6 4 7 Pressurizing Insulation Spaces

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LNG Cargo Operations Program

LNG Operations

Pr essurizing Insulation Spaces

The det ails provided in this doc ument are relevant to c argo operations

onboard t ypic al membrane N o.9 6 t ype LNG c ar r ier s of 13 0,0 0 0

~ 14 5,0 0 0 m 3 c apac it y with four c argo t anks and steam tur bine

propulsion system.

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• I n i t i a l Pres su r i za t i o n o f I n su l a t i o n S p a ces w i t h
N i t rog e n
ƒ ƒ Co n t ro l Va l ves i n t h e s ys t e m
ƒ ƒ Pres su re Co n t ro l l e r s

• I n i t i a l F i l l i n g f ro m S h i p
ƒ ƒ Pr i m a r y I n su l a t i o n S p a ce f i l l i n g
ƒ ƒ Seco n d a r y I n su l a t i o n S p a ce f i l l i n g

• I n i t i a l F i l l i n g f ro m S h o re

• Monitoring

• I n su l a t i o n S p a ces Pres su r i za t i o n - N o r m a l Se r v i ce
ƒ ƒ M a ke -u p Req u i re m e n t s

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

I n i t i a l P res s u r i z a t i on o f I n su l a t i o n S paces w i t h N i t ro ge n

There are t wo methods of f illing the insulation spac es with nitrogen:

 Using the vessel’s nitrogen produc tion system

 Using a shore supply of liquid nitrogen through the main vapor izer
into the pr imar y header

Using the vessel’s nitrogen production system is not really practical for

initial filling will take a considerable time. For example, for a 130,000m 3

cargo capacity LNG carrier having four (4) Gas Transpor t Membrane

(No.96) Containment system cargo tanks the total free volume capacity of

Primar y insulations is about 3400m 3 and the Secondar y insulations is about

4900m 3. Using t wo Nitrogen plants with a total production of 130m 3/h it will

take more than 64hours or 2.66 days of continuous operation.

Co n t ro l Va l ves i n t h e s ys t e m

Six (6) c ontrol valves maintain the r ight pressures in the insulation

spac es:

1. Make-up control valve- for normal supply to primar y spaces.

2. Make-up control valve- for normal supply to secondar y spaces.

3. Control valve- for initial filling to both sets of insulation spaces in

conjunction with either primary spaces make-up control valve or secondary

spaces make-up control valve and for stand-by should either one fail.

4. Exhaust control- for exhaust from the primar y spaces.

5. Exhaust control- for exhaust from the secondar y spaces.

6. Control valve- the stand-by exhaust should either primar y or secondar y

spaces exhaust control valves fail.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

Pressu re Co n t ro l l e r s
The supply of nitrogen to the insulation spac es is c ontrolled by three (3)

pres sure c ontroller s

 Pressure c ontroller 1 c ontrols a c ontrol valve; supplying nitrogen to

pr imar y insulation spac es main. The pressure c ontroller 1 takes its
signal from a pressure transmit ter on the pr imar y insulation spac es

 Pressure c ontroller 2 c ontrols a c ontrol valve; supplying nitrogen to

sec ondar y insulation spac es main. The pressure c ontroller 2 t akes
it s signal from a pressure transmit ter on the sec ondar y insulation
spac es main.

 Pressure c ontroller 3 c ontrols a stand- by make - up c ontrol valve;

supplying nitrogen to primar y of sec ondar y insulation spaces main.
The pressure c ontroller 3 takes its signal from a pressure transmit ter
on the primar y or sec ondar y insulation spaces main as decided by the
operator via c ommand in DCS.

Pr ior to f illing t h e insulat ion sp ac es wit h ni t rog en, t h e
c a rgo t anks must b e pressur i zed in ord er t hat t h e pr imar y
insulat ion spac e pressure does not exc e ed t h e c a rgo t ank
p r e s sur e.

Any blanks f i t t ed in t h e system dur ing dr y dock have to b e

r e m ove d .

I t is essent ial t hat t h e c a rgo t anks are pressur i zed pr ior to

t h e insulat ion spac e s b eing p re s sur i z e d.

If on commencement of the operation the vacuum in the insulation

spaces is greater than -30 mbar, local pressure gauges must be
installed so that the operation can be closely monitored.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

I n i t i a l f i l l i n g f ro m s h i p

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

The nitrogen gas is produc ed by t wo generators at 65Nm 3 per unit.

Nitrogen gas is available from a storage tank of 12. 2m 3 c apac it y at a

pressure of 8 bar.

One nitrogen generator is suf f ic ient to meet all the nitrogen

requirement s dur ing nor mal ser vic e. H owever, dur ing initial f illing,

c ooling down and loading, nitrogen demand exc eeds the nor mal ser vic e

and t wo generator s are nec essar y.

The supply of nitrogen gas from the storage tanks are through a

pressure c ontrol valve whic h reduc es pressure from 8 bar to 3.0 bar

(these set points being adjust able on the Control Panel) and a non -

retur n valve.

Following is the operating proc edure using the vessel’s nitrogen

pro duc tion system

Both nitrogen generators used and the nitrogen storage tank pressur ized

to the ma ximum wor king pressure (via adjusting set point of relevant

c ontrol valve to supply 3 bars to the nitrogen header)

It is possible to pressurize both sets of insulation spaces simultaneously

with c are being taken to maintain approximate c onstant pressures

throughout. The following procedure however proposes to pressurize both

sets of insulation spaces separately.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

P r i m a r y I n s u l a t i o n S p a ce f i l l i n g
1. Tank 1 to 4 Individual primar y insulation spaces valves opened.

2. At the insulation spaces distribution control: block valves before and

af ter the Make-up control valve (for normal supply to primar y spaces)


3. Using the Control System adjust set point of Exhaust control valve (for
exhaust from the primar y spaces) to 4.0 mbar and on deck, the manual

block valves before and af ter the above Exhaust control valve is opened.

4. Using the Control System adjust set point of Make-up control valve
(for normal supply to primar y spaces) to 2 mbar. This cause the above

Make-up control valve to open and commence supply of nitrogen to the

primar y insulation spaces.

5. The demand on the nitrogen storage tank and the pressures in the
primar y insulation spaces is closely monitored.

6. If necessar y the primar y insulation spaces supply valves is throttled in to

stabilize the nitrogen storage tank pressure and allow it to cope with the


7. When the pressure on the locally installed pressure gauges is 2 mbar the

initial filling of the primar y insulation spaces is completed.

S e co n d a r y I n s u l a t i o n S p a ce f i l l i n g
1. Tank 1 to 4 Individual secondar y insulation spaces valves opened.

2. At the insulation spaces distribution control: block valves before and

af ter the Make-up control valve (for normal supply to secondar y spaces)


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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

3. Using the Control System adjust set point of Exhaust control valve (for
exhaust from the secondar y spaces) to 4.0 mbar and on deck, the manual

block valves before and after the above Exhaust control valve is opened.

4. Using the Control System adjust set point of Make-up control valve (for
normal supply to secondar y spaces) to 3 mbar. This cause the above

Make-up control valve to open and commence supply of nitrogen to the

secondar y insulation spaces.

5. The demand on the nitrogen storage tank and the pressures in the
secondar y insulation spaces is closely monitored.

6. If necessar y the secondar y insulation spaces supply valves is throttled

in to stabilize the nitrogen storage tank pressure and allow it to cope

with the demand.

7. When the pressure on the loc ally inst alled pressure gauges is 3 mbar
the initial f illing of the sec ondar y insulation spac es is c ompleted.

The pr imar y insulation spac es are now being maintained at 2 mbar and

the sec ondar y insulation spac es at 3 mbar.

Following is the f illing proc edure using a shore supply of liquid nitrogen

and main vapor izer onboard.

1. Removable bends and reducer installed (at vaporizer) to take in nitrogen

liquid from shore supply to vaporizer.

2. Main vaporizer prepared for use.

3. Line set to take in nitrogen liquid from shore supply to vaporizer.

4. Main vaporizer pressure control take- of f set to take signals from the

primar y header.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

I n i t i a l f i l l i n g f ro m s h o re

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

5. Main vaporizer outlet temperature set to +20 OC.

6. Liquid nitrogen supply valve to vaporizer opened; liquid nitrogen slowly

commence following into the main vaporizer.

7. Produced gaseous nitrogen leaves the main vaporizer and enters the
primar y header and allowed to vent of f at the common venting mast.

8. Tank 1 to 4 Primar y insulation spaces supply valves crack opened.

9. Primar y insulation spaces get filled

10. Pressure in the primar y insulation spaces allowed rising to 300 mbar
abs to create a dif ference of 100 mbar between primar y and secondar y

insulation spaces.

11. Tank 1 to 4 Secondar y insulation spaces supply valves crack opened.

12. Nitrogen is now being supplied to all the insulation spaces.

13. Rise in pressures closely monitored and when both primar y and
secondar y insulation spaces reach 940 mbar abs supply of liquid

nitrogen to vaporizer stopped.

Vaporization of liquid nitrogen for the insulation spaces has now

been completed and filling can be continued using vessel’s nitrogen

production system.

14. Set rest of the control valves as follows:

Pr i m a r y

 E xhaust c ontrol valve (for exhaust from the pr imar y spac es): 4.0


 Make - up c ontrol valve (for nor mal supply to pr imar y spac es): 2.0


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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

Secondar y

 E xhaust c ontrol valve (for exhaust from the sec ondar y spac es): 4.0


 Make - up c ontrol valve (for nor mal supply to sec ondar y spac es): 3.0

15. The main vaporizer inlet, bypass or outlet valves are lef t open until the

liquid in the line has warmed to ambient temperature.


Inter lo c ks and alar ms are f it te d to eac h t ank as follows to prevent or

guard against exc essive pressure dif ferentials:

Typical alarms and setting Effect if initiated

 Cargo tank pressure > 10 mbar  Situation nor mal
above pr imar y spac e pressure

 Cargo tank pressure < 10 mbar  A lar m only

above pr imar y spac e pressure

 Pr imar y insulation spac e

pres sure low: 0 mbar (ie equal to
atmospher ic pressure)

 Pr imar y insulation spac e pressure

high: 10 mbar

 Sec ondar y insulation spac e

pres sure low: 0 mbar (ie equal to
atmospher ic pressure)

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

Typical alarms and setting Effect if initiated

 Sec ondar y insulation spac e

pres sure high: 10 mbar

 Cargo tank pressure < 5mbar  Automatic tr ip of

above pr imar y spac e pressure c ompressor s (H D & LD)

 Automatic closing of G -valve

(stopping gas bur ning supply

to engine room)

 Cargo tank pressure < pr imar y  ESDS ac tivated

spac e pres sure

Thus the c argo tank pressures must exc eed the pr imar y insulation spac e

pressure by at least 10 mbar at all times.

Dur ing nor mal operation the pr imar y and sec ondar y spac es are kept full

of nitrogen gas at a pressure of bet ween 2 mbar and 4 mbar. A ll pr imar y

spac es are c ommon, as are all sec ondar y spac es, but the t wo sets of

spac es are kept separate.

Each set of spac es has a make - up c ontrol valve whic h supplies nitrogen

to the spac es if the pressure drops to 2 mbar, and also an exhaust

c ontrol valve whic h will vent any pressure in exc ess of 4 mbar (the values

c an be adjusted using the DCS).

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

I n su l a t i on Spaces Pres su r i za t i on – No r m a l Se r v i ce
M a i n t a i n i n g Pres su re

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

The primar y and sec ondar y spaces mains pressures are automatic ally

c ontrolled bet ween 2 mbar and 4 mbar (the values c an be adjusted using

the Control System) by the make - up c ontrol valves, and exhaust c ontrol

valves. In practice the sec ondar y insulation spaces are maintained at 0.5

to 1.0mbar above the primar y insulation spaces.

Three make - up c ontroller s and three exhaust c ontroller s c ontrol the

supply of nitrogen to the insulation spac es and relief of exc ess pressure

from the insulation spac es. Dur ing nor mal use, one make - up c ontrol

valve and one exhaust c ontrol valve will be in use on each set of spac es,

with the third valve of each set on st and - by in the event of failure of the

nor mal valve.

The set pressure of the valves is adjustable using the Control System

in the Centralized Control Room. The nitrogen storage tank pressure is

c ontrolled by the nitrogen production system normally supplying 2.5 bar to

the nitrogen main (Safet y set at 3.3 bar)

Two generator units operate, one in use and the other on st and - by.

Pressure drop in the nitrogen storage tank ac tuates the st ar ting of the

air c ompressor and one generator unit to top up the system. If with

one generator unit r unning, the pressure in the nitrogen storage tank

c ontinues to fall the st and - by generator unit will be ac tivated.

To put the insulation spac es pressur ization system into nor mal

operation, following are t ypic al set tings:

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

Pr i m a r y

 E xhaust c ontrol valve (for exhaust from the primar y spaces): 4.0 mbar.

 Make - up c ontrol valve (for normal supply to primar y spaces): 3.0 mbar.

Secondar y

 Exhaust control valve (for exhaust from the secondar y spaces): 5.0 mbar.

 Make-up control valve (for normal supply to secondar y spaces): 4.0 mbar.

This above set tings will maintain the pr imar y insulation spac es bet ween
2.0 and 4.0 mbar and the sec ondar y insulation spac es bet ween 3.0 and
4.0 mbar.

M a ke -u p Re q u i re m e n t s
L o a d e d co n d i t i o n: With the ship in ser vic e and when steady
temperatures have been ac hieved in the c argo tanks, the only make
up nec essar y to the insulation spac es will be that due to var iations
in atmospher ic pressure and environmental temperature changes, or
possibly leaks in the spac es themselves mainly through valves.

B a l l a s t co n d i t i o n: When the c argo tanks war m slightly in the ballast

c ondition the sec ondar y spac es in par tic ular will war m up c ausing the
pressure to r ise and the exhaust c ontrol valve to vent exc ess pressure.

D u r i n g Coo l d ow n: When the c argo tanks are c o oled down pr ior to

loading c argo and also in the initial st ages of loading, the insulation
spac es, in par ticular the pr imar y spac es, will exper ienc e a c ool down.

This will c ause the pressure to drop in the insulation spac es and the
header s and the make - up c ontrol valve (to supply nitrogen to pr imar y
spac es) will open.

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LNG Cargo Operations Program
LNG Operations

When c ooling down c argo tanks, it may be found nec essar y to put the

st andby make - up c ontrol valves into operation on the pr imar y spac es.

I n su l a t i on Spaces – Pres su re Re l i e f Va l ves: In addition to

the exhaust c ontrol valves, each insulation spac e has t wo pressure

relief valves set to lif t at 10 mbar and close again at 8 mbar. Nor mally

the pr imar y spac es relief valves vent direct to a near by mast and the

sec ondar y spac es relief valves vent direct to atmosphere, just above

dec k level.

In addition to the relief valves each pr imar y spac e has t wo manually

operated vent valves, one of 25 mm, and one of 15 0 mm whic h vent to

the same mast as the relief valves. The small valve is used to vent the

pr imar y spac es in c ase of a small leak of the pr imar y bar r ier and the

large valve only in exc eptional circumst anc es also.

Pr imar y membrane leakage: In c ase of ser ious leakage of the pr imar y

membrane provision are made available to equalize the pressure on both

pr imar y and the vapor dome of a par ticular tank.

One of the methods is a spec ial t wo valve and pipe system on the gas

dome allows the pr imar y insulation spac e to be put in c ommunic ation

with the top par t of the tank (vapor dome) allowing the pressures to be

equalized and avoiding any possibilit y of over pressur izing the pr imar y


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