Biophysj00107 0239
Biophysj00107 0239
Biophysj00107 0239
ABSTRACT The potassium selective, inward rectifier current (/K1) is known to be responsible for maintaining the resting membrane
potential of quiescent ventricular myocytes. However, the contribution of this current to the different phases of the cardiac action
potential has not been adequately established. In the present study, we have used the action potential clamp (APC) technique to
characterize the dynamic changes of a cesium-sensitive (i.e., /K1) current which occur during the action potential. Our results show
that (a) /K1 is present during depolarization, as well as in the final phase of repolarization of the cardiac action potential. (b) The
current reaches the zone of inward-going rectification before the regenerative action potential ensues. (c) The maximal outward
current amplitude during repolarization is significantly lower than during depolarization, which supports the hypothesis that in adult
guinea pig ventricular myocytes, /Kj rectification is accentuated during the action potential plateau. Our results stress the
importance of /K1 in the modulation of cell excitability in the ventricular myocyte.
It is widely accepted that the potassium selective, inward APC technique (Starzak and Starzak, 1976, 1978; Cole,
rectifier current (IK1) is the major determinant of the 1980; deHaas and Vogel, 1989; Doerr et al., 1989; Doerr
resting potential in the mammalian ventricular myocyte et al., 1990) to analyze the behavior of IK1 during the
(Pennefather and Cohen, 1990). Results obtained in this cardiac cycle of adult guinea pig ventricular myocytes.
and other laboratories suggest that IKI also plays an Our results reveal the specific contribution of IK1 to the
active role during action potential depolarization (Tour- different phases of the cardiac action potential. The data
neur, 1986; Delmar et al., 1989a), and contributes to the also show that the maximal outward IK1 during repolariza-
final phase of action potential repolarization (Tourneur tion is significantly less than during subthreshold depo-
et al., 1987). Such results were obtained using conven- larization, just before activation of the cell.
tional current and voltage clamp techniques, and the
inferences derived from them await confirmation in a
system in which a more direct analysis of current METHODS
dynamics may be performed.
Recent evidence obtained in chick embryo cardiac Cell dissociation and recording
cells (Mazzanti and DeFelice, 1990) also suggests that, procedures
although the inward rectifier channels are essentially Experiments were carried out in freshly-dissociated guinea pig ventric-
time-independent in the voltage region of the action ular myocytes. Details of the dissociation procedure are given in a
potential (Tourneur et al., 1987), the inward-going previous publication from our laboratory (Delmar et al., 1989a). The
composition of the Tyrode solution was (in mM): NaCl, 150; KCI, 5.4;
rectification of the channel can be accentuated by the CaCl2, 1.8; MgCl2, 1.0; NaHCO3, 5.8; NaH2PO4, 0.4; Glucose, 5.5;
cellular events which occur during the action potential HEPES, 5.0; pH was balanced to 7.4. Temperature was maintained at
plateau. The latter observation has not been tested for 350C.
the whole-cell IKI of adult, mammalian myocytes main- Recordings were obtained using sylgard-coated suction pipettes
tained at physiological concentrations of extracellular filled with an internal pipette solution containing (in mM): KCI, 150;
MgCl2, 1.0; EGTA, 5; HEPES, 5; 13-OH-butyric acid, 2.0; ATP
potassium. (disodium salt), 5.0; phosphocreatine (disodium salt), 5.0. The pH was
The action potential clamp (APC) techniques (Fisch- balanced to 7.2. Electrodes were coupled to an Axoclamp 2A amplifier
meister et al., 1984; deHaas and Vogel, 1989) offer a operating in the current clamp or voltage clamp mode.
valuable approach to the study of the dynamics of
specific currents as they actually occur during the action Action potential clamp
potential. This paper describes the use of the whole cell The whole-cell APC technique consists of voltage clamping the cell
membrane to its own action potential (deHaas and Vogel, 1989; Doerr
et al., 1990). Membrane potential recordings were obtained from
Address correspondence to Dr. Delmar. cardiac myocytes paced repetitively at a constant cycle length of
lbarra at al
et al. Dynamica of 'KI
Dynamics 'Ki in the Cardiac
Cardian Cycle
Cycle 1535
1 535
I (pA) currents that are difficult to identify at the single-
channel level. For example, in the case of IK,, single-
channel outward currents are impossible to detect at a
normal extracellular concentration of potassium ([K]O),
making it necessary to raise [K]o to unphysiological levels
(11.3 mM or above; Mazzanti and DeFelice, 1988, 1990).
This procedure not only alters channel conductance
(Sakmann and Trube, 1984; Matsuda, 1991) but it also
shifts the reversal potential of the current and, conse-
quently, alters the voltage gradient at which the channel
operates. The latter may be important since the kinetic
lI I
properties of the channel are known to be voltage
-90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 0 dependent (Ishihara et al., 1989; Oliva et al., 1990). In
Voltage (mV) addition, the shift of reversal potential due to high [K]o
would prevent the study of the dynamics of outward IK1
in the voltage range of the subthreshold response. In
FIGURE 2 Dynamic IK1 IV relation. Data points were obtained during summary, patch-APC and whole-cell APC techniques
either subthreshold depolarization (open squares) or during phase-3 complement each other, and they both represent excel-
repolarization (crosses) of the action potential shown in Fig. 1. lent tools in the study of the dynamic properties of
Following the conventional representation, outward currents are
considered to be of positive sign. membrane ionic currents.
difference between the two groups was highly significant (two tailedp potential upstroke. Consequently, we could not deter-
value = 0.0001) as determined by a paired t test. The relative differ- mine the exact shape of the negative slope region during
ence varied widely from one experiment to another, the average being depolarization.
27.9 + 11.6%. These differences strongly suggest that events occurring A small current (which we shall refer to as "offset
during the action potential plateau significantly alter the conductance current") was often observed during the action potential
of the IK1 channel (see also Mazzanti and DeFelice, 1990).
plateau in normal Tyrode solution (see Ip trace, Fig. 1).
A small offset from the baseline was also found by
deHaas and Vogel (1989) in their APC experiments of
DISCUSSION single nerve axon. In some experiments we repeated the
APC protocol after Cs washout. In those instances, the
The action potential clamp technique offers a valuable offset current was very similar to the one initially found
approach to the study of the dynamics of specific for the Ip trace.
currents as they actually occur during the action poten- The presence of an offset current could be explained
tial. This can be carried out by either allowing the cell to by at least two mechanisms. First, it is possible that this
clamp to its own action potential while recording the current results from temporal variations in the back-
membrane channel activity with a cell-attached pipette ground conductance (Belles et al., 1987). However, it is
(i.e., action potential patch clamp, or patch-APC; unlikely that an increase in background conductance
Fischmeister et al., 1984) or by digitizing the action would occur in our experimental conditions (pipette
potential and then using that action potential as the [ATP] = 5 mM) in the brief time (<3 min) elapsed
voltage command for the same cell (whole cell-APC; between current clamp recording and the moment of
Starzak and Starzak, 1976, 1978; Cole, 1980; deHaas and acquisition of Ip. A second possibility is that the offset
Vogel, 1989; Doerr et al., 1989, 1990). current results from a small (<1 mV) mismatch be-
Whole-cell APC recordings are useful for the study of tween the original action potential (as recorded from the
1 536 Biophysical Journal
Biophysical Journal Volume 60
Volume 60 December
December 1991
cell) and the command signal delivered to the cell during digital subtraction of Cs-sensitive currents (see, for
APC. We routinely adjusted for possible differences (see example, Tourneur et al., 1987; Oliva et al., 1990) are
Methods). However, small unresolved mismatches may quite similar to those observed by measuring the differ-
have remained. ence between records obtained at 14 mM [K]o and those
Regardless of its underlying mechanism, the character- obtained in K-free solution, using the oil-gap technique
istics of the offset current were such that it would not be (see, e.g., Ishihara et al., 1989).
expected to significantly alter the shape of the IK1 IV In summary, our results as well as those of others
relation. Indeed, the offset current was still present after strongly suggest that most (if not all) of the Cs-sensitive
Cs washout and is therefore possible that it was also outward current that was recorded in our experiments
present during Cs superfusion; in that case, the offset between -40 mV and resting potential indeed corre-
current would be cancelled out during the subtraction sponds to the whole-cell IK1 previously identified through
procedure. Moreover, even if the offset current was not more conventional voltage clamp techniques (Pennefa-
completely eliminated by the subtraction, it would only ther and Cohen, 1990).
alter the amplitude of the subtracted currents recorded
in the plateau range of potentials. Yet, in this paper, we
only analyze the time and voltage dependence of IK1 for Role of 'Kl in cell depolarization
voltages more negative than - 40 mV. Finally, we should Our results demonstrate that, when just-threshold cur-
point out that in two experiments, no offset current was rent pulses are used to activate the cell, the membrane
detected. Results from the latter experiments were potential enters the negative slope region of the IK1 IV
similar to those illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. relation before the rapid upstroke ensues (see Fig. 2).
The above limitations notwithstanding, the data pre- These data conclusively demonstrate the active role of
sented in this paper do show the dynamic contribution of IKi in determining the amplitude and shape of the
a Cs-sensitive current to the different phases of the subthreshold depolarization (Delmar et al., 1989a), and
cardiac action potential. As discussed below, the evi- strongly support the hypothesis that the negative slope
dence available in the literature strongly supports the region of IK1 contributes to the overall depolarization of
hypothesis that such a Cs-sensitive current is largely the cell (Tourneur, 1986).
carried through inward rectifier, IK1 channels. Cell excitability has generally been associated with the
ability of inward currents to generate an action potential
Cesium selectivity upstroke. Yet, even in the presence of normal sodium
channels, the cell will not generate an action potential if
The applicability of the APC technique to the study of it fails to depolarize from its resting level to threshold. It
individual ionic currents is highly dependent on the is in this regard that input resistance may play a role in
specificity of the channel blocker being used. An excel- the excitability of cardiac cells.
lent discussion on the nature of Cs-sensitive currents can Under normal circumstances, the propagating current
be found in Oliva et al. (1990). These authors provide is much larger than the minimum current required for
strong arguments in support of the premise that, for excitation and, consequently, the characteristics of IK1
voltages more negative than -20 mV, the cesium- would be irrelevant to the overall process of activation.
sensitive current is largely (if not exclusively) IK1. A However, when propagation is impaired, electrotonic
similar conclusion was drawn by Tourneur et al. (1987) depolarizations of long duration can precede the devel-
when studying guinea pig ventricular myocytes. opment of the active response (see Jalife, 1983; Delmar
In the studies cited above, Cs-sensitive currents were and Jalife, 1990, for review). In those instances, the
recorded in the presence of calcium channel blockers. In dynamic properties of IK1 play a critical role in determin-
our case, calcium currents were still functional. How- ing the amplitude and shape of the subthreshold re-
ever, it is unlikely that calcium currents were affected by sponse (Tourneur, 1986; Delmar et al., 1989a, b; Lorente
cesium because no sizable inward currents were de- et al., [1991]) and consequently, determine the success
tected at any time in the subtracted trace. In addition, or failure of activation.
Ca-channel permeability studies have shown that cesium
is the least permeable of all cations (Hess et al., 1986).
Moreover, we are not aware of any studies indicating a /Ki conductance is reduced by events
blocking effect of cesium on calcium currents. In fact, occurring during the action potential
cesium-containing solutions are commonly used to study plateau
the functional properties of calcium currents in cardiac We consistently observed IV relations which showed a
cells (see e.g., Tseng, 1988; Hartzell and White, 1989). more pronounced inward-going rectification during ac-
The characteristics of the IK1 IV curves obtained by tion potential repolarization. This observation corre-
Ibarra at al.
lbarra et Dynamics of I,K in the
Dynamics the Cardiac
Cardiac Cycle
Cycle 1537
lates well with that of Mazzanti and DeFelice (1990), IK1 outward conductance is also a function of time. The
showing that IK1 rectification is accentuated following implications that this temporal component may have on
the action potential plateau. the origin and maintenance of normal and abnormal
We may speculate that the increased rectification cardiac rhythms, remains to be determined.
observed after active depolarization occurs as a conse-
quence of the voltage-dependent blocking effect of We wish to thank Dr. Jose Jalife for his advice and support throughout
cytosolic free calcium ions on the conductance of the IK1 this project. The technical assistance of Ms. Wanda Coombs and Ms.
JoAnne Getchonis, and the secretarial skills of Ms. La Verne Gilbert
channels (Mazzanti and DiFrancesco, 1989). An argu- are also appreciated.
ment against this possibility is the fact that our experi-
ments were carried out in the presence of 5 mM EGTA This work was supported by grants R01-HL 40923 and P01-HL 39707
from the Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of
in the pipette solution, which would presumably chelate Health.
Cat. Yet, we can not be certain as to whether the EGTA
was able to diffuse into the intracellular space and
abolish the systolic Ca transients. Further experiments Received for publication 31 January 1991 and in final form 16
in which the cell is actively dialyzed with a known August 1991.
concentration of Ca2" would be necessary to test this
hypothesis. Moreover, it is possible that, as shown by
Mazzanti and DeFelice (1990) for chick embryo myo- REFERENCES
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