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21/11/23, 16:37 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 3

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology
Activity 3: The Effect of Stimulus Frequency on Skeletal Muscle Contraction
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-4e0681e6-78c0-adb8-17c7-5f12d8d0f3f1

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 During a single twitch of a skeletal muscle

You correctly answered: maximal force is never achieved.

2 When a skeletal muscle is repetitively stimulated, twitches can overlap each other and
result in a stronger muscle contraction than a stand-alone twitch. This phenomenon is
known as

You correctly answered: wave summation.

3 Wave summation is achieved by

You correctly answered: increasing the stimulus frequency (the rate of stimulus delivery
to the muscle).

4 Wave summation increases the force produced in the muscle. Another way to increase
the force produced by a muscle is to

You correctly answered: increase the number of activated motor units.

Experiment Results
Predict Questions
1 Predict Question 1: As the stimulus frequency increases, what will happen to the muscle
force generated with each successive stimulus? Will there be a limit to this response?

Your answer: As the stimulus frequency increases, the muscle force generated by each
successive stimulus will increase. There will be no limit to this increase.

2 Predict Question 2: In order to produce sustained muscle contractions with an active

force value of 5.2, do you think you will need to increase the stimulus voltage?

Your answer: No.

Stop & Think Questions

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1 Was there any change in the force generated by the muscle during the second stimulated

You correctly answered: Yes, the second twitch generated more muscle force.

2 Is the total muscle force generated by the higher frequency stimulation greater than the
force generated in previous stimulations?

You correctly answered: Yes, it is greater than the previous stimulations.

3 Does the force generated by the muscle change with each additional stimulus?

Your answer: As the stimulus frequency increased, the muscle tension generated by each
successive stimulus also increased and there was no limit to this increase.

Correct answer: As the stimulus frequency increased, the muscle tension generated by
each successive stimulus also increased, and a limiting maximum value was observed.

Experiment Data
Voltage (v) Length (mm) Stimulus Active Force Passive Force Total Force
8.5 75 Single 1.83 0.0 1.83
8.5 75 Single 1.83 0.0 1.83
8.5 75 Multiple 2.87 0.0 2.87
8.5 75 Multiple 4.51 0.0 4.51
10 75 Multiple 4.32 0.0 4.32
8.5 75 Multiple 5.51 0.0 5.51

Voltage = 8.5 V

Single Stimulus

Active Force = 1.83

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Voltage = 8.5 V

Single Stimulus

Active Force = 1.83

Voltage = 8.5 V

Multiple Stimulus

Active Force = 2.87

Voltage = 8.5 V

Multiple Stimulus

Active Force = 4.51

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Voltage = 10 V

Multiple Stimulus

Active Force = 4.32

Voltage = 8.5 V

Multiple Stimulus

Active Force = 5.51

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 Which of the following is not one of the ways that the body can increase the force
produced by a skeletal muscle?

You correctly answered: application of higher voltages to the whole muscle.

2 When a muscle receives a stimulus frequency that causes non-overlapping twitches to

follow each other closely in time such that the peak tension of each twitch rises in a
stepwise fashion up to a plateau value, the result is known as

You correctly answered: treppe.

3 In this experiment the isolated skeletal muscle was repetitively stimulated such that
individual twitches overlapped with each other and resulted in a stronger muscle
contraction than a standalone twitch. This phenomenon is known as

You correctly answered: wave summation.

4 Wave summation is achieved by

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21/11/23, 16:37 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 3

You correctly answered: increasing the rate of stimulus delivery (frequency) to the

Review Sheet Results

1 What is the difference between stimulus intensity and stimulus frequency?

Your answer:

La diferencia es que la intensidad de estimulo aumenta la intensidad del voltaje y la

intensidad de frecuencia se aumenta al aumentar la intensidad.

2 In this experiment you observed the effect of stimulating the isolated skeletal muscle
multiple times in a short period with complete relaxation between the stimuli. Describe
the force of contraction with each subsequent stimulus. Are these results called treppe or
wave summation?

Your answer:

Seria treppe.

3 How did the frequency of stimulation affect the amount of force generated by the
isolated skeletal muscle when the frequency of stimulation was increased such that the
muscle twitches did not fully relax between subsequent stimuli? Are these results called
treppe or wave summation? How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

Cuando la intensidad de frecuencia incrementa se aumenta la tension del musculo.

4 To achieve an active force of 5.2, did you have to increase the stimulus voltage above 8.5
volts? If not, how did you achieve an active force of 5.2? How well did the results compare
with your prediction?

Your answer:


5 Compare and contrast frequency-dependent wave summation with motor unit

recruitment (previously observed by increasing the stimulus voltage). How are they
similar? How was each achieved in the experiment? Explain how each is achieved in vivo.

Your answer:

Sumación de ondas son los clic de las frecuencias de los estimulos y el reclutamiento de
unidades motoras son las fibras neuronales se activan las unidades motoras depende de
la fuerza que sea generada, se intenta alcanzar llegar a la mayor cantidad de fuerza.

Sus similitudes son:

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21/11/23, 16:37 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 3

que llegan a obtener la potencia del musculo, tension.

que es un porceso gradual, cada vez mas estimulacion.

Una es mecanica y una es neural.

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21/11/23, 16:52 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 4

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology
Activity 4: Tetanus in Isolated Skeletal Muscle
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-981d7e15-889d-14aa-5c4f-174b31537ffb

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.

1 Stimulus frequency refers to

You correctly answered: the rate that stimulating voltage pulses are applied to an isolated
whole skeletal muscle.

2 Which of the following distinguishes a state of unfused tetanus from a state of complete
(fused) tetanus?

You correctly answered: Muscle tension increases and decreases during a state of
unfused tetanus.

3 When the stimulus frequency reaches a value beyond which no further increases in force
are generated by the muscle, the muscle has reached its

You correctly answered: maximal tetanic tension.

Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: As the stimulus frequency increases further, what will happen to the
muscle tension and twitch appearance with each successive stimulus? Will there be a limit
to this response?

Your answer: As the stimulus frequency increases, the muscle tension generated by each
successive stimulus will increase. There will be a limit to this increase.

Stop & Think Questions

1 What begins to happen at around 80 msec?

Your answer: summation of force ceases.

Correct answer: unfused tetanus develops.

2 How does the trace at 130 stimuli/sec compare with the trace at 50 stimuli/sec?

Your answer: Summation of force ceases at this greater stimulus frequency. i 1/4
21/11/23, 16:52 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 4

Correct answer: Fused tetanus develops at this greater stimulus frequency.

3 How do the traces with 146-150 stimuli per second compare with the trace at 130 stimuli
per second?

Your answer: Summation of force ceases with these very high stimulation frequencies.

Correct answer: Maximal tetanic tension develops with these very high stimulation

Experiment Data
Voltage (v) Length (mm) Stimuli/sec Act. Force Pass. Force Total Force
8.5 75 50 5.12 0 5.12
8.5 75 130 5.88 0 5.88
8.5 75 140 5.91 0 5.91
8.5 75 142 5.92 0 5.92

Stimuli/sec = 50 at 8.5 V

Stimuli/sec = 130 at 8.5 V

Stimuli/sec = 140 at 8.5 V

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Stimuli/sec = 142 at 8.5 V

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.

1 The term tetanus refers to

You correctly answered: sustained muscle tension due to very frequent stimuli.

2 Which of the following distinguishes a state of unfused tetanus from a state of complete
(fused) tetanus?

You correctly answered: Muscle tension increases and decreases between different
values for an unfused tetanus.

3 When the stimulus frequency reaches a value beyond which no further increases in force
are generated by the muscle, the muscle has reached its

You correctly answered: maximal tetanic tension.

Review Sheet Results

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21/11/23, 16:52 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 4

1 Describe how increasing the stimulus frequency affected the force developed by the
isolated whole skeletal muscle in this activity. How well did the results compare with your

Your answer:

La frecuencia sube como el estimulo sube la tension del musculo incrementa.

2 Indicate what type of force was developed by the isolated skeletal muscle in this activity
at the following stimulus frequencies: at 50 stimuli/sec, at 140 stimuli/sec, and above 146

Your answer:

50 estimulos por segundo conlleva a un limite de subida que es un tetanos no fusionado

a 140 esta un poco fusionado y a 146 llega a tetanos mas fusionado.

3 Beyond what stimulus frequency is there no further increase in the peak force? What is
the muscle tension called at this frequency?

Your answer:

Es la maxima tension tetanica.

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21/11/23, 17:05 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 5

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology
Activity 5: Fatigue in Isolated Skeletal Muscle
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-8a2c2e17-67e8-40d0-f078-4bf58bff8763

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 When skeletal muscle twitches fuse so that the peaks and valleys of each twitch become
indistinguishable from each other, the muscle is in a state known as

You correctly answered: complete (fused) tetanus.

2 When the stimulus frequency reaches a value beyond which no further increase of
skeletal muscle force can occur, the muscle has reached its

You correctly answered: maximal tetanic tension.

3 A decline in a muscle's ability to maintain a constant level of force, or tension, after

prolonged, repetitive stimulation is called

You correctly answered: fatigue.

4 Which of the following is not thought to be a contributing factor to the development of


You correctly answered: buildup of Ca2+ in the muscle fibers.

Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: If the stimulator is briefly turned off for defined periods of time, what
will happen to the length of time that the muscle is able to sustain maximal developed
tension when the stimulator is turned on again?

Your answer: The length of the rest period will proportionately increase the length of time
for sustained muscle tension.

Stop & Think Questions

1 Why does the stimulated muscle force begin to decrease over time despite the
maintained stimuli? (Note that a decrease in maximal force indicates muscle fatigue is
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21/11/23, 17:05 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 5

You correctly answered: More than one of these answers could be correct.

2 Why did the length of the intervening rest period affect the length of time the skeletal
muscle can maintain maximum tension once the stimulator is turned on again?

You correctly answered: Intracellular concentrations of ADP and Pi declined during the
rest period.

Experiment Data
Voltage (v) Stimuli/sec Rest Period Active Force Sustained
(sec) Maximal Force
8.5 120 0 5.86 0.08
8.5 120 0 5.86 0.08
8.5 120 12 5.86 0.02
8.5 120 22 5.86 0.06

120 Stimuli/sec at 8.5 V

120 Stimuli/sec at 8.5 V

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.
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21/11/23, 17:05 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 5

1 During cross bridge cycling in skeletal muscle, force is created by the

You correctly answered: power stroke of the myosin heads.

2 The term tetanus refers to

You correctly answered: sustained muscle tension due to repetitive stimuli.

3 A decline in a muscle's ability to maintain a constant level of force, or tension, after

prolonged, repetitive stimulation is called

You correctly answered: fatigue.

4 During fatigue

You correctly answered: the number of active cross bridges begins to decline although
the rate of stimulus delivery (frequency) remains constant.

5 If an intervening rest period is imposed on active skeletal muscle

You correctly answered: the development of fatigue will be delayed.

Review Sheet Results

1 When a skeletal muscle fatigues, what happens to the contractile force over time?

Your answer:

La fuerza decrece.

2 What are some proposed causes of skeletal muscle fatigue?

Your answer:

alta concentracion de potasio, calcio y Pi.

3 Turning the stimulator off allows a small measure of muscle recovery. Thus, the muscle
will produce more force for a longer time period if the stimulator is briefly turned off than
if the stimuli were allowed to continue without interruption. Explain why this might occur.
How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

Cuanto mas tiempo de descanso haya entre cada simulacion, el musculo puede sostener
una tension mas grande.

4 List a few ways that humans could delay the onset of fatigue when they are vigorously
using their skeletal muscles.

Your answer:

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21/11/23, 17:05 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 5

Haciendo multiples sets de ejercicios de bajas repeticiones. Dejando muchas veces

tiempos de descanso, una buena alimentacion, etc.

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21/11/23, 17:17 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 6

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology
Activity 6: The Skeletal Muscle Length-Tension Relationship
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-b6cf32fd-1962-2faf-5d5e-ee576ee038dd

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1 During an isometric contraction

You correctly answered: the skeletal muscle is generating force, but it remains at a fixed

2 The force that results from muscles being stretched is

You correctly answered: passive force.

3 Active force

You correctly answered: is determined by the amount of myosin bound to actin.

4 When you generate the isometric length-tension curve, which of the following forces will
not be indicated on your screen?

You correctly answered: tetanic force.

5 Passive force in skeletal muscle is largely caused by

You correctly answered: the protein titin.

Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: As the resting length of the muscle is changed, what will happen to the
amount of total force the muscle generates during the stimulated twitch?

Your answer: An increase in muscle length will increase total force.

Stop & Think Question

1 Note the dip in total force at a muscle length of 90 mm as compared to the total force at a
muscle length of 80 and 100 mm. Why does this occur?

You correctly answered: At this muscle length, active force has decreased in value and
passive force has not yet increased to a significant value.
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21/11/23, 17:17 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 6

Experiment Data
Voltage (v) Length (mm) Active Force Passive Force Total Force
8.5 75 1.82 0 1.82
8.5 70 1.75 0 1.75
8.5 80 1.75 0.02 1.77
8.5 90 1.21 0.25 1.46

Muscle Length = 75 mm

Active Force = 1.82

Passive Force = 0

Total Force = 1.82

Active Force
Passive Force
Total Force

Muscle Length = 75 mm

Active Force = 1.82

Passive Force = 0

Total Force = 1.82

Muscle Length = 70 mm

Active Force = 1.75

Passive Force = 0

Total Force = 1.75

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Active Force
Passive Force
Total Force

Muscle Length = 70 mm

Active Force = 1.75

Passive Force = 0

Total Force = 1.75

Muscle Length = 80 mm

Active Force = 1.75

Passive Force = 0.02

Total Force = 1.77

Active Force
Passive Force
Total Force

Muscle Length = 80 mm

Active Force = 1.75

Passive Force = 0.02

Total Force = 1.77

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Muscle Length = 90 mm

Active Force = 1.21

Passive Force = 0.25

Total Force = 1.46

Active Force
Passive Force
Total Force

Muscle Length = 90 mm

Active Force = 1.21

Passive Force = 0.25

Total Force = 1.46

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21/11/23, 17:17 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 6

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 80% by answering 4 out of 5 questions correctly.

1 When a skeletal muscle is stimulated and generates force but remains at a fixed length

Your answer: the muscle is contracting isotonically.

Correct answer: the muscle is contracting isometrically.

2 Which protein is mostly responsible for the development of passive force in a muscle?

You correctly answered: titin.

3 In skeletal muscle, active force stimulated through a range of muscle lengths

You correctly answered: will utilize ATP hydrolysis to drive the cross bridge cycle.

4 Which of the following is not depicted in a typical skeletal muscle isometric length-tension

You correctly answered: time.

5 Maximal active tension will be produced in a skeletal muscle fiber when

You correctly answered: the fiber is at its resting length.

Review Sheet Results

1 What happens to the amount of total force the muscle generates during the stimulated
twitch? How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

An increase in muscle lenght will increase total force.

2 What is the key variable in an isometric contraction of a skeletal muscle?

Your answer:

The lenght-tension relationship. i 5/6
21/11/23, 17:17 PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 6

3 Based on the unique arrangement of myosin and actin in skeletal muscle sarcomeres,
explain why active force varies with changes in the muscle's resting length.

Your answer:

When the skeletal muscle resting lenght increases, there is more time for myosin bridges
to return to their starting position.

4 What skeletal muscle lengths generated passive force? (Provide a range.)

Your answer:

80mm - 100mm.

5 If you were curling a 7-kg dumbbell, when would your bicep muscles be contracting

Your answer:

As you lift the dumbell up.

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21/11/23, 17:23 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 1

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology
Activity 1: Investigating the Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-f3b968b0-28f3-5d46-a036-a3932ccf02c4

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 The cardiac muscle is capable of which of the following?

You correctly answered: autorhythmicity.

2 Phase 2 of the cardiac action potential, when the calcium channels remain open and
potassium channels are closed, is called the

You correctly answered: plateau phase.

3 Which of the following is true of the cardiac action potential?

You correctly answered: The cardiac action potential is longer than the skeletal muscle
action potential.

4 The main anatomical difference between the frog heart and the human heart is that the
frog heart has

You correctly answered: a single, fused ventricle.

Experiment Results
Predict Questions
1 Predict Question 1: When you increase the frequency of the stimulation, what do you
think will happen to the amplitude (height) of the ventricular systole wave?

Your answer: The amplitude will increase.

2 Predict Question 2: If you deliver multiple stimuli (20 stimuli per second) to the heart,
what do you think will happen?

Your answer: tetanus.

Stop & Think Questions

1 Watch the contractile activity from the frog heart on the oscilloscope.

Enter the number of ventricular contractions per minute (from the heart rate display).
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You answered: 59 beats/min.

2 Which of the following statements about the contractile activity is true?

You correctly answered: The smaller waves represent the contraction of the atria.

3 During which portion of the cardiac muscle contraction is it possible to induce an


You correctly answered: during relaxation.

Experiment Data

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Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 The amplitude of the ventricular systole did not change with the more frequent
stimulation because

You correctly answered: a new contraction could not begin until the relaxation phase.

2 Which of the following do you think contribute to the inability of cardiac muscle to be

You correctly answered: the long refractory period of the cardiac action potential.

3 Given the function of the heart, why is it important that cardiac muscle cannot reach

You correctly answered: The ventricles must contract and relax fully with each beat to
pump blood.

4 An extrasystole corresponds to

You correctly answered: an extra ventricular contraction.

Review Sheet Results

1 Explain why the larger waves seen on the oscilloscope represent the ventricular

Your answer:

Las ondas se ven más grandes porque la fuerza de contracción que realizan los
ventrículos es mayor que la contracción de las aurículas, esto es porque la distancia que
recorre la sangre expulsada por los ventrículos es mayor y necesita de mayor fuerza de
contracción para llegar a todas las partes del cuerpo.

2 Explain why the amplitude of the wave did not change when you increased the frequency
of the stimulation. (Hint: relate your response to the refractory period of the cardiac
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action potential.) How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

Al aumentar la frecuencia de la estimulación no va a permitir que las ondas lleguen a su

amplitud máxima, porque las ondas van a venir muy rápido y no le dan tiempo a la onda
a que llegue a una altura máxima así que se mantiene a una misma altura.

3 Why is it only possible to induce an extrasystole during relaxation?

Your answer:

Porque las extrasístoles ventriculares aparecen con mayor frecuencia cuando la persona
se encuentra con mayor relajación cuando se requiere un menor aporte de sangre, en
cambio cuando se es sometido a estrés físico o mental, el ritmo aumentará la frecuencia.

4 Explain why wave summation and tetanus are not possible in cardiac muscle tissue. How
well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

Porque la contracción muscular cardiaca debe llevar un ciclo ordenado y no

independiente, lo cual ocurriría si el músculo cardíaco se tetaniza irrumpiendo con un
nuevo estímulo de contracción, los cardiomiocitos tienen alta refractariedad.

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21/11/23, 17:32 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 2

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology
Activity 2: Examining the Effect of Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-a6be7b97-0ca7-f6a2-9e71-97063dc3e500

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 The effect of the parasympathetic nervous system on the heart is to

You correctly answered: decrease the heart rate.

2 The branch of the autonomic nervous system that dominates during exercise is

You correctly answered: the sympathetic branch.

3 Parasympathetic stimulation reaches the heart through

You correctly answered: vagus nerves, which are cranial nerves.

4 The usual pacemaker of the heart

You correctly answered: is the sinoatrial node.

Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: What do you think will happen if you apply multiple stimuli to the heart
by indirectly stimulating the vagus nerve?

Your answer: The heart rate will increase.

Stop & Think Questions

1 Watch the contractile activity from the frog heart on the oscilloscope.

Enter the number of ventricular contractions per minute (from the heart rate display).

You answered: 62 beats/min.

2 The vagus nerve carries

You correctly answered: signals that decrease the heart rate.

3 Enter the number of ventricular contractions per minute (from the heart rate display).
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You answered: 62 beats/min.

4 The response that resumed the heartbeat after the vagus nerve stimulation is called

You correctly answered: vagal escape.

Experiment Data

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 Extreme vagus nerve stimulation affects the heart by

You correctly answered: stopping the heart completely.

2 Vagal escape probably involves

You correctly answered: sympathetic reflexes.

3 Research shows that, in the absence of neural and hormonal influences, the SA node
generates action potentials at a frequency of approximately 100 times per minute.
However, the resting heart rate is approximately 70 beats per minute, which suggests

You correctly answered: the parasympathetic nervous system has more control over
heart rate.

4 The SA (sinoatrial) node in the human heart is located

You correctly answered: in the right atrium.

Review Sheet Results

1 Explain the effect that extreme vagus nerve stimulation had on the heart. How well did
the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

The HR decreases and stopped the heart temporarily.

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21/11/23, 17:32 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 2

2 Explain two ways that the heart can overcome excessive vagal stimulation.

Your answer:

1: Sympathetic reflexes 2: initiation of a rhythm by the Purkinje Fibers.

3 Describe how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together to
regulate heart rate.

Your answer:

Sympathetic increases HR Parasympathetic decreases HR.

4 What do you think would happen to the heart rate if the vagus nerve was cut?

Your answer:

It would increase and go back to the 100bpm.

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21/11/23, 17:37 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 3

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology
Activity 3: Examining the Effect of Temperature on Heart Rate
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-5b65215d-6198-4541-b907-bf059e7aef3c

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 Organisms that usually maintain the same internal body temperature in spite of
environmental temperature changes are

You correctly answered: homeothermic.

2 The general name for the process that maintains the internal body temperature in
humans is

You correctly answered: homeostasis.

3 The electrolytes in a Ringer's solution are required to

You correctly answered: provide for autorhythmicity.

4 An internal body temperature that is above the normal range is

You correctly answered: hyperthermic.

Experiment Results
Predict Questions
1 Predict Question 1: What effect will decreasing the temperature of the Ringer's solution
have on the heart rate of the frog?

Your answer: decrease in heart rate.

2 Predict Question 2: What effect will increasing the temperature of the Ringer's solution
have on the heart rate of the frog?

Your answer: decrease in heart rate.

Stop & Think Question

1 What effect do you think a fever of 104°F would have on heart rate?

You correctly answered: increase in heart rate.

Experiment Data i 1/3
21/11/23, 17:37 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 3

Solution Heart Rate (beats/min)

23°C Ringer's 60
5°C Ringer's 50
32°C Ringer's 70

23°C Ringer's

5°C Ringer's

32°C Ringer's

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 In the 5°C Ringer’s solution, the frog heart

You correctly answered: beat slower than baseline.

2 In the 32°C Ringer’s solution, the frog heart i 2/3
21/11/23, 17:37 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 3

You correctly answered: beat faster than baseline.

3 If the human heart were experiencing hypothermia, what do you think would be the
effect on heart rate?

You correctly answered: A decrease in heart rate.

4 Without the Ringer's solution

You correctly answered: spontaneous cardiac action potentials would not occur.

Review Sheet Results

1 Explain the effect that decreasing the temperature had on the frog heart. How do you
think the human heart would respond? How well did the results compare with your

Your answer:

When the temperature got colder, the heart rate gets slower as predicted. Also, same in
human case.

2 Describe why Ringer's solution is required to maintain heart contractions.

Your answer:

In order for the heart to beat it needs electrolytes. Ringer's solution provides electrolytes.

3 Explain the effect that increasing the temperature had on the frog heart. How do you
think the human heart would respond? How well did the results compare with your

Your answer:

The hotter the temperature the faster the heart rate in the case of the frog as predicted.
It's the same case for humans.

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21/11/23, 17:55 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 4

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology
Activity 4: Examining the Effects of Chemical Modifiers on Heart Rate
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-823c87f8-b774-b716-7513-f02ad7f9353c

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 75% by answering 3 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 The parasympathetic nervous system releases __________ to affect heart rate.

You correctly answered: acetylcholine.

2 A cholinergic drug that worked the same as acetylcholine would

You correctly answered: be an agonist and decrease heart rate.

3 Norepinephrine affects the heart rate by

Your answer: increasing the rate of depolarization and decreasing the frequency of action

Correct answer: increasing the rate of depolarization and increasing the frequency of
action potentials.

4 The __________ receptor binds norepinephrine and epinephrine.

You correctly answered: ß-1 adrenergic.

Experiment Results
Predict Questions
1 Predict Question 1: Pilocarpine is a cholinergic drug, an acetylcholine agonist. Predict the
effect that pilocarpine will have on heart rate.

Your answer: Pilocarpine will decrease heart rate.

2 Predict Question 2: Atropine is another cholinergic drug, an acetylcholine antagonist.

Predict the effect that atropine will have on heart rate.

Your answer: Atropine will have no effect on heart rate.

Stop & Think Questions

1 Which of the following is true of epinephrine?

You did not answer this question. i 1/4
21/11/23, 17:55 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 4

Correct answer: It increases the heart rate and mimics the sympathetic nervous system.

2 The final chemical modifier we will look at is digitalis (also known as digoxin and digitoxin
and derived from the foxglove plant). Individuals with weakened hearts need to allow
maximum time for venous return and increased stroke volume and would therefore most
likely benefit from

You correctly answered: increased force of contraction and decreased heart rate.

Experiment Data
Solution Heart Rate (beats/min)
---- 59
Epinephrine 78
Pilocarpine 44
Atropine 69
Digitalis 41




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21/11/23, 17:55 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 4



Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 Pilocarpine decreased the heart rate. Typical of cholinergic agonists, it

You correctly answered: decreased the frequency of action potentials.

2 The effect of atropine was to

You correctly answered: mimic the sympathetic nervous system.

3 The modifiers tested that decrease the heart rate were

You correctly answered: digitalis and pilocarpine.

i 3/4
21/11/23, 17:55 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 4

4 To increase the heart rate, the best choices would be

You correctly answered: epinephrine and atropine.

Review Sheet Results

1 Describe the effect that pilocarpine had on the heart and why it had this effect. How well
did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

It decreases the heart rate and stimulates the parasympathetic nerves.

2 Atropine is an acetylcholine antagonist. Does atropine inhibit or enhance the effects of

acetylcholine? Describe your results and how they correlate with how the drug works.
How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

I did not support my prediction because the atropine increased the heart rate from 62 to

3 Describe the benefits of administering digitalis.

Your answer:

Administering digitalis helps, inhibits or imitates the action of acetycholine, so it can be

used to control the body.

4 Distinguish between cholinergic and adrenergic chemical modifiers. Include examples of

each in your discussion.

Your answer:

Cholinergic decreases the heart rate based on my experiment, which was Pilocarpine and
digitalis. Adregenic inhibits, mimics, or enhances the action of epinephrine which was
includes atropine.

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21/11/23, 18:01 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 5

PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 6: Cardiovascular Physiology
Activity 5: Examining the Effects of Various Ions on Heart Rate
Name: sofia moreira martinez
Date: 21 November 2023
Session ID: session-eeac0208-3f7b-d2d9-35d2-3d6ace8299b5

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 Which organelle in the cardiac muscle cell stores calcium?

You correctly answered: sarcoplasmic reticulum.

2 Verapamil is a calcium-channel blocker. Its effects could be described as

You correctly answered: negative chronotropic and negative inotropic.

3 When the cardiac muscle cell is at rest, where is most of the potassium found?

You correctly answered: in the cytosol.

4 Resting cardiac muscle cells are most permeable to

You correctly answered: potassium.

Experiment Results
Predict Questions
1 Predict Question 1: Because calcium-channel blockers are negative chronotropic and
negative inotropic, what effect do you think increasing the concentration of calcium will
have on heart rate?

Your answer: positive chronotropic, positive inotropic.

2 Predict Question 2: Excess potassium outside of the cardiac cell decreases the resting
potential of the plasma membrane, thus decreasing the force of contraction. What effect
(if any) do you think it will initially have on heart rate?

Your answer: decrease heart rate.

Stop & Think Question

1 Where in the cardiac muscle cell is most of the sodium normally found?

You correctly answered: outside of the cell.

Experiment Data i 1/4
21/11/23, 18:01 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 5

Solution Heart Rate (beats/min)

---- 62
Calcium 72
Sodium ~34
Potassium ~28

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21/11/23, 18:01 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 5

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1 The addition of most of the ions resulted in

You correctly answered: an erratic, decreased heart rate.

2 The effect of potassium on the heart is

You correctly answered: negative chronotropic, negative inotropic.

3 The ion that had the most pronounced effect on heart rate was

You correctly answered: potassium.

4 Ectopic pacemakers can be caused by excessive leakage of potassium into cardiac cells,
resulting in pacemakers appearing in abnormal locations in the heart muscle. This
hyperkalemia (excess potassium) decreases the resting potential of the cardiac muscle
cell. What effect do you think this would have on the force of contraction?

You correctly answered: decrease, negative inotropic.

Review Sheet Results

1 Describe the effect that increasing the calcium ions had on the heart in this activity. How
well did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

Because of increasing heart rate and contraction pressure, blood is pumped harder and
the heart beats faster as predicted.

2 Describe the effect that increasing the potassium ions initially had on the heart in this
activity. Relate this to the resting membrane potential of the cardiac muscle cell. How well
did the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer: i 3/4
21/11/23, 18:01 PhysioEx Exercise 6 Activity 5

High potassium ions decrease the resting potential and decrease the pressure of
contraction as predicted.

3 Describe how calcium channel blockers are used to treat patients and why?

Your answer:

In all paths of the action potential, they block the movement of calcium through the
channels. Decreased calcium causes decreased peripheral resistance, decreased heart
rate, and decreased pressure of contraction.

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