

The Rules of the Path

The reminds man of what is expected of him or her in order to find progress into spiritual light and
also to enable God to fulfill His promise to man.

• Always pray to The Most High God

• Always meditate, purify and align yourself
• Always respect God and your ancestors
• You must not destroy your Soul and your Spirit
• You must not steal information or knowledge that has not been revealed to you
• You cannot believe in two systems in Spirituality
• You cannot pretend about your true character
• You cannot plot against other people
• You cannot criticize other people, believes of others
• You must always acknowledge the Spiritual hierarchy and laws
• You must also protect knowledge you have been given


It records the life plan of the soul on its purpose,

what it came to accomplish, how to repair its
karmic debt and when to be spiritually awakened
and connect with the cosmos.

When a soul is created from the planet it originates from, is discussed with the council that
is sending it to the earth plane, on how to live on earth, how it will navigate on earth, the
type of character it will have, and what life lessons will the soul master.

• The soul must master the qualities of having unconditional love, be tolerant
of other people, forgiveness, wisdom and so forth.
• Which family the soul will belong to, time of birth, the name the soul will use
on earth, and who will be their teacher on earth
• What qualities to master on earth, how to repair negative karma residing in
the soul’s body, what type of parents will it have
• To test it power, the soul will choose what kind of problems they will
encounter on earth, what negative people will be in their life and when to be
spiritually awakened without any knowledge of spiritual things.
• When the contract is not remembered by the soul, they will experience
trauma in their lives until they accept the calling and start on embarking on
their spiritual journey


(Picture Credit – Nadine May - Spirit Science)

Awakening Lessons
Man is called to be awakened to reconstruct his spirit, soul and his mind from darkness to light so that
he may embark on the journey of where God wants him to fulfill. Everyone on earth has a purpose of
existence. We are called differently to fulfill those purposes. Some are called to invent, some to
teach, some to inspire, some to heal and so forth but the focus is that everyone is called to
reconstruct themselves, so they can see the road clearly. Who is calling us, and where is this calling
originating from? Firstly, we need to understand where are we and where are we going to? We are
on earth and we are called by, the universe. What is this universe? Firstly, the universe is all space
and time and its contents, which includes planets, moons, stars, and galaxies, the contents of
intergalactic space and all matter and energy. We must also understand the four quarters of earth,
what do they mean to us mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The sun and the moon are a
representation of male and female elements, Heaven and Earth. Thus, the earth orbits the sun in two
directions, east to west. When the brightness of the sun is absent, the moon’s brightness takes over.
At times we can see the moon during the day when at that period its light is above the horizon. What
is matter and energy?
The difference between matter and energy is that energy is produced from matter yet has no mass
and is the capacity to do work while matter is the physical stuff in the universe. Matter can obtain
energy in two diverse ways through either potential energy or kinetic energy. Matter is an element,
kinetic energy is energy which a body possesses by being in motion, and potential energy is
possessed by the virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge and
other factors. Now that we understand what heaven is and what is in heaven, we will establish how
God created heaven, earth and everything in it. The universe has dimensions, cycles, space, time
and planes/realm and they are all created by the one Source Light. And this light radiates to all
corners of its creation in a spectrum.
1. There are seven dimensions of creation
• 1st Dimension – Dark & Light: Gen 1:3-5 - Realm/plane of Emanation
• 2nd Dimension – Water: Gen 1:6 - Realm/plane of Water
- Space: Gen 1:7-8
• 3rd Dimension - Earth: Gen 1:9-10 - Realm/plane of Earth
• - Vegetation: Gen 1:11-13 - Realm/plane of Plants
• 4th Dimension - Universe: Gen 1: 14-19 - Realm/plane of Creation
• 5th Dimension – Animals, Birds: Gen 1:20-23 - Realm/plane of animals,
• 6th Dimension – Creatures, wild animals, beasts,
• gods & goddesses: Gen 1:24-31 - Realm/plane of gods &
Creatures & Beasts
• 7th Dimension – Omega Point: Gen 2:2-3 - Realm/plane of Light,
What is a realm or plane, is like a department where something originates or is placed in.
2. The Creation of Things
Religion, science, scholars and philosophy mention the same thing about the creation of heaven and
earth in different forms. They mention that God created heaven and earth then chaos emerged
where the kingdom of darkness, Hell formed, religion referred to them as fallen angels with trinity of
Lucifer, Leviathan and Satan while of Heaven being Holy Father, Holy Mother and the Holy Son with
no names attached to it. Every religion is created on this basis and formed their own god names,
which completes the trinity. The mental, emotional and spiritual aspect. Everything that produces
results must be done in this format. Thus, humans on earth struggle with the cross, either the mental
side is on the project, the emotional part isn’t peaceful with life and the spiritual side is not awakened.
Thus, this creates a blockage, the law of creation will dismiss that.
We are all aware that based on theories that darkness was everywhere, thus darkness emerged first.
Now we are existing in a physical realm on earth and we are being called spiritually to be in line with
heaven, the light, the earth that we reside in is in darkness, our calling is affected by both, light and
darkness. We fulfill our purpose physically and being guided spiritually. Man has roots on earth,
origin in the universe and God’s substance in heaven. Reincarnation is a sign of reliving the purpose
that was never fulfilled. There’s three things that distract man to fail fulfilling his purpose. Trinity,
mental, emotional and spiritual side of man must be reconstructed for a complete elevation thus man
will be a godlike being. The mental side is governed by ancestors, emotional side by your guides in
the universe whereas the spiritual side is guided by angels of God. When man fails to go in line with
the laws of awakening they are blocked away. What does this mean, for instance, there’s a healer
with a gift of being a traditional healer, with a purpose of being a warrior of light and be powerful to
heal earth and humanity. God calls them to face challenges and still be peaceful, powerful, joyful,
compassionate and be in union with Spirit. People who are healers and never practice their spiritual
gifts are always blocked away to ascend to the Spirit, the Living Light. Their purpose will have to be
relived in their next life.
What is a bible? It is a guideline for man to walk the path of spiritual awakening in order fulfill your
purpose of life. The bible calls the first man, the first man that God created to walk the path, in the
bible referred as Adam. Most of us with gifts, we have reincarnated many lives, and thus God is
calling you again and again to relive your purpose, to reconstruct your mind, your soul and your spirit
to find your purpose. The characters in the Bible are a representation of events this one man has
come face to face with. The Adam man, it is your being, your spirit, the Eve, being the soul, the
emotion that God instilled in you through your rib, your spine. The serpent is the kundalini energy,
God instilled it in you to give you a sign of awakening of an energy. When you are negative
emotionally it misleads to fall into temptations and when you are positive it gives you wisdom. This
energy is used by three gates, gates of ancestors, universe and of Heaven. The signs will be the
same, the type of dreams will indicate the plane where the message or awakening originates from.
Even the kingdom of darkness will use the same gateway. This energy is the one that is meant to
give your life lessons on earth. God made this energy to be crafty, as they mentioned in the bible, it
never gives you clear answers, and it misleads you to make wrong decisions. Sometimes you love it
and sometimes you hate it, it gives you different vibes and confusion. Your spirit is supposed to find
wisdom to understand the lessons of the serpent energy what is meant to teach you. As in the bible
when it was mentioned when God placed a curse between Adam and the serpent, because it was
Eve who was given the apple not Adam, because Adam is the mind and Eve is the soul. This means
God curses emotions in a spiritual path. He said, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and
between your offspring and hers, he will crush your head and you will strike her heal.” It doesn’t crush
his heal but her heal, and cursing the serpent and its offspring, meaning temptations will be the result
of emotions, either being anger, greed, jealousy, envy, lust, depression, weakness and fear, Eve’s
offspring. What this meant is that the kundalini energy and the soul will always be in contradiction
because it is against the law to make a spiritual decision with emotions. How many times people
misunderstand the meanings of their dreams and messages about their path and make wrong
decisions based on emotion and mistrust? That affects their mindset and their feelings in it, that’s
why she gave it to her husband who was with her. One can never make a spiritual decision with
emotions; that is an enmity placed by God between a serpent and Adam, this is the meaning of it.
Adam was the one who was supposed to have taken the apple and give it to Eve, thus a mind must
lead the heart, the emotions. Dealing with life emotionally is a total regress of law of life. The only
way to understand this energy is only by tapping into your higher self, to either go through one of the
three gates mentioned.
A fully awakened man does not consult mediums, sorcerers, prophets, pastors but only goes through
the three main gates mentioned. There’s seven energy centers that will awaken man fully and make
him understand his/her calling in life. God puts man on a task to discover his/her own lessons without
giving him manual of reference unless they become spiritual. He connects man with Heaven through
these rates of vibration. These rates enable man to find messages on how to reconstruct his soul.
These seven rates of vibration have seven assorted colors and are based in man’s physical body.
These rates of vibration are called chakras, energy centers, and they are a gateway of connection
with God, the universe and ancestors. Let’s look at these chakras, calls, energy centers God wants
them awakened in man.

3. The Seven Calls of Man

3.1 The Seven Chakras of Man

a) The First Three Main Calls of Awakening
1. The Root Chakra – The Mental Call - Ancestral Energy
2. The Sacral Chakra - The Emotional Call - Soul Energy
3. The Solar Plexus - The Spiritual Call - Spirit Energy

b) The Second Calls of Awakening

4. The Heart Chakra - The Earth Gateway - Breakdown the walls
5. The Throat Chakra - The Aqua Gateway - Assemble your purpose
6. The Brow Chakra - The Universe Gateway - Elevation to time & space
7. The Crown Chakra - Galactic Gateway - Bliss, Great Pleasure

The Bible and its Scriptures

A bible, a guideline for man to walk the path of spiritual awakening in order fulfill your purpose of life.
The following are the spiritual interpretations of what the Books in the Bible mean as a term of
reference for our spiritual lessons. These are the stages of man to walk on the path of reconstructing
his soul to the tree of life, the tree placed in the middle of Eden and receiving water through the four
rivers. While on the path, challenges you will be faced with, temptations, trauma, distress, joy,
blessings and spirits and the birth of light within.
A Guide to Awakening
66 Stages of Reconstruction
Old Testament - Awakening Process for the Soul
The Soul – Female Energy
1. Genesis - Recovery from darkness
2. Exodus - Departure from darkness
3. Leviticus - Renunciation from darkness
4. Numbers - Identification of thought patterns
5. Deuteronomy - Discouragement in the path
6. Joshua - Breakthrough
7. Judges - Unspiritual mindset
8. Ruth - Mistrust, unbelief and rejection
9. Samuel - Spiritual understanding
10. Kings - Misinterpretation of the path
11. Chronicles - Record of thoughts
12. Ezra - Rates of vibrations
13. Nehemiah - The light
14. Esther - Personal ambitions
15. Job - Spiritual Instructions
16. Psalm - Affirmations
17. Proverbs - Propositions
18. Ecclesiastes - Spiritual Power
19. Songs of Solomon - Raising vibrations
20. Isaiah - Transcendence
21. Jeremiah - Exaltation of the mind
22. Lamentations - Complains in the path
23. Ezekiel - 13th Dimension, Omega Point, the 4th Heaven
24. Daniel - Endurance in the Earth Plane
25. Hosea - Fountain of life and Truth
26. Amos - Burdens of the path
27. Obadiah - Service to others
28. Jonah - Law of cause and effect
29. Nahum - Intellectual Reasoning
30. Habakkuk - Struggles of the path
31. Haggai - Ego of man, 6th Chakra
32. Zechariah - 8th chakra, 2nd dimension – Spiritual awareness
33. Malachi - The Teacher

New Testament - Transmission of Light to the Spirit

The Spirit – Male Energy
1. Matthew - Luminous Light
2. Mark - The Spirit of Truth
3. Luke - Self Admiration
4. John - The Sign of God
5. Acts - Unification
6. Romans - Two states of mind – intellectual mind and spiritual mind
7. Corinthians - Warrior of Light
8. Galatians - Five senses of man
9. Ephesians - Mental Aspirations – the root chakra
10. Philippians - Effectiveness
11. Colossians - Establishment – sacral chakra
12. Thessalonians - Knowledge, solar plexus
13. Timothy - Determination
14. Titus - Distinguished
15. Philemon - Devotion
16. Hebrews - False Belief
17. James - Discernment
18. Peter - Acceptance and hope
19. John - Energy of life
20. Jude - Eradication or withdrawal
21. Revelations - Discovery or Proclamation
These are the stages man will go through on the path to reconstruction of the soul to be in union with
the Godhead and light.

The Mental Energy of Ancestors

The Mental Energy – The Energy of Change and Breakthrough

Seven Spirits of Ancestral Energy, the Root Chakra

a) Joy
b) Elimination
c) Change
d) Positivity
e) Healing
f) Persistence
g) Strength



Any person one whom is descended. They come in different forms in our lives, as an ancestor that
only protects and demands recognition, as an ancestor that protects and blesses and also demands
recognition. The most difficult ancestor is the one that has a gift and is being reincarnated and the
gift must be fulfilled. This book addresses such ancestors, the reincarnated ancestors with a gift to
heal. Ancestors that are in traditional healing and spiritual healing.
These ancestors have norms they are attached to
for their gift to be fulfilled. The person to be given
the gift must attend a healing school to be trained.
This gift comes from different types of ancestors,
that are: mdawu, which is a water spirit, mnguni,
an earth spirit, ubhugedla, a fire ancestor,
amakhosi – earth spirit from a royal bloodline and
isthunywa, which is an air ancestor. These
ancestors’ initiation process differ and they all
have different types of healing techniques. They
all come from a plane of ancestors, a department
of ancestors and they are a spirit of ancestors.
A plane of ancestors also has four elements, water, earth, fire and air and they must all be
understood how they function. For any student to understand their gift, it is imperative to understand
the creation of things. Life has two segments, the universe, i.e. heaven and earth. Heaven has
angels and earth has ancestors. Human exist on earth but they have two spiritual entities attached to
their bodies. The spirit and the soul. The spirit is connected to God and the soul is connected to
ancestors. The physical body is what makes those two entities to exist. The spirit is connected to the
mind whereas the soul is connected to the heart, the feelings. Two main things that the human being
must master when walking the path, is how to use their minds, how to think and how to control their
heart, how to feel while walking the path. The mind controls the heart and the heart should not
control the mind.
The first starting point is to recognize the realm of where the human being on a path is learning
about. In a traditional healing journey, one needs to understand the realm of ancestors and in a
spiritual journey, the realm of angels. Both realms are connected to one human being. As above and
so is below, what happens in heaven also happens on earth. A human being needs to know how to
connect and call on ancestors and how to connect and call on angels. Before the awakening can be
fully activated in a human being, there’s laws in the path that a human being must follow.
How heaven is created and how earth is created. Heaven, the universe and it’s contents and earth
the same. The universe, planets, and the solar system, earth, trees, plants, fishes, animals and
minerals. How does man connect to both realms and its contents. There’s two segments in creation,
dark and light. When there is no presence of light, darkness occur. When it’s dark, the moon
appears and the stars are more visible and during the day the sun is visble. These explain phases of
the moon and the sun, and what happens when that occurs. These distinguish departments of things
in existence.



It is a spirit that is connected to the planes of ancestors. There’s four types of spirits, they all do the
same thing, being warriors in the spiritual battle on the earth plane:

• Umndawu – the water spirit from Mozambique and Zimbabwe or other across the South
African Border countries, they were warriors that were in wars with the Swazi wariors and they
lost the battle. The Swazi warriors killed them and thrown them in the river, and they also took
their cattle and belogings. With range, the spirits attached themselves with the bloodline of
the families that were involved in the wars. And they were required to thwasa the spirit for
them to hav a conveneant of peace.
• Umnguni – Swazi warrior spirit
• Ubhugedla – A warrior spirit that has an art of herbs and spells
• Amakhosi – A warrior spirit that has royal bloodline either Zulus or Swazis lineage
• Istunywa – The prophetic spirit that connects with angels and is a warrior of light.
• Abelozi – the messengers that either dwell next to rivers or on trees and make use of birds
and whistling when they bring the message and also dwell on flowers as well.
• Inzunza – the air spirit that is the ancestor of ancestors and that helps ancestors of that clan

The Hours of Ancestors
The hours where ancestors are active is at 3 a.m

Their Cleansing Process

The process used to clean the energy of ancestors is by:
• Gapa / Phalatsa
• Tummy Detox
• Sfutho
• Cleansing Bath
• River Cleanse

Ancestral Communication
Impepho – a plant that has yellow flowers and it differs according to geographical arears and it is also
used to cleanse the space of unwanted energies.
Meditation – the state of silence and connecting to the spiritual world

The Ancestral Food

Ibudlu / Gobongo – helps the ancestor to regain strength, power and purity into the spiritual world in
man’s body. It revives the energy of ancestors.
Swasho – It is given to Isthunywa / Moporofeta to purify, revive and energize the spirit of the prophet
in the spiritual wold so that it gains strength in man’s body. Prayer and spiritual book must be read
with spiritul songs to revive the spirit.
Imbiza – purifying the blood circulation
Porridge – it must be prepared without sugar and milk but only a herb given by the elders training.



The plane of ancetors is found in different areas from all four directions of earth, from the north where
there are earth spirits, the east, spiritual spirits, south, fire spirits, west, the cleansing spirirts. They
are in a place that is located in a cave and connects them to the water, rivers, oceans, then on land is
the field next to their tree according to their clan and mountain that is connected to the cave they
have chosen is their dwelling place. Spiritual Rules have placed every spirit in their own place after
they live earth, thus all ancetral clans, have specific caves attached to their bloodline.

UMNDAWU – A Warrior Spirit of Light in Water

• Umndawu – the water spirit from Mozambique and Zimbabwe or other across the South
African Border countries, they were warriors that were in wars with the Swazi wariors and they
lost the battle. The Swazi warriors killed them and thrown them in the river, and they also took
their cattle and belogings. With range, the spirits attached themselves with the bloodline of
the families that were involved in the wars. And they were required to thwasa the spirit they
established convenant of peace.
• Ancestor that comes with healing powers in Ndau processes.
• Healing modalities – Ukufemba in Ndau language with Ndau Herbs.
• Always wear white cloth or Njeti or Palu material, that describes the clan of the ancestor.
• They move like snakes when invoked in man’s body and they don’t walk on their feet.

• Language spoken is Ndau and difficult to understand.
• The spirit’s first appearance it comes with pain, specifying their emotion of death.
• They are connected with the element of water
• They are invoked at 3 a.m with Ndau drums and songs with their material worn over man’s
• Its energy is located in the root chakra and the sign of its presence is a painful womb and

UBHUGEDLA – A Warrior Spirit of Light in Fire

• A warrior spirit that has an art of nature kingdom, animals, insects, birds, fishes, livestock and
herbs, and is able to create spells that will either, protect, heal, cleanse and attract.
• An ancestor that has healing powers in any culture a man is attached to.
• The ancestor only appear in a sign of body pains, dreams and visions and at times they are
attached to either a ndau and mguni of the initiate they do not normally exist independently.
• The ancestor will always bring herbs to the initiate in dreams, visions and instincts
• The ancestor is connected to the two elements earth and fire.
• The ancestor can also do a bone reading.
• Its energy is located in the root chakra and its presence is the presence of heat in the physical
body and uneasiness from the chest.

ISTHUNYWA – A Warrior Spirit of Light in Air

• The prophetic spirit that connects with angels and is a warrior of light on earth.
• The ancestor is always attached to spiritual things and to anything that is related to God in an
apostolic environment.
• The ancestor that has healing powers with water and iwasho, meaning prayed powders that
will heal, cleanse, protect and attract.
• This ancestor is connected to the laws and rules of spirituality and of God.
• The ancestor is connected with the Element of Water and Air.
• Its energy is located in the solar plexus and its presence is felt is ulcer and continous spiritual
energy in the physical body an dpianful body.

UMNGUNI – A Warrior Spirit of Light on Earth

• Swazi warrior spirit that has healing powers of nature kingdom in herbs and bone reading.
• An ancestor that normally emerges from mountains and is very fast, violent and powerful
• They apply a protective sacred mask red in color in order to grant them agility, strength and
power when in the spiritual and physical plane and the mask is applied on the hair and the
whole body.
• People connected to nguni ancestors indicate that they have Swazi bloodline in their families
• The ancesor is connected with the Element of Earth and Fire.
• Its energy is located in the root chakra and its presence is felt on the chest as if one wants to
scream and uneasy feeling of anxiety, painful feet, limbs and back.
AMAKHOSI – A Warrior Spirit of Light on Earth

• A warrior spirit that has royal bloodline either Zulus or Swazis lineage and have kingship
authority in ancestral bloodline and they specify the kingdom in the earthplane.
• A warrior spirit that has authority.
• A warrior spirit that has healing powers in healing, protecting, cleansing and attarcting.
• A warrior spirti that also has a bone reading gift.
• People connected with this type of ancestor have a lineage of royalty from their ancestors and
might have lost it many yaers ago in previous generations.
• The ancestor is connected with the Element of Earth and Fire.
• Its energy is located in the root chakra and its energy is felt with a painful back pain, knees
and hands.

ABELOZI– Faeries / Messengers on the Earth Plane

• The messengers that either dwell next to rivers or on trees and make use of birds and
whistling when they bring the message and also dwell on flowers as well.
• The spirits reveal themselves depending on when do ancestors want them to be part of the
initiate’s gift.
• The spirits are able to foretell future and events to the initiate
• They are connected to the Element of Air, and are always found in rivers,flowers or garden.
• Itchy, panful ears and constant yawning.

INZUNZA – The Protector of Light on Earth

• The Air Spirit that is the ancestor of ancestors and that helps ancestors of that clan.
• The spirit protects the gift of that ancestral bloodline against evil forces from four corners of
• This is a very power spirit in the plane of ancestors
• This ancestor will normally emerge to the initiate after a period of four or more years in the
healing gift fter the initiate has matured enough in the path and has direction about the path.
Initiates who give up before this ancestor reveals himself, will not be able to be united with the
• Ailments a sudden coldness and shivering of the body that one cannot stand, migrane,
backpain, limbs, joins and painful ears.
The above mentioned ancestral spirits are an indication of how long the initiate will walk
the path and be able to master life lessons in this path of ancestors before ancestors can
reveal their true gift to the initiate. Transformation is required for those that strt the
journey with ancestors.
The gift belongs to ancestors not the initiate. The initiate in the path is the servant to both
ancestors and God.


The Gateway Of Ancestors

The Earth Chakra – It is located 12 to 18 inches below the feet.

Ancestors are able o access the earthplane through this gateway. This gateway can only be seen or
accessed through meditation. The energy of ancestors is felt through the feet when the energy
enters the energy centers of the physical body.


• The River – contins natural water that purifies the spirit and ancestors are able to
travel from any corner of earth from their cave to a river where they are summoned.
• The Mountain – contains spiritual enegies that strengthens the spirit.
• The Anthill – contains enegies of ancient ancestors that man cannot locate or even
have knowledge of, the ones that are connected to his or her bloodline
• The Dry Field – contains spiritual energies that protects the spirit
• The Cave – contains ancestral energies from four corners of earth in any cave and
easier for ancestors to connect with man in that space.

Initiation Process
Transformation ritual done to the initiate in order to be able to have a new energy and be able to fully
blend with the ancestor. The initiation process is done in order to fully grant the initiate access to the
ancestral plane, protection, healing powers and blessings in his or her life. The initiation is done with
two goats- mother’s family and father’s family, for Mngunu, ubhugedla, amakhosi, and the initiate
must dream the sex and coors of those goats, and mndawu is done with two white chicekns.
Ithunywa is doe spritually with a burnt offering of a chicken.
When an initiate responds to walk the path of ancestors is exepected to be able to persist in the
journey as the spiritual attacks will occur time and again.

• Umndawu – Parula – In the River

• Umnguni – Inkani and Intwaso – At the healing place. Inkani is an initiation process
used to transform man emotionally, spiritually and physically to be able to have
persistent heart no matter how difficult the circumstance.
• Ighedla – Inkani and intwaso
• Amakhosi – Inkani and intwaso

• Isthunywa – Intwaso

Ancestral Sacred Tools

These tools are connected to culture and the energy of ancestors, hence they are also used in the

• Calabash – a cup of the spirit of that bloodline and used to represent the herb used for
the ancestral lineage
• Reeds Mat – connection to the plane of ancestors and the spirit of ancestors
• Rods – spiritual weapons for spiritual battles
• Beads – a symbol of connection with the spirit of ancestors
• Sacred Material – work as an aura covering for an ancestor
• Headbands – a crown used to protect the head of the ancestor
• Wristbands – spiritual protection for the wrist energies when going into a spiritual war
by the ancestor. The colors are representing the spirit connected to the energy of
• Neckpiece – the main energies protecting the entire spiritual gift
• Anklebands – protection of ancestors in spiritual wars for energies connected with the
feet and the colors represent the spirit protecting the ancestor and that is connected to
the energy of God.

The Shrine – Indumba/Umsamo

A sacred place where ancestors have their altar and spiritual items in order to dwell in the
household where the shrine is located in. To be able to provide blessings in that
household, protection and also be ble to relive their energy in their bloodline. Only an
initiated individual can have the shrine structure and will have the access to ancestral
plane and ancestral spirits.

• Chants – recitation as a way of affirmation of the energy of an ancestor to rgain power

and strength
• Invocations – the ncestor to blend with the physical body and also be able to provide
a protective shield to the physical body.

The Challenges In The Journey

A spiritual journey is all about fighting to be back to the light of God in order to be a complete
powerful being. Every man, soul and spirit is place under darkness by the dimension of
darkenss thus, those who are called to walk the path of light will be challenged by the powers
of darkness. Every step of elevation, has a different set of spirits that challenge man, soul and
spirit into the path of recovery.

The most important point man must remember while on the spiritual path is to stay
positively focused and avoid negative emotions.
• Evil Spirits – keep on attacking the soul and are mainly attaracted by how man feels
• Family Members – evil spirits will always use someone influential to either oppose
you, attack you or criticise you so that you loose focus and the dark energy to return in
your spiritual centers of the body.

• The Community – criticisms, discriminations and attacks also form part of evil spirits
plans to dethrone you., so that you loose focus.
• Other Healers – spiritual attacks by sending evil spirits that will steal your luck, they
normally come through sexual intercourse, attack the blood, suddenly fall ill and
migrne, attacking your mind, attacking your kunadalini energy through the spine ad
use the back on the neck entrance, send evil messages by hearing voices with funny
languages. Many healers with evil powers will always attack your path and continuous
clensing is required.
• Other Spiritual Organizations – any spiritual organization that use spirits to reel in
people, their spirits will also attaempt on many occassions to attack your path in order
for you to convert your belief and join theirs. Only the main point that will strengthen
their spells will be your state of mind and heart if they are negative.
• Poverty – will discourage you to believe that the energy of ancestors is in fact useful
and worth it to carry if your economic standard does not improve.
• Competition – of healing powers, prophetic abilities, mediatation abilities amongst
fellow initiates will also create a negative impact on the success in your ancestral


Traditional medicine is used to heal ailments of the physical body, joints and limbs because
there is a blockage of energy either ancestral or spirtual that needs to travel in the physical
body to grant it power and strength.
Four things that we heal with this gift:
• Herbs & Swasho to heal
• Herbs & Swasho to attract luck
• Hearbs & Swasho to protect
• Herbs & Swasho to cleanse


Traditional Healing is a practice of healing someone with herbs or any method used traditionally, and
the state of the patient is to be known by way of examining what causes their illness and how to heal
that patient. The examining method is used through bones, and bone reading is a training given to
anyone that will use them to examine the situation of a patient or anything. Different traditional
healing schools train in their own way, and at Aspire, the following bones are read as follows. Bone
reading is very complex because they form a puzzle whereby the reader must be able to determine
the story on how the bones will be positioned. What is crucial step being to understand their



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