Prediction of Hardness Minimum Locations During Na
Prediction of Hardness Minimum Locations During Na
Prediction of Hardness Minimum Locations During Na
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Received: 6 July 2009 / Accepted: 3 September 2009 / Published online: 11 September 2009
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
J Mater Sci (2009) 44:6302–6309 6303
6304 J Mater Sci (2009) 44:6302–6309
Isothermal furnace heat treatments the plate and the tool bottom surface and calculated based
on the torque required to rotate the circular shaft with an
The natural aging kinetics of the 6061-T6 Al alloy was axial load following:
investigated using prior isothermal heat-treated specimens. 4
A total of five specimens having the dimension of Q ¼ p2 lPNR3 ð1Þ
20(x) 9 50(y) 9 6.5(z) mm3 were prepared from the
as-received Al plate. The surface of each specimen was where l is the friction coefficient (taken to be 0.4 [27]), P
polished and immersed in a salt bath of the furnace. The is the constant loading pressure (28.3 MPa), N is the
peak temperature of the furnace was heated up to 250, 350, rotational speed (20.8 s-1), and R is the tool shoulder
450, 500, and 550 °C with the control of a k-type ther- radius (9.5 9 10-3 m). As a result, a first estimate of Q
mocouple. Note that each specimen experienced the peak was around 2,200 W under the current conditions.
temperature isothermally for about 10 s and water quen- Khandkar et al. determined Q using the torque (M, Nm) of
ched in about 20 s of leaving the furnace to simulate the the tool during FSW [26]. Q was given by the measured
thermal history of FSW. Hardness measurements were input torque multiplied by the rational speed (N, 1/s):
performed repeatedly after the cooling until about 106 s. It Q = 2pNM [26]. In this experiment, the average torque
established the natural aging kinetics, which is the rela- (M) was recorded as 18.8 Nm during FSW and Q was
tionship between the heat-treatment temperature and calculated as 2,100 W. Note that 13% of the heat loss was
hardness as a function of natural aging time in the 6061-T6 considered due to heat conducted through the tool during
Al alloy plate. Note that the presented hardness here is an FSW.
average of the five times measurements on the polished To confirm the Q obtained by the above numerical
surface along the mid-thickness of each specimen. prediction methods, we used an inverse thermal FE mod-
eling approach [22, 23]. The inverse modeling scheme is as
Finite element modeling follows: (i) four temperature profiles were simulated by FE
modeling on the basis of different Q values (Q = 2,200;
A three-dimensional FE model was created using a com- 2,000; 1,750; and 1,550 W), (ii) the resulting thermal
mercial FE analysis code, ABAQUS 6.7, to determine the predictions were compared to the measured temperatures
thermal evolution caused by FSW [22–30]. Note that the profiles, and (iii) finally, an appropriate Q was selected on
modeling included only the thermal heat input and ignored the basis of the best fit.
the metal flow caused by the stirring of the tool. First, the
FSW plate was meshed using a 6-node triangular prism
element (type DC3D6) and an 8-node hexahedra brick Results and discussion
element (type DC3D8) outside and underneath the tool
shoulder, respectively (Fig. 1a). The tool was not included Thermal profiles during friction stir welding
in the model. Second, the total heat input (Q) from the
FSW tool was continuously put into the nodes of the Figure 2a shows the peak temperature distributions during
meshed elements using an ABAQUS subroutine [29]. It is FSW as a function of distance from the weld centerline.
assumed that 90% of Q was imposed on the surface nodes The simulated peak temperature is the FE response at the
over the tool shoulder and 10% on the volumetric nodes of nodes located 3.2 mm below the top surface. It is evident
the tool pin [31]. The heat flow at the nodes was treated as that the best agreement between the measurements and
a heat conduction problem. Finally, when the tool moves predictions occurs when the Q is taken to be 2,000–
along the weld centerline, the temperature distributions 2,200 W. At this level of heat input, the peak temperature
were calculated for a given welding speed of FSW. The at the mid-thickness of the FSW plate is predicted to be
boundary condition of the plate surface was a convection around 480–520 °C at the centerline (y = 0 mm). It is
condition. The convective heat coefficient was selected to worth noting that the temperature range is reasonable when
be 30 W/m2°C for the top and side surface of the plate, calculating using the empirical relationship between the
which is typical for the natural convention between Al and peak temperature (T) and rotating (x)/traveling (m) speed
air, while 200 W/m2°C was used for the bottom surface parameters as shown in Eq. 2 of [1]: T ¼ Kðx=m 104 Þa
due to the contact with the steel backing plate [22]. Tm : Following the equation, T was calculated as 490 °C
A precise determination of Q during FSW is critical when used K = 0.75, a = 0.04, and Tm (melting temper-
because the heat input and simulated temperature will be ature) = 660 °C. Figure 2b shows the comparison of the
used as a key factor to predict the hardness. A numerical measured and predicted (Q = 2,200 W) temperature pro-
heat flow model proposed by Frigaard et al. can calculate Q files as a function of time at various positions on the
[15]. In brief, Q can be generated by the friction between retreating side. Unfortunately, the thermocouple located
J Mater Sci (2009) 44:6302–6309 6305
(a) 600
Peak temperature ( C)
500 Measurements
Q = 2200 Watt
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Distance from the weld centerline (mm)
(b) 500
Modeling Q = 2200 Watt
Temperature ( C)
8 mm
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)
Softening and natural aging kinetics
Fig. 2 a Simulated peak temperature distributions as a function of Figure 4a shows the hardness changes as a function of
distance from the weld centerline in four different cases (Q = 2,200; natural aging time measured from the isothermally heat-
2,000; 1,750; and 1,550 W) during FSW. Measured peak tempera-
tures were marked at seven different locations. b Measured and treated 6061-T6 Al alloy specimens exposed at different
simulated temperature variations as a function of time during FSW at temperatures from 250 to 550 °C. In the case of the 550 °C
8, 15, 20, 30, and 50 mm from the weld centerline on the retreating heat treatment, there is a significant decrease in hardness at
side room temperature compared to the initial hardness
(110 HV) and increases up to about 75 HV after 106 s of
natural aging. In contrast, for the sample exposed to
8 mm from the weld centerline broke as the tool passed 350 °C, the loss of hardness is less marked and it recovers
over it and so the peak temperature is not available. much more slowly to a lower level (*70 HV).
Overall, the 2,200-W curve shows good agreement with the Several studies suggest that significant dissolution and
experimental measurements. reversion of fine precipitates (b00 ) will occur with increas-
Figure 3a shows the predicted temperature distributions ing prior exposure temperature [15–18]. This explains the
when the tool is coincident with the viewed cross-section of more loss of hardness and recovery of the hardness during
the plate. Unsurprisingly, the highest temperatures are natural aging when exposed at the higher temperature as
developed near the top surface due to the contact with the shown in Fig. 4a; whereas, the limited softening and
tool shoulder and gradually decrease away from the weld recovery capabilities of the specimens exposed to the low
centerline. A difference of about 140 °C was simulated temperatures are due to incomplete dissolution of harden-
through the thickness of the plate at the centerline, i.e., ing precipitates and the formation of nonhardening pre-
about 590 °C at the top surface and 450 °C at the bottom. In cipitates [6, 12]. Thus, it has been reported that a very
Fig. 3b, the simulated temperature profiles are superim- complex series of growth, dissolution, and re-precipitation
posed on the microstructure linking the peak temperatures phenomena occur for the whole sequence of precipitates
to the characteristic regions. It shows that the dynamic re- during softening and hardness recovery [15–21].
crystallized zone (DXZ) experienced about 480–550 °C, Rather than simulate this whole natural aging process,
the thermomechanically affected zone (TMAZ) about 430– the softening and natural aging kinetics of the heat-treat-
480 °C, and the heat-affected zone (HAZ) less than 430 °C. able Al alloys can be empirically modeled using the
6306 J Mater Sci (2009) 44:6302–6309
540 43 3.1 43 69 88
500 48 1.4 48 61 70
450 53 0.7 53 60 66
400 59 0.4 59 63 65
350 68 0.3 68 71 72
310 79 0.2 79 81 82
260 94 0.1 94 96 97
The initial hardness constant (AT) and the aging kinetics (BT) were
calculated using Eq. 3, and the natural aging hardness (HV) was
Fig. 4 a Hardness variation as a function of natural aging time after
obtained from Eq. 2 for a given peak temperature and aging time
heat treatments of 6061-T6 Al alloy samples at various temperatures
raging from 250 to 550 °C. b Arrhenius plot for the initial hardness
(AT) and aging kinetics (BT) as a function of inverse temperature (1/T)
J Mater Sci (2009) 44:6302–6309 6307
shown in Fig. 3a. The peak temperature experienced HAZ TMAZ DXZ TMAZ HAZ
gradual increase toward the centerline and the predicted Predictions Measurements
initial hardness falls to 43 HV near the weld centerline. 7
10 s 7
10 s
Upon natural aging it is predicted to recover to 69 HV at 4
10 s 4
10 s
104 s and 88 HV at 107 s, while the hardness beyond 90
Hardness Completed natural aging
15 mm from the centerline remains essentially unchanged.
Hardness (Hv)
minimum (MG model [20])
6308 J Mater Sci (2009) 44:6302–6309
the two hardness profiles at the same aging time. It could Laboratory (ORNL), managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the U.S.
be attributed to the different peak temperature and sub- Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.
WW was supported by Nuclear Research and Development Program
sequent hardness aging responses in each location of the of the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation funded by the
current method, whereas the GM model simultaneously Korean government. PJW is grateful to the EPSRC Lightweight
switches the hardness profile from the softening to recovery alloys portfolio grant for financial support. The authors would like to
curve at a point where the hardness has the same value thank B. Lovell, S. A. David, C. J. Rawn, and A. Frederick for their
help. WW is especially grateful to David Richards for help with the
[20]. In the end, it should be mentioned that the current modeling during his visit to Manchester.
method enables us to simulate the hardness profiles and
minimum locations throughout the natural aging in FSW
Al 6061-T6 alloy, while the MG model can simulate the
hardness immediately after the welding and after the References
completion of the natural aging process (Fig. 7).
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