PhysioEx Exercise 2 Activity 1

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PhysioEx Lab Report

Exercise 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology

Activity 1: The Muscle Twitch and the Latent Period
Name: Angel Figueroa
Date: 23 October 2024
Session ID: session-2b127e13-b67e-f917-30ec-134d78d98d13

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1 Skeletal muscles are connected to bones by

You correctly answered: tendons.

2 Skeletal muscles are composed of hundreds to thousands of individual cells called

You correctly answered: fibers.

3 The term motor unit refers to

You correctly answered: one motor neuron and all of the skeletal muscle fibers it innervates.

4 The motor neuron and muscle fiber intersect at what is called

You correctly answered: the neuromuscular junction.

5 A twitch is

You correctly answered: one contractile response to a single action potential.

Experiment Results
Predict Question
1 Predict Question: Will changes to the stimulus voltage alter the duration of the latent period?

Your answer: No, changing the stimulus voltage will not change the latent period duration.

Stop & Think Questions

1 What is the period of time that elapses between the generation of an action potential and
the start of muscle tension development in a muscle fiber?

You correctly answered: The latent period.

2 What occurs during the latent period of these isometric contractions?

You correctly answered: All the steps of excitation-contraction coupling occur.

Experiment Data
Voltage (v) Length (mm) Active Force Passive Force Total Force Latent Period
0 75 0 0 0 ----
3 75 1.04 0 1.04 ----
4 75 1.32 0 1.32 0
2 75 0.66 0 0.66 0
10 75 1.82 0 1.82 ----

Voltage = 0 V

Voltage = 3 V
Voltage = 4 V

Voltage = 2 V

Voltage = 10 V

Post-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 6 out of 6 questions correctly.

1 An action potential in a motor neuron triggers the release of which neurotransmitter?

You correctly answered: acetylcholine.

2 The term skeletal muscle fiber refers to

You correctly answered: an individual skeletal muscle cell.

3 The graded depolarization in the skeletal muscle fiber that is elicited in response to one
action potential from the motor neuron is called

You correctly answered: an EPP (end-plate potential).

4 Which of the following is not a phase of a skeletal muscle twitch?

You correctly answered: hyperpolarization phase.

5 A skeletal muscle twitch is

You correctly answered: one contractile response to a single action potential.

6 Which of the following correctly matches the twitch phase with its definition?

You correctly answered: the contraction phase: the time between the end of the latent
period and peak muscle tension.

Review Sheet Results

1 Define the terms skeletal muscle fiber, motor unit, skeletal muscle twitch, electrical stimulus,
and latent period.

Your answer:

Fibra muscular: estructura compuesta por células alargadas con un aspecto filamentoso.
Unidad motora: conjunto de fibras que son inervadas, siendo esta la porción más pequeña
del músculo que puede contraerse de manera independiente. Contracción del músculo
esquelético: es el proceso que ocurre en los músculos cuando las fibras y las proteínas
dentro de ellas se acoplan. Estímulo eléctrico: es la contracción muscular que se integra
posteriormente en actividades cotidianas. Período latente: es el intervalo de tiempo que
transcurre desde la generación de un potencial de acción en la célula muscular hasta el
inicio de la contracción del músculo.

2 What is the role of acetylcholine in a skeletal muscle contraction?

Your answer:

acetilcolina hace que los canales de la membrana se aperturen para comenzar el proceso
que contrae y relaja las fibras musculares.
3 Describe the process of excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle fibers.

Your answer:

Es una cadena de sucesos que empieza en la generación del potencial de acción en la fibra
muscular hasta que se inicia la generación de tensión en el musculo.

4 Describe the three phases of a skeletal muscle twitch.

Your answer:

Isotónica: se refiere a una fuerza que provoca un cambio en el tamaño del músculo.
Isométrica: aunque la fuerza varíe, el tamaño de la fibra muscular será constante.
Excéntrica: el músculo aumenta de tamaño debido a una fuerza constante.

5 Does the duration of the latent period change with different stimulus voltages? How well did
the results compare with your prediction?

Your answer:

No varía, ya que durante el período de latencia, el potencial de acción que se difunde a

través del sarcolema actúa sobre la misma cantidad de unidades motoras.

6 At the threshold stimulus, do sodium ions start to move into or out of the cell to bring about
the membrane depolarization?

Your answer:

Los canales de sodio en la membrana se abren, permitiendo que el sodio fluya hacia el
interior, impulsado por las fuerzas de difusión y la presión electrostática.

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