Turbi Latex
REF: 585 001 50 Test REF: 585 002 100 Test REF: 585 003 80 Test
R1 Diluent 1 X 20 ml R1 Diluent 2 X 20 ml R1 Diluent 2 X 16 ml
R2 Latex 1 X 5 ml R2 Latex 2 X 5 ml R2 Latex 2 X 4 ml
Calibrator 1 vial Calibrator 1 vial Calibrator 1 vial
REF: 585 001-1 50 Test REF: 585 002-1 100 Test REF: 585 004 500 Test
R1 Diluent 1 X 20 ml R1 Diluent 2 X 20 ml R1 Diluent 5 X 40 ml
R2 Latex 1 X 5 ml R2 Latex 2 X 5 ml R2 Latex 5X 10 ml
Without calibrator Without calibrator Without calibrator
In vitro diagnostic reagents for the quantitative determination of The D-Dimer latex reagent should have a white, turbid appearance
D-Dimer in human plasma by means of particle-enhanced free of granular particulate. Visible agglutination or precipitation
turbidimetric immunoassay. may be a sign of deterioration, and the reagent should be
The Reagent1 should be clear and colourless. Any turbidity maybe
The D-dimer assay is specific for fibrin derivatives. In this assay, sign of deterioration and reagent should be discarded.
the presence of cross linked D-dimer domain is diagnostic for lysis
of a fibrin clot, and confirm that thrombin was formed and factor XIII Specimen Collection and Preservation
was activated with reactive fibrinolysis. Since fibrinogen derivatives
do not contain the cross-linked D-dimer domain, they are not Citrated, platelet-poor plasma is used for the d-dimer assay.
recognized by the D-dimer assay, even when present in high Citrated, platelet-poor plasma is prepared from venous blood
concentration. In other words, Fibrin derivatives in plasma containing collected into 3.2 % trisodium citrate at a ratio of 9 : 1. The citrate
D-Dimer (XDP) are specific markers for fibrinolysis, as opposed concentration must be adjusted in patients with a HCT >55%.
to fibrinogenolysis. D-dimers are detected by immunoassays using Plasma should be separated as soon as possible after the
monoclonal antibodies specific for the cross-linked D-dimer domain specimen is obtained. D-dimers are stable for 8 hours in citrated
in fibrinogen. plasma maintained at room temperature, 7days at 2 - 8 ºC or 2
months at -20 ºC.
This D-dimer test is based upon reinforced immunoturbidimetry. Spectrum D-dimer reagents (R1 & R2) are supplied ready-to-use
Monoclonal anti D-dimer antibodies in the reagent react with the and stable up to the expiry date labeled on the bottles when properly
D-dimer antigen in the sample, forming antigen/antibody complexes stored refrigerated at 2 – 8 oC.
that increase the working solution turbidity.
D-dimer Calibrator: Reconstitute with distilled water as mentioned
Reagents on vial label. Mix gently and incubate at room temperature for 10
minutes before use.
R1 Reagent1
Stability: 1 month at -20 ºC.
Tris-HCl 125 mM
Calibration curve
R2 Latex reagent Generate a calibration curve by serial dilutions of the supplied
calibratror to cover the range between 0.2 l/ml to the upper limit
Latex particles coated with mouse anti-human D-Dimer monoclonal of the calibrator.
antibodies. Cal. 6: Calibrator
Preservatives. Cal. 5: 200 l Cal. 6 + 200 l saline
Cal. 4: 200 l Cal. 5 + 200 l saline
Calibrator Cal. 3: 200 l Cal. 4 + 200 l saline
Human serum. D-Dimer concentration is stated on the vial label. Cal. 2: 200 l Cal. 3 + 200 l saline
Cal. 1: 200 l saline
All raw materials of human origin used in the manufacture of this
product showed no reactivity when tested for HBsAg, anti-HIV- Concentration Cal.1 Cal.2 Cal.3 Cal.4 Cal.5 Cal.6
1/2 and HCV with commercially available test methods. However, (for example:
this product should be handled as though capable of transmitting the undiluted C = 0.18 0.37 0.74 1.48 2.95 5.9
infectious diseases 5.9 g /ml )
CV (%)
Intra-Run Inter-Run
Low 1.13 2.31
Medium 1.65 0.98
High 1.17 1.01
Up to 0.08 g /ml .
Up to 7.5 g /ml .
specimens showing higher concentration should be diluted 1+2
using physiological saline and the assay is repeated.Results are
multiplied by 3.
Interfering Substances
No interference for :
Heparin 50 g/mL)
Na-citrate (1000 g/mL)
Heparin (50 g/mL)
Triglyceride (2500 g/mL)
EDTA (5 g/mL)
Haemoglobin (1000 g/mL)
Bilirubin (20 g/mL) and has interferences for: Turbidity (> 1.25%).
EC REP Schiffgraben 41
30175 Hannover, Germany IFUFTI28 Rev.(1), 1/12/2021