Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
No parking
8arn-6pm Mon-Frl
2 Practise the conversation.
A I can't stop thinking about this trip.
G Same here. I spend all my time just looking at maps.
A What do you think? Should we take cash or
traveller's cheques?
G I think we should take traveller's cheques.
It'll be safer.
A Yeah, I think you're right.
G When should we go to Thailand?
A Well, I don't think we should go
during the rainy season. I'd rather
go in February or March, when
What do you think? it's drier.
G Sounds like a good idea to me.
Is it the same in your country? I I can't wait tort..
In Britain •••
• you can get married when you're 16.
• you have to wear a seat-belt In a car.
• you can drive a car when you're 17.
• young people don't have to do military service.
• there are lots of public places where you aren't allowed
to smoke.
Are these statements true (.f) or false (X) for people in your
1 0 When we meet someone for the first time, we shake hands.
2 0 Friends kiss on both cheeks when they meet or when they
say goodbye.
3 0 We often invite people to our home for a meal.
4 0 If you have arranged to do something with friends, it's OK
to be a little late.
5 0 You shouldn't yawn in public.
6 0 We call most p eople by their first names.
2 Read the text A World Guide to Good Manners. These lines have
been taken out of the text. Where do they go?
a many people prefer not to discuss business while eating
b some businesses close in the early afternoon for a couple
of hours
c for greeting, eating, or drinking
d the deeper you should bow
e should wear long-sleeved blouses and skirts below the knee
l Answer the questions.
1' What nationality do you think the people in the pictures are?
2 What are the two differences between the American and the
Japanese greeting?
3 List some of the clothes you think women shouldn't wear in
Asian and Muslim countries.
4 Is your main m eal of the day the same as in Italy or Spain?
5 In which countries do they prefer not to discuss business
during meals?
6 What are som e of the rules about business cards?
7 Why is it not a good idea to say to your Japanese business
colleagues, 'I don't feel like staying out late tonight.'?
8 Which Extra Tips are about food and drink? Which ones
are about general behaviour?
Goo anners
How not to behave badly abroad
by Norman Ramshaw
Travelling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a
global village, but this doesn't mean that we all behave in the same way.
• Greetings
How should you behave w hen you
and a late dinner. In Britain, you might
have a business lunch and do business EXTRA TIPS
meet someone for the first time? An as you eat. In Mexico and japan, (3)-.
America n or Canadian shakes your Lunch is a time to relax and socialize. In HERE ARE SOME EXTRA TIPS
hand firmly wh ile looking you straight Britain and the United States, it's not BEFORE YOU TRAVEL:
in Lhe eyes. In m a ny pa rts of Asia, there unusual to have a business m eeting over
is no physical contact at all. In Japan, breakfast, and in China it's common to 1 In France, you shouldn't sit
you sho uld bow, and the more respect have business banquets, but you shouldn't down in a cafe until you've
you want to show, ( 1) _ . In Thailand, discuss business during the meal. shaken hands with everyone
the g reeting is made by pressing both you know.
hands together at lhe chest and bowing • Doing business
your head slightly. In both countries, 2 In India and the Middle East,
In most countries, an exchange of you must never use the left
eye contact is avoided as a sign of
business cards is essential for all hand <5) _ .
introductions. You should include your
company name and your position. If 3 In China, your host will keep
• Clothes you a re going to a country where your refilling your dish unless you
Many countries h ave rules abou t wh at langu age is not widely spoken, you lay your chopsticks across
you should and shouldn't wear. In Asian can get Lhe reverse side of your card your bowl.
and Muslim co untries, you shouldn't printe d in the local language. In Japan,
reveal the body, especially women, you must present your card with both 4 Most South Americans and
who (2) _ . hands, with the writing facing the Mexicans like to stand very
In Japan, you shou ld take off your shoes person you are g iving it to. close to the person they're
when entering a house or a restaurant. In many countries, business hou rs talking to. You shouldn't back
Remember to place them neatly are from 9.00 or 10.00 to 5.00 or 6.00. away.
together facing the door you came in. However in some countries, such as
This is also true in China, Korea, Greece, Italy, and Spain, (4) _ then 5 In Ireland, social events
Thailand, and Iran . remain open untiJ the evening. sometimes end with singing
and dancing. You may be
Japanese business people consider it
asked to sing.
• Food and drink their professional duty to go o ut to
In Italy, Spain, and Latin America, lunch restaurants after work with colleagues.
6 In America, you should eat
is often the biggest meal of the day, and If you are invited, you shouldn't refuse, your burger with both hands
can last two or three hours. For this even if you don't feel like staying out and as quickly as possible.
reason many pe ople eat a light breakfast late.
Match a line in A with a line in B. Have you ever been a guest in someone's home in a foreign
Notice the stress. country? When? Why? What was different?
A B l liD You will hear three people talking about inviting guests
home for a meal. Listen and complete the chart.
The l'talians cook lots of noodles and rice.
The Chi'nese wear kilts on special occasions.
The 'British produce coffee.
The Ca'nadians eat raw fish.
The Bra'zilians invented football.
The Japa'nese eat a lot of pasta.
The Scots often watch ice hockey on TV.
l Complete the chart and mark the stress.
Add some more countries.
Country Adjective A sentence about
the people
'Italy l'talian The Italians love Food/Drink
'Egypt 3 Work in small groups. Compare information.
'Russia 4 What happens in your country? Is it usual to invite people
'Mexico to your home for a meal? What are such occasions like in
the U'nited your home?
Could you bring us the bill, please? White or black?
2 Would you give me your work number, please? No problem. It's stuffy in here.
3 Can I help you? Of course. Oh, shall I give you my mobile number, too?
4 Two large coffees, please. That line's engaged. Would you like to hold?
5 Can you tell me the code for Paris, please? Yes, sir. I'll bring it right away.
6 I'll give you a lift if you like. One moment. I'll look it up.
7 Would you mind opening the window? Just looking, thanks.
8 Could I have extension 238, please? That would be great! Could you drop me off at the library?
2 IIII!J Listen and check. Which are offers? Which are requests?
Practise the conversations, paying particular attention to intonation
and stress .
.......... Grammar Reference 4.3 and 4.4 p141
IDIJ Listen again. What are the words used to make the requests?
1 3
2 4
Work with a partner. Choose one of the situations and make up a
conversation using the words.
Situation 1 Situation 2
Student A You are a customer in Student A You are moving flat next Student A You are cooking a meal for
a restaurant. week. 20 people.
Student 8 You are a waiter/waitress. Student 8 Offer to help. Student B Offer to help.