Lea 3 More
Lea 3 More
Lea 3 More
Founded in 1955,
ASIS is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness and productivity of security professionals by
developing educational programs and materials that address broad security interests, such as the
ASIS Annual Seminar and Exhibits, as well as specific security topics.
By providing members and the security community with access to a full range of programs and
services, and by publishing the industry's No. 1 magazine "Security Management" ASIS leads the
way for advanced and improved security performance.
Source: www.asisonline.org
The Philippine Society for Industrial Security, Inc. (PSIS) is the Philippines largest organization
of security professionals. Its members provide protection to the people, property, information and
assets of a diverse private and public organizations.
PSIS members are management specialists who formulate security policies and programs for
banks, aerospace facilities, communication networks, hotels, educational institutions, hospitals,
shopping malls, domestic and foreign corporations, and countless business institutions. Security
administrators from the nation's leading firm are included in the organization.
The Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators, Inc (PADPAO) is
an aggregation of private security agencies (PSA) nationwide with about 1,800 PSAs with an
estimated personnel strength of 230,000 security personnel.
PADPAO is a self- governing, self- regulatory, and self-policing organization. It promotes and
adopts a high standard of moral and ethical conducts in the operation and management of security
services, observes strictly the tenets of truth, accuracy and prudence and conduct itself at all times
in a manner conducive to public trust and confidence. It establishes good relations with all its
members and its clients and abhors unfair competition and deceitful means by its members in
getting clientele. Its members work together to provide a progressive security service for the
satisfaction of its clients and contribute its share in the economic stability of the nation by providing
security to its clients and protection of their assets and properties and the well-being of the country
and the people.
-RA 5487 was passed on June 13, 1969 through the continuous lobbying of the incorporators
and officers of PADPAO, which set the standards and minimum requirements for the operations
of security agencies. - P.D. 11 was passed on October 3, 1972, widening the coverage of RA
5487 to include security guards employed in logging concessions, agricultural, mining and
pasture lands; - P.D. 100 was issued on January 17, 1973, broadening the coverage of the
security industry to include employees of the national or local government or any agency who
are employed to watch or secure government building and properties. - On August 4,1969, the
Philippine Constabulary activated the Security and Investigation Supervisory office or SAISO to
supervise and control the organization and operation of private security and detective agencies
nationwide; - Later it was renamed Philippine Constabulary Supervisory Office for Security and
Investigation Agencies or PCSUSIA. - With the passage of RA 6975, this unit was absorbed by
the Philippine National Police; - Later it was made into a division of the PNP Civil Security
Group and was renamed Security Agencies and Guard Supervision Division (SAGSD); - It was
renamed to PNP Supervisory Office for Security Investigation Agency (SOSIA).
1. Command Responsibility - Cannot be delegated but the security tasks can be assigned.
2. Compartmentation - Need to know basis.
3. Balance between security and efficiency - Security prevails over efficiency.
4. General principles of security remain constant - Specific measures to suit operations.
5. Security is the concern of all personnel - Regardless of rank, position, designation.
1. PHYSICAL SECURITY – a system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the
objects/matter to be protected. It is the broadest branch of security, which is concerned with
physical measures adopted to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, facilities, materials
and documents and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage and theft.
a. To protect the organization’s asset; b. To make access so difficult that an intruder will not
dare attempt penetration.
CONCEPTS: a. Enemy agents will always seek access; b. Surreptitious entry is the greatest
hazard to security; c. There are no impenetrable barriers; d. Each installation is different.
4. Risk – is the potential that a chosen action or activity (including the choice of inaction) will
lead to a loss (an undesirable outcome). probability of an event to happen that will lead to loss.
An act or condition which results in a situation conducive to a breach of the protection system
and the subsequent loss or compromise, or damage to personnel, property or facilities. KINDS
OF HAZARDS: 1. Man-made Hazards – an acts or conditions affecting the safe of operation of
the facility caused by human action, accidental or intentional. It includes sabotage, espionage,
pilferage and theft.
2. Natural Hazard – cause by natural phenomena which cause damage, disturbance and
problems of normal functioning activities, including security. It includes flood, lighting, storms
and volcanic eruptions.
- Should be constructed minimum height of 7 feet excluding top guard; - 9 gauges or heavier;-
Mesh openings of not larger 2 inches per side; - Twisted; - Securely fastened to rigid material or
reinforced concrete; - Reach within 2 inches of hard ground or paving; - On soft ground, it must
reach below surface deep enough to compensate for shifting soil or sand.
- is a type of fencing wire constructed with sharp edges or points arranged at intervals along the
strand(s). It is used to construct inexpensive fences.
- 20 feet or more between the perimeter barrier and exterior structure. - 50 feet or more between
the perimeter barrier and structure within the protected areas.
- In large open areas or ground, where fencing or walling is impracticable and expensive,
warning signsshould be conspicuously placed.
- The depth itself is protection. 4. Signs and Notices - erected where necessary in the
management of unauthorized ingress andpreclude accidental entry.
Is an aural or visual signal given by the annunciator to the security when intruder actuate certain
devices in a protected area. An annunciator is a visual or audible signaling device, which
initiates conditions of associated circuits.
FIRE PROTECTION: FIRE ALARM - Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or
system to warn the occupants ofthe building or fire fighting elements of the presence or danger
of fire to enable them to undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress
the fire.
1. Smoke Detector - a device placed at the ceilings of the floor that detects smoke, typically as
anindicator of fire. 2. Fire Bell - a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound.
- a type of built in sprinklers which works by the increase of roomtemperature and which
automatically operates the system to put out the fire. Attached and distributed inthe ceiling of
the rooms. These sprinklers will go into action once a fire starts, and those that will openare
those that are directly above the fire and water is delivered where it is needed. STAND PIPES -
G.I. steel or plastic pipes located inside the building from the lowest to the top floor with water
underpressure for use in case of fire. Located near the standpipe is a fire hose usually enclosed
in a glass box. FIRE HYDRANT - It is a mechanical device strategically located in an installation
or in a street where a fire hose will beconnected so that the water will be available to
extinguished a fire. FIRE EXTINGUISHER - Is a fire fighting equipment which can is a fire
fighting equipment which can be portable or in cart that isused to put out fire depending on the
contents to extinguish certain types of fire. CLASSES OF FIRE 1. CLASS A FIRES - involving
ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, and paper,requires an extinguishing agent
which cools. A water or multi-purpose dry chemical can be used. 2. CLASS B - fires involving
flammable and combustible liquids and gases, such as solvents,greases, gasoline, and
lubricating oil, require an extinguisher which removes oxygen or cuts the chainreaction. Foam,
carbon dioxide, dry chemical, are effective. 3. CLASS C - fires involve energized electrical
equipment (live electrical wires, electricalappliances). A non-conducting extinguishing agent
such as carbon dioxide or multi-purpose drychemical must be used. 4. CLASS D FIRES - the
result of the combustion of certain materials in firely divided forms. Thesemetals can be
magnesium, potassium, powdered aluminum and zinc. HOW TO OPERATE FIRE
EXTINGUISHER -If you need to use a fire extinguisher, remember the word PASS: • PULL the
pin - Fire extinguishers often have a pin, latch, or puncture lever that you need torelease first. •
AIM low - Aim the nozzle or hose of the extinguisher at the base of the fire. • SQUEEZE the
handle - This releases the extinguishing agent. • SWEEP from side to side - Move in close, and
sweep across the base of the fire. Watch for re-flash of the fire.
ALARM DEVICES 1. Magnetic Door Contact - is a protective device usually placed in the door,
and window that can sendnotification when the opening and closure occurs. 2. Vibration Contact
- devices mounted on barriers and are used primarily to detect an attack on thestructure itself.
When movement or vibration occurs, the unstable portion of the circuit moves and breaksthe
current flow, which produces an alarm. 3. Passive Infrared Detector (PIR) or Motion Sensor -
PIRs are able to distinguish if an infraredemitting object is present by first learning the ambient
temperature of the monitored space and thendetecting a change in the temperature caused by
the presence of an object. 4. Panic button - Often located under the counter, the button can be
pressed in times of distress (Suchas robbery, disruptive or threatening behavior, or a situation
which may warrant assistance), triggering asilent alarm. 5. CCTV - A video monitoring system is
more commonly known as Closed Circuit TelevisionSystems. A CCTV system is a system
consisting of a television camera, video monitor, and atransmission medium (Cable, fiber or
wireless) connecting the two. It is used to monitor thepremises. IP CAMERA • IP based
cameras work by turning images and audio into data then transmitting this data over anetwork
or Internet connection. • IP cameras are a type of Closed Circuit Television Camera (CCTV)
used for capturing imagesand audio recordings in surveillance for homes and businesses. • The
IP name stands for Internet Protocol, a system that allows the transmission of images captured
bya digital video recorder (DVR) to the end destination computers and these components
together make upa video security system. PROTECTIVE LOCKS LOCK - defined as
mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry to abuilding or
Type of Locks 1. Key - Operated Lock - It uses some sort of arrangement of internal physical
barriers which prevent the lock from operatingunless they are properly aligned. The key is the
device used to align these internal barriers so that thelock may be operated. PADLOCK
a portable and detachable lock having a pivoted or sliding hasp which possess through astaple
ring, or the like and is made fast or secured. 2. COMBINATION LOCK - a lock that requires
manipulation of parts according to a predeterminedcombination code of numbers. 3. CARD
OPERATED LOCK/CODED LOCK - type of lock that can be opened by inserting a coded cardin
a slot in the lock, or by pushing the correct button on the surface of the lock. 4. ELECTRONIC
LOCK - type of lock that can be closed and opened remotely by electronic means.
BIOMETRICS - A machine that can be used for identification of humans by their characteristics
or traits. - It is used as a form of identification and access control. - It is equipped with recording
device that can identify the person operating the lock and the time it wasoperated. KEY
CONTROL defined as the management of keys in a plant or business organization to prevent
unauthorizedindividual access to the keys. •Change Key - a key to a single lock •Sub-Master
Key - a key that can open all locks within a particular area or grouping. •Master Key - a special
key capable of opening a series of locks •Grand Master Key - a key that can open everything in
a system involving two or more master keygroups. PETERMAN -A term used in England for
lock picker, safecrackers, and penetrators of restricted areas or rooms. FALSE KEY - Genuine
key stolen from the owner HUMAN BARRIER Security guard - Is any natural person who offers
or renders personal service to watch or guardresidential or business premises or both,
government and/or their premises for hire and compensation. Security Supervisor - Is charged
with directing the work and observing the behavioral performance ofthe guard under his unit.
2. Holder of a Baccalaureate Degree; 3. Physically and mentally fit; 4. Has graduated from a
Security Officer Training Course or its equivalent QUALIFICATIONS OF SECURITY
CONSULTANT 1. Filipino citizen; 2. Physically and mentally fit; 3. Holder of Masters degree
either in Criminology, Public Administration, MNSA, Industrial Security Administration, or Law 4.
Must have at least ten (10) years experience in the operation and management of
securitybusiness. PRIVATE DETECTIVE - Any person who does detective work for hire, reward
or commission, other than members of the AFP,BJMP, PNP or any other law enforcement
agencies. QUALIFICATIONS OF A PRIVATE DETECTIVE 1. Filipino citizen; 2. Physically and
mentally fit; 3. Holder of baccalaureate degree, preferably Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of
Science inCriminology; 4. Graduate of a Criminal Investigation Course offered by the PNP or
NBI or any police trainingschool, or a detective training in any authorized/recognized training
center; 5. Advance ROTC/CMT graduate or its equivalent DISQUALIFICATIONS 1. Having
previous record of any conviction of any crime; 2. Having previous record of any conviction of
any offense involving moral turpitude; 3. Having been dishonorably discharged or separated
from employment or service; 2. Being a mental incompetent; 3. Being addicted to the use of
narcotic drug or drugs, and 4. Being a habitual drunkard 5. Dummy of a foreigner MORAL
It is an act of baseness, vileness or depravity in the private and social duties which a man
owesto his fellowmen or to society in general, contrary to the accepted and customary rule of
right and dutybetween a man and man. Conduct that is considered contrary to community
standards of justice, honesty and good morals.Examples . Rape, Forgery, Robbery TYPES OF
SECURITY GUARD FORCE 1. Company Guard Force - security force maintained and operated
by any privatecompany/corporation utilizing any of its employees to watch secure and guard its
establishment. 2. Security Agency service - security guard belonging to privately licensed
agency (contractualbasis); 3. Government Guard Forces - security unit maintained and operated
by any government entityother than military or police. POSSESSION OF FIREARMS 1. One (1)
firearm for every two (2) security guards; 2. Private security agency/private detective
agency/company security force/government securityforce shall not be allowed to possess
firearms in excess of five hundred (500) units. 3. Shotguns not higher than 12 gauge 4.
Weapons with bores not bigger than cal .22 to include pistols and revolvers with bores
biggerthan cal .38 Exemptions: in areas where there is an upsurge of lawlessness and
criminality as determined by the Chief PNP, Regional Office or their authorized representative,
they may be allowed to acquire, possessand use high powered firearms. NUMBERS OF
OPERATE 1. Private Security Agency - minimum of two hundred (200) licensed private security
personneland a maximum of one thousand (1,000). 2. Company Guard Force/Private Detective
Agency - minimum of thirty (30) and a maximum of Onethousand (1,000) LIMITATION IN THE
CARRYING OF FIREARMS 1. No firearm shall be borne nor be in the possession of any private
security personnel except whenin actual performance of duty, in the prescribed uniform, in the
place and time so specified in the Duty Detail Order (DDO). 2. Shall be carried only within the
compound of the establishment where he is assigned to guard.
3. While escorting big amount of cash or valuable outside of its jurisdiction or area of
operation,private security agency shall issue an appropriate Duty Detail Order to the security
personnel concerned Duty Detail Order (DDO) – is a written order/schedule issued by a superior
officer usually the privatesecurity agency/branch manager or operations officer assigning the
performance of privatesecurity/detective services duties. DDO for the purpose of post duties not
requiring transport of firearms outside of the physicalcompound or property of a client or client
establishment shall be issued for not more than a thirty (30)days duration. CLASSIFICATION
OF TRAINING AND ITS DURATION 1. Basic Security Guard Course (Pre-Licensing Course) –
150 hours; 2. Re-Training Course- 48 hours; 3. Security Officers Training Course – 300 hours 4.
Basic Security Supervisory Course – 48 hours - All Licenses to Operate have a validity of Two
(2) years; - All applications for renewal of License to operate (LTO) shall be filed at least sixty
(60) days before theexpiry date of LTO; - No application shall be approved unless a certification
is issued by FED-CSG to the effect that alllicenses of firearms of the agency are
updated/renewed for at least one (1) year forthcoming during thevalidity of the renewed LTO.
Approval, Cancellation, Suspension of LTOChief PNP -Approval of New Regular LTO -
Cancellation of Regular LTO -Re-instatement of Regular LTO -Suspension of Regular LTO
Director Civil Security Group - Renewal of Regular LTO - Approval of Temporary LTO -
Reversion of Regular to Temporary LTO - Cancellation of Temporary LTO
- Suspension of Temporary LTO SURETY BOND Agency with 1-199 guards – P50,000.00
Agency with 200-499 guards – P100,000.00 Agency with 500-799 guards – P150,000.00
Agency with 800-1000 guards – P200,000.00 STOCKING OF AMMUNITION 1. Stocks of
ammunition in the agency shall not exceed fifty (50) rounds of ammunition per unit ofduly
licensed firearms. 2. Individual issue to each security guards shall be limited to twenty five (25)
rounds for everysecurity guard. CONFISCATION OF FIREARMS OF SECURITY GUARD 1.
When the firearm is about to be used in the commission of a crime; 2. When the firearm is
actually being used in the commission of a crime; 3. When the firearm has just been used in the
commission of a crime; 4. When the firearm being carried by the security guard is unlicensed or
a firearm is not authorizedby law and regulation for his use; 5. When the confiscation of the
firearm is directed by the order of the court; 6. When the firearm is used or carried outside the
property, compound or establishment serviced bythe agency without proper authority; or 7.
When a security guard does not possess any license to exercise his profession.In all the above
cases, the confiscating officer shall inform immediately the agency concerned. REVOCATION
OF LICENSE TO POSSESS FIREARM 1. Failure to submit any issued firearm for verification as
required; 2. Carrying firearms by security personnel without appropriate Duty Detail Order; 3.
When the firearm serial number has been duplicated on another firearm or using one
firearmslicense for more than one firearm other than those stipulated in the license; 4. Carrying
of firearms outside of the place stated in the permit or in places prohibited under the law;
5. When the firearm was reported lost. SECURITY PERSONNEL RANKS, POSITIONS,
STAFFING PATTERN AND JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Security Management Staff 1.1 Security
Director (SD) – Agency Manager/Chief Security Officer – responsible for the entireoperation and
administration/management of the security agency. 1.2 Security Executive Director (SED) –
Assistant Agency Manager/Asst. Chief Security Officer – Assist the Security Director 1.3
Security Staff Director (SSD) – Staff Director for Operation and Staff Director for Administration
>The Staff Director for operation -assistant of the security manager for the efficient operation
ofthe agency. >The Staff Director for Administration - is the staff assistant of the agency
manager for theeffective and efficient administration and management of the agency. 1.4
Security Staff Director for Training - Staff in charge for Training – responsible for the training of
the Agency’s security personnel 2. Line Leadership Staff 2.1 Security Supervisor 3 –
Detachment Commander – is the field or area commander of theagency; 2.2 Security
Supervisor 2 – Chief Inspector – responsible for inspecting the entire area coveredby the
detachment; 2.3 Security Supervisor 1 – Inspector – responsible for the area assigned by the
Chief Inspectoror the Detachment Commander. 3. Security guard 3.1 Security Guard 1–
Watchman/guard- the one actually posted as watchman and or guard 3.2 Security Guard 2 –
Shift in- charge – responsible for the security officers who are scheduledin a certain shift for a
particular period 3.3 Security Guard 3 – Post in- charge –responsible for the entire detailed
security office within acertain establishment. Note: Security Agency operator/manager/owner
can put its own staffing pattern provided it isconsistent with the provisions of IRR of RA 5487.
1. High caliber and receives higher salary; 2. Provides better service; 3. Can be trained to
handle some of the more complex security duties; 4. More familiar with facilities they protect; 5.
Tend to be more loyal with the company. DISADVANTAGES: 1. May be required to join the
union; 2. Cost more; 3 Problem of ensuring availability of back-up personnel. ADVANTAGES
OF AGENCY GUARD SERVICES 1. Less expensive; 2. Use is convenient; 3. Less
administrative and personnel problems; 4. Agency assumes full responsibility for the scheduling
and supervising of all guard personnel 5. Can easily obtain extra guard if needed; 6. Agency
easily usually accepts liability of civil suits. DISADVANTAGES: 1. Lack of training, low caliber
employee; 2. No loyalty to the company; 3. Large turnover 4. Not familiar with facilities
ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF SECURITY GUARD 1. Alertness – being watchful in spotting
violator, a person, a vehicle or an incident; 2. Judgment – sound and good judgment to arrive at
wise and timely decisions; 3. Confidence – faith in oneself and his abilities;
4. Physical Fitness – always in a condition to render effective service even under the
moststrenuous conditions; 5. Tactfulness – ability to deal with others successfully without
offending; 6. Self Control – ability to take hold of oneself regardless of a provoking situation.
GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF A SECURITY GUARD 1. Enforce company rules and regulations;
2. Operate and enforce the personnel identification system; 3. Patrol and observe designated
areas, perimeter, structures, installation; 4. Take into custody a person attempting or giving
unauthorized access in restricted, limited andcontrolled areas 5. Check rooms, buildings,
storage rooms of security interest and after working hours, check properlocking of doors and
gates. 6. Perform escort duties when required; 7. Respond to alarm signals or other indications
suspicious activities and emergencies; 8. Safeguard equipment and material against sabotage,
unauthorized access, loss, theft or damage; 9. At quickly in situations affecting the security of
installation and personnel, to fire accidents,internal disorder, attempts to commit criminal acts;
10. Control and regulate vehicle and personnel traffic within the compound as well as parking
ofvehicle; 11. Other duties that is necessary in the security guard function; POWER AND
DUTIES OF SECURITY GUARD 1. Territorial Power – A security guard shall watch and secure
the property of the person, firm orestablishment with whom he or his agency has a contract for
security services. Such services shall notextend beyond the property or compound of said
person, firm or establishment except when required bythe latter in accordance with the terms of
their contract, or in hot pursuit of criminal offenders. 2. Arrest by Security Guard – A security
guard or private detective is not a police officer and is not,therefore, clothed with police
authority. However, he may arrest a person under the circumstancesmentioned in Section 5,
Rule 113, Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. 3. Search without Warrant – Any security guard
may, incident to the arrest, search the person soarrested in the presence of at least two (2)
witnesses. He may search employees of the firm
orestablishment with which he or his agency has a contract, when such search is required by
the verynature of the business of the person, firm or establishment. DUTIES DURING STRIKES
AND LOCKOUTS 1. All private security personnel in direct confrontation with strikers, marchers
or demonstrators shallnot carry firearms. They may carry only night sticks (baton) which may or
may not be providedwith tear gas canister and dispenser. Security personnel not in direct
confrontation with thestrikers may carry in the usual prescribed manner their issued firearm. 2.
Private Security personnel shall avoid direct contact either physically or otherwise with
thestrikers; 3. They shall stay only within the perimeter of the installation which they are
protecting at all times; 4. In protecting and securing the assets and persons of their clients, shall
only use sufficient andreasonable force necessary to overcome the risk or danger posed by
strikers or hostile crowds. 5. They shall refrain from abetting or assisting acts of management
leading to physical clash offorces between labor and management. 6. They must at all times be
in complete uniform with their names and agency’s name shown on their shirts above the breast
pockets. FUNCTIONS OF A PRIVATE DETECTIVE 1. Background Investigation; 2. Locating
missing person; 3. Conduct surveillance work; 4. Not familiar with facilities ESSENTIAL
QUALITIES OF SECURITY GUARD 1. Alertness – being watchful in spotting violator, a person,
a vehicle or an incident; 2. Judgment – sound and good judgment to arrive at wise and timely
decisions; 3. Confidence – faith in oneself and his abilities; 4. Physical Fitness – always in a
condition to render effective service even under the most strenuous conditions; 5. Tactfulness –
ability to deal with others successfully without offending; 6. Self Control – ability to take hold of
oneself regardless of a provoking situation. GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF A SECURITY GUARD
1. Enforce company rules and regulations; 2. Operate and enforce the personnel identification
system; 3. Patrol and observe designated areas, perimeter, structures, installation; 4. Take into
custody a person attempting or giving unauthorized access in restricted, limited andcontrolled
areas 5. Check rooms, buildings, storage rooms of security interest and after working hours,
check properlocking of doors and gates. 6. Perform escort duties when required; 7. Respond to
alarm signals or other indications suspicious activities and emergencies; 8. Safeguard
equipment and material against sabotage, unauthorized access, loss, theft or damage; 9. At
quickly in situations affecting the security of installation and personnel, to fire accidents,internal
disorder, attempts to commit criminal acts; 10. Control and regulate vehicle and personnel traffic
within the compound as well as parking ofvehicle; 11. Other duties that is necessary in the
security guard function; POWER AND DUTIES OF SECURITY GUARD 1. Territorial Power – A
security guard shall watch and secure the property of the person, firm orestablishment with
whom he or his agency has a contract for security services. Such services shall notextend
beyond the property or compound of said person, firm or establishment except when required
bythe latter in accordance with the terms of their contract, or in hot pursuit of criminal offenders.
2. Arrest by Security Guard – A security guard or private detective is not a police officer and is
not, therefore, clothed with police authority. However, he may arrest a person under the
circumstancesmentioned in Section 5, Rule 113, Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. 3.
Search without Warrant – Any security guard may, incident to the arrest, search the person
soarrested in the presence of at least two (2) witnesses. He may search employees of the firm
orestablishment with which he or his agency has a contract, when such search is required by
the verynature of the business of the person, firm or establishment. DUTIES DURING STRIKES
AND LOCKOUTS 1. All private security personnel in direct confrontation with strikers, marchers
or demonstrators shallnot carry firearms. They may carry only night sticks (baton) which may or
may not be providedwith
tear gas canister and dispenser. Security personnel not in direct confrontation with thestrikers
may carry in the usual prescribed manner their issued firearm. 2. Private Security personnel
shall avoid direct contact either physically or otherwise with thestrikers; 3. They shall stay only
within the perimeter of the installation which they are protecting at all times; 4. In protecting and
securing the assets and persons of their clients, shall only use sufficient andreasonable force
necessary to overcome the risk or danger posed by strikers or hostile crowds. 5. They shall
refrain from abetting or assisting acts of management leading to physical clash offorces
between labor and management. 6. They must at all times be in complete uniform with their
names and agency’s name shown on their shirts above the breast pockets. FUNCTIONS OF A
PRIVATE DETECTIVE 1. Background Investigation; 2. Locating missing person; 3. Conduct
surveillance work; 4. Such other detective work as may become the subject matter of contract
between the agency and itsclients. Except not contrary to law, public order, public policy morale
case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamity when the services of any
securityagency/entity and his personnel are needed. The city or municipal mayor, may muster
or incorporate themembers of the agency or agencies nearest the area of such disaster or
calamity to help in themaintenance of peace and order, prevention of crime, or apprehension of
violators of laws andordinance, and in the protection of lives and properties. • They shall receive
direct orders from the Chief of Police of the city or municipality for theduration of the emergency,
disaster or calamity. SUPERVISION OF THE PNP In case of emergency or in times of disaster
or calamities, the Chief, PNP may deputize anysecurity guard to assist the PNP in the
performance of police duties for the duration of such emergency,disaster or calamity. Licensed
guards, who are actually assigned to clients with DDO, shall be deputizedby the Chief, PNP,
and clothed with authority to enforce laws, rules and regulations within his area ofresponsibility.
1. Private security personnel are always subordinate to members of the PNP on matters
pertaining to lawenforcement and crime prevention. They cannot enforce any provision of the
law except in executing citizen’s arrest and/or conducting initial investigation of a commission of
a crime. In such case, any arrested person shall be turned over immediately to the nearest PNP
unit/station. 2. Criminal investigation is the responsibility of the PNP. All results of initial
investigation conducted bythe private security personnel and all evidence gathered by them
shall be turned over to the PNPunit/station concerned as a matter of course without delay.
criminals during on or off duty status; 2. Providing confidential information to unauthorized
person; 3. Posted security guard found drunk or drinking intoxicating liquor; and4. Other similar
acts THEFT AND PILFERAGE Theft – committed by any person, who with intent to gain but
without violence, against, orintimidation of persons nor force upon things shall take personal
property of another without the latterconsent. PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS ON THEFT
1. The need or desire - An individual may need or desire to commit the act because of financial
problem, inadequate income, extravagant living, gambling. 2. The psychological need
(Kleptomania) - is an irresistible urge to steal items of trivial value. Peoplewith this disorder are
compelled to steal things, generally, but not limited to, objects of little or nosignificant value. 3.
The criminal tendency - The individual with such tendency may be more tempted to steal if
securitycontrol are inadequate. THE CASUAL AND SYSTEMATIC PILFERER Casual Pilferer –
One who steals due to his inability to resist the unexpected opportunity and has a littlefear of
detection. Systematic Pilferer – One who steals with preconceived plans and takes away any or
all types of itemsor supplies for economic gain. COMMUNICATION SECURITY
is the protection resulting from the application of various measureswhich prevent or delay the
enemy or unauthorized persons in gaining information through thecommunication system. This
includes: a. Transmission Security – component of communications security which results from
all measures designed to protect transmission from interception.
Sec. 3 Nothing contained in this Act, however, shall render it unlawful or punishable for any
peace officer, whois authorized by a written order of the Court, to execute any of the acts
declared to be unlawful in the twopreceding sections in cases involving the crimes of treason,
espionage, provoking war and disloyalty incase of war, piracy, mutiny in the high seas, rebellion,
conspiracy and proposal to commit rebellion,inciting to rebellion, sedition, conspiracy to commit
sedition, inciting to sedition, kidnapping as defined bythe Revised Penal Code, and violations of
Commonwealth Act No. 616, punishing espionage and otheroffenses against national security:
AUTHORIZATION The authorization shall be effective for the period specified in the order which
shall not exceed sixty (60)days from the date of issuance of the order, unless extended or
renewed by the court upon beingsatisfied that such extension or renewal is in the public interest.
The court referred to in this section shall be understood to mean the Court of First Instance
within whoseterritorial jurisdiction the acts for which authority is applied for are to be executed.
BANK SECURITY – a specialized type of physical security protecting the assets, personnel
andoperation of a bank, with special emphasis on the precaution and measures to safeguard
the cash andassets while in s storage, in transit, and during transaction. • Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP) Circular No. 620 Issued on September 3, 2008 – a Circular issued by BSP
concerning regulations on Bank protection which aims to promote maximum protection of life
and property against crimes (robbery, theft, etc), and other destructive causes. Guard System –
BSP requires that all banking offices be manned by adequate number of securitypersonnel to be
determined by the bank, taking into consideration its size, location, costs and overallbank
protection requirement. Security Devices – Banks are required to have a robbery alarm or other
appropriate device for promptlynotifying law enforcement office either directly or through an
intermediary of an attempted, ongoing orperpetrated robbery. In armored Car operations – all
armored vehicles are required to be built with bullet resistant materialscapable of withstanding
the firepower of high powered firearm (M16, M14). Also equipped with a vault orsafe or a
partition wall with a combination lock designed to prevent retrieval of the cargo while in transit.
GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1. The authority and responsibility for the preparation and
classification of classified matter restexclusively with the originating office; 2. Classified matter
should be classified according to content and not the classification of the file in whichthey are
held or of another document to which they refer; 3. Classification should be made as soon as
possible by placing the appropriate marks on the matter tobe classified; 4. Each individual
whose duty allows access to classified matter is responsible for the protection of theclassified
matter while it is in his/her possession and shall insure that dissemination of such classified
matter is on the “need to know” basis and to “property cleared personnel only”.
DEFINITION OF DOCUMENT - Any material that contains marks, symbols, or signs, either
visible, partially visible or completelyinvisible that may be presently or ultimately convey a
meaning or message to someone. CLASSIFY - refers to the act of assigning to information or
material one of the four security classificationcategories after determination has been made that
the information requires the security protection asprovided for in the regulation; SECURITY
CLEARANCE – Is an administrative determination that an individual is eligible from asecurity
standpoint for access to classified matter of a specific category; COMPARTMENTATION –
Refers to the grant of access to classified matter only to properly clearedpersons when such
classified information is required in the performance of their official duties, and restricting it to
specific physical confine when feasible. NEED TO KNOW – term given to the requirement that
the dissemination of classified matters be limitedstrictly to those persons whose official duties
require knowledge thereof.
2. SECRET - any information and material, the unauthorized disclosure of which would
endangernational security, cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the nation or any
governmentalactivity. 3. CONFIDENTIAL – any information and materials, the unauthorized
disclosure of which would beprejudicial to the interest or prestige of the nation or governmental
activity or would causeadministrative embarrassment or unwarranted injury. 4. RESTRICTED –
any information and material which requires special protection other than thosedetermined to be
Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret matters.
Class IV- Non essential Document – This record may include daily files, routine in nature, lost of
which will not affect the organization.
STORAGE 1. SAFE – a metallic container used for safekeeping of documents or small items in
office or installation. 2. VAULT – a heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container
usually part of the building structureuse to keep and protect cash, documents and negotiable
instruments. 3. FILE ROOM – a cubicle in a building constructed a little lighter than a vault but
of bigger size to accommodate limited people to work on the records inside, PERSONNEL
SECURITY refers to the procedure followed, inquiries conducted, and criteria applied to
determine the worksuitability of a particular applicant or the retention of a particular employee.
PURPOSE 1. To ensure that hired employees are best suited to assist the organization in
achieving its mission andvision; 2. To assist in providing the necessary security to the
employees while they carry out their functions.
SECURITY SURVEY - A fact finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy in all aspects of
security, with the corresponding recommendations. - Refers to checklist, audits, or inventories of
security conditions. - Security Surveys are often called ‘RISK ANALYSIS SURVEYS’ or ‘RISK
state of security; 2. Identifying weaknesses in defese; 3. To determine the degree of protection
4. To produce recommendations for a total security systems. The survey should be undertaken
by either suitably trained staff security personnel, or a fullyqualified independent security
specialist. No universal checklist can be applied to all sites for survey purposes, as no two
facilities are alike. BEFORE COMMENCING A SECURITY SURVEY 1. Written authority should
be obtained from proper authority. 2. Previous surveys should be reviewed; 3. An orientation
tour should be made; 4. Photographs should be taken of things which will be difficult to describe
in a report. (Only withauthority) After completing the survey an immediate review of the findings
should be undertaken with the plantsupervisor so that urgent deficiencies can be addressed. • A
follow-up survey should always be conducted to ensure improvements • Any survey report
including lists of recommendations is incomplete without including a cost-benefit analysis, which
is; “ a direct comparison of the cost of operation of the security unit and all the existing security
measures with the amount of the corporate assets saved or recovered as well as reduction of
losses caused by injuries and lost production and recommendations have been made”.
PLANNING - Process of developing methods or procedures or an arrangement of parts
intended to facilitate theaccomplishment of a definite objective. -The process of setting goals,
developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish thegoals. SECURITY
PLANNING • It is PRE-DETERMINING a course of action; • It is deciding IN ADVANCE what to
do, how to do it, and who is to do it.
GOALS OF SECURITY PLANNING 1. To minimize effects of any incident upon plant and
2. To keep property and equipment loss at a minimum; 3. To ensure cooperation of all plant
departments charged with specific activities of an emergency; 4. To ensure appropriate
cooperative action by and with outside civic and governmentagencies. KEY STEPS IN
PLANNING 1. Get in touch/coordinate with your Local Civil Authorities. (Tie your programs with
theirs andstandardize equipment with them thus creating compatibility.); 2. Visit neighboring
Plants/offices (coordinate your activities with theirs.); 3. Survey your plant for possible hazards
and take immediate action to lessen or eliminate them; 4. Appoint a disaster Director or Disaster
coordinator; 5. Early in the planning stage, present the Program to your Employees and enlist
their active support; 6. Call an organization meeting of Heads of services, employee
representatives and keypersonnel. (out line purpose of the program and explain how the plant
should organize for protection; 7. Define the Program. TESTING THE PLAN Benefits in testing
the plan: • Deficiencies will be uncovered; • People involved in the implementation of the plan
will receive valuable training. TWO TYPES OF TESTING THE PLAN • partial (by elements); •
complete (entire organization) KEEPING THE PLAN UP TO DATE • Changes in Personnel and
Protection of personnel especially ranking official from any harm, kidnap, and others act.
VIPsecurity is type of personnel security;
1. Industrial Security – A form of physical security that is concerned with the physical
measuresdesigned to safeguard personnel and prevent unauthorized access to equipment,
facilities,materials, documents, and to protect them from espionage, sabotage, damage or theft.
2. Bank Security – Is the protection resulting from the application of various measures
whichsafeguards cash and assets which are in storage, in transit and or during transaction. 3.
Operational Security – Involves the protection of processes, formulas and patents, industrialand
manufacturing activities from espionage, infiltration, loss, compromise or photocopying.