Controlling Exprenses!

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Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

Unit » 2
» I can describe present and past
» I can justify points of view.
» I can propose or present a solution.
Controlling Expenses!

In Context » Too Good to Be True!

1. Read Read the definitions in the crossword. Then, complete the spaces with the words.

slim trainer acne cream gym in shape

a. Small spots on your face A C N E

b. Having a good body
c. Thin in an attractive way
d. A soft ingredient to put on your skin
e. A place to do exercise and aerobics
f. A person who helps people in a gym

64 2. Listen Listen to the radio advertisements. Complete the gaps.

1 2
Body Strength
Dersa Secret Fitness Centre
The acne 1. The newest 3.
that in the area!
really works! • Weight programme
“I have been using • “Get 4.
it for only two Fast” aerobics
weeks and my 2. • Olympic swimming pool
has Come and meet your personal
disappeared.” 5.
. They have all
been training for years. Get in
with us!
Call 1-800-948-8488 or contact us at
Call us now on: 3105698354 or visit our website:
module 4 // Unit 2
Listen again. Reorder the words to make phrases you heard in the
64 3. Listen radio advertisements.

1. for two months / with this lotion / I / cleaning / my face / have been

2. two weeks / have been / I / using / for only / it

3. have been / our personal trainers / for years / training

4. that you / this is / looking for / have been / the gym

Read the emails. Then, match them to the radio

4. Read advertisements (1 and 2) in exercise 2.

Dear Mr Jones, Hi Richard,

Although I 1. have been going to your I am writing to you about the acne cream
Body Strength Fitness Centre gym for because I know you 4. about
two months to get in shape, I haven’t buying this cream too. If you could see my
had a personal trainer as you said in the face, you wouldn’t!
advertisement because he is always late.
It’s terrible. 5. I Dersa
In fact, I 2. my exercise
Secret for four months, but my acne
routine alone.
hasn’t gone. In fact, I have more acne.
I think, because you are the owner of the I have been calling the laboratory to
gym, you should speak to your personal complain, but they never answer. I think
trainer and give me some money back. the whole thing is a fraud. I look horrible.
I 3. for a And while I don’t want acne any more,
trainer for two months. I don’t want to waste my money.
Yours, Best, 1 41
Alicia Frank

Use the prompts (a–e) to make phrases. Complete the gaps in the emails
5. Read in exercise 4.

a. have / be / go b. have / be / do
c. have / be / think d. have / be / use
e. have / be / pay
Module // 4 Unit // 2 Lesson // 1

6. Read Match the first part of each sentence (1–4) with the endings (a–d).

1. Body Strength Fitness Centre claims to offer a. the laboratory never answer when he
a personal trainer calls to complain.
2. Alicia wants the owner to speak to the b. but Alicia has been exercising alone.
personal trainer
3. Frank thinks Dersa Secret is a fraud because c. as well as some money back.
4. Frank has been using Dersa Secret for d. but his acne hasn’t gone.
four months

Listen to two people making complaints. Then, order the sentences in

65 7. Listen each conversation from 1 to 4.

Conversation 1. Conversation 2.
Shampoo to Payment for an
control hair loss Italian course
a. I haven’t seen any a. I’ve been waiting
results. patiently for the package.
b. Although I’ve been b. That’s strange. What’s
washing my hair . . . the purchase order
Word Bank
c. Give me my c. Hello, Language
money back. Institute. May I
help you? make a complaint

d. We don’t sell d. I paid for an Italian false advertising

shampoo. course with my to complain
credit card.

Match the Organization, Situation and Complaint in the three columns.

8. Speak With a partner, practise short conversations. Student A calls to complain
about the fraud. Student B gives excuses. Then, switch roles.

Organization Situation Complaint Sentences to use

142 1. National a. You paid for a i. The International
Lottery Office French course with Language School
your credit card. hasn’t sent you the
books and material I’ve been waiting for
to study. I’ve been putting
2. International b. You want to have a ii. The National Lottery I’ve been calling,
Language clean face. Office hasn’t given but . . .
School you the money.
3. Dersa Secret c. You won the lottery!! iii. You have more acne.
module 4 // Unit 2
Expanding Knowledge » Do I Control My Expenses?
The graph shows the results of a survey conducted with 1,000 teenagers
1. Read in Cali about what they spend their money on. Read the statements (a–d)
and choose True (T), False (F), or the survey doesn’t say (DS).

This year Last Year

Teenagers’ Spending in Cali, Colombia Today, Colombian teenagers want to
be more independent and spend their
own money on what they want. Their
consumption of some things has changed
% of Cali teenagers

significantly this year. These are the figures

for what teenage Caleños spent their
money on this year compared to last year.
















This year, Cali teenagers have been . . . T F DS

a. spending more money on clothes than last year
b. eating more fast food than last year
c. spending less money on personal care
d. drinking more fizzy drinks than last year

2. Write Complete the sentences (a–c) with the words in the box.

three quarters half quarter 1 43

a. Less than a of Cali teenagers have been spending money on books this year.
b. This year over 60% of teenagers have been spending money on clothes while last year it
was just over .
c. of Cali teenagers have been spending money on personal care this year, the
same as last year.

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