Science Homework
Science Homework
Science Homework
Friction is the force that opposes the motion of an object when it comes into contact with another object or
surface. It acts in the direction opposite to the motion and is caused by the roughness of surfaces.
Air resistance, also known as drag, is the force exerted by air molecules on an object moving through the air. It
acts opposite to the direction of motion and increases with the object's speed and surface area.
Water resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an object through water. It is similar to air resistance
but occurs in water, slowing down the movement of objects.
Upthrust, or buoyancy, is the upward force exerted by a fluid (liquid or gas) on an object placed in it. This force
is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.
You are required to take up one of the four projects stated below. You are required to submit a video of you
experimenting the project at home (no longer than 3 minutes) and create a poster pertaining to the Force of your
choice. Example: If you take up the experiment on Water Resistance, your poster should be on Water
Resistance. The video must be uploaded in your Google Classroom by the submission date.
Experiment 1
Friction Exploration:
Objective: Investigate the effects of friction on different surfaces.
Materials: Toy cars, various surfaces (wood, carpet, sandpaper), inclined plane.
● Roll toy cars down an inclined plane covered with different surfaces.
● Observe and measure the distance each car travels on different surfaces.
● Discuss how the type of surface affects friction. (in your poster)
● Place different objects in water and observe which ones float or sink.
● Discuss how upthrust (buoyancy) allows some objects to float. (in your poster)
● What is upthrust?
● What are the materials used in your experiment?
● The aim and outcome of your experiment.
● Data of your experiment.
● Discuss how upthrust (buoyancy) allows some objects to float.
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
Demonstrates an
excellent understanding
Shows a good
of the concepts (friction, Some understanding of Limited understanding
understanding of the
air resistance, upthrust, the concepts, but of the concepts, leading
Content Knowledge concepts. Information is
water resistance). inaccuracies or lack of to significant
mostly accurate with
Accurate information is clarity may be present. inaccuracies.
clear explanations.
presented with depth
and clarity.
Exceptional use of
Good use of visuals
visuals, including Visuals are basic and
that contribute to
charts, graphs, or may not effectively Visuals are minimal,
Visuals and Graphics understanding, but
images, that enhance contribute to unclear, or irrelevant.
some improvements
understanding and understanding.
could be made.
engage the viewer.