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Chien Yi Wang
Wang is formerly with the Produce Quality and Safety Laboratory, Henry A. Wallace Beltsville
Agricultural Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Beltsville, MD. He is now retired.

Scientific Name and Introduction

Cynara scolymus L., the globe artichoke, is a perennial of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family.
The edible portion includes the tender immature flower bud and fleshy central base that is
protected by a cone of short, thick-stemmed bracts. The main types include Green Globe, Desert
Globe Imperial Star, Emerald, and Big Heart. Artichokes are primarily grown in California and
are available year round.

Quality Characteristics and Criteria

A high-quality artichoke will have tightly closed, turgid outer bracts without signs of black tip,
blistering, or browning. It should be medium to dark glossy green in color, and some cultivars
may have a magenta color at the base of each bract. The artichoke should not be soft when
squeezed or feel heavy for its size. Both thorny and thornless cultivars are used commercially.

Horticultural Maturity Indices

The outer bracts of an artichoke ready for harvest should be tightly closed, firm, and turgid. They
are harvested when immature and selected based on size and compactness.

Grades, Sizes, and Packaging

Grades include U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2, based primarily on external appearance. Buds are
classified by the number that fit into a standard carton of about 10 kg (23 lb.). For example, size
18 buds means 18 buds per carton (also referred to as “18s”). Standard grades include 18s (>13
cm diameter, 5.4 in), 24s (10 to 13 cm, 4.0 to 4.5 in), 36s (8.5 to 10 cm, 3.5 to 4.0 in), 48s (7.5 to
8.5 cm, 3.0 to 3.5 in) or 60s (6.5 to 7.5 cm, 2.75 to 3 in) buds per box. Smaller buds (2.5 to 6.5
cm, 1.0 to 2.75 in) are often “jumble packed” at an average of 100 to 175 buds per box. The
fresh-produce market prefers 24s and 36s, but some retailers prefer 36s and 48s, since artichokes
are generally priced by bud, not by weight.

A new grade was adopted for U.S. No. 1 long stem globe artichokes in 2006. The stems must be
smoothly cut to a minimum of at least 20 cm (8 in) unless otherwise specified to a longer length
in connection with a grade.

Precooling Conditions

In order to maintain quality and storage life, artichoke buds should be precooled to below 5 °C
(41 °F) within 24 h of harvest (Lipton and Stewart 1963). Hydrocooling, forced-air cooling, and
package-icing are common methods of postharvest cooling of artichokes and will generally
retard deterioration such as discoloration, weight loss, and decay.

Optimum Storage Conditions

The recommended conditions for storage of artichokes are 0 °C (32 °F) and >95% RH.
Artichoke buds can be kept in good condition for 2 weeks at 0 °C (32 °F), 10 days at 5 °C (41
°F), and 5 days at 10 °C (50 °F) (Ryall and Lipton 1979, Saltveit 1991).

Controlled Atmosphere (CA) Considerations

A reduction in browning of the outer bracts is the major benefit from CA storage when
artichokes are stored at temperatures higher than 0 °C (32 °F). However, the effectiveness of CA
storage depends on bud maturity, cultivar, temperature, and the particular atmosphere used
(Rappaport and Watada 1958, Andre et al. 1980, Ryder et al. 1983). Optimal CA conditions vary
widely among cultivars, ranging between 1 to 6% O2 and 2 to 7% CO2 (Ryall and Lipton 1979,
Saltveit 1997, Andre et al. 1980, Escriche et al. 1982). Little or no beneficial effect on quality
retention can be obtained by CA storage when artichoke buds are stored at 0 °C (32 °F)
(Miccolis and Saltveit 1988). Therefore, no general recommendation can be made for CA
storage. O2 below 2% may result in internal blackening (Suslow and Cantwell 1998).

Retail Outlet Display Considerations

Use of both top ice and water sprinklers are acceptable.

Chilling Sensitivity

Artichokes are not sensitive to chilling and should be stored as cold as possible without freezing.

Ethylene Production and Sensitivity

Artichokes produce only very low amounts of ethylene and are not particularly sensitive to
ethylene exposure.

Respiration Rates

Temperature mg CO2 kg-1 h-1

0 °C 16 to 44
5 °C 26 to 60
10 °C 44 to 98
15 °C 76 to 144
20 °C 134 to 252
Data from Suslow and Cantwell (1998).

To get mL CO2 kg-1 h-1, divide the mg kg-1 h-1 rate by 2.0 at 0 °C (32 °F), 1.9 at 10 °C (50 °F),
and 1.8 at 20 °C (68 °F). To calculate heat production, multiply mg kg-1 h-1 by 220 to get BTU
per ton per day or by 61 to get kcal per tonne per day.

Physiological Disorders

Splitting of the bract tip is a common problem caused by rough handling during and after
harvest. The surfaces of bracts are also easily bruised and scratched, so careful handling is
important. The abraded areas usually turn brown or black, which greatly detracts from
appearance and quality and provides a route through which microorganisms can enter. Also,
violet discoloration of inner bracts occurs, the severity of which was low when artichokes were
stored at temperatures below 10 °C (50 °F) or above 25 °C (77 °F) (Bianco 1979) and may have
been due to low ethylene production (Ryder et al. 1983).

Postharvest Pathology

The most common decay found in artichokes is gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) (Moline and Lipton
1987). The lesions most frequently begin on wounds and spread to other areas of the bud. Since
storage at low temperatures slows the rate of spread of the disease, fungal growth near freezing
temperature is minimal. Bacterial soft rot (Erwinia carotovora) may be a problem in storage and
distribution if optimum temperature is not maintained. Therefore, low temperatures must be
maintained throughout the cold chain to minimize pathological disorders and prolong shelf-life.

Quarantine Issues

There are no quarantine issues.

Suitability as Fresh-Cut Product

No current potential.

Special Considerations

Artichokes must be handled with care to avoid mechanical damage and therefore limit
discoloration and pathological problems. During winter, artichokes may have a white or bronze,
blistered appearance due to being frosted in the field. The artichokes are said to have been “frost-
kissed.” This is purely an appearance issue and does not affect eating quality. In fact, this
condition may enhance the nutty flavor. Avoid wilted, moldy, significantly discolored, or woody
(overmature) artichokes.


Andre, P., R. Blanc, M. Buret, et al. 1980. Trails of preservation of artichokes by combined
utilization of vacuum precooling, controlled atmospheres, and cold. Revue Hort. 211:33-40.

Bianco, V.V. 1979. Influence of temperature on the coloration of interior bracts and the
inflorescence complex of stored artichokes. In 3rd International Congress on Artichoke Studies
Abstracts, pp. 166. Bari, Italy.
Escriche, A., F. Artes, and J.C. Marin. 1982. Conservation d’artichauts en atmosphere controlée.
In Progress in the Design and Operation of Refrigerating Equipment in the Storage of Fruits and
Vegetables by Refrigeration, pp. 336-341. Inst. Intl. du Froid, Paris, France.

Lipton, W.J., and J.K. Stewart. 1963. Effects of Precooling on Market Quality of Globe
Artichokes. Marketing Research Report 633, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural
Marketing Service, Washington, DC.

Miccolis, V., and M.E. Saltveit. 1988. Influence of temperature and controlled atmosphere on
storage of ‘Green Globe’ artichoke buds. HortScience 23:736-741.

Moline, H.E., and W.J. Lipton. 1987. Market Diseases of Beets, Chicory, Endive, Escarole,
Globe Artichokes, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spinach, and Sweet Potatoes. Agriculture Handbook 155,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC.

Rappaport, L., and A.E. Watada. 1958. Effect of temperature on artichoke quality. In
Proceedings of the Conference on Transport of Perishables, pp. 142-146. University of
California, Davis, CA.

Ryall, A.L., and W.J. Lipton. 1979. Handling, Transportation and Storage of Fruits and
Vegetables, vol. 1, Vegetables and Melons. AVI, Westport, CT.

Ryder, E.L., N.E. DeVos, and M.A. Bari. 1983. The globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus L).
HortScience 18:646-653.

Saltveit, M.E. 1991. Artichokes. In P. Lidster, G. Blanpied, and R. Prange, eds., Controlled-
Atmosphere Disorders of Commercial Fruits and Vegetables, pp. 23-24. Pub. no. 1847/E,
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Saltveit, M.E. 1997. A summary of CA and MA requirements and recommendations for

harvested vegetables. In M.E. Saltveit, ed., 7th International Controlled Atmosphere Research
Conference, University of California, Davis, July 13-18, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 98-117. University of
California, Davis, CA.

Suslow, T., and M. Cantwell. 1998. Globe artichoke in “Fresh Produce Facts.” At


Some of the information included was from the Produce Marketing Association’s “Fresh
Produce Manual” and the University of California, Davis, website on “Fresh Produce Facts” at

The editors of this Handbook will appreciate your input for future editions of this publication.
Please send your suggestions and comments to [email protected].

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