Dental Checklist DR Nupur

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- Dr. Nupur Shrirao

MDS Prosthodontics, Chandigarh

General Equipments Numbers
1. Electric/Electronic Dental chair (mid range) with motorised suction, LED light 1
2. X-ray machine for intra oral radiographs and digital RVG sensor (Vatech/Satellac) 1
3. Compressor 1.5hp for chair 1
4. OPG Machine (manual) 1
5. Contra-angle High-speed Airotor handpiece (NSK) 2
6. Micromotor (NSK/Marathon)
a Contrangle 1
b. Straight (for surgery) 1
c. Lab handpiece 1
7. Semi adjustable articulator with facebow (Hanau or BioArt) 1
8. Endomotor (with cord) and apex locator for rotary RCT (EndomateDT orWoodpecker) 1
9. Intraoral camera with monitor for pt education 1
10. Magnifying Loupes I have
11. Light cure unit for fillings 1
12. Ultrasonic scaler for scaling 1
13. Autoclave (medium) 1
14. Water distiller 1
15. Glass bead sterilizer 1
16. Needle burner 1

1. Mouth Mirror with handle 20
2. Explorer 10
3. Straight probe 20
4. William’s Perio probe 10
5. Cheek Retractor 1
6. Cheek Retractor PEDO 1
7. Tweezers 10
8. Cheatle forceps 1
9. Kidney trays – small 8
10. Kidney trays – big 3
11. Steel tray 8” and 10” 1 each
For Extraction & Minor Surgeries
1. Dental Forcepts Adult ( Set of 9-12 pcs – Precision/GDC) 1set
2. Dental Forcepts Pedo ( Set of 4-7 pcs) 1set
3. Root Elevator Set of 12 - Precision 1 set
4. Bone file 1pcs
5. Bone Ronguers 1pcs
6. Moon’s Probe 2 pc
7. Periosteal Elevator 2 pc
8. Artery Forceps 1pcs
9. Mosquito Forceps (Straight & Curved) 1pcs
10. Tissue Holding Forceps (Normal & Serrated) 1pcs
11. Kelly Hemostats, Curved 51/2" 1
12. Needle Holder (Curved & Straight( 1 pcs
13. Scissors Straight 1 pcs
14. Scissors Curved 1 pcs
15. BP handle SS 1 pcs
16. BP Blades # 11/12/15 1Box
17. Suture Needle 6pcs 17/18/19 sizes 1Pkt
18. Suture thread 3/0 silk 1
19. Surgical Burs - Assorted 1 set
For Dentures, Crown & Bridge
1. Upper and lower impression trays (rimlock & normal 1 set each
2. Upper and lower impression trays (rimlock & 1 set each
3. Crown Cutting Burs (Mani) 1 set
4. Rubber Bowl big 2
5. Rubber Bowl small 2
6. Spirit lamp 1
7. Plaster Spatula (Straight & Curved) 2
8. Lacrons Carver 2
9. Wax Knife 2
10. Wax Spatula 2
11. Crown Cutting metal cutting bur (Trihawk) 2
12. Fox Plane (plastic) 1
13. Stone Burs for Acrylic Trimming 3
14. Metal burs for acrylic trimmin 3
15. Cord Packing instrument 1
16. Crown Remover (Automatic) 1
17. Electric Kettle For hot water 1
For Fillings & RCT
1. Hand Instruments (14 pcs) 1set
2. Gates Glidden Drills 1 set
3. Peeso Reemer Drills 1 set
4. Dappen glass 2
5. Composite polishing kit (Shofu) 1
6. Glass Slab 2
7. Cement Spatula (metal) 2
8. Cement Spatula (Agate) 2
9. Cavity Cutting burs 1 set
10.K Files # 15 - 40, 45 – 80 2 pack
11..H Files # 15 - 40, 45 – 80 each
2 pack
12..Spreaders 15 - 40, 45 – 80 each
2 pack
13..Pluggers # 15 - 40, 45 – 80 each
2 pack
14. NITI Files Assorted (hand and rotary) each
15.Barbed Broaches set 2
16.Ball burnisher (small) 2
17.Castravajejo scissor (GP cutter) 1
18.. Wire Cutter 1
19. Ligature Wire 26G 1
20. Universal Pliers 1
21..Bristle brushes (6pcs) 1set
22.Prophylaxis paste/powder 1

1. Composite kit (composite, flowable 1
composite, bonding & etchant)
2. Dycal 1

3. Eugenol 1
4. Zinc Oxide Powder 1
5. Pits & fissure sealant 1
6. GC FUJI type IX gp GIC 1
7. GC FUJI TYPE II regular GIC 1
8. Temporary filling material Cavit) 1
9. RC Seal (Epoxy Bonded Sealant) 1
10. RC Cal (Root Canal Calcium Hydroxide) 1
11. RC Help (EDTA) 2
12. Metapex (CaOh + Iodoform) 1
13. GP Points (20%) #15-40, 45-80 (120 Pts) 2 each
14. Paper Points 2 box
15. Cavity Varnish 12ml 1
16. Sodium Hypochlorite 5% 1
17. Carvene - GP Solvent 1
18. Local anesthetic topical spray 1
19. Lignocaine without adrenaline 2
20. Lignocaine with adrenaline 2
21. Impression compound 2 box
22. DPI Impression Paste 1
23. PVS Impression material (Light body, monophase and 1 each
24. Light body gun 1
25. Alginate 5
26. Protemp temporary crown material 1
27. Protemp gun 1
28. Bite registration paste 1
29. Plaster of paris 2
30. Dental stone (kalabhai) 2
31. Die stone (kalrock) 2
32. Cold Cure Powder & Liquid 1
33. Wax sheets 1
34. Articulating paper (Bausch) 2
35. Gingival retraction cord (000) 1
36. Shade guide 3D Master by Vita 1
37. Petroleum jelly 1
38. Sandpaper 80, 100, 120 grit 1 each
39. Hand piece oil/lubricant 1
40. Patients disposable aprons
41. PPE

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