B ING MAKALAH 14 (Minus Dafpus)
B ING MAKALAH 14 (Minus Dafpus)
B ING MAKALAH 14 (Minus Dafpus)
“ AL- QUR’AN ”
Compiled By :
Alhamdulillah, praise be to God SWT. because it was because of His blessing, mercy and
grace of faith and health that we were finally able to finish this English paper on time. Not to
forget the prayers and greetings we convey to His Majesty the Prophet SAW. Because thanks
to his struggle we can see the universe that is brightly lit as it is today and also know religious
knowledge and other knowledge.
The paper entitled "AL-QUR’AN " can be completed on time because of the help of many
parties. We deliberately compiled this paper as a manifestation of our responsibility for one
of the lecture assignments of the English course lecturers. We would like to thank Miss Siti
Nuraziza Tuzzuhro, M.Pd, as a lecturer who teaches English courses.
We certainly realize that this paper is far from perfect and there are still many errors and
flaws in it. For this reason, we expect criticism and suggestions from readers for this paper,
so that this paper can later become a better paper. Thus, if there are many errors in this paper,
we apologize profusely.
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................4
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................4
1.3 Objective......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...................................................................................................5
3.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................................14
3.2 Suggestion......................................................................................................................14
1.1 Background
The Qur’an is the first and main guide for Muslims. The Qur'an was revealed in
Arabic, but that is the problem and the root. The difference is that human capacity is very
limited in understanding the Qur'an. Because in reality not everyone is good at arabic,
even though the Arabs themselves are able to understand and capture the divine message
contained in the Qur'an perfectly. Especially ajam (non-Arab) people. Even some of the
companions of the prophet and tabi'in who were closer to him. During the Prophet's time,
there were still people who misunderstood the message of the Qur’an.
These difficulties awakened generations of friends and scholars the next step will be
continuity in understanding the Qur’an. They feel necessary make signs in understanding
the Qur’an. Moreover, spread Islam is becoming more widespread, and the need for
understanding the Qur’an is becoming greater urge. The results of the hard work of these
scholars produced the branch of knowledge of the Qur’an very much. The existence of
these problems has become an urgency for the science of the Qur’an as a means of
exploring god's message, as well as to obtain it correct understanding of theQur’an.
1.3 Objective
1. To know the meaning of the Qur'an.
2. To know the Concept of Islamic Education in the Perspective of the Qur'an
Muhammad Sayyid.
3. To know the name of another name from the Qur'an.
4. To know function of the Qur'an seen from its position.
5. To know the Quranic Verses on Civilized Education and Science.
According to Andi Rosa, the Qur'an is a qodim on doctrinal meanings and
universal meanings only, It also remains to judge qodim on its pronunciation. Thus
the Qur'an it is stated that it is kalam nafsi to be in Baitul Izzah (al-sama' al-duniya),
and it all has meaning muhkamat which is the reference or place of return of the
verses mutasyabihat, while the Qur'an was revealed to earth and received by Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last Prophet, be kalam lafdzi which is charged
with kalam nafsi, because it is not contains mutasyabihat verses, but also verses or
their meanings are muhkamat.
Based on the definition above, there are at least five important factors that are
characteristic factors of the Qur'an, namely:
1. The Qur'an is the word or kalam Allah SWT, not the words of the Angel
Gabriel (he is only the messenger of revelation from Allah), not the words
of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) (he only the recipient of
Qur'anic revelation from Allah), and not words Ordinary people, they are
only obliged to practice it.
2. The Qur'an was only given to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It
was not given to the Prophets before. The scriptures that Given to previous
prophets not named The Qur'an but it has another name; Zabur is the name
of the book given to the prophet David, the Torah was given to The prophet
Moses, and the gospel is the book given to the Prophet Isa as.
3. The Qur'an is a miracle, so in the entire history of the Ummah man from the
beginning of the descent until now and in the future no one can match the
Qur'an, either individually and collectively, even if they are literary experts
language and as short as a surah or verse.
4. Narrated mutawatir means that the Qur'an is accepted and narrated by many
people who logically find it impossible for them to lie, the narration is
carried out from time to time successively to us.
does not know its meaning, Especially if he knows the meaning of the verse
or letter read and be able to practice it. As for other readings is not judged
worship unless accompanied by good intentions such as seeking Science.
So, the reward that the reader gets besides. The Qur'an is the reward of
seeking Knowledge, not the substance of the recitation as in the Qur'an.
The concept of education in Islam which refers to the teachings of the Qur'an,
Muhammad Sayyid Ahmad Al-Musayyar quoted several verses of the Qur'an in Surat
Luqman. He said, there are three basic concepts of education in Islam according to.
The Qur'an was administered by Luqman to his son. As is well known, Luqman was
given the virtue of Allah in the form of Wisdom, namely the accuracy of speech,
sharpness of reason and purity of nature. With this privilege, Luqman Want to teach
his son wisdom and raise. With this privilege, Luqman Want to teach his son wisdom
and raise him with that wisdom method also.
a. Cultivation of Faith and Akidah
The first concept of education is the laying of basic foundations, namely the
cultivation of the oneness of Allah, the straightness of qidah, along with
majesty and perfection his. The monotheism was the main focus of his
education, as it is said Luqman when advising his son:
(QS. Luqman/31: 13).
١٣ َو ِإْذ َقاَل ُلْقَم ٰـُن ٱِلْبِنِهۦ َو ُهَو َيِع ُظ ۥُه َيٰـُبَنَّى اَل ُتْش ِر ْك ِبٱِهَّللۖ ِإَّن ٱلِّش ْر َك َلُظْلٌم َع ِظ يٌۭم
“And ˹remember˺ when Luqmân said to his son, while advising him, “O
my dear son! Never associate ˹anything˺ with Allah ˹in worship˺, for
associating ˹others with Him˺ is truly the worst of all wrongs.”
(QS. Muhammad/47: 19).
َفٱْع َلْم َأَّن ۥُه ٓاَل ِإَلٰـَه ِإاَّل ٱُهَّلل َو ٱْس َتْغ ِفْر ِل َذ ۢن ِبَك َوِلْلُم ْؤ ِمِنيَن َو ٱْلُم ْؤ ِم َنٰـ ِتۗ َو ٱُهَّلل َيْع َلُم ُم َتَقَّلَبُك ْم َو َم ْث َو ٰىُك ْم
“So, know ˹well, O Prophet,˺ that there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺
except Allah. And seek forgiveness for your shortcomings1 and for ˹the
sins of˺ the believing men and women. For Allah ˹fully˺ knows your
movements and places of rest ˹O people˺.”
(QS. Al-Anbiya/21: 25).
٢٥ َو َم ٓا َأْر َس ْلَنا ِم ن َقْبِلَك ِم ن َّرُس وٍل ِإاَّل ُنوِح ٓى ِإَلْيِه َأَّن ۥُه ٓاَل ِإَلٰـَه ِإٓاَّل َأَن۠ا َفٱْع ُبُدوِن
“We never sent a messenger before you ˹O Prophet˺ without revealing to
him: “There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me, so worship Me
(HR. Muslim).16
و َح َّد َثِني َأُبو َبْك ِر ْبُن ِإْس َح َق َح َّد َثَنا َع َّفاُن َح َّد َثَنا ُو َهْيٌب َح َّد َثَنا َيْح َيى ْبُن َس ِع يٍد َع ْن َأِبي
ُز ْر َع َة َع ْن َأِبي ُهَر ْيَر َة َأَّن َأْع َر اِبًّيا َج اَء ِإَلى َر ُسوِل الَّلِه َص َّلى الَّلُه َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َفَقاَل َيا
َر ُسوَل الَّلِه ُد َّلِني َع َلى َع َم ٍل ِإَذ ا َع ِم ْلُتُه َد َخ ْلُت اْلَج َّنَة َقاَل َتْع ُبُد الَّل َه اَل ُتْش ِر ُك ِب ِه َش ْيًئا
َو ُتِقيُم الَّص اَل َة اْلَم ْك ُتوَبَة َو ُتَؤ ِّدي الَّز َكاَة اْلَم ْفُروَض َة َو َتُصوُم َر َم َض اَن َقاَل َو اَّلِذ ي َنْف ِس ي
ِبَيِدِه اَل َأِز يُد َع َلى َهَذ ا َشْيًئا َأَبًدا َو اَل َأْنُقُص ِم ْنُه َفَلَّم ا َو َّلى َق اَل الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى الَّل ُه َع َلْي ِه
َو َس َّلَم َم ْن َس َّر ُه َأْن َيْنُظَر ِإَلى َر ُج ٍل ِم ْن َأْهِل اْلَج َّنِة َفْلَيْنُظْر ِإَلى َهَذ ا
Dan telah menceritakan kepadaku Abu Bakar bin Ishaq telah menceritakan
kepada kami Affan telah menceritakan kepada kami Wuhaib telah
menceritakan kepada kami Yahya bin Sa'id dari Abu Zur'ah dari Abu
Hurairah bahwa seorang Badui mendatangi Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi
wasallam seraya berkata, 'Wahai Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam,
tunjukkanlah kepadaku pada suatu amalan yang mana jika aku
mengamalkannya niscaya aku masuk surga? ' Beliau menjawab: 'Kamu
menyembah Allah, tidak mensyirikkan-Nya dengan sesuatu apa pun,
mendirikan shalat yang wajib, menunaikan zakat yang fardlu, dan berpuasa
Ramadlan.' Dia berkata, 'Demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di Tangan-Nya, aku
tidak akan menambah atas ini sedikit pun selamanya dan tidak pula
mengurangi darinya.' Ketika dia pamit pergi, maka Rasulullah bersabda:
"Barangsiapa ingin melihat seorang laki-laki dari penduduk surga maka
hendaklah dia melihat kepadanya'."
(QS. Lukman/31: 16).
َيٰـُبَنَّى ِإَّنَهٓا ِإن َتُك ِم ْثَق اَل َح َّب ٍۢة ِّم ْن َخ ْر َدٍۢل َفَتُك ن ِفى َص ْخ َرٍة َأْو ِفى ٱلَّس َم ٰـ َٰو ِت َأْو ِفى ٱَأْلْر ِض َي ْأِت ِبَه ا ٱُهَّلل
١٦ ۚ ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل َلِط يٌف َخ ِبيٌۭر
“˹Luqmân added,˺ “O my dear son! ˹Even˺ if a deed were the weight of a
mustard seed—be it ˹hidden˺ in a rock or in the heavens or the earth—
Allah will bring it forth. Surely Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.”
b. Worship Education (Prayer, Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar and Sabar)
The second concept in education according to Luqman is education Worship.
Allah Almighty told about Luqman's advice to his son. Next:
(QS. Luqman/31: 17)
َيٰـُبَنَّى َأِقِم ٱلَّص َلٰو َة َو ْأُم ْر ِبٱْلَم ْعُر وِف َو ٱْنَه َع ِن ٱْلُم نَك ِر َو ٱْص ِبْر َع َلٰى َم ٓا َأَص اَبَكۖ ِإَّن ِل َك ِم ْن َع ْز ِم ٱُأْلُم وِر
“O my dear son! Establish prayer, encourage what is good and forbid
what is evil, and endure patiently whatever befalls you. Surely this is a
resolve to aspire to.”
Prayer is the light that illuminates the life of a Muslim. These are The
daily obligations of a Muslim should not be abandoned as long as they are
reasonable Good (ed. mukallaf). Because prayer is a pillar of religion18 with
the right prayer can prevent people from evil deeds and munkar,as well as
prayer as a means of always remembering God, even prayer is a form of
concrete from the worship performed by the servant to his Rabb, because In
the prayer movement there are ruku' and prostration which are manifestations
of worship and perfect surrender to God.
On the importance of prayer, the Prophet told his people to ordered and
educated their children to pray from the age of seven year, as he said;
(HR. Abu Dawud)
So it is told from Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that the last words of
the Prophet (peace be upon him) is "As-Shalah, as-shalah (pray! Pray!)" This
shows that prayer is very important.
Amar ma'ruf nahi munkar is a term for constructive criticism, taste Great
brotherly love and feelings for others, not intended for Fault-finding and
ghibah. Muslims have been privileged with duty amar ma'ruf nahi munkar this
through His words:
ُكنُتْم َخ ْيَر ُأَّم ٍة ُأْخ ِر َج ْت ِللَّناِس َتْأُم ُروَن ِبٱْلَم ْعُر وِف َو َتْنَه ْو َن َع ِن ٱْلُم نَك ِر َو ُتْؤ ِم ُن وَن ِبٱِهَّللۗ َو َل ْو َء اَم َن َأْه ُل
ٱْلِك َتٰـ ِب َلَك اَن َخ ْي ًۭر ا َّلُهمۚ ِّم ْنُهُم ٱْلُم ْؤ ِم ُن وَن َو َأْك َث ُر ُهُم ٱْلَفٰـ ِس ُقوَن
“You are the best community ever raised for humanity—you encourage
good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah. Had the People of the Book
believed, it would have been better for them. Some of them are faithful,
but most are rebellious.”
So if there is a possibility that occurs, then everyone who sees it must prevent
it or hate it. The Holy Prophetsa said:
(HR. Muslim).
The concept of amar makruf nahi munkar must be instilled in students, So that
he realizes the importance and demands of this matter, in still it to them that
convey to others all knowledge and education
What they get is a responsibility and mandate as human beings who Faith,
because the Holy Prophetsa said:
۞ َو َم ا َك اَن ٱْلُم ْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِلَينِفُرو۟ا َك ٓاَّفًۭة ۚ َفَلْو اَل َنَفَر ِم ن ُك ِّل ِفْر َقٍۢة ِّم ْنُهْم َطٓاِئَفٌۭة ِّلَيَتَفَّقُهو۟ا ِفى ٱلِّديِن َوِلُينِذ ُرو۟ا
١٢٢ َقْو َم ُهْم ِإَذ ا َر َج ُع ٓو ۟ا ِإَلْيِهْم َلَع َّلُهْم َيْح َذ ُروَن
“˹However,˺ it is not necessary for the believers to march forth all at once.
Only a party from each group should march forth, leaving the rest to gain
religious knowledge then enlighten their people when they return to them,
so that they ˹too˺ may beware ˹of evil˺.”
This is what Allah wants, how Muslims become Ummah The Rabbani is the
one who teaches (educates, delivers) and learns.Then regarding patience, this
quality is very necessary for a believer, because he will not escape the trials
and trials in this world, both tests fear, hunger, loss, etc. As Allah Almighty
١٥٥ َو َلَنْبُلَو َّنُك م ِبَش ْى ٍۢء ِّم َن ٱْلَخ ْو ِف َو ٱْلُج وِع َو َنْقٍۢص ِّم َن ٱَأْلْم َٰو ِل َو ٱَأْلنُفِس َو ٱلَّثَم َٰر ِتۗ َو َبِّش ِر ٱلَّصٰـ ِبِر يَن
“We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of
property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure"
Because besides being a patient person, he will live his life to the fullest
Immorality, when he gets grace, he is so proud, when he gets a calamity, he
٩ َو َلِئْن َأَذْقَنا ٱِإْل نَس ٰـَن ِم َّنا َر ْح َم ًۭة ُثَّم َنَز ْع َنٰـَها ِم ْنُه ِإَّن ۥُه َلَئُـوٌۭس َك ُفوٌۭر
َو َلِئْن َأَذْقَنٰـُه َنْع َم ٓاَء َبْعَد َض َّر ٓاَء َم َّس ْتُه َلَيُق وَلَّن َذ َهَب ٱلَّس ِّئَـ اُت َع ِّنٓى ۚ ِإَّن ۥُه َلَف ِر ٌۭح َفُخ وٌر
١١ ِإاَّل ٱَّلِذ يَن َصَبُر و۟ا َو َع ِم ُلو۟ا ٱلَّصٰـِلَح ٰـِت ُأ۟و َلٰٓـِئَك َلُهم َّم ْغ ِفَر ٌۭة َو َأْج ٌۭر َك ِبيٌۭر
“except those who patiently endure and do good. It
is they who will have forgiveness and a mighty
١٨ َو اَل ُتَصِّعْر َخ َّدَك ِللَّناِس َو اَل َتْمِش ِفى ٱَأْلْر ِض َم َرًح اۖ ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل اَل ُيِح ُّب ُك َّل ُم ْخ َتاٍۢل َفُخ وٍۢر
“And do not turn your nose up to people, nor walk pridefully upon
the earth. Surely Allah does not like whoever is arrogant,
١٩ َو ٱْقِص ْد ِفى َم ْش ِيَك َو ٱْغ ُضْض ِم ن َصْو ِتَكۚ ِإَّن َأنَك َر ٱَأْلْص َٰو ِت َلَصْو ُت ٱْلَح ِم يِر
“Be moderate in your pace. And lower your voice, for the ugliest of
all voices is certainly the braying of donkeys.”
From Abu Musa, he said: O Messenger of Islam what is the most important?
The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: The most important Islam is
whoever other Muslims save from their tongues and hands" (HR. Muslim).
The third concept is social ethics education. This method of education grow
the sublime fruit of adab and noble virtues. Luqman described it for her son
with a ban on doing Possibility and ungratefulness, as well as the command
not to be too fast and not is it too slow in walking, and lowers the voice.
sweaty if he was hot. If he Your selves are yelled at, hurt in heart so do not
yell at others. So that With this concept, a just, prosperous and harmonious
society will be established.
As a consequence of the last holy book, the Koran carries a greater mission
than the previous holy books. The scope of the mission is also wider.
Previously, holy books were intended for certain people and periods. limited,
the Qur'an was revealed to all mankind until the end of time. This is because the
Prophet Muhammad who brought it is the apostle for all mankind until the end
of time.
Apart from that, the Koran also acts as a means of worship to get closer to
Allah SWT through reading it and capturing the messages in it. Therefore, the
function of the Qur'an for human hagi can be detailed as follows:
1. Indications for humans
The first function of the Qur'an is as a guide for humans. As is known,
the main function of a holy book in any religion and belief is to serve as a
guide for its adherents. Likewise, the Koran is a guide for Muslims.
However, the Qur'an states that it is not only a guide for Muslims, but also
for humanity as a whole. The overall mission of the Koran cannot be
separated from the overall mission of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who
was sent to all mankind. This is confirmed. Allah SWT in several of His
words, including the following:
And We (Allah) do not condemn you (Muhammad), but to the entire
human race as a bearer of good news and as a warner, but most people do
not know. (QS. Saba: 28).
٢٨ َو َم ٓا َأْر َس ْلَنٰـَك ِإاَّل َك ٓاَّفًۭة ِّللَّناِس َبِش يًۭر ا َو َنِذ يًۭر ا َو َلٰـِكَّن َأْك َثَر ٱلَّناِس اَل َيْع َلُم وَن
“We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a deliverer of good
news and a warner to all of humanity, but most people do
not know.”
In the Qur'an there are indeed two versions of mentioning the Qur'an as
guidance. First, it is a guide for all mankind. Second, it is guidance for
those who believe or are pious. The sentence that states the first thing in
among them are:
The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed
(the beginning) as guidance for mankind and the explanations regarding
that guidance and the distinction (between the right and the wrong). (Q.S.
al-Baqarah: 185)
َش ْهُر َر َم َض اَن ٱَّلِذٓى ُأنِزَل ِفيِه ٱْلُقْر َء اُن ُه ًۭد ى ِّللَّن اِس َو َبِّيَنٰـ ٍۢت ِّم َن ٱْلُه َد ٰى َو ٱْلُفْر َق اِن ۚ َفَم ن َش ِهَد
ِم نُك ُم ٱلَّشْهَر َفْلَيُص ْم ُهۖ َو َم ن َك اَن َمِر يًض ا َأْو َع َلٰى َس َفٍۢر َفِع َّد ٌۭة ِّم ْن َأَّياٍم ُأَخ َر ۗ ُيِر يُد ٱُهَّلل ِبُك ُم ٱْلُيْس َر
َو اَل ُيِر يُد ِبُك ُم ٱْلُعْس َر َوِلُتْك ِم ُل و۟ا ٱْلِع َّد َة َوِلُتَك ِّب ُر و۟ا ٱَهَّلل َع َلٰى َم ا َه َد ٰىُك ْم
١٨٥ َو َلَعَّلُك ْم َتْش ُك ُروَن
“Ramaḍân is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a
guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the decisive
authority. So whoever is present this month, let them fast. But
whoever is ill or on a journey, then ˹let them fast˺ an equal number of
days ˹after Ramaḍân˺. Allah intends ease for you, not hardship, so
that you may complete the prescribed period and proclaim the
greatness of Allah for guiding you, and perhaps you will be grateful.”
While the verse that states the second thing among them is: This Book
(Al Quran) there is no doubt about it, a persuasive one for them. the pious.
(Q.S. al-Baqarah: 2)
٢ َٰذ ِلَك ٱْلِكَتٰـُب اَل َر ْيَب ۛ ِفيِهۛ ُهًۭد ى ِّلْلُم َّتِقيَن
“This is the Book! There is no doubt about it1
—a guide for those mindful ˹of Allah˺,2”
And We sent down to you Al Kitab (Al Quran) to explain everything,
and as guidance and mercy and glad tidings for those who surrender. (Q.S.
al-Nahl: 89).
َو َيْو َم َنْبَعُث ِفى ُك ِّل ُأَّم ٍۢة َش ِه يًدا َع َلْيِهم ِّم ْن َأنُفِس ِهْم ۖ َو ِج ْئَنا ِبَك َش ِه يًدا َع َلٰى َهٰٓـُؤٓاَل ِء ۚ َو َنَّز ْلَنا َع َلْي َك
٨٩ ٱْلِك َتٰـَب ِتْبَيٰـ ًۭن ا ِّلُك ِّل َش ْى ٍۢء َو ُهًۭد ى َو َر ْح َم ًۭة َو ُبْش َر ٰى ِلْلُم ْسِلِم يَن
“˹Consider, O Prophet,˺ the Day We will call against every faith-
community a witness of their own. And We will call you to be a
witness against these ˹people of yours˺. We have revealed to you
the Book as an explanation of all things, a guide, a mercy, and
good news for those who ˹fully˺ submit.”
These two different versions of the statement do not mean there is a
contradiction in the Koran. The difference between the two is actually only
limited to the meaning of the instructions intended by each statement.
Tafsir scholars say that the word huda/guidance (guidance) has two
meanings, general and specific. In a general sense, guidance means
guidance or guidance for anyone towards the right path. Meanwhile, in
understanding Specifically, guidance means taufik given by Allah to His
servants who have accepted the truth. The first is still in the process stage,
the second is already a result. The first can be done by anyone, including
humans, the second, only God can do it.
When it is said that the Qur'an is a guide for humans, this sentence is
still at the level of ideas and hopes, it has not yet become a reality.
Instructions in this sense still have the potential to be accepted or rejected
by those who are the target of the invitation. However, when it is said that
the Qur'an is a guide for those who believe or are pious, the instructions
here show a reality that has already happened. Guidance here means taufik
that Allah gives to believers because they have opened their hearts to
accept the truth of the Qur’an.
The two meanings of the instructions above are sometimes present
together in one verse, as in the following two verses:
The Quran is a guide for humans, guidance and mercy for people who
believe. (Q.S. al-Jatiyyah: 20)
٢٠ َهٰـ َذ ا َبَص ٰٓـِئُر ِللَّناِس َو ُهًۭد ى َو َر ْح َم ٌۭة ِّلَقْو ٍۢم ُيوِقُنوَن
“This ˹Quran˺ is an insight for humanity—a
guide and mercy for people of sure faith.”
(Al Quran) this is an explanation for all mankind, and guidance as well
lesson for takova people. (Q.S. Ali Imran: 138)
١٣٨ َهٰـ َذ ا َبَياٌۭن ِّللَّناِس َو ُهًۭد ى َو َم ْو ِع َظٌۭة ِّلْلُم َّتِقيَن
“This is an insight to humanity—a
guide and a lesson to the God-
2. Perfection of previous holy books
Second, to straighten out things that have been distorted in the holy
books. Third, to become an alternative book for the holy books that once
First, the Qur'an justifies the revealed holy books previously. Al-
Qur'an is present not to deny the existence of the holy books. In fact, in
Islamic doctrine, a Muslim is required to believe in the books that God
revealed to the prophets before Muhammad, as found in the following
And (among the characteristics of the pious are) those who believe. to
the Book (Al Quran) that has been revealed to you and the books that have
been revealed before you, and they are confident in the existence of the
Hereafter. (Q.S. al-Baqarah: 4).
٤ َو ٱَّلِذ يَن ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِبَم ٓا ُأنِزَل ِإَلْيَك َو َم ٓا ُأنِزَل ِم ن َقْبِلَك َو ِبٱْلَٔـاِخ َرِة ُهْم ُيوِقُنوَن
The same aqeedah carried by all the apostles from Prophet Adam to
Prophet Muhammad is confirmed by several verses of the Qur'an:
٢٥ َو َم ٓا َأْر َس ْلَنا ِم ن َقْبِلَك ِم ن َّرُس وٍل ِإاَّل ُنوِح ٓى ِإَلْيِه َأَّن ۥُه ٓاَل ِإَلٰـَه ِإٓاَّل َأَن۠ا َفٱْع ُبُدوِن
He (Allah) has legislated for you about the religion that was
bequeathed to Noah and what We have revealed to you and what. which
We bequeathed to Ibrahim, Muza and Isa, namely: Uphold religion and do
not be divided about it. (Q.S. Axy-Shura: 13)
۞ ٱلِّديِن َم ا َو َّصٰى ِبِهۦ ُنوًۭح ا َو ٱَّلِذٓى َأْو َح ْيَنٓا ِإَلْيَك َو َم ا َو َّصْيَنا ِبِهٓۦ ِإْبَٰر ِهيَم َو ُم وَس ٰى َش َر َع َلُك م ِّم َن
َأِقيُم و۟ا ٱلِّديَن َو اَل َتَتَفَّر ُقو۟ا ِفيِهۚ َك ُبَر َع َلى ٱْلُم ْش ِر ِك يَن َم ا َت ْدُعوُهْم ِإَلْي ِهۚ ٱُهَّلل َيْج َتِبٓى ِإَلْي ِه َو ِع يَس ٰٓى ۖ َأْن
١٣ َم ن َيَشٓاُء َو َيْه ِدٓى ِإَلْيِه َم ن ُيِنيُب
“He has ordained for you ˹believers˺ the Way which He decreed
for Noah, and what We have revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ and what
We decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, ˹commanding:˺ “Uphold
the faith, and make no divisions in it.” What you call the polytheists to
is unbearable for them. Allah chooses for Himself whoever He wills,
and guides to Himself whoever turns ˹to Him˺.”
Second, the Qur'an straightens out things that have been distorted in
the teachings of previous books. This is because the books before the
Koran, in the course of history, were not free from deviations, changes,
changes, addition or reduction, so that purification efforts are required.
Previous scriptures such as the Torah, Psalms and Injil that exist today
cannot be called original or the same as the scriptures that were revealed to
the prophets before. This kind of deviation phenomenon has been
mentioned by the Quran:
Among the Jews, they change the words (in the book xaci) from their
places. (QS. An-Nisa: 46)
ِّم َن ٱَّلِذ يَن َهاُدو۟ا ُيَح ِّر ُفوَن ٱْلَك ِلَم َعن َّمَو اِضِع ِهۦ َو َيُقوُل وَن َس ِمْع َنا َو َع َص ْيَنا َو ٱْس َم ْع َغ ْي َر ُم ْس َم ٍۢع
َو َٰر ِع َنا َلًّۢي ا ِبَأْلِس َنِتِهْم َو َطْع ًۭن ا ِفى ٱلِّديِن ۚ َو َلْو َأَّنُهْم َقاُلو۟ا َسِمْع َنا َو َأَطْع َنا َو ٱْس َم ْع َو ٱنُظْر َنا َلَك اَن
َخ ْيًۭر ا َّلُهْم َو َأْقَو َم َو َلٰـِكن َّلَعَنُهُم ٱُهَّلل ِبُك ْفِر ِهْم َفاَل ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن ِإاَّل َقِلياًۭل
“Some Jews take words out of context and say, “We listen and we
disobey,” “Hear! May you never hear,” and “Râ’ina!” [Herd us!]—
playing with words and discrediting the faith. Had they said
˹courteously˺, “We hear and obey,” “Listen to us,” and “Unẓurna,”
[Tend to us!] it would have been better for them and more proper.
Allah has condemned them for their disbelief, so they do not believe
except for a few.”
Indeed, among them (people of the book) there is a group who twist
their tongues while reading the Book, lest you think that what they are
reading is part of the Book, even though it is not from the Book and they
say: "It (what is read comes) from Allah" , even though he is not from
Allah, They tell lies against Allah while they know. (Q.S. Ali Imran: 78)
َو ِإَّن ِم ْنُهْم َلَفِر يًۭق ا َيْلُوۥَن َأْلِس َنَتُهم ِبٱْلِك َتٰـِب ِلَتْح َس ُبوُه ِم َن ٱْلِك َتٰـ ِب َو َم ا ُه َو ِم َن ٱْلِك َتٰـ ِب َو َيُقوُل وَن
٧٨ ُهَو ِم ْن ِع نِد ٱِهَّلل َو َم ا ُهَو ِم ْن ِع نِد ٱِهَّلل َو َيُقوُلوَن َع َلى ٱِهَّلل ٱْلَك ِذَب َو ُهْم َيْع َلُم وَن
“There are some among them who distort the Book with their
tongues to make you think this ˹distortion˺ is from the Book—but it is
not what the Book says. They say, “It is from Allah”—but it is not
from Allah. And ˹so˺ they attribute lies to Allah knowingly.”
Verily, those who say: "Supreme Allah is the Messiah, the son of
Mary", even though the Messiah (himself) said: "O Children of Israel,
worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord". Verily, whoever associates
(something with) Allah, then Allah will surely forbid him heaven, and his
abode will be hell, There is not even a helper for the wrongdoers (Q.S. al-
Maidah: 72)
َلَقْد َك َفَر ٱَّلِذ يَن َقاُلٓو ۟ا ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل ُهَو ٱْلَم ِس يُح ٱْبُن َم ْر َيَم ۖ َو َق اَل ٱْلَم ِس يُح َيٰـ َبِنٓى ِإْس َٰٓر ِء يَل ٱْع ُب ُدو۟ا ٱَهَّلل
َر ِّبى َو َر َّبُك ْم ۖ ِإَّن ۥُه َم ن ُيْش ِر ْك ِبٱِهَّلل َفَقْد َح َّر َم ٱُهَّلل َع َلْيِه ٱْلَج َّنَة َو َم ْأَو ٰى ُه ٱلَّناُر ۖ َو َم ا ِللَّظٰـ ِلِم يَن ِم ْن َأنَص اٍۢر
associates others with Allah ˹in worship˺ will surely be forbidden
Paradise by Allah. Their home will be the Fire. And the wrongdoers
will have no helpers.”
Verily, those who say: "Allah is one of the three (gods)" are infidels,
when there is no God other than the One God. If they do not stop what
they say, surely the disbelievers among them will be afflicted with a
painful torment. (QS. al-Maidah: 73)
َّلَقْد َك َفَر ٱَّلِذ يَن َقاُلٓو ۟ا ِإَّن ٱَهَّلل َثاِلُث َثَلٰـ َثٍۢة ۘ َو َم ا ِم ْن ِإَلٰـٍه ِإٓاَّل ِإَلٰـ ٌۭه َٰو ِحٌۭد ۚ َو ِإن َّلْم َينَتُهو۟ا َع َّم ا َيُقوُل وَن
٧٣ َلَيَم َّس َّن ٱَّلِذ يَن َك َفُر و۟ا ِم ْنُهْم َع َذ اٌب َأِليٌم
And We have sent down to you (Muhammad) the Qur'an with truth,
(which functions) as a vindicator of what came before from the books, and
a touchstone (corrector) of those books; (QS. Al-Maidah: 48)
َو َأنَز ْلَنٓا ِإَلْيَك ٱْلِك َتٰـَب ِبٱْلَح ِّق ُم َص ِّد ًۭق ا ِّلَم ا َبْيَن َيَد ْيِه ِم َن ٱْلِك َتٰـ ِب َو ُم َهْيِم ًن ا َع َلْي ِهۖ َف ٱْح ُك م َبْيَنُهم ِبَم ٓا
َأنَز َل ٱُهَّللۖ َو اَل َتَّتِبْع َأْه َو ٓاَء ُهْم َع َّم ا َج ٓاَء َك ِم َن ٱْلَح ِّقۚ ِلُك ٍّۢل َج َعْلَنا ِم نُك ْم ِش ْر َع ًۭة َو ِم ْنَهاًۭج اۚ َو َل ْو َش ٓاَء ٱُهَّلل
َلَج َعَلُك ْم ُأَّمًۭة َٰو ِح َد ًۭة َو َلٰـِكن ِّلَيْبُلَو ُك ْم ِفى َم ٓا َء اَتٰىُك ْم ۖ َفٱْس َتِبُقو۟ا ٱْلَخ ْيَٰر ِتۚ ِإَلى ٱِهَّلل َم ْر ِج ُعُك ْم َج ِم يًۭع ا
٤٨ َفُيَنِّبُئُك م ِبَم ا ُكنُتْم ِفيِه َتْخ َتِلُفوَن
“We have revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ this Book with the truth, as
a confirmation of previous Scriptures and a supreme authority on
them. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed, and do not
follow their desires over the truth that has come to you. To each of you
We have ordained a code of law and a way of life. If Allah had willed,
He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you
with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in
doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of
the truth˺ regarding your differences.”
Third, the Qur'an functions as an alternative to the previous holy
books. As described above, previous books have undergone changes,
deviations and distortions, so that it is difficult to call them original as
when they were revealed to the prophet or messenger who brought them.
Because Therefore, the Qur'an is present as a solution and alternative for
them. As the final holy book, the Qur'an is a perfect guide whose truth
cannot be doubted. Viewed from various angles, the Qur'an has advantages
that cannot be matched by previous books, both in terms of originality,
perfection, and its power as a miracle. Because of that. There is no reason
for believers not to use the Qur'an as a guide, as the Qur'an also invites
those who seek the truth to anchor themselves in the Qur'an, as the Qur'an
calls to the People of the Book as follows:
People of the Book, verily our Messenger has come to you, explaining
to you much of the contents of the Book that you have hidden, and much
(also) that he has left behind. Indeed, there has come to you a light from
God, and a Book that explains. (Q.S. al-Maidah: 15).
َيٰٓـَأْه َل ٱْلِك َتٰـِب َقْد َج ٓاَء ُك ْم َر ُس وُلَنا ُيَبِّيُن َلُك ْم َك ِثيًۭر ا ِّمَّم ا ُكنُتْم ُتْخ ُفوَن ِم َن ٱْلِكَتٰـِب َو َيْع ُفو۟ا َعن
١٥ َك ِثيٍۢر ۚ َقْد َج ٓاَء ُك م ِّم َن ٱِهَّلل ُنوٌۭر َوِك َتٰـ ٌۭب ُّمِبيٌۭن
And We did not send down this Al-Kitab (Al-Quran) to you, except
that you could explain to them what they disagreed with and be a guidance
and a mercy for the believers. (Q.S. An-Nahl: 64)
٦٤ َو َم ٓا َأنَز ْلَنا َع َلْيَك ٱْلِك َتٰـَب ِإاَّل ِلُتَبِّيَن َلُهُم ٱَّلِذ ى ٱْخ َتَلُفو۟ا ِفيِهۙ َو ُهًۭد ى َو َرْح َم ًۭة ِّلَقْو ٍۢم ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن
“We have revealed to you the Book only to clarify for them what
they differed about, and as a guide and mercy for those who believe.”
religion", while others are not free from errors, shortcomings and
deviations. Therefore, God is interested in righting the mistakes that
previous people have made by presenting true religion from His side.
There are three verses of the Qur'an that state things like this, namely al-
Taubah: 33; al-Fath: 28, and al-Shaff: 9.
٣٣ ُهَو ٱَّلِذٓى َأْر َس َل َرُس وَل ۥُه ِبٱْلُهَد ٰى َوِد يِن ٱْلَح ِّق ِلُيْظِهَر ۥُه َع َلى ٱلِّديِن ُك ِّلِهۦ َو َلْو َك ِر َه ٱْلُم ْش ِر ُك وَن
“He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with ˹true˺ guidance
and the religion of truth, making it prevail over all others, even to the
dismay of the polytheists.”
٢٨ ُهَو ٱَّلِذٓى َأْر َس َل َر ُس وَل ۥُه ِبٱْلُهَد ٰى َو ِد يِن ٱْلَح ِّق ِلُيْظِهَر ۥُه َع َلى ٱلِّديِن ُك ِّلِهۦۚ َو َك َفٰى ِبٱِهَّلل َش ِه يًۭد ا
“He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with ˹right˺ guidance
and the religion of truth, making it prevail over all others. And
sufficient is Allah as a Witness.”
٩ ُهَو ٱَّلِذٓى َأْر َس َل َرُس وَل ۥُه ِبٱْلُهَد ٰى َوِد يِن ٱْلَح ِّق ِلُيْظِهَر ۥُه َع َلى ٱلِّديِن ُك ِّلِهۦ َو َلْو َك ِر َه ٱْلُم ْش ِر ُك وَن
“He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with ˹true˺ guidance
and the religion of truth, making it prevail over all others, even to the
dismay of the polytheists.”
٢٨ ُهَو ٱَّلِذٓى َأْر َس َل َر ُس وَل ۥُه ِبٱْلُهَد ٰى َو ِد يِن ٱْلَح ِّق ِلُيْظِهَر ۥُه َع َلى ٱلِّديِن ُك ِّلِهۦۚ َو َك َفٰى ِبٱِهَّلل َش ِهيًۭد ا
“He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with ˹right˺ guidance
and the religion of truth, making it prevail over all others. And
sufficient is Allah as a Witness.”
mujtahid scholars to conclude religious law while still referring to the
Koran and Sunnah. There are two forms of ijtihad agreed upon by the
ulama, namely Lima (agreement of the people after the death of the
Prophet) and Qiyas (analogy).
The Qur'an is the main source of all Islamic teachings. Yusuf al-
Qardlawi said that the Qur'an is the foundation of Islam and its soul. It is
from the Qur'an that teachings about faith (aqeedah), worship, morals, and
the principles of law and sharia are obtained. Broadly speaking, the Qur'an
is the source of Islamic teachings. can be detailed as follows:
First, the main source of faith. In many verses, the Qur'an speaks to
many groups, including those who do not believe in God, the Last Day, or
the prophethood of Muhammad. The Qur'an tries to convince them. about
the existence of God who created the universe with arguments that can be
accepted by reason. The Qur'an also explains divine principles, confirming
the prophethood of Muhammad SAW who was sent as the successor to the
previous prophets and apostles. The Qur'an also provides news about
previous peoples to serve as lessons for those who live after them. The
Qur'an also informs about the existence of the Last Day and the Hereafter
where every human being must be responsible for all the actions they have
committed in this world.
Second, the main source of sharia. Apart from being the main source of
aqidah, the Koran is also the main source of Islamic sharia. Sharia is a
legal system that regulates human actions in their lives, both related to
their relationship with Allah SWT and their relationships with fellow
humans and other creatures. In the Qur'an there are around 500 verses or
more that discuss this sharia issue.
Among other things, the Qur'an teaches the procedures for carrying out
worship to Allah SWT through the commands for prayer, zakat, fasting,
Hajj, Umrah, and so on. The Qur'an also explains several technical
elements related to the implementation of this worship, such as procedures
for purification (thaharah) and the need to face the Qibla as a condition for
performing prayers, how to perform prayers during war or while traveling,
how to perform the Hajj, and so on.
The Qur'an also explains the laws governing personal and family
matters, such as marriage, divorce, distribution of inheritance, and so on.
Also explains good social laws relating to the economy. trade,
transactions, crime, government, justice, social relations, both with fellow
Muslims or with other people, and so on, Islam, through the Qur'an and
Sunnah, regulates all aspects of human life.
Human morals are the morals of interacting with fellow human beings.
For example, the Qur'an teaches honesty in words and deeds, trust in
carrying out duties and responsibilities, courage in fighting for the truth,
humble attitude, keeping promises, polite, patient, fair, wise, loving each
other, honoring elders, loving younger people, respect others, establish
good relationships with other people, cooperate in goodness, tolerate
differences, care for weak people such as orphans and the poor, and so on.
In many verses, the Qur'an appreciates people with good morals and
criticizes those with bad morals. For example, at the end of a number of
verses, the Qur'an often mentions that Allah loves those who are pious,
those who are patient, those who do good, and the like. On the other hand,
the Qur'an states that Allah does not like people who commit injustice,
people who cause damage, people who disobey or disbelieve, and so on.
meaning: "And among them there are those who are illiterate, do not
understand the Book (Torah), except only imagine and they only
َو َلِئْن َأَتْيَت ٱَّلِذ يَن ُأوُتو۟ا ٱْلِكَتٰـَب ِبُك ِّل َء اَيٍۢة َّم ا َتِبُعو۟ا ِقْبَلَت َك ۚ َو َم ٓا َأنَت ِبَت اِبٍۢع ِقْبَلَتُهْم ۚ َو َم ا َبْعُض ُهم
ِبَت اِبٍۢع ِقْبَل َة َبْع ٍۢض ۚ َو َلِئِن ٱَّتَبْعَت َأْه َو ٓاَء ُهم ِّم ۢن َبْع ِد َم ا َج ٓاَء َك ِم َن ٱْلِع ْلِم ۙ ِإَّن َك ِإًۭذ ا َّلِم َن ٱلَّظٰـ ِلِم يَن
meaning: "And even though you (Muhammad) gave all the verses
(information) to those who were given the Book, they would not
follow your Qibla, and you would not follow their Qibla. Some of
them will not follow the Qibla of others. And if you follow their
wishes after knowledge has come to you, you will surely be one of the
meaning: “They know what is born (appears) from worldly life; while
regarding (the) afterlife they are negligent.”
8. QS. An-Nahl Verse 43-44
٤٣ َو َم ٓا َأْر َس ْلَنا ِم ن َقْبِلَك ِإاَّل ِر َج ااًۭل ُّنوِح ٓى ِإَلْيِهْم ۚ َفْس َٔـُلٓو ۟ا َأْه َل ٱلِّذ ْك ِر ِإن ُكنُتْم اَل َتْع َلُم وَن
٤٤ ِبٱْلَبِّيَنٰـِت َو ٱلُّز ُبِر ۗ َو َأنَز ْلَنٓا ِإَلْيَك ٱلِّذ ْك َر ِلُتَبِّيَن ِللَّناِس َم ا ُنِّز َل ِإَلْيِهْم َو َلَعَّلُهْم َيَتَفَّك ُروَن
meaning: “And We did not send before you (Muhammad), but men to
whom We gave revelations; So ask those who have knowledge if you
do not know, (We sent them) with information (miracles) and books.
And We have sent down Ad-Dhikr (Al-Qur'an) to you, so that you may
explain to people what has been revealed to them and so that they may
3.1 Conclusion
seminars, creating organizations and institutions that support the reconstruction of Islamic
3.2 Suggestion
This is the paper that we have made, we hope that what we have conveyed can be
useful for all of us. We realize that in delivering our presentation it is not far from perfect, for
this reason we provide constructive criticism and suggestions for making future papers better.