Adventist Muslim Relations
Adventist Muslim Relations
Adventist Muslim Relations
What is
Adventist-Muslim Relations?
Adventist-Muslim Relations is primarily
concerned with helping Adventists build bridges of
understanding that would bear the weight of truth
with their Muslim neighbors, colleagues and friends.
It is important to understand the common ground
between these seemingly diverse perspectives—Islam
and Adventism. Most Muslims do not know that
there is a group of Christians, called Adventists, who
don’t eat that which is unclean (haram) nor intoxicate
themselves with any form of alcohol. Adventists are
the end-time movement of the believers of God who
are saved through the grace of Jesus Christ, worship
on the Day of the Lord (Sabbath) and are aware of the
Day of the Lord (Judgment day).
What is Islam?
The name of the religion is Islam, which comes
from an Arabic root word meaning “peace” and
“submission.” Islam teaches that one can only find
peace in one’s life by submitting to Almighty God
(Allah) in heart, soul and deed. The same Arabic root
word gives us “Salaam alaykum,” (“Peace be upon
you”), the universal Muslim greeting.
A. Statistical Analysis?
Islam is a major world religion, with over 1.5 billion
followers worldwide (nearly 1/4th of the world’s
B. 2010 Estimated Muslim Populations:
of Muslims
Indonesia 204 million
D. The “Five Pillars” of Islam:
Islam and Adventists
A. The Understanding of God
Within the Christian theology the doctrine of the
Trinity was articulated precisely to oppose the idea of
believing in three gods! However, the understanding
of the Trinity was very inadequate among the
Christians with whom the earliest Muslims interacted
Some Christians gave the impression, at least, that
they believed Mary was a part of the Trinity! This
misunderstanding of the Trinity found expression
in the Qur’an itself: And behold, God will say; “O
Jesus the Son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men,
“Worship me and my mother as gods in derogation
of God?” (Qur’an 5:119). No wonder the Qur’an
and Muslims are opposed to that type of Trinity. So
are Adventists!
The Uniqueness of Jesus
in the Qur’an
Qur’an states that his birth was pre-planned
(decreed). (Qur’an 19:21; 3:47)
Qur’an states that Jesus was sinless. (Qur’an
Qur’an says that Jesus was a Sign for the
whole world and a Mercy from God.
(Qur’an 19:21)
Qur’an states that Jesus spoke in the cradle.
(Quran 19:33)
Qur’an affirms the death of Jesus. (Qur’an
19:33; 3:55; 5:117; 4:157)
Qur’an states that Jesus does not need our
peace on Him. He always has peace.
(Qur’an 19:33)
Qur’an states that the followers of Jesus are
superior. (Qur’an 3:55)
Qur’an states that Jesus created birds from
clay. (Qur’an 3:49)
Qur’an confirms that Jesus is the Word of
God (Kalimatullah). (Qur’an 3.45)
Qur’an confirms that Jesus is the Spirit of
God (Ruhallah). (Qur’an 21.91)
The Role of Adventists as
People of the Book
Ali-Karamali, Sumbul. 2008. The Muslim next door:
the Qur’an, the media, and that veil thing. Ashland,
Or: White Cloud Press. (Written by an American
Muslim woman)
The Vision of AMR is:
To awaken the need for a personal
relationship with God.
To lead people to recognise the value of
understanding God’s Word.
To help Adventists learn how to build
bridges of understanding with their Muslim
neighbours, colleagues and friends.
To help Muslims see Adventists as the
People of the Book who are submitting to
God and obedient to Him, and to begin a
spiritual journey with us.
To jointly engage in community projects
with Muslims.
This publication has been produced by the
Global Center for Adventist-Muslim Relations