Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 41, Number 3, May-June 2016 387
Copyright © 2016 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Sala-Blanch et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 41, Number 3, May-June 2016
FIGURE 1. Cadaver anatomic dissection of the right MICF, below the middle-third of the clavicle and above the medial border of the pectoralis
minor muscle, showing the anterior view of the relations of the cords of the brachial plexus to the first part of the axillary artery (AA). Note
the legend for orientation of the images is presented in (D). The pectoralis minor muscle (PMn) has been cut at its origin from the coracoid
process (CP) and reflected medially. A, Figure showing the lateral (LC) and posterior (PC) cords lying lateral and parallel to the axillary artery
and the PC lying posterolateral to the LC. The medial cord (MC) is not visible in this image. Also note the origin of the thoracoacromial artery
(TAA) from the axillary artery. B, Figure showing the MC lying posterior to the LC and medial to the PC. The connective tissue binding the PC
and MC has been cut to separate the 2 cords. C, The middle-third of the clavicle has been removed to expose the subclavius muscle which with
the pectoralis major muscle (clavicular head) forms the anterior boundary of the CCS. D, The subclavius muscle has been removed to expose
the CCS and its contents. The LC is being retracted medially to expose the MC, which lies directly posterior to the MC and medial to the PC.
the supine position and serially sectioned in the transverse plane of the brachial plexus, were cut from the block of tissue obtained.
(1.5-cm-thick sections) and from a cranial to caudal direction These tissue slices were processed using paraffin wax and serially
(ie, from the base of the neck to the level of the nipple) using a sectioned (5 μm in thickness) using a microtome. The sections
band saw. Three anatomic sections (2 right and 1 left) from the were stained using hematoxylin and eosin under standard condi-
level of the CCS were then identified and the anatomic arrange- tions and examined under a light microscope to define the ar-
ment of the cords within the CCS was defined in these sections rangement of the cords relative to one another and to the axillary
and documented photographically (Fig. 2). artery in the CCS (Figs. 3–4).
Light Microscopy
Histological sections for light microscopic examination RESULTS
were prepared as follows from 3 cadavers. The cadavers were Eight cadavers (5 women and 3 men) aged between 68 and
placed supine with the arm in 90 degrees abduction as in the 82 years at death were examined. Dissections showing the gross
dissected cadavers. The MICF was dissected in layers until the anatomic relationship of the cords of the brachial plexus at the
neurovascular complex was identified. This involved reflecting CCS and upper part of the MICF are presented in Figure 1. A
the pectoralis major and minor muscles and excising the midsec- transverse anatomic section showing the relations of the cords to
tion of the clavicle using an osteotome. Then a complete block the undisturbed anatomy of the CCS is presented in Figure 2. His-
of tissue that included the brachial plexus and neighboring blood tological sections showing the anatomic arrangement and rela-
vessels and extending from the lateral aspect of the first rib to tions of the cords at the CCS and upper part of the MICF are
the medial edge of the pectoralis minor muscle was excised and shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.
fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde for 3 days. Thereafter, tissue The CCS was located between the posterior surface of the
slices (5–6 mm thick), which were perpendicular to the long axis middle-third of the clavicle and the anterior chest wall. The cords
Copyright © 2016 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 41, Number 3, May-June 2016 Brachial Plexus Anatomy at the CCS
FIGURE 2. Transverse anatomic section through the right CCS showing the anatomic arrangement and relations of the cords of the
brachial plexus. The anatomy is presented as though one were looking at it from caudal to cranial (caudocranial view).
of the brachial plexus with the axillary vessels were seen to tra- it was immediately lateral to the medial cord but posterolateral
verse this space lying between the pectoralis major (clavicular to the lateral cord (Figs. 1–3). Furthermore, at the CCS, it was
head) and subclavius muscle anteriorly, and the upper slips of fairly easy to separate the lateral cord from the medial and poste-
the serratus anterior muscle overlying the anterior chest wall pos- rior cords but the medial and posterior cords were very closely ap-
teriorly (Figs. 1, 2). The cords were located lateral and parallel to posed to each other, and required dissection of the connective
the axillary artery (Figs. 1, 2), and the gross relations of the cords tissue between them to separate them (Fig. 1B). This close rela-
to the axillary artery was consistent in all the cadavers studied tionship of the medial and posterior cords at the CCS was also
(Figs. 1–3). The anatomic arrangement of the cords, relative to seen in the histological section from the same region (Fig. 4).
one another in the transverse (axial) plane, was also consistent at
the CCS (Figs. 1–3). The lateral cord was the most superficial of
the 3 cords and it was always anterior to both the medial and pos- DISCUSSION
terior cords (Figs. 1–3). The medial cord was directly posterior to This study aimed to define the anatomy and arrangement of
the lateral cord but medial to the posterior cord (Figs. 1–3). The the cords of the brachial plexus at the CCS and thereby establish
posterior cord was the lateral most of the 3 cords at the CCS and the anatomic basis for USG brachial plexus block (BPB) at this
FIGURE 3. Histological section from the right CCS, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, showing the anatomic arrangement and relations
of the cords of the brachial plexus (caudocranial view).
Copyright © 2016 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Sala-Blanch et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 41, Number 3, May-June 2016
FIGURE 4. Histological section from immediately distal to the right CCS (same cadaver as in Fig. 3), stained with hematoxylin and
eosin, showing the anatomic arrangement and relations of the cords of the brachial plexus (caudocranial view).
proximal infraclavicular site. We chose to study the anatomy in cranial to the axillary artery; the posterior cord was cranial to the
the transverse plane to mimic the plane of ultrasound imaging medial cord, and all 3 cords were posterior to the axillary artery.
used during a USG ICBPB at the CCS, which we have recently Therefore, our findings on the topography of the cords at the
described.7 We have demonstrated that the cords of the brachial CCS in the transverse plane are consistent with what has previ-
plexus are clustered together lateral to the axillary artery, and lying ously been reported in the sagittal plane.
between the pectoralis major (clavicular head) and subclavius The medial and posterior cords were very closely apposed to
muscle anteriorly and the upper slips of the serratus anterior mus- each other at the CCS, and the intervening connective tissue had
cle overlying the anterior chest wall posteriorly, at the CCS. The to be dissected in all the cadavers studied to separate them. We are
arrangement of the cords, relative to one another, was also consis- not aware of any previous report describing this close anatomic re-
tent with the lateral cord being most superficial, the medial cord lationship of the medial and posterior cords at the CCS, although
lying deep and posterior to the lateral cord, and the posterior cord this is also evident at the mid-infraclavicular point in the report by
lying immediately lateral to the medial cord but posterolateral to Moayeri and colleagues.9 Future research should evaluate this rela-
the lateral cord. We are not aware of any published data describing tionship in greater detail because it may partly explain why the
the topography of the cords of the brachial plexus at the CCS in success of a vertical infraclavicular block is enhanced when a me-
the transverse plane. dial or posterior cord motor response is elicited than after a lateral
At the CCS, the cords of the brachial plexus were located lat- cord motor response.9,10 The same may apply for BPB at the CCS.
eral to the axillary artery and in between the pectoralis major (cla- Infraclavicular BPB is most frequently performed at the
vicular head) and subclavius muscle anteriorly and the upper slips LICF,1–4 and the coracoid approach has an excellent track record
of the serratus anterior muscle overlying the anterior chest wall of safety.11 However, although the coracoid approach is effective1–4
posteriorly. Our observations are in agreement with Demondion and frequently avoids the chest wall4 and pleura, the LICF may not
and colleagues8 who have demonstrated in sagittal sonograms of be the optimal site for brachial plexus blockade because, at the
volunteers that the CCS is a triangular area wedged between the LICF, the cords of the brachial plexus are located at a depth (ap-
pectoralis major (clavicular head) and subclavius muscle anteriorly proximately 3–6 cm),4 separated from one another,5,6 there are sig-
and the anterior rib cage posteriorly. As in this study, Demondion nificant variations in the position of the individual cords relative to
and colleagues8 also found that the cords of the brachial plexus the axillary artery,5,6 and all 3 cords are rarely visualized in a single
traversed this space lying lateral to the axillary vessels. ultrasound window5 during a USG ICBPB. This probably explains
The anatomic arrangement of the cords, relative to one an- why relatively large volumes of local anesthetic2 and/or multiple
other, in the transverse (axial) plane was also consistent with the injections1,2 are used for ICBPB. In contrast, and as demonstrated
lateral cord being most superficial, the medial cord lying deep in this study, at the CCS, the cords of the brachial plexus are lo-
and posterior to the lateral cord, and the posterior cord lying im- cated in a well-defined intermuscular space, clustered together lat-
mediately lateral to the medial cord but posterolateral to the lateral eral to the axillary artery, and share a consistent relation relative to
cord. There are no comparable data evaluating the topography of one another and to the axillary artery. Therefore, the CCS may be a
the cords of the brachial plexus at the CCS in the transverse plane useful site for USG ICBPB. However, due to the close proximity
but there are data describing similar consistency in the position of the cords of the BP to the axillary vessels, pleura, and the lung
and topography of the cords at the MICF in the sagittal plane.8,9 at the CCS, there may be potential risk for accidental puncture of
Demondion and colleagues8 studied the anatomic relations of these structures. Currently, there are limited data describing USG
the cords in sagittal sonograms of the CCS and observed that BPB at the CCS (costoclavicular approach),7 and future research
the cords were located above and posterior to the axillary artery. to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this proximal infraclavicular
More recently, Moayeri and colleagues,9 while studying the to- approach is warranted.
pography of the cords at the mid-infraclavicular area in sagittal The anatomic relationship of the cords of the BP presented in
cryomicrotome sections from cadavers found that the lateral cord this report was determined with the arm of the cadaver in 90 degrees
was always anterior to either the medial or posterior cord and abduction. This was done to mimic the position of the arm during
Copyright © 2016 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 41, Number 3, May-June 2016 Brachial Plexus Anatomy at the CCS
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However, there are no data describing such variation at the CCS. 6. Sauter AR, Smith HJ, Stubhaug A, Dodgson MS, Klaastad O. Use of
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In conclusion, this anatomic study shows that the cords of the the costoclavicular space for ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial
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