Islamic Culture: Magnaye, Joemar F. Stem - C Ms. April Anzaldo
Islamic Culture: Magnaye, Joemar F. Stem - C Ms. April Anzaldo
Islamic Culture: Magnaye, Joemar F. Stem - C Ms. April Anzaldo
Magnaye, Joemar F.
Ms. April Anzaldo
Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, with over 1 billion followers. It is a
monotheistic faith based on revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad in 7th-century
Saudi Arabia. The Arabic word islammeans submission, reflecting the faith's central tenet
of submitting to the will of God. Followers of Islam are called Muslims.
According to Islamic tradition, the angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet over the
course of 20 years, revealing to him many messages from God. Muslims recognize some earlier
Judeo-Christian prophetsincluding Moses and Jesusas messengers of of the same true
God. But in Islam, but Muhammad is the last and greatest of the prophets, whose revelations
alone are pure and uncorrupted.
The Prophet dedicated the remainder of his life to spreading a message of
monotheism in a polytheistic world. In 622, he fled north to the city of Medina to escape
growing persecution. This event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. Eight years
later, Muhammad returned to Mecca with an army and conquered the city for Islam. By
Muhammad's death, 50 years later, the entire Arabian Peninsula had come under Muslim
The sacred text of Islam, the Qur'an, was written in Arabic within 30 years of
Muhammad's death. Muslims believe it contains the literal word of God. Also important is the
tradition of the sayings and actions of Muhammad and his companions, collected in the
Islamic practices center on the Five Pillars of Islamfaith; prayer; fasting; pilgrimage
to Mecca; and almsand include several holidays and rituals as well.
Islam and the Judeo-Christian West have had a challenging relationship for centuries
and today's conflicts in the Middle East are religiously charged. Thus a focus on the facts
and efforts towards mutual understanding are particularly important when it comes to Islam.
Islam is a powerful religion. Islam has over 1 billion follower in the world which is it
continues to conquer the world. It almost occupied the 8 billion people in the world. Its not
only located in Asia but also in every corner in the world. Islam has these powerful leader all
over the world. Powerful in the means of positions in UN and in other world organizations. It
conquering the world in the means of their beliefs and culture. It spreads like a virus which
means it spread so fast in the world.
Influence of Islam in the World. Islam has had a profound global impact since it was
founded in the seventh century. During what is known as the Golden Age of Islam, which
lasted roughly between the mid-eighth century until the 13th century, the Muslim world was
the center of intellectual activity, with Baghdad serving as the capital for philosophers,
mathematicians and scientists. Mathematics, language, astronomy and medicine were
particularly influenced by this culture and its effects can still be seen to this day. lthough
the numbers we use today were developed in India and were originally called "Hindu
numerals," the symbolic system was spread across the Middle East by mathematician alKhwarazmi and has come to be known as "Arabic numerals." al-Khwarazmi also authored
several important books on math, one of which includes various ways to solve quadratic
equations using both words and letters to represent numerical values, a common practice
today. The transliteration of his name, in fact, is Algorithmi, which is the origin of the term
"algorithm." The word "algebra" is derived from the Arabic word al-jabr, meaning to restore
or complete.
Like most languages, Arabic has spread throughout the world by way of trade and conquest.
The Moors of North Africa, who invaded Spain in 711 and were not completely expelled until
1492, left a distinct mark on the Spanish language. Because the Muslim world was the center
of philosophy, science, mathematics and other fields for most of the medieval period, many
Arabic ideas and concepts were spread across Europe, and trade and travel through the
region made understanding Arabic an essential skill for merchants and travelers alike. As a
result, modern English includes Arabic-based words such as "admiral" from "amir-ar-ahl,"
meaning chief of the transport; "sequin" derived from "sikkah," a die used for coinmaking;
and "jar" from "jarrah," a large earthen vase.
Because of the requirement to face Mecca during daily prayers, Muslims needed an
accurate way to determine their exact geographic location, so Muslim scientists found
a solution through astronomical research. Initially attacked as astrologers, false
soothsayers who used the night sky to divine the future, astronomers eventually found
favor when the religious establishment determined that science could demonstrate
the complexity of Allah's (God's) creation. Freed by this new perspective and aided by
translations of Greek scientific works (especially the writings of Ptolemy), Muslim
astronomers made many important discoveries using various tools, including quadrants
and even observatories. Ibn al-Shatir developed the planetary theory and studied the
radius of Mercury's orbit, information that would be crucial to Copernicus' work 150
years later. Planetary movements were closely charted, and Islam's Golden Age of
science was so thorough in its findings that even today two-thirds of the known stars
have Arabic names. Unfortunately, many scientific discoveries were lost when Baghdad
was invaded and sacked by Mongol forces.
Persian intellectual Ibn Sina (980-1037), known as Avicenna in the West, made great
contributions to philosophy, mathematics and especially medicine. His Arabic book
"The Canon of Medicine" was so influential that it was used by doctors and students of
medicine for hundreds of years. In it he describes how to properly quarantine patients
to avoid spreading illness, and he provides criteria for properly testing new medicine.
During the medieval period, Muslim doctors were the first to use antimony (a
metalloid) for its medicinal powers. Hospitals were developed during the Islamic
Golden Age and surgical practices, shunned by other societies, were further explored
and refined in the Muslim world. Even Islam's ritual ablution before prayer led to
advances in hygiene.
Similarities of Islam in Christianity. Christianity and Islam share a historical and traditional
connection, with some stark theological differences. The two faiths share a common origin in
the Middle East, consider themselves to be monotheistic, and are Abrahamic religions.
Muslims have a range of views on Christianity, often considering Christians and Jews to be People of
the Book or as heretics. Christian views on Islam are diverse and range from considering Islam a
fellow Abrahamic religion worshipping the same God, to believing Islam to be heresy or an
unrelated cult. Christianity and Islam both consider Jesus to have been sent by God. Christians
generally consider Jesus to be the Son of God, while Muslims consider the Trinity to be a division
of God's Oneness and a grave sin (shirk).
Christianity and Islam have different scriptures, with Islam using the Quran and Christianity
the Bible. Both texts offer an account of the life and works of Jesus. Belief in Jesus is an
important part of Islamic theology, and Muslims view the Christian Gospels as altered, while
Christians consider Gospels to be authoritative and the Quran to be a later, fabricated
or apocryphal work.
the Biblical and Quranic accounts differ.
the virgin
Historically, Christianity and Islam have both peacefully co-existed and engaged in extended
periods of warfare. Western (secular and Christian) and Islamic histories offer differing accounts
of both periods of tolerance and violence.
Islam and Christianity differ in their fundamental views in regard to the
nature, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son
of God. Most Christians are Trinitarian, and believe that Jesus is divine and one of
three distinct persons of the one being of God. Christianity teaches that Jesus was
Pilate, crucified and resurrected.
Islam teaches that Jesus (Isa) was one of the most important prophets of God and was
a human being. Muslims do not believe that he was the Son of God, nor that he is divine
or part of a triune God. In Islam, Jesus was a human prophet who, like all the other
prophets, tried to bring the children of Israel to the worship of One God. Muslims
believe the creation of Jesus was similar to the creation of Adam (Adem) (the first
prophet of God), they were both created by God without human fathers. Christians too
believe this to be true (Romans 5); however, the Christians believe that Adam was a
sinner and Christ was divine and sinless, making the distinction between the two.
Muslims believe that Jesus was condemned to crucifixion and then miraculously saved
from execution.
Both Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus was miraculously born of the
Virgin Mary (Marym).
Muslims contend that Jesus argues against division of God's oneness ( shirk), along with
references in Exodus 20:2-5 and in the Quran.[7] In contrast, most Christians argue
that the New Testament, particularly the Gospel of John, contains or is centered on
the Trinity and that Jesus made several implicit and explicit claims to be the Son of
God, and divine in nature John 10:22-42.
Islam is an very influential and powerful religion in the world.
Maybe some of you is scared when you hear Islam or Muslim
because of the news about the terrorism around the world
that large amount of Muslim is the one whose causing the
terrorism around the world but you should not be scared in
Islam. Why? Because Islam is a very beautiful religion
because of its content and beliefs in God or Allah. It will
really brings you to another dimension of beliefs and faith in
God/Allah. Even though Im not a Muslim but when Im
researching about this topic I saw something that gave me
the interest about Islam. I got interested because ISLAM
and CHRISTIANITY has this connection to it other that
most of the people ignoring it because of the conflict
between the two powerful religion in the world. Connection
that makes us (Christians) and Muslim as a family. I believe
that all of our religions are connected to each other because
We all believe in God and living the words of God within our
self and souls.