Steel Construction

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Let’s have some
discussion regarding
steel construction
with world famous
Architect Engineers
to be 
Parameters under Discussion
 Site Preparation
 Material Delivery
 Installation
 Tools and Equipment
 Quality Control
 Execution
 Material Properties
Site Preparation
 Site preparation is one of the
preliminary works to be done for starting
construction works. The selected
construction site preparation need to be
completed properly before the start of
 construction process.
The following factors are considered for the construction site

 The first step of site preparation work is to remove all the scrubs or
jungle if there exists any on the site for building construction.
 The whole area will be roughly leveled.
 The holes of the construction site will be filled with sands and
leveled off as required or redirected by the authority.
 As a part of site preparation, the trees will be cut off and their roots
are totally uprooted as directed by the authority.
 Before starting the work, permanent bench marks must be
established at a suitable point in the construction site.
 The orientation and trench lines of the building should be correctly
laid out in the construction site and the location for the storage and
stacking of the materials should be definitely set on the ground in
the site.
 Site preparation also includes fixing position of the site office, go
downs, the guard and the labor shed. 
Construction Site Preparation:
Thing’s We Need
 Fencing material or boards according to size of
 Company placard
 Health and Safety signs
 Screws and screwdriver
 Shears, axes and shovels
 Heavy machinery if buildings have to be removed
 Skips
Material Delivery

 Every year people are seriously injured or even killed while

loading or unloading steel. The main types of accidents that
occur include:
 People falling on and from vehicles (including falls when
climbing on and off);
 People being struck by a load during mechanical handling.
 People being struck by a load falling from a vehicle.
 People being struck by vehicles, often during reversing;
 People being injured during manual handling operations;
 People injuring themselves when jumping off a vehicle.
 'Safe delivery' means proper control of the risks to the health
and safety of persons
 whose safety might be put at risk by the delivery process. It is
the joint responsibility of
 the supplier, contractor and customer.
 For the purposes of planning for safe delivery, the ‘Supply'
process is taken to comprise
 five stages:
 Order placement by the customer
 Loading
 Transportation
 Delivery
 Consignment to stock
 It is essential that the vehicle planned to transport a load should be
suitable for the job
 and designed to ensure that the load can be transported safely given the
nature of normal road conditions.
 Vehicles must be loaded in such a way that they can be safely unloaded at
a customer's
 premises, as well as meeting any requirements for safe transport on the
public highway.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The wearing of correct PPE by all drivers should be mandatory
 a hard hat
 ear and/or eye protection
 a high-visibility jacket or tabard
 safety gloves
 arm protectors
 safety footwear
 It is the responsibility of the vehicle driver to check that
 the load is secure and safe for transportation on the public
highway before the vehicle
 leaves the supplier's premises.
Site conditions & vehicle inspection
The area where material is to be unloaded must be suitable
for this to be done safely. Look for hazards such as:
 the suitability of the ground for the vehicle and load
stability. Where vehicles can only be parked on a slope,
the parking brakes should be applied.
 any obstructions in the unloading area should be
 No pedestrians in the unloading area.
Access to the vehicle
The following need careful consideration:
 minimum people should be required
 physical unloading without anybody on the vehicle;
 Where people have to climb onto a vehicle or trailer, access
should be via a well constructed ladder fixed to the vehicle.
 No one should ever jump onto or off a vehicle.
 The load carrying platform of the vehicle should always be
During unloading:
 Vehicle brakes have been applied
 secondary load restraints in position
 material is under control at all times
 don’t tie the load to an object
 Don’t ‘bar off’ the loads
If the load becomes unstable in some way during unloading, unloading
should stop. Large exclusion zone should be imposed around the

Cranes are commonly used to unload material.
 overhead/mobile cranes
 Vehicle-mounted cranes
 Fork-lift trucks and Side-Loaders
Manual unloading
 Manual unloading operations must be avoided. The
unloading task should be mechanized. Loads that
may be suitable for manual unloading should be
identified as such in the Delivery Plan. Goods should
then only be unloaded manually.
Barring off
 Barring off is not a safe means of moving steel. This
technique can cause a person to overbalance
forwards, or the lever may come loose and the
person fall over backwards. Fatal accidents have
occurred due to this.
When carrying steel products by sea ,it is essential to ensure that neither the
steel nor the ship suffers damage, Steel-a high value cargo -can be easily
damaged with
 water and moisture
 bad weather
 incorrect ventilation
 before loading
 salt water


Basically, there are three types of steel commonly carried by sea in
appreciable quantities; sheets, rolled sections and small section material.
 Steel sheet is mainly carried in the form of coils
 Rolled sections are usually fairly massive sections, in the form of ‘H’, ‘I’
or ‘U’ beams.
 Small section material is usually used in the manufacture of machine
tools, of components for electrical machinery etc.
Installation Of Steel
Where is steel install in a building?
Roofing, walls, slab, column, beam, decking, Tension members or
ties, Compression members (columns and struts), Plates, doors,
windows and all structural concrete.

Types of steel structures:

 Buildings
 Bridges
 Towers (transmission line towers & cooling towers)
 Water tanks
 Silos
 bunkers
 domes
 chimneys
 ships
Steel erection:
Steel erection essentially consists of four main tasks:
 Establishing that the foundations are suitable and safe for
erection to commence.
 Lifting and placing components into position, generally using
cranes but sometimes by jacking. To secure components in
place bolted connections will be made, but will not yet be
fully tightened. Bracings may similarly not be fully secured.
 Aligning the structure, principally by checking that column
bases are lined and level and columns are plumb. Packing in 
beam-to-column connections may need to be changed to
allow column plumb to be adjusted.
 Bolting-up which means completing all the 
bolted connections to secure and impart rigidity to the frame.
 Measure the roof. Use a tape measure to determine the distance between
the ridge and eave of the roof.
 Order your steel roofing panels.
 Cover the shingles.
 Lay the batten boards.
 Install the eave flashing.
 Apply closure strips.
 Install the first steel roof panel.
 Install the remaining panels.

FOR Columns
 Procurement, storage and handling
 Cutting and bending
 Fixing of reinforcement
 Site installation
 Install: Set the frame plumb, level & square; complete frame
 Verify: Test the door to ensure that it is functioning properly.

Tools and Equipment
 Proper tools and equipment are essential for the effective
operation of any civil work at site. Equipping the construction
site with the correct tools and equipment plays an essential
role in achieving timely and good quality results with all this
equipment also requires trained operators and supervisors
staff who are proficient in its operation and maintainance.


provide grip in applying torque to turn objects.
 used for fabrication of steel bars.
 for small work hickey is used.



used for cutting of steel used to forge metal and break objects apart
 used to clamp while cutting. - a hand shear used to cut sheet metal.

Standard Wire Gauge (SWG)

It is also known as: Imperial Wire Gauge or British Standard Gauge. Cross
sectional area in square millimeters is now a more popular size measurement.
Welding machines Grinding machines
join metals by causing fusion finish workpieces that must show . .
high surface quality

Drill machines Coring machines Universal testing Machine

drilling holes in steel. to make holes. Used to test the strength
Bending machines
 used to bend steel bars on site.
 Steel bar cutting machine
Mobile cranes CRAWLER CRANE Tower cranes

TRUCK Scissor lift

Quality Control
Purpose of Quality Control (Contractor)
The primary reason for the Quality Control personnel is
to . . . .control the work in regards to:
 Monitor the containment for leaks or failure
 The project is being followed by their Quality Control Plan
 The project is being followed by Environmental Regulations

*The QC continually monitors the work being performed on a

day to day basis. If issues come up, the QC is the person to
accept/fail the work, cease operations, make necessary
adjustments, monitor the crews work, and work with the crews
to provide quality work.
 Metallurgical testing is used to determine the quality of steel
by analyzing the microstructure of a sample under a 
 Hardenability is a property that determines the depth and
distribution of hardness induced by quenching. The
standardized test used is called the end-quench hardenability
test, also known as the Jominy test.
 Next to the hardness test, the tensile test is the most
frequently performed test to determine certain mechanical
 Ductility of a material is indicated by the amount of
deformation that is possible until fracture and can be
determined by measuring elongation and reduction in area of
a tensile sample that has been tested to failure.
 Compression tests are performed on small cylinders, blocks,
or strips to determine the ability of a material to undergo large
plastic deformations
 The fatigue test is used to determine the behavior of materials
when subjected to repeated or fluctuating loads. The fatigue
potential, or endurance limit, is determined by counting the
number of cycles of stress, applied first in one direction and
then another, to which the metal can be subjected before it
 Impact tests are used to determine the behavior of materials
when subjected to high rates of loading, usually in bending,
tension, or torsion.
 Creep tests are used to determine the continuing change in the
deformation of a material at elevated temperatures when
stressed below the yield strength
 Magnetic particle inspection is a method of detecting cracks, tears, seams,
inclusions, and similar discontinuities in iron and steel. This method will
detect surface defects too fine to be seen by the naked eye and will also
detect discontinuities just below the surface.

 Pre inspection meeting
 Visual Inspection of Materials for General Appearance, Corrosion and
 Welding Material Control
 Inspection of Bolt , Nut and Washers
 Fit‐Up Inspection
 Visual Inspection of Welds for Weldment Quality/Defects, Weld
Appearance and etc.
 Final Visual & Dimensional Check
 Surface Preparation and Painting
1-Sequential erection procedure:
The erector, in consultation with the builder, erection engineer and other parties involved in the work,
needs to plan the process for lifting and erecting individual members. The process is set out in the
sequential erection procedure which is used by the erection crew. The erector is responsible for ensuring
that a sequential erection procedure is in place and that it has been approved by the erection engineer.
The sequential erection procedure includes:
 The structure is erected in accordance with the sequential erection procedure
 An SWMS (Safe Work Method Statement) is developed in consultation with the Erection crew.
Work proceeds in accordance with the SWMS
 Confirms with the builder’s representative that the ground or supporting surface is suitable for
mobile plant to safely operate
 Pre-assembly of members and the movement and location of heavy members are considered prior
to installation
 Weather conditions are continually monitored
 Site limitations
 Member sizes
 Access for positioning and lifting of members
 Crane size, mobility and access, and use of other large plant
 The erection sequence
 The stability requirements of the structure at all stages during erection
 Requirements for working at height
 Overhead obstructions, including overhead power lines
 Weather restrictions
 Specialty bolting or site welding requirements, included on the marking plan
2- Marking plan:

The marking plan shows the erector where each member will be placed on the site. It is
prepared by the shop detailer for the fabricator, and approved by the structural design
engineer. The marking plan includes:
 Location of each element
 Configuration of braces and any temporary bracing/supports
 Clear markings to identify each member.

3- Safe work method statement:

Any erection of structural steel will require a site specific SWMS. The SWMS must list the
high risk construction work, as a minimum, and describe how the risks are to be controlled.
The SWMS is prepared by the erector in consultation with the erection crew and reviewed
by the builder. High risk construction work in steel erection may include:
 A risk of falling more than two meters.
 Structural alterations that may require temporary support to prevent collapse
 Working near live power lines
 Tilt-up or precast concrete (which may be part of the project).
Precautions and Safety Measures:
 constructing as much of the steelwork as possible at ground level.
 passive fall prevention devices, for example, work platforms and EWPs
work-positioning systems such as industrial rope-access systems.
 fall arrest systems such as catch platforms and safety-harness systems.
 restricting access when there is overhead work by establishing, where practicable,
exclusion zones
 preventing, where practicable, loads being lifted or transported over people or
 using lifting beams to position members where necessary to ensure the stability of the
 ensuring safety helmets are worn at all times.
 Before erection, to avoid collapse, the erector should ensure a sequential erection
procedure is prepared, which has been approved by the erection engineer and is
consistent with the marking plans
 ensure that an experienced steel erection supervisor is present at all times to oversee the
implementation of the sequential erection procedure
 ensure temporary guys or bracing are securely anchored
 place adequate visual barriers between guys and plant/vehicle movement areas.
Mechanical Properties of Steel
The mechanical properties of steels depend upon the following factors:
 (a) Chemical Composition,
 (b) Rolling Methods,
 (c) Rolling Thickness,
 (d) Heat Treatment, and
 (e) Stress History.

 Ultimate Strength or Tensile Strength

Ultimate strength, which is the minimum guaranteed ultimate tensile
strength (UTS) at which the steel would fail, is obtained from a tensile test
on a standard specimen.

 Ductility
Ductility may be described as the ability of a material to change its shape without fracture.
In other words, the ductility of a structure or its members is the capacity to undergo large
inelastic deformations without significant loss of strength or stiffness.
 Toughness (Brittle Fracture)
In structural steel design, toughness is a measure of the ability of steel to resist fracture under
impact loading.

 High-Temperature Effects
Steel is not a flammable material. However, its strength reduces with rise in temperature.

 Hardness
Hardness is a measure of the resistance of the material to indentations and scratching.

Resistance to Corrosion
 Steel readily corrodes in moist air.

Fatigue Resistance
 Fatigue is the term used in connection with the initiation and propagation of microscopic
cracks into macro cracks by the repeated application of alternating stresses.

Residual Stresses
 Higher temperatures in the range of 600−700°C are involved during the rolling of steel

Stress Concentration

Types of Structural Steel
The structural designer is now in a position to select structural steel for a particular
application from the following general categories:
 Carbon Steel: Carbon and manganese are the main strengthening elements.
 High-Strength Carbon Steel: This steel is specified for structures such as
transmission lines and microwave towers, where relatively light members are
joined by bolting.
 Medium- and High-Strength Micro alloyed Steel: Such steels have a specified
ultimate tensile strength ranging from 440 to 590 MPa and a minimum yield
strength of about 300−450 MPa.
 High-Strength Quenched and Tempered Steels: These steels are heat treated to
develop high strength. Though they are tough and wieldable, they require special
welding techniques.
 Weathering Steels: These are low-alloy atmospheric corrosion-resistant steels,
which are often left unpainted.
 Stainless Steels: These are essentially low-carbon steels to which a minimum of
10.5% (maximum 20%) chromium and 0.50% nickel is added.
 Fire-resistant Steels: Also called thermo-mechanically treated steels, they
perform better than ordinary steel under fire.
Group 1#

 Atiqa (07)
 Ruba (23)
 Mehwish (17)
 Khadeeja (30)
 Maida (33)
 Areesha (39)
 Saad (44)

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