How To Mark Abort Point On Chart: Capt Rajeev Jassal

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How to mark abort point on chart


Capt Rajeev Jassal

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What is abort Point

Abort point is a position on the passage plan route after which there is insufficient
sea room to turn the vessel and return back

How to Mark Abort point on chart

For marking abort point, we need to know Maximum head reach and side
reach of the vessel in a turn

Vessels Head reach is close to advance of the ship and Side reach is
close to tactical diameter of the ship

Advance and Tactical diameter values can be found from the manoeuvring
booklet of the ship. Or these value can also be found from the wheel house

Find the Maximum values of Advance and Tactical diameter of your


Double these values to allow for external factors like currents and wind.
Add additional distance that the vessel will cover at planned speed for 5
minutes. This is allow for analysing the traffic around.

Add all these to get a minimum distance to mark abort point.

Mark the abort point at a position that is clear from all the hazards by this

Points to consider while Marking Abort point

Abort point should not be marked too far.
Abort point should not be marked so near to the dangers that vessel
cannot turn even when she has not crossed Abort point.

Abort point should be marked by an arrow pointing to the position or by a

small dotted line. It should not be marked by a big line as this can give a
false impression that vessel can still turn safely in case vessel is off track
and has not crossed the line marked to represent abort point

Other important point

If the abort point is before the pilot boarding position, Navigators must
exercise caution while approaching the pilot station. In case berthing plan is
cancelled after vessel has crossed abort point, it can be dangerous as ship
would have no space to turn around.
When crossing the abort point to pick up pilot, vessels speed must be least
position so that in case berthing is cancelled, vessel can turn around by
astern movement.

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