CTP-Rulebook 2022
CTP-Rulebook 2022
CTP-Rulebook 2022
In Cyber Threat Protector (CTP), the goal is to build
your network as quickly as possible so you can gain
more points than your opponent. While you are
doing this, you have to remember to defend your
network because your opponent is going to try and
disrupt your systems while building their network.
For every attack there is a defense. For every defense
there is an attack to get around it. The player with
the most complete set of security defenses will be
the one who is able to protect their critical systems
and emerge victorious.
Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Game Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Card Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Anatomy of a Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Players Turn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
End of a Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Game Objectives
CTD Card Types
Asset Cards
These are your primary cards to build your network. They represent the
physical assets you would encounter in a business, organization, or at home.
This is how you gain points.
Event Cards
These cards represent various forces that can happen to your network
and not the player playing the card. These Event cards are the only cards
removed immediately after being played, as signified by their color.
Defense Cards
These cards are used to protect your network just as you would at home
or in an organization. Defenses must be kept up to date. Failure to do
so could have significant consequences for your network. Defense cards
will prevent different types of attacks from harming your systems.
Attack Cards
These cards represent the various evil forces that exist on the Internet
today and not the player playing the card. Attack cards will reduce your
opponent’s points. Note: Defense cards may protect against these attack
cards; some Attack cards remove Defenses.
Anatomy of a Card
Cyber Threat Protector cards vary in the information displayed. Some cards will
list the names of other cards that it can remove from play; others will block
cards from being played and some will have unique effects. Make sure to read
the Card Abilities! A description of information found on a typical playing card:
Name ▶
▶ Point Value
Abilities ▶
▶ Card
Step 1
Player One will review the cards in their hand and choose four (4) cards they
want to play. This is the only time that up to four cards are played. Each round
after this, both players can only select up to three (3) cards to play.
Step 2
Player One puts the IP Spoofing card into play. This counts towards the limit of
four cards that can be played by Player One during their first turn.
A Player’s Turn (continued)
Step 3
Player One puts an Anti-malware card into play. This is the second of four
cards that they can play.
Step 4
Player One puts a Desktop Computer card into play. This is the last card that
they can play. While player one had the option of playing up to four cards, the
remaining two (2) cards in player one’s hand require the opponent to have
Step 5
Player One then ends their turn. They will now discard their last two cards
into a new pile, face up, called the Discard pile. They proceed to draw five
new cards from the draw pile, and their turn ends.
Player One’s Hand
Discard Draw
Pile Pile
Step 6
It is now Player Two’s turn.
▶ Player Two’s Hand
Discard Draw
Pile Pile
A Player’s Turn (continued)
Step 7
Player Two may play up to three (3 cards) in their hand. Player Two uses their
Anti-malware Not Updated card and targets Player One’s Anti-malware
defense card.
Player One’s
Cards ▶
Step 8
Per the effect of the Anti-malware Not Updated card, Player One’s Anti-malware
Player One’s
Cards ▶
Step 9
Player Two puts an I Love You Virus card into play (which was not usable when
Player One had Anti-malware in play). This counts toward their three-card limit.
Player One’s
Cards ▶
Step 10
Player Two puts a Hardware Failure into play. This is the last card they can play
for this turn.
Player One’s
Cards ▶
A Player’s Turn (continued)
Step 11
Player One will remove one asset from their field. In this case, the asset being
removed is the Desktop Computer, because of the Hardware Failure. Both
cards, Desktop Computer and Hardware Failure, will be sent to the discard pile
immediately. Gold Event cards are immediatly removed after they are played.
▶ ▶
Player One’s
Cards ▶
Step 12
Player Two will now discard their remaining cards to the shared discard pile
face up and draw a new set of five cards.
▶ Player Two’s ▶
Player One’s
Cards ▶ Discard
Step 13
The round has ended, and it is time to update the players’ scores. Asset cards
enable the player to gain points; however, Attack cards remove points played
by the opponent. Note: Score cannot go below zero points.
▶ Player Two’s Hand: New
Cards from Draw Pile
▶ Player
Player One’s
Cards Discard Draw
Pile Pile
Step 14
The score at the end of the first round is: zero points for Player One; zero
points for Player Two. Remember, even in a situation where the final score
each round is a negative number, the score tallied will not go below zero.
End of a Round
A. A round consists of one turn for Desktop Computer, 1 Point from
each player. the ISP Connection and 1 Point
from the Laptop Computer.
B. Each player will add the points
gained from their asset cards in play D. Since the opponent played two
and subtract the points from their attacks, those points will count
opponent’s attack cards in play. The against the points gained.
scores for this round will be added to E. For this turn, the active player is
each player’s total score. The total awarded 1 Point. This score is then
score, however, will not be allowed to added to the player’s total score.
go below 0 points. F: Add or subtract points gained or
C. In the images below, the active player lost after each round, until a
would gain 1 Point from the player reaches 20 points or higher.
▶ Opponent’s Attacks
1 1 1
Game Notes
About the CIAS [Gaming]
The Center for Infrastructure Assurance & Security (CIAS) at
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is committed
to creating a culture of cybersecurity through educational
gaming programs. The CIAS conducts research into effective
ways to introduce students to cybersecurity principles.