Transgenic Organisms

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How can organisms be modified? modified flower oil where it is use as

➔ gene insertion of foreign DNA of organism lubricants or for transformers offering an
➔ manipulated mutation (mostly in plants) alternative for crude oils.
➔ deletion of a section of DNA - Bio-ethanol is a fuel that is less in quantity
➔ transduction (process by which a virus but with bio engineering–it can be doubled.
transfers genetic material from one - Environment, plants may be genetically
bacterium to another) modified to produce characteristics to
➔ altering by adding DNA fragment, which enhance the growth or nutritional profile of
makes transgenic animal/plant food crops. Also diagnosing disease
conditions, medical treatment
GENETIC ENGINEERING improvement, as well as production of
- Genetic engineering has many techniques in vaccines and other useful drugs.
transferring a gene because each technique - Entertainment, such as the Glofish, as pet.
vary in efficiency. - Food Industry, very important. Most foods
- Artificial manipulation. Can be done directly are produced by genetically engineering.
or indirectly (ex. selective breeding; Selective - Make-up
breeding only choosing the desired trait that - Cell organ transplant
you want. The sweetness of apple for - Vaccine
strawberries for instance). BUT, as for - Preservation
genetic engineering, IT IS A DIRECT - Growth Hormones, Inserting growth
APPROACH by modifying the DNA. hormones in the egg cell then fertilization.
Proceed to surrogation, and the offering
DNA will be called as a transgenic animal. Milk is
- double helix enhanced with the growth hormone.
- hereditary/genetic information of an
- blueprint of life ANIMAL:
- contains the code for transcription of DNA Get a trait → Get an egg cell → insert to a
→ translation to protein/amino acid ( or the surrogate = transgenic organism
- DNA → mRNA → protein Get a trait → Get a plasmid of bacterial cell →
- important piece of puzzle for genetic insert bacteria to egg cell → reproduce =
engineering transgenic organism
- Pairs of bases
In genetic engineering we don’t manipulate the
BIOLOGICAL ETHICS or Bio Ethics entire DNA, but just a portion/fragment.
- Is it right or wrong to modify? Modifying the whole DNA is NOT
- If it serves as a purpose to humanity, then ALLOWED, it is against bioethics. It will
let it be. ruin the biodiversity

Transgenic Animal HOW TO MODIFY?

- Is one whose genome has been deliberately In the DNA, get a fragment or a portion (also
altered by the transfer of a gene or genes called a gene which holds a specific
from another species or breed. trait/genotype) . DNA has only 4 sequence
- Foreign gene with desired characteristics is of bases
inserted into the animal to modify its DNA
- Medicine, transgenic animals such as
→ James Watson and Francis Crick.
rabbits were used as test subjects for
medical use
- Agriculture, to improve crops, for mass
→ Gregor Mendel, studied about the dominant
production ex. tomatoes must be
and recessive traits
sustainable, resistant to pest and longer
shell life
A human cell is kept inside the chromosome. The
- Livestock, chickens and salmon for
genetic information is kept inside the
example. 45 days chickens are already big
nucleus. Chromosomes (if supercoiled) with
and produces a lot of eggs. Transgenic
sex cells, or chromosomes with DNA. 23
salmon are half bigger than the size of a
from both parents. 46 in total.
regular salmon.
- Industrial products, In the industrial field,
we lack resources, thus, genetically


→ Paul Berg (1926-2023) → circular pieces of DNA called plasmids found
→ American scientist, biochemist 50 years in the inside bacterial cells can be engineered to
field. Recombinant DNA technology make such proteins as human insulin by
(involves using enzymes and various inserting the gene that codes for that
laboratory techniques to manipulate and protein special enzymes called restriction
isolate DNA segments of interest.) enzymes which recognize fine - and cut
→ He Introduced GENE SPLICING and specific DNA sequences are used to open
Biochemistry up a plasmid in preparation for the
→ Genetic engineered glofish insertion of a gene some restriction
→ We enjoy tomatoes, or GMO enzymes leave the DNA with uneven ends
also known as sticky ends shown here if the
Accomplishments: gene we wish to insert and the plasmid are
● First Genetically Modified Animal: Mouse, both cut with the same enzyme these
the DNA of monkey is inserted to the sticky ends will be complementary meaning
geneline of mouse they will readily bond with one another in a
● First Genetically Modified Plant: : Tobacco follow up reaction gene fragments cut
● Bacteria, Mass Production of Human plasmids and an enzyme that connects DNA
Insulin for Diabetes (1978): The traditional fragments are mixed together this so-called
way curing diabetes is by insertion of ligase enzyme attaches the sticky ends in
pancreas (usually from plants). A pancreas the solution to produce circular plasmids
transplant cures diabetes. The transplanted that now carry the gene that codes for the
pancreas provides you with new desired protein. This is the process in order
insulin-producing cells, which eliminate to produce a recombinant/transgenic
the need for insulin shots. organism.
→ the machine for mass production is bacteria/
or with the use of bacteria. It is done by Where do we get the enzymes?
inserting a gene to the plasmid of bacteria, → from bacteria, such as e.coli
to the host system. Need ang vector
How to seal it?
● Genetically Modified Plant for
→ through DNA ligase
Consumption: Tomato, flavor, savor tomato
has longer shelf life, pest resistant, bigger 2. Gene Library
and better. Nowadays, they want tomatoes → for easy access for a possible sequence, the
to become spicy. They discovered that next tool being used is the use of a
tomatoes contains Capsaicins, a chill library.
pepper extract. → contains information especially on the DNA
sequence of a protein. Reverse process.
3 BASIC TECHNIQUES Protein provides information on the
1. Introduce: introducing a new trait into sequence of a DNA. In order to introduce
organisms. e.g. more sweetened tomato the trait, you already have a copy of the
2. Enhance: enhancement of a present trait by sequence.
increasing the expression of the desired → Goal: Get a DNA sequence from a protein
3. Disrupt: enhancement by disrupting the How to make protein?
inhibition of desired gene expression ● DNA → mRNA → Protein (amino acids)
The Reverse Process / reverse transcriptase
TOOLS ● AA (amino acids) → Protein → mRNA →
1. Restriction Endonuclease/Enzyme (RE) cDNA (complementary DNA) → ssDNA
from bacteria To get the fragment of the (Single stranded DNA) → DNA polymerase
DNA, first you need TO CUT IT using → dsDNA (double stranded) → to vector →
Molecular Scissors. amplification → sequence
→ you need to cut a portion and also a plasmid
from a bacteria cell/ trait that you want to Why complementary? Because we are reversing
achieve the process
→ the goal of the molecular scissors is to get a
fragment Goal: Get a DNA sequence from a protein
→ a protein produced by bacteria that cleaves
DNA at specific sites along the molecule First step, get an amino acid, convert into mRNA
→ this type of enzyme is specific on what to cut. → cDNA → ssDNA however, ssDNA is not valid,
(ps. Exonuclease is also an enzyme that thus you need DNA polymerase in order to
cuts a portion however not used because produce dsDNA. Then, insert it to a vector, once
its target is to the outside area. inserted, amplification of dsDNA starts. Then, you
have now a database of sequence of protein.
3. Vector/ Carrier
→ A vector is a DNA molecule (often plasmid or
virus) that is used as a vehicle to carry a gene
particular DNA segment into a host cell in the
context of translation as part of a cloning or
recombinant DNA technique (ps. you can now
get a sequence)
e.g. introduce a gene to the plasmid, the
plasmid is the vector.
4. Host Cell
→ host cells that would allow the mass
production of whatever traits.

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