Signal & System Mid Lecture
Signal & System Mid Lecture
Signal & System Mid Lecture
Sender is the person who sends a message. It could be a transmitting station from where the signal is
Channel is the medium through which the message signals travel to reach the destination.
Receiver is the person who receives the message. It could be a receiving station where the transmitted signal is
being received.
Note: Noise is also a signal, but the information conveyed by noise is unwanted hence it is considered as
The operation performed by a system on input signal to produce output signal can be expressed as :
Output = H[Input]
where H denotes the system operation or system operator
As we can see that image is continuous in its coordinates(x-y). So sampling deals with digitizing of co-ordinates
and quantization deals with digitizing the amplitude.
It is a process of image processing, in which continuous and time-varying values of analog signals are divided into
non-overlapping discrete and unique values assigned to each subrange.
Sampling and quantization are opposite to each other. Sampling is done along the x-axis but quantization is done
along the y-axis.
In the image processing, the sampled image is considered as a digital value. When there is a transition of states
between time-varying values of image function and its digital equivalent signifies quantization.
The examples for continuous-time signals are sine waves, cosine waves, triangular waves, and so on.
The electrical signals also behave as continuous-time signals when these are derived in proportion
with the physical parameters such as pressure, temperature, sound, and so on.
2/13/2023 Dept. of CCE, IIUC 23
Discrete Time Signal
The output data from a computer is one of the examples of discrete-time signals.
A signal is said to be deterministic if there is no uncertainty with respect to its value at any instant of time. Or,
signals which can be defined exactly by a mathematical formula are known as deterministic signals.
Non-deterministic/Random Signal
A signal is said to be non-deterministic if there is uncertainty with respect to its value at some instant of time.
Non-deterministic signals are random in nature hence they are called random signals.
Random signals cannot be described by a mathematical equation. They are modelled in probabilistic terms.
2/13/2023 Dept. of CCE, IIUC 27
Even and Odd Signals
Even Signal
Where, Y(t) represents the modified signal derived from the original signal X(t), having only one independent variable t.
The basic set of signal operations can be broadly classified as below.
➢ Amplitude scaling of signals.
➢ Addition of signals.
➢ Multiplication of signals.
➢ Differentiation of signals.
➢ Integration of signals.
1 2 3 4 5
A system is formally defined as an entity that manipulates one or more signals to accomplish a function”.
Again, A system may also be defined as a physical device that performs an operation on a signal
Depending on type of energy used to operate the systems, the systems can be classified into Electrical systems,
Mechanical systems, Thermal systems, Hydraulic systems, etc.
Depending on the type of input and output signals, the systems can be classified into Continuous time systems and
Discrete time systems.
Unit-advance element: This element advances the signal by one sample i.e. the response of the current
excitation is the excitation of future sample. Although, as we can see this element is not physically realizable
unless the response and the excitation are already in stored or recorded form.
A series or cascade interconnection is the results of an input x into system H1 which results in an output z that is
in turn the input for system H2 which results in an output y as illustrated below.
It does indeed matter. As illustrated below the first cascade system is not necessarily equal to the second
cascade system.
Case 1: y=H2⋅H1⋅x
Case2: y=H1⋅H2⋅x
In general
𝒚[𝒏] = 𝟏Τ𝟑 𝒙 𝒏 𝟏 + 𝑺𝟏 + 𝑺𝟐
𝒚[𝒏] 𝟏
= ൗ𝟑 𝟏 + 𝑺𝟏 + 𝑺𝟐
𝑯 = 𝟏ൗ𝟑 𝟏 + 𝑺𝟏 + 𝑺𝟐
A continuous time system is called static or memoryless if its output at any instant of time t depends at most on
the input signal at the same time but not on the past or future input. In any other case, the system is said to be
dynamic or to have memory.
For present value t=0, the system output is y(0) = 2x(0). Here, the output is only dependent upon present input.
Hence the system is memory less or static.
For present value t=0, the system output is y(0) = 2x(0) + 3x(-3).
Here x(-3) is past value for the present input for which the system requires memory to get this output. Hence,
the system is a dynamic system.
y(n) = x(-n)
y(n, t) = T[x(n-t)] = x(-n-t)
y(n-t) = x(-(n-t)) = x(-n + t)
∴∴ y(n, t) ≠ y(n-t). Hence, the system is time variant.
From the above expression, is clear that response of overall system is equal to response of individual system.
(t) = x2(t)
y1 (t) = T[x1(t)] = x12(t)
y2 (t) = T[x2(t)] = x22(t)
T [a1 x1(t) + a2 x2(t)] = [ a1 x1(t) + a2 x2(t)]2
Which is not equal to a1 y1(t) + a2 y2(t). Hence the system is said to be non linear.
For present value t=1, the system output is y(1) = 2x(1) + 3x(-2).
Here, the system output only depends upon present and past inputs. Hence, the system is causal.
For present value t=1, the system output is y(1) = 2x(1) + 3x(-2) + 6x(4) Here, the system output depends upon
future input. Hence the system is non-causal system.