Charles Gilchrist Mandalas - Esoteric Astrology
Charles Gilchrist Mandalas - Esoteric Astrology
Charles Gilchrist Mandalas - Esoteric Astrology
Esoteric Astrology
12: Fine
Art Print
t © 1995
A beautiful print on Fine Art paper is now available of this popular Gilchrist
Mandala. Charles personally creates and signs these prints as Artist's Proofs. The
heavy paper is 13 inches by apox. 16 inches. The price is $59.95, plus $14.00
insurance, shipping, and handling anywhere in the continental USA..
L.P. Well Charles, here we are again and the tape is running. I want to talk to you
about astrology but it must be a sensitive subject. I know your wife Pamela was a
professional astrologer and....
C.G. No, it's all right, Leslie. I can handle it. She passed away on the seventh of
April, 2000, and that was several years ago. I have recovered sufficiently. In fact I would
love to talk about astrology. She was such an inspiration (Fig. 1).
Fig 1.
Resistance To Astrology
C.G. No I hadn't. Of course I knew a little bit because I was already very involved
with Sacred Geometry and numerology but I had purposely evaded the astrological
discipline for years. Of course, I knew I was a Gemini Sun; but that was about all. I had
managed to avoid a study of the subject for over twenty years.
L.P. Really? That surprises me. How did that happens — I mean why? I would
have thought the subject would have been a natural for you.
C.G. My greatest teacher and Guru came into my life in 1970. I was thirty years old
and suddenly filled with the desire to understand everything.
C.G. It was as if I had awakened from a foggy dream to discovered a totally new
and spiritually intimate universe. Suddenly I was filled with a childlike enthusiasm to
really learn. And there he was: someone who seemed to know ALL. It seemed
miraculous, and shortly after we discovered one another he told me he had a very
specific plan for my esoteric education which I was to follow explicitly. He was teaching
me a method of study and convinced me his sequence of learning was imperative.
Astrology was not part of that early teaching. I never thought of resisting him because
he was my Guru and I trusted him completely. Years later, he told me I would eventually
study Astrology and said I would know the appropriate moment. He was exactly right —
as ever.
Meeting Pamela
L.P. That's fascinating. So evidently the time was right and you met Pamela.
C.G. "Yes, It was amazing — another miracle. By that time I had been studying
Sacred Geometry for years and could clearly see its esoteric relationship to Astrology. I
realized it was time to begin a dialog with a professional astrologer and a mutual friend
introduced us. For me it was love at first sight — powerful chemistry. I found we were
both doing essentially the same thing: meditating on Sacred Geometry. I was creating
Mandalas and she was creating astrological charts for her clients — a different form of
Mandala making.
One of the most profound aspects of Pamela's work was that she did not use a
computer to create her charts. She did them all by hand. The time and focus it took to
do that encouraged her to slip into very deep levels of open-eyed Meditation. That
intense discipline was one of the things that made her so extraordinary, allowing her
oracular talents to flower. I could relate. I was doing the same thing: spending hours and
hours in deep meditation with the archetypes of geometry. We were made for one
another— understood one another. We taught each other all kinds of things. But here
we are, getting side tracked again. Let's talk about the esoteric nature of astrology."
How Does Astrology Work?
L.P. "Yes, good. I have a question, Charles. How dose it actually work? I mean
modern science has no explanation. In fact, most scientists believe Astrology has no
validity what so ever. But after all these thousands of years, astrology is more popular
than ever. How does it work?"
C.G. "As ever Leslie, a great first question. Pamela was truly gifted. She totally
blew my mind on a regular basis. Through her studies, experience, and her very deep
astrological meditations, Pamela was able to see deep into the heart of her clients
issues and energies. She gave wise and sensitive council. She also regularly made very
accurate predictions which seemed magical and consistently stunned many of her
clients. Pamela would brush her mysterious oracular powers aside, saying:
' I just read the maps — the rhythms and patterns. I see where the
person was, and is, and where they're going — that's all. Anyone can
do it.'
In her mind, this geometric language, she could so clearly read, was obvious; and she
believed anyone, who really wanted to, could do the same thing."
L.P. "What do you think Charles, is it that easy? I mean, could anyone do it?"
C.G. "Yes and no. Astrology is an oracular system designed to turn us inward so
that we my come to a clearer understanding of our truest nature and therefore the
nature of humanity itself, and even how we all fit into this universe. You could say that
astrology is a workable system of psychology, facilitating self understanding and mental
well-being. That is the function of Astrology. But to be most effective, Astrology needs
gifted practitioners like Pamela, teaching and guiding. That's what Pamela did day to
day. She helped people through their dreams and troubles, giving them enlightened and
wise council. She was dedicated to the relief of suffering and the expansion of human
consciousness; a great teacher by example. Many of her clients, who were originally
and primarily interested in their love life, became serious astrological and metaphysical
students, suddenly walking the path of self discovery.
L.P. "Of course I suspected that's where you where going, Charles; to make the
connection to your personal specialty. Show me the relationship between the
metaphysical system of Astrology and Sacred Geometry."
C.G. "It goes right to the first archetypes, Leslie. The astrological system springs
directly from The Two Circles Of Common Radius and The Vesica Piscis(Fig. 2)."
Fig 2
These same geometric archetypes are at the heart of our human concepts of
measuring time. Our twelve hour clock is actually rooted in the astrological chart: the
map of time in twelve houses. The circular chart with twelve house is a simple graphic
form which can be created with a simple compass and straightedge. It naturally creates
itself — automatically, and evolves from The Two Circles Of Common Radius and The
Vesica Piscis. (Fig. 3)"
Fig. 3
L.P. "It see what you are saying, Charles. In ancient times, way before the printing
press, anyone would have been able to create a clock like division of the circle with only
those simple tools: a compass and straightedge. That is extremely interesting, a great
example of natural evolution — just simple logic.
C.G. "Simple is good, Leslie. Even a small child playing with a little divided twig
(used as a compass) could create the first icons of Sacred Geometry in the soft earth.
The perfections of Sacred Geometry are so simple and pure."
L.P." Lets talk about your large Mandala on Astrology, entitled 1-2-3-4-12(Fig 4).
Explain the numbers, Please? Knowing you, there must be some significance."
Fig. 4
C.G. "Simple, really. Astrology divides The Circle into various parts, one part, two
parts, three parts, four parts and twelve parts: 1-2-3-4-12. I left out some of the sub
divisions, but you get the idea."
L.P. "I think I see. Talk more about these parts. Tell me about this Mandala."
L.P. "OK, we can do it that way. Let me see: it's an acrylic Mandala on canvas, of
course, and it seems to be relatively classical in the sense that it makes reference to the
four traditional doorways at the four cardinal points. It's about three foot square and
there is various overlapping geometry inside; squares and triangles and circles. Of
course there are the twelve signs of the zodiac. The radiating aspect is also very strong.
Those waving lines at the outside are very energetic (Fig. 5)."
Fig. 5
C.G. "Yes, there are 360 of those vibrating lines, Leslie, each representing one
degree. Astrology also divides the circle into 360 parts, one of the divisions I left out of
the title."
L.P. "I see that, Charles — very precise. Let's talk about the various parts. What
about the twelve parts, or houses as I believe the astrologers call them."
C.G. "The first two outside circles represent the astrological chart with the twelve
houses. The horizontal line in the middle represents Earth's horizon extended into
space with the first house (Aries) in its traditional place on the left and just below the
horizon. Our planet Earth is in the center with daylight above and darkness below (Fig.
Fig. 4
L.P. "Let me interrupt a little Charles. Skeptics have always criticized Astrology
because it places the Earth at the center of the universe. Comment on that point of
contention, if you will."
C.G. "In the astrological sense, the Earth IS the center of the universe, as it relates
to the mapping of the movements of the stars. If we lived on the Moon, and were
mapping the heavenly bodies, the Moon would then become the center of the universe
and the Earth would be that large multi colored world hanging in the black sky. And
what a strange astrology that would be. If we lived on the so called dark side of the
moon, we would never even see the Earth."
L.P. "So, you are saying this old criticism of Astrology somehow misses the point?"
C.G. "Exactly! Some people just will not even try to get it. It's not rocket science. If
we lived on Phoebe (the first moon of Saturn) we would still be at the astrological center
of the universe and the mapping of the heavenly bodies would be a very bazaar
astrology indeed, that huge sphere with its fantastic rings dominating, the sun but a
bright dot of light in a black sky and many times completely obscured buy mother
L.P. "All right, let's get back to the astrological chart and its Twelve houses with our
Earth as the center of the universe."
The Twelve Houses
C.G. "Each of the twelve houses is 30 degrees wide and, on our world, represents
about two hours, plus or minus. It takes one day (24 hours) for our Earth to rotate
through this map of time; and we human beings rotate with it. As pre-birth water
creatures, it takes about 270 of these revolutions for us to fully develop in our mothers
womb. The moment we draw our first breath we cease to be aquatic beings and are
literally on our own as separate individual air breathing organisms. At that moment of
first breath, and at that particular place on earth we are born, all the heavenly bodies
occupy a very precise position in the astrological chart; and our personal map of life's
rhythms begin. The astrological chart associated with our personal moment of birth is
called our natal chart, and this is the first tool of the astrologer."
Three Squares
L.P. "All right, let's continue. What about the next circle of your Mandala. It contains
three overlapping squares all touching the outer circle and marking the division of the
twelve houses. Each is a different color: Yellow, Red, and Blue. What's that all about?
C.G. "The Metaphysical system of Astrology divides the universe into three major
parts and contemplates these parts as a great mystery. All philosophical systems do the
same and assign various theories to this natural Trinity — this Threeness. Of course the
Christian tradition calls this cosmic Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost;
but there are numerous points of view. For the Hindu vision of the Great Trinity, we
could look to the wondrous caves of Elephanta, India, which holds a colossal bust with
three faces; Brahma, the Creator; Vishnu, The Preserver; and Siva the Destroyer. The
three manifestations of the Ultimate Reality. Astrology defines the Trinity as: the
Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable aspects, or the Spiritual, Material and Mental aspects
Three Squares fit perfectly within the twelve houses (Fig. 4). The yellow square in
this Mandala points to the Cardinal signs: the first house (Aries) the fourth house
(Cancer) The seventh house (Libra) and the tenth house (Capricorn). The red square
points to the Fixed, or material signs of the zodiac: the second house (Taurus) the fifth
house (Leo) the eighth house (Scorpio) and the eleventh house (Aquarius). And the
Blue square (the mutable or mental aspect) points to the third house (Gemini) the sixth
house (Virgo) the ninth house (Sagittarius) and the twelfth house (Pieces)."
L.P. "I'm beginning To see, Charles. What about the triangles in the next Circle?"
Fig. 4
Four Triangles
C.G. "Esoteric astrology also sees the cosmos divided into four parts — Fourness,
also known as the Four Elements. The ancient words defining the elements are: Fire,
Earth, Air, and Water, and four triangles fit perfectly into the twelve houses. The fire
signs of the zodiac, in this case represented by the orange triangle, are Aries, Leo, and
Sagittarius. The Earth signs are: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; the brown triangle. The
Air signs are: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; the sky blue triangle. And the Water signs
are: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pieces; represented by the Aqua colored triangle."
L.P. "Interesting, Charles. I see what you are doing with the three squares and four
triangles; but I could never quite figure out this elemental idea of Fire, Earth, Air, and,
Water. It seems too simple, almost naive. Can you explain it in a more scientifically
appropriate way? Is that possible?"
C.G. "Of course. Leslie. No metaphysical system is valid unless its material
aspects can comfortably interrelate with scientific realities. The ancient sages
contemplated the Fourness of the universe and came to this scientifically valid
conclusions: All manifestations of the universe must, by principle, be composed from at
least one of these four elemental qualities: Fire, Earth, Air, or Water. The astrological
word Fire, does not just mean the fire we see when a log burns. Elemental Fire really
means all radiant energy, the entire spectrum of radiant energy. From this point of view,
even radio waves would be considered Elemental Fire. Earth, means all solid forms; the
quality of solidity. In this sense, Ice (frozen water) is no longer liquid and is therefore
Elemental Earth. The Elemental Air, is not just hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide,
etc., but all things gaseous or vaporous. Elemental Water is actually describing the
universal quality of liquidity, all forms of liquidity. From this elemental point of view, the
extremely cold liquid hydrogen would be considered Elemental Water, and very hot
liquid gold would also be considered Elemental Water."
This system also points to the possibility, and indeed the probability, that a given
thing will change its elemental nature from one form to another. A solid log on fire
(Earth) is being transmuted into radiant energy (Elemental Fire) and various gasses
(Elemental Air) and of course carbon ash (another form of Elemental Earth). A pool of
Water (Elemental Water) changes its elemental nature becoming (Elemental Earth) or
(Elemental Air) as it freezes or evaporates."
L.P. "Excellent, Charles. After all these years of confusion I finally understand that
ancient concept of the Four Elements. I find it amazing that these ancient minds could
have truly grasp these unchanging and very esoteric realities, especially without any
scientific technology. It boggles my mind."
L.P. "So far we have touched on the twelve parts, four parts, and three parts. What
about the two parts?"
C.G. "Yes, Duality. Twoness! This archetypal quality of the universe is one of the
great mysteries and the contemplation of duality occupies the minds of all philosophers.
The perennial conclusion acknowledges an omnipresent and omnipotent duel force at
the heart of all manifestation. In the East, this dual force is called Yin and Yang. The
Hermetic philosophers call this duality Gender Energy, and in the Astrological system
this polar force is called The Projective and The Receptive. This energy pulses around
the astrological chart with six Projective signs and six Receptive signs. The Projective
signs of the Zodiac are: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The
Receptive Signs are: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pieces. "
L.P. "Charles, I've also heard this duel force called The Masculine and The
Feminine. Is this the energy behind the so called 'battle of the sexes?"
C.G. "Yes, of course. Everyone knows the dynamics of that relationship. Man and
Woman is our ultimate lesson in duality; the Projective and the Receptive; Attraction
and Repulsion. The popular contemporary concept of the so called Left and Right
brains, is also defining this arcane duality. It literally makes the galaxies spin. Gender
Energy is the omnipresent and omnipotent force at the heart of ALL. Maintaining relative
balance within this dynamic is the ultimate goal."
L.P. "Yes, balance. I see the famous Yin/Yang at the center of your Mandala. Let's
talk about the Center of this Mandala (Fig. 5)."
Fig. 5
C.G. "The center of this Mandala makes reference to the major divisional qualities
of the Astrological system. At the precise center we find the Bindu, or single point. This
is the symbol of unity, the ultimate expression of the holistic. The Bindu is The First
archetype of Sacred Geometry, from which all form evolves. The circle which encloses
the twelve houses is also an expression of unity or wholeness — Oneness. But our
universe is created through the division of that unity and necessarily, all individual
expressions of universal Oneness are based in duality; hence the Yin/Yang; The
Projective and The Receptive — Unity into Duality.
Next comes The Trinity (The Equilateral Triangle: the Cardinal, Fixed, and
Mutable); and then The Square, representing Elemental Fourness (Fire, Earth, Air, and
Water). At this point, the mandala begins to divide into its more subtle parts: first 12 and
then 72. Those lines radiating from the edge of the dynamic square, represent five
degrees each (72 parts). And of course, the Mandala eventually divides into 360 parts."
L. P. "This painting is really quit simple, Charles, when you take some time with it.
But I'm still curious. I see another division of our circle we haven't talked about. What
about those strange little shapes of bright color — the yellow, red and blue forms
between the three squares and the four triangles (Fig. 6)"
Fig. 6
C.G. "This is a fairly esoteric aspect of Astrology, Leslie, which I know Pamela
contemplated in her meditations. Each of the 12 houses or signs in the Zodiac
represents a 30 degree section of the heavens, and each of those houses are divided
into 3 parts: 10 degrees each. These sections are called The Decants (36 parts of the
circle) and they are associated with the Astrological trinity: the Cardinal, Fixed, and
Mutable. Each of the 36 decants are associated with one of those three qualities. It's
kind of a sub rhythm of trinity within the larger rhythm of that same archetypal trinity.
The 12 yellow decants are Cardinal (Spiritual); the 12 red decants are Fixed
(Physical/Material); and the 12 blue decants are Mutable (Mental). This rhythm is very
interesting to me. I'm still thinking about it; but Pamela understood the decants
L.P. "What do you mean, Charles? What did Pamela do with these decants? How
did she use them? What was her thinking?"
C.G. "When Pamela would construct an astrological chart she would look carefully
and meditatively at the various geometric aspects; all of the relative positions of the
planets as they relate to the Zodiac and to one another. As her meditation deepened
she would begin to feel patterns and weights within these geometric relationships. As
the larger patterns emerged she would begin to see the more subtle patterns like the
decant patters. For instance; If a human's sun sign falls at say, 7 degrees Gemini, that
Mutable or mental energy is magnified because the entire house of Gemini holds mental
energy, as does the first decant of Gemini. But if the natal Sun would rest at 17 degrees
Gemini, that would put it in the second decant of Gemini which is Cardinal, a spiritual
energy decant. The sign of Gemini marks strong mental influences but this 17 degree
Gemini would feel an additional spiritual influence. Pamela would process hundreds of
details like this in her meditative mind and would somehow find a relatively accurate
picture of anyone. Like I said, Pamela was tremendously gifted and . . . she had
developed those talents."
L.P. "Another question just popped into my mind, Charles. What about this idea
that the planets run backwards, planets in retrograde I think is the term? That one
makes no sense to me."
C.G. "Of course not, Leslie. Planets can't suddenly stop and begin moving in the
opposite direction, that's ridiculous. But that is what they occasionally appear do within
the astrological map. For instance: As you know, the planet Mercury is our Sun's closest
neighbor. Mercury is relatively close to the Sun (about 58 million kilometers) and orbits
the Sun about three times faster than the Earth (every 88 days). In the astrological
chart, Mercury is never very far from the Sun. When you see the Sun, Mercury can
never be farther than 28 degrees away. Mercury moves with the rest of the planets as it
crosses the Sun on the back side, but as it continues to revolve around the Sun, it
appears to move backward as it swings around and moves in front of the Sun; backing
up in the astrological map. That's Mercury in retrograde. As it reaches the lower part of
its orbit and once more begins its swing behind the Sun, it appears to change direction
again. This natural cycle repeats about three times per year."
L.P. "I get it Charles. Again, totally understandable when you really look at it. I have
no idea what was blocking me on that one. I am sure we could go on and on but we
need to bring this interview to an end. What do you think, Charles? What's the major
point? Can you sum it up for me?"
C.G. "We could talk all night about Astrology, but this is a good place to rest. What
is the main point? I suppose it is that Astrology remains a completely legitimate
metaphysical system directly connected to the oracular powers of Sacred Geometry."
L.P. "What about the obvious hostility exhibited by the majority of the scientific
L.P. "I know you are using the word occult in the classical sense, but please help
my scientific mind grasp the possibility of these mysterious unmeasurable forces."
C.G. "This is still a very mysterious universe, Leslie. We think of a loved one
thousands of miles away or maybe just across the street — and they call. Or we dream
of someone and they show up — and on and on. This kind of simple paranormal
phenomena happens to millions of people all over the world and always has. My
personal experience has proven beyond all doubt that we human beings are connected
to one another on very mysterious levels indeed, those connections involving energies
far beyond current scientific understanding. Apply this paranormal reality to astrology.
The massive Sun, Planets, Moons, Asteroids, and Comets which make up our solar
system are not just (as scientists would have us believe) dead balls and chunks of
relatively heavy stuff. Gravity is not the only force involved."
Authors Note
Leslie Page - December, 2004
Since this interview was created, we have discovered this Gilchrist Mandala (1-2-3-4-
12) was originally created as a wedding gift to his wife Pamela. It hung in her office for
the rest of her life.