General Santos Doctors' Medical School Foundation Inc. Roleplay Rubric

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4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
 Storyboard is detailed and  Storyboard is clear and  Storyboard is mostly  Story board in incomplete or
specific. complete. complete. missing.
 Practice is evident and  Performance is practiced and  Performance is lacking in  Performance is disjointed and
Preparedness performance is polished. prepared. preparation and practice. participants are not
 Indicates a clear  Indicates a clear  Fair understanding of topic prepared.
understanding of topic. understanding of topic.  Presentation is off topic

 All members accept ideas of  Members accept most ideas  Members are unwilling to  Group does not work
others and are able to without negative comments compromise. together.
compromise. and are able to compromise.  Few members contribute to  One person does all the
 All members contribute to  Some members contribute to the scene. work.
the scene. the scene.

 The scene is  The scene is  The scene is  The scene is

 Informative.  Presents some information.  Somewhat informative.  Lacking information.
 Entertaining; engages  Engages audience.  Engages audience  Making the audience bored.
audience.  Delivered with confidence. intermittently.  Delivered with little
Presentation  Delivered with confidence.  Incorporates some use of  Delivered with some confidence.
 Incorporates appropriate use body language confidence.  Body language is lacking
of body language.  Incorporates some and/or inappropriate

 Audio quality is good.  Audio is mostly  Audio is understandable but  Audio is inaudible or filled
 Visual choices enhance the comprehensible but has has many distracting with distractions.
interview. sections that are inaudible. elements throughout.  Visual choices are limited
Technical  Visual choices are  Visual choices are and/or distract from the
Production appropriate and incorporate appropriate. content.
attempts to engage the


4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
 Engaging and insightful  Clear and thoughtful  Straightforward and  Simplistic and emerging
presentation of thoughts presentation of thoughts developing presentation of presentation of thoughts
and supporting details and supporting details. thoughts and supporting and supporting details.
 Introduction, detail,  Introduction, detail  Introduction, detail  Introduction, detail
arrangement, transitions, arrangement, transitions, arrangement, transitions, arrangement, transitions,
conclusion and coherence conclusions and coherence conclusion and coherence conclusion and coherence
are superior. are very good. are satisfactory are limited.
 Purpose is clearly  Purpose is clearly  Purpose is established but  Purpose is vaguely
Purpose established and effectively established and generally may not be sustained. established and may not be
sustained. sustained. sustained.
 Precise and sophisticated  Carefully chosen and  Generally precise and  Vague, imprecise or
vocabulary used. complex vocabulary is used. straightforward vocabulary inappropriate vocabulary is
Use of Language  Sentences vary in pattern  Sentences often vary in is used. used.
and length. pattern and length.  Sentences sometimes vary  Mainly simple sentences,
in pattern and length lacking in variety are used.
 Great attention has been  Attention has been paid to  Less attention has been paid  Little attention has been
paid to correctness. correctness. to correctness. paid to correctness.
Correctness  Text contains essentially no  Text contains minor errors,  Text contains errors which  Text contains many errors
errors which interfere with none of which interfere with interfere with clarity of which limit the clarity of
clarity of communication. clarity of communication. communication communication


4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
 Selects & narrows a topic that  Selects a topic that is  Topic is chosen without  Selects a topic that is too
is appropriate & useful to appealing to audience; interest to class. broad and/or not useful to
audience.  Presentation is relevant to  Little effort at making audience.
Content  Makes presentation engaging class learning; presentation engaging.  Presentation is not engaging
& relevant to class learning.  Some attempt at creativity,  Lack of creativity or originality or relevant to class learning.
 Highly original, creative and/or originality, imagination  Lack of creativity or originality
 Demonstrates a deep  Demonstrates a good  Demonstrates a weak  No understanding of
understanding of similarities understanding of similarities understanding of similarities similarities or differences
and differences between and differences between and differences between between native and foreign
native and foreign culture. native and foreign culture. native and foreign culture. culture.
Understanding  Exceptional comparisons and  Meaningful comparisons and  Limited comparisons or  No comparisons or reflection
reflection. reflection. reflection. attempted.
 Sincere awareness beyond  Superficial awareness about  No awareness beyond  Generalizes and reinforces
stereotypes stereotypes stereotypes stereotypes
 Communicates main points  Communicates main points  Limited and/or unsuccessful  Organization, if evident at all,
strongly & provides pertinent clearly & provides good attempts at making is confusing and disjointed.
examples. examples. organization of main ideas and  Transitions are missing;
 Excellent transitions/flow.  Transitions used but not examples clear.  Illogical sequencing of ideas
 Information presented in consistently.  No transitions. and examples & information is
logical, interesting sequence  Sequence of ideas is evident,  Sequencing of ideas is hard to follow
that class can easily follow & easy to follow ineffective, & some
information is hard to follow
 Virtually free of errors of  Mostly accurate grammar,  Significant errors of grammar,  Many errors of grammar,
grammar, spelling, vocab., or vocab, spelling, and vocab, spelling, and/or vocab, spelling, and/or
pronunciation in presentation pronunciation for this level. pronunciation. pronunciation inappropriate
and in visual materials.  Uses vocab that is mostly  Uses some unfamiliar words, for this level
 Uses vocab & terminology that familiar to class. which impedes  Uses unfamiliar vocabulary.
Accuracy the class can understand  Does not explain unfamiliar comprehension.  Clearly uses someone else’s
 Explains unfamiliar words as words or terms.  Frequent interference of words.
needed  Very little English interference English.  Extensive interference of
 Errors confuse or obscure English.
meaning.  Errors impede comprehension

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