Practical List

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Practical list:

1. Enter 10 numbers and do the following operations using functions:

a. sorting
b. searching
c. deletion
d. updation
2. Write a program to check whether a given string is a palindrome?
3. Print a given matrix in spiral form. Example:
Input: {{1, 2, 3, 4},
{5, 6, 7, 8},
{9, 10, 11, 12},
{13, 14, 15, 16 }}
Output: 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 15 14 13 9 5 6 7 11 10
4. An array of integers is given, both +ve and -ve. You need to find the two elements such
that their sum is closest to zero.
int arr[] = {1, 60, -10, 70, -80, 85};
For the above array, program should print -80 and 85.
5. Enter any string and sort it.
6. Create an array of ten names and sort them. (with and without in built methods)
7. Write a class for the following scenario and run it.
The employees have four attributes: id, name, salary, and company name. Initialize id,
name, and salary at the time of object creation. The list of methods is given as-
void setID(int) - to set the employee’s ID.
void setName(string) - to set the employee’s name
void setSalary(int) - to set the employee’s salary.
void setCompany_name(string)- to set the employee’s company name
int getId()-to get the employee’s id
string getName()-to get the employee’s name.
int getSalary()-to get the employee’s salary.
string getCompany_name()-to get the employee’s company name.
If employees are considered from the same company, then use an efficient memory
management technique to handle company name.
8. Write a program to construct objects of a class with provided initial values. Also,
demonstrate the copy constructor.
9. Write a program that counts the total number of objects created for any given class.
10. If you want to access private members of a class, then what are the options? Use
examples to demonstrate.
11. Write a program to create objects at the time of run. Also, write code to delete objects
12. Write a program to overload the ++ operator for the following scenario.
Class A
Attributes are as follows: int a=1, b=2, c=3.
Overload the ++ operator (for both prefix and postfix) so that when you apply it to an
object of class A, it increases the values of all attributes by one. For this example, the
answer will be
a=2, b=3 and c=4
13. Overload the binary operator + to add the integer attribute values of two objects.
14. Overload the binary operator + to add two strings.
15. Create base class with attributes name, age and roll_number. Consider name as private,
age as protected, and roll_number as public. Write various child programs that inherit
base class in different access modes like private protected and public and show the
accessibility of various attributes.
16. Write a Base class having two attributes int x, int y. Write child class having void
sum(int x, int y) function to add two provided values. You have to initialize base class’s
attributes with the help of child class object and then use sum method to add the values.
Also write a show() method in child to show the result.
Hint: Use parameterized constructor.
17. Write a program to copy the value of one object to another.
18. Write a program to demonstrate diamond’s problem. Also update the same program to
resolve it.
19. Write a program having a number of sum () methods which are used to sum the provided
arguments. Also write a show() method to show the result.
20. Write a program to demonstrate late binding.
21. Write a program to demonstrate pure virtual functions and abstract classes.
22. If Parent and child classes are there and pointer of parent is referring to the object of
child then how virtual destructor of parent plays an important role? Write a program to
demonstrate the scenario.
23. Write a program to read text from keyboard then write to some text file like
“Sample.txt”. Then read this content and write back to console.
24. Write a program to open any existing file like sample.txt then write something in it and
then read from start and display on console.
25. Write a function sum(argument 1, argument 2) that can take any type of two arguments
and add them. Write a program also to demonstrate.
26. Overload generic function sum() as given in program no. 25 with three arguments.
27. Write a program and handle exception that occurs during division and denominator is
28. Create your own exception “MyException” that occurs at the same condition as
mentioned in program no. 27.
29. Create a vector and add five names. Traverse the vector and show the names, add two
new names in last, remove from last, show the size, add a new name at start and 4th
position, remove all names and then show the capacity.
1. Output of each program is required.
2. Always start a new program from the next page, otherwise it will not be considered.
3. Provide page number.
4. In footer always mention your name, class roll number and your section.
5. Practical number and name must be mentioned on top of page.
6. Use Times New Roman and font size 12.

Practical No. 3

Print a given matrix in spiral form.

Source Code:



End of source code

Input: {{1, 2, 3, 4},

{5, 6, 7, 8},
{9, 10, 11, 12},
{13, 14, 15, 16 }}

Output: 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 15 14 13 9 5 6 7 11 10

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